otherwise known as “cool coral and friends!”. common characteristics ◦ live in water ◦...

Download Otherwise known as “Cool Coral and Friends!”.  Common Characteristics ◦ Live in water ◦ Stinging cells (nematocysts) to capture prey and defend themselves

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Post on 08-Jan-2018




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 Two body shapes- ◦ Polyp and Medusa  Tentacles with stinging cells  One mouth opening where food comes in and waste goes out  Central cavity contains cells which release digestive chemicals to break down food Polyp Medusa


Otherwise known as Cool Coral and Friends! Common Characteristics Live in water Stinging cells (nematocysts) to capture prey and defend themselves Nerve net-network of nerve cells that cover a cnidarians' body Radial body symmetry Two body shapes- Polyp and Medusa Tentacles with stinging cells One mouth opening where food comes in and waste goes out Central cavity contains cells which release digestive chemicals to break down food Polyp Medusa Reproduce Sexually Male and female cnidarians release sperm and eggs into the water at the same time Reproduce Asexually Polyp cnidarians bud-grow a new organism that breaks off into a new individual organism Cnidarians can also regenerate-grow new body parts Jellyfish Life Cycle Venus Flytrap Anemone Portuguese Man of War Of coursewe know this is a medusa, not a polyp!