our town may 20, 1915

I Go to Nar bro ok Next Saturday No League Game Here Next Saturday VOLUME I. NUMBER 32 N AR BE RT H, P A., T HU RS DA Y. M AY 20 , 1915 PRICE TW O CENTS NARBERTH HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR CLASS VISITS WASHINGTON, D. HOLIDAY HOUSE OPENS JUNE 14. Th e King 's Da ughter s Holida y House, o f N a rb e rt h , where 183 moth e rs a nd t he ir children spent several weeks last year, will be opened Mon day, June 14. A d on at io n d a y w il l be h el d S a tu r da y , June 11. T he u se of th e house is contr ibute d by Miss Mary K. Gibson, of Wynnewood. Mrs. Frederick Derby, of Narberth, i s p r e si · dent of th e Narberth branch. WORK ON NE W PARK FORMALLY OPENS NEXT SATURDAY AFTERNOON PARK CONTRA C' I. ' AWARDED TO ALEXANDER C. SHAND, J& Th e P ar k Development Committee of th e Civic Association, after con s id er in g a nd r ec on si de ri ng s ev er al complete competitivebids for t h e w or k of building the new p ar k, f in al ly a w ar d ed t he contract to Alexander C. S h an d, J r ., a local b oy , w ho h as b ut r e ce n tl y e n te r ed t he c o nt ra c ti ng field, a nd t he n ec es sa ry a gr ee me nt s w er e s ig ne d l a st S a tu r da y. Mr. Shand agrees to complete the work In seventy working days, and the Civic Association's landscape engineer and s pe c ia l is t in model communi ties , Robert Anderson Pope. wi ll supervise e ve r y d et ai l a s the work progresses. MEMORIAL DA Y IN OUR SCHOOL The Executive Committee of the Civic Association have been seeking a sultaNe name for th e new park de velopment e ve r s in ce t he p ro je ct w as an a ss ur ed s uc c es s a nd , after con sidering fifteen or twenty suggestions, d e ci de d t o adopt "NARBROOK" as the name to designate the t r ac t a s a wh Ol e. Formally, the first s pa de g oe s i nt o t he g ro un d i n th e new park next Sat urday at 3 o'clock P. M. E v e ry o n e i s invited to be present. B r i e f e x e rc i s es and s p ee c he s w i ll mark the actual b eg in ni ng of th e r e a li z a ti o n o f this great improvement which a l a r ge g r o up of public-spirited c it iz en s h a ve m a de posslble-one it Is h op ed w il l redound to t he c re di t of the borough an d to point t he w ay to other l o ca l it i es d e si r i ng to promote model communities or c o - o pe r a t iv e i m provements. Preparations for t he se e xe rc is es h av e n e ce s sa r il y been hurried, an d complete d et ai ls c an no t be given at this time. Invitations have been sent to Gover n or Ma rt in G. Brumbaugh, Mayor N EW P AH K GI VEN PlmllANENT R ud ol ph B la nk en bu rg , of P hl la de l- NA)[E. p hi a ; P r es i de n t Samuel R ea, of th e P e n ns y l va n i a R a i lroad, and Secretary Sullivan, of the S ub ur b an Metropol itan Planning Commission, as guests of honor and to speak. The presi dents of the M ai n L in e C It iz en s' As s oc i at i on , M e ri o n . C iv ic A s so c ia t i on, B al a- Cy nw yd N ei gh bor ho od C lu b, Wayne I m p r o v em e n t Association, Col wyn C iv ic A ss oc i at i on a nd Ridley Park Civi c Associati on have also been i nv it ed to be present. Burgess Geo. M. H e nr y , p r e si d e nt o f th e Narberth Civic Association, an d originator of wh at has already be- c om e k no wn t hr ou gh ou t t he l an d as Th e M e mo r ia l D a y program at the th e Narberth Co-operative Plan, will 1'\arbe rth School arranged by Profes- briefly review th e work o f g e tt in g t h is SOl' Melchior and his committee of stu- big development and will be th e first dents bids fall' to be m os t a tt ra c ti ve . f or ma l ly to break t he g r ou nd . Mem T h e e x er c is e s w il l be hel'.! r'tl Frldav bers of t he Park Devel opment Com afternoon, May 28. The program fol- mittee will be present to speak. lows: The Park Idea-What I t Is and What 1 P. M. a M e mo r ia l program In the I t Is Not. a u d i t or i u m . c o n s i st i n g of singing anllAs an i l l us t r at i o n o f the lack of in selections by the school and a short f or ma ti on a m on g o u r people as to th e address. real purp o se o f t h i s I m pr o ve m en t and 2.15 P. M. field s p or t s, c o ns i st i ng th e way Ih which it Is b e i ng h a nd l e d, of t wo p ar ts , c al is th en ic w or k antI one citizen wanted to k now how we various physical exercises by c hi ld re n c ou ld afford to Improve parks when of a ll t he g ra de s a nd a series of fielll we couldn't a ff or d to pave all ou r sports. streets. Another thought the t ax r at e The girls of the School Athleti c As- was too h i gh a lr ea dy . A third sug soclatlon will conduct a lawn fete gested that w e o u gh t t o b ui ld a school While the field events are in progress, I house f ir st . A nd yet a fourth thought w hi ch m e an s that w hi le t he s pe ct a- I a park in a s ub ur ba n t ow n was a t ?rs a re enjoying the physical exer- f oo l I de a, anyhow. In view of such clses they c an a lso e n jo y d el ic i ou s m i s ta k e n i m pr e s s ions a brief state Ices a nd d ai nt ie s o f t he season. ment of the real Obje'ct and purposes The exercises in the a ud it or iu m a no of this d e v e lo p m e nt seems in o rd er . t.he field sports are entirely free. Let us s up po se you own a home Silver cups, ~ e d a l s a nd o th er prizes a n yw h er e i n this community, bu t ad are to be d i st r Ib u te d t o t h e successful joining a vacant lot. You wonder PFPIJ,S O}' ~ n s s W t: NT Z TO G IVE contestants. what kind of h ou se t he o w ne r i s g oi ng A RECITAIJ. Let us e n c ou r a ge the s c ho l ar s a n d t o b ui ld and Whether he will keep the The music pupils of Miss Achsah the faCUlt y of ou r school, as well as g ro u nd s i n as g oo d c on d i tion as you Went.z w il l g iv e a r e ci ta l n e xt Tues- enjoy o u r s e l v e ~ an d commemorate t he k ee p y ou rs . You know that whatever d a y e v en in g at 8 o 'c lo ck , I n the gym- da , hy attendmg the exercises. he does is going to have a direct in nasium of t he Y. M. C. A. Community I. T h e p r og r am has been a r ~ a n g e d f or f lu en ce for b e tt e r o r worse, a s t he case Center. The parents and frie n ds of the Friday afternoon,., May 28, m s ~ e a d of may be. on your own property. pupils are all cordially invited. for Monday, May ..1, so as to gI ve the Now, b r oa d e n y o ur h o ri z on a little. Among the p upils who will t ak e ch ildre n a ~ · 9 a l holiday on th e 31st. Th e TOWN is your home. a nd e ve ry part in t h e i nt e re s ti ng p r og r am a r e: which will be generally observed. improvement started in it concerns J a ni c e C ar mi nt , Herbert McCarter, you. I t is now just as i m po r ta n t t o Catherine Caldwell, lIma S c ot t , J o s e ph J TO TU t: RS ' DA Y TN THE S EV EN TI I y ou that some v ac an t l ot in another Snyder, L aw re nc e H ous ton . E ri ca AND EIGIITH GRADES TIllS part of town is properly Improved, as K r el l , A va M u lh ol la nd, Dorothy Bot- TIIURSDAY A}'TERNOON. it was t ha t t he one n ex t d oo r wa s t om s, Mabel Kirkpatrick, Gladys All mothers who a tt en de d t he l ,e pt in first-class condition. In Hanks. Emily Ne ed ha m, B es si e Mothers' Meeting held in the lower short. what you do towards improv Magui re, Mildred Harris, Dorothy Dur- grades of the Narberth Publ ic Scho ol ing your o wn p r op e rt y a d ds value to bin, Sydnie Bolich, Needham. ago will b e gla d t o know W h at y o ur Ma y Dando. that t h e m ot h er s of th e seventh a nd n ei gh bo r does t o wa r d i mp ro v in g h is e ig ht h g ra de c hi ld re n will be given property a d d s v a l ue to it and to yours. 1'1R. C A R ~ I I N T ' S RECITAL. the same opportunity for pleasure and And w h at e v er y o t he r p e rs on in town T h os e Narberthians who attended profit. Probably no school activity this does t o i mp ro ve h is or her p ro pe rt y t he r e ci ta l given by Mr. Carmlnt at e ar h as created as much interest as a dd s v al ue to the whole. Griffith Hall, last Thursday night, t h e se M o th e r s' M e et in gs . Mothe rs ap- With th ese principles in mind, and have cause to be t ha nk fu l t he y took I p re ci at e t he v al ue o f being b et te r a c- r em em be ri ng a ls o that the railroad the trip to the city. The hall was very qualnted with school conditions. a p pr o ac h to a town Is like t he f ro nt comfortably filled, bu t a n y f u rt h er a r - T hi s T h ur s da y a f te r no on from 1 P. drive l ea d in g t o a country estate, al l rivals would h av e h ad t o fine standing M. to 3.30 will be designated as t h at is necessary for you to do further room. Mothers' Day for the seventh a nd is to r ec all the general condi tion an d Mr. C ar mi nt's program c ov er ed a e i gh th g ra de s. I t is hoped th e a t- a pp ea ra nc e of th e v ac an t l an d l yi ng very wide r an ge a nd ga ve h im ample tendance at t hi s m ee t in g wil l be as along th e stream a nd e x te nd in g f r om opportunity to display his. versatile large or even larger than t ho se o f t he W in ds or to Price avenue, remember powers. He happened to be In very ex- cellent voice a nd w as r ep ea te dl y e n- p re vi ou s m ee ti ng s. M ot he rs . wh o ( Co nt in ue d o n P a ge 2) cored. T he p ri nt ed p ro gr am w as r ea ll y w er e n ot a bl e to attend heretofore will r e pr e se n ta t iv e o f o nl y a b ou t one-half be welcome o n T h ur s da y even if they the evening's numbers. have no children in these grades. T he a s si st a nt artists were Miss An opportunity w i ll b e g iv en to visit Haeseler, h ar pi st , w ho r en de re d ex- th e rooms an d see a ct ua l w or k in ceedingly diffi cult numbers very clev- p ro gr e ss . F ol lo wi ng t h at , an oppor e rl y a nd Mr. P ed ri ck , or N ar be rt h, tunity will be given to see th e lunch piano accompanist. All in a ll , N a rb e rt h r o om an d discuss school lunches i s we ll r ep re se nt ed in P h il a de l ph i a w i th Mrs. Justice. A r o u nd t a bl e con musical circles, an d as well as being f e re n ce w i th th e principal, on school " T he Y ea r ' R ou nd H om e T ow n, " i s an p ro bl em s, w il l b e o ne o f t h e i mp o rt a nt "All 'Round Town, T he Y ea r 'Round," features of the afternoon. Y. M . C. A. NOTES I · G A ~ [ E S FOR SATURDAY, MAY 22. Narberth at Paoli. C I Gulph Mills an d Dun & Co. (Travel ers.) I Wayne at Overbrook. I C O M M E N C E ~ I E N T DAY J UN E 1 8. I TRIM YOUR TREES OF LOW HANG. Plans ar e being made for the com-I ING BRANCHES. mencement Day exer cises at t he N ar - I f y ou h av e a ny r eg ar d for your berth S c ho ol , w hi ch w il l be held on I neighbors' eyes a nd u mb re ll as r ea d Friday, June 18, in the school aUditor-II the following communication from lum. Th e g r a du a ti n g e x er c is e s this Councilman Redifer-and act! y e ar p r om is e to be unusually inter- Walking on th e s id ew al ks of many e s t b i ~ . g · 1 Tdh.e c O ~ ~ l e t e i program will be of ou r avenues is positively dangerous pu IS Ie II I a a er ssue. on account of the low hanging now OLD ARE YO U7 branches of th e trees. M r. R e di f er ' s a dv ic e i s n ot only sound, bu t sane. I f You needn't say, bu t take a penny I we neglect to do as h e u rg es , sooner for each birthday to th e Baptist I or l at er some one will be seriously C h ur c h o n Friday evening,May 28. You ar e certain to enjoy the fete. It willbe i nj ur ed . funny as it ca n be, a nd h el p t he Mis- - - - sion Society. Owing to th e g ro wt h of the treeil It wil l b e a real birthday party with and t he h ea vy foliage at this seaso!! games an d r e fr e sh m ents. The Kit chen of the year, the limbs overhanging the Orchestra will be h ea rd f or t he f i rs t s i de w al k s are, in many plac e s, b o rn e time in our home town. W atc h f or down during a nd a ft er rainstorms so notice in next week's I s su e -e o mp l et e t h at the sidewalks are almost im personnel will be ~ I v e n . passable. Branches which in d r ~ ' weather are eight or ten f e et a bo ve the sidewalk d ro p t o w it hi n four or five f ee t of the w a lk w he n· weighted b y r ai n, making it impossible to walk u n de r t h em w i th o ut s to oping. T hi s is a condition which no resident willing ly wants to Impose on h is neighbors. It exists through o ve rs ig ht a nd neglect rather than b y d es i gn . Many of t he s tr ee t l igh ts ar e al most o bs c ur e d b y t re e s, s h ut ti n g t h e light from the sidewalks and road ways, making w a lk i ng d a n ge r o us a n d g r e a tl y d e t r ac t i ng from th e u t il i ty o f t he l ig ht s w hi ch t he bo ro ug h pays $2400 annually to maint. ain . This suggestion is o ff er ed : Take off t he l ow er branclJes of trees over· hnndnlt sidewalks so thnt there will b e t we lv e f ee t headroom an d around street l igh ts t ri m c le ar f if te en feet f r om t il e g ro un d. This will not dimin Ish th e shade, bu t will allow a better we circulation of ai r under th e t re es on sultry days. This Is writt. en with the hope that t h os e w ho read it will ac t themselves. "Are my t r e es obst ruct ing th e street llghts a nd ma king th e c ar ry in g of umbrellas a d el us io n and a s n a r e ~ " Test It out yourself. T he n ex t time it rains t ak e y our umbrella for a stroll and see what happens. When you return it wi ll be w ith t he firm resolution that if your trees hang low y ou w il l send an order to h av e t he m t r i mm e d f o r t hw i t h , or, better still, get out the old s aw a nd do it yourself. A. P. Redifer. "He a lo ne i s h ap py wh o h a s l ea r n. ed to extract happiness, not from I de al c on d: t lo ns , b ut f ro m t h e a c tu al ones about him." The Senior Class of our High School,--------------- accompanied by Mr. an d Mrs. Melchior Miss Wetherill spent three daYlI, May 6th -8t h, in the city of Washing ton. 'l'he m ai n f e at ur e of the trip was the e d u c at i o n al a d v a n t ag e offered in the study of th e v ar io us d ep ar t ments of our National Government. T he t ri p carefully planned an d t he e nt ir e s ch ed ul e w as c ar ri ed out. It included far m or e t ha n th e usual i t i ne r a r y o f s c ho ol t o ur i ng par ties, as t h e N a rb e rt h party was com posed of b ut te n pe rson s a nd ever y pupil to see a nd h ea r thing presented. T h e s i g ht - s e ei n g tour included visits to the following places of interest: C a pi to l, N av y Y ar d, G un S hops, Naval l\Iuseum, Congressional Library, Washington Monument, Bureau of En g ra vi ng s, A gr ic ul tu ra l Buildings, S m i t hs o n i an Instit ute, Ol d Museum, New Nat ional Museum, Department of .Fisheries, State, W ar a nd Navy Build i n gs , P a n- A me r ic a n B ui ld in g, C or coran Art Gallery, T r e as u ry , W h it e I H o u se ( i nc l ud i ng a d mi s si o n by card, to e nt ir e fir st floor), Pension Build- in. B ot an ic al G ar de ns , A rl in gt on , I'REE LIBRARY. Fort Meyer, A l e xa n d r ia , a n d Washing- ton's home at Mount Vernon. A conversation w it h a new Narberth- T he cost of the e nt ir e t rip , Includ-I ite at the Y. M. C. A. T hi s n ew r es i in g t he g ui de f ee s a nd a ll incidentals d en t h ad called at th e Y. M. <:. A. to an d c ho ic e h ot el a cc om mo da ti on s, I ge t d e ta i ls o f the library. mform was $12 for each member of th e p a rty . ed her that it w as a f re e 1 Ib ra ar y at The pupils all report having had aI th e disposal of . ~ h e c it iz en s o f Nar most profitable a nd ple asa nt time. I berth. She. said Why, that is an un- TI th h I t.·e i Wa shing - usual p ri VI le ge f or a s ma ll t ow n l ik e Ie 0 er sc 00 par 1 s n this. I s h ou l d t h in k it w ou ld b e over- ton at t he s am e time were Trenton, run W hy d on 't t h e p e op le appreciate West Philadelphia, William P en n a nd it ~ o r e ? Isn't it advertised or gener- Lansdowne. . a l l y k n ow n ?" On Friday evening Mrs. Melclnor We i n fo r me d her that it was we ll chaperoned a t h e at r e p a r ty . including a d ve r ti s ed , in fact the people them Misses Muller, Redifer and Cummer, s e lv e s c o nt r ib u te d m o s t of th e books. while the other g ir ls w er e t he guests The only remark w as , " We ll , that's of honor at a party g iv en t he m by strange." some of t he s tu d en ts of t he L an s- Question:-Do you know that downe School, at the Metropolitan Ho- h a v e a b o ut 1500 volumes? tel. where th ey w er e ma king their BOYS' CAMP ILLUSTRATED. }; "lad quarters. . We hope that all b oy s b e tw e en the ages of twelveand eighteen years will NEW t ' ~ I F O R } [ S }'OR }'IRE COM. r ea d t hi s a nn ou nc em en t; also all P ANY } I E ~ m E R S . m ot he r s a n d f a th er s w ho are interest- All m em be rs o f t he N ar be rt h F ir e ed in giving their boy a vacation Company reported at t he F ir e House under the right environment. last Monday eveni ng to be measured Come to the Y. M. C. A. Friday for new uniforms. evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. H. C. Bucke- The company i s s pr uc in g u p a bi t le w, w ho w il l be · In charge of Camp in an attempt to land a pr ize during Tobickon " on t he Del aware," wil l give the coming Fire Companyparades, one I an Illustrated talk on B o ys ' C am ps . to be held in Philadelphia, O ct ob er 2 C om e a n d m e et Mr. Buckelew, and you (the s t at e p a ra d e) an d t he o th er to will be glad to have your boy under be held in Cynw;d. O ct ob er 7 ( t1 le ' his guidance. Narberth is going to be L wer 1\lerlon Township pa ade.) well represented. T h e f ol lo wi ng b o ys o ar e g oi n g: W a yn e B on d, Baird Cald well, Addison Covert, Frank Kromer, )<' rancis Wipf, John Wilson-ana many others w i ll d ec id e a f te r F r id a y even Ing. NEW on'ICt:RS OF ]t[EN'S CLUB. The Me n's Club of the Pres byt e r i an Church elected new o ff ic er s M ay 1 0, all to serve for t he e ns ui ng year. They are: President, George M. C o le s wo r th y ; fir st vice-president,!.. "' . Nickers on; second vice-pr esident . Wm. P. Nas h; secre t a ry , A. C. War ner; t r e as u r er , W a lt o n M. Wentz. THE GRADUATING CLASS AT ltIT. VERNON Reading from left to right are: Corrie Yowell, Sllvla Cummer, Jean K pr n s, M rs . Wm. T. Melc hior, Mi ss Nel lie Wetherlll, P ro f. W m. T. Mel. 4) hl or , Marlon U n an g st , E l v a D a r li n gt o n, Bertha Redifer and ]t[arguerlte E. l'[ueller,

