our actions, others’ consequence: s tory

Our Actions, Others’ Consequence: Story Living in Jackson WY year round I don’t have to extensively worry about our beautiful lakes being trashed with plastic or roadways being coated in a permanent layer of plastic. Sure some plastic floats about or happens to fly away, but our town cares about the

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Page 1: Our Actions, Others’ Consequence: S tory

Our Actions, Others’ Consequence: Story

Living in Jackson WY year round

I don’t have to extensively

worry about our beautiful lakes

being trashed with plastic or

roadways being coated in a

permanent layer of plastic. Sure

some plastic floats about or

happens to fly away, but our

town cares about the

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environment, so we clean up our town often, but most people living in big cities or countries

don’t think twice. Creatures in the oceans live with plastic everywhere around them, the

seeping chemicals and mountains of plastic.

Imagine a sea turtle living in the Atlantic ocean was going out for a midnight snack

getting a jellyfish or two, but is still so hungry. One majestic jellyfish is waiting to be gobbled up

its floating and drifting with the ocean current. As, this sea turtle goes up to chomp it up not

knowing any better a single person living on the coast of Cape Cod goes on with their daily life

not addressing the fact that the one plastic bag they just let fly away ended up in this poor sea

turtles stomach.

But here's the deal this one sea turtle is one out of half of the sea turtle population; one

of 100 million marine organisms, and a trillionth of a percent of organisms around the world

entangled in plastics and trash.

Plastic bag pollution is a significant problem today, and we can combat the silence by

using reusable bags and educating people on plastic’s harm; one organization that is fighting

successfully against plastic pollution is 5 Gyres (Link).

Simple Knowledge: Background

Most of us look at plastic as a

convenient source of help;

what most people don’t

realize is that plastic is

harmful to our planet. Plastic

isn’t going to go away, but all

of us can help reduce the

amount of plastic in our

worlds: landfills, houses, and

animals. So much plastic is in

our oceans today that “90%

of seabirds contain plastic

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debris” (Wikipedia). Many more animals have plastic in their stomachs, but the birds living on

the coasts find little pieces of plastic to be food, so their population is eating and living all

around plastic everyday.

● “Since the 1950s, an estimated 6.3 billion tons of plastic has been produced, of

which an estimated 9% has been recycled.” (Wikipedia).

❏ 2,000,000,000,000 pounds of plastic has been made in the the last 68 years. Think of

that big number compared to how many pounds you weigh.

❏ So many pounds of plastic has been made in the last 6 decades and 8 years, but only an

estimated 9% has been recycled.

● “If just one person used recycled plastic bags over their lifetime, they would be

removing 22,000 plastic bags from the environment.” (King).

❏ 154,000,000,000 plastic bags would be reduced if every person used recycled plastic

bags in a lifetime. To reduce that number even more instead of using recycled plastic

bags use reusable ones.

● “Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic products in the environment

that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans” (Wikipedia).

❏ Using less plastic will keep wildlife, humans and the environment more healthy.

❏ We get to choose what world we live in and if we want a world with not as much plastic,

animals in danger, or health issues we need to be the ones to change our world.

❏ We can’t expect others to help clean up and reduce the plastic in our world all by

themselves. Don’t be someone who thinks, “It won’t matter if I help.” Because it does

matter, every...single...person makes a difference in our world.

❏ Sure that might be a lot to ask, but with one person starting to use less plastic that could

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save one turtle or one sea bird, but if everyone pitched in we could save so many things

and fix a lot of issues.

We Are the Problem: Causes

To really grasp the idea of plastic and its harm we need to understand the causes of this

problem. Earth Eclipse states, “Plastic are the most affordable and easily available items in the

current world.”(Earth Eclipse). People always fall back on plastic, and this is because it is an

unbeatable option. We don’t think about what happens to a plastic bag once we take our

groceries home in it and then throw it away, because the majority of us don’t understand the

significance of the plastic problem and don’t think to recycle.

“Plastics are cheap and easy to make and are equally durable. They also get discarded

easily”(Earth Eclipse). Plastic is easy to get, easy to make and easy to discard; that is undeniable

for most people. If you think deeper in plastic, you will see that is it made from oil which is a

substance that is so harmful for the environment. Oil is dug for and sucked out of the earth to

mostly make plastic. Right now in this very moment oil is affecting the air making it so polluted

only because we “need” that oil for plastic. Couldn’t we be using that oil for better things?

