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8/19/2019 OUP ConstructionSystemsByBotting http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/oup-constructionsystemsbybotting 1/70 1 Oswego Update Project A Graduate Research Project Updating Course Outlines in Technology Education June 200 !Construction "yste#s$ In collaboration with: Developer: %r& 'oward (otting) Graduate Research) "U*+ , Oswego) [email protected]  Project Directors: Dr. William Waite, Professor, SU!"#swego, [email protected]$% &r. 'ric S%hr, (aisson, ew !or) State '$%cation Department, es%[email protected]*se$.gov +ontent +ons%ltants: &r. ichar$ -%sh, Professor, SU!"#swego, rb%[email protected]$% &r. obert Spin$ler, ome ree /ca$em* 0igh School &r. oseph ivellino, West Iron$i2%oit 0igh School &r. +harles &iller, West Iron$i2%oit +entral School District #riginal Writing 3eam 415678: Dr. ac) -r%ec)man, State Universit* +ollege at -%ffalo 4also 1565 revision8 Dr. William Waite, State Universit* +ollege at #swego 4also 1565 revision8 &r. oseph -otta, So%th +olonie +entral 0igh School &r. obert ones, /ms$ell 0eights %nior 0igh School &r. ohn Pta), /mherst 0igh School -igitally a.aila/le at www&oswego&edu1waite

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Oswego Update Project

A Graduate Research ProjectUpdating Course Outlines in Technology Education

June 200

!Construction "yste#s$

In collaboration with:


%r& 'oward (otting) Graduate Research) "U*+ , Oswego) [email protected] 

Project Directors:

Dr. William Waite, Professor, SU!"#swego, [email protected]$% &r. 'ric S%hr, (aisson, ew !or) State '$%cation Department, es%[email protected]*se$.gov 

+ontent +ons%ltants:

&r. ichar$ -%sh, Professor, SU!"#swego, rb%[email protected]$% &r. obert Spin$ler, ome ree /ca$em* 0igh School&r. oseph ivellino, West Iron$i2%oit 0igh School&r. +harles &iller, West Iron$i2%oit +entral School District

#riginal Writing 3eam 415678:

Dr. ac) -r%ec)man, State Universit* +ollege at -%ffalo 4also 1565 revision8Dr. William Waite, State Universit* +ollege at #swego 4also 1565 revision8&r. oseph -otta, So%th +olonie +entral 0igh School&r. obert ones, /ms$ell 0eights %nior 0igh School&r. ohn Pta), /mherst 0igh School

-igitally a.aila/le atwww&oswego&edu1waite

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3he #swego Up$ate Project; is a collaboration between SU! #swego an$ the !S'$%cation Department to refresh an$ mo$erni<e e=isting 3echnolog* '$%cation co%rse o%tlines.ew !or) State (earning Stan$ar$s will be i$entifie$ an$ organi<e$.

3he original wor) was a !S'D initiative $%ring the transformation from In$%strial /rts to3echnolog* '$%cation in the 156>s. 3hese co%rses have proven to be ver* pop%lar an$ most$%rable for the profession. In fact, man* have been %se$ as co%rse mo$els in other states.

0%n$re$s of sections are offere$ in ew !or) State each *ear, accor$ing to the -asic'$%cational Data S*stem 4-'DS8. 0owever, the objectives nee$ to be revisite$ with a c%rrente*e, s%ccessf%l teaching strategies nee$ to be s%rve*e$ in the fiel$, bibliographies sho%l$ be%p$ate$, an$ Internet reso%rces a$$e$, as the* were %navailable $%ring the original project.

It is hope$ that this gra$%ate"level research en$eavor will accomplish the following:

• provi$e a soli$ gra$%ate research project for the $evelopers involve$ 4learning b* $oing8

• involve )nown, s%ccessf%l teachers as cons%ltants to the process thro%gh a commoninterview template

• honor the wor) an$ $e$ication of the original writing teams

• refresh co%rse objectives an$ teaching strategies

• forge a more %niform format between an$ among co%rse o%tlines

• %p$ate the bibliograph* of each co%rse to reflect the last ten *ears of literat%re review

• incl%$e Internet reso%rces both %sef%l as general professional tools, an$ as specific contentenhancement

• $evelop an in$e= showing how !S &?S?3 stan$ar$s are accomplishe$ for each co%rseobjective

3he res%lt will be an enhancement for gra$%ate st%$ents at SU!"#swego, !S'Dimplementation goals, an$ 3echnolog* '$%cation teachers in ew !or) State. +o%rse o%tlineswill be $igitall* repro$%ce$ an$ ma$e available thro%gh appropriate Internet an$ electronicme$ia.

Dr. William Waite, Professor SU! #swego, Dept. of 3echnolog*School of '$%cation

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#verview of the +o%rse

Since h%man)in$As first attempts to %se technolog* to overcome the a$versit* in the nat%ralworl$, he?she has %se$ some element of +onstr%ction S*stems to solve the problems at han$. In thisco%rse the %niversal s*stems approach of inp%ts, reso%rces, processes, o%tp%ts an$ controls, will bee=plore$ as it pertains to the fo%r main t*pes of constr%ction fo%n$ to$a*" (ight +onstr%ction, +ommercial+onstr%ction, In$%strial +onstr%ction, an$ +ivil +onstr%ction. Progress ma$e in these fo%r areas affects

ever* comm%nit* in the worl$. Infrastr%ct%re b%il$ing an$ maintenance is a challenge thro%gho%t allco%ntries. +onstr%ction s*stem activities have a major impact on peopleAs lives, an$ provi$e a wi$evariet* of occ%pations in each comm%nit*.

+areer opport%nities, an$ job 2%alifications will be $isc%sse$ thro%gho%t the co%rse. Since allstr%ct%res b%ilt will have an impact on the environment in which the* are constr%cte$, this co%rse wille=plore how these impacts can be positive an$?or negative. 3his co%rse is not a vocational trainingco%rse, b%t will provi$e eno%gh )nowle$ge to the st%$ent, so that the* ma* p%rs%e vocational areas ofinterest. St%$ent activities will encompass han$s"on lab activities as well as comp%ter"base$ sim%lations.+o%rse will be %p$ate$ to reflect innovations in constr%ction processes an$ pro$%cts.

Instr%ctional &etho$olog*

3his co%rse will re2%ire a laborator* e2%ippe$ with tools an$ machines essential to st%$ent constr%ctionproject activit*. 'mphasis sho%l$ be given to han$s"on learning. /ppro=imatel* B7C of the class timesho%l$ be $evote$ to this t*pe of activit*. 3he remaining 25% will be $evote$ to theor* an$ instr%ction.

3ime is a limiting factor an$ re2%ires that the instr%ctor caref%ll* str%ct%re the co%rse. 3he content o%tlineprovi$es a complete overview of the topics to be covere$. ar*ing amo%nts of time can be spent oncertain areas $epen$ing %pon the teacherAs plan for implementing of the c%rric%l%m. It is e=pecte$,however, that each area of the content o%tline be covere$ in some wa* to offer a complete view of thein$%str*. Safet* an$ career information are e=tremel* important an$ sho%l$ be stresse$ thro%gho%t eachtopic.

Use in Se2%ence: S*stems +o%rse

3his co%rse is one of the ew !or) State approve$ s*stems co%rses in 3echnolog* '$%cation. It is one offive co%rses $esigne$ to give st%$ents a firm b%t broa$ e=ploration of the technical worl$ in which the*

live. St%$ents completing a se2%ence in 3echnolog* '$%cation m%st have s%ccessf%ll* complete$ an*one of these five s*stems co%rses.

3his co%rse ma* also be ta)en b* an* st%$ent as an elective co%rse. If the instr%ctor %ses this s*llab%s asa g%i$e for instr%ction, st%$ents ma* be grante$ egents cre$it for the e=perience.

Several co%rses within 3echnolog* '$%cation offerings can be offere$ on a 1?9"%nit or 1"%nit basis.+o%rse wor) earning 1?9"%nit m%st comprise a minim%m of 7E ho%rs of instr%ction an$ co%rse wor)earning 1"%nit m%st comprise a minim%m of 1>6 ho%rs of instr%ctional time.

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+o%rse Foals

St%$ents will gain an %n$erstan$ing of the %niversal s*stem mo$el as it is applie$ $%ring theconstr%ction process. St%$ents will e=plore the vario%s +onstr%ction technologies in %se to$a*, an$ howthese technologies impact the worl$ aro%n$ them. +onstr%ction reso%rces an$ processes will be e=plore$at $epth. St%$ents will criticall* anal*<e the %se of nat%ral reso%rces an$ eval%ate the effect of %se on theenvironment.

+o%rse Description

+onstr%ction S*stems is a G"%nit, twent*"wee) co%rse offere$ to all st%$ents. +onstr%ctionS*stems e=plores how man)in$ shapes the worl$ %sing c%rrent technolog* to provi$e sol%tions forsociet*As nee$s. 3his co%rse will e=plore the fo%r fiel$s of constr%ction" (ight +onstr%ction, +ommercial+onstr%ction, In$%strial +onstr%ction, an$ +ivil +onstr%ction. Sevent*"five percent of the co%rse time willbe spent on han$s"on activities in a laborator* setting. (ab activities will center on the most commonconstr%ction activities fo%n$ in (ight an$ +ommercial +onstr%ction. +areers within the constr%ction tra$eswill be e=plore$ thro%gho%t the co%rse. Personal safet*, energ* %se, conservation, an$ environmentaliss%es are a$$resse$ as relate$ to all fiel$s of constr%ction.

+o%rse S)ills, Hnowle$ge an$ -ehaviors to be Develope$

3he st%$ent will be able to:

1. I$entif* the %niversal s*stems mo$el as it relates to constr%ction technolog*.

9. /ssess the importance of constr%ction technolog* to societ* in the manner that it provi$es shelter,roa$wa*s, $ams, an$ other constr%cte$ projects for h%mans.

. Define the necessar* inp%ts an$ reso%rces for the process of constr%ction technolog*.

E. /nal*<e an$ $emonstrate the processes of constr%ction technolog*.

7 'val%ate projects an$ control of constr%ction as to their 2%alit* an$ their effect on societ* an$ theenvironment.

. Utili<e mathematical an$ scientific principles in the solving of practical constr%ction problemswithin the laborator* setting.

B. Demonstrate problem solving an$ anal*tical thin)ing s)ills in sol%tions to simple engineeringproblems within the conte=t of laborator* activities.

6. Develop han$ an$ machine tool s)ills.

5. Demonstrate the )nowle$ge of the safe %se of machines, tools an$ materials.

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+ontent #%tline

&o$%le 1.> Intro$%ction to +onstr%ction S*stems1.1 iel$s of +onstr%ction

1.1.1 (ight +onstr%ction1.1.9 +ommercial +onstr%ction1.1. In$%strial +onstr%ction

1.1.E +ivil +onstr%ction

1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el1.9.1 Inp%ts1.9.9 eso%rces " Seven 'lements1.9. Processes1.9.E #%tp%ts1.9.7 ee$bac)? +ontrol

1. 0istorical Developments  1..1 0o%ses

• +aves

• &%$

Stone• Woo$

• &etal1..9 Water $eliver* s*stems

•  /2%e$%cts

• Wells1.. Waste S*stems

• #%t ho%ses

• Septic tan)s an$ (each s*stems

• Sewers1..E oa$s

• &igration paths

Dirt• Stone

1.E %t%re of +onstr%ction1.E.1 ew Developments

• Prefabricate$

• Paneli<e$

•  /%tomation

• Innovations1.E.9 Frowth areas

• 3ransportation

• +ivil

• +ommercial

• 'nerg* acilities

• +omm%nication

• enovation? emo$eling? emoving Str%ct%res

&o$%le 9.> " S*stem +omman$ Inp%t9.1 Desire$ project

9.1.1 Project Selection• (ight +onstr%ction

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o esi$ential 0omeso Small #fficeso Small Stores

• +ommercial +onstr%ctiono (arge /partment -%il$ingso 0ospitalso +h%rcheso Schoolso Wareho%ses

• In$%strial +onstr%ctiono 'lectrical Power Plantso &aterial Processing Plants

• +ivil +onstr%ctiono 0ighwa*so Damso -ri$geso +analso Pipelineso 'lectrical 3ransmission (ines

9.1.9 Project Specifications• 'n$ %sers

•  /rchitects

• 3own Joning -oar$s

• -%il$ing Inspectors

• eg%lations

•  /mericans with Disabilities /ct 4/D/89.1. Pre"+onstr%ction Planning

• Site Selection

• Permits

• Joning

•  /rchitect%ral Drawings

9.9 '=pecte$ impacts9.9.1 'nvironmental

• Positive

• egative9.9.9 'conomic

• Personal

• Instit%tions

• Flobal9.9. Societal

• Positives

• egatives

9.9.E Personal• #wnership

• Sense of comm%nit*

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&o$%le .> K eso%rces" Seven 'lements of +onstr%ction.1 People

.1.1 ob +lassifications? career preparation• Uns)ille$

• S)ille$? +raft

• 3echnical

• Professional

.1.9 #rgani<ational Str%ct%re• &anagement

• (ine charts.1. ecr%itment

• Depen$ant on s)ill level

• 3ra$e Unions

.9 Information.9.1 0istor* of +onstr%ction S%ccesses an$ ail%res

• (ight +onstr%ction

• 0eav* -%il$ing +onstr%ction

• In$%strial +onstr%ction

• +ivil +onstr%ction.9.9 Safet*

• #S0/, #cc%pational Safet* an$ 0ealth /$ministration

• -%il$ing +o$es? eg%lations

• Joning.9. 3echnical Hnowle$ge

• esearch an$ Development

• Planning

• 'ngineering

•  /rchitects

. &aterials

..1 Primar* Processing• Soli$s

• (i2%i$s

• Fases..9 Secon$ar* Processing

• Pol*merso Woo$so Plastico  /sphalt

• &etalso olle$ stoc)o '=tr%$e$o +ast

• +eramicso Stoneo Flasso &asonr*

• +ompositeso 'ngineere$ Woo$ Pro$%ctso +oncreteo iberglass

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• ec*cling

• e"%sing.. Proc%rement

• -i$ Process

• 'stimating..E +omparative +haracteristics

• +hoosing best pro$%ct for %se

• 'val%ating pro$%cts an$ goo$s

.E 3ools? &achines? '2%ipment.E.1 Processing

• Separating

• +ombining

• orming

• +on$itioning.E.9 %nction? Selection

• Using tools

• +hoosing tools.E. #perating techni2%es

• Safet* in %se• Proper tool for job

.E.E &aintenance• Sche$%le$

• on"sche$%le$

.7 +apital.7.1 So%rces

• (oanso 3ime"al%e of &one*o  /morti<ation Sche$%les

• Savings

-on$s• 3a=es

• Investors.7.9 Disb%rsements

• -an) $raws

• #ther f%n$ing

. 'nerg*..1 3*pes

• on"renewable

• enewable..9 /pplication

• 0ow energ* is converte$ an$ %se$

• +onservation.. Use D%ring +onstr%ction Processes

• ossil %el

• 'lectrical Fenerators..E Use /fter +onstr%ction Processes

• 'nerg* Star +ertification

• +onservation an$ +onstr%ction &etho$s

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.B 3ime.B.1 Pre"constr%ction 'stimating

