outermost vol1 issue 4

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  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    A J o u r n a l o f t h e P a r a n o r m a l

    A S t a r k L i g h t P r e s s P u b l i c a t i o n

    P u b l i s h e rT o n y S t a r k

    E d i t o r i n C h i e f V i r g i n i a C a r r a w a y S t a r k

    D e p a r t m e n t s

    P a r a n o r m a l Q & AL . E . C a i n e

    U F O R e p o r tT o n y S t a r k

    O u t e r m o s t A r c h i v e sV i r g i n i a C a r r a w a y S t a r k

    J e n n S p a u l d i n gS h a r o n F l o o d

    P a r a p s y c h o l o yL i ! u t c h e r

    C o n t a c t o u t e r m o s t a to u t e r " o s t s u b " i s s i o n s # g " a i l . c o "

    w w w . o u t e r " o s t $ o u r n a l . w o r d p r e s s . c o "

    o u t e r m o s tA ! o u r n a l o f t h e P a r a n o r m a l

    " o l # $ $ s s u e %

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  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4



    Meet the Authors......................................................................................................................3UFO Report.............................................................................................................................5Paranormal Q & A....................................................................................................................8Men In Black...........................................................................................................................11Men In Feoras......................................................................................................................13

    !"1#$ %he ear o' the Re F(re Monke).................................................................................1#%he *unar *unac) +''ect........................................................................................................1,-ual an the /reat *unar Musl(m 0eate............................................................................!1


    %he (n2 (r4(n(a arra6a) 7tark............................................................................................!37harons 7pook(es...................................................................................................................31%he Balla o' Fer(nan the Mechan(cal Monke)2 (r4(n(a arra6a) 7tark...........................39

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    (r4(n(a arra6a) 7tark (s e(tor (n ch(e' o' 7tark*(4ht Press an0(rector at the :at(onal Paranormal 7oc(et). 7he has 6r(ttene;tens(

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    *>+> a(ne (s a sta'' 6r(ter 'or 7tarkl(4ht Press as 6ell as an art(st (nher o6n r(4ht. 7he starte o'' her career (n 6r(t (n4 as a 4host 6r(teran later

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    UFO Report: In My Backyardby Virginia Carraway Stark

    %he Peace R(

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    (th a lot o' 6(lerness an cellphone recept(on that 'aes (n an out> the 6(ls o' the PeaceR( 4ett(n4 an) cohes(

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    %here are a lot o' people 6ho 6ork (n the pr(mar) (nustr) sector 6ho spen 6eeks out onmounta(ns an ha the actual M(le Jero Post has een stolen on acouple o' occas(ons Kusuall) ) Fort 7a(nt ohn 6ho co noth(n4 tosee here an outs(ers are kept at arms len4th.

    For more anecotes cl(ck the l(nks elo6. I' )ou ha

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    1. ow do yo! ca"t a g#a$or "pe##%

    I 4et th(s uest(on sent to m) (n o; an (t =ust opens a hu4e can o' more uest(ons. Peopleha 4o to the salon or the ha(r )ea(sle at almart. ou ont nee to use ma4(c 'or e or another moon4oess (' )oure 4o(n4 to 4et e;ot(c.

    Be'ore )ou 4et 4o(n4 thou4h> )ou ask her to make (t4one> make (t (n or )ou can o'' her a s(l

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    to metaphor(call) l(ck her alls (' she oes (t 'or )ou.

    %he secon th(n4 (s a4a(n$ ou are a sel'2eterm(nate human e(n4 so o )our o6n le4 6orkon th(s e'ore )ou (n

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    h(m to come aroun an)more. :o6 )ou take that p(cture o' h(m an )ou t(e (t to a n(ce s(Cerock an (n the p(cture 6(th a lack cor to )our rock.

    F(n a o) o' runn(n4 6ater an tell h(m> ?7ean Penn> I comman )ou to e 4one an tone 0O:%*OO BA. I' )ou cant help (t an )ou look ack 6ell )ou =ust sent 7ean Penn a reall)m(;e messa4e an ont come cr)(n4 to me (' hes st(ll stalk(n4 )ou.

    :o6> lets sa) that )ou (nt look ack ecause (' )ou looke ack )ou reall) eser then )ou can 4et (nto> )ou messe 6(th the 6ron4 6(tch spells.

