our mission is to provide a blueprint our aim is provide a beacon

Our mission is to provide a blueprint Our aim is provide a beacon

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Our mission is to provide a blueprint Our aim is provide a beacon

Our mission is to provide a blueprint

Our aim is provide a beacon

Page 2: Our mission is to provide a blueprint Our aim is provide a beacon


• Climate Change– Global Context– Local Context

• GCNS Aim & Model– Understanding behaviour barriers– Understanding emissions areas– Finding Solutions - facilitation of

– Collective Ownership– Collaboration – Community led solutions

Page 3: Our mission is to provide a blueprint Our aim is provide a beacon

Only 26% of CDP’s Supply Chain Leadership Collaboration have established greenhouse gas reduction targets so far…and these are often moderate – www.strategicrisk.co.uk 2008

How BIG is the problem?

Despite 82% UK concern, only 4% public personal activity – Ipsos MORI 2007

7 years left to keep below global 2 °C warming – WWF 2008

Annual reduction targets need to be 8% to 9% - Tyndell Centre 2007

Global CO2e is still rising exponentially – IPCC 2008

Even if CO2 emissions stopped tomorrow, we are committed to 1.4 degrees of average global warming

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Some Very Basic Science …

• Incoming shortwave solar radiation warms the earth, which then emits long wave radiation.

• Certain gases absorb this energy, and re-emit it back to earth.

• This is the greenhouse effect which is causing global warming and climate change

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Where are global temperatures heading?

(Follow the green line on the right!)

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2ºC, 2003 Heat Wave = ‘the norm’

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2ºC, Sea Level Rise

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2ºC, Ocean Acidification

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2ºC global warming - IMPACTS

While two degrees of warming will be survivable for most developed country humans, 40% of all other species (plant & animal) alive today may be driven to extinction as climate

change wipes out their habitat.

And we are getting close to irreversible “tipping points” through positive feedbacks

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3ºC Amazon Rain Forest Destruction

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3ºC Soil Microbes release CO2 under stress

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3ºC: the ‘tipping point’

Combined, these 2 events will create a further 1.5ºC global temp rise.

• Increasing areas of planet uninhabitable by drought and heat

• Hurricanes increase to Category Six• World food supplies critically endangered• Hundreds of millions of refugees will move towards the


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4ºC, Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse = 5m sea level rise

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4ºC, Methane from Permafrost melt

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4ºC, Ice Free Arctic Ocean

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5ºC global warming - IMPACTS

To understand the implications of 5 ºC of warming, we need to go back 55 million years ago when the Earth experienced a

sudden and dramatic global warming.

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Climate Change Impacts on Scotland

Species invasion – e.g. ticks & mosquitoes

Flooding, increased frequency, increased intensity

Food price increases, changing diets



Fuel price increases, later fuel shortages

Influx global climate change refugees

Coastal erosion

Possible war

Growing gap between rich and poor with more severe impacts

What are the ripple effect impacts of each of these?

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The inspiration behind going carbon neutral Stirling

tipping a nation…(without legislation)

…into immediate, mass, multi-faceted voluntary behaviour change

So what was the task exactly?

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In order to effect ….









Voluntary personal carbon

reduction …that is….

We need to understand…

6 behaviour barriers.

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Key Elements of GCNS

1) Understanding carbon reduction behavioural change barriers

Because that defines what solutions may look like

And the order in which they might be taken up

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Plenty of advice…but no support =

attitude-behaviour gap

Behaviour barrier, 1 of 6

“whilst we know we should probably make some changes to the way we do things, we are always rushing around and don’t

remember. We need reminders in the right place, and supportive help that goes right through, in practical terms, to the bitter end…

without hassle and cost!”

We don’t act because:

SOLUTION: Each engaged community group acts as its own support infrastructure – each week, through asking ‘who remembered?’, we remind, encourage, cajole and compete with each other, to remember to carry out our carbon cutting action. Infrastructurally, we understand, then coordinate carbon cutters needs with delivery mechanisms.