• Site review

• -i$s.B.9 3ime &anagement

• (abor sche$%les

• Deliver* sche$%les

.B. Sche$%ling• +ritical Path &etho$

• -ar +hart

• Progress +hart

&o$%le E.>" ProcessesE.1 S%bstr%ct%re? o%n$ations

E.1.1 &aterials• Fravel

• +oncrete

• Woo$

• &etal

E.1.9 3*pes• (ight +onstr%ction

• +ommercial +onstr%ction

• In$%strial +onstr%ction

• +ivil +onstr%ction

E.9 S%perstr%ct%resE.9.1 (oa$ -earing +omponents

• +ol%mns

• Fir$ers

• -eams

• Walls

E.9.9 on"loa$ -earing +omponents• Interior Walls

• +%rtin WallsE.9. 3*pes

• Woo$

• Steel

• +oncrete

E. 'nclos%re S*stemsE..1 loorsE..9 WallsE.. +eilingsE..E oofs

E..7 inishing projects• Interior finishes

• '=terior finishes

• inish looring

• Ins%lation

• 3rim

• +abinetr*

E.E Utilit* S*stems

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E.E.1 3*pes• Pl%mbing

o resh Water o DW" Drain, Waste an$ ent

• 'lectricalo +onventional" 11>?99> olto  /lternative" Solar, h*$ro, win$

• +omm%nicationo +ategor* ive Wiringo Phone lines

• 0/+o 'lectricalo Faso #ilo Propaneo a$iant S*stems

E.E.9 &aterials• Piping

o +opper 

o Irono Plastico +on$%it

• Wiringo +opper o  /l%min%mo 3elecomm%nication? +oa=ial? iber optic

• Sheet metal

&o$%le 7" #%tp%ts7.1 +omplete$ project

7.1.1 Site completion• (an$scaping

• P%nch lists7.1.9 &aintenance

• #wners

• #%tso%rce$

7.9 Impacts7.9.1 'nvironmental

• egativeso 'rosiono Wil$life

• Positiveso eclamationo +onservation

7.9.9 'conomic• Imme$iate effect on econom*

• (ong term jobs in maintenance

• Positives an$ egatives7.9. Societal

• +omm%nities

• ob growth

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• Positives an$ egatives7.9.E Personal

• (ong term $ebt

•  /ssets

• Positives an$ egatives 

&o$%le .>" ee$bac)? +ontrol

.1 easons.1.1 L%alit* /ss%rance? +ontrol

• P%blic safet*

• %stif* monies spent.1.9 Profitabilit*

• Stabilit*

• %t%re Frowth

.9 &etho$s.9.1 &onitor #%tp%t

• Str%ct%re Inspections

• 'ngineering /nal*sis

.9.9 +ompare #%tp%ts with Inp%ts• I$entif* waste

• Improvements for f%t%re.9. /$j%st processes

• Frowth in f%t%re

• Profitabilit*

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Feneral Instr%ctional Strategies

Sample instr%ctional strategies are $escribe$ in the section that follows, b%t the* ma* appear somewhatfragmente$ witho%t a $escription of the overall strateg* for the mo$%le. 3his section on FeneralInstr%ctional Strategies, therefore, is incl%$e$ to e=plain the nat%re of the mo$%le in a more cohesiveform.

3he overall strateg* is to involve st%$ents with han$s on activit* of an act%al constr%ction project. With thetime restraints that are given, a small"scale project, something li)e a storage she$ or a wall section, precast concrete forms, tr%ss frame constr%ction, mo$els of comm%nit* $evelopment to incl%$e roa$s, $ams,along with resi$ential an$ non"resi$ential constr%ction, wo%l$ probabl* be the most appropriate 4see

 /ppen$i=8. 3here are other general strategies that the instr%ctor might want to emplo*, however.

1. &o$els. -%il$ing mo$els can provi$e %sef%l activit* for man* of the state$ objectives, b%t theinstr%ctor m%st reali<e that the foc%s of the co%rse sho%l$ be more towar$ act%al constr%ction.

9. +omm%nit* projects. 3he instr%ctor is enco%rage$ to solicit the comm%nit* for small b%il$ingprojects that can be han$le$ b* the si<e an$ e=pertise of the class an$ that permit the performanceobjectives of the mo$%le to be met.

. Instr%ctional se2%ence. 3he $ispla* of the co%rse o%tline in this $oc%ment might s%ggest ase2%ential teaching strateg*. /ltho%gh this ma* be tr%e to some e=tent, it is not absol%tel* necessar*. 3heinstr%ctor ma* $eci$e, for instance, to offer instr%ction on 2%alit* control earl* in the semester, eventho%gh it is liste$ at the en$ of the +ontent o%tline. 3he se2%ence of topics can be change$ to facilitatethe in$ivi$%al teaching plans of the instr%ctor an$ the laborator* e2%ipment, altho%gh all performanceobjectives m%st be accomplishe$ to complete the s*llab%s satisfactoril*.

E. 3ime management. 3he instr%ctor sho%l$ manage the allotte$ time for the co%rse withfle=ibilit* in or$er to ma)e %p for problems that occ%r $%ring the constr%ction activit*. othing is morefr%strating for st%$ents than not to finish the constr%ction of an activit* the* have ta)en so long to $esignan$ organi<e. 3he si= topics i$entifie$ in the content o%tlineM Intro$%ction to +onstr%ction S*stems,S*stem +omman$ Inp%t, eso%rces, Processes, #%tp%ts, an$ +ontrol, are not e2%al in terms of theamo%nt of time to be $evote$ to each topic.

 / s%ggeste$ $ivision of time might be:3opic Instr%ctional 3imeIntro$%ction to +onstr%ction S*stems 7CS*stem +omman$ Inp%t 7Ceso%rces >CProcesses E7C#%tp%ts 1>C+ontrol 7C

3ime is base$ on three ho%rs per wee) m%ltiplie$ b* 16 wee)s of instr%ction

7. 3ool s)ill. 3ool s)ill is a ver* important part of the s%ccess of the activit* associate$ with thismo$%le. 3he instr%ctor sho%l$ i$entif* the tools re2%ire$ to f%lfill the activit* an$ spen$ a s%fficient amo%nt

of time to ass%re that the st%$ents have the necessar* technical an$ safet* s)ill on those selecte$ tools. If this means a wee) or more of instr%ction on the tools, the instr%ctor sho%l$ resche$%le time in theremain$er of the co%rse to compl* with other performance objectives. D%e to the nat%re of %sing largesheets of material an$ long pieces of framing stoc), it is s%ggeste$ to spen$ time e=plaining the %se ofthe portable circ%lar saw.

. Storage. Space for storage of constr%ction materials an$ projects can be a problem in man*laboratories that were not $esigne$ with this t*pe of activit* in min$. 3he instr%ctor sho%l$ plan foractivities that can ta)e a$vantage of goo$ weather, or activities that can be scale$ $own in si<e to a$j%stto the space available in the laborator*.

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B. iel$ trips. / fiel$ trip to a b%il$ing project or local m%nicipal planning $epartment can be aninval%able strateg* for accomplishing man* of the objectives in rapi$ s%ccession. 3he instr%ctor sho%l$fin$ a project, s%ch as a ho%sing $evelopment, that is in var*ing stages of completion. 3his will provi$ethat opport%nit* for the st%$ents to see several of the constr%ction steps as the* are act%all* occ%rring.

 /lso, a fiel$ trip aro%n$ the mechanical rooms of the school is an e=cellent wa* to comm%nicate conceptsrelating to commercial str%ct%res.

6. F%est (ect%rers? Spea)ers. Inval%able information can be gaine$ for the sche$%ling of g%estspea)ers who wor) in the vario%s fiel$s of constr%ction. 3hese co%l$ incl%$e: b%il$ing inspectors,architects, homeb%il$ers, re"mo$elers, general contractors, heav* e2%ipment operators, an$ b%sinessowners who speciali<e in areas of constr%ction

5. &%ltime$ia. 3o$a*As m%ltime$ia technolog* allows instr%ctors to provi$e an eas* an$ val%ablewa* bring constr%ction projects to the laborator*. 3he* are partic%larl* %sef%l if fiel$ trips are not possible,b%t the* ma* also be %se$ along with the fiel$ trip strateg*. /n instr%ctor ma* visit a project site with acamera an$ ta)e two or three rolls or film to capt%re 2%ic)l* the several stages of the project. /lso, large"scale projects, s%ch as roa$s, $ams, factories, an$ the li)e, might best be capt%re$ on film an$ comp%terfiles an$ presente$ in a sli$eshow. %mero%s commerciall* available movies can be fo%n$ to highlightsignificant constr%ction projects from aro%n$ the worl$.

1>. +omp%ter graphics. 3he %se of comp%ter programs for the $esign an$ engineering ofconstr%ction plans is a pop%lar techni2%e %se$ to$a*. Instr%ctors ma* $emonstrate this technolog* if thee2%ipment is available. Several no"cost programs are available to all schools, which allow st%$ents tovis%all* concept%ali<e an$ appl* theories with imme$iate fee$ bac). #ne s%ch program is West Point-ri$ge -%il$er offere$ an$ %n$ate$ *earl* b* the U. S. &ilitar* /ca$em* at West Point.

11. Written responses. Several of the c%rric%l%m objectives can be covere$ b* written reports. 3heinstr%ctor is enco%rage$ to offer these assignments as homewor). 3his will allow the ma=im%m amo%nt of available laborator* time for the act%al han$s"on constr%ction project.

11. / constr%ction compan*. &an* instr%ctors ma* want to organi<e an act%al constr%ction compan*with their class. 3his is an e=cellent strateg* to get st%$ents involve$ with $esign, p%rchasing, sche$%ling,an$ man* other objectives of the co%rse.

19.  /ppropriate activit*. 3he instr%ctor sho%l$ ta)e care to involve st%$ents with the appropriate$egree of $iffic%lt* when choosing an activit*. /n entire class ma* not be involve$ on the same activit*. /ne=ample wo%l$ be a storage she$. 3he remaining part of the class ma* be involve$ with some otheractivit* s%ch as precast concrete forms or another constr%ction activit* 4see /ppen$i=8.

1. Sample instr%ctional strategies. Instr%ctional strategies are liste$ after the performanceobjectives. 3he* are offere$ as i$ea stim%lators; for the teacher, an$ sho%l$ be consi$ere$ as s%ch.Instr%ctors are enco%rage$ to bring locall* relevant topics into the classroom an$ provi$e a variet* ofactivities that enrich instr%ctional opport%nities.

1E. 0an$s on activit*. 3he s%ccess of the co%rse an$ the level of st%$ent motivation are affecte$ b*the amo%nt of han$s on activit*. / goal of 25% instr%ctional time an$ B7C han$s on activit* therefore

sho%l$ be implemente$. 

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&o$%le 1.> " Intro$%ction to +onstr%ction S*stems

1.1 iel$s of +onstr%ction

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:•

Define +onstr%ction.• (ist the p%rposes for constr%ction.

• I$entif* the fo%r major t*pes of constr%ction.

• '=plain the importance of constr%ction in each of the fo%r t*pes.

1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• I$entif* b* $rawing an$ labeling the steps of the Universal S*stems /pproach mo$el.

• (ist an$ $efine the steps of problem solving.

• (ist the steps in the $esign process.

• '=plain how inp%ts, processes, o%tp%ts, an$ fee$bac) wor) in a constr%ction s*stem.

1. 0istorical Developments

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• +ite e=amples of constr%ction in historical perspective.

• &atch earl* societies with their most notable constr%ction achievements.

• +ompare previo%s constr%ction materials with those in %se to$a*.

• +ite historical e=amples of the benefits of constr%ction technologies, an$ how previo%s societies%se$ constr%ction technolog* to solve problems.

1.E %t%re of +onstr%ction

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• I$entif* two or more new $evelopments in constr%ction in the last $eca$e.

• +ite e=amples an$ give reasons for possible growth areas in constr%ction.

• Fenerate a h*pothesis of how f%t%re $emographic changes affect the f%t%re of constr%ction .

• I$entif* tren$s in constr%ction technolog*.

• I$entif* vario%s topics an$ classifications of mo$%lar technologies.

S%ggeste$ Specific Instr%ctional Strategies

1. Instr%ctor will $evelop a m%ltime$ia presentation provi$ing a vis%al time line of important historical$evelopments in constr%ction s*stems.

9. St%$ents will pic) a historical constr%ction project an$ prepare a short report or classpresentation.

. St%$ents will select an$ research a topic within the projecte$ f%t%re growth areas of constr%ction,preparing a report or class presentation for sharing.

E. St%$ents will select a constr%ction project an$ chart the s*stems mo$el as it applies to thatproject.

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7. St%$ents will %se the $esign process to provi$e a constr%ction sol%tion to a societal problem?nee$.

. St%$ents will s%ccessf%ll* pass a written test on material presente$, to $emonstrate a )nowle$geof the histor* an$ f%t%re of constr%ction technologies.

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&o$%le 9.> " +onstr%ction S*stem Inp%t

9.1 Desire$ Projects

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:

• Define (ight +onstr%ction, giving two e=amples.• Define 0eav* -%il$ing +onstr%ction, giving two e=amples.

• Define In$%strial +onstr%ction giving two e=amples.

• Define +ivil +onstr%ction giving two e=amples.

• +ite an e=ample of a str%ct%re for each fo%r major t*pes of constr%ction.

• Describe how a project nee$; is $etermine$.

• +ite an e=ample of a nee$ in societ* for each major t*pe of constr%ction.

• Define specifications as it relates to constr%ction projects.

• I$entif* the nee$ for <oning laws an$ b%il$ing co$es in to$a*As societ*.

• elate how project specifications will impact the pre"constr%ction planning process.

• (ist in$ivi$%als involve$ in pre"constr%ction planning.

• '=plain how each of these in$ivi$%als perspective impacts the $esign of the str%ct%re4s8.

• Describe the pre"constr%ction $oc%ments that are generate$ for a t*pical project.• (ist the $ifferent t*pes of wor)ing $rawings an$ e=plain what the* show.

• '=plain the principles of planning %se$ in a constr%ction project, incl%$ing: project initiation,reg%lations, site selection, an$ specifications.

• '=plain how architect%ral $rawings infl%ence the constr%ction process.

• +ite possible locations for locating information to assist in preparing a ho%se plan.

• elate how the /mericans with Disabilities /ct; has effecte$ new commercial constr%ction.

9.9 '=pecte$ Impacts

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• (ist fo%r areas of e=pecte$ impact for an* constr%ction project. 4'nvironmental, 'conomic,

Societal, Personal8• '=plain how a propose$ constr%ction project wo%l$ impact the environment.

• Provi$e e=amples of possible positive an$ negative impacts for a given project 4i.e. ew ho%sing$evelopment in agric%lt%ral lan$, in$%strial comple= being b%il$ near a resi$ential neighborhoo$8

• Determine when ownership; in a constr%ction project changes.

• Disc%ss a civil constr%ction project an$ provi$e one positive an$ one negative res%lt of givenproject.

• +ontemplate the effects that a new in$%strial 4light? commercial? civil8 constr%ction project willhave on the comm%nit* in which it will be b%ilt.

+reate a chart giving a graphic representation of c%rrent constr%ction projects %sing national $ata.• +ite common concerns face$ to$a* when $eveloping lan$ for an* t*pe of constr%ction project.

