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S THE HEEALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 1910 I L NEWS OF UTAH AND ADJOINING STATES 1 I Ogden News of2tae Trrcntrmtfc tree << Circulation dcDrthztutd frrcmt tUtJa street 1n4 SIS STRYCHNINE PillS I CAUSED HER DEATH Doctor Who Attended Ruby Geddes Says Such Cases Should Be Probed < Special to The H r WR pubMcan- OKdea June Vfcllowlnic funeral Mrvlees held In the Fifth ward moot- ing ¬ bOOM over the remain of Mtes Ruby Oeddes the tabernacle singer who dld mysteriously yesterday afternoon M the result of taking an OYOTIOIG of Tnedlcfne In the homo of professor 30 ni ti Baltintyn whoi musical pupil- Ihe was the body wan taken to Proton Tua whore the girls parents live IT J R Worrell who had been oon sultri I t by Miss Goddes for InteatiMI did not- re trouble ticd today that be- pr medicine which casesd tlle xrrihe the tcrl naOi HfIJ declared there ibould of all such InTeUltatioD lc an official cases or death but no investigation was 2LdC tn tbts CS- Lapctfr pI1I which custlfl one tltlelh of a Irrala of trychnue ch the UUI taken by- Uit XIM Ocdd dose she took was a whole hand- ful of those rill which are very M aH wblch- wAre funeral rlc At todays presided over hy Blshon J i C Ja WOre Karl ParA l8 th speakers II4t1c s J Row and Thomas Fhreeve WILL TRY fOR MEETiNG Psnten Delegation Oolnc in Helena lo Secure Convention of Com merolnl Travelers I < rclal to TWe Heral49t f >Mbllenn q Mien June TBeat on landing the commercial travelers convention In 1 111 a large delegation of Ogden boost- ers ¬ and members fine association will l ave for H l4MMt Saturday afternoon Mtire the 191 convention will open rfxt week Several years ago the Tnitcd Commercial Travelers WeTS en- trained In Ogden In the most success- ful ¬ annual convention ever held by that It hi said that Ogdens t Tjraalxation will be- r i atm Tor the next convention favorably although a number rniv d cities are altert The O- gtn t r wertern delegation will travel In special half a ton of aflver- f i I r < ana will carry rr literature to be dlsoributod- roughout Montana OGDEN SCHOOLHOUSES TO UNDERGO REPAIRS iofUl to The raMpub1Icatt t4yt June Following a careful IpIctIO t of the various buildings of city pubtte public school system the i iird of education tn spevIsl meeting UK l afternoon decided to Inaugurate a campaign during the > rveral repairing i KMtlon month Most of the build riK will h thoroughly overhauledr- flfl4d r iI l in several Instances re iirtrd Vxtenslve remodeling win IT 11 be carried out Interior equip tn nt urh as blackboard cabinet and or apparatus of all kinds will be- t < V i and repaired If neceneary- v iy v tbouMUMU of dollars will be spent nnir the mumn In these Improve ns CRAMP BREAKS ARTERY MAN GOES TO HOSPITAL racial to The HeraldRepubli- cant June Dropping to the- d I ialk on lower Twentyfifth street ef pots this afternoon John v h a cry 1 rmnlck a transient rolled about In 1 gutter bledlng 1 profusely from his r uht leg H wa carried to the po fttftttoa where Dr Anna F Rica i v rhyslctan discovered that he was tfrnng from a broken artery result rg from H severe cramp Brannlc- kt t > oC weak from low of blood as to be raM to speak After stopping the v ding and bandaging the wound the fv I phynlelan ordered him sent to the- ir < ty hospital In the county Infirmary K I h i re be is reooverlng ANDERSON FUNERAL TODAY Itndy of SBrveror Who Wit > Dronuc4 IM Tnken Home i sr ecial to The BenudRepnMloiin 1r << hun City June TTIM body of rror N P Anderson who was r wflid la the creek of the Logan can r Saturday eveata wa browffht to thIs i city yesterday and wa prepared for burial this afteruoon Mr Amler- n served lbs city fr many years in he capacity 6f surveyor and MIRK of a genial disposition was beloved by all h knew him He was born In Den irk The exact manner in which A- nfn got mro toe river will always T tiirfin a mystery as he was alone A- ItIIlW v and several children survive Grain foods contain the Vital principle in greater Quantities than other foods- If you eat right your vitality Will remain at its height- for years- GrapeNuts food- Is made from wheat and Parley It contains vital phosphates Which Nature paces in Certain parts of the grains And is so prepared- As to be quickly absorbed and Converted into vital energy- If you want to store up energy For the accomplishment Gf the greatest success Make GrapeNuts a part Of your regular diet Theres a Reason Read The Road to Wellville Found in every third package CASTOR IA ler IiJaats and CiLia jxu Tie KM YH Have Always aQllftt Bearsthe- Slpatureof Jr s CfraZ JCU J THPS IS SOMETHING THAT YOU SELDOM EVER SEE OR HEAR ABO- UTCREDIT I J I I 1L2 Sla- l Week TO PRICE a 4 ALL SALE Month f Prices Cut and Slashed to Pieces 5000 Reduction on Credit Is a Rare Thing t b means a saving to you that makes it worth your time to call and buy all you can Every najflfehould take advantage of the prices we are offering on suits Every garment guar mteed These prices can not be had at cash stores Mciis 15 Suits 224j Lathes Suits Mens 40 Suits 20 LHhiCS Dresses j i2i- eiis j35 Suits 174 Ladies Hats lIcns 30 itt P rice Meiis 20 Suits 10 Our Number Is 246 State StreetT- he Store With Only One Entrance too G- AW 6 CREDIT TO AZt6L 0- t2 r The want ads can servo you only If you USB them Free Laxative- for Babies Just as a mother to careful abut U t food she glvas a child she should v- earoftU about the kind of a laxative s j gives It to m >ve Its little bowel > t- all remedies for thte purpn > no mni i how good they may b ar suited to a child You should especially UN id pll11t J tablets and powders rr thy are d cult to digest and children find It iiirl- to swallow them And i plJatIvs AH J salts and the various W4tPr5I are tu l lent for the young Rpf r pve It a g tie though effective laxati like Dr < wells Syrup IepFln wht h Is pl a t to the taMe and abKolut h oes not r 11 A fiftycent or one dollar ouie can j bought of any druinrlii I nml if yon e < a small dose BB th < iTPctions call before you put the hilo tn bed or j small dose before hr akfast > oa t have a cheerful happy child in a fw hour This remedy has ben sold for aim st a quarter of a century anti thousand of families know about It but It vl have never ud it ard > u a would I to malt a test of it before buying t i the regular way rand your name and s Jo dress to the doctor for a fren sample tie In this way without expense mri mothers bay learned of a way of ruT It Children of the little Ills of life ant Unre by avoiding the graver doenses- In the family of Martha Emlnter Yorkvllle S C and L B Bowyer f Jamestown Goto no other laxative bt this is used It Is a remedy for eli i i family strong enough to t effective ou the most robust and mild rough so tlu t women children and old p > ph who fs- peolally need a gentle laxative ran u > 1U You will nod nothing better for con Ftlpation Indigestion Ick headache so f stomach flatulency and > ich ttomacn liver anti bowel troubles fian this irr Caldwells Syrup IVpsIn Tjot It be your family remedy from today OT and we as- sure ¬ you you will have a lthy houio hold Dr Caldwell pereonany w HI be pleased to give yow any medics aj ice you ma > desire foVy iryelf or tam JKrtmlnlns ta the stomach liver or tw free of charse Explain your case in 4 lAtter anti he will reilv to vou In U U i Ior th trr s TTirl t < mnv and > name aid o rtrtir n n io it ard otherwiM Fr C Ith I N V d tors address > s DI t T R w Caldwell bUr I UL GIRL IS A THIEF CLAIMS EXPRIESTI i James Ambroso Ryan Asserts That- an Affinity Stole Money Prom His Hotel Room Special to The HeraldRepublican Ogden June Charging tim police with oonoocttng a fictitious talo to ac- count ¬ for the theft of 150 from his room laat Thursday night 140 o vhlch was rooovered the following dy ox Priest James Ambrose Ryan created a sensation today by declaring that his room was