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Behaviour barrier, 2 of 6

Social Norms

GCNS Solution: By asking each engaged community group to talk about their carbon cutting on a weekly basis, we start to normalise the idea of day to day carbon reduction. In addition, we will start to see carbon cutting in our local shops, in our local newspapers, hear about it on our local radio…everywhere we go in Stirling in fact, we will see that others are part of this critical mass project

“it’s not socially normal to carry out personal carbon budgeting…I’ll look like a freak (and no-one will like me!)”

We don’t act because:

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Aspirations and desires are pro high carbon.

Behaviour barrier, 3 of 6

“advertising tells us, everywhere we look, that we will be better off and happier if we have more stuff; and the more amazing the ad, the more hi-carbon the service or product

is, it turns out. It’s hard to go against the grain…”

We don’t act because:

SOLUTION: GCNS will explain to businesses that over the next 4 years, GCNS will be creating carbon savvy customers – who will appreciate low carbon offers, and horrified by hi-carbon offers! By engaging business staff communities, hi-carb offers will be swiftly spotted internally and interchanged for localised low carb offers.

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The Caribbean

Toyota Land cruiser

Aspirational (fun, cooler, smarter, affluent)

Non-aspirational (routine, less cool, banal, ‘poorer’)



Your own parking space

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Behaviour barrier, 4 of 6

Complexity & number of messages

“carbon reduction involves an enormous quantity, variety and complexity of action, we don’t know what to believe, or what to

do, so we end up doing nothing”

We don’t act because:

SOLUTION: We put the carbon cutter plan into being – one action per week that everyone takes, and everyone is reminded to take. GCNS will ask participants “what language worked for this activity?” “what reminder mechanism would work better?” ”How else can we help you make this happen?” We will record what tools and practices work for the varying groups, and improve our delivery with this feedback.

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Behaviour barrier, 5 of 6

Ease of Action

“currently, it’s hard to be a carbon cutter. We need lower carbon goods and services to be easier to find than other

products and services, preferable to use, and better priced”

We don’t act because:

SOLUTION: GCNS will work with GCNS communities, bringing them together in annual open days, in order to discover mutual needs that will aid further carbon cutting. These ‘infrastructural demands’ will be assessed for their carbon validity, and then taken to the ‘delivery community’ such as the council & businesses.

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Hybrid Cars


Slower road speed limits


Electric Fleet

Car sharing




Hi-Speed trains





Fragmented Service

Non-recyclable so higher lifecycle footprint

Global Famine

Not aspirational. Slow

Same CO2 as planes

Late More ExpensiveCrowded

Not ubiquitous, infringes on personal flexibility

Lower comparative mileage performance

No infrastructure Mileage Issues

Expensive, ? quality, not ubiquitous, not as good as face to face

Huge set up carbon footprint

Impossible to enforce. Slowing traffic increases CO2. Hugely unpopular

Need to have the time

Not safe Thefts

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Behaviour barrier, final one

Conflicting messaging & non-joined up thinking

“currently, there is not enough evidence of ‘joined up thinking’ and worse, a lot of ‘conflicting messaging’ by government,

local authorities, media & business…if they can’t be bothered to get it right, why should I?!”

We don’t act because:

SOLUTION: GCNS works with businesses and public bodies to help them get their own houses in order. Then, with their staff engaged as ‘communities’ we look at businesses’ external activity and messaging, as perceived by the public, and realign it to our area’s low carb aspirations.

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Key Elements of GCNS

2) Understanding emissions areas & defining targets

1) Understanding behavioural change barriers

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12 tonnes

11 tonnes10 tonnes

9 tonnes


8 tonnes


5 tonnes


4 tonnes


3 tonnes2 tonnes


1 tonne


7 tonnes


6 tonnes


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1.5 tonnes





2.5 tonnes


1 tonne


0.5 tonne

1 tonne


0.8 tonne


1.2 tonnes



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For global climate change to have a hope of remaining under control, what should our

emissions be?