    I m not 4o(n4 to 4o (nto 6hat sort o' a44ress( )ouont nee to e pull (n4 out (n4re(ents l (ke 6asps nest an saltpeter. Is hecom(n4 at )ou 6(th kn(

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    Men InB#ack- by Virginia Carraway Stark

    %he phrase ?Men (n Black@ has ecome a 6(el) kno6nphrase an ent(rel) m(sunerstoo concept ue tom(s(n'ormat(on> pranks an -oll)6oo lockuster mo

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    Prophec(es@. eel spoke aout the Men (n Black more as om(nous 'orces that 6ereman('estat(ons o' al(en e(n4s than as the s(lencers that Bener 6rote aout. eel 6roteaout ho6 the men 6ere capale o' (stort(n4 electron(cs an mak(n4 phone calls.

    In 1,88 %he r(ll Papers> 6r(tten ) the pseuon)m O.-. r(ll spoke aout %he Men (n Blackas e(n4 (n hats ansun4lasses> (t has also een an eas) tar4et 'orpranksters. %h(s oscures the matter 'urther as'rauulent reports an pranks o' the paranormal soo'ten o. %here 6as the phrase> lack hats anm(rrore shaesD that use to enote 4o

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    ,'e My"terio!" Man in t'e B#ack Fedoraby enn Spa!#ding

    For man) )ears I ha ut )ou can see h(s hat an )ou can 'eel that (t (s a man. henI ec(e to o a l(ttle research on th(s m)ster) man> I 6as shocke to learn that man) peoplearoun the 6orl ha eath> an (sasters. It (s currentl) unkno6n 6hat h(s true (ntent(ons are an6hat h(s presence means. It has e I ha

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    S'adow eop#e: / Vag!e and Ubi0!ito!" Catc'-/##by Virginia Carraway Stark

    F(rst o' all I 6oul l(ke to make some (st(nct(ons$

    %he Men (n -ats are :O% the same as 7hao6 People K7ee Men (n -ats art(cleL%he Men (n Black are :O% the same as 7hao6 People. K7ee MIB art(cleL(nn are :O% the same as shao6 people.

    7hao6 people are a (''erent phenomenon allto4ether e=ust shao6s.

    %he onl) t(me that the) seem to cause (rect harm to people (s (n the terror that the) r(n4.

    People ha some 6(tnesses report that the shao6 people onte

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    One has to 6oner (' the shao6 people are as harmless as some people cla(m> 6h) 6erethe) at the rall)N %he) are pass( not seem(n4 to tr) to 6arn the people or stop themassacre an 6(th the(r 4lo6(n4 e)es the) seem to e ea4er 'or someth(n4 to come.

    :o one has e

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    &12: ,'e 3ear o+ t'e Red Fire Monkeyby Virginia Carraway Stark

    %he )ear o' the re '(re monke). o6. Is (t =ust me or oes that

    soun l(ke the start o' someth(n4 reall) (ntense. *et me start o'' )4( estern Impress(ons o' the )ear an then Illtell )ou 6hat the real e;perts ha I th(nk (t 6oule a t(4ht race 'or the pos(t(on> ut not olph(n (n the Co(ac so monke) 6(ns.

    Future :otes$ I' I e ont 'or4et to (nclue olph(ns. Better than P(sces) a lon4 shot.

    More a$ Monke)s are close enou4h to humans toharor a lot o' (sease. 0oes th(s translate (nto theCo(acN I ont kno6> (ts not )et the )ear o' the monke)an the orl -ealth Or4an(Cat(on (s tell(n4 e

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    (rth e'ects. o(nc(ence -mmmm> )ou ec(e. *ets o us all a 'a r(est 6(nters e hot )ear o' the th(e'. ell then.

    All I can sa) (s that I ha 6ell that souns k(n o' l(ke 6hat I 6as sa)(n4 aoutthem not e(n4 the est 'r(ens to han4 aroun 6(th. %h(s'ocuses more on the prankster s(e o' th(n4s K6h(ch I hacompletel) 'or4otten aoutL an (s some6hat 6orr)(n4 as6ell.

    %he same art(cle sa( that the (rect translat(on 'or th(s )ear(s> monke) cl(m(n4 the mounta(n. I k(n o' l(ke that one. Ittakes (t a6a) 'rom the (ea o' tr(cks an th(e

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    Another th(n4> I hate to harp on th(s> ut ack to the 'orest '(res an the 6arm r) 6(nter th(n4$'orest '(res cl(m mounta(ns as 6ell. ust sa)(n.