burglarized by an afftilty- ef a former woman friend of his and that pictures of the girl together with papers of no interest to an i rolnary thief were taken along With the money The police recovered the money after establishing the Identity of tho sup- posed ¬ burglar through the Imprint of a hand on the transom of Ityans room In the Montana rooming house The missing papers and pictures wore not forthcoming Ryan declares he I Is on the trail of the real burglar antI despite the report circulated by the police that he did not OlIN to prosecute having regaired his money he says he will break up a con- spiracy ¬ the purpose of which ho only hints at- Prior 10 the burglary Ryan says that a certain young Ogden woman who has a suit for divorce pending visited him at the Reed hotel and offered hint money for certain papers which after- ward ¬ were stolen when the room was burglarized SALOONIST PROfiTS IN UORY HUNTSVILLE Hoken Olsen Arrested Third Time on Charge of Violation of Liquor Laws Spoelal to The Heraldnopublican Ogden June 7TNt the liquor busi- ness ¬ in Huntsvllle where prohibition Is supposed to exlet is profitable Is evi- denced ¬ by the case of Hoken Olson who although twice fined nee for violation of the liquor ordinance was arrested gain today on three charges of selling liquor without license selling liquor to minors and allowing minors to fre ¬ quent his saloon The latter charge presents a paradoxical situation Inas- much ¬ as the law recognizes no saloon- in Huntsvllle Olsen has paid out S4M In fines since Hie first of the year and has a cane In the supreme court appealing from a IIe fine for similar offense WILL BUILD A CLUBHOUSE Structure of IVHicr Club of Ocden 3lny JteemlIr the Kcdcrnl Hulld IRe There f Special to The HenUdReptibltcan Ogden June 7 Definite annetlft6e- t of the Weber clubs plan to erect a clubhouse this year was made by President A R lieywood this after- noon ¬ The plans In detail are with the architects and the only thing nowIn the way of actual building is a favor- able site A number of sitesare being considered but no definite decision has yet been made A meeting of Weber club members has been called for June 10 at the present club rooms to decide this question The most probable site to on Twentyfourth street near the new federal building and If this Isse ¬ lected the clubhouse will probably be built In a style corresponding to that of the federal building BURGLAR CHASED BY WOMAN DROPS SUITCASE Special to The HeraldRepublican Ogden June 7While Mrs F II Cave Twentysecond street and Adams- was sprinkling her lawn tIde afternoon a burglar entered her home from the rear Going In at the front door Mrs Cave startled him and he fled through the bmck yard Mrs Cave pursued him a short distance and the fleeing man droppedl a suitcase lie had taken lIe dM not drop St worth of Jewelry how- ever ¬ and tonight when Policeman O L Moblman arrested a man who gave hto name as Charles Johnson at the Southern Pacific yards part of the jew- elry ¬ was found on him The rest had Wen pawned FALLS BETWEEN CARS AND LOSES RIGHT ARM Special to The HeraldRepublican Ogden June 7A F Harris a Southern Pacific brakeman lout his left arm under a freight train In the Mon tell yards at 10 lest night Harris while climbing between two cars fell and was run over The train was slowing down at the station and soy eral men rescued Harris who wa rushed to the Ogden general hospital- on a special train Although weak from loss of blood he is expected to recover WORK ON NEW CEREAL FACTORY HAS STARTED Special to The HeraldRepublican Logan June iork was begun to- day ¬ OB the new cereal factory at Tren ¬ ton This enterprise IK being financed bjr local Ogden and Salt Lako capital B K South Is president the com- pany ¬ The plant bRIng put in will have a tally capacity of ilO oases snd will cost about 190980 Sites for the erec- tion ¬ of elevators at Trenton and TCettton are being selected by engineers repre- senting ¬ J I Mullln of Denver and 0g- glen ¬ capitalists OLD FOLKS HAVE REUNION unJIt Speeches nnd Dinner InJoycd at tttf Agricultural College Special The IIoraldRopubllcan Logan June 7The old folks of cash stake held their annual reunion- at the Agricultural college today More than 108 participated in the exercises whloh aonel ted of songs speeches and- a dinner The age limit for old folks Is 76 years GETS MAIL COXTUACT Special to The HeraldRepublican American Fork June 7C M Beck has received word from Washington that His bid for carrying the mall from American Fork to CarUonate In Amer- Ican ¬ Fork canyon has been accepted to take effect next July 1 ADAMS IS MAnn I1ISHOP I Special to The HeraldRepublican Layton Juno 7W F Adams was mad bishop of the Layton ward last Sunday vice D B Harris resigned Ianiel I > co Harris and J Parley Elli- son ¬ were chcsen as Mr Adams coan sellers I fEACHERSGHOSEN FOR CACHE COUNTY List of Pedagogues for Year Given Out by Superintend- ent ¬ R W Larsen Special to The HerniaRepublican Logan Juno 7A partial list of teachers for tho county schools waa given out today by Superintendent R V Larsen In the list below the first nome following the town is the name of the principal and the other names are those of teachers HTRUM E Embley Jennie Chris ¬ tiansen Margaret Allen Esther Wil- son ¬ Esther Petersen A J Clawaon Elizabeth Israelsen Guy Ruse Emily Olson Della Oltiha- mMILtXILLEHcnry Belnap A R love Katie Jonson Maggie Blckmorc PARADISE M Blckmore Isa- bella ¬ Obray Minnie Shaw Roy Old samAVONRose Danielsen- WELLSVILLEII A Fowler R P Leatham Laura Lelshman Maud Lentham Barbara Maughan Ruby Wil- liamson ¬ Mary Allen BENSON LoRoy Rees Lolla Ray ¬ mon- dGREEvILLEHorton Hammond Lucllo Croakston RICHMOND Owen Nobeker G M Thompson lyle Hammond Linda Burnlmm Elizabeth Walker Bdlth Hcndrlcks- LKWISTON James IL Allon Rob- ert ¬ Ik Wrigley Sara Bridges Hazel Pond Frances Wood Myrtle Davidson Laura Anderse- nCOVFEsthcr N Reese Georgia bra- yWhlElLER3aud Ransom Sabina omp- STEPIITdNSONMarjo Byboe PROVIDENCE E Allon Leo B Clawson Margaret Baer Chloe Priday Alta Norman Wilmlna McFarlane 8M1THFIECD H Petersen J W Klrkbrlde Lottie A Cole Evan Chris ¬ tiansen Sadie McCrackon Violet Potor sen May Barnet Veda Chambers Rae Noble Zlna Col < HYDE PARK George S Dafhes J W Sonmons Mary A Grant Marie Spelorman RIVERSIDE Jesse flees Maud Clar- klEDOEdna Baker Eulalla Sor on on- CLARKSTOtBerlha Nish NEWTON A Johnson Beatrice Burns Elizabeth Shipley CACHE JUNC TION Josephine Stoops Laura Sorenson MT HOMB Adelaide Itent Ivy Co burn FLOCKMASTER IMPALES SELF ON SHARP HOOK Special to The HeraldRepublican- Ephralm June 7Hyrum Bryan- one of the highly respected and wealthy sheepmen of Loa died at his home yes- terday ¬ leaving a widow and six chil- dren ¬ Mr Bryan was at his sheep herd located about 12 miles from town and Saturday while his herd was corralled- he was trying to catch a mutton and In doing so he missed the sheep and stumbled falling on the hook him- self ¬ The hook penetrated his abdo ¬ men and made a fatal wound SCHOOL BOARD REASONS- ARE STILL UNKNOWN- Special to The HeraldRepublican- Provo June 7Tl1e committee ap ¬ pointed at the citizens mass meeting May 31 to confer with the board of education and learn from the board Its reasons for failure to reengage Super- intendent ¬ Of Schools W So Rawlings for the ensuing year met with the board last night The meeting lasted until 1 oclock a m today What wan done or said cannot be learned because the committee will not talk until it I> as prepared a report rEphralm Notes I Special to The HeraldRepublican Bpliralm June 7The following have been selected by the Kphralm council to act on the committee to pre ¬ pare a celebration for the Fourth of July Fred Jorgensen 1 F Anderson Hyrum Dorms George Larsen James Rasmussen John Bailey J F Jensen Hyrum Sorenson J F McCafferty T Hansen Edgar Jensen Orrin Anderson Alice Lund Alverda Sorensen Katie Ol- sen ¬ Mona Hansen Lizzie Anderson IVndetta Deal Maggie Hanson Cleo Thorpe Agnes Olsen Sophia Jensen Dolly Peterson and Patra Anderson- The efforts of tho Gunnison Valley Power company to furnish light In the Gunnison valley i Is bearing fruit The office of the company is located on Main street at Gunnlnon and has just been completed a fine line of fixtures chandeliers shades etc being on oxlil- Itlon t Everybody I in made welcome on entering and tho Kroatoet courtesy is shown by the representAtives of the company in explaining the various uses of the electric Juice Mrs Mary Reese widow of the late Bishop Reese of Wales fell this morn- ing as she was getting out of bed nnd broke her leg Mrs Reeee Is In her 39th year Dr Llmebaugh of Mt Pleasant was in Wales yesterday to perform an oper- ation ¬ on Ephralm Anderson whose foot was mAshed recently at the Parry Bros quarry Tooele News Notes II Special to Thd HeraldRepublican Tooele Juno 7Tho Tooele public schools will hold tholr commencement exercises this evening at 8 oclock at the new school building Following- the exercises at the school there will be a grand ball at the opera house At the council meeting last night all the saloon men of Tooele petitioned the city for permission to keop their sa- loons ¬ open longer hours The city granted permission to keep open from- a a m until midnight- J S Dunn was awarded the contract- to build a fire hose house The mar- shal ¬ was given Instructions to remove fire supplies to the city hall Tho unexpired license of Bird Young was transferred to Winn The committee on good roads from tho Commercial club was instructed to re- port ¬ at the next meeting concerning widening the road one rod from tho school house to the depot Paving bids were advertised for dis- trict ¬ 1 to 5 G to 9 12 13 18 27 28 WIDTSOE SEES GOOD AS DROUTH RESULT Agricultural College Professor Says It Is Good Thing For Dry Farms Special to The HeraldRepublican Logan Juno President 3 A Whit soe of the Agricultural college who has just returned from Salt Lake and Utah counties where ho met a largo number of dry farm farmers declared today that the present prolonged drouth- Is ono of the best things which has hap- pened ¬ In years to the dry farmer- sIt has shown said Dr Widtsoo that wherever proper dryfarming methods have prevailed the grain stands up well while where wrong methods were pursued the grain is Ilown The former farms will yield more than twothirds of their crops in spite of tho severest drouth Further- more ¬ It has taught the Important lesson that tho farmer must cultivate for the driest season possible in order to avoid any of the present calamities This I lesson alone will bo invaluable to the farmer and In tho future will mean more for him than any loss which may result from this years drouth Tho Agricultural college has a num ber of men out among the dry farm- ers ¬ finding out tho extent of the dam- ages ¬ TO SEll 90000 BONDS c Prove Council Initrnc4 City Recorder I lo AilrcrtlMe for hide for Mn- nlclitnl Securities Special to Tho HenUdRepublVsan Provo Juno 7At the meetrv of the city council last evening Council ¬ roan Bolt moved that tho city appro- priate ¬ 1000 for extra lighting of the streets during tho United Commercial Travelers outing July 4 and ft The more than the considered amount was condition of the citys finances would Justify and the motion was voted down The matter will bo brought up again at the next meeting Elliott was au Recorder Ralph Clt3 bids for O thorized to advortise for bonds 000 5 per cent waterworks reported The committee on Judiciary the a bill for an ordinance regulating till next it went over use of blcyoles meeting- A communication was received from the Womans Christian Temperance- union to the amendment asking an ourfew ordinance J1VIIVlietnres ringing the bell The time is now 930 ent ordinance the expressed Some ot the councilmen opinion that It would be a good thing be enforced as ordinance could ir the re It now tnds but the matter 1ndlclary was 1 nn ferreti to tne cvmuKivro U u company Realty The KlrkhamBerry East street to I North Seventh asked for could plat the petitioners be opened so and Third East Seventh ground on com- mittee ¬ Referred to the North streets and alleys on streets sidewalk of objections to A number dis- trict ¬ No 4 paving in extension paving Heferred No 11 were presented alleys and on streets committee to tile asked that some Dr Frederick CUft on culverts Improvements In sidewalk made Referred be East Center street to the watermaster Gay report- ed ¬ Dog Tax Collector Aaron In collected six dogs killed and 936 taxes in the month of May DANES IN CELEBRATION Annlvrrxnry of Their Independence Day IN Observed l > y Bpurnlnt nnd Mnntl Henldcntfi Special to The HeraldRepublican Inde- pendence ¬ Ephralm June 7The Danish day celebrated at Shumway resort between Kphralm the midway of and Mantl by both places was one most successful eventS ever having the occurred In this section of the coun ¬ tryA procession was formed on Main of the city southern part street in the and at 10 sharp the crowd numbering nearly MO started to march under the direction of Marshal of the Day Fred The procession was headed Jorgensen carried the large men who by young then came American and Danish flags the beautiful floats which had been made and decorated for the occasion arrived at the the procession When turning of the road about two miles south of this city they were met by who were just from Mantl the party in number The Mantl compa ¬ as mtv directed by their marshal of ny were Anderson As James Captain the day parties met salutes were made both their jour- ney ¬ and all Joined continuing to the resort The afternoon was spent In boating bathing and partaking of refreshments 1900 poople There were more than and the pro- cession ¬ from the county present was many blocks long It is estimated that ISO vehicles were In tile procession nnruuxs FROM ENGLAI1 Special to Tho HeraldRepublican Ephraim Juno 7 Wlllard Mower of Fmlrview lias returned from a three ycafiT mission to England In the inter- est ¬ of the Mormon church An elabo- rate ¬ reception was given In Ills honor- at his home last evening by the choir of that place I Payson Briefs I Special to The HeraldRepublican- Payson Juno 7 Funeral services were held today for diaries U Peory who died Sunday morning after a lingering illness Mr Peery leaves a widow and six children- A fire Was started this morning in the sheds and ntncks of Mrs James Flnlayvon It was supposed to have been started by sparks from a near- by ¬ sawmill Soon after the alarm was given numerous citizens responded rand soon had the blaze under control Professor A C Lund and members or the B Y U Opera company gave a concert Monday evening at the Nebo take tabernacle to a fairsized audi- ence ¬ Tho kindergarten will open next Monday morning at the Petretneet school with lilies Maggie Finlayson In charge L Kaysvllle Notes I Special to Tho HeraldRepublican Kaysvllle Tune 7The Enforcement of the curfew law was considered by the city council at Its last session and It was unanimously decided that the law would bo enforced Q The largo springs that supply water for the Kayivillo city water system are now flowing 125 gallons per minute The home of David Clark was quar ¬ antined for scarlet fever today Tho home has only been out of quarantine for three weeks Tho former quaran- tine ¬ was of six weeks duration Mrs Charles Smith jr Is the mother of a tine baby boy John Holland aged 74 years has been taken to the Kaynville hospital to be treated for blood poison In his leg It Is feared that amputation will be nec- essary ¬ PROVIDE FOR BOUNTY County CommIssioners at Proo Offer- to Give Two Cents n Ilend for Ground aulrrelr Special to The HoraldRepubllcan Provo June 7The county commis- sioners ¬ have passed a resolution pro- viding ¬ for a oounty of two cents on each ground squirrel killed