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IGo to Narbrook Next


No League Game Here

Next Saturday




The King 's Da ughter s Holida y

House, of Narberth , where 183 mothe rs a nd t he ir children spent severalweeks last year, will be opened Monday, June 14. A donat ion day wil l beheld Saturday , June 11. T he u se ofth e house i s contr ibute d by MissMary K. Gibson, of Wynnewood. Mrs.

Frederick Derby, of Narberth, i s presi ·dent of th e Narberth branch.



Th e P ar k Development Committeeof the Civic Association, after cons id er ing and recon si de ri ng s ever al

complete competitive bids for the workof building the new park, f inal lyawarded the contract to Alexander C.Shand, J r ., a local boy, who h as b ut

recen tly en tered the cont racting field,a nd t he n ec es sa ry a gr eement s w er e

s igned last Saturday.

Mr. Shand agrees to complete the

work In seventy working days, and the

Civic Association's landscape engineerand specia l is t in model communities,Robert Anderson Pope. wil l superviseevery detai l as the work progresses.


The Executive Committee of the

Civic Association have been seeking asultaNe name for th e new park development eve r s in ce t he p ro ject was

a n a ss ur ed success and , after considering fifteen or twenty suggestions,decided to adopt "NARBROOK" as thename to designate the t r ac t as a whOle.

Formally, thefirst

s pade goes i nt o

t he g round i n the new park next Saturday at 3 o'clock P. M. Everyone is

invited to be present.