• +ompile an$ chart $ata on home ownership n their imme$iate neighborhoo$ comm%nit*, showingthe financial investment that occ%rs.

S%ggeste$ Specific Instr%ctional Strategies

1. Instr%ctor will provi$e a constr%ction project topic with limitations an$ client nee$s for the class.9. Instr%ctor will provi$e necessar* reference materials or so%rces for all research projects. or

e=ample local <oning laws, maps o%tlining %se of propert* $esignations.

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. St%$ents will %tili<e information given to propose sol%tions to the topic, which meet both thenee$s an$ limitations.

E. St%$ents will prepare a list of materials for the project.7. St%$ents will prepare a monetar* bi$ for the project %sing one or more material so%rces o%tline$

b* the instr%ctor, as well as an estimate of labor costs.. St%$ents will brainstorm to $etermine if there are potential problems with propose$ constr%ction

projects. 'mphasis sho%l$ be given to c%rrent events? proposals act%all* occ%rring within their

comm%nit*.B. St%$ents will investigate a b%il$ing project that faile$ $%e to poor planning? forecasting.6. St%$ents will be given a project an$ %sing the instr%ctor an$ class notes $etermine the financial

impact of the project.5. St%$ents will research local <oning laws as the* appl* to a given project. '=amples" fences,

she$s, a$$itions, pools, commercial or in$%strial propert*.

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&o$%le .> " eso%rces 4Seven 'lements of +onstr%ction8

.1 People

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:

• I$entif* careers relate$ to the constr%ction in$%str*, $eveloping a brief $escription of each• '=plain how a personAs s)ill level will impact the abilit* of an in$ivi$%al to change job

classifications.• &a)e an organi<ational line chart for a small constr%ction project.

• +lassif* wor)ers in to gro%ps base$ on s)ill level.

• +orrelate the pa* scale of a wor)er on a job site, with a level of e$%cation or s)ill, in a classroomsetting %sing an occ%pational han$boo).

.9 Information

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• Disc%ss what #S0/ stan$s for an$ how it impacts to$a*As wor) place.

• +orrelate the rising cost of ins%rance with a compan*As recor$ of safet*.

• (ist the $ifferent t*pes of wor)ing $rawings an$ e=plain what the* show.

• I$entif* vario%s components involve$ with constr%ction management incl%$ing bi$s, #S0/,inspections, sche$%ling, monitoring, an$ selecting contractors an$ s%bcontractors.

• #ffer common safet* factors necessar* on a constr%ction site.

• Develop an %n$erstan$ing of how #S0/ has infl%ence$ practices on a job site.

. &aterials

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• Define primar* an$ secon$ar* reso%rces.

• Differentiate between primar* an$ secon$ar* reso%rces provi$ing an e=ample of each.

• Differentiate between the fo%r categories of pol*mers, metals, ceramics, an$ composites an$ listtwo e=amples of each.

• '=plain the ph*sical characteristics of str%ct%ral materials.

• I$entif* $ifferent )in$s of str%ct%ral materials that are %se$ in constr%ction s*stems.

• Pro$%ce a chart $epicting the processes that occ%r in transforming raw materials to eitherfinishe$ goo$s of primar* materials.

• Describe several possible wa*s materials are proc%re$ for a job.

• Describe how ol$ concrete or asphalt can be rec*cle$ into a project involving a nee$ for concrete.• +ite comparative characteristics for given materials, listing the feat%res an$ benefits of each.

• +reate a material list from a set of constr%ction $rawings.

• Prepare a monetar* bi$ on a constr%ction job from a material list.

• '=plain how the materials are chosen for %se on a partic%lar job.

• +ollect information on rec*cling plans in place for constr%ction projects.

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.E 3ools? &achines? '2%ipment

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• I$entif* the proper tool to %se to solve a problem in the lab.

• Sort machines into categories s%ch as: separating, combining, forming, con$itioning.

• Demonstrate safe operation of tools within the lab setting, 1>>C of the time.• (ist the safet* concerns for a piece of e2%ipment.

• Demonstrate safe behavior in the lab 1>>C of the time

• Use a tool in a correct manner $%ring a practical e=am in the lab.

• Selects the proper steps nee$e$ in a Nloc)"o%t tag"o%tN program.

• Demonstrate the )nowle$ge of proper safet* behaviors when performing maintenance on amachine in the shop.

• I$entif* e2%ipment commonl* fo%n$ in $ifferent fiel$s of constr%ction 4i.e. b%ll$o<er on civil roa$constr%ction job8

• Select the proper tool for a given job, an$ e=plain wh*.

.7 +apital

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• Describe what capital is as the term is applie$ to constr%ction.

• Describe how an in$ivi$%al can p%rchase a home.

• Use a mortgage calc%lation table or program to amorti<e a mortgage.

• +ompare the effect of interest rates on a constr%ction project, $etermining en$"cost to cons%mer.

• Define the terms liens, foreclos%re, ins%rance, bi$s, as the* appl* to constr%ction projects.

• '=plain how the concept of a ban) $raw; an$ how it wor)s in a constr%ction project.

. 'nerg*

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• Define renewable so%rces of energ*, give two e=amples.

• Define non"renewable so%rces of energ*, give two e=amples.

• Describe three wa*s a b%il$ingAs constr%ction will be infl%ence$ b* rising energ* costs.

• '=plain how energ* is %se$ $%ring the constr%ction process.

• '=plain how energ* conservation techni2%es are incorporate$ into the $esign an$ constr%ction ofnew projects.

• elate the governments 'nerg* Star +ertification program to new home constr%ction.

•  /ssess how shrin)ing nat%ral reso%rces have impacte$ constr%ction $esigns. 4this can be applie$to all fo%r fiel$s of constr%ction8

.B 3ime

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:

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• '=plain how time is the onl* reso%rce, which has not change$ with technological a$vances.

•  /rrange a list of constr%ctions $%ties in the or$er in which the* will be nee$e$ for a project toocc%r.

• '=plain how the time sche$%ling of a constr%ction project will impact the overall profitabilit*.

• Uncover time costs associate$ with pre"constr%ction planning, giving e=amples of costs.

• Develop a sche$%ling chart for a specifie$ constr%ction project.

• Define the +ritical Path &etho$ of sche$%ling

• +hec) an$ monitor the classAs progress b* $eveloping a progress chart on lab assignments.

S%ggeste$ Specific Instr%ctional Strategies

1. Instr%ctor will provi$e a cop*4s8 of the #cc%pational +areer 0an$boo) for %se b* st%$ents.9. St%$ent will anal*<e the preparation an$ %tili<ation of people as a reso%rce in constr%ction

projects.. St%$ent will investigate an$ report on a given career in the constr%ction fiel$.E. St%$ent will research programs available locall* which prepare in$ivi$%als for wor) in constr%ction

fiel$s.7. St%$ent will research pa* ranges for local comm%nit* jobs involving constr%ction.. Instr%ctor will %se a time line an$ $iagrams to ill%strate how constr%ction projects been %se$ to

solve societies nee$s.B. St%$ents will %se technical an$ historical information to recogni<e %nsafe wor)ing con$itions.6. St%$ents will s%ccessf%ll* pass written e=am on safet* in the classroom.5. St%$ents will s%ccessf%ll* pass a practical 4performance8 e=am given b* the instr%ctor on each

piece of e2%ipment before the* %se the e2%ipment.1>. St%$ents will $emonstrate $ail* a concern for safet* in the classroom, incl%$ing b%t not limite$ to

wearing safet* glasses, an$ selecting the correct tools for the job.11. Instr%ctor will mo$el safe wor)ing habits 1>>C of the time in the classroom an$ lab.19. St%$ent will $raw floor plan of a given str%ct%re within certain limitations given b* the instr%ctor.

4'=ample" 19>>s2 ft $ream ho%se?camp; with three be$rooms, )itchen, bath, living room, $iningroom, an$ %tilit* room8

1. St%$ent will $emonstrate the abilit* to select appropriate materials for the constr%ction project,given limitations s%ch as f%nction an$ overall costs

1E. St%$ents will pass a written e=am on origin of materials, an$ conversion processes to primar* an$secon$ar* reso%rces.

17. Instr%ctor will $emonstrate $imensional stabilit* with e=amples an$ comparisons of woo$ sampleswith a moist%re meter.

1. Instr%ctor will sim%late forces s%ch as tensile, compression an$ shear in a lab setting.1B. Instr%ctor will provi$e collection of samples of pro$%cts for st%$ents to observe.16. Instr%ctor will provi$e vi$eos of topics that are not appropriate for class room lab activities4 bri$ge

b%il$ing, in$%strial, an$ civil constr%ction projects815. Instr%ctor will provi$e han$, power an$ specialt* tools %ni2%e to the constr%ction in$%str*. 4ote:

safet* concerns are high with pne%matic tools89>. Instr%ctor will $emonstrate proper %se of all tools an$ provi$e activities on which the st%$ents can

practice with tools.91. St%$ent will e=plore the nee$ an$ potential so%rces for capital an$ financing for their project4s8.99. St%$ent m%st complete written assignment on the time"val%e of mone* for a project.

9. St%$ents will prepare time estimates for a given project an$ $evelop a constr%ction sche$%le.9E. St%$ents will manage their time in the lab an$ classroom to properl* complete their assigne$

activities.97. St%$ents will choose a local constr%ction project from a list generate$ b* the instr%ctor an$

i$entif* the so%rces of the f%n$ing for the project.9. St%$ents will anal*<e potential energ* so%rces for a given tas). St%$ents will then calc%late

monetar* costs for each alternative.9B. Instr%ctor will provi$e e=amples of renewable energ* so%rces to heat a resi$ential $welling.96. Instr%ctor will provi$e e=amples of prefabricate$ components to be %se$ in a project.

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95. +lass will $isc%ss how pre"assemble$ components can ai$ in the constr%ction of a b%il$ing.>. St%$ents will $evelop an estimate of materials nee$e$ from a given b%il$ing plan.

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&o$%le E+onstr%ction S*stem Processes

E.1 S%bstr%ct%re? o%n$ations

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

St%$ents will be able to:• (ist three t*pes of common light constr%ction str%ct%re fo%n$ations.

• +ompare an$ contrast in$%strial constr%ction to civil constr%ction.

• Describe how fo%n$ations an$ s%bstr%ct%res are constr%cte$.

• (ist the $ifferent forces that act on a str%ct%re incl%$ing tension?tensile stress, compressionstress, shear stress, torsion stress an$ e2%ilibri%m.

• '=plain the $ifference between live an$ $ea$ loa$s on a str%ct%re.

E.9 S%perstr%ct%res

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

St%$ents will be able to:• +ompare an$ contrast loa$ bearing an$ non"loa$ bearing components in a s%perstr%ct%re

• (ist common materials for s%perstr%ct%re components

• elate fiel$s of constr%ction to common components in each.

• Differentiate between col%mns, gir$ers, beams, an$ walls.

• '=amine an$ i$entif* $ifferences in wall $esign in light constr%ction verses commercialconstr%ction.

E. 'nclos%re S*stems

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

St%$ents will be able to:•  /rrange listings of enclos%re s*stem components in or$er of completion.

• +ompare an$ contrast two interior finishes.

• +ompare an$ contrast two e=terior finishes.

• +onstr%ct a sche$%le of finish projects for a light constr%ction project.

• &a)e %se of commercial literat%re to $esign a cabinetr* finish pac)age for a project.

• #ffer several sol%tions? options for ceiling finishes for a given project.

E.E Utilit* S*stems

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

St%$ents will be able to:• I$entif* the $ifferent t*pes of %tilit* s*stems present on most projects.

• I$entif* the two categories of pl%mbing s*stems. 4fresh water s%ppl* an$ DW8

• I$entif* options for electrical services an$ s%pplies in a ho%se? in$%str*.

• Determine options for a 0/+ s*stem in a light constr%ction project.

• (ist materials commonl* fo%n$ in a %tilit* s*stem.

• +ompare an$ contrast vario%s choices of pipes for a given project.

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• (ist common %ses of wires in a light constr%ction project.

S%ggeste$ Specific Instr%ctional Strategies

1. Instr%ctor will provi$e e=amples of fo%n$ations an$ s%bstr%ct%res in photo or vi$eo format.9. St%$ents will sta)e o%t a small fo%n$ation %sing batter boar$s.. St%$ents will compare the a$vantages an$ limitations of woo$, metal, an$ concrete.

E. Using provi$e$ bl%eprints st%$ents wo%l$ i$entif* vario%s framing feat%res of the b%il$ing.7. St%$ent will b%il$ a scale mo$el of a room, %sing commonl* fo%n$ materials.. Using bl%eprints provi$e$ b* instr%ctor, st%$ents will calc%late the materials nee$ to sheath,

ins%late, si$e an$ roof a $welling.B. St%$ents will calc%late heat loss %sing given form%las an$ propose improvements to limit heat

loss in a $welling.6. Instr%ctor will provi$e samples of commonl* %se$ pipe an$ wire.5. Instr%ctor will provi$e a to%r of the school pointing o%t %tilities.1>. St%$ents will b%il$ miniat%re wall section an$ wire with several switches an$ o%tlets, an$ finish

wall with sheet roc).11. St%$ents will assemble several t*pes of pipe an$ press%re test assemblies.19. Instr%ctor will provi$e fo%r stations for st%$ents to wor) on f%ll"scale roofing, electrical, pl%mbing,

framing, an$ si$ing labs.

1. St%$ents will follow plans for a wiring $iagram an$ install bo=es, wire an$ receptacles in a labb%ilt wall section.1E. St%$ents will assemble pl%mbing components to complete a given pl%mbing plan in a lab b%ilt

wall section.17. St%$ents will assemble wall sections per framing plan an$ install win$ow an$ $oor in a lab b%ilt

wall section.1. St%$ents will si$e wall section, with given materials in a lab b%ilt wall section.1B. St%$ents will appl* roofing materials to roof section in the lab.16. St%$ents will %se )nowle$ge ac2%ire$ thro%gh lab e=ercises to b%il$ a f%ll scale she$ or

pla*ho%se as a capstone activit*.

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&o$%le 7+onstr%ction S*stems #%tp%ts

7.1 +omplete$ project

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• (ist three reasons for lan$scaping in a project.

• Define p%nch"list; as it refers to project completion.

• elate maintenance of a project as a contin%ing nee$ in all fiel$s of constr%ction.

• elate o%tso%rce$ maintenance to itAs impact on jobs an$ well being of the comm%nit*

7.9 Impacts

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• '=plain the social, economic, political, an$ environmental impacts of constr%ction technolog*.

• elate job growth to comm%nit* acceptance of commercial? in$%strial constr%ction in new areas.

• +ite e=amples of negative impacts on comm%nities from given projects.

• +ite e=amples of positive impacts on comm%nities from given projects.

•  /nal*<e long"term job growth in an area create$ b* new in$%strial constr%ction.

• '=plain how in$ivi$%als are impacte$ b* long"term $ebts associate$ with new light constr%ction,primaril* resi$ential ho%sing.

S%ggeste$ Specific Instr%ctional Strategies

1. St%$ents will perform $ail* clean%p assignments in classroom an$ lab.9. St%$ents will pic) a str%ct%re an$ s%ggest lan$scaping improvements.