tn the oounty between June 6 and July 6 The bounty Is payable at the oour y clerks office not later than July 8 PoBtmtister James Clove appeared before the board in behalf of irlgatlun companies who take water from 1rovo river and asked that the board appoint I a water commissioner to divide the waters of the river to the several parties in interest Under the law as State Kngineer Caleb Tanner has not yet created a district covering the trove river country the board has no authority to appoint a water commis sloner Mr Tanner will be asked to I create a district this week and the appointment of a water commlslBoner by the board will follow The following amount on hand at the end of May In the funds In his charge were leported by County Treasurer Marsh Johnson General fund 3286470 state school fund 3 674 jurors and witnesses fund 630 county school fund 87005 county superintendent con ¬ tingent fund 86871 The following fees were reported col- lected ¬ for May County recorder 1400b county clerk 36665 county sheriff 14460 county treasurer 760 Board of Equalization The board Is now sitting as a board of equalization to oqualUe taxes To- day ¬ taxpayers from Lehl Cedar Fork airfield Manning Thistle Clinton Tuoker and Colton were heard On the following day taxpayers of the pre- cincts ¬ named will be heard Wednesday Hlgnland Vleasant Grove American FOIknd Alpine Thursday Provo and Lincoln Friday Sprlngvlllo and Mapleton Saturday Lako bore Banpamln and Spanish Fork- MondayPayson Spring Lake Salem and Stntaquln I Brigham Court Notes I Special to The HeraldRepublican Brigham City June 7For the May term of the district court which oj > ens Tuesday Juno 14 the following eases will come up for hearing before Dis ¬ trict Judge W W Mnughan Tho Ogden Portland Cement company vs John H Bott Ada Dott and Susan Bott June 15Mary Dewey J I Dewey C J Dewey Frank Loveland O C Love- land and Jerome Marble vs tho Honey vllle Orchard company July 16IL S Lee vs Enoch Hun saker and Joseph Bowcutt the Duck ¬ worth Duck club vs Fred Hansen June 20 Rebecca T Mathla4 vs Henry Tlngcy administrator of the estate of Marlah Tlngoy Juno 2lL P Christensen vs the Oregon Short Line Railroad company Juno 22 Joseph W Burt vs the Ma lad Valley Railroad company and the Southern Pacific company Joseph P Burt vs the Malad Valley Railroad company and tho Southern Pacific com- pany ¬ t June 3Nels R Petersen vsP Pat ¬ terson John Doo TaylqrCo partners doing business as Patterson Taylor Juno 24Utah Association of Credit Men a corporation vs Boy l Furniture company Juno 23 Brlgham City vs Robert K Wilson Juno 7Tho state of Utah vs Seth- M Wells Jano 30 Arthur R Capener vs Elms S Klmball Richard A Shipp the Peo- ples ¬ Coal lit Coke company and the Utah National bank July lChorles Davis and Lizzie W Davis vs Kllas S Kimball R A Shlpp Utah National bank the Peo- ples ¬ Coal Coke company and the First National bank of Brigham City July 3 Julia A Croke vs George W oIfI Craghead G R Chase and C W Knud sonJuly 2 Joslah Marsh vs Frank Kawaguchi July 2 T W Hall and H N Knud son vs A Zink and John Ioo Fptcher a partnership doing business as Zink St Fletcher and W J Fife I Provo Brevities 1 Special to The HeraldRepublican Prove June Marriage licenses have been Issued to the following An ¬ drew Jensen and Nettle Pierce both of Provo Samuel Mayer of Payson andi Permelia Co Taylor of Salem David i Mayor and Minerva J McClellan both of Payson William B Crandall and Mattle 8 RobertsVM both of Spring ville George H Webb of Rlverton and Mary Collins of Provo County Attorney Jacob Evans is vis- iting ¬ Seattle and other northwest cities- on business and pleasure City Councilman A G Beebe has gone to the southern part of the state to inspect a big farm recently bought- by I him near 1anguttch The ease of Frank D Clark vs James M Neal Involving the ownership of about 5109 worth of merchandise of which defendant is alleged to have taken unlawful possession at Spring ville In 1998 was heard In part today- in the Fourth district court and con- tinued ¬ pending the ability of one of de- fendants ¬ witnesses to be In attend- ance ¬ The case of J W Cannam vs Dun nam Van Lenvan a suit to compel spe- cific ¬ performance of contract by de- fendant ¬ to sell plaintiff seventeen acres of land at Mapleton Is being heard in the Fourth district court The remains of John Hafen which arrived today from Indianapolis can tie viewed between < 30 and 1830 oclock Thursday at the undertaking parlors of O H Berg Son The funeral serv- ices ¬ are Thursday in the Provo Taber- nacle ¬ beginning at 11 a m The in- terment ¬ will be In the Sprinsrvllle cem- etery ¬ a change having been made In the original intention to have it in Provo Ellis B the 2year and 19month- eld son of Mr and Mrs W E larding died last night from diphtheria and scarlet fever The funeral wilt be held tomorrow at 1 oclock Short services will bo held the cemetery Mrs B H Bower has received word from Dawson that the remains of her sister Mrs George A Murray who died at Dawson about three at cannot reach Provo till porno July for the reason that the country is so cold that transportation over the lakes let impossible tilt the ice melt J C Jensen et nl have mining deed for a consideration of 1 and other valuable consideration to tho Schwab Consolidated Mining com- pany ¬ the following mining claims In Hast Tlntlc The Agnes and the Agnes Nos 1 2 and 4 FIGHT BULLETINS PART OF PROGRAM FOR JULY 4TH Special to The HeraldRepublican American Fork Utah June 7At a well attended meeting of tho citizens of this city hold last night In tho city It was unanimously derided to have hal of tIle biggest celebrations ever held in American on the Fourth Of July this year The following exec- utive ¬ committee was appointed Chair- man ¬ Maydr James T Gardner William Thornton J W Htorra K W Paxman- W D Stewart Committees wore ap polned on finance field sports horse racing parade decoration and pro- gram ¬ A committee was named to make arrangements to have the bulletins of the JeffriesJohnson fight given to the people at the City park ARTHUH lET IS 1MICSIBEXT Special to The HeraldRepublican Logan Juno 7Tho Wellsvlllo City bank opened for business yesterday at Wellsvllle Arthur Bets of Salt Lake City is president C B Uunnel ol- Wollsvillo is vice president and F C Sumpter cashier It Is capitalized at 20000 under state laws SCHOOL PRINCIPAL WKDS Layton June 7E G King principal- of tho Layton school and Miss Ethel Adams wore quietly married last weok and the news Is just becoming known Miss Adams has been bookkeeper for tho Adams Sons corpany They will make their homo In Layton Ml Pleasant News Special to The HerWRelubl1 Mt Pleasant June spr I f t of tfi tb parK IUth rlltf Critic r Mi will I I ben with a rof Tin I jrovt m- wat Insures to the city < x un t drinking pure In tin r ttr- a ti onlld IIPII fr i grit or- N Th parents cia s or un i rth Sunday school will gv a twn I p T for all the parent < f t tin w rti PI church blOI Fridi > The L l quart rlv uIJferln rr the North Snnpete stake i lo be l h in Mt Pl aMint June 1 I The Wjsatrh academy i ic 1 ivlnc r f ing exercf i this wk Sundas- nd ing the t ualaurH ldr II i Ilvt > red In Mm PIbvt t rn church I Rev Meeker night the luLl ininail and orali i il nt held in thp Webb ri n off the first prize for 10 uno Nova aldetnar I Mr ond Sir The Hlch school frb ion i exereii will be l 11 th > n i r 1 i house tonight when Mo i eoi tiT ot v th l rKt clan In it history Ti > following ar < the Krulimt Virgin t Johnson ron lemnn Hunter tunic Partnn Tillle P r- Kloulse Poulson Mithri Serene a Florence Tuft Tina Erhkft Wlnn red Fttshutrh Teresa C ir > 1 Jensen Elm Noland Arli t WiMrm Indra Whlttaker and N1H McArtbur SITMMUK SCHOOL OPICNS Logan June 7The summer sChol of the Agricultural college > penod y HI I terday with a larger enrolImeit thm In any previous year Induirk point to I most successful school urm