Brief exercises and speeches will

mark the actual beg inni ng o f th e

realization of this great improvement

which a large group of public-spiritedcit izens have made posslble-one it Ishoped wil l redound to t he c redi t of

the borough and to point t he w ay to

other localit ies desiring to promote

model communities or co-operative improvements.

Preparations for t he se exe rc is es

have necessar ily been hurried, and

complete d et ai ls canno t b e given atthis time.Invitations have been sent to Gover

n or Ma rt in G. Brumbaugh, Mayor

NEW PAHK GIVEN PlmllANENT Rudol ph Blankenbu rg , o f Phl lade l-NA)[E. phia; Pres iden t Samuel Rea, of the

Pennsylvania Railroad, and Secretary

Sullivan, of the Suburban Metropol

itan Planning Commission, as guestsof honor and to speak. The presi

dents of the Main Line CIt izens' Associat ion, Merion .Civic Associat ion,Bal a-Cynwyd Nei ghborhood C lub,Wayne Improvement Association, Colwyn Civic Associat ion a nd Ridley

Park Civic Association have also been

inv it ed to be present.Burgess Geo. M. Henry, president of

the Narberth Civic Association, andoriginator of wh at has already be-come known t hroughou t t he l and as

The Memorial Day program at the the Narberth Co-operative Plan, will1'\arberth School arranged by Profes- briefly review the work of gett ing th is

SOl' Melchior and his committee of stu- big development and wil l b e the first

dents bids fall ' to be most att ractive . formal ly to break the ground . MemThe exercises wil l be hel'.! r'tl Frldav bers of t he Park Development Comafternoon, May 28. The program fol- mittee wil l be present to speak.

lows: The Park Idea-What I t Is and Wha t1 P. M. a Memorial program In the I t Is Not.

auditorium. consisting of singing a n l l A s an i l lustrat ion of the lack o f i n

selections by the school and a short formation among our people as to the

address. real purpose of this Improvement and

2.15 P. M. field sports, consist ing the way Ih which it Is being handled,of two par ts , c al is th en ic work antI one citizen wanted to k now how we

various physical exercises by chi ld ren could afford to Improve parks when

of a ll t he g ra de s a nd a series of fielll we couldn't a ff ord to pave all ou r

sports. streets. Another thought the t ax r at eThe gi rl s of the School Athletic As- was too high already . A third sug

soclatlon will conduct a lawn fete gested that we ought to bui ld a school

While the field events are in progress, I house f ir st . And yet a fourth thought

which means that whi le t he s pect a- I a park in a s uburban t own was at ?rs a re enjoying the physical exer- fool Idea, anyhow. In view of such

clses they c an a lso enjoy del icious mistaken impressions a brief state

Ices and dai nt ie s o f t he season. ment o f t he real Obje'ct and purposes

The exercises in the aud it or ium ano o f this development seems i n o rd er .

t.he field sports are entirely free. Let u s s uppo se you own a home

Silver cups, ~ e d a l s and o th er prizes anywhere in this community, bu t ad are to be distrIbuted to the successful joining a vacant lot. You wonder

PFPIJ,S O}' ~ n s s Wt:NTZ TO GIVE contestants. what kind of house the owner i s goingA RECITAIJ. Let us encourage the scholars and t o bui ld and Whether he will keep the

The music pupils of Miss Achsah the faCUlty of ou r school, as well as grounds in as good condit ion as you

Went.z wil l g ive a reci ta l next Tues- enjoy o u r s e l v e ~ and commemorate t he k eep you rs . You know that whatever

day evening at 8 o 'c lock , In the gym- day, hy attendmg the exercises. he does i s g oi ng t o h av e a di rect in

nasium of the Y. M. C. A. Community I. The program has been a r ~ a n g e d for f luence for bette r or worse, a s the caseCenter. The parents and friends of the Friday afternoon,.,May 28, m s ~ e a d of may be. on your own property.

pupils are all cordially invited. for Monday, May ..1, so as to gIve the Now, broaden your horizon a little.

Among the p upils who will t ak e ch ildre n a ~ · 9 a l holiday on th e 31st. The TOWN i s y ou r home. and eve rypart in the interes ting program are: which wil l be generally observed. improvement started in it concerns

Janice Carmint , Herbert McCarter, you. I t is now just as impor tant toCatherine Caldwell, lIma Scott ,Joseph JTOTUt:RS' DAY TN THE SEVENTII you that some v ac an t l ot i n another

Snyder, Law re nc e Hous ton . E ri ca AND EIGIITH GRADES TIllS part of town is properly Improved, asKrell , Ava Mulholland, Dorothy Bot- TIIURSDAY A}'TERNOON. it was t ha t t he one nex t doo r was

t oms, Mabel Kirkpatrick, Gladys All mothers who a tt en de d t he l ,e pt in first-class condition. In

Hanks. Emily Needham, Bes si e Mothers' Meeting held in the lower short. what you do towards improv

Maguire, MildredHarris, Dorothy Dur- grades of the Narberth Public School ing your own property adds value to

bin, Sydnie Bolich, Irene Needham. I da some we eks ago will b e gla d t o know It and to your neighbor' s. What your

May Dando. that the mothers of th e seventh and nei ghbo r does toward improving his

e ight h g rade chi ld ren will be given property adds value to it and to yours.

1'1R. C A R ~ I I N T ' S RECITAL. the same opportunity for pleasure and And what every o ther person in town

Those Narberthians who attended profit. Probably no school activity this does t o imp rove h is o r h er p rope rt ythe reci ta l g ive n b y Mr. Carmlnt at ..e ar h as created as much interest as adds value to the whole.Griffith Hall, last Thursday night, these Mothers' Meetings. Mothers ap- With th ese principles in mind, and

have cause to be t hank fu l t hey took Ip reci at e t he val ue o f being bet te r ac- r ememberi ng a ls o that the railroadthe trip to the city. The hall was very qualnted with school conditions. approach to a town Is like t he f ront

comfortably filled, bu t any further ar - This Thursday af ternoon from 1 P. drive lead ing to a country estate, al l

rivals would have had t o fine standing M. to 3.30 will be designated as th at is necessary for you t o do further

room. Mothers' Day for the seventh a nd is to r ec all the general condition andMr. Carmint's program cov er ed a eigh th grades. I t is hoped th e a t- a pp ea ra nc e of the vacan t l and l yi ng

very wide r an ge a nd ga ve h im ample tendance at thi s meet ing wil l be as along the stream and extend ing from

opportunity to display his. versatile large or even larger than those of t he Windsor to Price avenue, rememberpowers. He happened to be In very ex-cellent voice and was r epea tedl y en- p revi ou s mee ti ng s. Mothe rs .who (Cont inued on Page 2)cored. The p ri nt ed p rogr am was r ea ll y were not abl e to attend heretofore willrepresen ta t ive of only about one-half be welcome on Thursday even if they

the evening's numbers. have no children in these grades.The assi st ant artists were Miss An opportunity will be given to visit

Haeseler, h arpi st , who rende red ex- the rooms an d see a ct ua l w or k in

ceedingly difficult numbers very clev- progress . Fol lowing that , an oppor

e rl y a nd Mr. Ped ri ck , o r Narbe rt h, tunity will be g ive n t o se e the lunch

piano accompanist. All in all , Narberth room and discuss school lunches

i s we ll r ep re sent ed i n Philadelphia with Mrs. Justice. A round table conmusical circles, and as well as being ference wi th the principal, on school

"The Year 'Round Home Town," i s an problems, wil l be one of the important

"All 'Round Town, The Yea r 'Round," features of the afternoon.




Narberth at Paoli.C I Gulph Mills and Dun & Co. (Travel• ers.)I Wayne at Overbrook.

IC O M M E N C E ~ I E N T DAY JUNE 18. ITRIM YOUR TREES OF LOW HANG.Plans ar e being made for the com-I ING BRANCHES.

mencement Day exercises at t he Nar - I f you have any regard for your

berth School , which wil l be held on Ineighbors' eyes a nd umb re ll as r ea d

Friday, June 18, in the school aUditor-II the following communication fromlum. The graduating exercises this Councilman Redifer-and act!

year promise to be unusually inter- Walking on th e s idewalks of many

e s t b i ~ . g · 1 Tdh.e c O ~ ~ l e t e i program will be of our avenues is positively dangerous

pu IS Ie II I a a er ssue. on account of the low hanging

now OLD ARE YOU7 branches of the trees. Mr. Redifer 'sadv ice i s not only sound, bu t sane. I f

You needn't say, bu t take a penny Iwe neglect to do as he urges , soonerfor each birthday to th e Baptist I o r l at er some one wil l b e seriouslyChurch on Friday evening, May 28. Youar e certain to enjoy the fete. It wil l b e i nj ur ed .funny as it can be, a nd h el p t he Mis- - - -sion Society. Owing to the g rowth o f the treeil

It wil l b e a real birthday party with and the heavy foliage at this seaso!!games and refreshments. The Kitchen of the year, the limbs overhanging theOrchestra wil l b e h ea rd f or t he fi rs t s idewalks a re , i n m an y places, bornetime in our home town. Watc h f or down during and a ft er rainstorms sonotice i n n ex t week's I ssue-eomplete that the sidewalks are almost impersonnel wil l be ~ I v e n . passable. Branches which in d r ~ '

weather are eight or ten feet abovethe sidewalk d rop t o w it hi n four orfive f ee t of the walk when· weightedby rain, making it impossible to walkunder them without stooping. This isa condition which no resident willingly wants to Impose on h is neighbors.It exists through o ve rs ig ht a nd

neglect rather than by design.Many of t he s tr ee t l igh ts ar e a l

most obscured by t rees, shut ting the

light from the sidewalks and roadways, making walking dangerous and

greatly detract ing from th e util i ty of

t he l ig ht s whi ch t he bo ro ug h pays$2400 annually to maint.ain.This suggestion i s o ffered : Take

off the lower branclJes of trees over·

hnndnlt sidewalks so thnt there willb e twe lv e f ee t headroom and around

street l igh ts t rim c le ar fifteen feetfrom tile ground. Thi s wil l no t diminIsh th e shade, bu t will allow a better

we circulation of ai r under the t re es on

sultry days.This Is writt.en with the hope thatthose who read it will ac t themselves."Are my t rees obstructing the street

llghts a nd ma king th e c ar ry in g of

umbrellas a delus ion and a s n a r e ~ "Test It out yourself. T he n ex t timeit rains t ak e y our umbrella for astroll and see what happens. Whenyou return it wi ll b e w ith t he firmresolution that if your trees hang lowyou wil l send an order to have them

trimmed forthwith, or, better still, getout the old s aw and do it yourself.

A. P. Redifer.

"He a lo ne i s h appy who has learn.

ed to extract happiness, not fromIdeal cond:t lons, but from the actual

ones about him."

