ouhk comm6005 lecture 4 what makes face-to-face presentations effective

Public Relations Presentation and Communication Skills (2011/10) Lecture 4 What makes face-to-face presentations effective Developed and Presented by Roy Ying, Msc., B.Comm. Note: Pictures used in this power point file is for academic Purpose only DA010 - Professional Diploma in Public Relations - COMM6005EP

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Public Relations Presentation and

Communication Skills (2011/10)

Lecture 4

What makes face-to-face presentations effective

Developed and Presented by

Roy Ying, Msc., B.Comm.

Note: Pictures used in this power point file

is for academic Purpose only

DA010 - Professional Diploma in Public Relations - COMM6005EP

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Table of Content

• Advantages and limitations of written, oral and online communications

• Reasons for a face-to-face presentation to be more persuasive

• Dos and don’ts in presentation delivering

• 12 critical elements in effective powerpointpresentation

• Handing out assignment one topic

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Verbal vs Written

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The Advantages of Verbal CommunicationOver Written Communication

• The Message is Personal

– Although today's technology drives much of

the world's communication, at times it leaves

out a very important human element --- the art

of real conversation.

– Verbal communication offers a stronger sense

of belonging to the subject and to the person

to whom you are communicating.

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The Advantages of Verbal CommunicationOver Written Communication

• The Message is Heard

– The advantage of verbal communication

opposed to written communication is that you

are better able to distinguish the message by

the tone of the person's voice.

– Like body language, a person's tone of voice

can offer much more information than the

message itself.

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The Advantages of Verbal CommunicationOver Written Communication

• The Message is Open for Dialogue– Although you might be better able to organize

your thoughts on paper, the impact might not be as powerful as it could have been if you were to have opened up a verbal dialogue.

• The Message Demonstrates Respect– Verbal communication demonstrates a certain

sign of fairness and respect, especially when the message you are communicating is a sensitive one.

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Why presentations like this must be

face to face?

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Written Communications - Pros

• Written communication helps in laying down

apparent principles, policies and rules for

running of an organization.

• It is a permanent means of communication. Thus,

it is useful where record maintenance is required.

• It assists in proper delegation of responsibilities.

While in case of oral communication, it is

impossible to fix and delegate responsibilities on

the grounds of speech as it can be taken back

by the speaker or he may refuse to acknowledge.

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Written Communications - Pros

• Written communication is more precise and explicit.

• Effective written communication develops and enhances an organization’s image.

• It provides ready records and references.

• Legal defenses can depend upon written communication as it provides valid records.

Class discussion:

What kind of PR presentations should be written?

Class discussion:

What kind of PR presentations should be written?

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Written Communications - Cons

• Written communication does not save upon the

costs. It costs huge in terms of stationery and

the manpower employed in writing/typing and

delivering letters.

• Also, if the receivers of the written message are

separated by distance and if they need to clear

their doubts, the response is not spontaneous.

• Written communication is time-consuming as the

feedback is not immediate. The encoding and

sending of message takes time.

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Written Communications - Cons

• Effective written communication requires great skills and competencies in language and vocabulary use.

• Poor writing skills and quality have a negative impact on organization’s reputation.

• Too much paper work and e-mails burden is involved.

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Can a piece of written news make it

on the news?

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Online Communications

• Let’s do this together

Class discussion:

What can be classified as online communications?

Class discussion:

What can be classified as online communications?

Class discussion:

What advantages there are in using these tools?

Class discussion:

What advantages there are in using these tools?

Class discussion:

What are the draw backs?

Class discussion:

What are the draw backs?

Class discussion:

What can be done to create effective communications?

Class discussion:

What can be done to create effective communications?

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Why study online Communications?

Why should we care?

THAT WAS 2010……..

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What happens this year?

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What’s changed?

• Number of users?

• Technology?

• Commercialization of social media?

• Changing consumer behavior

• Online social demographics?

• China?

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6 reasons for


presenting is

more persuasive

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1. Reciprocation - we feel some

obligation to return favors.

• If a person has made the effort to prepare and

deliver a face-to-face presentation, we are likely

to reciprocate by carefully considering what they

say. We owe them that.

• When I watch a presentation online and the

presenter fails to engage me I have no

hesitation in clicking away.

Class discussion:

How would you feel if you differently between walking out of a class and turning off youtube?