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Ogden Newsof2tae Trrcntrmtfc tree<<

Circulation dcDrthztutd frrcmttUtJa street

1n4 SIS



Doctor Who Attended RubyGeddes Says Such Cases

Should Be Probed

< Special to The H r WR pubMcan-OKdea June Vfcllowlnic funeral

Mrvlees held In the Fifth ward moot-


bOOM over the remain of MtesRuby Oeddes the tabernacle singer whodld mysteriously yesterday afternoonM the result of taking an OYOTIOIG ofTnedlcfne In the homo of professor30ni ti Baltintyn whoi musical pupil-

Ihe was the body wan taken to ProtonTua whore the girls parents live

IT J R Worrell who had been oon

sultriI t by Miss Goddes for InteatiMIdid not-


trouble ticd today that be-

pr medicine which casesd tllexrrihe thetcrl naOi HfIJ declared there ibould

of all suchInTeUltatioDlc an officialcases or death but no investigation was2LdC tn tbts CS-Lapctfr pI1I which custlfl onetltlelh of a Irrala of trychnue ch

theUUItaken by-

UitXIM Ocdd

dose she took was a whole hand-

ful of those rill which are very M aHwblch-

wArefuneral rlcAt todays

presided over hy Blshon J i C JaWOre Karl ParAl8 th speakers

II4t1c s J Row and Thomas Fhreeve


Psnten Delegation Oolnc in Helena loSecure Convention of Com

merolnl Travelers

I < rclal to TWe Heral49t f>Mbllennq Mien June TBeat on landing the

commercial travelers convention In1111 a large delegation of Ogden boost-


and members fine association willl ave for H l4MMt Saturday afternoonMtire the 191 convention will open

rfxt week Several years ago theTnitcd Commercial Travelers WeTS en-

trained In Ogden In the most success-


annual convention ever held by thatIt hi said that Ogdens

t Tjraalxation will be-

ri atm Tor the next convention

favorably although a numberrniv dcities are altert The O-

gtnt r wertern

delegation will travel In specialhalf a ton of aflver-

fi I r< ana will carry

rr literature to be dlsoributod-roughout Montana



iofUl to The raMpub1Icattt4yt June Following a careful

IpIctIOt of the various buildings ofcity pubtte public school system the

i iird of education tn spevIsl meetingUKl afternoon decided to Inaugurate a

campaign during the> rveral repairingi KMtlon month Most of the build

riK will h thoroughly overhauledr-flfl4dr iIl in several Instances reiirtrd Vxtenslve remodeling win

IT11 be carried out Interior equiptn nt urh as blackboard cabinet and

or apparatus of all kinds will be-

t< V i and repaired If neceneary-v iy v tbouMUMU of dollars will be spent

nnir the mumn In these Improvens



racial to The HeraldRepubli-cant June Dropping to the-

dI ialk on lower Twentyfifth streetef pots this afternoon Johnv h a cry

1 rmnlck a transient rolled about In1 gutter bledlng1 profusely from his

r uht leg H wa carried to the pofttftttoa where Dr Anna F Rica

i v rhyslctan discovered that he wastfrnng from a broken artery result

rg from H severe cramp Brannlc-ktt> oC weak from low of blood as to be

raM to speak After stopping thev ding and bandaging the wound thefvI phynlelan ordered him sent to the-

ir< ty hospital In the county InfirmaryKI h i re be is reooverlng


Itndy of SBrveror Who Wit > Dronuc4IM Tnken Home

i sr ecial to The BenudRepnMloiin1r < < hun City June TTIM body ofrror N P Anderson who was

r wflid la the creek of the Logan canr Saturday eveata wa browffht to

thIsi city yesterday and wa preparedfor burial this afteruoon Mr Amler-

n served lbs city fr many years inhe capacity 6f surveyor and MIRK of

a genial disposition was beloved by allh knew him He was born In Denirk The exact manner in which A-nfn got mro toe river will always

T tiirfin a mystery as he was alone A-

ItIIlWv and several children survive

Grain foods contain theVital principle in greaterQuantities than other foods-

If you eat right your vitality

Will remain at its height-

for years-

GrapeNuts food-

Is made from wheat and ParleyIt contains vital phosphatesWhich Nature paces inCertain parts of the grainsAnd is so prepared-

As to be quickly absorbed andConverted into vital energy-

If you want to store up energyFor the accomplishmentGf the greatest successMake GrapeNuts a partOf your regular diet

Theres a ReasonRead The Road to WellvilleFound in every third package

CASTOR IAler IiJaats and CiLia jxu

Tie KM YH Have Always aQllftt

Bearsthe-Slpatureof Jr s





1L2 Sla-l Week


fPrices Cut and Slashed to Pieces

5000 Reduction on Credit Is a Rare Thingtb means a saving to you that makes it worth your time to call and buy all you can Everynajflfehould take advantage of the prices we are offering on suits Every garment guar

mteed These prices can not be had at cash stores

Mciis 15 Suits 224j Lathes SuitsMens 40 Suits 20 LHhiCS Dresses j i2i-eiis j35 Suits 174 Ladies HatslIcns 30 itt PriceMeiis 20 Suits 10

Our Number Is 246 State StreetT-he Store With Only One Entrance

too G-


t2 r

The want ads can servo you only If youUSB them


for BabiesJust as a mother to careful abut U t

food she glvas a child she should v-

earoftU about the kind of a laxative s jgives It to m >ve Its little bowel > t-

all remedies for thte purpn > no mni ihow good they may b ar suited to achild

You should especially UN id pll11t Jtablets and powders rr thy are dcult to digest and children find It iiirl-to swallow them Andi plJatIvs AH Jsalts and the various W4tPr5I are tu l

lent for the young Rpf r pve It a gtie though effective laxati like Dr <

wells Syrup IepFln wht h Is pl a tto the taMe and abKolut h oes not r11A fiftycent or one dollar ouie can jbought of any druinrliiI nml if yon e <

a small dose BB th <iTPctions callbefore you put the hilo tn bed or jsmall dose before hr akfast > oa thave a cheerful happy child in a fwhour

This remedy has ben sold for aim sta quarter of a century anti thousandof families know about It but It vlhave never ud it ard > u a would Ito malt a test of it before buying t ithe regular way rand your name and s Jo

dress to the doctor for a fren sampletie In this way without expense mrimothers bay learned of a way of ruT ItChildren of the little Ills of life ant Unreby avoiding the graver doenses-

In the family of Martha EmlnterYorkvllle S C and L B Bowyer fJamestown Goto no other laxative btthis is used It Is a remedy for eli i ifamily strong enough to t effective outhe most robust and mild rough so tlu twomen children and old p >ph who fs-peolally need a gentle laxative ran u >

1U You will nod nothing better for conFtlpation Indigestion Ick headache so fstomach flatulency and >ich ttomacnliver anti bowel troubles fian this irrCaldwells Syrup IVpsIn Tjot It be yourfamily remedy from today OT and we as-sure

¬you you will have a lthy houio

holdDr Caldwell pereonany w HI be pleased

to give yow any medics aj ice you ma >

desire foVy iryelf or tam JKrtmlnlns tathe stomach liver or twfree of charse Explain your case in 4

lAtter anti he will reilv to vou In UU iIor th trr s TTirl t< mnv and >

name aid o rtrtir n n io it ardotherwiM Fr C Ith I N V dtors address > s DI t T Rw Caldwell bUr I UL



