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The Rise of Europe Out of the Ashes The Rise of Europe The PROPHETIC CONDITIONS Series

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  • The Rise of Europe

    Out of the Ashes

    The Rise of Europe


  • Why the PROPHETIC CONDITIONS Series?Knowledge and technology areexploding, yet the world is drowningin a sea of problems! Alcohol abuse ison the rise. Vast regions of farmlandare dying of thirst due to droughtsand erratic weather patterns. The allureof drugs is fast seducing a younger generation that no longerknows how to be kids. Crime is more violent, moreentrenched, more widespread than ever. Immorality is robbingfamilies and youth of their innocence by entertaining sick,perverted, carnal desires. And the earth is choking in the pol-luted filth produced by humanity.

    WHY?The Prophetic Conditions Series will report global trends

    and problems. It explains why humanity is deluged with suchoverwhelmingand insolubleproblems.

    And points to mankinds only solution!


    ABOUT THE COVERAdopted in 1986, the flag of theEuropean Union displays a circle oftwelve golden stars, representing theunion of the peoples of Europe. Thoughthere are three additional membernations who have not adopted theEuropean currency, the number of starsis fixed at twelve, symbolizing perfectionand unity.

    PHOTO: Bruce Ritter

    This publication is provided free of charge and in the public interest byThe Restored Church of God. It is made possible by the voluntary, freely giventithes and offerings of the members of the Church and others who have electedto support the work of the Church. Contributions are welcomed and gratefullyaccepted. Those who wish to voluntarily aid and support this Work of Godaround the world are gladly welcomed as co-workers in this major effort topreach the gospel to all nations.

    Copyright 2002, 2003 The Restored Church of God. Printed in the USA. Allrights reserved.

    The Restored Church of God is not responsible for the return of unsolicitedarticles and photos. Scriptures are quoted from either the King James or theNew King James version (Copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers),unless otherwise noted.

    Contact The Restored Church of GodP.O. Box 23295

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    Note: This report previously appeared in serialform in The REAL TRUTH magazine.

  • The Rise of Europe


    HE SPRING OF 1945 found Europe in asmoldering ruin. By the end of April,Mussolini and Hitler would be dead,

    Germany would surrender on May 7th, and Japanwould follow on August 14th. World War IIthegreatest war of history in terms of expendedhuman life and national resourceswould befinally over. Sixty million people lay dead. Morethan one trillion dollars had been spent.

    Nearly six years of the Second World War, inaddition to the remaining effects of the Depressionand the First World War, had devastated mostEuropean economies, industries, agriculture andsocieties. The German Blitzkrieg had wreakedhavoc on military installations or infrastructure ofmost all neighboring countries that laid in its path.Much of the natural resources of all participatingcountries had been plundered in the war effort.Starting in the summer of 1944, British andAmerican bombers had carried out daily andnightly missions that decimated most Germancities and other strategic targets.

    The result of this mammoth conflict was a pileof burning rubblea continent so severely crip-pled during that final fateful summer that manyinsisted it would take 100 years to re-build. Yet wewill see the incredible, almost miraculous, recov-ery and rebuilding of Europe, owing to its own


    Out of the Ashes

    The Rise of Europe

    PART ONE: 1945 to the PresentPART TWO: The Present to the Return of Jesus Christ


    BIRTH OF AN EMPIRE: This statue symbolizes the beginnings of theRoman Empire, which ruled Europe for centuries, in various stages.According to pagan Roman mythology, twin brothers Romulus andRemus were abandoned by the banks of the River Tiber. They were foundby a she-wolf, who took pity on them and fed them with her milk. Yearslater, the twins grew up to build a city, which eventually became Rome.

    Some said it would take Europe 100 years to rebuild after the Second WorldWar. Others maintain that it will never rival the United States in terms of eco-nomic, technological and military might. But historyand prophecyindicateotherwise. World events and an eventual alliance with the Vatican will soonpropel the European Union to become the seventh and final restoration of theHoly Roman Empirea power that will truly shock and awe all nations.

    Are you willing to learn about this coming United States of Europe? It isupon us NOW! Will you believe it? Will you prepare? Will you watch as this AWE-SOME event unfolds before your very eyes?

  • resiliency, plus generous American aid.Few had taken seriously

    Mussolinis boasting that he was lead-ing the restored Roman Empire duringthe course of the war. But the core ofthe Axis powersthe German-Italianalliancewas historically the sixth ofseven restorations of the Holy RomanEmpire.

    Over the span of history, there havebeen six restorations of the HolyRoman Empire since the imperialrestoration by Justinian in A.D. 554. Itwas considered a renewal of the for-mer Roman Empire, but now with therecognition of the supremacy of thePope over the secular emperors.

    The second restoration of the HolyRoman Empire was led byCharlemagne in A.D. 800, followed bythe third restoration by Otto the Greatin A.D. 962. Fourth in this series wasCharles V of the Hapsburg dynasty in1530. Fifth was the restoration byNapoleon with his French-based king-dom in 1804.

    This brings us to the sixth restora-tion discussed above, as it related tothe Axis powers in World War II. Thefoundation was laid for the manifesta-tion of this phase of the Holy RomanEmpire by the unification of Italy in1870 and the unification of Germany,both occurring in the wake of thePeace of Prague, Austria of 1866.Although Mussolini declared himselfemperor of this restoration, Hitler wasthe one who wielded power over thisGerman-Italian alliance, as culmina-tion of the sixth restoration of the

    Holy Roman Empire ended in 1945. In each phase or restoration, the

    secular emperor acknowledged thesupremacy of the pope. Never in histo-ry has such an arrangement of ruler-ship existed as was introduced at theinception of the Holy Roman Empireby Justinian.

    The Necessity to Rebuild Europe

    From both sides of these smolderingashes, two new superpowersemergedthe United States and theSoviet Union. Britain, France,Germany and Japan essentially ceasedto be significant military powers in thetraditional sense. The balance ofpower had shifted, leaving Europedividedand between two powerfulenemies.

    The United States undertook thefinancing of the effort to rebuildEurope. In June 1947, U.S. Secretary ofState George C. Marshall unveiledwhat would be called the MarshallPlan. Over the next five years, $13 bil-lion of aid would be given to Britain,France, Italy and what was then WestGermany. The U.S. was compelled tounderwrite this for two reasons: (1)Europe had been a great market forAmerican goods, and it was in theinterest of sound economic policy torestore this capacity as soon as possi-ble; (2) there was a new threat from theeastCommunism and the SovietUnion. Europe had to be strengthenedand even re-armed for its own survivalas a free society. A strong, rebuiltEurope would stand as a bulwark

    against expansion from this newenemy.