“Plastics are used as packaging materials, in home utilities, plastic bottles, straws,

plastic paper bags, cans, and the list goes on”(Earth Eclipse). Plastic is closing in on our world;

it’s all around us. Our lives are wrapped up in plastic. It is almost unavoidable, but parts of it can

be avoided.

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Start by using:

● Reusable bags

● Tupperware

● Reusable straws

● Metal water bottles

We are the ones causing this plastic

issue to be so bad. Plastic: bags, cutlery,

packaging, sandwich bags, the list goes on. Any

piece of evidence I throw out will all relate to

us...humans, and our choices with what we do

with plastic and what we don’t do.

What Happens to Our World: Effects

The effects of plastic pollution is a never

ending list, but some of the most important

effects are what happens to the oceans the

the groundwater and soil. “About 300 million

tons of plastic is produced globally each

year. Only about 10 percent of that is

recycled. Of the plastic that is simply

trashed, an estimated seven million tons

ends up in the sea each year.”(NY Times).

7 million tons of plastic. 7 million tons. What does that mean to you. Because to me, that

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means a lot. That much plastic is carelessly thrown into the ocean every year. In an average

human lifespan about 609,000,000 tons of plastic is dumped just into the ocean. Millions of

tons of plastic items are all around us and are multiplying by the minute. The plastic in the

oceans have a major effect on all the marine life. Getting entangled with plastic or mistaking it

for food puts a damper on that organisms life, many sea organisms are affected by plastic,

whether that be the smallest organism or the biggest.

“They get into soil and slowly release toxic chemicals” (Greener Ideal). While every

person goes on with their everyday life where plastic is always a factor, some don’t realize that

after they throw that piece of plastic away it could very well end up in a water way or farm in

the middle of nowhere if it is snagged of something causing it to stay in one place after a while

that plastic will release harmful chemicals into the ground potentially affecting our food or


Doesn’t that make you wonder what happens to the food packaged in plastic that is

sitting on a grocery store shelf for a while. Everyone is very busy everyday, but we all need to

address the world issues that are affecting ourselves, the environment and animals. Plastic

pollution is a real issue, and it's not going to go away. We can reduce the plastic pollution

affecting our world by addressing what happens to everything in our lives we love.

Before You Deny the Significance: Counterclaim

If you are reading this article from any clean city, town or neighborhood it is easy to

deny the significance of this plastic pollution problem. If you are reading this article from

Jackson Hole, WY, it is easy to say plastic is not a problem; I’m in that boat too; I mean look

around us we live in a paradise compared to living near the Ganges River or in China.

❏ Ganges River: “Untreated sewage

flows directly into the river where

people cook, bathe, and perform

burial rites for the

recently-deceased. Factories and

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farms from industries as varied as leather tanning to shipbuilding line the

river's banks, dumping dangerous chemicals into the river”(Business Insider).

❏ China: “China was the dumping ground for more than half of the world's trash

before the ban and, at its peak, was importing almost 9 million metric tons of

plastic scrap a year”(CNBC).

Some of us are too fantasized in our world of Jackson Hole to even consider that plastic

used once is affecting people and animals is areas where plastic pollution is a major problem.

Some people living in clean towns or places may argue that plastic pollution is not a big issue

because they aren't being affected by its harm. Just remember that this problem is huge; just

because plastic pollution doesn’t affect you doesn't mean this problem isn’t significant.

What Can We Do: Solutions

With all the sad pictures and evidence I hope you want to be part of a solution to this

tragic problem. Reducing the significance of this problem is easier than you may think. “Ninety

percent of the plastic items in our daily lives are used once and then chucked: grocery bags,

plastic wrap, disposable cutlery, straws, coffee-cup lids. Take note of how often you rely on

these products and replace them with reusable versions. It only takes a few times of bringing

your own bags to the store, silverware to the office, or travel mug to Starbucks before it

becomes habit” (Natural Resources Defence Council). Habit: a settled or regular tendency or

practice, especially one that is hard to give up. That is a big part of stopping this horrid problem

of plastic pollution.

Another alternative if you aren’t ready to quit plastic is to make a great effort to be sure

that every piece of plastic debris that can be recycled finds the recycling bin. Those are only a

few actions you can take to reduce the amount of plastic in your life. I encourage you to try

hard, and be a part of the change in this world's worst pollution problem.

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What Have I Done: Guts Factor

Don’t be offended anyone over the age of

18, but this generation the one i’m in is the

generation that has the most power to make

a difference. With that in mind my partner

Jordyn Kantor and I went to Colter

Elementary to teach three fifth grade classes

in order to inspire the fifth graders to make a

difference in our world today.