. St%$ents will create with instr%ctors help a list of potential maintenance concerns an$ costs overthe life of a ho%se.

E. St%$ents will i$entif* where constr%ction wastes are $ispose$ of in their comm%nit*.7. St%$ent will fin$ a homeowner an$ interview the person %sing a class"$evelope$ 2%estionnaire to

$etermine the long"term economic impacts of their home p%rchase.. St%$ents will i$entif* a large local constr%ction project an$ $isc%ss the effects of the project ton

the comm%nit* an$ environment.

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&o$%le +onstr%ction S*stems +ontrol

.1 easons

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• Define L%alit* +ontrol? /ss%rance.

• elate L%alit* +ontrol to f inancial profitabilit* of a compan*.

• Propose how fin$ing in 2%alit* control impact s*stem inp%ts.

• elate 2%alit* control to Joning an$ -%il$ing +o$es enforcement.

.9 &etho$s

Performance In$icators?S%pporting +ompetencies

 /fter st%$*ing this topic the st%$ents will be able to:• +ompare an$ contrast the environmental impact of a finishe$ project to the initial plans.

• '=plain wh* o%tp%ts are monitore$.

• -rea) $own an$ compare inp%ts an$ o%tp%ts with i$entification an$ minimi<ation of wastes inconstr%ction projects.

• +ompose an arg%ment wh* control is necessar* in a constr%ction s*stem.

• Define profitabilit*.

S%ggeste$ Specific Instr%ctional Strategies

1. St%$ents will as a reg%lar practice, chec) their wor) $%ring the constr%ction process.9. St%$ents will %se b%il$ing plans to verif* 2%alit* of assemble$ components.. St%$ents will eval%ate the complete$ project to $etermine wa*s in which to increase profits.E. St%$ents will perform the job of <oning?b%il$ing inspector, comparing finishe$ project against list

of instr%ctor provi$e$ co$es;.7. St%$ents will )eep a log of their wor) time an$ compare the act%al time spent to the original timeestimates that the* ha$ previo%sl* prepare$.

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 /llen, ', Iano, . 49>>8. %n$amentals of b%il$ing constr%ction: materials an$ metho$s, Eth e$ition. ew!or), ew !or): ohn Wile* O Sons, Inc. IS-: >"EB1"915>"B

 /llen, ', 3hallon, . 49>>98. %n$amentals of resi$ential constr%ction. ew !or), ew !or): ohn Wile* OSons, Inc. IS- >"EB1"66B"1

 -rown, W.+. 4155B8. Print rea$ing for constr%ction" resi$ential an$ commercial. 3inle* Par), Illinois:Foo$heart"Willco=. IS- 1"7B"77"B

+hing, .D.H., /$ams, +. 49>>18. -%il$ing constr%ction ills. r$ e$ition, ew !or), ew !or):ohn Wile* an$ Sons Inc. IS- >"EB1"7656"

Dishongh, -. 49>>18. 'ssential str%ct%ral technolog* for constr%ction an$ architect%re, Upper Sa$$leiver, : Prentice 0all. IS- >"1">19676"5

eirer, &.D,. eirer, . (. 49>>E8. +arpentr* an$ b%il$ing constr%ction. Peoria, Illinois: Flencoe? &cFraw"0ill. IS- >">B"699B>9"

0ena), . &., 49>>>8. '=ploring constr%ction, 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.IS- 1"7B"61"7

0ol<man, 0.. 49>>98. &o$ern commercial wiring. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.IS- 1"7B"51"E

0ol<man, 0.. 49>>98. &o$ern resi$ential wiring. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.IS- 1"7B"51"

Hic)lighter, +.'. 49>>E8. /rchitect%re resi$ential $rafting an$ $esign. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=. IS- 1"75>B>"157"

Hic)lighter, +.'. 49>>8. &o$ern masonr*" bric), bloc), stone. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.IS- 1"7B"59"6

Hillinger, ., Hillinger, (. 49>>8. 0eating an$ cooling essentials. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.IS- 1"7B"57"9

&arotta, 3. W. 49>>98. -asic constr%ction materials, ?'. Upper Sa$$le iver, .: Prentice 0all. IS- >"1">6597"

&i=, . 49>>98. 0o%se wiring simplifie$. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.IS- 1"7B"655">

%nnall*, S. W., 415568. +onstr%ction metho$s an$ management, E?'. Upper Sa$$le iver, : Prentice0all. IS-: >"1"7B>B">

Peters, . 49>>>8. raming basics. ew !or), ew !or), Sterling P%blishing +ompan* Inc.IS- >"6>5"7655"7

Polette, D., (an$ers, .&. 49>>98. +onstr%ction s*stems. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=. IS- 1"7B"69"1

ichter, 0P. Schwan, W+. 49>>98. Wiring simplifie$. &inneapolis, &: Parl P%blishing, Inc. IS-Q>5>95E6

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Spence, W. 4155B8. +arpentr* O b%il$ing constr%ction, a $o"it"*o%rself g%i$e. ew !or), ew !or),Sterling P%blishing +ompan* Inc. IS- >"6>5"56E7"6

Wagner, W.0., Smith, 0.-. 49>>8. &o$ern +arpentr*, 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=. IS- 1"75>B>"9>9"

Wagner, W.0., Hic)lighter, +.'. 49>>E8. &o$ern woo$wor)ing. 3inle* Par), Illinois: Foo$heart"Willco=.

IS- 1"75>B>"97">

Willenbroc), .0., &anbec), 0, S%char, &.F. 415568. esi$ential b%il$ing $esign an$ constr%ction. Upper Sa$$le iver, : Prentice 0all. IS- >"1"B76BE"7

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Specific +ontent Web eso%rces

www.constr%ction.com &cFraw"0ill +onstr%ction

www.aisc.org  /merican Instit%te of Steel +onstr%ction

www.constr%ction"instit%te.org +onstr%ction In$%str* Instit%te

www.aci.mt.org  /merican +oncrete Instit%te

www.wolmani<e$woo$.com Press%re"treate$ l%mber 

www.ashrae.org /merican Societ* of 0eating, efrigerating an$ /ir"+on$itioning 'ngineers

www.hometime.com 0ometime home"improvement television show broa$cast on p%blic television, an$3he (earning +hannel.

www.$ams.org Worl$ +ommission on Dams

www.lehigh.e$%?Rinctb%h?mission +o%ncil on 3all -%il$ings an$ Urban 0abitat

www.apawoo$.org  /P/"3he 'ngineere$ Woo$ /ssociation

www.awstr%ewin$.com  /WS 3r%ewin$"enewable 'nerg* 3echnolog* /pplications

www.altenerg*.org  /lternative 'nerg* Instit%te

www.plasticsreso%rce.com   /merican Plastics +o%ncil

www.wwpa.org  Western Woo$ Pro$%cts /ssociation

www.iwpawoo$.org International Woo$ Pro$%cts /ssociation

www.han$*manwire.com?articles?picnic.html Picnic 3able Project Plans

www.freeww.com?storageb%il$ings.html   ree Woo$ Wor)ing Plans for She$s, %rnit%re, 'tc.

www.histor*channel.com Freat lin) for 0S, an$ DD movies" &o$ern &arvels; series

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DD, 0S, an$ #ther Instr%ctional 3echnolog* eso%rces

1. S%per Str%ct%res of the Worl$: S)*scrapers 415558 St%$io: Unapi=, 3heatrical elease Date:an%ar* 1, 1555, i$eo elease Date: %l* 96, 1556.%n 3ime: 79 min%tes

9. -%il$ing of 0oover Dam 415558 elease Information: St%$io: &pi 0ome i$eo. i$eo eleaseDate: &a*97, 1555%n 3ime: 79 min%tes

9. Freat Projects: 3he -%il$ing of /merica EPH 40S8 0ar$cover -oo). Item no: FP-/579

E. #/: S%per -ri$ge 40S8. Item no: #/61B

. /%t%mn Woo$s K 4constr%ction of a ,1>>"s2%are"foot ho%se8 "DD Set Item Q9> 0ometimei$eo /ppro=. > &in%tes 4E"tape set8, 9>>E

B. +ontracting a 0ome DDs, Item Q9>B, 0ometime i$eo, 1B5 &in%tes 49"DD Set8, 9>>E

6. P%tter She$ i$eo an$ Plan +ombo 1>T = T she$, 0ometime i$eo. Item Q9719

5. oofing an$ Si$ing i$eos, Item Q97E1, 0ometime i$eo

1>. &o$ern &arvels: Fol$en Fate -ri$ge, 0S"15.57, 1 ol%me Set, 7> &in%tes, Item %mber: //'"199>

11. &o$ern &arvels: Panama +anal, 15.57, 1 ol%me Set, 7> &in%tes, Item %mber: //'"199>

19. &o$ern &arvels: 3he 'rie +anal 9E.57, 1 ol%me Set, 7> &in%tes, Item %mber: //'"E9596

1. &o$ern &arvels: Pl%mbing: 3he /rteries of +ivili<ation, 9E.57,1 ol%me Set, 7> &in%tes, Item%mber: //'"E999

1E. &o$ern &arvels: Pl%mbing: 3he /rteries of +ivili<ation, 9E.57,1 ol%me Set, 7> &in%tes, Item%mber: //'"E991E

17. &o$ern &arvels: +hesapea)e -a* -ri$ge an$ 3%nnel DD, 9E.57, 1 ol%me Set, 7> &in%tes, Item %mber: //'"B11E7

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 Feneral Web eso%rces

 /ca$em* of /pplie$ Science 4//S8

 /merican /ssociation for the /$vancement of Science /merican +hemical Societ* 4/+S8

 /merican Societ* of &echanical 'ngineers 4/S&'8

 /S'' 'ngineeringH19 +enter 

 /ssociation for +areer an$ 3echnical '$%cation 4/+3'8+o%ncil on 3echnolog* 3eacher '$%cation 4+33'8

Dr. WaiteTs SU! #swego /ca$emic Web Site

'instein Project

'lectronic In$%stries o%n$ation'psilon Pi 3a% 0onorar* raternit* in 3echnolog*

lori$a 3echnolog* '$%cation /ssociation

or Inspiration an$ ecognition of Science an$ 3echnolog* 4IS38

o%r +o%nt* 3echnolog* /ssociation 4ochester /rea8

%t%re Scientists an$ 'ngineers of /merica 4S'/8

0istor* of '$%cation " Selecte$ &oments of 9>th +ent%r*0istor* of Science Societ*

Inner /%to

Innovation +%rric%l%m #nline etwor)

Instit%te for 'lectrical an$ 'lectronic 'ngineers 4I'''8International Societ* for 3echnolog* in '$%cation

International 3echnolog* '$%cation /ssociation


o%rnal of 3echnolog* '$%cation

o%rnal of 3echnolog* '$%cation

HISS Instit%te for Practical obotics 4HIP8&icrosoft '$%cator eso%rces

&ohaw) alle* 3echnolog* '$%cation /ssociation&ontgomer* P%blic Schools

/S/ " '$%cation Program

assa% 3echnolog* '$%cators /ssociation

ational /ca$em* of 'ngineering

ational /ca$em* of 'ngineering: 3'+0I+/((! SP'/HIF

ational /erona%tics an$ Space /$ministration 4/S/8

ational enewable 'nerg* (aborator* 4'(8

ational esearch +o%ncil

ational Science o%n$ation

ational Societ* of Professional 'ngineers

ew !or) State 3echnolog* '$%cation /ssociation

iagara +o%nt* O Western ew !or) 3'/#hio State Universit*

#swego 3echnolog* '$%cation /ssociation

Project (ea$ 3he Wa*S)ills US/

Societ* for Philosoph* an$ 3echnolog*

Societ* for the 0istor* of 3echnolog*

S%ffol) 3echnolog* '$%cation /ssociationSU! #swego Dept of 3echnolog*

3eacher +ertification #ffice !S

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3'+0 +#PS

3ech (earning

3echne o%rnal

3echnolog* for /ll /mericans Project 4stan$ar$s83echnolog* St%$ent /ssociation

3echnolog* St%$ent /ssociation 43S/8

3he (earning Instit%te of 3echnolog* '$%cation 4(I3'83I'S &aga<ine

U.S. Department of '$%cation

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 /ppen$i= / " +orrelation &atri= with !S (earning Stan$ar$s for &ath, Science, an$ 3echnolog*4+omplete te=t of stan$ar$s available on line at : www.emsc.n*se$.gov , Fo to &S3 icon8

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+ontent Stan$ar$s PerformanceStan$ar$s

&o$%le %mbers, Sections an$ Descriptions

Stan$ar$ 1/nal*sis, In2%ir*, an$Design;


1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el,.9" Information, .1 easons, .9 &etho$s,

Scientific in2%ir* 1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el, 9.1" Desire$project, 9.9" '=pecte$ impacts, .B 3ime,

.>" ee$bac)? +ontrol'ngineering $esign 1. %t%re of +onstr%ction, 9.1" Desire$ project,

9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, .1" People, .9" Information,.7 +apital, . 'nerg*, .9 &etho$s

Stan$ar$ 9Information S*stems;

etrieve 1." 0istorical Developments, .1" People,.9" Information,

Process 9.1" Desire$ project, .E 3ool? &achines? '2%ipment,+omm%nicate .1" People, .9" Information,Impacts 9.9" '=pecte$ impacts, 7.1 +omplete$ Project(imitations . &aterials, .E 3ool? &achines? '2%ipment, .7

+apital, . 'nerg*,'thics .9" Information, .1 easons,

Stan$ar$ &athematics;


.7 +apital, 1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el,

%mber an$n%mer ation

.9" Information, .9 &etho$s

#perations E.> Processes,&o$eling E.> Processes,&eas%rement E.1 S%bstr%ct%res? o%n$ations,Uncertaint* 9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, .1 easonsPatterns .> ee$bac) +ontrol,

Stan$ar$ EScience;

Ph*sical setting 9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, . &aterials, E.1 S%bstr%ct%res?o%n$ations, .> ee$bac) +ontrol,

(iving environment 9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, 7.9 Impacts, .> ee$bac)+ontrol, .1 easons

Stan$ar$ 7

3echnolog*; 'ngineering $esign 9.1 Desire$ project, . 'nerg*, E.9 S%perstr%ct%res,3ools, reso%rces,


1.E %t%re of +onstr%ction, .1 People, .9 Information,. &aterials, .E 3ool? &achines?'2%ipment, .7 +apital, . 'nerg*, .B3ime, E.> Processes, E.1 S%bstr%ct%res?o%n$ations, E.9 S%perstr%ct%res, E.'nclos%re s*stems, E.E Utilit* S*stems,


9.1 Desire$ project, .9 Information, .E 3ool?&achines? '2%ipment,

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1.1 iel$s of +onstr%ction, E.> Processes, E.1S%bstr%ct%res? o%n$ations, E.9S%perstr%ct%res,

0istor* oftechnolog*

1. 0istorical Developments, E.> Processes, E.1S%bstr%ct%res? o%n$ations, E.9S%perstr%ct%res,

Impacts 9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, 7.> #%tp%ts,&anagement .1 People, .7 +apital, .B 3ime, 7.> #%tp%ts, 7.1

+omplete$ Project, 7.9 Impacts, .>ee$bac) +ontrol,

Stan$ar$ KInterconnectiveness:+ommon 3hemes;

S*stems thin)ing 1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el,&o$els E.> Processes, E.1 S%bstr%ct%res? o%n$ations, E.9

S%perstr%ct%res, 7.> #%tp%ts, .>ee$bac) +ontrol,

&agnit%$e an$scale

E.> Processes, E.1 S%bstr%ct%res? o%n$ations, E.9S%perstr%ct%res,

'2%ilibri%m an$stabilit*

9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, . 'nerg*, .1 easons

Patterns of change 1. 0istorical Developments,#ptimi<ation 1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el, 7.> #%tp%ts,

.>" ee$bac)? +ontrolStan$ar$ B "Inter$isciplinar*Problem Solving;

+onnections 9.1 Desire$ project, 9.9 '=pecte$ impacts, .9Information, . 'nerg*, E.> Processes,7.9 Impacts, .9 &etho$s

Wor) habits .1 People, 7.9 Impacts

S)ills an$strategies

1.9 Universal S*stems /pproach &o$el, .1 People ,.9 Information, 7.9 Impacts

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 /ppen$i= - K '=amples of Instr%ctional &aterials

E3a#ple 45 3he following project sheets are to be %se$ in lab activities for: raming, 'lectrical, Pl%mbingan$ oofing /ctivities. 'ach component will re2%ire appro=imatel* 7> s2. ft. of room in a lab. /$$itionalroom m%st be allowe$ for materials an$ tool storage. 'ach station sho%l$ be e2%ippe$ with the necessar*tools an$ a photo attache$ to in$icate where to ret%rn the tools to their proper locations at the en$ of theclass.

ote: /ll references to te=tboo) wor) will nee$ to be a$j%ste$ for alignment with co%rse te=tboo).