    Germany, historically the hub ofeconomic and industrial strength inEurope, was the essential core of thisbulwark. Germany would drivemomentum for the renewal of the con-tinent. For Europe to succeed,Germany had to succeed. Americandollars and American arms were ear-marked to guarantee the success of thisfrontier bastion of the free world as itfaced the threat of Soviet expansion-ism.

    The Beginnings of Cooperation

    The Marshall Plan was complete by1952 and, shortly thereafter, Europeanvoices of dissent began to be heard.Some were uneasy with the powerfulembrace of America. One of the mostoutspoken in this regard was thefamous General Charles de Gaulle,who was elected President of Francein 1958. He strongly disliked whatappeared to be the permanent presenceof American troops on European soil.He therefore suspended French coop-eration with NATO and started hiscountry off on her own race for anuclear weapon. De Gaulles stance ofEuropean control of its own destiny,free of American hegemony, reawak-ened the latent desire of a number ofinfluential European political andindustrial leaders who long dreamedof European Unity.

    This dream is almost as old asEurope itself. Certain visionariescould see the power such a union


    Years Member Nations Were Added

  • could wield. Both Charlemagne (thesecond of the seven heads or restora-tions) and Napoleon (the fifth ofseven) ruled empires that encom-passed most of the continent. Butthose two, along with the one ruled byHitler and Mussolini, failed becausethey were based upon forced subjuga-tion instead of active participation.The post-World War II scenario pro-vided the right conditions for realunion, but this time, cooperationwould come first. The prospect offuture subjugation has been discount-ed by the number of junior partici-pants intoxicated by the prospect oftheir inclusion within the security of aEuropean economic combine.

    In 1951, France, West Germany,Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium andLuxembourg established the EuropeanCoal and Steel Community (ECSC).By 1957, the same group signedanother treaty in Rome to establish theEuropean Economic Community(EEC), which, for all intents and pur-poses, was the beginning of the newUnited Europe. Henri Spaak, formersecretary general of NATO, had this tosay in a BBC documentary about thatsignificant event: we felt likeRomans on that dayWe were con-sciously recreating the Roman Empireonce more (Grant R. Jeffrey, TheSignature of God, 1996, pp. 190-191).As we will see, each step forward onthis path toward unity essentiallyforced the next step and, althoughthere would be the occasional stepbackward, these were typically fol-lowed by several steps forward.

    Other countries were invited tojoin the EEC. Britain was initiallyinterested, though concerned aboutthe loss of sovereign control. By 1961,however, they were economicallyforced to seek membership. But, dueto their close ties with the U.S., theywere denied membership by a vetofrom President de Gaulle, once in1963 and again in 1967.

    In 1967, the ECSC, EEC and athird organization (Euratom), control-ling atomic energy, were merged toform the European Community (EC).Finally, in 1973, the UK, Denmarkand Ireland joined, Greece in 1980,and Portugal and Spain in 1986.

    (Austria, Finland and Sweden wouldjoin in 1994, bringing the union to itscurrent total of 15 states.)

    Progression Toward Eventual Union

    Of course, economic cooperationamong a community of nations wasstill just that, and not much differentfrom previous economic alliances andother similar agreements also beingestablished in various regions of theworld. An eventual union of stateswould require actual integration ofeconomies, currencies, governments,etc. The pace of integration accelerat-ed during the 1970s.

    In 1970, the original six nations setin motion plans to establish (by 1980)an Economic and Monetary Union(EMU) to integrate the member stateseconomies and currencies. In 1979,they created the European MonetarySystem (EMS), linking the exchangerates of members currencies to theexchange rate of the strong and stableGerman deutsche mark. Interestingly,made formal by German ChancellorHelmut Schmidt and French PresidentGiscard dEstaing (current chair of theConvention on the Future of Europeand thus the main author of theupcoming European Constitution) wasthe selection of the small German cityof Aachen as the site for the signing ofthe EMS documents. You may recallthat Aachen is where the throne ofCharlemagne wasand remains tothis day.

    In 1986, the EC introduced theSingle European Act (SEA), whichsped up the process of removing alltrade barriers and customs frontiers bysetting the completion date for this as1992. In addition, the SEA steppedbeyond the usual economic guidelines,and began to create common policiesregarding such areas as employment,health and the environment.

    Events at that time would immedi-ately influence and expedite Europeanunity. In late 1989, the infamousBerlin Wall came crashing down. Lessthan a year later, East and WestGermany were united as the FederalRepublic of Germany. Soon, the pow-erful Soviet Union began to be dis-mantled, leaving a dozen easternEuropean nations free to pursue mem-

    bership in the EC. With the dissolutionof the Soviet Union, communismceased to be a unifying threat forEurope. To the European mind, theCold War was now over, althoughunpredictable leaders of Russia stillcontrolled the same vast nuclear arse-nal, as before.

    It now appeared that the U.S. wasthe only remaining world superpower.The Soviet Union had virtually col-lapsed. However, in the wake of thedissolution of the Soviet Union, aseries of diplomatic blunders, span-ning the mid-to late 1990s set the U.S.at odds with her former allies. Thisalso further exacerbated an existingrift between the U.S. and its formerEuropean allies.

    In December 1991, EC membersestablished the Treaty of EuropeanUnion (often called the MaastrichtTreaty), giving birth to the EuropeanUnion (EU). It committed the EU tothe aforementioned EMU, specificallythat all member states would unifytheir economies and currencies by1999. In addition, the MaastrichtTreaty created new structures to beginintegrating such areas as foreign poli-cy and security, as well as police andjudicial matters.

    In May 1998, eleven of the fifteenEU members agreed to relinquish theirnational currencies by January 1,1999, for a new single European cur-rencythe Euro. Along with this deci-sion came the creation of the EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) and, by January1, 2002, the Euro would replace thephysical currencies of those elevennations.

    Power & Control Within the Union

    The European Union currently oper-ates within what is commonly referredto as the pillar system. The main pil-larthe European Community (EC)contains the major governing bodies ofthe EU, including the EuropeanCommission, the Council of theEuropean Union, the EuropeanParliament, the European Court ofJustice, and the Court of Auditors. Twoother pillars, the Common Foreign andSecurity Policy (CFSP) and the Justiceand Home Affairs (JHA), flank themain EC pillar.