James Ambroso Ryan Asserts That-an Affinity Stole Money

Prom His Hotel Room

Special to The HeraldRepublicanOgden June Charging tim police

with oonoocttng a fictitious talo to ac-


for the theft of 150 from hisroom laat Thursday night 140 o vhlchwas rooovered the following dy oxPriest James Ambrose Ryan created asensation today by declaring that hisroom was burglarized by an afftilty-ef a former woman friend of his andthat pictures of the girl together withpapers of no interest to an i rolnarythief were taken along With the moneyThe police recovered the money afterestablishing the Identity of tho sup-posed


burglar through the Imprint of ahand on the transom of Ityans roomIn the Montana rooming house Themissing papers and pictures wore notforthcoming

Ryan declares he IIs on the trail ofthe real burglar antI despite the reportcirculated by the police that he did notOlIN to prosecute having regaired hismoney he says he will break up a con-spiracy


the purpose of which ho onlyhints at-

Prior 10 the burglary Ryan says thata certain young Ogden woman who hasa suit for divorce pending visited himat the Reed hotel and offered hintmoney for certain papers which after-ward


were stolen when the room wasburglarized



Hoken Olsen Arrested Third Time on

Charge of Violation ofLiquor Laws

Spoelal to The HeraldnopublicanOgden June 7TNt the liquor busi-


in Huntsvllle where prohibition Issupposed to exlet is profitable Is evi-


by the case of Hoken Olson whoalthough twice fined nee for violationof the liquor ordinance was arrestedgain today on three charges of selling

liquor without license selling liquorto minors and allowing minors to fre ¬

quent his saloon The latter chargepresents a paradoxical situation Inas-much


as the law recognizes no saloon-in Huntsvllle

Olsen has paid out S4M In fines sinceHie first of the year and has a cane Inthe supreme court appealing from aIIe fine for similar offense


Structure of IVHicr Club of Ocden 3lnyJteemlIr the Kcdcrnl Hulld

IRe Theref

Special to The HenUdReptibltcanOgden June 7 Definite annetlft6e-

t of the Weber clubs plan to erecta clubhouse this year was made byPresident A R lieywood this after-noon


The plans In detail are with thearchitects and the only thing nowInthe way of actual building is a favor-able site A number of sitesare beingconsidered but no definite decision hasyet been made A meeting of Weberclub members has been called for June10 at the present club rooms to decidethis question The most probable siteto on Twentyfourth street near thenew federal building and If this Isse ¬

lected the clubhouse will probably bebuilt In a style corresponding to thatof the federal building



Special to The HeraldRepublicanOgden June 7While Mrs F II

Cave Twentysecond street and Adams-was sprinkling her lawn tIde afternoona burglar entered her home from therear Going In at the front door MrsCave startled him and he fled throughthe bmck yard Mrs Cave pursued hima short distance and the fleeing mandroppedl a suitcase lie had taken lIedM not drop St worth of Jewelry how-ever


and tonight when Policeman OL Moblman arrested a man who gavehto name as Charles Johnson at theSouthern Pacific yards part of the jew-elry


was found on him The rest hadWen pawned


Special to The HeraldRepublicanOgden June 7A F Harris a

Southern Pacific brakeman lout his leftarm under a freight train In the Montell yards at 10 lest night Harriswhile climbing between two cars felland was run over The train wasslowing down at the station and soyeral men rescued Harris who warushed to the Ogden general hospital-on a special train Although weakfrom loss of blood he is expected torecover



Special to The HeraldRepublicanLogan June iork was begun to-


OB the new cereal factory at Tren ¬

ton This enterprise IK being financedbjr local Ogden and Salt Lako capitalB K South Is president the com-pany


The plant bRIng put in will havea tally capacity of ilO oases snd willcost about 190980 Sites for the erec-tion


of elevators at Trenton and TCetttonare being selected by engineers repre-senting


J I Mullln of Denver and 0g-glen




unJIt Speeches nnd Dinner InJoycd attttf Agricultural College

Special The IIoraldRopubllcanLogan June 7The old folks of

cash stake held their annual reunion-at the Agricultural college today Morethan 108 participated in the exerciseswhloh aonel ted of songs speeches and-a dinner The age limit for old folksIs 76 years

GETS MAIL COXTUACTSpecial to The HeraldRepublican

American Fork June 7C M Beckhas received word from Washingtonthat His bid for carrying the mall fromAmerican Fork to CarUonate In Amer-Ican

¬Fork canyon has been accepted to

take effect next July 1

ADAMS IS MAnn I1ISHOPI Special to The HeraldRepublican

Layton Juno 7W F Adams wasmad bishop of the Layton ward lastSunday vice D B Harris resignedIaniel I> co Harris and J Parley Elli-son


were chcsen as Mr Adams coansellers




List of Pedagogues for YearGiven Out by Superintend-


R W Larsen

Special to The HerniaRepublicanLogan Juno 7A partial list of

teachers for tho county schools waagiven out today by Superintendent RV Larsen In the list below the firstnome following the town is the nameof the principal and the other namesare those of teachers

HTRUM E Embley Jennie Chris ¬

tiansen Margaret Allen Esther Wil-son


Esther Petersen A J ClawaonElizabeth Israelsen Guy Ruse EmilyOlson Della Oltiha-

mMILtXILLEHcnry Belnap A Rlove Katie Jonson Maggie Blckmorc

PARADISE M Blckmore Isa-bella


Obray Minnie Shaw Roy OldsamAVONRose Danielsen-

WELLSVILLEII A Fowler R PLeatham Laura Lelshman MaudLentham Barbara Maughan Ruby Wil-liamson


Mary AllenBENSON LoRoy Rees Lolla Ray¬

mon-dGREEvILLEHorton Hammond

Lucllo CroakstonRICHMOND Owen Nobeker G M

Thompson lyle Hammond LindaBurnlmm Elizabeth Walker BdlthHcndrlcks-

LKWISTON James IL Allon Rob-ert


Ik Wrigley Sara Bridges HazelPond Frances Wood Myrtle DavidsonLaura Anderse-

nCOVFEsthcr N Reese Georgiabra-yWhlElLER3aud Ransom Sabinaomp-STEPIITdNSONMarjo ByboePROVIDENCE E Allon Leo B

Clawson Margaret Baer Chloe PridayAlta Norman Wilmlna McFarlane

8M1THFIECD H Petersen J WKlrkbrlde Lottie A Cole Evan Chris ¬

tiansen Sadie McCrackon Violet Potorsen May Barnet Veda Chambers RaeNoble Zlna Col <

HYDE PARK George S Dafhes JW Sonmons Mary A Grant MarieSpelorman

RIVERSIDE Jesse flees MaudClar-

klEDOEdna Baker Eulalla Soron on-

CLARKSTOtBerlha NishNEWTON A Johnson Beatrice

Burns Elizabeth ShipleyCACHE JUNC TION Josephine

Stoops Laura SorensonMT HOMB Adelaide Itent Ivy Co



Special to The HeraldRepublican-Ephralm June 7Hyrum Bryan-

one of the highly respected and wealthysheepmen of Loa died at his home yes-terday


leaving a widow and six chil-dren


Mr Bryan was at his sheep herdlocated about 12 miles from town andSaturday while his herd was corralled-he was trying to catch a mutton andIn doing so he missed the sheep andstumbled falling on the hook him-self


The hook penetrated his abdo ¬

men and made a fatal wound



Special to The HeraldRepublican-Provo June 7Tl1e committee ap ¬

pointed at the citizens mass meetingMay 31 to confer with the board ofeducation and learn from the board Itsreasons for failure to reengage Super-intendent


Of Schools W So Rawlingsfor the ensuing year met with theboard last night The meeting lasteduntil 1 oclock a m today What wandone or said cannot be learned becausethe committee will not talk until itI>as prepared a report

rEphralm Notes I

Special to The HeraldRepublicanBpliralm June 7The following

have been selected by the Kphralmcouncil to act on the committee to pre ¬

pare a celebration for the Fourth ofJuly Fred Jorgensen 1 F AndersonHyrum Dorms George Larsen JamesRasmussen John Bailey J F JensenHyrum Sorenson J F McCafferty THansen Edgar Jensen Orrin AndersonAlice Lund Alverda Sorensen Katie Ol-