    %he more I look (nto the tra(t(onal mean(n4s o' the )ear an no matter ho6 pos(t(

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    ,'e 4!nar 4!nacy 5++ectby enn Spa!#ding

    !I "ont #no if there are $en on the $oon% &ut if there are they $ust &e usin' earth as theirlunatic asylu$.()*eor'e Bernar" Sha

    %he lunar lunac) e''ect> or to put (t s(mpl) people act(n4 craC)6hen there (s a 'ull moon (s an anc(ent el(e'> that has stuck throu4hmoern t(mes. People toa) st(ll el(e o4 (tes> another 6e(r happenstances ur(n4 a 'ull moon. A sur

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    al6a)s el(e people 6ho ha

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    !ba# and t'e ;reat 4!nar M!"#i$ lunar calenars

    are (n 'act sol(tar) calenars 6h(ch means that esp(te'ollo6(n4 the lunar c)cles eu(no; an solst(ce 4rounthe calenars (nto a more or less stale c)cle. %hesol(lunar calenar a=usts (tsel' ) a(n4 e;tra a)s orthe occas(onal a(t(onal month to keep (tsel' more orless l(ne up 6(th the seasons. For e;ample> the e6(shcalenar 'ollo6s the sol(lunar rh)thms an e some sa) the 'ull moon an some sa) the ne6 Kl(ke the h(nese :e6 ear'or e;ampleL.

    It (s str(ctl) en(e ) Musl(ms that th(s Kor an) other aspect o' the(r culture or rel(4(onL 6as(n'luences ) 6hat came e'ore Islam 6h(ch 6as 'ocuse on the 6orsh(p o' man) 4os utcentere on the 6orsh(p o' the 4o -ual.

    -e (s a 4o that 6e kno6 l(ttle aoutas all remnants o' h(s 6orsh(p 6ereestro)e ) Mohamma an h(sarm) 6ho kne6 that h(s success (nsprea(n4 h(s ne6 rel(4(on 6asepenent on 4ett(n4 r( o' thecompet(t(on> the compet(t(on (n thecase e(n4 -ual. :estor(es o' -ual rema(n> the anc(entmoon 4o o' ( or an) other uest(on> 6as ec(e ) 6r(t(n4

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    the uest(ons or names on arro6s 6h(ch 6oul e thro6n at the statue. A comple; s)stem(nterprete the results.

    r(t(cs o' the Musl(m culture cla(m that -ual st(ll l( anners an 'la4s to the str(ctlunar calenar the) ahere to some cla(m that -ual 6as ne

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    ,'e =inby Virginia Carraway Stark

    %he) (nt kno6 the) 6ere calle ra4ons> the) onl) learne that a'ter 0eath alle) ane

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    ?e can onl) 'l) so h(4h e'ore 6e run out o' a(r> 6e cant 'l) out there> 6h) 6oner aoutsometh(n4 that 6e cant atta(nN@ Aske Ol 7teamer. -e 6as a cle that 6e put our ra(ns to4ether an make a sort o' perhaps 6e coul 4et h(4her than 6e can 6(th our 6(n4s an

    see out there.

    Ru(o ponere the prolem> the) 6erent the sort o' race that ha e

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    happene 6hen the(r populat(on e4an to 4et too ense an (t 6as onl) l(kel) to k(ll the the) ha l(ttle mot( 6r(tten (n the eaut('ullan4ua4e o' the (n on scrolls o' l(ke the a(r (tsel' 6as sl(pp(n4 'rom h(s 4rasp. Ru(o 'elt lackness creep across h(s she tooha een 'l)(n4 6(th her mother an 'lo6n too h(4h.

    Ru(o ha een chastene an ha ne

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    e(n4 too th(n 'or h(s 6(n4s to catch hol o' an the sensat(on o' h(s ra(n no lon4er e(n4 h(so6n 6ere not pleasant ones. Bes(es> there 6as noth(n4 up there. :oth(n4 ut lackness an'all(n4 to the 4roun. -e proal) 6oul ha 4ro6(n4 r(4hter an r(4hter as (t approache. It 6asheae stra(4ht 'or the Planet o' the (n an (t came to more than one m(n that perhaps (t6oulnt perhaps (t 6as on a colls(on course 6(th the(r planet. + perhaps as sc(ent('(c as the) coul e an thecon'err(n4 (nclue mathemat(cal euat(ons> tra4ector) pro=ect(ons an the cast(n4 o' onesut 6hate perhaps (' 6e mae a su(t o' 4lass an stu''e (t 6(th th(n4s that6oul (nsulate 'rom the ceol 6e coul r(e (t lon4 enou4h to see 6hats out there.@