  • It is the CFSP that has failedEurope thus far. During both the GulfWar in 1991 and the Yugoslavian crisisof 1991 and 1992, the Union wasunable to find and present a commonposition on foreign and security policy.It is the CFSP, however, that holds thegreatest potential for execution of mil-itary policy.

    When an economically strongUnion can speak with one voice inregards to foreign and security policy,and back that up with military might,then we will witness a legitimatesuperpower. Dr. Habsburg, in his bookentitled Macht Jenseits des Marktes;Europa 1992 (Power Beyond theMarket; Europe 1992) wrote: Weneed, especially in the area of foreignpolicy, a genuine European govern-ment and a European army. It is thisone voice that is currently lacking,but it is destined to develop in thecourse of time.

    Above, and influencing, all threepillars, is the European Council, agrouping of the national governmentleaders. It is in a position to shape andcoordinate all EU initiatives, and hasbeen essentially responsible for alldevelopments. Its decisions are almostalways unanimous, but require the typ-ical and intensive political bargainingand compromise.

    As previously stated, the main ECpillar consists of the EuropeanCommission, the Council of theEuropean Union, the EuropeanParliament, the European Court ofJustice, and the Court of Auditors. TheEuropean Commission is the mostpowerful administrative body of theUnion. It differs from the EuropeanCouncil, in that it focuses solely on theEC pillar. It initiates, implements andsupervises policy. It is also responsiblefor the financial management of theEU, as well as being the driving forcebehind integration. Member govern-ments appoint 20 commissioners (2each for Britain, France, Germany,Italy and Spain; one each for the other10 member countries) to operate thisbody.

    The Council of the European Union(formerly the Council of Ministers) isthe primary decision-making power ofthe EU and is, thus far, the most impor-

    tant and influential body. It essentiallyadopts proposals and then issuesinstructions to the EuropeanCommission. When this Councilmeets, member governments eachsend the appropriate minister to dis-cuss the issue at hand. So, for example,if one Council meeting were defense-related, it would consist of 15 defenseministers, but a judicial meeting wouldconsist of 15 justice ministers.

    The European Parliament consistsof 626 members, elected by EU citi-zens, and is the ultimate Tower ofBabel in terms of inefficiencies due tothe language barrier. Although it is theonly true democratic body of the EU, itis largely powerless. It can block legis-lation, but rarely introduces it. It wasdesigned as a consulting body, but canbe ignored; and it has no power overthe Council of the European Union. Itcan, however, dissolve the EuropeanCommission through a vote of non-confidence.

    Finally, the European Court ofJustice (ECJ) oversees all judicial mat-ters for the Union. Each member coun-try appoints one judge to the ECJ.Although it currently has no directcontrol over national courts, it has,interestingly enough, established thatEU law is above national law.

    Sitting outside of the three pillars isanother powerful EU bodytheEuropean Central Bank (ECB). A six-member executive board, chosen byEU member governments, runs theECB, and has complete power andcontrol over all EU financial policy.

    Recent Problems and Frustrations

    As we have seen, there are a few gov-ernmental bodies within the EU withsome power, but not one unified, over-riding and controlling influence.Agreement among 15 nations hasbeen, in general, easier in terms ofeconomic cooperation, but much moredifficult in foreign and security policy.Europe has lacked the one voice oninternational issues that the UnitedStates of America has, for example, inits President. In addition, the account-ability of certain bodies has beencalled into question, causing muchembarrassment and consternation forthe EU. For example, in 1999 the EP

    initiated an independent review of theEuropean Commissions activities.The report cited corruption, cronyism,and poor oversight among severalcommissioners, which, in turn, causedthe entire Commission to resign.Although these are steps backward,they should only be considered grow-ing pains, and opportunities for theEU to learn and to strengthen itself.

    Paul Kennedy indicates (The Riseand Fall of Great Powers, 1987, p.439) that military and politicalstrength tends to follow economicstrength: And despite their recentwoes, the EU since 1993, consists ofthe worlds largest economy (LesterThurow, Head to Head, pp. 24-25.)!As such, they are the ones writing therules of the new economic game (p.65). Britain was in this position dur-ing the 19th century, the U.S. duringthe 20th, and now during the 21st cen-tury, Europe is writing the rules. Allothers will have to play along (p. 75).

    Thurow goes on to indicate that theprospects for Europe are just too goodto pass on: An opportunity as good asthis one hasnt existed since the fall ofthe Roman Empire (pp. 69-70), andthat Europe is essentially forced tobecome larger and stronger, just tofinancially survive and compete withthe American and Japaneseeconomies. William Pfaff had this tosay in the June 23, 1986 edition of TheInternational Herald Tribune:

    Count France and Britain, orFrance and Italy together with WestGermany, and you have an industrialagglomeration of Soviet size or bigger,and one infinitely more flexible, inno-vative and technologically sophisticat-ed. If the European Community isconsidered all together, it makes upthe most powerful economic andindustrial combination on earth.

    Common American perceptions ofWestern Europe as a comparativelyweak and declining force in worldaffairs are justified by neither theindices of productive power nor thoseof potential military strength. The mil-itary capacity of Western Europe, col-lectively, is equivalent to that of eitherof the superpowersshould theEuropeans wish to make use of it.

    The development of a European4 PROPHETIC CONDITIONS

  • Constitution, slated for introductionby mid-2003, along with which willcome a sort of European President,will no doubt provide some, if not all,of this missing one voice.

    A Common Identity

    In addition to lacking a strong leader,Europe currently lacks a socially bind-ing force. Derek Urwin, in the EncartaEncyclopedia 2001, summed up theEUs problem:

    Almost all EU activity has beendevoted to building the equivalent of astate. Little effort as been focused onhow to create a European nation witha strong bond of identity acrossnational electorates, making them feelthey have much, including a future, incommon. The issue of a Europeanidentity will be a major challenge inthe next century.

    The historical sequence of theseven restorations of the Holy RomanEmpire, discussed earlier, relatesdirectly to the European power nowriding its momentum to its destiny as aworld power. This historical phenome-non is actually the realization of anevent prophesied in the Bible.

    A parallel prophecy of the whore-ridden beast of Revelation 17 is thefourth (ten-horned) beast from Daniel7. The ten horns represent each revivalof the Roman Empire, of which thelast seven are the Holy RomanEmpirethe Roman Empire con-trolled by a mysterious little horn

    (Dan. 7:8), which is none other thanthe Vatican! Religion, more specifical-ly Roman Catholicism, will soon pro-vide this strong bond of identity. Theconditions are approaching ripeness.Much of the European populationbelieves that materialism and capital-ism have failedthere is a certainfeeling of emptiness, and a loss ofdirection and morals.

