our solar system

Our Solar System

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Page 1: Our Solar      System

Our Solar

SystemPresented by:

Page 2: Our Solar      System

Nathan Cortez

Page 4: Our Solar      System



Page 5: Our Solar      System

Mercury-is the closest to the sun and also is the eighth largest planet in the solar system.

Mercury is kind of like Venues as it does not have any moons.

Page 7: Our Solar      System

EARTH: Earth is really the third planet from the sun. If Earth was the second planet than then our planet would be too close to the sun and the solar system couldn’t take the heat. Now, if we were the fourth planet our planet would be too far and the earth would be too cold. Earth is the fifth largest planet.

Page 9: Our Solar      System

MARS: Did you know that mars is the fourth planet in the SOLAR SYSTEM?? Cool right?!?! I know. And it’s the seventh

largest planet.

Page 10: Our Solar      System

those are mars asteroid moons .Phobos and Deimos.

SATURN: Did you know that Saturn is the second planet from the sun and in the solar system??It is also the 2ND BIGGEST PLANET .

And the moons names arePan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Jana, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Rhia, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe.

Page 11: Our Solar      System

URANUS: is the seventh planet in the solar system and the third largest.

1. Oberon 2. Umbriel

3. Ariel

4. Titania

5. Miranda

6. Puck

7. Cordelia

8. Ophelia

9. Bianca

10. Cressida

11. Desdemona

12. Juliet

13. Portia

14. Rosalind

15. Belinda

16. Perdita

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17. Caliban

18. Sycorax

19. Stephano

20. Prospero

21. Setebos

22. Trinculo

23. Ferdinand

24. Francisco

25. Mab

26. Cupid 27.margerat

Neptune: is the eighth planet from the sun, and is the fourth largest planet in the solar system

1. Naiad 2. Thalassa

3. Despina

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4. Galatea

5. Larisaa

6. Proteus

7. Triton

8. Nereid

9. Halimede

10. Sao

11. Laomedeia

12. Psamathe

13. Neso

PLUTO: is smaller than solar systems moons.

Pluto has 3 moons: Charon,Hydra, and Nix!!

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