We played many fun activities one of which

was having every kid in those three classes color their own canvas bag. I was so impressed

when I saw kids coloring their bags with words like “R,R,R” or “don’t use plastic” instead of just

drawing things they really like.

We asked every kid to tell us what they were going to do with their bag, “I am going to

put my soccer things in my new bag” (Lucy Webb: Broderick). We asked every kid to inspire

others to recycle and not use as much plastic.

I believe that teaching these fifth grade classes positively affected the kids. Some of the

facts we showed them made them realize

what they were doing was negatively

affecting the world they live in. I do feel

like most of the kids were disappointed

when we told them how any plastic

debris they through away could end up

killing an organism in the ocean or

anywhere really.

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Going in to these classrooms was very frightening to me. Though I know I am very

capable of teaching and getting my point across; every time we were about to leave school I

was very nervous that the kids wouldn’t like what we had to say or they would be bored out of

their minds. My mind was blown when the kids were telling each other how fun the next

activity was going to be or that they couldn’t wait to use their canvas bag. I don’t think I would

have been so into teaching about my topic to the fifth graders if it wasn’t for the smiles on their

faces or happiness they were showing towards all the teachings and games.

Who Else Is Helping: Charity

All over the world people are fighting to really stop

this problem of plastic pollution. One of the many

charities fighting against plastic pollution is the

5 Gyres (Link). The 5 Gyres wants to make our

world a better place by educating the world on the

harm of plastic. As well as trying to eliminate

plastic. “Our mission is to empower action against

the global health crisis of plastic pollution through

science, education, and adventure. Our vision is a

world free of plastic pollution! We're honored to

be members of Break Free From Plastic (Link), an

international movement that unites non-profit organizations to fight plastic pollution, sharing

the common values of environmental protection and social justice” (5 Gyres).

I live in Jackson Hole, WY which is very much landlocked. I have got to be honest and tell

you that sometimes I think plastic that is all around us in Jackson isn’t a big problem because

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we don’t live near the ocean. What I have picked up on is that plastic usually ends up in the

oceans a majority of the time, but it’s true some of you may say plastic accumulated in a small

town like Jackson never ends up in the ocean. 5 Gyres is here to tell you that is not the case. “A

2017 study from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (Link) found that 95%

of plastic in the ocean comes from land....Even if you live in a landlocked area, your plastic

consumption is likely a contributor to the problem” (5 Gyres).

The 5 Gyres and more importantly the world needs your help to eliminate the amount

of plastic in our world today. If you use plastic: recycle it. If you don’t use plastic: that's even

better. The 5 Gyres reminds us that we need “More Ocean, Less Plastic” (5 Gyres). In our

everyday world. Support 5 Gyres and their mission to stop plastic pollution.

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Making a Difference Step By Step: Jackson Hole Plastic Bag Ban

Jackson Hole town council unanimously agreed that the town of Jackson would orchestrate a

town wide plastic bag ban and put a tax on paper bags for 10 cents. This will hopefully

encourage everyone in Jackson to bring there reusable bags the the store. Clearly Jackson Hole,

WY wants to be more involved in keeping our town, and world clean.

If we all depend on everyone else to put forth an effort to solve the plastic problem,

nothing will never get done.

Works Cited

All Around China. Bellacks Bits of News, awtreyms.blogs.com/bellack/page/2/.

Business Insider. www.businessinsider.com/photos-indias-ganges-river-pollution-2018-1.




Earth Eclipse. www.eartheclipse.com/pollution/various-causes-of-plastic-pollution.html.

5 Gyres. www.5gyres.org/faq/.

5 Gyres. Vimeo, vimeo.com/5gyres.

Greener Ideal.


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National Resource Defense Council. www.nrdc.org/stories/10-ways-reduce-plastic-pollution.

The New York Times.



9 Tips For Living With Less Plastic. Less Plastic,


“PADI.” Padi, www2.padi.com/blog/2017/03/27/7-facts-plastic-bags-will-change-way-use/.

Plastic In Dead Sea Bird. Green Living Ideas, www.pinterest.com/pin/454793262352885050/.

Plastic trash overwhelms beach at Freedom Island protected mangrove area, near Manila,

Philippine. As You Sow, archive.asyousow.org/our-work/waste/ocean-plastics/.

Turtles Are Choking On Our Plastic Trash, Including Plastic Bags. California Against Waste,


Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_pollution.

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