our attitude when worshipping our god


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Page 1: Our Attitude When Worshipping Our God
Page 2: Our Attitude When Worshipping Our God
Page 3: Our Attitude When Worshipping Our God
Page 4: Our Attitude When Worshipping Our God
Page 5: Our Attitude When Worshipping Our God

Imagine a church where every member is passionately,

whole-heartedly, and recklessly

calling the shots

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I have a busy work-week and by the time Sunday rolls around

I’m tired. So, how about a church service

that starts when I get there?

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Can do. When you arrive

we begin.

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This guy (baby) plays by his own rules.

We want to find a church where if he starts screaming

we’re not the bad guys.

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Say no more, if your baby is

screaming YOU stay seated. Others around you

can leave.

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You know financially, My wife and I

don’t give a lot to the church but we sure like to know who does.

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Alright, if you join now you’ll know what every

person gives… in detail.

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When I’m in the church

service, can my car get a buff

and a wax?

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Not just that, but an oil-change

and a tune-up.

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• This illustration is “over the top” with humor, but it deals with a serious message.

– Ever heard of ATMs, Restaurants, Drive-in communion?

– Even among “faithful” congregations of the Lord selfishness is seen by ‘church accommodations’.

– We need to come to realize…it is NOT about you or me, but about our heavenly Father.

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Our Attitude Must Be of a Willing Heart

• Mary’s act toward Jesus was done out of love for Him. Jn. 12:1-67

– Jesus recently raised Lazarus from the dead. Jn. 11 (v. 28, 32-36)

– Mary was under no compulsion or obligation to anoint Jesus.

– If there was a sense of compulsion or obligation it was done out of thanksgiving and a willing heart.

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Our Attitude Must Be of a Willing Heart

• Judas was not willing that Mary use the perfume oil to anoint Jesus.

– First, the perfume was not even Judas’.– His suggestion to sell the costly perfume

only deflected his true heart. cp. Jn. 12:5– He was not willing that Mary should use the

perfume to anoint the Lord.

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Our Attitude Must Be of a Willing Heart

• Our attitude:– Do you willingly worship the Lord, having

great love for the One who loves us?– Do you have/find reasons not to worship the

Lord? • Many provide superficially righteous reasons for

their hearts/actions.• Consider your attitude.

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Our Attitude Must be Pure

• Mary used pure (or genuine) oil in her act of love of Jesus. Jn. 12:3

– Without reading too much into the symbolism of the oil, it no doubt reflects the attitude Mary showed in her loving act toward Jesus.

– She wanted to give nothing but the best: and her willing attitude reflected purity.

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Our Attitude Must be Pure

• Judas had an ulterior motive for his words.

– “Sell it for 300 denarii and give the money to the poor.” V. 5

– His heart betrayed his words, however, because he cared not for the poor, but thought only of himself. V. 6

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Our Attitude Must be Pure

• Our attitude:– Some come with pure motives giving the

best of what they have in worshipping the Lord.

– Others come for selfish reasons, thinking only of themselves: a ‘what can I get out of this service.’

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Our Attitude Is Reflected By How Much the Worship Costs Us

• It cost Mary much in the way of finances for this oil.

– Mary didn’t come to receive from the Lord, but to give to Him.

– What she gave was so exorbitant than many consider her action wasteful (foolish).

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Our Attitude Is Reflected By How Much the Worship Costs Us

• It cost Judas nothing:– Yet he still considered not the loving offering

Mary gave to Jesus, but only considered himself.

– His attitude manifested his true heart: love of this world. cp. Matt. 26:14

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Our Attitude Is Reflected By How Much the Worship Costs Us

• Our attitude:– Worshipping the Lord should cost us

something because we are offering something up before our Lord.

– For some, however, the offering is of little to no consequence and in fact only look for what can be received.

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• There is a great contrast between Mary’s act of love for Jesus and Judas’ selfishness.

• Such examples embodies the contrasting attitudes that prevail among those who worship God today.