    The Roman Catholic Church isaware of this, and is biding its time,waiting for the right moment to onceagain provide its faith to the nations ofEurope, as a way of hope. Pope PiusXII had this to say about Europe andreligion: Europehad its eras ofgreatness when a common faith hadanimated the hearts of its peoplesand that it could have its geopoliticalgreatness againif it could create anew heart (Windswept House, 1996,p. 2). Also, in November 1975, PopePaul VI stated to a gathering of bish-ops, cardinals and prelates in Rome,that it was their mission to reawakenEuropes Christian soul, where itsunity is rooted. He stressed that it wasCatholicism that made Europe great.

    The current pope, John Paul II,from near the beginning of his papacy(1978), has exhorted Europeans toreturn to their rootstheir religiousheritage. In October 1988, he had theopportunity to address the EuropeanParliament and said that Europe hadinvestedmuch in the domain of itseconomic cooperation, but now this

    part of Europe[should] be more andmore intensely involved in the search[for] herspiritual cohesion.

    Otto von Habsburg, member of theEuropean Parliament and son of thelast empress of Austria (Zita), told edi-tors of The Plain Truth in 1989, TheCommunity is living very largely bythe heritage of the Holy RomanEmpire, though the great majority ofthe people who live by it dont knowby what heritage they live. Again,time and opportunity will provide theCatholic Church circumstances toeducate those people.

    In addition, Popes and the Vaticanhistorically seek protection from theirenemies, especially during times oftrouble, and have typically found thisprotection in Europe. In addition todefense and support, the papacy con-sidered one of the empires mainresponsibilities to be the enforcementof doctrine and the elimination of allheresies. Those who did not conformwere dealt with harshly. Conversely,kings have often sought legitimacyand/or authority from this little hornthat sits in Rome.

    Coming Soon The New Europe

    We have seen the speed at whichEurope has arisen out of the smolder-ing ashes of World War II. It obvious-ly did not take 100 years as some hadthought. We can see now the structureof its government and how the upcom-ing Constitution and proposals for a


    Timeline: Key Dates in European Integration

    May 9, 1950: FrenchForeign Minister RobertSchuman proposes thatEurope pool its coaland steel industries.

    May 27, 1952: Treaty estab-lishing the European DefenseCommunity is signed.

    April 18, 1951:France, Belgium,Italy, Luxembourg,West Germany, andthe Netherlandssign the EuropeanCoal and SteelCommunity (ECSC).

    Aug. 30, 1954:The French Parliamentrejects the EDC Treaty.Oct. 20-23: Followingthe LondonConference, agree-ments on a modifiedBrussels Treaty aresigned in Paris and theWestern EuropeanUnion comes intobeing.

    April 8, 1965:Treaty merging theinstitutions of thethree EuropeanCommunitiessigned.

    July 1, 1968:Customs unioncompleted 18months early.

    March 25, 1957: Treaties establishingthe European Economic Community(EEC) and the European AtomicEnergy Community (EURATOM) aresigned in Rome.

    June 1-2, 1955:The ForeignMinisters of theSix, meeting inMessina, decideto extendEuropean inte-gration to allbranches of theeconomy.

    Jan. 1, 1958:Treaties ofRome enterinto force andthe EEC andEuratomCommissionsare set up inBrussels.

    Jan. 14, 1963:General de Gaulleannounces at apress conferencethat France willveto the UnitedKingdoms acces-sion to theCommunity.

    50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

  • European President will affect it andthe entire world.

    Europe will ultimately attain agreat heightcurrent events are creat-ing a more desperate European people.Future events will lead to the sound ofthis powerful one voice, and stillothers will once again bring about theresurgence of the Roman CatholicChurch.

    The Bible shows that, throughouthistory, the kings of the earth havecommitted fornication and havebeen made drunk with the wine of herfornication (Rev. 17:2). The RomanCatholic Churchthe woman drunk-en with the blood of the saints (vs.6)rides the power of the beast.

    The final restoration of the HolyRoman Empire will greatly affect theUnited States, the United Kingdom,Canada, Australia and the entireworld. It will also affect you and me,as it perfectly fulfills its part in GodsGreat Plan, leading up to the Returnof Jesus Christ.

    HE WORLD has reached a signifi-cant and historic juncture. Many

    feel this, with the advent of a U.S.-led

    war against Iraq. The diplomaticwrangling between former allies,especially between the U.S. andFrance, leading up to the militaryaction, was virtually unheard of untilrecently, and somewhat shocking anddisturbing to most. Unfortunately,however, the war itself quickly turnedthe focus of many away from the sig-nificance of what occurred, the cli-mate that it has created, and its futureimplications.

    History has shown that worldpowers, great civilizations or empiresrise and fall. There is no denying thefacts that the British Empire is but adistant memory, that Russia is a shad-ow of its former self, and that theUnited States is bound for this sameend. In fact, Bible prophecy is quiteclear on this.

    Most of those with a realistic out-look would agree that socially, the U.S.is on the brink of disaster. TheAmerican family and work ethic arefading fastif not gone already. Somewould even argue that Americas eco-nomic, political and diplomatic powerand might are already significantlydeclining. Recent events have proventhat the U.S. is no longer able to influ-ence the opinions of other nations as itonce did. That leaves, finally, thestrength of Americas military, whichseemingly remains unrivalled andnearly invincible. But again, Bibleprophecy indicates otherwiseGodwill, in fact, miraculously break thepride of [her] power (Lev. 26:19),

    and then the American Empire will,like the others before it, reach its con-clusion.

    The end of the Cold War and thetemporary decline of Russia as a super-power essentially left the U.S. alone ontop of the world. This unrivalled powerand the absence of a balancing powercreated a vacuum. Most nations do notlike the idea of America being theworlds only superpower. In addition,the decline of Americas own strengthwill also create a vacuum. Both ofthese vacuums will need to be filled.

    In an article from TheEUObserver, former Irish PrimeMinister John Bruton pointed out thatthe U.S., with its heavy borrowing,huge trade deficit and mounting pen-sion bill, cannot sustain its currentpower. And Europe, Bruton implies,must be proactive in dealing with thissituation. We saw in Part 1 of thisseries the amazing resiliency of theEuropean continent, and the speed atwhich it was able to rebuild itself(boosted by the Marshall Plan), sinceits near-destruction after World War II,into the economic powerhouse that itis today. That economic might hasenabled Europe to throw its diplomat-ic weight aroundwe have witnessedthis in recent months.