Mona Hansen Lizzie AndersonIVndetta Deal Maggie Hanson CleoThorpe Agnes Olsen Sophia JensenDolly Peterson and Patra Anderson-

The efforts of tho Gunnison ValleyPower company to furnish light In theGunnison valley iIs bearing fruit Theoffice of the company is located onMain street at Gunnlnon and has justbeen completed a fine line of fixtureschandeliers shades etc being on oxlil-

Itlont Everybody Iin made welcome onentering and tho Kroatoet courtesy isshown by the representAtives of thecompany in explaining the various usesof the electric Juice

Mrs Mary Reese widow of the lateBishop Reese of Wales fell this morn-ing as she was getting out of bed nndbroke her leg Mrs Reeee Is In her39th year

Dr Llmebaugh of Mt Pleasant wasin Wales yesterday to perform an oper-ation


on Ephralm Anderson whose footwas mAshed recently at the Parry Brosquarry

Tooele News Notes II

Special to Thd HeraldRepublicanTooele Juno 7Tho Tooele public

schools will hold tholr commencementexercises this evening at 8 oclock atthe new school building Following-the exercises at the school there willbe a grand ball at the opera house

At the council meeting last night allthe saloon men of Tooele petitioned thecity for permission to keop their sa-loons


open longer hours The citygranted permission to keep open from-a a m until midnight-

J S Dunn was awarded the contract-to build a fire hose house The mar-shal

¬was given Instructions to remove

fire supplies to the city hallTho unexpired license of Bird

Young was transferred to Winn Thecommittee on good roads from thoCommercial club was instructed to re-port


at the next meeting concerningwidening the road one rod from thoschool house to the depot

Paving bids were advertised for dis-trict

¬1 to 5 G to 9 12 13 18 27 28



Agricultural College ProfessorSays It Is Good Thing

For Dry Farms

Special to The HeraldRepublicanLogan Juno President 3 A Whit

soe of the Agricultural college whohas just returned from Salt Lake andUtah counties where ho met a largonumber of dry farm farmers declaredtoday that the present prolonged drouth-Is ono of the best things which has hap-pened


In years to the dry farmer-sIt has shown said Dr Widtsoo

that wherever proper dryfarmingmethods have prevailed the grainstands up well while where wrongmethods were pursued the grain isIlown The former farms will yieldmore than twothirds of their crops inspite of tho severest drouth Further-more


It has taught the Important lessonthat tho farmer must cultivate for thedriest season possible in order to avoidany of the present calamities This I

lesson alone will bo invaluable to thefarmer and In tho future will meanmore for him than any loss which mayresult from this years drouth

Tho Agricultural college has a number of men out among the dry farm-ers


finding out tho extent of the dam-ages


TO SEll 90000 BONDSc

Prove Council Initrnc4 City RecorderI

lo AilrcrtlMe for hide for Mn-

nlclitnl Securities

Special to Tho HenUdRepublVsanProvo Juno 7At the meetrv of

the city council last evening Council ¬

roan Bolt moved that tho city appro-



1000 for extra lighting of thestreets during tho United CommercialTravelers outing July 4 and ft The

more than theconsideredamount wascondition of the citys finances wouldJustify and the motion was voteddown The matter will bo brought upagain at the next meeting

Elliott was auRecorder RalphClt3 bids for O

thorized to advortise for bonds000 5 per cent waterworks reportedThe committee on Judiciary thea bill for an ordinance regulatingtill nextit went overuse of blcyoles

meeting-A communication was received from

the Womans Christian Temperance-union to theamendmentasking anourfew ordinance J1VIIVlietnresringing the bell

The time is now 930ent ordinance theexpressedSome ot the councilmenopinion that It would be a good thing

be enforced asordinance couldir the reIt now tnds but the matter1ndlclary

was1 nnferreti to tne cvmuKivro U u companyRealtyThe KlrkhamBerry East street to I

North Seventhasked for could platthe petitionersbe opened so and ThirdEastSeventhground on com-


¬Referred to theNorth streets and alleyson streets sidewalkof objections toA number dis-


¬No 4 pavingin extensionpaving HeferredNo 11 were presented alleysandon streetscommitteeto tile asked that someDr Frederick CUft onculvertsImprovements In sidewalk

made ReferredbeEast Center streetto the watermaster Gay report-



Dog Tax Collector Aaron Incollectedsix dogs killed and 936

taxes in the month of May


Annlvrrxnry of Their IndependenceDay IN Observed l> y Bpurnlnt nnd

Mnntl Henldcntfi

Special to The HeraldRepublicanInde-



Ephralm June 7The Danishday celebrated at Shumway

resort between Kphralmthe midway ofand Mantl by both places was one

most successful eventS ever havingtheoccurred In this section of the coun ¬

tryA procession was formed on Mainof the citysouthern partstreet in the

and at 10 sharp the crowd numberingnearly MO started to march under thedirection of Marshal of the Day Fred

The procession was headedJorgensen carried the largemen whoby young then cameAmerican and Danish flagsthe beautiful floats which had beenmade and decorated for the occasion

arrived at thethe processionWhenturning of the road about two milessouth of this city they were met by

who were justfrom Mantlthe partyin number The Mantl compa ¬

as mtv directed by their marshal ofny were Anderson AsJamesCaptainthe dayparties met salutes were madeboth their jour-


and all Joined continuingto the resort

The afternoon was spent In boatingbathing and partaking of refreshments

1900 poopleThere were more thanand the pro-



from the county presentwas many blocks long It is

estimated that ISO vehicles were In tileprocession

nnruuxs FROM ENGLAI1Special to Tho HeraldRepublicanEphraim Juno 7 Wlllard Mower of

Fmlrview lias returned from a threeycafiT mission to England In the inter-est


of the Mormon church An elabo-rate


reception was given In Ills honor-at his home last evening by the choirof that place

I Payson Briefs I

Special to The HeraldRepublican-Payson Juno 7 Funeral services

were held today for diaries U Peorywho died Sunday morning after alingering illness Mr Peery leaves awidow and six children-

A fire Was started this morning inthe sheds and ntncks of Mrs JamesFlnlayvon It was supposed to havebeen started by sparks from a near-by


sawmill Soon after the alarm wasgiven numerous citizens respondedrand soon had the blaze under control

Professor A C Lund and members orthe B Y U Opera company gave aconcert Monday evening at the Nebotake tabernacle to a fairsized audi-ence


Tho kindergarten will open nextMonday morning at the Petretneetschool with lilies Maggie Finlayson Incharge

L Kaysvllle Notes I

Special to Tho HeraldRepublicanKaysvllle Tune 7The Enforcement

of the curfew law was considered bythe city council at Its last session andIt was unanimously decided that thelaw would bo enforced Q

The largo springs that supply waterfor the Kayivillo city water system arenow flowing 125 gallons per minute

The home of David Clark was quar ¬

antined for scarlet fever today Thohome has only been out of quarantinefor three weeks Tho former quaran-tine


was of six weeks durationMrs Charles Smith jr Is the mother

of a tine baby boyJohn Holland aged 74 years has been

taken to the Kaynville hospital to betreated for blood poison In his leg ItIs feared that amputation will be nec-essary



County CommIssioners at Proo Offer-to Give Two Cents n Ilend

for Ground aulrrelr

Special to The HoraldRepubllcanProvo June 7The county commis-


have passed a resolution pro-


for a oounty of two cents oneach ground squirrel killed tn theoounty between June 6 and July 6

The bounty Is payable at the oour yclerks office not later than July 8

PoBtmtister James Clove appearedbefore the board in behalf of irlgatluncompanies who take water from 1rovoriver and asked that the board appoint


a water commissioner to divide thewaters of the river to the severalparties in interest Under the law asState Kngineer Caleb Tanner has notyet created a district covering thetrove river country the board has noauthority to appoint a water commissloner Mr Tanner will be asked to I

create a district this week and theappointment of a water commlslBonerby the board will follow