Class discussion:

How would you feel if you differently between walking out of a class and turning off youtube?

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2. Commitment & consistency –

if people make a commitment,

they are likely to follow through • Attending a live presentation and devoting

time to it, is a form of commitment. So in order to act consistently with that commitment, audience members may be more likely to take action based on the presentation.

Class discussion:

How do you think the no-show rate would differ between a paid and a free seminar?

Class discussion:

How do you think the no-show rate would differ between a paid and a free seminar?

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3. Social proof – we look to other

people as peers behavior

• Being part of an audience is a very different experience to watching a video of the same presentation online by yourself.

• Some reporters go to press conferences just to find out what others are writing.

Class discussion:

What differences do you get between watching a concert live vis-à-vis its DVD?

Class discussion:

What differences do you get between watching a concert live vis-à-vis its DVD?

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4. Authority – we tend to obey

authority figures

• Are we more likely to judge someone as authoritative when we see them face to face?


• How would you judge him if you only listen to him on radio?


• How would you judge him if you only listen to him on radio?

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5. Liking – we’re more easily

persuaded by people we like.

• Deciding whether we like someone we’ve seen or met online, takes time.

• Meeting people face-to-face, we can make millisecond judgments about whether we like them.

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6. Scarcity – believing something

is scarce makes us want it.

• A live presentation is by definition scarce –being part of it is to feel part of something exclusive and special.

• When we see something on the internet, in most cases, we know that it’s also available to millions of other people –nothing special or exclusive about that.

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General Rules in PPT

presentation preparing


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General Rules

• Remember KISS: Keep It Short and Simple. Your slides should include the key points only, with one idea per slide.

• A good rule of thumb is to have about one slide per minute. A 15- to 20-minute presentation would have about 20 slides maximum.

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Avoid complex sentence

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6 x 6 rule

• 6 words per line x 6 lines per page

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Large font for title

• Usually 32 to 44 for headlines

• No less than 28 for text

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• Don’t use different fonts, colour and size (unless it’s for a reason)

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Action words

• Use verb to start off your bullet points

• It gives the audience a sense of action

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Can people read?

• Do you really need to fill your page with so much statistics?

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Use data label

• Numbers mean a lot to reporters

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• It is important to list down the source because the reporter will quote you otherwise

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6 x 6 Rule Applies to Tables

• Think of why you put in this table. What’s the point if people can’t read it?

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Why not 3 dimensional graph?

• Numbers may get distorted

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• Anything else you think are missing from these 10 tips?

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8 Elements in effective



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1. Select or create your own theme.

• Clarity iswhat youshould belookingfor

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2. Use Audio and Visual

• A recorded clip

• A youtube video

• A sound bite from a famous public figure

• An illustration of complex concept

• A track of music

• These are all tools you can use to make your presentation more lively

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3. Use pictures and graphs to illustrate

key points

• A picture is worth a thousand words

• Why write when you can draw?

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4. Use animation wisely

• It’s a nice touch, but don’t over kill because you don’t want audience to focus on your images over your content.

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5. Outline your ppt

• Do you really need so many slides?

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6. Use masters and layouts to save

time and better results

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7. Consider difference between on

screen and printed presentations

• Know whether the audience will be given a printed copy of the presentation

• Things to avoid include:

– Dark background colour

– Animation and special effects

– Hyperlink (if necessary, include URL)

– Fonts that may become unreadable when

printed on paper

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8. Stay in control of your ppt

• Tell people, including yourself where you are in a presentation…including the end.

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Assignment One – Q1

• Outline the implication of the minimum wage legislation on the property management industry

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Assignment One – Q2• Discuss the reasons the judge used in his

judgment in his decision to acquit Stephen Chan from all the charges.

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• 15-20 minute oral presentation with 5 minutes of Q&A

• Submission of powerpoint presentation in electronic format as well as a printed copy

• You are required to at least ask 2 questions on your classmate’s presentation

• Deadline: 12 October, 2011 (7pm)

• 20% penalty on late submission

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Assessment criteria

• Points will be deducted if presentation is less

than 15 minutes or over 20 minutes

• Presentation should be constructed following

principles discussed under today’s lecture:

– “8 elements in effective presentation”

– “Dos and don’ts in powerpoint”

• Bonus points will given if you can show evidence

that you have adhered to the “10 tips for

effective public speaking”