    Some may scoff and doubtEuropes military might. These peo-ple need only study Germanys histo-ry to realize the ability of this proud,industrious and war-loving people toquickly (and quietly) alter their mili-


    Jan. 1, 1973:Denmark, Ireland,and the UnitedKingdom join theEuropeanCommunity(Norway withdrewfollowing a refer-endum).

    June 30, 1970:Negotiationswith fourprospectivemember states(Denmark,Ireland, Norwayand the UnitedKingdom) openin Luxembourg.

    Jan. 22, 1972: The Treaty onthe Accession of Denmark,Ireland, Norway and theUnited Kingdom is signed inBrussels.

    Feb. 28, 1975: First LomConvention with African,Caribbean, and Pacific(ACP) countries signed.

    March 13, 1979: EuropeanMonetary System (EMS)becomes operational.May 28: The Treaty on theAccession of Greece issigned.June 7 and 10: The firstdirect elections to the 410-seat European Parliamentare held.

    Jan. 1, 1981: Greece joinsthe European Community.

    June 29, 1985: EuropeanCouncil endorses "WhitePaper" plan to completesingle market by end of1992.Dec. 2-4: At theLuxembourg EuropeanCouncil, the Ten agree toamend the Treaty ofRome and to revitalizethe process of Europeanintegration by drawing upa Single European Act.

    Jan. 1, 1986: Spainand Portugal join theCommunity.Feb. 17 and 28: TheSingle European Actis signed.

    April 14, 1987: Turkey applies tojoin the Community.July 1: Single European Act (SEA)enters into force.

    June 26-27, 1989:Madrid EuropeanCouncil endorsesplan for Economicand MonetaryUnion (EMU).July 17: Austriaapplies to join theCommunity.Nov. 9: The BerlinWall is breached.

    70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89



  • tary statusthey have proven thatunquenchable resilience time andagain. Also keep in mind the nuclearcapabilities of France, the militaryassets (including nuclear missiles)still deployed in some easternEuropean nations as remnants of theCold War, as well as a Europe-Russiamilitary alliance.

    Others may argue that socially,Europe is not very different from theU.S. However, history has also shownthat many countries in Europe havehad, and still do have, a special rela-tionship with the Roman CatholicChurch. Do not doubt history!

    Bible prophecy, or history writtenin advance, indicates that this relation-ship will once again be renewedDaniel 7 pictures a beast with 10horns, the last seven of which areruled by a little horn. Revelation 13pictures a beast with a seventh headhaving 10 horns. Revelation 17 pic-tures a great harlot riding a beast withseven heads, the seventh of which has10 horns. All of these portray a soon-coming, unified European/Vatican

    power. (For a detailed explanation,read our free booklet Who or What isthe BEAST of Revelation?)

    Prophecy stands sure! The RomanCatholic Church will soon provide themoving force and empowermentEurope needs to become the nextworld superpowerthis seventh andfinal restoration of the Holy RomanEmpire.

    Current Events

    To place current events into context,and to understand their future implica-tions, we have to go back to a water-shed moment in recent world histo-rySeptember 11, 2001.

    The attack on America by Islamicextremists did create a short period ofpro-American sentiment. Nearlyevery nation in the world, includingFrance, Germany, Russia and China,expressed their sorrow and condo-lences to the American people, alongwith their support for an internationalwar on terrorism.

    The war in Afghanistan, to rid thatcountry of the Taliban and Al-Qaedatraining camps, was a multi-nationaleffort with eventual success. A fewmonths later, however, one would behard-pressed to see any remnants ofthat original support. France andGermany had suddenly united them-selves in what seemed to be a very

    anti-American stance. During thissame time, the EU has been busyworking on its Convention on theFuture of Europe, which will eventual-ly produce a European Constitutionand President.

    Many will recall the Hitler-Bushstatement made by the GermanMinister of Justice during the summerof 2002. The media and most of theworld attached no meaning to this,eventually dismissing it as politicalrhetoric only necessary to ensureChancellor Schrders re-election.

    However, in a very telling articlefor The National Review titledRemembrance of Things PastTheGerman Way, Victor Davis Hansondescribed that infamous statement as asign of a much deeperbut historical-ly familiarsocio-political thoughtprocess. He pointed out several otherstatements from electioneering politi-cians: Jrgen Mllemann of the FreeDemocrats spoke of the intolerant,spiteful style of some prominentJews. Former Defense Minister RudolfScharping complained that PresidentBush was trying to please a powerful,perhaps overly powerful, Jewishlobby. Schrder himself promisedthat Germany would not simply clicktheir heels, then referred to theGerman way, and said thatGermanys decisions would be madein Berlinand only in Berlin.

    Some may insist that all of this ispolitical rhetoric, but Davis concludedhis article with these chilling words:


    The European Emblem: Adopted in 1986, theflag of the European Union displays a circle oftwelve golden stars, representing the union ofthe peoples of Europe. The number of stars isfixed at twelve, symbolizing perfection andunity.

    90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

    Oct. 3, 1990:A unitedGermanyenters theCommunity.

    Oct. 21, 1991: European Community andEuropean Free Trade Association (EFTA) agreeto form the European Economic Area (EEA).Dec. 11: Maastricht European Council (EC)agrees on Treaty on European Union.Dec. 16: Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakiasign first Europe Agreements on trade and polit-ical cooperation.

    Jan. 1, 1993:European singlemarket is achievedon time.Nov. 1: Treaty onEuropean Union(Maastricht Treaty)enters into force.

    Jan. 1, 1995:Austria,Finland, andSweden jointhe EuropeanUnion.

    June 17, 1997: Treaty ofAmsterdam is concluded.

    March 12, 1998: European confer-ence launches consultations onissues related to Common Foreignand Security Policy (CFSP) andJustice and Home Affairs (JHA).March 30-31: EU opens member-ship negotiations with Cyprus,Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,Poland and Slovenia.May 2: Eleven EU member statesqualify to launch the euro.June 1: European Central Bank(ECB) inaugurated in Frankfurt,Germany.

    Jan. 1, 1999: EMU andeuro launched in 11EU countries.May 1: Treaty ofAmsterdam enters into force.Sept. 15: EuropeanParliament approves newEuropean Commission.Dec. 10-11: EC decides toopen accession negotia-tions with Bulgaria, Latvia,Lithuania, Malta, Romania,and the Slovak Republic,and to recognize Turkeyas a candidate country.

    June 23, 2000: Anew partnershipagreementbetween the EUand the ACPcountries issigned.Dec. 7-11:European Councilagrees on Treatyof Nice; EU lead-ers formally pro-claim the Charterof FundamentalRights of theEuropean Union.