6"heet 47 Wall raming

Directions: !o% m%st first complete the assignments attache$. (insert appropriate pages and name of texthere) 0ave the instr%ctor sign *o% off as $one.


Directions: !o%r gro%p is going to constr%ct a two Ksection wall %nits3he* both will be A6; tall E6; in length""""""""4the* m%st have spacers on one en$ of each wall" see $iagram8

It m%st have the following:

o%gh opening for a win$ow KSi<e$ to fit a win$ow 9?> 4wi$e8 9?> 4tall8.3op plate0ea$er Kfor win$owo%gh opening for a $oor Ksi<e$ to fit a $oor ?> 4wi$e8 ?6 4tall8.0ea$er Kfor $oor 

ote: emember how ro%gh openings are $etermine$" If in $o%bt chec) *o%r te=tboo).

Instr%ctor Signat%re when complete$ """""Instr%ctor Signat%re VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 

3a)e apart when complete$, an$ ret%rn components to their original state

'&'&-' S/'3! F(/SS'S # /3 /(( 3I&'S

raming Fra$ing %bric:3e=tboo) wor) $one 97 pts3wo walls b%ilt correct si<e w? spacers 97 ptso%gh opening for win$ow 97 pts3op plates installe$ properl* 97 ptsWin$ow hea$er installe$ properl* 97 ptso%gh opening for a $oor 97 ptsDoor hea$er installe$ properl* 97 pts&aterials $isassemble$ after gra$ing 97 pts3otal points XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..9>> pts

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Wall Sections

  WALL #1




WALL # 2





WINDOW ROUGH OPENING = 25 1/2 x 25 ½

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6"heet 27  'lectrical /ctivit*

F%i$e (ines an$ Proce$%res

Directions: !o% m%st first complete all written wor) in this activit*. 3hese incl%$e the following %nits an$chapters: !o% m%st save all wor) an$ will be compile$ into a noteboo). 'ach member of the gro%p m%stcomplete these +hapters.

(insert appropriate pages and name of text here)

+0/P3'S &US3 -' +#&P('3'D -'#' W#H +/ -'FI

Using the attache$ $rawing follow these steps:1. /ttache$ the electrical bo=es in the proper location 4$rawing89. /ttach the light bo= to the wall %nit 4$rawing8. %n the rome= wire to each bo= leaving e=tra for c%ttingE. Wire %nit 4$rawing87. 0ave instr%ctor chec) an$ sign before testing %nit VVVVVVVVVVVVV . +hec) %nit with power s%ppl* K3'S3 Ko%tlets with $rillB. emove switch when $one an$ wire a $immer switch.6. 3est $immer switch

'('+3I+/( I'3#!e$ Panel9" wire strippers9" wire c%ttersnee$le nosewire stripper E" rome= silver strippers

Shelf UnitphillipsAs screw$rivers 9" flat screw $riversbl%e o%tlet bo=es switcheso%tlets 1"$immer switchswitch plate covers o%tlet plate covers

roll blac) electrical tape bo= of green wire connectorslight soc)et 1 bo= of staplesclaw hammer 4blac)8 %tilit* )nifetra* for screws 4" screws8 1" tape meas%re

'&'&-' S/'3! F(/SS'S # /3 /(( 3I&'S

F##D (U+H

'lectrical Fra$ing %bric:3e=tboo) wor) $one 97 pts-o=es in correct locations 97 ptsWires r%n correctl* 97 pts

Switches installe$ correctl* 97 pts#%tlets installe$ correctl* 97 ptsDimmer switch installe$ correctl* 97 pts

 /ll switches an$ o%tlets wor) correctl* 97 pts&aterials $isassemble$ after gra$ing 97 pts3otal points XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..9>> pts

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'lectrical Drawing

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6"heet 87 Pl%mbing /ctivit*

Directions: 'ach gro%p will receive a pac)et $epen$ing on the activit* the* ma* be wor)ing on. In eachpac)et will be m%ch information on the specific activit*. 3his activit* is P(U&-IF. In this activit* *o% willfollow several steps in appl*ing roofing shingles.

ollow the Steps for completion. '&'&-' K 'ach member m%st fill o%t his or her own answer sheet.

 /. DI'+3I#S: !o% an$ *o%r team m%st rea$ an$ answer the 2%estions for the roofing assignment in(insert appropriate pages and name of text here). P%t all answers on the attache$ wor)sheet.

0ave instr%ctor sign before wor)ing in the lab:


-. ow *o% are rea$* to begin the pl%mbing e=ercise.3he object of this activit* is to learn how to r%n copper pipe 4water line8 along a given wall witho%t lea)s.3hro%gh this process *o% will learn to c%t pipe, an$ sweat pipe %sing sol$er. !o% will learn how to connectpipe with sleeves an$ elbows with the en$ attache$ to a facet.

Using the attache$ $rawing follow these steps: S3'P Q1" +%t pipe to $esire$ length, 4chec) $rawing for length an$ location8 K c%t the pieces for thewhole activit* an$ sol$er last.

S3'P Q9 K Use elbows where nee$e$

S3'P Q K /ttache$ valve, attach cap, attach fa%cet K 4chec) $rawing for location8

S3'P QE K -egin sol$ering cooling each pipe as *o% go Kma)e s%re *o% clean an$ san$ each en$ beforesol$ering

S3'P Q7 K 0ave instr%ctor chec) *o%r wor) before it can be teste$ for water K


0oo) %p to hose t%rn on water an$ loo) for lea)s.

3a)e apart when complete$, an$ ret%rn components to their original locations ote: +opper fittings can be re%se$ several times if han$le$ with care.

'&'&-' S/'3! F(/SS'S # /3 /(( 3I&'S

F##D (U+H

Pl%mbing Fra$ing %bric:3e=tboo) wor) $one 7> pts

Pipe c%t to proper lengths 97 ptsittings installe$ in correct locations 97 ptsSol$ering complete$ correctl* 7> ptsWater test 4lea)sYY8 97 pts&aterials $isassemble$ after gra$ing 97 pts3otal points XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..9>> pts

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Pl%mbing Drawing

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 6"heet 7 oof /ctivit*

Directions: 'ach gro%p will receive a pac)et $epen$ing on the activit* the* ma* be wor)ing on. In eachpac)et will be m%ch information on the specific activit*. 3his activit* is ##IF. In this activit* *o% willfollow several steps in appl*ing roofing shingles.

ollow the Steps for completion. '&'&-' K 'ach member m%st fill o%t his or her own answer sheet.

 /. Directions: !o% an$ *o%r team m%st rea$ an$ answer the 2%estions for the roofing assignment in(insert appropriate pages and name of text here) P%t all answers on the attache$ wor)sheet.0ave instr%ctor sign that *o% complete$ the written wor).


-. -egin the practical roofing activit*. +all instr%ctor over before *o% begin

oofing Directions as follows:1. /ppl* $rip e$ge to bottom of roof sheathing.9. oll o%t 17Q felt to cover roof.. /ppl* $rip e$ge to e$ge of roof sheathing.

E. ollowing man%fact%rers instr%ctions appl* starter strip.7. eference man%fact%rers instr%ction an$ appl* first f%ll la*er of shingles.. +ontin%e shingle application with staggere$ pattern per man%fact%rers instr%ctions.

+hec) to ma)e s%re *o% have all materials before *o% begin """ Incl%$ing a cop* of the man%fact%rersinstr%ctions, which can be fo%n$ on each b%n$le of shingles.

##IF I'3#!E" hammers 49" re$ 9" *ellow8 1" green crow bar  1"s2%are E" %tilit* )nives1"staple g%n 1" roll tar paper  E" nail aprons 1" bo= of roofing nails

 /fter one row has been complete$ have instr%ctor chec) VVVVVVVV 

 /fter 9 rows have been complete$ have instr%ctor chec) VVVVVVVV 

When completel* $one have instr%ctor sign VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 

3a)e apart when complete$, an$ ret%rn components to their original locations ote: or this activit* the shingles can be re%se$ several times if han$le$ with care.

'&'&-' S/'3! F(/SS'S # /3 /(( 3I&'S

F##D (U+H oofing Fra$ing %bric:3e=tboo) wor) $one 97 pts

Drip e$ge applie$ correctl* 97 pts17Q felt applie$ correctl* 97 ptsStarter strip applie$ correctl* 97 ptsirst la*er of shingles applie$ correctl* 97 pts+orrect staggere$ pattern 97 ptsProper nailing sche$%le 97 pts&aterials $isassemble$ after gra$ing 97 pts3otal points XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..9>> pts

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E3a#ple 25 Picnic 3able. ote: 3his a goo$ activit* to provi$e the $imensions an$ t*pes of materials,then have the st%$ents estimate the materials an$ locate pricing for the materials an$ calc%late the cost of the project.

Picnic table with 96;=5; table"top

3he top I recommen$ is ma$e of 6" 9=E. !o% can s%bstit%te 7" 9= for this, b%t I li)e the smaller

wi$th boar$s since the* c%p less. /lwa*s nail the seat boar$ an$ top boar$s with the grain asshown in fig%re 9. 3his will ens%re the* c%p with the concave face $own, if the* c%p at all.

ig%re 9

!o% will nee$ the following materials:

• 19 " 9=ETs 6 ft long

• E " 9=Ts 6 ft long 4if *o% can bring home 1>ft boar$s b%* 1 1> footer an$ 9 6Ts8

• 9 " 9=1>Ts 6 ft long.

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1 " N = ?6N carriage bolts 4galvani<e$8 pl%s washers an$ n%ts for each.• 1 " bo= of 1$ galvani<e$ twist nails

• 3ape meas%re

• 0ammer

• Drill 4an$ ?6N bit, an$ ZN spa$e bit8

• Saw 4not too m%ch c%tting8(uild the top5

+%t a 9=E into three pieces each 9 inches long for the cross boar$s.ail the 6 top boar$s to these three cross boar$s leaving an inch of overhang on eachsi$e. #ne cross boar$ goes in the mi$$le 4the E ft mar)8 an$ the o%ter two in E inchesfrom the en$s.

Cut the legs5

3he fo%r legs are c%t i$enticall* from two of the 9=Ts.3he* sho%l$ have an angle c%t on them of > $egrees at the top an$ bottom an$ be .7inches long on each si$e. 3o get a > $egree angle *o% can %se a s2%are an$ mar) a 9:1rise to r%n.

e=t c%t the remaining 9=Ts to 7 ft long each for the seat stretchers.4this is where *o%can j%st c%t the 1> footer in half if *o% bo%ght one8.

Putting this together9

lip the top %psi$e $own. &o%nt the legs to the o%ter cross boar$s. 3he legs go on theinsi$e of the cross boar$s, G inches in from the o%tsi$e of the top. Drill an$ bolt them to

the cross boar$s with 9 bolts per leg.

+o%ntersin) the holes for the n%ts an$ washers with the Z inch bit, then $rill the rest ofthe wa* thro%gh with the ?6 inch bit. 3he n%ts sho%l$ go on the insi$e 4#n the insi$e ofthe legs8 3he bolts are onl* as wi$e as the woo$ so there will be no bolt stic)ing thro%ghto ever hit with *o%r )nee.

 /fter all fo%r legs are attache$ to the top, attach the seat stretchers. 3he* sho%l$ go s%chthat the seat will sit on them 1B inches off the gro%n$. 3hat is meas%re $own from thebottoms of the feet 1B inches an$ this is where the stretchers top will be. 4j%st loo) at the

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pict%re, sometimes I j%st have a hec) of a time $escribing somethingX8-olt the stretchers to the legs again %sing 9 bolts per leg an$ co%ntersin)ing then%ts?washers on the insi$e.


While it is %psi$e $own, attach the $iagonal braces. 3hese sho%l$ be c%t from a 9=E.3he* sho%l$ be c%t with a R 1B $egree angle ro%ghl* EE inches per si$e. 3hese sho%l$ bec%t to fit. &a)e s%re the legs are s2%are with the top, the braces will hol$ them s2%are.Set these offset from each other so *o% can nail into each of them from opposite si$es ofthe center cross boar$. ail them into the seat stretchers as well, when *o% are s%re thelength will hol$ the legs s2%are.

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ow flip the table right si$e %p an$ nail two 9=ETs between the seat stretchers. inall* nailthe two 9=1> seats in place on top of the seat stretchers an$ the 9=E seat s%pports.-efore nailing these in place, meas%re the $istances between the stretchers so again *o%are ens%ring the table is s2%are.

:inishing!o% can leave the table with no finish an$ it will weather a light gra*, or *o% can appl* a sealer a stain orpaint.

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E3a#ple 85 Simple She$ Plans 1>A=19A

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E3a#ple : after (a*o%t" ote: 3his activit* can be $one with a variet* of materials, altho%gh it iss%ggeste$ that instr%ctor fin$ materials as close to, if not materials act%all* %se$ for rafter constr%ction.

Ra;ter <ayout Acti.ityame:


Define the following terms.


-ir$s mo%th:

+ommon rafter:

oof tr%ss:

Fable roof:


Span :


Unit of %n:

ise :

Unit ise

Pl%mb an$ level lines:

i$ge -oar$:


+ommon afters:

0ip afters

alle* afters:

ac) afters:

O.er.iew5!o% are to %se the step off metho$ to la*o%t an$ $raw the c%ts nee$e$ to fabricate a common rafter. !o%rinstr%ctor will provi$e the span, slope, an$ hori<ontal overhang meas%rements. !o% sho%l$ review pages(insert appropriate pages and name of text here) prior to attempting this activit*. !o% will $raw 4b%t #3c%t8 the rafter on a 9==19 provi$e$ in class.

