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Our brand book.

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Our brand book.

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01 Table of contents

02 Our brandmark

04 Our logo, print and web

06 Logo, horizontal vs stack

08 Logo guidelines

10 Logo supergraphic

12 Logo infographic

14 Breathing room

16 Brand misapplication

20 Print typeface

22 Online typeface

24 Main colors

26 Color Palettes

28 PMS Palettes

30 Gradients

32 Illustrations

36 Photography

40 The big picture

42 Co-branding partners

44 File name conventions

48 To our partners

49 Final word

Contact us

Please view this as a set of guide-lines that explain the basic principles behind our branding at InkHead. Read it, learn it, and use it to come to a better understanding of what we expect from our designers.

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Our brandmark is the most visible element in the InkHead branding system. It consists of the symbol, also referred to as “the InkHead,” and the InkHead logotype. These two ele-ments must always appear together exactly as shown here in this example. We never separate them unless we are using the super-graphic or our small promotional item info-graphic (detailed later on in this manual).

Our brandmark,explained.

The Brandmark

The Symbol, “The InkHead” The Logotype

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(Hint: For all intents and purposes they look and are the same logo, just make sure that in printing we use the proper PMS col-ors. These are specified on page 14.)

01 Print logoThis logo is to be used for all printed collateral including all printed publications, advertising, bill-boards, posters, flyers and product packaging.

02 Screen logoThis is our logo to be used for all screen work, including web sites, banners and presentations.

Both of these logos are available in a negative version.

Our logo is a very valuable asset.We must treat it with respect. Please do not abuse our logo, it can’t defend itself (our lawyers, however, can be really fierce).

Our logo,for Print and Web.

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01 Horizontal logoThis is the most commonly used version of our logo. We use this unless space limita-tions merit the use of our stacked logo.

02 Stacked logoThis is our logo to be used for all screen work, including web sites, banners and presentations.

Both of these logos can be used for either print or web.

Sometimes we need to use varia-tions of our logo depending on the imprint method being used. Here are the most common ver-sions of our logo arranged hori-zontally and stacked.

Logo Options,Horizontal vs Stack.

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There’s a right way and a wrong way to use our logo. Colors can clash, horribly. Take a moment to think about how, and in what con-text, you apply the InkHead logo.

01 Breathing roomAlways leave the logo some space to breathe. A minimum clearance between the logo and other elements must be maintained. For example, the amount of clear or “empty” space that surrounds the logo should be at least equal to ½ the height of the logo (including the wording). Use white or neutral backgrounds. Never get more compli-cated than a simple two color gradient background.

02 If you must…If it’s unavoidable to sit the InkHead logo on a color (we prefer our regular colors, detailed later in this book), use the negative logo.

03 Positive vs. NegativeWe do not use our logo on any background where there is not sufficient contract for an immediate and easy read. Sometimes, however, we cannot avoid using the logo on backgrounds where the contrast would be too high or too low to use our traditional colors. In this case we use a reverse fill so that our logo will be readily recognizable. Other times, such as when facing budget constraints or when a printer does not offer PMS matching, we can-not use our usual Pantone logo colors. In these cases we use one of our approved one color fills or a four-color process version of our original logo. Since most of our print-ers use stock inks that are coated always make sure you use Pantone Coated colors.

We’re not a totalitarian company, but here are some examples of what we think is good design and what should be punishable by a sharp stick in the eye.