    Jan. 1, 2001:Greece joinsthe euro area.

    Jan.-Feb. 2002:Euro becomeslegal tender,permanentlyreplacingnational cur-rencies in EMUcountries.

  • Mr. Schrder has no idea of therepressed historic forces that he hasunleashed both at home and abroadbut unleashed them he most certainlyhas.

    At issue in 2002, regardingdefense and security, was the UKsvision that the new European andSecurity Defence Policy (ESDP)maintain strong institutional linkswith NATO, while France viewed it asa more distant, eventually independ-ent structure. Indeed, by mid-January2003, Gustav Hgglund, chairman ofthe Military Committee of theEuropean Union, announced that theEuropean part of NATO and the ESDPwould merge.

    This essentially gives Europe animmediate military structure (largelypaid for by the U.S.) and, althoughbasic, it is almost continental. Franceand Germany, in the meantime,released several joint proposalsregarding European defense and secu-rity. This includes, as reported in TheTelegraph, a proposal to theConvention on the Future of Europefor a new Euro Army that wouldeventually cut all ties with whateverremains of NATO and go far beyondthe 60,000-troop rapid reactionforce that was initially in the works.France and Germany even indicatedthat they might proceed with imple-mentation of this plan regardless ofacceptance by the EU.

    The timing of this Franco-Germanalliance and U.S.-led war in Iraq isalso of some interest. An article byWilliam Safire in the InternationalHerald Tribune indicated that therecent split between U.S./U.K. andmainland Europe (controlled andfronted largely by France andGermany) is all by German design.Case in point: France was poised todeploy troops and its aircraft carrier tothe Persian Gulf early this year, whenquite suddenly they seemed to do anabout-face.

    It appears that Schrder made anoffer to Chirac that he simply couldnot refuse: Let us reignite the Franco-German motor and control all ofEurope. We will propose a long-termPresident for the EU that would coin-cide with but dominate any President

    of the European Commission that theParliament chooses. In return, Francehad to turn their back on promisesmade to the U.S. in regard to the com-ing war on Iraq.

    France apparently had told ColinPowell last autumn that no second UNresolution would be necessary. Quitesuddenly then, France surprisinglythreatened to veto any second resolu-tion. The U.S. had insisted all alongthat no second resolution was neces-sary. It appears that Germanys inten-tion may now be to cut away theAtlantic part of the NATO alliance,essentially leaving the U.S. and theUK on their own, and France andGermany to go their own way, control-ling the rest of Europe and buildingtheir new superpower.

    The pre-war wrangling betweenFrance, Germany, the U.S. and theUK, has had significant and lastingeffects. An April 2003 visit to the EUby U.S. Secretary of State ColinPowell was, for all intents and purpos-es, an attempt by both parties tomend fences, but if the aboveFranco-German deal is indeed solid,time will tell that there may be no suchfence left to mend.

    A European Constitution and President

    The Convention on the Future ofEurope, headed by former FrenchPresident Valery Giscard dEstaing, isdue to release its final proposals to theheads of member states during thespring and early summer of 2003. Themain points of significance will be aEuropean Constitution and a EuropeanPresident. Some other interesting pro-posals include: A constitutional treaty that may

    replace and supersede all previousones (including the two current mainones that created the EuropeanCommunity and the European Union). A new name (one proposal is the

    United States of Europe). The governments of EU member

    states would get one chance to ratifythis new constitution. If their citizenry(in a referendum) or their governmentfails to accept the new treaty, they mayfind themselves out of the newEurope.A European Congress made up of

    European and national parliamentari-ans. A President appointed by Con-

    gress. (The Financial Times reportedin January 2003 that German ForeignMinister Joschka Fischer is even push-ing for the President to be head of boththe European Commission and theEuropean Councilwhich wouldessentially make him a very powerfulPresident of Europe, especially if he isappointed by a Congress as opposedto voted in by the people.) Europes ability to sign treaties

    and sit on international bodies (e.g.,the United Nations). European citizenship (that may

    eventually supersede and/or replacenational citizenship).

    The European Commissioners forFrance and Germany, as reported inThe EUObserver, even called for aFranco-German federation as thebeginning of what some refer to as theCore Europe. The proposal indi-cates that members of this federationwould have common governmentalinstitutions, as well as common for-eign, security and financial policies.There is some fear among Europeanpoliticians that the power of the EUwill be diminished when it reaches 25countries in 2004. To counter thiswatering-down effect, a Germannamed Wolfgang Schuble intro-duced the idea of a Core Europeduring the 1990s. The intention, it ismade clear, is not to build an islandwithout bridges to the EuropeanUnion. Other EU countries would bepermitted to join this new CoreEurope if and when they share thegoals of the initial Franco-Germanfederation.

    As Stephen Castle reported in TheIndependent, some of the stated objec-tives of the United States of Europewould be economic and social cohe-sion, protection of common values,high employment, liberty, security andjustice, foreign policy.

    Yet, despite these noble-soundingand lofty objectives, the Daniel 2image with two feet and ten toes madeof a mixture of iron and clay, whichrepresents this final restoration of theHoly Roman Empire, indicates thatthere will be elements of both strength


  • and weakness. The strength will comefrom the ironthe weakness from itbeing mixed with claythe fact thatten kings or nations will have tounite and agree with the one ruler overthem and his alliance with the RomanCatholic Church.

    An Important AllianceChurch and State

    The Vatican has been closely monitor-ing the proceedings of the Conventionon the Future of Europe, and provid-ing input. At each step, it seems thatimportant European politicians areheaded to Rome for a visit with thePope and other Vatican advisors. TheVaticans position is made obvious, asindicated by parts of the Popesaddress to the Italian parliament inNovember of 2002: If lasting stabili-ty is to be given to the new unity ofEurope, there must be a commitmentto ensuring that it is supported onthose ethical foundations which wereonce its basis (The New York Times).

    The Pope went on to say that it wasimportant to ensure that it is built withthe cement of that extraordinary reli-gious, cultural and civic heritage thathas made Europe great down throughthe centuries (The Financial Times).He then pleaded, Europe, at thebeginning of the new millennium,open once again your doors to Christ(The New York Times).

    With some rather interesting lan-guage, the Vatican, through its semi-official newspaper LOsservatoreRomano, commented on Europesdecision to accept 10 new countries in2004. The headline read, NewEurope Is Born, and the article statedthat the continent has not missed theappointment with history.