The Senior Class of our High School,---------------

accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Melchiorand Miss Wetherill spent three daYlI,May 6th-8th, in the city of Washington. 'l'he main feature of the trip

was the educational advantage offeredin the study of th e v ar io us d ep ar t

ments of our National Government.The t rip had been carefully planned

and t he ent ir e s ch edul e was car ri ed

out. It included far more t han the

usual i t inerary of school touring par

ties, as the Narberth party was composed of b ut te n pe rson s a nd ever y

pupil was able t o s ee and hea r everything presented.The sight-seeing tour included visits

to the following places of interest:

Capitol, Navy Yard, Gun Shops, Navall\Iuseum, Congressional Library,Washington Monument, Bureau of Eng ravi ng s, Agr icul tu ra l Buildings,Smithsonian Institute, Old Museum,New National Museum, Department of.Fisheries, State, War and Navy Buildings, Pan-American Bui ld ing, Corcoran Art Gallery, Treasury, White IHouse (including admission by card,

t o ent ir e first floor), Pension Build-

in. Botan ical Gardens , Arl ington , I'REE LIBRARY.Fort Meyer, Alexandria, and Washing-ton's home at Mount Vernon. A conversation with a new Narberth-

T he c os t o f t he e nt ir e t rip , Includ-I ite at the Y. M. C. A. Thi s n ew res i

ing t he guide fees a nd a ll incidentals d en t h ad called at th e Y. M. <:. A. toand cho ic e hot el a ccommoda ti on s, Ige t detai ls of the library. ~ mform

was $12 for each member of th e p a rty . e d h er that it was a f re e 1 Ib ra ary atThe pupils all report having had a Ithe disposal of . ~ h e cit izens of Nar

most profitable a nd ple asa nt time. Iberth. She. said Why, th at is an un-

TI th h I t.·e i Wa shing - usual priVIlege for a small town l ikeIe 0 er sc 00 par 1 s n this. I should think it would be over-

ton at t he s ame time were Trenton, run Why don 't the people appreciateWest Philadelphia, William Penn and it ~ o r e ? Isn't it advertised or gener-Lansdowne. . ally known?"On Friday evening Mrs. Melclnor We informed her that i t w as we ll

chaperoned a theatre party. including advertised, in fact the people them

Misses Muller, Redifer and Cummer, selves contributed most of the books.while the other g ir ls were t he guests The only remark was , "We ll , that'sof honor at a party g iven them by strange."some of the s tuden ts of t he Lan s- Question:-Do you know that

downe School, at the Metropolitan Ho- have about 1500 volumes?tel. where th ey w er e ma king their BOYS' CAMP ILLUSTRATED.}; "ladquarters.. We hope that all boys between the

ages of twelve and eighteen years willNEW t ' ~ I F O R } [ S }'OR }'IRE COM. r ead t hi s announcemen t; also all

PANY } I E ~ m E R S . mothers and fathers who are interest-

All membe rs o f t he Narbe rt h F ir e ed in giving their boy a vacation

Company reported at t he F ir e House under the right environment.last Monday evening to be measured Come to the Y. M. C. A. Friday

for new uniforms. evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. H. C. Bucke-The company i s s pruc ing up a bi t lew, who w il l be · In charge o f Camp

in a n a tt em pt t o l an d a pr ize during Tobickon "on the Delaware," will givethe coming Fire Companyparades, one Ian Illustrated talk on Boys ' Camps.to b e held in Philadelphia, October 2 Come and meet Mr. Buckelew, and you(the state parade) and the o ther to will be glad t o have your boy underbe held in Cynw;d. October 7 ( t1 le ' his guidance. Narberth is going to beL wer 1\lerlon Township parade.) well represented. The fol lowing boyso ar e going: Wayne Bond, Baird Cald

well, Addison Covert, Frank Kromer,)<'rancis Wipf, John Wilson-ana many

others will decide af ter Fr iday evenIng.


The Men's Club of the PresbyterianChurch elected new officers May 10,all to serve for the ensuing year.They are: President, George M.Colesworthy; fi rs t vice-president,!..

"' . Nickerson; second vice-president.Wm. P. Nash; secretary, A. C. War

ner; t reasurer, Walton M. Wentz.


Reading from l ef t t o r ight a re : Corrie Yowell, Sllvla Cummer, Jean

Kprns, Mrs. Wm. T. Melchior, Miss Nellie Wetherlll, Prof. Wm. T. Mel.4)hlor, Marlon Unangst , Elva Darlington, Bertha Redifer and ]t[arguerlte E.l'[ueller,

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NARBERTII, l ~ A , - o U R T O W N - - ~ I A Y 2 0 1U15


was compelled to leave early because

of the s er io us i ll ne ss o f my w it e a nt i

d augh te r. A ft er I had gone, and be

fore I was a dv is ed o f what Council

did after I left, I wrote the letter

which was pub li sh ed in last week's

issue of Our Town."At the Counc il meet ing last Mon

day night I again brought up the

question of ashAs, and the opinion of

t he membe rs ilo gene ra l w as thate ac h h ou se ho ld er s ho ul d pu t hi sa shes out si de t he c el la r door; and

that collections s ho ul d b e made on

th e north side of t he ra il road on Monday s, a nd on the sou th s id e o f t he ra il

road on Tuesdays.

"This is the summer schedule and

goe s i nt o effect May 31. Collections

w il l b e mad e e ve ry two w eek s. "

I t is understood that a new sched

ul e o f m ore frequent collections will

be made f or t he fall and winter.

Miss Edith A. Gara has beE'nselected Commiss ioner f rom Pennsyl

vania Hospi ta l, Ph ilade lph ia , to at

tend th e forty-second annual session

of the National Conference of Char

Ities and Correction, to be held inBaltimore, Md., May 2 to 19.

George W. Braden, 103 Price avenue, a member of the American Pageant Association, and d ir ec to r o f Instruction at t he Cent ral Y. M. C. A.,was t he master of th e pageant given

at Lansdowne last Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Char les Humphrie s,

corner Woodside and Narberth ave

nues, made t he ir annua l pilgrimage

to Princeton, Saturday, to witness the

c ol le ge bas ebal l contest between

Princeton and Penn .

BV Lady Narberth

Mrs. Samuel T. Atherholt, 91 Windsor avenue, was surprised by a groupof he r f riends Tuesday evening, May11, the occasion being he r birthday.

Among those who "dropped in" during

the evening wereMr. and Mrs. Wm. D.Smedley, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Warwick, l \l rs . O. L. Hampton, MissAchRllh Wentz and W. Arthur Cole.

(Cont inued f rom Page 1)



Managing Editors.



H. C. GARA,Advertising Manager.

H. A. JACOBS,Subscription Manager.



THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915


"THE LAST CALL"OUR TOWN will gladlY prInt

any news Item abou t any subjectthat Is of In teres t to Narberthfolks, bu t In order to meetthe print ing schedule, al l "copy"-manuscr ip ts -mus t reach th eeditors by 6 P. M. Monday eachweek.


Fire 350.Police 1260.

First: Extra expen::- I t is IOgicallNEW BOROUGH LAW APPRO;ED BY WORK ON NEW PARK FORMALLYto a ssume that of the 550 houses (es t i- GOVERNOR BRUMBAUGH. OPENS NEXT SATURDAY.

mated) now occupied in t he borough, The governor ha s recently approved

it wi1l require, on an average, at least a bill introduced at the present sessiontwo minut es ' extra time to c ol le ct o f the legislature providing a c ompl et e t he h ig h railroad bank fr om w hi ch

ashes f rom cel lar s , taking i nt o c on - sys tem of government f or b or ou gh s t o t ho us an ds o f p eo pl e d ai ly obtain asideration th e t ime consumed in get- take effect July 1, 1915. The ac t is view of t he who le tract, think o f t he

t ing householde rs t o a nswe r door- a lengthy one, and i s a complete codifi- importance to the town of having

bells, open cellar windows and cell ar cation of the laws relat ing t o bo r ough s t hi s p roper ty developed i n s uch a waydoors. That means additional time of and repeals a ll a ct s o r p ar ts of acts as t o m ak e the most of i ts n at ur al

1100 minutes, or 181-3 hours. As the inconsistent therewith or relating to advantages-and you have the origin

collection force cons ist s of three men, the subject matter covered by i t, w it h an d bas is o f the park idea.that makes a total of 58 hours. Say certain exceptions specl11cally named. To be more specific the object in

the men receive 20 cents an hour (and In view of the fact tha t the law on this promoting this ide a wa s not o nl y t o

that is a low estimate), that wou ld be sub je ct has heretofore consisted of a acquire a p ie ce o f land which wouldan addi tiona l expense to th e borough \ long series of separate acts, beginning alwa.Y8 afford an open breathing

of $11 each week, or a total of $572 with t he general Borough Act of April space, free from the encroachment of

a year e xtra . T he t im e l os t i n this \3, 1851, down t o t he 1913 session of ~ h a r ap id d ev el opme nt w hi ch may b e

extra , ~ o r k could be better employed ~ ~ ~ i s ~ : t ~ r ~ e c ~ ~ : d P : : : ~ : ~ i e ~ ~ ~ i ~ : t I ~ ~ expected to fol low the electrification

by havmg th e b O r o u g ~ ~ m p l o y e s r e- p er sons i nt er es ted i n t he conduct of of the main l ine, but a ls o to remove

pairing I ' ~ a d s .wher e I t IS necessary borough affairs. a condition which has been the source(as conditlOns m some places warrant While t here has been no radical de- of an unwarranted bu t popular belief,i t) , a nd not for the accommodation ~ parture from th e existing laws insofar especially among non-residents, that

people who ar e too lazy or too n eg h- a s they r ela te to th e government of Narberth Is built on low land, and

gent to take ou t their own ashes. Not- boroughs, there have bee n a number place in i ts s te ad some thing which

sale at t he depot w it hs ta nd ing the pronunc iamento of I of addit ional powers added to those will favorably im pr ess th e many

t he s to re of H. E. our dOUghty. chai rman , the writ er w i ~ 1 Iwhich have he re tofore e x ~ s t e . d , ~ h i c h t ho us an ds o f p eo pl e w ho d ai ly p as s

vigorously mslst on t ak in g out hIS are wor thy o f not ic e as mdICatmg a through our t ow n, a nd thus tend toown ashes or employ some one to do tendency o n t he part of ou r law-mak- attract the class of homeseekers who

so, and he hopes everyone will do er s to adopt modern i de as i n the con- make the best c it iz en s. Thi s is th e

the same to save this unnecessary ex- duct of munic ipa l a ff ai r s and recog- beginning of a series of improvementspense to the borough. nize the existence of aesthetic ~ well which it i s hoped w il l result In mak-Let t he bor ough have a " fixed" day as property r i g h ~ s . The mos t I ~ p o r t - I ing Narbe rth an i de al h ome t own i n

for the collection o f a sh es , and no t an t of these WIll be found In th e e v ~ r y respect.any haphazard "wait-till-we-feel-like- thirteenth a ~ seventeenth