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    ?It m(4ht 6ork>@ A4ree another. ?%he) coul 'all o'' e'ore (t le't an 6e coul catch them ('the) passe out. hen the) 6oke up the) coul tell us 6hat the) ha seen.@

    /re4or( shook h(s scale hea> ?It 6ont 6ork> theres st(ll no a(r to reathe. %he) 6(ll pass outan not see an)th(n4 an ma)e not 'all o'' (n t(me an e carr(e o'' to 6here (t 4ets coler

    st(ll an there (s e then our e44s 6(ll ne the) m(4ht ne hecoulnt meet her mult(2'acete 4aCe an 'ace the sorrro6 he sa6 (n (t.

    ?I' 6e u(lt 4lass ottles to '(ll 6(th a(r> perhaps 6e coul 'l) a (t h(4her an lon4er>@ /re4or(ae> he ha een th(nk(n4 6h(le the others ha een 6e(4h(n4 the eth(cal s(e o' the matteran 'or h(m (t 6as a the onl) uest(on 6as ho6 to attach the e44s sa'el) to the cometan ho6 lo6 6oul the comet 'l). -e ha e;per(mente 6(th the ottles o' a(r> corke unt(lneee an 'oun that 6h(le the a(r 6as st(ll (''(cult he coul 'l) a (t h(4her than 6(thout thea(r. It 6as a hea

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    %he) ha seen comets e'ore an ha rea o' comets that ha Coome lo6 enou4h an slo6enou4h 'or the(r 'oreearers to r(e'l) (n

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    (th the comet 'ast approach(n4 an lo6er than the) ha ant(c(pate man) 6onere (' theones 6ho ha cast ones an tra=ector(es ha een 6ron4 an (t 6oul h(t the Planet o' the(n an k(ll them all 6(thout an)one e there 6as no 6a) o'kno6(n4 unt(l the) arr(

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    ?7ometh(n4 e;(sts out there. I' there 6as noth(n4 out there> Per(6(nkle 6oul ha@ Ru(o 6oul sa). Flora 6oulnt respon. %o ha ?0( )ou 'eel (tN@ -e aske h(s st(ll eaut('ul 6('e6hose scales ha 4one pale 'rom a4e.

    7he noe an the) el(catel) l(cke each others ton4ues> %he (ns 6a) o' 4(@ Flora sa( (n 6oner. 7he ha onl) e the one e44 sheha kept an she ha ne@ Ru(o correcte 4entl). here out there> she (sour l(ttle 4(rl an she (s al( there 6as an out there.

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    Two old bitties sitting on their veranda, discuss life - and death.

    %6o 6omen (n the(r late s(;t(es sat (n match(n4 rock(n4 cha(rs on the(r 6(th a smalltale pos(t(one com'ortal) et6een them. It hel a s(l mother sol that s(l he calle me a hal' craC) ol a4. 0rea'ul> =ust rea'ul -e eser as she reache'or the ecanter.

    %hats not surpr(s(n4> cons(er(n4 that ol oel ramer han4e h(msel' 'rom the meCCan(ne

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4


    an(sters. %hat (s such a eaut('ul house. Its 4o(n4 to 'all apart ent(rel)> (' someone oesntu) (t soon. I' oel hant een such a 6oman(Cer> that 6oul ha A4nes. Bes(es> that 6oul ne A4nes. ou mae h(s l('e m(serale 6(th the 6a) )ou stalkeh(m> a) an n(4ht. -e 6oul ne e (ts )ou> A4nes *omar) I kno6 (t 6as )ou 6ho sprea the e (n an4er. -er s(sterA4nes ( the same.

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4



    On -allo6een n(4ht> t6o teena4e 4(rls hurr(e past the *omar) house 6(th 'ear'ul 4lances.7uenl)> one o' them stoppe an stare up at the cruml(n4 ol mans(on.

    -urr) up> Ann(e> 6ell e late 'or the part).

    I thou4ht I sa6 someth(n4 up there on that *aura.

    Its =ust )our (ma4(nat(on> Ann(e. %heres no 4host up there. e ut ton(4ht (s (''erent. %h(s (s the tenth ann( ut the housekeeper an herhusan sa( she 6as all alone that n(4ht. + an then somet(mes she 6as e talk aout )our spl(t personal(t).

    0rea'ul> =ust rea'ul.

  • 7/25/2019 Outermost Vol1 Issue 4