2007. World population = 6 billion

2050. World population = 9 billion

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Key Elements of GCNS

3) Finding Solutions. Facilitation of

•Collective Ownership

• Collaboration

•Community led solutions

2) Understanding emissions areas & defining targets

1) Understanding behavioural change barriers


Communities…all types

Local Businesses

Stirling Council

Local Media

Community Planning Partnerships

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How do we engage our partners?

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STEP 1We contact them throughrecognised ambassadors

STEP 2We meet them at their

regular group meeting (ease of action)

STEP 3We show them the effects of climate change..

STEP 4..and ask if they will say ‘YES’! to become part of the Stirling critical mass carbon

cutting project

STEP 6 …with whom we create the group’s


STEP 7We give up to 6 support sessions

throughout the year, overcoming obstacles collectively and collaboratively.

STEP 5 We identify the group’s First Year Activator…

At the end of year one, the group is invited to repeat the

process for a second and third year….

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3 year Community Carbon Cutting Plan

Yrs 1 - 3 Smart n’ easy (brain & body trainers)

Yrs 2 & 3: Infrastructural changes

Immediate ease of action

Large degree of normality

YRS 2 & 3Carbon Crushers

Perceived new ‘desire’ , new aspirations & norms

Reduction in conflicting messages

More demand = greater ease of action

Creates ease of action

Engenders social norm

Demonstrates joined up thinking


+ Settlement Open Days

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What will businesses do?

INTERNAL activity• Discover and report scope 1 and 2 emissions

(internal fossil fuels burnt and electricity purchased). • Start to demand knowledge on, and reduction of

scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions that are a consequence of a company's activities, but which arise from sources that are owned or controlled by others).

• Provide a Lifecycle carbon footprint on top services / products

• Create an emissions reduction target in line with the dictates of science

• Staff engagement, as communitiesTalk about it talk about it talk about it talk about t talk about it talk about it….

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What will businesses do?

EXTERNAL Activity• Create social norms – for consumers and other

businesses• Demonstrate joined-up thinking • Re-adjust aspirations & desires • Ensure non-conflicting messaging • Ensure ultimate ease of action

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Key Elements of GCNS

3) Finding Solutions. Facilitation of

•Collective Ownership

• Collaboration

•Community led solutions

2) Understanding emissions areas & defining targets

1) Understanding behavioural change barriers


Communities…all types

Local Businesses

Stirling Council

Local Media

Community Planning Partnerships

Carbon Cutter Plans for staff

Internal CR activity

External collaboration

Carbon Cutter Plans

Open days

Keeping it alive with Positive messaging

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NOW 2035

12 tonnes

6 tonnes

1 tonne

GCNS Carbon Descent Model, the trajectory and what it looks like….

Getting started, with smart and easy carbon brain and body trainers

Making real progress with effective carbon crushers

With the collaboration of businesses & the council to help us with infrastructural


So that cutting more carbs becomes easy again

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• Big Lottery Fund Supporting 21st Century Life programme: £500,000

• The Scottish Government Greener Directorate: £800,000

• WWF-Scotland and Stirling Council Housing Department: £64,000

• There might be funding in years 2 to 4 from LEADER

Funding, where and how much

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And with that we pay for…

• Staff team of 8 for 4 years;• Programme manager• Business engagement• Carbon coach• 3 community engagement and support• Media & communications• Administration

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Year One: Involved Communities


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1.Awareness – yes, support to make changes, no! Leaving “attitude-behaviour gap”2.No social normality for everyday carbon reduction activity3.Aspirations & desires – not low carbon – quite the reverse!4.Too many messages – turns people off5.Currently not easy to take carbon reduction action6.Too many examples of non-joined up thinking & conflicting messaging

To do this it has to remove ‘barriers’ and ‘resistances’ …