5para: The answer to the questions above

it" polic)'. The w ri te r h as had ex- graphs of ArtIcle 11' Chapter 'frebat

propounded is that this project Is no t. . ' L t ing to t he g en er a powers 0 or-

perlence of thIS kmd. as summer u hs In th e fo rmer paragraph th e going to affect th e t ax rate nor th e

he pu t out h is ashes on th e s ~ p p o s e d l Y ~ o ; p o ; a t e officers ar e given p o w e ~ "to amount of f unds a va il ab le f or street

regular day, and after. waitmg t ~ r e e pl'ohihit accumulation or r ubbi sh on improvements, etc., unless, indeed, itweeks for th e c o l 1 ~ c t I o n he d e C l ~ e d private properties and to provide pen-I serves to increase those funds. In

rather Ulan have hIS place look hke alties for the enforcement thereof. The I plain words, this is one of the few"swampoo.dle," to cart t hem aw ay . lat ter paragraph gives the power "to i occasions when you w i ~ l get some

Afte.r domg s? he ~ a a . borough make such other regulations as may I thing for nothing. If thIS sounds toooffiCIal and notIfied h im o f IllS derel ic- be necessa ry for the health and clean- Imuch l ike a midsummer night's dream,tion, and was "politely" told, "It'll do l in es s a nd th e beauty, conTenience, Ij us t s i t 8ti1l for a few months and re

you good. Do it some more!" comfort and safety of the borough," se rve your opinion. The fact i s, thatSecond: The borough officials ar e While the paragraph first mentioned is I about balf of th e gr ou nd p ur- Mr s. R. F. Rainear, Essex avenue,

doing excellent work w it h t he f unds mer el y a reenactment of th e Act of chased will be n ic el y fixed up and was hostess at the Woman's CommuntheY have annually available. But to June 5, 1913, P. L. 44, th e o th er i s laid out w it h d riv es, wal ks, t rees, ity Club, Tuesday afternoon, May 11.add the unnecessary $572 extra ex- new, in so fa r as it provides f or t he shrubs, p lan ts and with even a lake She h ad a s a ss is ta nt s Mrs. T. Noelpense would mean an additional hard-I· making of r egulat ions necessa ry for 1and a forum with natural stage s et - But le r, Mrs. J. C. McKell, Mrs . H . C.ship for them, and undoubtedly there the beauty, convenience and comfor t t ings for outdoor plays, pageants. etc., IArmstrong and Mrs. C. S. Tay.woulll hav e to be a readjustment in of the borough, and to this extent it is and when this is completed it will be These weekly afternoon "a t homes"assessments or a higher t ax r at e. an amendment of the seventeenth para- handed o ver to the people of Nar -\ a r e v ery well attended and seem de-Property owners are now c o m p l ~ ~ n i n g graph of Section 2 of the Act o f A P r i ~ be rth with bu t one condi t ion- tha t i t served ly popular among the women

of the 11igh taxes, and an addltlOnal 3, 1851, P. L. 320, relating to the pow be taken care of. The funds to pay folk.

W E L C O ~ [ E 'filE H. S. ALUMNAE. increase would certainly n ot b e wel - ersUof b O r ~ ~ g h B . t th h Id be i for it will have come, not from pUb-The Narberth High School is to have comedo L et the people of Narberth Inder t s new asc f r e ~ h e e S p ~ ~ s e n c e llic funds, bu t from th e s al e o f lots A:S }:ello OF TilE NARBERTH

1 As· ti nd Our d t tl I "We'll t ke out our no o ng er any excu e 0 h kan A umnae SOCIa on, a a op Ie s ogan, a of unsightly piles of rubbish on vacant abutting on t e pa r . PAGEANT.

Town Is glad to record the news. We own ashes and save the borough that lots or e l sewhere within the limits Some Expected AdTantages. Just a year ago al l Narberth was

can th ink of no more f it t ing comment expense ," and not encourage the un- of our borough. Now that th e lots have The houses a ~ o ~ n d the. ~ a r k Will, busy preparing for th e Historical Pd-t ha n t he following remarks made a heard of fads and fancies of any been cleaned through th e efforts of the be subject to bUlldmg restrIctions so , gea nt , w it h its man v s cen es of s et -

few d ay s a go by one of our c it izens dreamers . Civic Association, it only remains fo r as to keep them i n h armo ny with' t le r s and Indians gathering upon th econcerning this new organizat ion and (Signed) Frank Canfel. our public officials to do t hei r share the other improvements. Some of the g re en . A no th er pageant has just

all that it will mean to the members: by passing and enforc ing such ordin- \ principal advan tages to be der iv ed been given, the success of which de-

"I t is said that antic ipa tion is a DO YOU WA:sT ~ l A I I , DELIVERED? ance as may be necessa ry to keep them from this improvement are: Ip en ds muc h on the borough whichgreater joy than realization. That is clean. F ir st , t he placing of the "Year, loaned tepees and o ther Indian acces-

b Editor Our Town: -I t does no t I fnot alwaYs true. One can remem er, 'Round Home Town" ahead 0 other Isories for the production. This pa-w it h p ri de a nd a d ee p s en se o f j oy - seem to be generally known ~ h a t In ' suburbs for e ne rg y a nd progressive- geant called "Tile Amerl 'c n Indian"

order to have post office priv ileges iBC)" 'r F'II)ES ~ [ R . HOUSEIIOLDEU. ' .' . ' a ,"graduation day" in one's public d I . N b U 't i Jl L \ , • Iness a long the hn e of CIVIC improve- presented in a prologue four epi-

school career , a nd t he satisfaction in of the secon c as s m ar er 1, 1 S Iment 'd . 'InE'cessary that t he annua l receipts of I n t he mon th of March, 1914, thereI ' .' sodes, an an e pIlogue, t Ie manyknowing that you had accomplished th e office be inc re as ed . The bus in es s wer e r epor te d to the State Fi re Mar- i Second, the mauguratIOn ?f a real phases of Indian life based upon Longsomething you had se t out to do; that of the post office at Narbe rth for the Ishal 1404 fires and in t he same month I ~ s t a t e development policY WhiCh,when fellow's "Hiawatha," I t was arrang

you had acquitted yourself with honor, vear 1914 was good, there being quite in 1915-802 fires a reduction of 602,1 ItS a d v a n . t a g ~ s . hav e b een d e m ~ n - ed b ~ L. Eastwood Seibold, master ofon this th e happiest daY in your life. large increase over the preceding, whi ch shows c onclus iv el y t ha t t he , strated, WIll, It IS hoped, s t r o n ~ I Y m- the ~ a r b E ' r t h Pageant."Associations ar e formed during the y ar due in great part to the i n- pub li c is awakening to their own i n- i f1uence future developments m ou r About fifty young peopl e t ook par t.

period of grade and high school work ~ ' ; e a ~ e d population of our town; in t e res t and g iv in g h ee d t o the neces- I c o n l I ~ u n i t y . . . . . It was given before the Women's Mis-that remain throughout life. It seems fact. the receipts came with in a few sitS of u si ng mor e care in the dis- Third. the a ~ ~ U 1 S l t I O n of a fully Im= sionary Societ.y of th.e First. Baptist

only fitting, therefore, that whe n t hi s h un dr ed dollars of the necessary position of waste , which is responsible proved park "Ithout c os t t o the bo r C hu rc h of P h ~ l a d e l p l l l a , WlllCh has

work o f preparing oneself for further amoun t t o e nt it le Narberth to the for the greatest number of avoidable ough. .. ' taken a great mteres t in the Americane d u c a ~ i o n or for t he batt le of l i fe-an privileges of th e second c la ss , which fi res. Of th e 802 reported in March, Fourth, the ehmmatIon ? the source Indian. On? .of t 'he a t t r a c t ~ v e scenes

OrgaDlzation should be f ~ r m e d ~ ~ e r - would give us a n e nt ir e n ew p ost 522 or 65 per c en t. wer e in dwellings, of much unfavorable CritIcism f rom was a repetItIOn of the IndIan Court

petuate these school days aSSOCIatIons office equipment and ent it le Narbe rt h d lr ec tl v c ha rg ea lJ le t o c ar el es sn es s, t ho se who are not awa re t ha t the ship f rom our own pageant.

and memor ie s; to rn:eet f rom t ime t o I to carrier service. Carrier se rv ice and i s ' a ref lect io ll on the housekeeper ~ r ~ u n d w h i ~ ~ h they think is so low Mr. Seibold, who w il l b e r emembe rt im e t o fu rther the mterest s of those would mean a great deal to Narberth and can and should be r emed ie d by ' IS m fact 207 f ee t a bove s ea l ev el at £'d as th e author and master of our

affiliating. . pat rons on a cc ount o f the l ar ge qua n- p ay ing more attent ion t o t he removal; Its lowest part. pageant , was recently made a mem-

"Each graduating class will add ItS tltv of parce ls post which i s recelv- and destruction of rubbish and waste I Fifth, a general increase of real ber of the American Pageant Assoquota unti l it w ~ 1 I no t be long bef or e c,i' here and whi ch wou ld t hen n ot from the inside and a round homes and: estate va.Jues due to the improvement ciation.th e Narberth .Hlgh Sch oo l A lumn ae h av e to be carried to their homes b;y o th er buil din gs. Do n' t com pl ain of and the mcreased d ~ m a n d s for homes . W are requested to extend a n i n

Association Will have .a goodly num- the patrons. your neighhor's neglect, bu t look i In a c o ~ m u n i ~ fWhlCh ~ h O ' : S ' t S U C h a v lt at lOn to all ou r r e h a d e r ~ to a t t e ~ dber. All those Inte re sted in h av in g im- a ro un d a nd s ee if you r own premises' pro?resslve an ra.terna s ~ l r l . . th e perform.ance at t e First Baptist"These young Dlen ~ n y o U ~ g provement in this direction should not ar e in a condition as to be free from SIxth, t he openmg to ImmedIate Chur.ch, Phl1adelphia, "o n Thursday

women will be takingbthleU

IP t l a c ~ s . In f ai l t o secure from their own pos t of- criticism. In thirty states anll i n many d.evelopo:ent of h ~ n l e x ~ r l l e m e l Y l t a ~ t r a c - e G v e d n ~ , n g , GMaYk27dth. of T I ~ e t unbknoMwn

our busy world, anll y t Ie l' • r a m ~ n g flce all s t amps and stamped paper re- towns throughout this State, a special hve territory w IC 1 WI resu m an ~ a .ree r a ~ a Writ en y r.help to make it a better place In WhICh Quired for their needs. An a de qu at e d av h as be en s et a par t as A CLEAN I increase of borough revenues. Seibold thIS past wmter.to l ive. , supply i s k ep t on hand, and w e a im to UP DAY. This means that an effort I Many other advantages might be

"We ar e g l a ~ to knhow that NAalrberth give th e patrons prom pt and cour- is being made in the right direction ; s t h l l ~ g e s t t e d t ' l b U we .WiStlil to Ifeave somde-High School IS t ~ v an u m n a ~ \ teous service. to reduce th e fire waste and bring: mg 0 Ie Ima gma o n 0 our rea -Association. May I t hve and prosper. (Signed) about a condition that will result in · ers.