    The Catholic Church in Poland hasbeen particularly determined in regardto this issue, and hopes to makeChristian values definite in all ofEurope. Prominent religious leaderZosef Zycinski said, We do not havethe right to use the stones of the Berlinwall to build a new tower of Babelwithout Christian foundations(EUObserver).

    Although the requested mention ofEuropes Christian heritage in thenew Constitution has received most of

    the medias attention, some of the otherrequests are even more significant.According to a report from the ZenitNews Agency, Cardinal Sodano, theVaticans Secretary of State, stated thatthe Catholic Church is looking for thefollowing three issues to be covered inEuropes upcoming Constitution: Each church and/or religion must

    be free to organize itself within itsstatutes and objectives. [Editorsnote: Will this guarantee be abovenational laws?] The identities of each church

    and/or religion must be safeguarded,and dialogue between these institu-tions and the State must be main-tained. [Editors note: The RomanCatholic Church is looking to be treat-ed as a state-equal, and is insisting thatthe usual political and diplomatic tiesare maintained between Europe andThe Vatican.] Member states must respect

    the jurisdiction of the church and/orreligion, especially in regard to nation-al legislation. [Editors note: Thisessentially answers the question posedabove: Yes, the guarantee will indeedbe above national laws.]

    Cardinal Sodano pointed out thatthe inclusion of Europes religiousheritage is not the weightiest of mat-ters. He went on to indicate that arecent poll, taken in the 15 memberstates and the 10 states awaitingadmission (in 2004), shows that 81%of the citizens identify themselveswith Christianity. Sodano said, Toexclude this factor would be like con-structing Europe without takingEuropeans in due consideration. Itwould contradict the principles of gen-uine pluralism and, therefore, of ahealthy democracy.

    To really envision how the newEuropethis final Holy RomanEmpirewill benefit from an alliancewith the Vatican, and what the two willdo to those under and around them, wemust also look at historical examples,including some from previous occur-rences of the Holy Roman Empire.

    The Harper Collins Encyclopaediaof Catholicism gives us a synopsis ofthe first two emperors. Justinian I (527to 565) produced codes of legislationthat served the empire well and influ-

    enced, during and after his reign, bothcivil and church law. Charlemagne(800 to 814) subdued, in 774, theLombards, who had been threateningRome. As emperor, he was able toexercise great influence over theVatican.

    Due to further military conquestsand protection given to the Catholicdomain, Pope Leo III crownedCharlemagne Emperor of theRomans on Christmas Day, 800.Charlemagnes vision of a unitedEuropean commonwealth based on theconcepts of renewed learning andreligious unity was indeed success-ful because he, through his influenceand alliance with the Pope, was able tocontrol almost every aspect of secularand religious life, including episcopalappointments, reforms, and the sum-moning and presiding at all churchcouncils.

    Once again, in the mid-900s, theVatican, this time under Pope JohnXII, appealed to German king Otto Ifor protection from Berengar, thecount of Ivrea. In recognition of hisservices, Otto was crowned Emperor(the third of seven) by the Pope inFebruary 962. Otto and John XII drewup the Ottonianum, an agreement ofmutual dependency, which containedclauses stating that any new pope mustfulfill all obligations to the emperor. Inreturn, the emperor would provideprotection to the church and its inter-ests (The Oxford Illustrated History ofMedieval Europe, p. 187).

    In 1208, Pope Innocent III organ-ized the Albigensian Crusade, backedby many of the authorities in northern,pro-Catholic France, the objective ofwhich was to eliminate a determinedgroup of Sabbath-keepers in southernFrance, the Waldenses. Refusingorders from the church to subjugatethe Waldenses, the civil authorities inthat region paid the ultimate pricedestruction at the hands of this horren-dous, church-sanctified crusade. TheRoman Catholic Church expected allcivil authorities to submit to herthose who refused would be harshlydealt with.

    This crusade literally destroyed theProvencal civilization, one of the mostbrilliant in Europe at that time. In the


  • wake of the 20-year campaign, thisdecimated region became completelybackward, and subservient to Parisand Rome.

    To completely eliminate furtherreligious objections, Rome institutedthe infamous Inquisition. Anyone evensuspected of sympathizing withheretics was sentenced to severepunishment by papal decree. For thenext hundred years, confiscations,imprisonments, burnings and everyimaginable form of persecution wereimplemented to stamp out those whodared to differ with Rome (see ourbooklet The History of Gods TRUECHURCH, ch. 4).

    Blum, Cameron and Barnes hadthis to say in regard to Europe,Europeans and the Roman CatholicChurch, prior to the Reformation:

    In 1500 Europeans generally stillspoke of Christendom rather thanEurope to denote the greater entity towhich they belonged. The distinctionis significant. Europe is a secular con-cept that came into vogue only in thelate seventeenth and eighteenth cen-turies; Christendom was a spiritualconcept, ideationally, not geographi-cally, descriptive. It bore witness tothe unity of Western men under theapostolic Church of Rome.

    All except pockets of religiousminoritiesthe Jews, EasternOrthodox Christians in easternEurope, Moslemsworshippedaccording to the same basic rites,accepted the Churchs claim that italone held the keys to salvation, andrecognized the pope as the finalauthority on matter of Church govern-ment, faith, and morals (TheEuropean WorldA History, p. 118).

    Pope Paul III approved theSociety of Jesus (whose memberswere later and more commonlyknown as the Jesuits) in 1540, duringCharles Vs reign as emperor of thefourth restoration. It operated underdirect papal command, with theobjectives during the counter-refor-mation to convert the heathen, toreconvert the lapsed, and, above all,to educate (Norman Davies,EuropeA History, p. 496).

    Some quotes from its founder,igo Lpez de Recalde (better known

    as Ignatius Loyola, his officialCatholic name) include: I have neverleft the Army, I have only been sec-onded to the service of God, andGive me a boy at the age of seven,and he will be mine for ever.Eventually, the Jesuits came to beknown as the churchs secret policeand were eventually assumed to beaccountable to no one. Their powerwas somewhat reduced in 1773, butreinstated in 1814.

    The sixth restoration of the HolyRoman Empire, culminating in theHitler/Mussolini Axis power duringWorld War II, is perhaps the mostfamiliar to most readers, as it is themost recent. The decades leading up to1939 were dark ones for many coun-tries. Since the unification of Italy in1870, the Italian civil government hadnot enjoyed very good relations withthe church.

    In 1922, with fascist forces march-ing on Rome, King Victor EmmanuelIII was essentially forced to askMussolini to form a new government.In 1929, however, Pope Pius XI andMussolini signed the conciliatoryLateran Treaty, which, among otherthings, restored some African coun-tries as Italian territory, guaranteed therole of the church in the life of Italy,especially as the official religion andeducator, and gave the popes approvalfor Mussolinis dictatorship.