<ayout Procedure51. #n the face of the 9= la*o%t the ri$geline.9. Step off each %nit of r%n.

. &ar) the bir$As mo%th 4this rafter will sit on a 9= wall8.E. Step off an$ mar) the overhang7. &ar) one half of the thic)ness of the ri$ge boar$ 4this rafter will %se a 9=6 ri$ge boar$8 atthe ri$ge line.

after Specifications 4Instr%ctor will circle8:

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<ength Con;ir#ation 6and alternate layout techni>ue75 /s a chec), calc%late the rafter length %sing the rafter tables on a framing s2%are.

1. Determine the r%n 4half of the span8. es%lt:

9. /$$ to the r%n, the hori<ontal overhang. es%lt:

. 3otal of r%n overhang [ ft. " in.

E. +onvert this total to $ecimal notation. '=ample: E inches converte$ to feet is: E?19 [ .

7. es%lt: ft.

. rom the rafter tables on the bla$e of a framing s2%are, fin$ the length per foot of r%n

base$ on the slope val%e that *o% have been assigne$.


total r%n 4from step 78 table val%e, total rafter length

B. e$%ce this total rafter length to feet an$ inches b* $ivi$ing *o%r answer b* 19.

'=ample: 5.5E $ivi$e$ b* 19 [ B.696 ft. es%lt:

6. +hange the $ecimal portion into fractional inches. '=ample: .696 19; [ 5.5E in.


5. +hange the remain$er 4.5E8 into 1 ths of an inch. 3his can be $one %sing the 1>>th scale

on the framing s2%are or from the $ecimal chart on page BE5 of &o$ern +arpentr*;.

'=ample: BA "5 17?1;. es%lt:

1>. 3his sho%l$ give *o% the length of *o%r complete$ rafter. &eas%re from the top of the

pl%mb c%t to the top of the tail c%t. Does the step off rafter length match the calc%late$

lengthY es%lt: VVVVVVVVVVV 

11. What is the $ifference between the two lengthsY es%lt: VVVVVVVVVV 

19. '=plain wh* the res%lts of these two metho$s ma* $iffer.

Instr%ctor: Fra$e:

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'=ample 7: Stair (a*o%t" ote: 3his activit* can be $one with a variet* of materials, altho%gh it iss%ggeste$ that instr%ctor fin$ materials as close to, if not materials act%all* %se$ for each activit*."tair <ayout Acti.ity



Define the following terms.Stringer:3rea$:0ea$room:3otal ise:Unit ise:Unit %n:

O.er.iew5!o% are to la*o%t an$ $raw the c%ts nee$e$ to fabricate a stair stringer. !o%r instr%ctor will provi$e thetotal rise an$ total r%n meas%rements. !o% sho%l$ review pages (insert appropriate pages and name oftext here) prior to attempting this activit*. !o% will $raw 4b%t #3 c%t8 the stringer on a9;= 1>;= A provi$e$ in class.

"tair "peci;ications 6?nstructor will circle753otal ise 9E; 9; >; ;3otal %n E6; E>; ; 9E;

In resi$ential constr%ction, a goo$ comfortable target; is B inches of rise an$ 11 inches of r%n. 0owever,this is not alwa*s possible. Fiven total rise an$ total r%n restrictions, *o% nee$ to calc%late a variet* ofoptions to $etermine the %nit rise an$ %nit r%n val%es that will res%lt in the most comfortable, safe, an$practical set of steps.

Calculate Options5ow calc%late several $ifferent stair options given the total rise an$ total r%n restrictions that the instr%ctor gave *o%. or this activit* $etermine what the %nit rise an$ %nit r%n wo%l$ be if *o% constr%cte$ a set ofstairs with 9, , E, 7, an$ even steps.

%mber of Steps Unit ise 4ft " in;8 Unit %n 4ft " in;89E7

<ayout Procedure5 6additional details attached71. Select from *o%r calc%lations the most appropriate step config%ration.9. #n the face of the 9 = 1> la*o%t the stringer %sing a framing s2%are.. -egin la*o%t at the top of the stringer.E. (et the bla$e of the s2%are represent the trea$s an$ the tong%e represents the risers.

7. Draw a line along the o%tsi$e e$ge of the s2%are.. &ove the s2%are to the ne=t position an$ repeat.B. !o% are creating a pattern " acc%rac* is e=pecte$.E.aluation5!o% nee$ to show these calc%lations /D *o%r complete$ stringer to *o%r instr%ctor.Steps all the same 49>pts8

 /ll calc%lations complete 4E> pts8 /ll c%t mar)ings complete 4E> pts8


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'=ample : Plate (a*o%t /ctivit* " ote: 3his activit* can be $one with a witho%t a power planer, b%t %singone g%arantees that all ol$ mar)s are completel* remove$.

Plate <ayout Acti.ity


-e;initions5WaIl Plate


3rimmer ? ac) St%$ 

#n +enter  

o%gh #pening  




Using the 1>A 9=E provi$e$ b* the instr%ctor, *o% will be mar)ing o%t to $ifferent plate la*o%ts base$ oninformation from the win$ow an$ $oor catalog.

ote: +hoose win$ow an$ $oor si<es smaller than 7A.

@indow Plate <ayout5

3he win$ow is a 4bran$ name8 n%mberwith a ro%gh opening of = . 3his information was fo%n$ on page n%mber of the win$owcatalog.

#n the first 'DF' mar) 1; centers. Do this b* hoo)ing the tape on the en$ of the plate an$ $rawing aline at 171?E; in. 3his represents the o%tsi$e e$ge of the first st%$. Place an  to the si$e of that line

towar$ the larger n%mber on the tape meas%re. 3his  represents the placement of the st%$ relative to theline. Drive a nail at the 17 1?E; line. 0oo) *o%r tape here an$ mar) centers at 1; intervals b* thawing aline at each 1 interval an$ mar)ing the  on the si$e past the interval line.

ow locate the center for the win$ow at 7" B?6; from the la*o%t en$ of the plate an$ mar) it appropriatel*with B 4center"line mar)8

Using the ro%gh opening meas%rement from the catalog, $ivi$e the ro%gh opening wi$th b* 9. in$ thatmeas%rement on the tape an$ place it on the center mar) so that half of the ro%gh opening wi$th falls oneach si$e of the center mar). P%t a mar) at >; an$ at the ro%gh opening wi$th.

ote:Show the reg%lar st%$s with an 48, 3rimmer?ac) st%$s with a 438, an$ the +ripples with a 4+8.


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-oor Plate <ayout5

3he $oor is a 4bran$ name8  n%mber  with a ro%gh opening of =  . 3his information was fo%n$ on page n%mber of the $oorcatalog.

#n the secon$ 'DF' mar) 9E; centers. Do this b* hoo)ing the tape on the en$ of the plate an$ $rawinga line at 9 1?E; in. 3his represents the o%tsi$e e$ge of the first st%$. Place an to the si$e of that linetowar$ the larger n%mber on the tape meas%re. 3his represents the placement of the st%$ relative to theline. Drive a nail at the 9 1?EA line. 0oo) *o%r tape here an$ mar) centers at 9E intervals b* $rawing aline at each 9E11 interval an$ mar)ing the on the si$e past the interval line.

ow locate the center for the $oor at 7 "1?6; from the la*o%t en$ of the plate an$ mar) it appropriatel*with B 4center"line mar)8

Using the ro%gh opening meas%rement from the catalog, $ivi$e the ro%gh opening wi$th b* 9. in$ thatmeas%rement on the tape an$ place it on the center mar) so that half of the ro%gh opening wi$th fails oneach si$e of the center mar). P%t a mar) at >; an$ at the ro%gh opening wi$th.

ote:Show the reg%lar st%$s with an 48 an$ the 3rimmer?ac) st%$s with a 438.

eg%lar wall

3 + + 3 =

When finishe$ with the above steps, call the instr%ctor over to chec) *o%r wor).

Instr%ctor Signat%re Fra$e

#nce *o%r wor) has been chec)e$, %se a power plane to remove *o%r mar)s from the 9=E. et%rn thepower plane to the tool cabinet an$ the 9=E to the storage rac).

1; 1; 1; 1; 1;

” 19;

o%gh #pening

Position of .#. +enterline

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'=ample B: raming S*stems &o$el" ote: 3he %se of hot gl%e; g%ns will spee$ the constr%ction of themo$el, b%t bring into the classroom the inherent $anger of hot li2%i$s.

:ra#ing "yste#s %odel

-irections5Design an$ +onstr%ct a scale mo$el of a fo*er ? entr*wa* a$$ition $emonstrating woo$ frame

+onstr%ction techni2%es. 3he &o$el is b%ilt on apiece of 19; =19; = 1?E; (%an pl*woo$, which representsthe s%b floor.

&o$el e2%irements:1. -%ilt to 1[1A scale9. St%$s an$ joists are to he 1; oc.. loor s*stem framingE. 0ave three o%tsi$e walls that intersect7. Wall height m%st be 6A from the sole plate to the top plate. 0ave two $ifferent t*pes corner framingB. &%st incl%$e one win$ow an$ one $oor 6. 0ave either tr%sses or rafters to be 1; o.c. for rafters an$ 9E; o.c. for tr%sses5. &o$el m%st be gl%e$ together1>. /ll parts labele$

\ /$$itional #ptions• Ins%lation

• Wallboar$

• Sheathing

• apor -arrier 

• -asement ? crawl space access

"cale Ratios51; [ 1A?E; [ 5;1? 9; [ ;

1? E; [ ; 1? 6; [ 1"1?9A1?1; [ ?EA1? 9; [ ?6;

E.aluation5 Points St%$ents Instr%ctorAs

'val%ation 'val%ation /ll e2%irements Incl%$e$ 6> pts pts ptsProper raming 3echni2%es ollowe$ 7> pts pts ptsL%alit* of +onstr%ction 7> pts pts pts

 /$$itional #ptions 9> pts pts pts  3otal [ 9>> VVVVVV 3otal


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'=ample 6: +omp%ter $esign an$ mo$eling" ote: 3his activit* can be $one with a variet* of comp%terprograms, in this case D 0ome /rchitect was chosen as a low cost program with a high level of %serfrien$liness.

8- 'o#e Architect Acti.ityame VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 

Directions:Design a ranch st*le ho%se of %n$er 9>>> s2. ft.

eat%res to incl%$e in *o%r $esign:] Win$ows an$ Doors ] %rnit%re 'lectric 4o%tlets ever* A, lights, an$ switches8] Incl%$e $imensions 4b%t onl* once8 ] (abel rooms] '=terior walls ; ] '=trasY] lnterior walls E; ] +losets] %ll bathroom ] Hitchen 4with cabinets8] 'ating area ] -e$rooms

 /ctivit* Steps:

1. Pre"S)etching:-efore s)etching, $etermine the general si<es of the following rooms from the floor plans in the"D 0ome /rchitect activit* boo)let.Hitchen VVVA W = VVVA ( amil* room VVVA W = VVVA (Small -e$rooms VVVA W = VVVA ( (arge -e$roomsVVVA W = VVVA (-athroom VVVA W = VVVA ( #verall $imensions of the str%ct%re VVVA W = VVVA (

9. S)etching:S)etch o%t *o%r $esign on the 1?E inch gri$ graph paper. emember ^;[1A an$ incl%$eall the re2%ire$ feat%res.Instr%ctor chec):VVVVVVVVVVVVV Date:VVVVVVVVVVV 

. +/D " "D 0ome /rchitect:Using one of the three comp%ters, get starte$ b* clic)ing on the "D 0ome icon on the $es)top.

+hoose the wall tool to enclose the perimeter of the str%ct%re an$ then contin%e a$$ing feat%resSave *o%r wor) on !o%r Dis) 4.7 flopp*8When *o% are $one, have the instr%ctor chec) o%t *o%r $esign. Print it o%t after the instr%ctor gives the#H.

E. #%tp%t:#nce complete an$ chec)e$, print o%t two views:loor PlanIsometric iew 4witho%t the roof8

7. Fra$ing:St%$ents Instr%ctorAs'val%ation 'val%ation

 /ll re2%ire$ feat%res incl%$e$ 1>>pts VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV 

'=tra feat%res 97pts VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV 

Foo$ $esign ? la*o%t B7pts VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV  


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'=ample 5: oofing 'stimation" ote: 3his activit* can be $one with a variet* of meas%rements an$ rooft*pes.

Roo;ing Esti#ation Acti.ity


Directions:Using the e2%ations on the following sheet $etermine the amo%nt of materials nee$e$ to+omplete the job

1. in$ the slope of the roof %sing the fo%r"foot level shown. '=press it in terms of rise an$ r%n: VVVVVVVV in VVVVVVV 

9. What is the s2%are footage of the roofY VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV . 0ow man* sheets of 7?6;pl*woo$ wo%l$ he nee$e$ to cover the roofY VVVVVVVVVVVV E. I"low man* nails wo%l$ he re2%ire$ for attaching the pl*woo$Y VVVVVVVVVVV 7. 0ow man* rolls of felt paper are re2%ire$YVVVVVVVVVVVVV . 0ow man* pieces of $rip e$ge are re2%ire$ to cover the e$ges of the eaves an$ ra)esYVVVV B. 0ow man* shingles are re2%ire$ for the starter stripY VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 6. 0ow man* shingle nails are re2%ire$Y VVVVVVVVVVV 5. 0ow man* shingles are re2%ire$ for cappingY

4fig%re 7A e=pos%re per cap8 VVVVVV caps or VVVVVVshingles1>. 0ow man* s2%ares of shingles are re2%ire$ to shingle the roofY I 4e=cl%$ing caps an$ starters811. 0ow man* s2%ares are re2%ire$ to complete the entire jobYVVVVVVVVS2%ares19. Determine the cost of this job:

Pl*woo$" cost per piece VVVVVV &%ltiplie$ b* the amo%nt nee$e$VVVVV[ cost VVVVVVVV elt 17Q" cost per roll VVVVVV &%ltiplie$ b* the amo%nt nee$e$VVVVV[ cost VVVVVVVV Drip e$ge" cost per piece VVVVVV &%ltiplie$ b* the amo%nt nee$e$VVVVV[ cost VVVVVVVV Shingles" cost per s2%are VVVVVV &%ltiplie$ b* the amo%nt nee$e$VVVVV[ cost VVVVVVVV 

+ommon ails" cost per bo= VVVVVV &%ltiplie$ b* the amo%nt nee$e$VVVVV[ cost VVVVVVVV oofing ails" cost per bo= VVVVVV &%ltiplie$ b* the amo%nt nee$e$VVVVV[ cost VVVVVVVV 

3otal cost VVVVVVVV 

ote: refer to pict%re for all2%estions

_ 19A = 6; E> !ear Warrant*  /rchitect%ral shingles

_ 16 shingles per b%n$le

_ E b%n$les per s2%are

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Esti#ation Techni>ues :or Roo;ing

 efer to pict%re abovefor all 2%estions

_ Perimeter is 1E> feet_ /rea is 19>> s2%are feet

_19A = ; tab "shingles

_ 99 shingles per b%n$le

_ b%n$les per s2%are

-eter#ining "lope• place a b%il$erAs level on toe slope an$ lift one en$ %ntil it $ispla*s level

• meas%re from the bottom en$ of the level perpen$ic%larl* $own to the roof s%rface.