. h' Elhmrll 8. II11W!!, Postmaster. a decided l ower ing o f t he fire Insur-! COt" ' ( 'I I - T ) E ~ ; D E S ON E C O " S O ~ n .Have you n ~ t l c e d . all t he ouse I Rnce rates. You ar e interestell, as , ' , • ,,- ,.

painting that IS bemg done these. th dIe Ised for ' CAL ) [ETuon OF COLLECTINGdays? Glad t o notice that the colors I TilE EDITOU'S TIWUBLES. money liS save can .J l. i ASIIES.

. b .. . f othE'r purposes that WIll gIve yOll I • •

selected are not a s so ber as formerly. Editing a pu licatlOn IS no Joke. I 1 b Id It: CounCIl has deCided on the moreNarberth is brightening up a bit, I we publish jokes. people say we ar e more enjoyment am I r : : ~ Y ' e ~ e( k


: economical method of collecting ashes.thank you! rattle-brained. If we don't we ar e ~ h yearly savings, ItS w ~ r . 1 w O ~ e - The collectors wi1l not go into th e cel-

fossils. I f we pUblish o ri gi na l mat - mg for. The b e t t e r ~ e n an Imprdod

d- lars; each householder w il l s ee that'I d 't . th ment of a commumtv means a e . . h

"Th A i a C·ty" for March had ter, ., ley say we on gIve em . ti d i. I l lS ashes are c ar ri ed u p from t e

te amearrCticnle Ion Narberth's new e n o u ~ h selections. If we gi ve them proper ty v a l u ~ , s a t l l s f ~ C on

tan tlconf-' cE'llar to the rear s id ewalk. The col-

a wo- p g e I I' I ' 1 tentment of mmd. s It no wor lyo. f

k d velopment and the Idea behind Ise ectlOns, t Ie) say we ar e too azy tt) . . lectors WIll remove th e ashes rom

par e, ." , , h consHleratlOn?

it and Illustrated t he ar ti c le with the write. I f we ·.on t go to c ll ll rc , w',! . T I these rear walks.engrav ing of the final plan. ar a heathens. If we do, we ar e hypo- ChOR. V. Not', Bette r s t il l , a regular collection

crites. If we rema in In the office, we Deputy State Fi re Marshal. schedule ha s been adopted. During

ought to be out looking for news the summer, ashes w il l b e collected

Items. I f we go o ut , t he n w e ar e not every two weeks, beginning May 31-

Editors of "Our Town:" attending 10 huslness. If we wear on Mondays , north of t he ra il road ;

The publication i n "Ou r Town" last old clothes, they laugh at us. If we on Tuesdays, south of th e railroad.

w ee k o f E. C. Stokes' announcement wear gOOd clothes, t he y s ay we have D1.d Y ou Ca'tch In an interview with one of the edi-t ha t "ashes in t he fu tu re will be col- a pull. Now, wha t a re we to do? tors of Our Town, Mr. Stokes, chalr-l ec te d f rom t he cellars," etc., should .lust a s l ik el y a s not someone will say , ;man of Counci l 's Highway Commit-

meet with the disapproval of a ll t he we stole this from an e xc ha nge. S o Tha't F l y ? tee. made the following statement:citizens of t he Bor ough of Narberth Iwe d id . It 's from the Wyoming Del'- ; "I attended th e meeting of Council Think well of a neighbor, if yOll

f or two reasons, viz.: rick. prior to th e o ne h el d o n May 17, bu t would be well t hought o f by him.

Ent er ed a s second-class matter, October 15, 1914, at th e Post Office atNar \)e rt h, P en ns yl va ni a, u nd er t he

Al' t o f March 3, 1879.

Send a ll l et te rs and n ew s i tems t o

P. O. Box 956, Narberth, Pa. Da not

send them t; ) t he pr in ter .

.,,,nd all advertising copy to P. O.Box 820. Make al l remi tt ances to

P. O. Box 34.Our Town is on

news-stand, and at


Owned and pub li sh ed e ve ry Thu rs

daY by t he Narbe rt h Civic ASlocia


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Prices Very Low



If. G. DUN &; CO., 2; WAYNE, 1.

Playing a close and exciting gameon home grounds last Saturday,

Wayne felt the sting o f t he f ir st de

f ea t o f t he s ea son at the hands of theR. G. Dun & Co. A. A. travelers bythe score of 2 to 1. Score:

WAYNE.R. H. O. A. J.J.

Detterline, cf. 0 1 1 0Cass, ss. 1 3 1 2Mosman, 3b. 0 0 0 1Giroux, c. . , . . . . . . 0 0 10 2Evans, lb 0 0 11 0Brooke, p. . . . . . . . • 0 1 2 5

Davis, If. 0 0 0 0Siter, rf. .. 0 0 0 0Watson, rf. ,. 0 0 1 0Murphy, 2b. 0 0 1 1

George B. SupleeSteam & HotWaterHeating

Plumbing ,Bell Telephone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------=




Awaits You in Church

Exodus, XX, 8Ecclesiastes, XII, 1II Timothy, II , 8Hebrew, X, 25

--------PHONE 1 2 2 5 "W .

We've looked


"Remember the Church"

"Reme111ber Jesus Christ"

"Remember the Sabbath Day"

"Remember Now Thy Creator"

- - - - - - -

A Welcome


In case of illness, death or other trouble, an y minister will be glad to help.

NOTE-Issued and supervised by the pa"ors 01 tbe Presbyterian, Roman Carhollc, Baptist

and MethodistChurches 01 Narberth,Pa. Printed by courtesy 01 "Our Town."

Totals . . . . . . . . . 12 13 24

New Park Qnality Shop240 HAVERFORD AVENUE


' - - ..J

The famous "Baker" Muslin Underwear for Women. Children's Socks, tanand fancy colors. Men's, Women's and Children 's Lisle Underwear.

L is le and Silk Stockings for Men and Women. Beautiful selection of

Men's Shirts; also "Arrow Brand" Collars.We have also made arl1angements to carry a complete assortment of.'

Children's Dresses and Lit tl e Boys' Suits.

Quali ty the Best

Fleck played fast ball last week.Keep it up, Mr. Captain.

lieves i n wat ch fu l wai ti ng on l es se r

diplomatic points than a Mexican war.

Simpson wa s back in shape, playingheady ball all the time after the

second inning.

Jones certainly deserves t hanks for

t he p re tt y l ine drive he s topped so


~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : .4


:lo Gulph Mills 8 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-12Paoli M. C O 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 1- 7








It 's a poor aeroplane that refuses

t o r is e to the occasion.A. J<J.

2 OJ

o 0

3 0o 01 1o 0o 0o ()2 /)

o 03 0o 0













5 24 11

8 27 12

F. Soo Secretary.

. . . . 0 20000000 - - 2

. . . . . . 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 x-4

. . . . . . . . 2

. . . . . . . . 4

- - - - - - - -

Manager O'Brien, of Overbrook, be-


Four teams tied for f ir st place now.

Interesting, though, eh?


Mos t of the boys picked good batslast week-and it's good sticle work

t ha t w in s games.

Three dollars should buy better um

pire material t ha n h as shown up at

Narberth yet.

"Flicker" Stites certainly likes the



Some scrappy game with Over


lhe kindergarden, an excel lent place

to put them for a n hour. Bring Ma,for the l ad ie s o f the Woman' s BibleClass wil l g ive he r a hearty welcome.and Pa, we will give you th e gladhand and if y ou h av e any questionson the Book of Genesis by al l meanfldon't stay at home, come a nd a sk

them, we have one or two who wouldlike to discuss that SUbject, they arcreading up the subject.I f y ou come y ou w il l get the habit

and th e spirit.

Earned runs-Narberth, 4. First

base on balls--Narberth, 1. Struck

out-By Gilmore, 10; Robinson, 9;

Rhodes, 2 First b as e o n balls--Gilmore, 2; Robinson, 2; Rhodes, 1. Twobase hits-Stites. Sacrifice hits-Gilmore. Stolen bases-Stites. 2 ; Dav is ,1; Walzer, 1; Lang, 2; Loughery, 1.Time of game-2 hours 15 minutes.

Umpire-Johnson . Scorer- -E. Smith.




Lavan, ss. " • . . . , 0 0Conway, 3b 0 0

Crippen, 2b. . 0 1Lang, cf 1 1Loughery, lb . . ,. , 0 2

Humes , r f. . . • . . . . 1 0Campbell, rf. 0 0Packey, If. .. 0 1Barriero, c. 0 0Gates, c 0 0Robinson, p. . 0 0Rhodes , p '" , 0 0

By Harry M. Chalfant.




The Men 's B ib le C la ss o f the Narb er th Met ho di st E pi sc op al Chu rc h.

has again had one of those rousingand enthusiast ic meetings for whichthe class Is noted . The good fellowship and good stories were only exceeded by the delightful music render ed by Messr s. A lk er a nd McKee.A good act f rom Kei th' s was Virtuallystolen from the circuit, by the Devll'sViolin and t he Syrene with the piano.McKee p lay ed s ome o f the classic

music , Which was beautiful ly ren

dered.Mr. Alker is a wonder, he made theinstruments and made the noise and

made aJl happy.The best of the wine, was reserved

till last when Senhora Gorhan played

and sang Portuguese love songs. Themusical program was exquisite andthe I'est of the evening w as a s enjoy

able.The business of t he c la ss was conducted with dispatch, Mr. McAuliff inthe chair, twenty men being present.When t he secre tary announced t h a ~the Red Team was in the lead-puttin git in th e common vernacular, a,

howl w ent up for the te am s w er eactually tie. The tota l enrollment wa:lth ir ty -seven , which shows a hearty

growth; from an aco rn start of fOllrto thirty-seven means that t he c la ssis no ordinary one. Free discussionof all religious SUbjects ar e invltelland discussed and t ha t is why we invi te you an d wh)' so many men

respond and stick. A word to t.hewise is suflicient; that word i s come.that means you.The eYening's business revealed the

fact t ha t o ne g rand picnic was to b(\held by t he c lass : sports; ball games,speeches, e tc .. e tc ., all that makesf or a good t ime. The Commissary ne

par tment i s to be the wives of themembers of the class; Mrs. Sadler.Mrs, Patterson, Mrs. Foote, Mrs. McAuliff and Mrs. S iler . I t was al so

moved and seconden that t he c la ssgive a musical. further announcementof which will be forthcoming, so y oumay prepare for a treat.The meet ing was held at the homo

o f Dr. Sadler, the leade r, o f the dillcussion o n S un da y morning at 9.45o'clock. in the "Li tt le Church on theHill," the home-like church. Comobring the family, put the kiddies In

Kell)' wllJ be 011 the job at Y. M.f. A., Narberth, J'l'idn)' e'fening, May28, 1910.