    In Germany, Hitler was namedChancellor in January 1933 and, withsupport of the Catholic Center Party,was able to pass the Enabling Act inApril, essentially giving him emer-gency dictatorial powers. By the sum-mer, Germany and the Vatican hadsigned a Concordat to protect thechurchs rights.

    In his book Hitlers Pope, TheSecret History of Pius XII, JohnCornwell pointed out that Pope PiusXII failed to denounce Hitler andNazism in his October 1939 encyclical(pp. 233-234).

    In addition, Cornwell made evidentPius silence in regard to the reportsthat became known during the earlyyears of the war, of Germanys massexecution of Jews, citing,Christianity, and Catholicism in par-ticular, had a long history of anti-

    Judaism on religious grounds that hadby no means abated in the twentiethcentury (p. 280).

    Anti-Americanism, Anti-Anglicism and Anti-Semitism

    We mentioned earlier the dramaticswing in world opinion towardAmerica after September 11, 2001 andleading up to the war in Iraq. This isespecially the case in some Europeancountries that were traditionally loyalAmerican allies. Suddenly, however, ithad become very popular to hateAmerica, and, by extension due totheir loyal support, the UK.

    A poll conducted in late 2002, bythe non-partisan Pew Research Center(Washington, D.C.), in association withthe International Herald Tribune(Neuilly Cedex, France), found thatlarge percentages of Germans, Frenchand Russians opposed any war againstIraq. They believe that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is much moreimportant to Middle East stability, andare generally suspicious of Americanmotives.

    At the annual meeting (January2003) of the World Economic Forum,the outlook was bleak, and all fingerspointed in blame to the United States. Ayear of corporate scandals, rotatingexecutives, and falling stocks, com-bined with the threat of war, all provid-ed good ammunition for such pes-simistic feelings. And all of these issuesare almost directly related to the U.S.

    There was concern that a war inIraq would almost certainly drive upoil and gasoline prices, and increasethe likelihood of another terroristattack, both of which would havetremendously detrimental effects onconsumer confidence. Almost everynation seemed to be looking to theU.S. economy as the leading indicatorof any sort of global recovery.

    A report by the EuropeanMonitoring Center on Racism andXenophobia found that, as has beensomewhat the norm at certain timesthroughout history, social and eco-nomic factors are again fueling racialprejudice against Jews, and that theseprejudices are on the verge of becom-ing acceptable. Typically, the coverageby European media, and most political


  • statements by governments, in regardto the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, havebeen anti-Israeli.

    The Creation of Desperation

    The European economy and, morespecifically, the German economy,the largest and most important, hasbeen faltering for some time.

    An article by John Schmid in theInternational Herald Tribune, on areport released by the McKinsey

    Companys Global Institute, indicatedthat average productivity growth inGermany slowed significantly throughthe second half of the 1990s. Althoughsome may believe this to be a weak-ness, more importantly, it indicates aprolonged condition of politicalunwillingness that will eventuallyhave dramatic socio-political conse-quences.

    In the same article, Juergen Kluge,head of McKinseys German opera-

    tions said, The political thinking inGermanyand this applies to two-thirds of the political class in all thepartiesis that productivity gainsautomatically mean lost jobs.

    A December 2002 article in TheFinancial Times cited several largeGerman companies as indicating thattheir country was facing its biggestcrisis since World War II, and theyquestioned their current governmentswillingness and/or ability to handle it.


    The European Union Today

  • Such a political stagnation will even-tually force a population, through aseemingly ever-increasing unemploy-ment rate and other pressures, to reacha boiling point.

    The creation of a desperate peopletypically creates a desperate environ-ment. Desperate societies have beenknown to vote for and allow desperategovernments!

    The Beast Dominated by Rome

    We know a vacuum exists. We haveseen how recent and current eventshave created and are creating an envi-ronment ripe for the picking. Europe ison the verge of taking its next big stepby instituting a powerful Constitutionand President. The Roman CatholicChurch is insisting on very specificinvolvement in this new United Statesof Europe.

    History has proven that Europeankings typically ally with the churchfrom Rome for their mutual benefit.Very recent history has exposed a viralhatred for, and an eagerness to bringdown, the U.S., UK and Israel. Thecontinuing economic decline inEurope, and specifically Germany,slowly increases the pressure on itspeople, and creates a certain sense ofdesperation, thereby creating a willing-ness to allow desperate measures.

    Revelation 17 portrays a whore rid-ing a seven-headed beast, the seventhhead having ten horns. Very plainly,she, as the rider, will control andmaneuver the beast to do her biddingin fact, she will even require her sub-jects to worship the beast!

    The ten horns are ten kings of cen-tral Europe who will receive power andgive their allegiance to a great leader.This leader, represented by the beastand allied with the Roman church,along with those 10 kings who uniteunder him, will be the seventh and finalrestoration of the Holy Roman Empire,to appear with great speed and force.The world will be shocked by the fero-ciousness of what is now a rather docileEU!

    This final Holy Roman Empire hasalready allied with Russia. Right now,the EU and Russia are drawing closerand closer, and cooperating more andmore in regard to defense and security,trade and travel. This will provideEurope with strategic access to Russianoil supplies, as well as their militarytechnology and production capabilities.

    God has historically used Assyria topunish His nation of Israel. The mod-ern-day descendents of Assyria arenone other than the Germans! And sothey, as the largest and strongest nationof this final Holy Roman Empire, will

    be used one last time to mete out pun-ishment, in what the Bible calls theGreat Tribulation, on the modern-daydescendants of Israelprimarily theUnited States, United Kingdom and theremnants of its empire.

    Finally, Europe will break off itsalliance with Russia and attack her.Russia, then allied with the greathordes of men from the east (China,possibly along with Japan, India, etc.),will counter-attack and cause greatdestruction (Rev. 9:13-21).

    In the end, at Christs Return, Hispower and strengthHis govern-mentwill destroy and permanentlyreplace (Dan. 2:34, 44-45) the two feetand ten toes of the final Holy RomanEmpire.

    But first, in fact at this verymoment, a great dark cloud is formingover the world. A tremendous power isrising right now in Europe to dominateall nations, requiring observance of itsway and worship of its image.

    However, there is a way to escape.A warning is now being given.

    Listen carefully. Read carefully. Actnow. For there will come a time whenthis warning will no longer be able tobe givenand then it will be toolate F


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