04 Tacky alert!Do not sit the logo on clash-ing or inharmonious colors.

05 Clutter IssuesDo not use the negative logo on backgrounds that are too light or cluttered.

06 Be a squareDo not rotate the logo, keep it level.

07 Don’t fix what ain’t brokenDo not add embellishments like drop-shadows, bevels, outer-glows, etc. to the logo.

08 Stating the obviousDo not ever squish, stretch, flatten, mash, crush, or otherwise disfig-ure the logo in any way.

Photo Credit: Ayush Bhandari, Creative Commons License

Logo guidelines

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As a visually exciting background ele-ment we often use the InkHead “head,” minus the lenses of his glasses, as a super-graphic. This is very cool, but has very spe-cific guidelines that need to be followed.01 The basicsThe supergraphic is intended as a proprietary background element in the InkHead visual brand-ing system. It can be used on publication covers, banners, full-page spreads, and similar print applications. Additionally it may be used to create secondary logos or sub brands. When using the supergraphic the “head” symbol must always be cropped in the manner described in this section, it must never be in its entirety. The only exception to this is when creating secondary logos or sub-brands, such as our small imprint area infographic detailed in the following sec-tion. Please note: The supergraphic is the only approved use of the InkHead logo without the use of its accompanying logotype unless you are using the small promotional item infographic.

02 Always, always cropDo not use the supergraphic in its entirety; it must always be cropped at least 1/3 of the total area of the supergraphic. An exception to this is when placing the head as a stand-alone graphic that is less than 1/4 size of the page as a whole; when this is the case we use the head cropped at the bottom of the earlobes, as if he is “peeking up” from the bot-tom of the page. The only other exception is if we are printing promotional items and the entire logo will not be readable in the printable area; in this instance we use the InkHead symbol and the InkHead.com tag (see the promotional item section). Also, please, please, please do not rotate the supergraphic in any orientation other than its normal positioning.

03 Be subtleWhen using the InkHead supergraphic as a background element (i.e. not “peek-ing” up from the bottom of a page) you must always make sure that the fill color is faded, screened, or multiplied (depending on the color of the background), preferably to 25% or less (but no less than 10%). Never put type over the supergraphic, it is sim-ply a space-filling design element, not a backdrop for type. Also, do not put the faded supergraphic over a gradient or photograph as it makes your composition too busy.

04 Going soloUse only one supergraphic element per layout. You may think he’s lonely out there all alone, but trust us, he prefers to be the center of attention.

05 ColorsDo not use sharply contrasting color combinations. Also avoid combining warm and cool colors. Do not use color combina-tions wildly outside of the normal InkHead color palettes.


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Sometimes we need to print our own promo-tional items but our logo and contact informa-tion just will not fit into the imprint area. In this case we use a special logo with our web site address and no tagline. It can be printed at a width three times smaller than our usual logo.

Acceptable colors

01 Where, when, and whyUse this logo (with “.com” added) on promotional items with miniscule imprint areas such as pens or small electronics. This is ideal for small-format laser engraving, when a little imprint area is not designed for multi-color set-ups, when our original logo and our con-tact information cannot be added together on one imprint area, or when shrinking every-thing to fit will reduce the “promotional products” tagline to below a 6 point font size.

02 One colorAlways use this informative logo with just one color. The approved colors are InkHead Blue, InkHead Green, Black, and White (or the closest stock colors that match this if there is an additional or overly expensive PMS charge for exact color matching). If appropriate for special occasions we can use silver, gold, or similar metallic ink.

03 Size mattersThe smallest legible and approved printable text size for almost any printer that we use is no less than 6 pts (six points). Do not shrink this logo to anything beneath a 6 pts (six points) font. You can test this by utilizing a side-by-side comparison of Arial or Helvetica at size 6. The InkHead brandmark should never be reproduced at below 1.5” (38.1 mm) in width. The InkHead small promotional item infographic should never be reproduced at below .5” (12.7mm) in width. These guidelines prevent you from shrinking the type to below a 6 point font size.

Our logo infographic

0.5 inch (12.7 mm) 1.5 inch (38.1 mm)

PMS 871


PMS 280

PMS 877


PMS 326

6 point size font test (this font is size 6)

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Everything needs a little breathing room, espe-cially our logo. Leaving clear space around our brandmark ensures that it stands out.

The clear space ensures an optimum staging area for presentation of our branding ele-ments. The clear space guidelines (shown here) detail the minimum amount of clear space required around all sides of our brandmark. No other graphic elements, type, or photography should encroach into this area of clear space unless it is one of the aforementioned excep-tions to the rule such as the brandmark symbol/logotype or brandmark/website lockups.