• slope is e=presse$ as rise in r%n, which act%all* means R;vertical meas%rement in inches; in`;length of level in inches; ie: 1> in 9E

• length meas%rement is alwa*s e=presse$ as 19. so re$%ce it as a fraction ie: 7 in 19

-eter#ining %aterials• $ivi$e the perimeter of the roof b* 1> 4$rip e$ge comes in 1>A long pieces8 to $etermine how

man* pieces of $rip e$ge are re2%ire$. ie: 1E>?1> [ 1E pieces• $ivi$e the area of the roof b* E9 to $etermine how man* rolls of felt paper are re2%ire$.

ie:19>> ?E9 [ rolls• $ivi$e the area b* 1>> to $etermine the n%mber of s2%ares re2%ire$.

ie: 19>>? 1>> [ 19 s2%ares• a$$ in a percentage of waste for en$ c%ts. #n a simple gable roof 7C is s%fficient, while a hip roof 

ma* re2%ire 17C. 3he t*pe of roof, n%mber of valle*s, pattern %se$, an$ even the roofercontractor all affect the percentage of waste. ie. 19= .>7[. of a s2%are

• ta)e the overall length of both eaves an$ $ivi$e b* A to $etermine the n%mber of startersre2%ire$.ie: 6> ? [ 9B shingles

• $etermine how man* caps are re2%ire$ if 7; e=pos%re is %se$. 3a)e the length of the ri$ge inchesan$ $ivi$e b* 7. ie: E> ̀ = 19; [ E6>; E6>; ?7 [ 5 capsnote: there are caps per shingle, so $ivi$e the n%mber of caps b* three to $etermine n%mber ofshingles,ie: in 5 ? [ 9 shingles

• a$$ the n%mber of shingles re2%ire$ for starters an$ the re2%ire$ for caps.ie: 9B 9 [ 75 shingles or .5 of a s2%are

• a$$ this total to the previo%sl* obtaine$ total.ie.: 19. .5 [ 1.7 s2%ares are re2%ire$

efer to pict%re - for all2%estions

_ Perimeter is 1E> feet

_ /rea is 19>> s2%are feet

_19A = ; tab "shingles

_ 99 shingles per b%n$le

_ b%n$les per s2%are

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-ase$ on the nail chart below, $etermine the Q of nails nee$e$ to fasten 1 sheet of pl*woo$ then m%ltipl*b* the n%mber of sheets.1; roofing nails are sol$ B,9>> per bo=$, 6$ +ommon nails are sol$ 9,>>> per bo=

oof Sheathing

-oar$s 6$ common nailsPl*woo$47?1;, ?6;,1?9; 8 $ common nails 19; oc an$ ; oc e$ges  Pl*woo$47?6;, ?E; 8 $ common nails 19; oc an$ ; oc e$ges

oofing, /sphaltew +onstr%ction B?6; thro%gh 1 G; galvani<e$ E Per Shinglee"oofing /pplication 1 Z; or 9; galvani<e$ E Per Shingle

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'=ample1>" 'stimation /ctivit*" +oncrete an$ Si$ing

Concrete and "tone Calculations!o% are to plan for the installation of the following five concrete $rivewa*s. 'ach $rivewa* re2%ires a si="inch thic) 4>A" ;8 be$ of cr%she$ stone an$ then wire reinforcing mesh an$ then the installation ofconcrete. or each $rivewa*, a concrete thic)ness is specifie$. +alc%late the n%mber of *ar$s of cr%she$stone nee$e$, then the n%mber of s2%are feet of mesh nee$e$ an$ finall* the n%mber of *ar$s ofconcrete re2%ire$.

Drivewa* Si<e !ar$s Stone eet9 &esh Slab 3hic)ness !ar$s +oncrete17A=97Al7A=>l7A=7>A9>A=E>A;9>A =6>A ;

Area3he following walls nee$ to be covere$ with vin*l si$ing. !o% nee$ to $etermine the n%mber of s2%are feet

in each wall. 3hen *o% nee$ to s%btract the n%mber of s2%are feet that is win$ows. 3hen *o% nee$ to$etermine how man* s2%ares; of si$ing sho%l$ be p%rchase$. +alc%late all areas to the nearest tenth ofa foot.

Wall Si<e Wall /rea


Win$ow /rea Si$ing /rea %mber of S2%ares

6A= 91A" >; A = 7;6A= 5A" ; o%r 9A = A6A = 1A" ; 9A"; = EA";6A = 1EA" E; A"5; = A"5;6A = 15A" >; 9A">; = EA";16A" ; = 1BA"; Si= EA = 7A16A"; = 9lA" 5; 3en 9A =EA

=inyl "iding Accessories


0ow to calc%late (inealeet

(ength of trim Piecesee$e$

Starter Strip Perimeter of ho%se 19A ;" +hannel S%m of: 4Wi$th of each win$ow8

49= 0eight of each win$ow819A ;

Un$er Sill 3otal of all win$ow wi$ths 19A ;#%t Si$e+orner 

ertical height of all #?S +orners 1>A

Insi$e +orner ertical height of all I?S +orners 1>AWin$ow +ap 3otal of all win$ow wi$ths 1>A

"+hannel 3otal of lineal feet of soffit 19A ;ascia 3otal of lineal feet of a)e an$

fascia boar$s19A ;

Soffit 43otal of lineal feet of a)e an$fascia boar$s = wi$th of soffit8$ivi$e$ b* the area of soffit panel.

19; W = 1>A (

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'ints and Re#inders• Scale: 1?E; means that 1?E; [ 1A"#;

• Scale:. others common s%ch as 1?9;, 1?6;, 1?9;, 1;

• (ength meas%re$ in feet an$ inches: 1A" ?6;

• ractions often converte$: 1?9; [ 9?E; [ E?6;

• S2%are area $etermine$ b* m%ltipl*ing length b* wi$th.

• 1>> ft9 is calle$ a s2%are an$ is %se$ for s%rface area.

• ol%me is $etermine$ b* m%ltipl*ing length b* wi$th b* height. 9Bft is calle$ a *ar$ an$ is %se$

for $irt, stones, an$ concrete.• #ften fractions are converte$ to their $ecimal e2%ivalents s%ch as 1?6; [ .197; 3his is $one with a

calc%lator or a $ecimal e2%ivalent chart• P*thagorean theorem %se$ to fin$ right angles. /9 -9 [ +9

• &eas%rements are often a$$e$ or s%btracte$: &ost can be )ept as fractions to ma)e thea$$itions or s%btractions simpl* b* converting all fractions to common $enominators.

• '=ample: EA "9 7?6; " 9A 6 1?9; [ 1A" 1?6;

• +ommon to fin$ centers: 3he center of a wall 91A "5 ?1; long is 1>A " 1> 15?9;

• &eas%re twice, c%t once. When wor)ing in *o%r gro%ps, %se each team member as a secon$ an$or thir$ opinion.

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'=ample 11" -l%eprint ea$ing /ctivit*. ote: / variet* of bl%eprints can be %se$ for this activit*.rom simple to comple= plans there are man* 2%estions that co%l$ be propose$ to give st%$entsan %n$erstan$ing of how to rea$ an$ $ecipher bl%eprints. 3his activit* can be %se$ as a stan$"alone assignment or combine$ with materials cost research an$ %se$ to $evelop financialestimates for a given project.

(lueprint Reading Acti.ity

Using the assigne$ bl%eprint *o% will answer the following 2%estions. !o% will nee$ an architectAsscale, calc%lator an$ scrape paper to complete this assignment.

ame Date:

Plan ame an$ %mber

1. What is the overall wi$th an$ length of the ho%seY9. What is the total s2%are footage of the ho%se. 0ow man* be$rooms $oes the ho%se haveYE. What is the scale %se$ for the floor planY.7. What two si<es of masonr* bloc) are %se$ to constr%ct the fo%n$ation wallsY0ow man* pier footings are thereYB. What si<e are the pier footingsY6. 0ow thic) is the basement floorY5. 0ow m%ch $oes the garage floor nee$ to slopeY1>. 0ow m%ch gravel fill is re2%ire$ %n$er the concrete slabsY 4s2%are area of theho%se thic)ness of the gravel fill. emember to %se consistent UI3S of

meas%rement s%ch as inches or feet or *ar$s8.11. What is the si<e of the floor joists %se$ to b%il$ the be$room floorsY19. What is the spacing of the floor joistsY1. What is the si<e of the base trim %se$ thro%gho%t the ho%seY1E. 3he bottom of the %pper )itchen cabinets are how high from the floorY17. What is the si<e of the )itchen wor) islan$Y1. 0ow man* lights are in the atticY1B. What t*pe of mirrors are %se$ in the bathroomsY16. 3he ho%se ma)es %se of rafters. #ver which room4s8 are the* %se$Y What si<eare the raftersY15. What is the pitch of the roofY9>. 0ow wi$e is the be$room hall wavY91. What is the si<e an$ t*pe of $oors that are %se$ across the bac) of the ho%seY

99. What is the s2%are foot area of the master be$roomY9. Where is the cric)etY9E. What material4s8 are %se$ to cover the e=terior walls of the ho%se.97. 0ow man* s2%are of shingle are nee$e$ to cover the roofY9. What si<e are the ra)e boar$sY9B. What si<e are the corner boar$sY96. 0ow man* risers are re2%ire$ in the set of steps between the basement an$the first floorY95. What is the $istance of the rise for each step in the set of steps between the

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basement an$ the first floorY>. What si<e is the concrete footing beneath the 19; concrete bloc) wallsY1. 0ow is the bloc) fo%n$ation wall seale$ against moist%reY9. '=terior walls are of what t*pe of constr%ctionY. What t*pe of soffit vent is %se$YE. What t*pe of win$ows are %se$Y7. 0ow man* switches are nee$e$ in the master be$roomY

. What is the recommen$e$ minim%m amo%nt of ins%lation re2%ire$ for the atticYB. What t*pe of electrical service panel is nee$e$ for the ho%seY

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+re$its for all '=amples of Instr%ctional &aterials (oane$ for this Project

'=ample 1: +o%rtes* of +hristopher 0aw)ins" +icero"orth S*rac%se 0igh School.'=ample 9: Picnic 3able i$ea co%rtes* of obert Spin$ler" ome ree /ca$em* 0igh School, /ttache$

plans fo%n$ at http:??www.han$*manwire.com?articles?picnic.html'=ample : Simple She$ Plans 1>A=19A fo%n$ at www.freeww.com?storageb%il$ings.html'=ample E: after (a*o%t" +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog* Department &o$ifie$ b*

0owar$ -otting.'=ample 7: Stair (a*o%t" +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog* Department &o$ifie$ b*

0owar$ -otting.'=ample : Plate (a*o%t /ctivit* " +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog* Department

&o$ifie$ b* 0owar$ -otting.'=ample B: raming S*stems &o$el" +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog* Department

&o$ifie$ b* 0owar$ -otting.'=ample 6: +omp%ter $esign an$ mo$eling" +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog*

Department &o$ifie$ b* 0owar$ -otting.'=ample 5: oofing 'stimation" +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog* Department

&o$ifie$ b* 0owar$ -otting.'=ample1>" 'stimation /ctivit*" +oncrete an$ Si$ing" +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego

3echnolog* Department" &o$ifie$ b* 0owar$ -otting.

'=ample 11" -l%eprint ea$ing /ctivit*. +o%rtes* of ichar$ -%sh SU! #swego 3echnolog*Department" &o$ifie$ b* 0owar$ -otting.

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 /ppen$i= + " +onstr%ction S*stems inal '=am

?ntroduction to Construction "yste#s 68 >uestions7

1. 3he fo%r major fiel$s of constr%ction are name$:a. 0o%se constr%ction, bri$ge constr%ction, factor* constr%ction, in$%strial comple= constr%ctionb. 3ransportation constr%ction, civil constr%ction, energ* constr%ction, paneli<e$ home constr%ction

c. (ight constr%ction, commercial constr%ction, in$%strial constr%ction, civil constr%ction$. +ivil constr%ction, aerospace constr%ction, remo$eling constr%ction, sewer constr%ction

9. o%r new $evelopments effecting the f%t%re of constr%ction s*stems incl%$e the following:a. Solar panels, limite$ forest pro$%cts, $iminishing s%pplies of oil, small s%ppl* of fresh water b. Pre"fabrication, paneli<e$, a%tomation, innovationsc. Straw bale ho%ses, solar panels, &ars colon*As, cor$"woo$ ho%ses$. Pre"fabricate$ ho%ses, robots, well an$ leach s*stems, plasticAs

. 3he Universal S*stems &o$el incl%$es:a. #%tp%ts, 'lements, ee$bac), +ontrol, Projectsb. eso%rces, Inp%ts, +ontrol, ee$bac), 'ngineeringc. +ontrol, #%tp%ts, Processes, eso%rces, Inp%ts$. Processes, '2%ipment, Inp%ts, Information, eso%rces

"yste# ?nputs 68 >uestions7

E. / new constr%ction project will onl* be b%ilt if there is s%fficient VVVVVVV in the comm%nit*.a. +apitalb. &aterialsc. ee$$. Wor)ers

7. /n e=pecte$ benefit of a new high vol%me, interstate highwa* project between comm%nities / an$ -wo%l$ beYa. Increase$ amo%nt of cars at a $owntown intersectionb. (ess cars on the roa$

c. (ower price of f%el in both comm%nities$. / $ecrease in travel time from point / to point - 

. (ist fo%r areas of e=pecte$ impact for an* constr%ction project.a. 'nvironmental, 'conomic, Societal, Personalb. +lean Water, inancial, +omm%nit*, 'rosionc. Disable$ /mericans, 'rosion, +omm%nit* press%re, ob Frowth$. /rchitects, S%rve*ors, S)ille$ 3ra$es, -%il$ing Inspectors

Resources o; Construction 64D >uestions7

B. In constr%ction s*stems an* job can be classifie$ into one of the following areasMa. 3echnical, S)ille$, Professional, Uns)ille$

b. /rchitect, (aborer, emo$eler, Feneral contractor c. Project manager, (aborer, +raft person, /rchitect$. S)ille$, Union, on"%nion, Designer 

 6. /n e=planation of how a persons job"s)ills or training will effect their job classification isM

a. (aborers are %s%all* highl* s)ille$ in several areas of constr%ction.b. /rchitects are %s%all* one of the lower e$%cate$ people on a job site.c. Project &anagers are %s%all* s)ille$ in onl* one specific areas of constr%ction$. Pl%mbers an$ 'lectricians are s)ille$ tra$espersons.

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5. What $oes #S0/ stan$ forYa. #cc%pational Service 0an$ling /ssociationb. #ceanfront Stan$ar$ 0o%sing /greementc. #ngoing Safet* an$ 0ealth /ct$. #cc%pational Safet* an$ 0eath /$ministration

1>. /n e=ample of a Primar* eso%rce is

a. Sheet &etalb. +ompositesc. / tree$. Hiln"$rie$ l%mber 

11. Which is an e=ample of re%sing?rec*cling in ma)ing a constr%ction materiala. +ell%lose ins%lationb. iberglass ins%lationc. oam ins%lation$. Spra* foam ins%lation

19. / ban) constr%ction $raw; is %se$ whenYa. 3his $rawing is %se$ to show the ban) what the final constr%ction project will loo) li)e.b. 3his ol$ term is not %se$ to$a*.c. Draws; are a financial transfer, which correspon$ to specific points of project completion.$. / $raw; refers to a sche$%le $rawn %p to reflect when mortgage pa*ments are $%e.