In Harrisburg four years agoThe brewers cracked their whip,And jolly gangs ters g rea t and smallBegan to hop and skip;

But Kelly, KellY shook his headAud bluntly said them: "Nay, NARBERTH.

I cannot do your b loomin' s tep , R. H.For I 'm no t bui lt that way." Jones, ss 0 0

,IStites, 3b 1 3When Kelly hits them r ig ht and l ef t, E , Dav is , lb. . 0 0This hooze and boodle bunch, V. Fleck, If 1 2

They squ irm and twist, t hey k ick and W. Humphreys. 2b. 0 0

hOWl, Walzer, cf 0 2They do not like h is punch. Kirk, rf. . 0 0

In Kelly's eYe, as most folks know, E. Dickie, r f. 0 0All brewers look a l ~ k e , Simpson, c. . 1 1

And when you have 111m on the job Gilmore p. . 1 0The brewers t ake a hike. '


Narberth d ef ea te d Ove rb ro ok o n

Saturday, on our own g rounds , i n an

uphill b at tl e b y t he s co re o f 4 to 2.A good s iz ed c rowd was ant. Hurry np, Turner.

Overbrook scored two runs in th e for you f or two weeks.8econd inning on a s ingl e, base onballs, two stolen bases and t wo GULPH )IILLS, 12; PAOLI ~ [ Coo 7.

errors by S impson. Narberth evened The Paoli Men 's C lub in its initialthings up In the fourth wit h h it s by appearance on the home grounds inFlick Stites, Captain Fleck and 1\Ian- a Main Line League game went down Totals 1 5 27 11 4ager Walzer, a nd went ahe ad in the to defeat last Saturday, 12 to 7. R. G. DUN & CO.

fifth i nn ing on bases on balls to GIl- ; R. H. O. A. Fl.more and Jon es and S ti te s' two bag- PAOLI M. C. 'B . bger. In the seventh, t he Narbe rt h R. H. O. A. E.)· s ~ r l l 1 t z i b 2 ....... 2 4 0 0bats got busy aga in and added one H'ym'n, 2b. • . . . . • 2 3 1 2 0 ern, ." . , . . . .• 2 5 2 0

Su pi 3b 1 2 0 2 2Biggs, If. 0 0 2 0 1

more rUII for safety on Simpson's hit, pe e , . , . . . . . ILSl1'nk If 2 3 2 1 0 angton, cf. 0 0 2 0 0

.• Gilmore's sacrifice, and S ti te s' t hi rd ' " ss .Bro,,' f 1 3 1 0 0 De Frates, ss . . . . . . 0 1 1 1 0hit of the game. n, r . B

Clyde Kelly's been a Congressman, Stif 1 f egley 3b 0 2 0 1 0In t he n inth with two gone, Lough- e , c 0 0 0 0 1 , .(And lIe I s Irish too) B b Fahey cOO 13 0 0'

stl'r the er y caused a little excitement by 11it- ar s y, If. 0 0 0 0 0 , . ..

You want to watch him T Deegan p 0 0 0 2 0"drys" ting a single, but Gilmore made earner, lb. . 0 1 5 0 0 ' .

Campbell lift a fly to F li ck for the Hanley, lb. . 0 0 6 0 O' Walton, ff. . 0 0 0 0 0And make the brewers stew. L'R' f 0 I - - - - -

If you're in lo ve with Barleycorn- final out of the game. IEb y, ss., c ~ 1 0 i I Totals 2 7 27 6 3That cruel haughty snob- The g ame was featured by a run- • y, c. R G Dun & COooO 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0--2

ning catch by F leck , and t he pitching Huth, p. 0 0 0 0 0 '"You better ' tend a meeting once I M Iv' 0 0 0 0 0' "ayne 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1

of Gilmore and Robinson. Robinson e II I • .••••••••• IWhere Kel ly' s on the job. 1\1 '11 0 0 0 2 0 Two-base hits-Barnitz, Detterline., was forced t o r et ir e in the sixth. . agl , p. H C_ _ _ _I .ome runs- ass. Stolen bases-Bar-

owing to a stitch in this side. t 4 St 4 D Fotals 7 14 27 7 6 III Z, ; ern, ; e rates, Begl(!y,At th e start of t he game one of the . , 'Detterllne, Cass, Brooke. Left (Inv is it or s was poked in the s id e b y a GULPH MILLS. bases-Wayne, 5; Dun & Co., 9.hatted ball, bu t after an examination St k t B B 1was made was found to be all right. R. H. O. A. E. rn c au - y rooke, 0 ; Deega n,

Ramsey, p. . , 2 3 2 2 O! 12. Bas es o n balls-Off Deegan, 1;Kilp'ck, ss. 1 2 1 3 (J ! Brooke, 3. Umpire-Morrisey.

A. :J<J. Sw'mer, cf. 1 3 lOU

1 0 Moore, lb. 0 0 11 0 01 1 Singl'n, 2b 1 1 1 3 13 0 Wheeler, 3b. 1 0 1 1 ()

o 0 BlIndt, rf. 2 2 1 0 !)

2 1 Cook, c. 2 0 6 0 01 0 Hitch'ns, If. . 2 2 0 0 0

o 0o 02


N A R B ~ l t T H . PA.-OUR TOWN-M.AY 20.1915

"SHALL THE PEOPLE RULE '1" I MAIN LINE LEAGUE STANDING.Hon. M. Clyde Kelly, who i s to lec-

ture in the Y. 1\1. C. A. Hall, Narberth, : Won.on FridaY evening, May 28, wil l h av e Narbe rt h • . 2

as his subject, "Shall the People Wayne . • . . . . . . . • • . 2Rule?" Th e h igh order of talent dis- Overbrook ........• 2played by this remarkable young Con- R. G. Dun & Co 2gressman ha s been recognized in Gulph Mills 1many ways, bu t one of the most strilc- P aoli " 0

ing inciden ts occurred some two

year s ago in Phi ladelphia. Kel ly had

just finished addressing a great company of banqueters, among whom wasColonel Roosevelt. In the midst of

the tremendous applause following

the speech the Colonel le ft his ownplace and c rowded his way throughthe t hrong t o offer his congratula

t io ns t o the )'outhful orator.

Mr. Kel ly , whose lecture will be

free to the public, s peak s under t heauspices of the Pennsylvania Anti-Sa

loon League, w it h whi ch the local

churches ar e co-operating.

Rey. C. G. KOllpel, Pastor.9.45-Sunday School assembly. Bible

studY c la ss es f or men and women.11.00-public wor sh ip . S ermo n b y

the pastor.6.45-Epworth League.7.45-Popular Sunday night service.

Sho rt a dd re ss b y t he pastor. Select io ns by large chorus choir . Congre

gational song service. A hearty wel

come to all services.The l ad ie s o f t he church are giving

a series of afternoon teas. Mrs. J. G.Foote will en ter ta in thi s Fr iday af ter noon at he r h om e o n Montgomery

pike.The Epworth League will hold a

business and social meeting Mondayevening. The semi -annual electionand o th er important business of inte re st to t he young people will be

transacted.Two i nt eres ting event s are being

planned for June. A strawberry festival by the ladies and a musica l by

the Men's Bible class.

ST. ~ [ A R G A R E T ' S CHURCH.

Ear ly Mas s on Sun:hlY from April1'It to October 31st at 6.<10 A. M. FromNoYember 1st to March ~ l s t at 7 A. M .Late Ma&s, 9.30 A. 1\1, throughout tlH'yea r. Mas se s on holydays, 6.30 and8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Eveningdevotions and o ther services at regular



AU , S A l ~ ' l ' S ' {'ueuru.

Emerson L. Swift, Pastor.

Bible study next Sunday at 9.45.Worship at 11. Subject of the sermon,A Sower Went Forth." Young People's service at 7. Subject, "ReligiousReading: Wha t a nd WhY." Psalms

119: 129-136. Reports from the splendid address of Mr. A. H. Vautier . Even ing worship at 7.45. Subject of thesermon, "Christ in the Clouds."A birthday social u nde r the a us

p ic es o f the Women's Mission Circlew il l be held at t he church on Fridayevening , May 28. Unique entertain

ment, music, refreshments. Admiss ion, a bag of birthdaY pennies.The Faculty and Senior Class of the

Baptist Institute, Snyder avenue, westof Broad street, invite their fr iends toa reception from 8 to 10 o'clock Fri

day evening.

~ [ E T ) [ O D I S T EPISCOPAL CUUnCH.The nome·like Church on the UiIl·top.



Montgomery A1'cnue and ][ectinJrHouse Lane.

Merion Meeting House i8 opened forworship eve ry F ir st -day at 10.30 A.M Visitors are cordially welcome.

UH. Allllrew T. Bnrke, Rector.Sunday services

8 A. M.-The Hoiy Communion.9.45 A. M.-The SundaY school.

11 A. M.-Morn ing Prayer and Ser-mon.4 P. M.-Evening prayer.

--_._---~ [ E l U O N ~ [ E E T I N G HOUSE.

t'RIENDS' ~ n ; E T I N G AT UADNOR.A meet ing for Divine Worship will

be hel d i n Friends' Old Radnor Meeting House on First Day (Sabba th) ,

fifth month, 23 rd , 3 P. M. The pub

l ic is cordiallY invited.

Rey. Jolm VUIl Ness, Minister .Next SundaY mor ni ng t he Sunday

School will convene at 10 o'clock. Thiswill be preceded by a f if teen-minutesong s er vi ce c onduct ed by Prof.

Melchior, and accompanied by the

school orchestra. The music for Children's Day will be rehearsed.At 11 o'clock, public worship, with

sermon by t he p as to r and s ing ing by

the chorus choir.At 7 P. M., Junior congregation led

by Sydnie Bolich and Ruth Haws.At 8 P. M. Evening worsh ip with

gospel sermon by the pastor.On next Tuesday will be held the

Monthly All -Day meeting of the

ladies of the congregation. The Ladies'

1\id Society will meet at 11 A. M., andthis will be followed by luncheon. TheWomen's Missionary Society wl1l meetat 2 P. M. All ladies are invited.It is expected that a number from

t hi s c on gr eg at io n w il l atte nd the

spring anniversary at Bala Home on

next Thursday, May 27.Plans are being formulated for the

observance of Memor ial Day at thehour of morning worship on May 30.

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1310-12-14 WALLACE STREET, Philadelphia.

Combination Coupon-Check YourWishes.Join tb e Loeal Oro_ I••t lon Yo u Wlsb-lUId Ge t Ou r T own. To o

,Name .

Address . . . . . . .• • ••• .• ••••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . .• • .• . .• •••• .• .• ••






Prime Meats

VERL PUGHElectrical Contractor

TOMATO PLANTS9 Montg,:"mery Ave.

Howard F. Cotter"EATS ofI


Y . M . c. A . aun . .D ING

Miesen's BakeryNA R BE R TH A R CAD E


Bread, Cake. Rolls , Pies ,Candy . I ce Cream


BargainShopBric-a-Brac, Etc.

2 4 4 Have r f o r d Ave .

Fo r Rent andFire Insurance

Bell Phone So! W.

Wall BuJldIng. Narberth, Fa.

"A Store for Particular People"

home Dressed Pou lt ry , But ter, Ergaand Game.

Fancy Fruit and Vegetable••

225 lona Avenue, Narberth, Pa.

Telephone-Narberth 38l·D.



J. A. MILLER(Successor to E. J. HOOD)



104 Forrest AvenueJobbing a Specialty. Narberth, Fa.

F LY 'W ' I RE

Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • " .02 sq. footGalvanIzed . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .OS sq. footCopper .06 sq. foot

Cblck"n \0\ I re. Per 150 6 Sft . roll . • •• cSUPPLEES, 1538Market St.

Narberth's Highest Tract13 lots, large frontage, Montgomery

avenue to Essex via. "Stepney Place"road. Beautiful location, old shade. Afine investment. Increasing values. 10minute walk f rom s ta t ion. F . M. JUS·'lICE, 612 Chest nu t S t. Phl la .

- - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - . -

Lad i e s ' Pa n ama s


Help Wanted

(fUALITY In th e goods,fairness In th e prieesan d euperiority In th eservlee are the dla

tlnlft1leh1ng featuree of eve.,.Robinson III Crawford etore. It

wiU pa y YOU t o d ea l WhereQuallty Counts.

R O B I ~ S O N &CRAWFORDNarberth, Pa . Phone, Narberth 1234

Other StoresThrougbout Pbl ladelphla

an d Suburbs

oJ. H. HUNDLEY. Prop.

236 Haverford Avenue

M en ' s S - t r a " " s ? ~ ~ ,ARE RIPE

DICKEY, Hat ShopCor. 16th & Market Sts., Phila.

===._=._.=.=._-=-_. = . _ ~ ~ - - = - =.-..,..,.....,-=.==-=.-.:'. ----"_.

Ic e C r e am . S a n dw i ch e e , etc .S hoe Sh i n e Cha i r s

The Merion TlOe and Trnst Co.


tIonday aud Tuesday, 1IIay 24th &; 25th



Building ma y be rented with or withont

servIce. Luncheons an d suppers to order.

Pbone 1252 D. Ever y th i ng home made .





Burgess-Geo. M. Henry.

Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold.Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. NoeLTax Collector-James F. Sherron.

St.reet Commissioner-W. S. McClel·Ian.

Building Inspector - J. Howard

Smedley.'Constable-Fred. Walzer.

COUNCIL.President-Harry D. NarriganWilliam J. Henderson.

Charles Humphreys.A. P. Redifer.

R:>bert G. Savill.Wm. D. Smedley .Edward C. Stokes.

SCHOOL BOARD.President-C. Howard McCarter.

Vice-President-CarroU Downes.Secretary-Joseph Mullineaux, 3rlt

Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.Thellwell R. Coggeshall.

BOARD OF HEALTH.Presldent-Chas. E. Kreamer

Secretary-A. P. Red ifer .

Health Officer-W. S. McClellan.Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fai ri es ,

T. B. Du Marias, Carden Warner andChas. V. Noel.

FIRE COllIPANY.President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec·

re tary, Charl es V. Noe l; f in anci alsecretary, E. C. S toke s; t re as ur er ,

Carden Warner; chief engineer,

Ch as . V. No el ; f irs t assistant engln.eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en·g ineer , A. P. Red ifer ; thi rd assi s tan t

engineer, John G. Walton ; four th as·sistant engineer, A. W. Needham.

La ke Pau p a c" T H E LAND O F TH E CLOUDS "

NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION. 2 2 0 0 I_ t a bove ae a l evel

Presldent-Gem"ge M. Henry. With Nature in the Woods. Rhododendrons and Flowers in the Spring.Vice-Presidents-Augustus J. Loos, Love ly Cool Days i n the Summer. Magnificent Foli age in the Fall . Comfort ·

A. C. Shand , Dr. O. J. Snyder. able Home Life. Splendid Table and Good Rooms. Tenth Season. Fresh MilkSecre.tarY-Treasurer-Sam'l T. Ath- and Vegetables from our Farms .

uholt. Fo r reservat ions, booklet and information, address.

Diredors-W. Arthur Co le , Mrs. LAKE PAUPAC CO., R. F. D., Canadensis, Monroe Co., Pa.Norman Jet'ferles', FletJcher W. Stites.Wm. D. Smed ley , R ob t. H . DurbIn. G O U ~ ~ ~ ~ i g , n ~ : r ~ : t ~ ~ ~ . P l k ~ ~ o : ~ ~ : Pa. Fi ft een mi les north of Cresco or

Mrs. Geo. M. Barrie, E. A. Muschamp, T th S Fi h' B ti S I iJohn B. Wl11lams Mrs. C. R. Blackall, en eason: Sing, oa ng, w mm ng.E. S. Haws, H. C. Gara. James Art. A. J. Loos. Pres .• Narberth. Pa . J. Franklin Meehan, Sec'y., Mt. Airy, Phila.

man, E. P. Dold. A. E. Wohlert, Mrs.Edwin C. ,Towne.

the ideals or music. If a boy is to

master a trade or a profession he

must give himself up t o i t. If a man

Is to be a great l eader o f th e people,SLAVES TO SUCCESS. he mus t surrender himself to the weI·

Rebellion and stubbornness; how f ar e of the people. I f one is to be at hey h inde r and spoil ou r work! I f a Christian and a Christian worker hElgirl is going to master mus!c sh'e must must surrender himself altogether to

f irst become its slave, surrendering the will an d t he voice of God.-Thehe r whole being to th e principles and \ Christ ian Herald.




Charles _V. Noel, Clerk.

G ' M i ~ a ~ l @Detective Bureau

GODFREYThe Real Estate Man at

114 Woodside Ave.,be p leased to assist you in

ting a home .Telephone-Narberth 685 A.

Estimates Cheerfully Given.Telephone-Narberth 311·D.






HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and HeatingNARBERTH . P A





Painting in all it s Branches


Hiah Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.

1I10RE BOOKS f'OR THE LIBRARY. of Ardmore, Pa.1067-Lectures to Young Men, The oldest, largest and best deposi·

Henry Ward Beecher tory i n t hi s vicinity.

106S-Woven With the Ship, Capital, $150,000. Surplus, $125,000C. T. Brady I Undivided Profits, $40,000.1069-Peter, F. Hopk:nson Smith

1070-Golden Gate t ~ e ~ r ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ d d a l l INARBERTH TAILOR ~ O get. lOTI-Queen of t he Rus he s,

Allen Raine Is now prepared to take order s for

1072-Captain of the Kansas, GLeadnlti:m'~ ~ SpringSuitsLouis Tracy

1073-King Spruce, Holman Day $18.00,Made to Order1074-The Doctor, Ralph Connor1075-The Queen's Advocate, First Class Work. Style Guaranteed

A. W. Marchmont Clean ing, Scour in g, Dye ing and

1076-Surry of Eagle' s Nest, Pressing. Ladies ' Suits Remodeled toJohn Esten C o o k ~ Any Style . Goods Cal led t or a nd De

livered.1077-The Bow of o r a ~ ~ e l ~ ~ b : ~ ~ a r r 104 1-2 FORREST AVE.lOiS-The Fighting Chance, Phone, 644 D.

Robt. W. Chambers --------------1079-Dn the Firing Line, A RCAD IA


10SO-Senator Korth, F : ~ : : ~ r r . : t ; f ~ : 1 n T t ' : . ~Gertrude Atherton EDUreWorld.

10SI-Red Horse Hill. Sidney McCall Pboloplays-Cont lnuous lOA. M. to 11.30

1082-The Ma!n Chance. P. M.Meredith NichOlson Thursday, 1I1ay 20th

10S3-The Thinking Machine, Oliver Morosco PresentsJacques Futrelle LOIS M EREDITH in

10S4-Monte Christo 's Daughter,

Alex. Dumas

~ ~ ~ : - : : ~ ~ : : ~ i S , ~ ~ ~ n M ~ T h ' : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'rJduy and Saturday,May 21st &; 22dIOS7-Tlle Fightfng Chance, Merto. Film Corporation Presents


lOSS-Bever ly of Graus tark, The Middle ManGeo. Barr McCutcheon

10S9-Eben Holden, Irving Bacheller

10!l0-Biack Rock, Ralph ConnorI09l-The Traitors,

,E. Phil l ips Oppenhe!m1092-The Student's Manual.

John Todd1093-The Great Mogul, Louis Tracy VISIT TilE

1094-Lewls Rand, M ar y Johnston LITTLE WHITE TE- HOUSE1095-The Memoirs of an American

Citizen, Rober t Herr ick

l096-Lln McLean, Owen Wister

l097-The Princess Passes,


Williamsonl098-The Cru:se of the Shining

Light, Norman Duncan

1099-The Biter, Walter S . C ramp1100-Cardigan, Rob t. W. Chambers

UOl-The S ig n of the BoX, Barbara


Mrs. C. R. Blackall ha s received

the following reply from Council, in

answer to the petition complainingabout the bad condi tion of Wynne

wood road:

"Your pet it ion in reference to the

condition of Wynnewood avenue was

presented to Council, and I was au ·thorized to write you and s ta te that.application had been ma de to theState Highway Committee for aid,and this will save the borough sev

eral thousand dollars. bu t in themeanwhile the borough w ll l make

temporary repairs.

Yours t ru ly ,


I SAVILLSwanNeckFaucet

Gives a IuD, steady,non -sp las hlngstreamwith an easyhaU turn.

makes housekeepInoeasler.


Joseph C. Mowrer

Narberth, Pat

One Year's Dues as Member of Fire COmpany and One

Year's SubSCription to Our Town.


Automobile Service

Telephone-Narberth 368.


c. P. COOK

Prompt Deliveries Assured


$1.50 Voting Membership In Civic AlIlIoclatlon and One Year's

Subscription to Our Town ••••. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ', ..

$5.50 Full Membership In Y. M. C. A. and One Year's Subscrip.tlon to Our Town.

Contented Consumers Commend

Cook's Coal


Undertakers33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore , Pa .

Secretary, Civic Association, Box 34, Narberth.

Enter my n ame on you r book8 i n accordance with the checking below, paying dues to association des ignated and keeping 50 cents as a

'3ubscription to Our Town for one year.




Chas. M. Stuard




Contracting Painter

John A Mowrer

Now IsTheTimeThe springlike days are coming

when you will want Films foryour Camera. Get them at


MOWRER BROS.Carpenters,Contractorsand

BuildersTelephone Connection, Narberth and


EDWARD HAWSPlaster and CementWorkEstimates Furnished Jobbing