We like to encourage a proper observance of clear or white space between the logo and its surrounding elements. The main exception to this rule is in our initial brand-mark/logotype lockup arrangement. That spacing should never be altered.

We only have a horizontal application of our logo; there is no approved vertical brandmark/logotype arrangement.

In all cases, except for out small imprint area infographic, the web address is configured directly beneath the logotype and scaled to the same width. It is always shown in Helvetica Neue LT bold.

Breathing room

The Brandmark

The Symbol, “The InkHead”

The Logotype

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Maintaining this visual continuity and consisten-cy of the InkHead brand-mark is a necessary part of preserving the integrity and visual recognition of our corporate identity.

Brandmark misapplication

Never alter or scale the relationship between our head symbol and its accompanying logotype.

Never reduce or reproduce the brandmark at sizes smaller than 1.5”. Never reduce the infographic to smaller than 0.5”.

Do not substitute or use additional colors in our brandmark other than InkHead Blue, InkHead Green, Silver, Gold, Black, or White.

Do not use InkHead’s logotype within text, such as substi-tuting “inkHead” as a word with the logo.

Go to

6 point font size

The most important part of a suc-cessful brand communication is the ability to maintain a balance between flexibility and consistency. Our color and imagery standards (as detailed in the rest of this manual) give room for a broad range of creative expres-sion, while our InkHead brand-mark functions as the vital anchor for our visual branding system.

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Do not use the head symbol in any application other than those autho-rized in this standard manual (such as replacing O’s with heads).

Do not substitute ordinary Helvetica Neue LT for the specifically altered logotype (our logotype is somewhat thicker, slightly distorted, and specially spaced than the original Helvetica font).

Do not substitute any font or typographic style for our InkHead logotype.

Do not use the InkHead symbol in other communication applica-tions such as bullet points for Power Point presentations.

Do not use the head symbol without the additional logotype unless it is a supergraphic or small promotional item infographic.

None of our components should be redrawn, or otherwise altered, in any form or fashion.

inkHeadpromotional products

Original logotype Regular Helvetica Neue Standard LT

inkHead InkHead.com

InkHead is G D!

boring corporate bullet point #1 boring corporate bullet point #4

boring corporate bullet point #2 boring corporate bullet point #5

boring corporate bullet point #3 boring corporate bullet point #6

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The Helvetica Neue type family is our corporate font, or as corporate as you can get in an office where every day is “Casual Friday.” Helvetica Neue is an easy to read, simple font, good for any-thing from headlines to body text. Use Helvetica Neue wherever possible. It is the stylistic basis for the InkHead logotype and is the primary font family for use in the InkHead branding system.

As an alternate primary typeface for daily correspondence we are par-tial to the Arial font family. We have selected this font family because of its wide-spread availability as well as its visual compatibility with Helvetica Neue LT.

When these typographic guidelines are followed appropriately it ensures that all of our visual communications materials are cohesively distinct and instantly recognizable. These typefaces should never be squeezed, stretched, or otherwise distorted in any way. It goes without saying that we frown heavily on substitutions of these fonts with any unau-thorized typefaces. If you are using this font in a larger size you will need to adjust the kerning a bit. The larger Helvetica gets, the more tightly it needs to be kerned.

Helvetica Neue LT Standard BlackHelvetica also comes in super-bold. It’s called Helvetica Neue LT Standard Black. You will need to adjust the kerning a bit. The larger Helvetica gets, the more tightly it needs to be kerned.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(.,:;?!£$&@*) 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(.,:;?!£$&@*) 0123456789

Our typeface,for print media.

Aa AaHeadlines use Bold & Black (20 – 30+ pts)

Body copy use Standard, Medium, or Light (12 pts)

PMS Cool Gray 11CHSB 223/8/33RGB 77/78/83HEX #4E4E53LAB 33/0/-3CMYK 67/59/53/34100% General Use

Helvetica Neue LT Standard

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Our typeface,for online use.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(.,:;?!£$&@*) 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(.,:;?!£$&@*) 0123456789

Aa AaArial Bold & Arial Black

Headlines use Bold & Black (20 – 30+ pts)

GrayHEX #4E4E4EHSB 0/0/31RGB 78/78/78LAB 33/0/0100% General Use

PC and Mac


Body copy use Standard, Medium, or Light (12 pts)

GrayHEX #4E4E4EHSB 0/0/31RGB 78/78/78LAB 33/0/0100% General Use

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InkHead BluePantone 280CHSB 220/100/47RGB 0/39/119HEX #002777LAB 17/13/-52CMYK 100/89/24/20100% General Use75% Tint25% Boxes

InkHead BluePantone 280CHSB 220/100/47RGB 0/39/119HEX #002777LAB 17/13/-52CMYK 100/89/24/20100% General Use75% Tint25% Boxes

InkHead GreenPantone 326CHSB 115/65/61RGB 62/155/54HEX #3E9B36LAB 57/-44/43CMYK 78/15/100/2100% General Use75% Tint25% Boxes

InkHead GreenPantone 326CHSB 115/65/61RGB 62/155/54HEX #3E9B36LAB 57/-44/43CMYK 78/15/100/2100% General Use75% Tint25% Boxes

BlackPantone Process Black CHSB 0/0/0RGB 0/0/0HEX #000000LAB 0/0/0CMYK 0/0/0/100100% General Use75% Tint25% Boxes

InkHead Text PrintCool Gray 11CHSB 223/8/33RGB 77/78/83HEX #4E4E53LAB 33/0/-3CMYK 67/59/53/34100% General Use

InkHead Text WebHSB 0/0/31RGB 78/78/78HEX #4E4E4ELAB 33/0/0CMYK 65/58/57/36100% General Use

WhitePantone Trans. WhiteHSB 0/0/100RGB 255/255/255HEX #FFFFFFLAB 100/0/0CMYK 0/0/0/0100% General Use100% Tint100% Boxes

These are our primary colors for text and headers. These are our primary colors for logos and boxes.

Our colors give reflect our corporate per-sonality. We’re fun, bold, and confident. They’re very simple. You can only repro-duce the InkHead logo using InkHead Blue and InkHead Green, Black, or White.

Our colors

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InkHead BlueHSB 220/100/47RGB 0/39/119HEX #002777LAB 17/13/-52CMYK 100/89/24/20

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 36/100/97RGB 248/148/0HEX #F89400LAB 71/33/77CMYK 0/49/100/0

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

InkHead BlueHSB 220/100/47RGB 0/39/119HEX #002777LAB 17/13/-52CMYK 100/89/24/20

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 187/70/100RGB 76/233/255HEX #4CE9FFLAB 86/-34/-22CMYK 70/8/0/0

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

InkHead GreenHSB 115/65/61RGB 62/155/54HEX #3E9B36LAB 57/-44/43CMYK 78/15/100/2

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 265/100/52RGB 65/0/132HEX #370084LAB 16/47/-62CMYK 93/100/10/10

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 189/80/51RGB 26/115/130HEX #1A7382LAB 44/-22/-16CMYK 86/41/41/10

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 36/100/50RGB 127/77/0HEX #7F4D00LAB 38/18/47CMYK 36/66/100/32

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 254/70/100RGB 119/76/255HEX #774CFFLAB 47/60/-83CMYK 53/70/0/0

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 148/75/66RGB 42/168/100HEX #2AA864LAB 61/-47/25CMYK 79/8/82/1

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 258/94/56RGB 49/8/142HEX #31088ELAB 18/44/-65CMYK 96/100/6/5

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

InkHead BlueHSB 220/100/47RGB 0/39/119HEX #002777LAB 17/13/-52CMYK 100/89/24/20

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

InkHead GreenHSB 115/65/61RGB 62/155/54HEX #3E9B36LAB 57/-44/43CMYK 78/15/100/2

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

InkHead GreenHSB 115/65/61RGB 62/155/54HEX #3E9B36LAB 57/-44/43CMYK 78/15/100/2

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 136/82/70RGB 32/178/71HEX #20B247LAB 64/-55/43CMYK 78/0/100/0

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 212/72/55RGB 40/88/141HEX #28588DLAB 36/-2/-35CMYK 92/70/20/4

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 49/100/53RGB 135/111/0HEX #876F00LAB 48/3/55CMYK 43/47/100/19

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 342/99/54RGB 138/1/41HEX #8A0129LAB 29/52/20CMYK 28/100/79/31

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 50/70/100RGB 255/226/76HEX #FFE24CLAB 90/-6/73CMYK 0/11/70/0

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 92/71/70RGB 109/177/51HEX #6DB133LAB 66/-38/54CMYK 63/7/100/1

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 190/73/52RGB 35/117/132HEX #237584LAB 45/-21/-16CMYK 84/41/40/9

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 265/100/52RGB 55/0/132HEX #370084LAB 16/-47/-62CMYK 93/100/10/10

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 49/100/50RGB 127/104/0HEX #7F6800LAB 45/3/52CMYK 45/49/100/23

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 20/60/100RGB 255/154/101HEX #FF9A65LAB 73/33/43CMYK 0/40/60/0

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

HSB 71/71/65RGB 144/167/48HEX #90A730LAB 65/-20/55CMYK 49/20/100/2

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

These should give you a good idea of the types of colors we like to use at InkHead. These are not the only colors you can use, just think of them as a jumping off point. Try kuler.adobe.com for more ideas. Use our main colors as a base.

Our color palettes






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PANTONE orange 021 C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE warm gray 2 C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE purple C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE 362 CInkHead Green

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE reflex blue C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE rhodamine red C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE 280 CInkHead Blue

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE yellow C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE pro-cess cyan C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic

PANTONE red 032 C

100% Solid75% Tint25% Supergraphic


Medium PMSPalette

Dark PMSPalette

PMS color palettes

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Using gradients in a background can look elegant and beautiful, but be careful not to go overboard. Resist the urge to go color crazy; remem-ber, at InkHead, simplicity is key.

01 Two’s companyAlways make your gradi-ents one to two colors. Two’s company, three’s a crowd. Never use more than two colors or make a rainbow gradi-ent; it makes the .jpg file size too large for our web site and it just looks too busy (and does not reproduce well) for print.

02 Back to basicsMore often than not, if a gradient is needed, a simple black or white base combined with one of the accepted InkHead colors is the best choice of action. Stick to color combina-tions like InkHead Blue and Black, InkHead Green and White, or things of a similar nature.

03 The spice of lifeWe understand that variety is the spice of life, so if it is appropri-ate you can add a non-black or non-white color to the accepted InkHead colors. For example, an InkHead Green can look nice with a yellow-green or yellow combination.

04 Use your noodleUltimately we are not going to give you a list of gradient colors that you must strictly adhere to, but always use your best judge-ments with simplicity in mind. As always, if you are confused as to what is appropriate, please check with a senior mem-ber of our art team, a manager, or an owner.


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Stock designs:We have a variety of stock illustrations, available on the art drive, if you are unsure whether an illus-tration you have created will suit our brand or not. Please refer to these designs as a reference.


Goals: We strive to enhance our brand imag-ery through the use of quality illustrations that fit in with our clean and simple look.

Imagery:We only use crisp vector work in our illustrations. Do not use raster illustrations at all. We prefer the use of simple shapes, curves, and gradients. We discourage flashy, multi-colored, or garish illustrations that do not facilitate clean design.

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Mirror, mirror:When using photography to showcase prod-ucts in something like our catalog please be sure to avoid using things like drop-shadows or outer-glows. The only thing we approve of as embellishments on our products is the use of a faded reflection. See the following exam-ples for a better idea of what we mean.

Stock designs:We have a variety of stock photos avail-able, on the art drive and from our vendors. If you are unsure whether an photo you have found will suit our photo guidelines please refer to these photos as a reference.


Original Photo from Bulletline

Goals: We strive to enhance our brand through the use of quality photographs that fit in with our clean and simple look.

Imagery:We prefer to use vector art at InkHead. It is infinitely scalable and great for all print and screen viewing. However, when we are showing product samples (and people, places, etc.) we cannot avoid the use of photos. If we must use raster images we make sure that, whenever possible, we use clean, cut-out images with no distracting background. Always use the pen tool to make a path selection for remov-ing the background of a photograph; this ensures that there are smooth, crisp lines instead of jag-ged or blurry edges. Saving paths that you used for selections also comes in handy for future use of alpha channels, clipping masks, and text wraps in other print applications. Typically we place cut-out photos over gradients or clean, solid backdrops.

© Copyright Bulletline 2008

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Product cut-out with pen tool

Mirror added to cut-out

This is the final version with gradient added. This is what we would like all of our product photos to look like.

It’s beautiful, simple, and sophisticated. This is the sort of clean look we love.

This can be done by duplicating the cut-out layer, applying the original layer mask, flip it upside down, then apply another simple layer mask filled with a black an white gradient.

Make sure the path option is selected, cre-ate a complex path, utilize the “make selection from path” option and create a layer mask.

© Copyright Bulletline 2008

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The big picture

Now that you have gone over the basics, let’s see what it looks like when you put a composition together utiliz-ing all of these branding principles.

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Co-branding InkHead, Inc. with our vendors is something in which we occasionally participate. We make sure to do so with the same level of design integrity and respect for their logo guidelines as we do with our own.

Within certain limits, the InkHead brandmark can be used in creative presenta-tions and/or collateral that supports marketing or sales campaigns.This is permissible as long as the logo itself is not altered in any way or oth-erwise impaired in color, shape, or spacing. To acquire our logo for use in any external collateral material, please [email protected].

Co-branding partners

For a subscription, please fill out card below, tear off, and mail back to us free

of charge.

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Publication Sample:

Trade Show Banner Sample:

Mailer Sample:











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InkHead Promotional Products363 Resource PkwyWinder, GA 30680














(Examples shown not actual size.)

Vendor Logos

The basics

We have over forty vendors that we regularly do business with but there are only a few lead vendors that we commonly partner promotions with.These major vendor partner logos can be obtained through the vendors’ respective art departments. Whenever possible, they are to be used with adherence to the co-branded samples as outlined here.

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As every good employee knows, the key to organization is consistency. All of the files men-tioned previously in this document are identi-fied with a cohesive file naming system. You will find the key to our naming process here.


IHPInkHead Print

IHWInkHead Web (this covers all electronic media)


1C (or 2C, 3C, etc)One (or two, three, etc) spot (pantone) color(s)

4PFour-color process





SG: Supergraphic

IG: Infographic

LG: Logo

.format suffix



& etc.

File Name Conventions File Name Key

These Mac and PC compatible files are available in the InkHead_Brandmark_Library folder locat-ed on the art drive. Use “_” instead of spaces.


application(print or web)_color(s)_filetype.format suffix


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... and that’s InkHead! We hope this gives you better insight into our aims for brand communication.

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The Final Word.When in doubt, adhere to the guidelines in this document. If you’re still in unsure just ask a senior member of our art team or one of the owners.

Please show our brand the love and respect it deserves. We have left our branding sys-tem pretty flexible so that it allows for an ele-ment of creativity. Don’t be afraid to experiment within these aforementioned guidelines. We encourage new thoughts and ideas, as long as they adhere to our general “look.” So get out there, get creating, and make us proud.

To Our Partners in Promotions.These guidelines are for the use of InkHead design teams and agencies only. Please refer to our art depart-ment for guidelines specific to the work you are produc-ing, be it an event, retail signage, or packaging.

You can request information about additional brand guidelines from your regular contact at InkHead.

Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work!

Now available at a web site near you.If you ever lose your hardcopy and are in dire need of brand-ing assistance, the InkHead Brand Book can be found online.

Please visit InkHead.com/brand(user name: IHBrand, password: IHbr4nd).

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© 2009 InkHead Promotional Products, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission from InkHead Promotional Products.

For more information please contact us.

Sales1.800.554.0127 option 1

[email protected]

Customer Service1.800.554.0127 option 2

[email protected]

Art1.800.554.0127 option 3

[email protected]