The following amount on hand at theend of May In the funds In his chargewere leported by County TreasurerMarsh Johnson

General fund 3286470 state schoolfund 3 674 jurors and witnessesfund 630 county school fund87005 county superintendent con ¬

tingent fund 86871The following fees were reported col-


for MayCounty recorder 1400b county

clerk 36665 county sheriff 14460county treasurer 760

Board of EqualizationThe board Is now sitting as a board

of equalization to oqualUe taxes To-


taxpayers from Lehl Cedar Forkairfield Manning Thistle ClintonTuoker and Colton were heard On thefollowing day taxpayers of the pre-


named will be heardWednesday Hlgnland Vleasant

Grove American FOIknd AlpineThursday Provo and LincolnFriday Sprlngvlllo and MapletonSaturday Lako bore Banpamln and

Spanish Fork-MondayPayson Spring Lake Salem

and Stntaquln

I Brigham Court Notes I

Special to The HeraldRepublicanBrigham City June 7For the May

term of the district court which oj> ensTuesday Juno 14 the following easeswill come up for hearing before Dis ¬

trict Judge W W MnughanTho Ogden Portland Cement company

vs John H Bott Ada Dott and SusanBott

June 15Mary Dewey J I Dewey CJ Dewey Frank Loveland O C Love-land and Jerome Marble vs tho Honeyvllle Orchard company

July 16IL S Lee vs Enoch Hunsaker and Joseph Bowcutt the Duck ¬

worth Duck club vs Fred HansenJune 20 Rebecca T Mathla4 vs

Henry Tlngcy administrator of theestate of Marlah Tlngoy

Juno 2lL P Christensen vs theOregon Short Line Railroad company

Juno 22 Joseph W Burt vs the Malad Valley Railroad company and theSouthern Pacific company Joseph PBurt vs the Malad Valley Railroadcompany and tho Southern Pacific com-pany


tJune 3Nels R Petersen vsP Pat ¬

terson John Doo TaylqrCo partnersdoing business as Patterson Taylor

Juno 24Utah Association of CreditMen a corporation vs Boy l Furniturecompany

Juno 23 Brlgham City vs Robert KWilson

Juno 7Tho state of Utah vs Seth-M Wells

Jano 30 Arthur R Capener vs ElmsS Klmball Richard A Shipp the Peo-ples


Coal lit Coke company and theUtah National bank

July lChorles Davis and LizzieW Davis vs Kllas S Kimball R AShlpp Utah National bank the Peo-ples


Coal Coke company and theFirst National bank of Brigham City

July 3 Julia A Croke vs George WoIfI

Craghead G R Chase and C W KnudsonJuly 2 Joslah Marsh vs FrankKawaguchi

July 2 T W Hall and H N Knudson vs A Zink and John Ioo Fptchera partnership doing business as ZinkSt Fletcher and W J Fife

I Provo Brevities 1

Special to The HeraldRepublicanProve June Marriage licenses

have been Issued to the following An ¬

drew Jensen and Nettle Pierce both ofProvo Samuel Mayer of Payson andiPermelia Co Taylor of Salem David i

Mayor and Minerva J McClellan bothof Payson William B Crandall andMattle 8 RobertsVM both of Springville George H Webb of Rlverton andMary Collins of Provo

County Attorney Jacob Evans is vis-iting


Seattle and other northwest cities-on business and pleasure

City Councilman A G Beebe hasgone to the southern part of the stateto inspect a big farm recently bought-by


him near 1anguttchThe ease of Frank D Clark vs James

M Neal Involving the ownership ofabout 5109 worth of merchandise ofwhich defendant is alleged to havetaken unlawful possession at Springville In 1998 was heard In part today-in the Fourth district court and con-tinued


pending the ability of one of de-


witnesses to be In attend-ance


The case of J W Cannam vs Dunnam Van Lenvan a suit to compel spe-cific


performance of contract by de-


to sell plaintiff seventeen acresof land at Mapleton Is being heard inthe Fourth district court

The remains of John Hafen whicharrived today from Indianapolis can tieviewed between < 30 and 1830 oclockThursday at the undertaking parlorsof O H Berg Son The funeral serv-ices


are Thursday in the Provo Taber-nacle


beginning at 11 a m The in-


will be In the Sprinsrvllle cem-etery


a change having been made Inthe original intention to have it inProvo

Ellis B the 2year and 19month-eld son of Mr and Mrs W E lardingdied last night from diphtheria andscarlet fever The funeral wilt be heldtomorrow at 1oclock Short serviceswill bo held the cemetery

Mrs B H Bower has received wordfrom Dawson that the remains of hersister Mrs George A Murray whodied at Dawson about three atcannot reach Provo till pornoJuly for the reason that the countryis so cold that transportation over thelakes let impossible tilt the ice meltJ C Jensen et nl havemining deed for aconsideration of 1

and other valuable consideration totho Schwab Consolidated Mining com-pany


the following mining claims InHast Tlntlc The Agnes and the AgnesNos 1 2 and 4



Special to The HeraldRepublicanAmerican Fork Utah June 7At a

well attended meeting of tho citizensof this city hold last night In tho city

It was unanimously derided to havehal of tIle biggest celebrations everheld in American on the FourthOf July this year The following exec-


committee was appointed Chair-man


Maydr James T Gardner WilliamThornton J W Htorra K W Paxman-W D Stewart Committees wore appolned on finance field sports horseracing parade decoration and pro-gram


A committee was named to makearrangements to have the bulletins ofthe JeffriesJohnson fight given to thepeople at the City park

ARTHUH lETIS 1MICSIBEXTSpecial to The HeraldRepublican

Logan Juno 7Tho Wellsvlllo Citybank opened for business yesterday atWellsvllle Arthur Bets of Salt LakeCity is president C B Uunnel ol-Wollsvillo is vice president and F CSumpter cashier It Is capitalized at

20000 under state lawsSCHOOL PRINCIPAL WKDS

Layton June 7E G King principal-of tho Layton school and Miss EthelAdams wore quietly married last weokand the news Is just becoming knownMiss Adams has been bookkeeper fortho Adams Sons corpany They willmake their homo In Layton

Ml Pleasant News

Special to The HerWRelubl1Mt Pleasant June spr I ft of tfitb parK IUth rlltfCritic r Mi willI I

ben with a rof TinI jrovt m-

watInsures to the city < x un t

drinking pure In tin r ttr-ati

onlld IIPII fr i grit or-NTh parents cia s or uni rth

Sunday school will gv a twn Ip T

for all the parent <f ttin w rti PIchurch blOI Fridi >

The L l quart rlv uIJferln rrthe North Snnpete stake i lo be lhin Mt Pl aMint June 1 I

The Wjsatrh academy iic 1 ivlnc r fing exercf i this wk Sundas-


ing the tualaurH ldr II i

Ilvt > red In Mm PIbvtt rn church I

Rev Meeker night theluLl ininail and orali iil ntheld in thp Webb rinoff the first prize for 10 uno

Nova aldetnar IMr ond SirThe Hlch school frb ion i

exereii will be l 11 th > n i r 1ihouse tonight when Mo i eoi tiTot


th lrKt clan In it history Ti >

following ar< the Krulimt Virgin tJohnson ron lemnnHunter tunic Partnn Tillle P r-

Kloulse Poulson Mithri Serene aFlorence Tuft Tina Erhkft Wlnnred Fttshutrh Teresa C ir > 1

Jensen Elm Noland Arlit WiMrmIndra Whlttaker and N1H McArtbur

SITMMUK SCHOOL OPICNSLogan June 7The summer sChol

of the Agricultural college >penod y HI Iterday with a larger enrolImeit thmIn any previous year Induirkpoint to I most successful school urm