1. Pl*woo$ is commonl* man%fact%re$ in which of the following si<es:a. A = 6Ab. 9A = 6Ac. EA = 6A$. EA = A

1E. 3ime is as a reso%rce in the constr%ction process isa. 3he onl* reso%rce that hasnAt been change$ or altere$ b* technolog*.b. le=ible, allowing wor) to progress in meas%rable stages.c. &ost important beca%se this is how all wor)ers are pai$.

$. Divi$e$ into Primar* an$ Secon$ar* job sche$%les.

17. 3he time to consi$er energ* conservation in the constr%ction process isXa. When the project transfers to the new owner.b. #nl* if the project is a Freen +ertifie$; program.c. /t the ver* beginning of the project.$. /t the ver* en$ of the b%il$ing process.

1. Woo$s are a t*pe ofa. +ompositeb. Pol*mer  c. +eramic$. /llo*

e.1B. What is the act%al si<e of a 9 = E piece of l%mberY

a. 1 G; = G;b. 1 Z; = Z;c. 9; = E;$. none of the above

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16. 3he table saw. Set the bla$e so it e=ten$s abo%t VVVVVVV inch above the stoc).a. 1;b. Z;c. G;$. ^;

15. 3o ens%re safet* when performing e2%ipment maintenance, s%ch as changing a bla$e on a saw, *o%

sho%l$Xa. Use vise grips so *o% $onAt c%t *o%r han$.b. 0ave another saw rea$* if this saw brea)s.c. ollow loc)o%t?tag o%t proce$%res.$. 3ell all the st%$ents in the class to watch *o%.

9>. Which is not a wor)ing $rawingYa. loor planb. Pl%mbing planc. 'levations$. -ill of materials

91. eso%rces are part of which segment of the %niversal s*stems mo$elYa. +ontrolb. Inp%tsc. #%tp%ts$. Processes

Processes o; Construction 622 >uestions7

99. When %sing an* machine, wait %ntil the machine has VVVVVVVV before leaving.a. -een t%rne$ off b. Stoppe$ r%nningc. Someone else to %se it$. -een %npl%gge$

9. +oncrete is an e=cellent choice for fo%n$ations beca%se it is ver* strong %n$er 

a. +ompression forceb. Shearing forcec. 3ensile stress$. '2%ilibri%m press%re

9E. 3he job of a s%bstr%ct%re is toa. S%pport the roof coverings.b. S%pport the $oors an$ win$ows.c. &ar) the gro%n$ to show where to $ig.$. S%pport the entire str%ct%re.

97. 3he term s%perstr%ct%re $escribesXa. 3he main s%pporting components of the project.

b. /nother term for basements an$ fo%n$ations.c. 3he management s*stem in an in$%strial comple=$. -est possible choice for a str%ct%re.

9. / +%rtin wall isXa. / t*pe of wall from colonial times.b. / wall ma$e o%t of fabric.c. / non"loa$ bearing wall$. ot reall* a wall at all.

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9B. Shingles, an$ si$ings are meas%re$, price$ an$ sol$ b* this %nita. S2%are;b. -%n$le;c. -oar$ oot;$. 3ransit;

96. 3ools %se$ when la*ing o%t fo%n$ations incl%$e all of these e=ceptX..

a. -atter boar$sb. &asons 3winec. S%rve*ors 3ransit$. Pne%matics

95. /n ins%lations "val%e refers to itsa. Si<e of the framing members within which it will fit, %s%all* 1; or 9E;b. Place of origin? man%fact%rec. +oefficient of U"val%e$. esistance to transmission of heat? col$

>. In b%il$ing constr%ction, 0/+ s*stem refers to whatYa. 0eating, entilation, /ir +on$itioningb. 0igh elocit* /ir +on$itioningc. 0/+ is not referre$ to when $isc%ssing b%il$ing constr%ction$. 0igh ol%me /ccessibilit* +ontrols

1. 3he most common fo%n$ation b%ilt in regions that are ver* wet or ver* roc)* area. f%ll basementb. +rawlspacec. Slab$. Piling

9. In light constr%ction a common interior finish isa. st%ccob. -ric) veneer c. fiberglass ins%lation

$. Dr*wall

. 3he p%rpose of the footer in a ho%se is to:a. 0ol$ the $oors close$b. S%pport the weight of the ho%sec. 3rac) m%$ on the floor $. Heep the rain o%t of the basement

E. 3he p%rpose of spacing wall st%$s 1; on center vs. 1B; or 17; on center is to:a. It easier to wor) with even n%mbers than it is to wor) with o$$ n%mbersb. 3o save on space.c. it to stan$ar$ si<e b%il$ing materials.$. Provi$e a$e2%ate s%pport for the roof or floor above.

7. When loo)ing at a set of bl%eprints the scale is given as ^;[1A, which meansa. 7 inches on the $rawing will be e2%al to 7?E.b. 7 inches on the $rawing will be e2%al to 9> feet.c. !o% m%st %se a architectAs scale to $raw all accompan*ing $rawings$. /ll meas%rements ta)en with a normal r%ler m%st be $ivi$e$ b* E to get the correct meas%rement.

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or the ne=t two 2%estions %se the following information to calc%late a str%ct%res "al%e

&aterial "al%eSheet roc) 1.>; ominal Ins%lation 15.>6; ominal Ins%lation 97.>

G; Pl*woo$ sheathing 9.>1; oam boar$ B.9in*l Si$ing >.7

. 3he highest possible "val%e of a 9= wall b%ilt with onl* sheet roc), ins%lation, pl*woo$, an$ vin*lsi$ing wo%l$ bea. 7E.Bb. 99.7c. 96.7$. 15

B. #ne wa* to increase the overall "val%e of a 9= wall isa. Pac) the 6; "97 ins%lation in the 9= wall cavit*.

b. /$$ a 3hromb 4absorbing mass8 wall to the north si$e of the ho%se.c. Sheath the ho%se with 1; foam boar$ instea$ of pl*woo$.$. Use a 9=E wall instea$.

6. In twelve"foot wall section, how man* st%$s wo%l$ it ta)e to ma)e %p that wall if the st%$s were 1; oncenterYa. 5b. 1>c. 19$.

5. +opper pipe is most commonl* joine$ b* which metho$Ya. Solvent an$ gl%e

b. +ompression fittingsc. Dielectric co%plers$. l%= an$ sol$er 

E>. When $isc%ssing constr%ction live loa$; refers to whatYa. 3he weight of permanent, stationar* constr%ction an$ e2%ipment place$ within the str%ct%re.b. 3he amo%nt of living space containe$ insi$e the str%ct%re.c. 3he total of all moving an$ variable loa$s, which can be place$ on a b%il$ing.$. /mo%nt of farm animals that will fit in the b%il$ing.

E1. 3he name of a st%$ that hol$s %p a win$ow or $oor hea$er is a:a. Hing St%$b. Door sillc. ac) st%$$. 0ea$er st%$

E9. 3he woo$ framing member that sets on the fo%n$ation wall is calle$:a. / sillb. / sill joistc. / sleeper  $. -loc)ing

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E. Use a VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV to hol$ the stoc) close to the fence.a. P%sh Stic)b. +ombination S2%arec. raming S2%are$. eather -oar$

Outputs o; construction 6 >uestions7EE. Which wo%l$ #3 be a negative impact of a new ho%sing $evelopment b%ilt in a woo$lan$ areaYa. ewer homes for wil$ animals.b. Increase$ job growthc. Increase$ traffic$. (ess room for water r%noff? storage

E7. / final wal)"thro%gh a constr%ction site reveals items not f%ll* complete$. 3hese items wo%l$ beplace$ on a VVVVVVVVVVVV.a. 3o $o list.b. 0one*"$o list.c. 0omeowners list.$. P%nch list

E. Which is not a final stage step in a constr%ction projectYa. (an$scaping.b. Developing a maintenance sche$%le.c. 3%rning over )e*s to the c%stomer?owner.$. oofing the str%ct%re.

EB. Positive e=amples of constr%ction projects can bea. (an$ reclamationb. Decrease in s)ille$ jobsc. /ssembl* line wor)$. / l%mber mill

Control o; construction 68 >uestions7

E6. In constr%ction the control? fee$bac) component is %se$ toa. +omparing inp%ts with o%tp%tsb. I$entif*ing wastec. &aintain the stabilit* of compan*$. /ll the above

E5. Which are not %se$ to ens%re p%blic safet*Yb. Str%ct%ral inspectionsc. 'ngineering anal*sis$. Joning lawse. P%nch lists

7>. 3o minimi<e waste a b%siness sho%l$a. +ompare inp%ts with o%tp%tsb. 0ire less wor)ersc. +%t bac) on benefits offere$$. Use less lan$ for each project.

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Construction "yste#s

D0 :inal E3a# Answers1. +

9. -. +

E. +7. D. /B. /6. D5. D1>.+11. /19.+1.+1E./



:inal E3a# (lueprint


3itle %mber of L%estions

Hnowle$ge +omprehension /pplication Upper(evel

1 Intro to+onstr%ctionS*stems

9 1 >

9 S*stem Inp%ts 1 1 1 eso%rces 17 5 E 9E Processes 99 11 7 7 #%tp%ts E 1 > ee$bac)?+ontrol 1 1 1

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 /ppen$i= D " St%$ents with Disabilities

3he -oar$ of egents, thro%gh part 1>> eg%lations of the +ommissioner, the /ction Plan, an$3he +ompact for (earning, has ma$e a strong commitment to integrating the e$%cation of st%$ents with$isabilities into the total school program. /ccor$ing to Section 1>>.94s8 of the eg%lations of the+ommissioner of '$%cation, 'ach st%$ent with a han$icapping con$ition as s%ch term is $efine$ inSection 9>>.14ii8 of this +hapter, shall have access to the f%ll range of programs an$ services set forth in

this Part to the e=tent that s%ch programs an$ services are appropriate to s%ch st%$entAs speciale$%cational nee$s;. Districts m%st have policies an$ proce$%res in place to ma)e s%re that st%$ents with$isabilities have e2%al opport%nities to access $iploma cre$its, co%rses, an$ re2%irements.

3he majorit* of st%$ents with $isabilities have the intellect%al potential to master the c%rric%lacontent re2%irements of a high school $iploma. &ost st%$ents who re2%ire special e$%cation atten$reg%lar e$%cation classes in conj%nction with speciali<e$ instr%ction an$?or relate$ services. 3hest%$ents m%st attain the same aca$emic stan$ar$s as their non"$isable$ peers to meet gra$%ationre2%irements, an$, therefore, m%st receive instr%ction in the same content area, at all gra$e levels. 3hiswill ens%re that the* have the same informational base necessar* to pass statewi$e testing programs an$meet $iploma re2%irements.

3eachers certifie$ in the s%bject area sho%l$ become aware of the nee$s of st%$ents with$isabilities who are participating in their classes. Instr%ctional techni2%es an$ materials m%st be mo$ifie$to the e=tent appropriate to provi$e st%$ents with $isabilities the opport%nit* to meet $iplomare2%irements. Information or assistance is available thro%gh special e$%cation teachers, a$ministrators,the +ommittee on Special '$%cation 4+S'8 or st%$entAs In$ivi$%ali<e$ '$%cation Program 4I'P8.

Strategies for &o$if*ing Instr%ctional 3echni2%es an$ &aterials.1. St%$ents with $isabilities ma* %se alternative testing techni2%es. 3he nee$e$ testing

mo$ification m%st be i$entifie$ in the st%$entAs In$ivi$%ali<e$ '$%cation Program 4I'P8. -othspecial an$ reg%lar e$%cation teachers nee$ to wor) in close cooperation so that the testingmo$ifications can be %se$ consistentl* thro%gho%t the st%$entAs program.

9. I$entif*, $efine, an$ pre"teach )e* vocab%lar*. &an* terms in this s*llab%s are specific, an$some st%$ents with $isabilities will nee$ contin%o%s reinforcement to learn them. It wo%l$ behelpf%l to provi$e a list of these )e* wor$s in the special e$%cation teacher in or$er to provi$ea$$itional reinforcement in the special e$%cation setting.

. /ssign a partner for the $%ration of a %nit to a st%$ent as an a$$itional reso%rce to facilitateclarification of $ail* assignments, timelines for assignments, an$ access to $ail* notes.

E. When assigning long"term projects or reports, provi$e a timeline with benchmar)s asin$icators for completion of major sections. St%$ents who have $iffic%lt* with organi<ationals)ills an$ time se2%ence ma nee$ to see completion of sections to maintain the organi<ationof a length* project or report.

Inf%sing /wareness of Persons with Disabilities 3hro%gh +%rric%l%m.In )eeping with the concept of integration, the following s%b goal of the /ction Plan was establishe$.

In all s%bject areas, revisions in the s*llabi will incl%$e materials an$ activities relate$ to generic s%bgoals, s%ch as problem solving, reasoning s)ills, spea)ing, capacit* to search for information, the %seof libraries, an$ increasing st%$ent awareness of an$ information abo%t the $isable$.

3he p%rpose of this s%b goal is to ens%re that appropriate activities an$ materials are available toincrease st%$ent awareness of $isabilities.

3he c%rric%l%m, b* $esign, incl%$es information, activities, an$ materials regar$ing persons with$isabilities. 3eachers are enco%rage$ to incl%$e other e=amples as ma* be appropriate to theirclassroom or the sit%ation at han$.

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 /ppen$i= ' " St%$ent (ea$ership S)ills

Development of lea$ership s)ills is an integral part of occ%pational e$%cation in ew !or) State.3he ew !or) State '$%cation Department states that each e$%cation agenc* sho%l$ provi$e toever* st%$ent the opport%nit* to participate in st%$ent lea$ership $evelopment activities. /llocc%pational e$%cation st%$ents sho%l$ be provi$e$ the opport%nit* to participate in the e$%cationalactivities of the st%$ent organi<ation4s8 which most $irectl* relate4s8 to their chosen e$%cational


(ea$ership s)ills sho%l$ be incorporate$ in the ew !or) state occ%pational e$%cation c%rric%la toassist st%$ents to become better citi<ens with positive 2%alities an$ attit%$es. 'ach in$ivi$%al sho%l$$evelop s)ills in comm%nications, $ecision ma)ing?problem solving, h%man relations, management,an$ motivational techni2%es.

(ea$ership s)ill ma* be incorporate$ into the c%rric%la as competencies 4performance in$icators8to be $evelope$ b* ever* st%$ent or incl%$e$ within the s%ggeste$ instr%ctional strategies. 3eachersprovi$ing instr%ction thro%gh occ%pational e$%cational c%rric%la sho%l$ familiari<e themselves with thecompetencies. /ssistance ma* be re2%este$ from the State a$viser of the occ%pational st%$entorgani<ation relate$ to the program area.

St%$ents who elect to become active members in st%$ent lea$ership organi<ations chartere$ b*!S'D have the a$vantage of the practical for%m to practice lea$ership s)ills in an action"oriente$format. 3he* have the potential for recognition at the local, state, an$ national level.

&ore information in 3echnolog* '$%cation can be fo%n$ at the 3echnolog* '$%cation St%$ent /ssociation web site at:
