otc course

Otc medicaTIONS Cource Out Line: Common Cold & Influenza * Cough * ةنفوب ا الجAllergic rhinitis * احمرارن العConjunctivitis * Headache * Musculoskeletal conditions * Diarrhea * Constipation *

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Post on 20-Feb-2016




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Page 1: OTC Course

Otc medicaTIONS

Cource Out Line:

Common Cold & Influenza *


*Allergic rhinitis الجوب األنفة

*Conjunctivitis العناحمرار


Musculoskeletal conditions *



Page 2: OTC Course

1- Select product that is simplest in formulation

2- Select product that contains a therapeutically effective dose

3- Recommend a generic product if one is

available ... ... المادة البد أن تراعى الحالة

4- Patient counseling


ثق فى الصدلى وال فضل

الذهــــــاب إلى الطبب

له عالج محدد "مزمن"

طلب الدواء باالسم


Medical advice

principles of OTC medications:

Page 3: OTC Course

Notes about <Patient counceling> :

.. << open ended Question >> ..

Eg. (wrong)لــــــــــــــل وال بالنهار؟االصداع بجلك ب

(right) !!!!! أوصف لى الصدااااااااااااااع ؟

.. trying to know the LIFE STYLE of the patient


5- Children have aspecial prime

consideration .

<<<< injections & suspensionsيعنى أبعد بعيــــــــــــد عن ال

والزم يكون طعمه حلو syrupو نختار لهم

الزم نستخدم .. فى أول مرة عند االطفال vomiting و فى حالة ال

Page 4: OTC Course

Injection as << CORTIGENE……… amp.>>

Structuring Consultationطريقة التشاور مع المريض

< W.H.A.M>

Who<< male or female .. child or adult >>

Signsا المرض بكون حاسس به Symptomsالصدلى بكتشفها بنفسه

W Who is the patient ?

What are the signs ?

What are the symptoms ?

Page 5: OTC Course

HOW Long the symptoms have been present

<<acute : OTC <<Chronic : refer to the physician.

Action taken !

فأفهمه الطرقه الصح. شان المرض ممكن كون باخد الدوا بطرقة غلطلع

عشان منقعش ف دها قبل كده للمرض اللى عنده دهاه االدوه اللى اخ.. و نسأله قبل كده و مجابش و جى قولى أل انا اخدته..غلط اننا نوصفله دوا للبرد مثال ( ف األول عشان نتفادى اننا نتحط ف موقف بايخ السؤال ده نسأله)! .. نتجه

ختلفه عن و م his responseتانه للبرد تنفع مع combinationفاختار له .اللى اخدها قبل كده م مجابتش نتجه

Medications being taken !

حضرتك بتاخد ادوه لعالج مرض مزمن زى الضغط او السكر مثال أو .. عنى اسأله

و اختار بناء عله الدوا المناسب Drug interactionعشان اتفادى ال .. أل؟


vit. Cبس ممكن أدله .. ه للبرد مرض عنده ضغط عالى ال تعاطى أدو

.cevamol eff. Tabزي فوار

Page 6: OTC Course

! العـــــالج واحد .. بس .. فرق بن االتنن فى

Influenza: A, B, C (winter & autumn) Virus infection

Sudden onset

Dry cough

Fever : In BOTH children & adults

Common Cold : ( Summer ) Bacterial infection

Gradual onset

Fever :2ry Bacterial infection ..

In case of children nOt in Adults !

وال sec. bacterial infectionال فقط التطعم منع منع الرشح و الزكام

Page 7: OTC Course

Symptoms for referral :

1- Earache

2- Productive cough

<sputum colour is green or yellow> Due to respire. Infec.

3- Patient with Heart or Lung disease

<lung disease = asthmatic patient > وقت التنفس من ضهره بزق

4- Night cough & wheezing

Paracetamol ,ibuprofen

Aspirin (Antipyretic and analgesic)

fever & malaise

Sedating & non sedating


Local & systemic Decongestant

Nasal conjection &


Note: Antibacterial are NOT effective Here

Page 8: OTC Course



<<peptic ulcer

<<asthmatic patient (Broncho constriction)

Except: ParacetamOl


Cause viral infection << Rey's

Syndrome >>

Cause patient Death!

Aspirin is the STRONGEST, but, the

most DANGER!

325-400 mg 6 hours

و هو عباره عن اسبرن و Aspirin Cو ممكن نستبدل االسبرن ب

Vit C و لكنه برسب الsalicylate ف الkidney و بنعالج . المشكلة دى بشرب ماء كتــــــــــــر

Page 9: OTC Course

Acetaminophen (paracetamol)... Child dose << 5mg 4-6 hours >> Adult dose << 650-1000 mg 4-6 hours >>

Ibuprofen... D.C <<10 mg 6 hours >>

D.A << 200-400 mg 6 hours >>


<< Motillium

(Anti vomiting) 3 times daily before eating.

<< ZantaC (Ranitidine)

لعالج الحموضة بعد االكل

<< Conaz or Streptoquine For treatment of Diarrhea.

<< Migraine< mostly in females not males

<< Headache < mostly in adults not children

بقا childحصل مع ال headacheأو ال maleحصل مع migraneلو ال

refer to the physician

لو حد جاه قالى

بقا ! س ان دماغى بتفوررر انا حاسHyper Tension

Hypo Tensionبقا ! و لو قالى أنا حاسس ب وجع او ضغط ف الدماغ من خلف

Page 10: OTC Course


=============== Inflamtation vasodilatation

Local Topical:- Pseudoephedrine




5عند االستخدام االدوة دما تسبب تكرار االحتقان اذا استخدمت لمدة لذا تم اقافه بعدها. اام

Physiomer purified

ماء بحر

سنن 6حاالت االقل من ال تستخدم فى ال ال تستخدم فى حاالت الحمل

Rhinitis medi camentosa

Systemic decongestant:-

Vit. C - :الحملفى

Rx cevamal


Page 11: OTC Course

اذا لم تاتى بنتجه تم اعطاء ادوة البرد بجرعات اقل

*In case of hypertensive patient:- Controlled hypertension تم إعطاؤه ادوه فى حاله ال

Only twice a day.

hyperthyroidism –“ tachycardia” إلتروكسن للمرضى اللى عندهم فى الغده الدرقة مشكله

Sedating anti- histamine:-

====================== Anti_muscarinic Dryness of secretion

-Side effect: Drowsiness, Blurred

Constipation, Rear eases motility

Dry mouth


Glaucoma. Epilepsy, Liver disease, prostatic hypertrophy


Alcohol, sedatives & hypnotic.

Anti cholinergic

Rx Congestal

Comtrex Noflu Contaflu


Page 12: OTC Course

Brufen cold Night & Day: 1. para. + chloraphenramine 2. para. + Nova C

Power caps

* Brufen flue لالطفال

* Brufen cold للكبار

Rx clarinase (loratadine+ pseudoephedrine) فعال جدا جدا جدا

-Local decongestant:

Otrivin, Afrin, Oxymet

.وتم وضع النقط وانت جالس , المده


======= protective reflex against foreign materials

Non productive cough productive cough Wet cough dry cough

Not a disease a disease

Mucolytic antExpector

Decrease viscosity lysis of mucous

Asthmatic patient can't more advantage than

Expectorant Take it.


Acute: less than 3 weeks

Page 13: OTC Course

Sub acute: 3 – 8 weeks

Chronic: longer than 8 weeks


Acute:- asthma , acute infection.

Sub acute: - post – infections cough, asthma.

Chronic: - COPD, GERD, ACEI, Carcinoma. Angiogenesis converting enzymes inhibitor قان كحه وشر

Carcinoma Dark blood in cough Against bright blood in cough Vit. C

Differential diagnosis

Asthma chest tightness & wheeze

Pertujis paroxysmal cough bouts

Chronical bronchitis long term productive Cough with shortness of breath. GERD heart burn & a sensation of acid regurgitation .

Carcinoma cough with blood

Drugs ACE inhibitors


1- Systemic antitussive. 2- Expectorant 3- Mucolytic

Page 14: OTC Course

-Systemic antitussive:

Affect directly on the medulla to increase the cough threshold

Codeine, dextromthorphan & biphenyl dramine


Codeine morphine قد سبب االدمان

Large dose cause dependence

Pregnant & locative cause prevented from codeine.


.patientindicated with asthmatic –Contra


Rx xentolin

Xentolin expectorant

Rx congestal

Broncho phene

Expectorant Palma care

Page 15: OTC Course

Codiphan N

Rx ultrasolv – Expect , Mucolytic Muco S.R

Mucolytic Acetyl Cystain eff

ACC 200 3 times/ day

Wet or dry الحكه نوع

Duration نحدد ال بتاخد دواء الضغط وال أل

Phenadone Anti tussive فى حاله عدم جدوى

Phendoxine corticorticoid

Rx phenadone SYP

مرات 3 وم 55فى حاله العالج لمدة تزد عن اام 3وما لمدة

اام 3مرتن وما لمدة اام 3مرة وما لمدة

In case of wet cough cough increase

in the first two days

Page 16: OTC Course

In case of wet cough use Mucolytic

-Herbal drugs:

All vent, Penta mix, Bronchium, Opticoughpan, Bronch

-Hay Fever :

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic conjunctivitis

Page 17: OTC Course



1. Allergic conjunctivitis.

2. Bacterial conjunctivitis.

3. Viral conjunctivitis. ( differential diagnosis )

Pain or photophobia :


If yes refer to physician.

Discharge :


If yes (watery) allergic.

(Purulent discharge) bacterial.

Page 18: OTC Course

If no (mucoid) viral (sandy feeling).).

Itching :


If yes allergic conj.

If no referral.

Draugs for allergic conjunctivitis: 1. Levocabastine Levostine.

2. Olopatadine Patanol.

(The first line)

3. Epinastine Relestat. 1-2 drops / 4 times

(The second line)

4. Acular, Alomide, Emadine.

Acular uses as analgesic and anti–inflammatory

after operations

Page 19: OTC Course

عند فتح القطرات ال تم استخدامها بعد اسابع4اسبوعن او

Isoptophenicol ستخدم عند الوالدة لالطفال حت تمنع عم االطفال

مل 51حجم القطرة

Bacterial conjunctivitis: Rx:





Tobrex tobrin

Isoptocetamide كـ ال فضل استخدامه مرهم للعن م مرة واحدة ف الوم قبل النوم ستخد

دقائق 5وضع عل الجفن السفل للعن وتم اغماضها لمدة التقل عن : طرقة االستخدام

Page 20: OTC Course

Viral conjunctivitis:

الراحة.... العالج

بدائل الدموعRefresh tears.

Refresh liquid.

Tear guard.

Refresh plus.

Zovirax, acyclovir herbs ستخدم ف عالج ال

ستخدم المدمنون البروزالن باكثر من طرقة

Smoking is considered as a disease.

Cigar consists of chemical, gases.

Dopamine norepinephrine.

Acetyl choline glutamate.

Page 21: OTC Course

Gerotonin GABA.

مكن تغطة االنسحاب من شرب السجائر باعطاء الدوبامن على هئة

Dosage form.

Health benefits of smoking cassation:

.عودة الضغط المعتاد. 5

.درجة حرارة الد تعود للمعدل الطبع. 2

.heart attack قلل معدل . 3

.سنة 55كأن شئ لم كن تستغرق المدة الالزمة لعودة الجسم لطبعته

Drugs of smoking:

First line drags:

Bupropion anti depressant

Nicotine replacement therapy

Wellbuterin bupropion قرص واحد صباحا لمدة اسبوع

Champix 52-6الوم من قرصن ف اسبوع

Page 22: OTC Course

By physician only

Side effect of champix nausea & vomiting

تعط بعد االكل وبكمة ماه كبرة

Abnormal disease عالجها ال تاخذ الجرعات قبل النوم

Champix عل وشك السحب من السوق

Nicotine replacement therapy

Nicorette 15 mg / 16 h (patch)

15mg 8 weeks

10mg 2weeks

5mg 2weeks

Patch فضل لزقها عل الظهر من الخلف

Nicorette gum (2mg – 4mg)

2mg less than 25

4mg more than 25

Page 23: OTC Course

النتهاءكمقاس Dose الموجوده ف ال النكوتن سبب ك تنمل اللسان



Bowel movement

Min 1times /3days max 3

times / days


Acute 14 days duration

Persistent 14 days – 4 weeks

Chronic 4weeks


Page 24: OTC Course

Viral infection rotavirus in children & adult.

Bacterial infection E-coli, salmonella, shigella in adult


Protozoa infection giardia, entaemeba in adult only.

General measures:

.نأخذ اجازه اذا كان طبب او صدل. 1

Normal feeding نبدأ ف اقرب وقت ممكن . 2

4. Oral rehydration therapy

1. Rx: Rehydran_n

Rehydro zinc

Hydrocef salts

Zinc element is the main rehydran therapy as it :

decreases diarrhea duration & decreases stool



Page 25: OTC Course

1. Increases epithelial cell growth &


2. Increases water & electrolytes.

3. Increases & activates intestinal brush

border enzymes.

4. Enhance GI immune response.

5. Decrease endotoxin transfer to the



01 mg / day /10-14 days for infants less than 6


20 mg / day / 10-14 days for infants less than 6


2. Anti-motility drugs:

MU receptors when activated decrease the motility of


Page 26: OTC Course

Imodium cap.

Lomotil Tab.



2 tablets in the first dose

2mg / 1-4 times / daily only for 2 days.

If increased, causes constipation.

3. Adsorbent:

Like kaolin which cannot be taken with other drugs.


Kapect Syp.

Syp.-sachets Smecta

Compound Syp. Kapect

Kapect is preferable as OTC than kapect compound

due to the presence of kaolin .

Page 27: OTC Course


lactéol fort Cap. Rx:



Local antibiotics are safe for pregnant & lactating

women & infants .


Antinal Cap.

Flagyl Tab.

Entocid Tab.

Streptomycin 200 mg Tab.

Streptoquine Tab.

Cap. Intitrix

Page 28: OTC Course

Streptomycin injection is the only toxic

administration form in streptomycin.

Streptoquine: is the same as Entocid +


Dose: First dose equals 2 tablets then 1 tab. /

3times daily.

Intitrix is anti-bacterial & anti-protozoal.

Dose: 2 Cap. / Twice daily / 5 days.


May caused by a disease or a life style of the


Common in case of elder people & pregnant


Page 29: OTC Course


Poor diet: food doesn't contain fibers.

IBS: irritable bowel syndrome.

Poor bowel habit.



Medications: like anti-motility.


The person suffers from straining – hard stool –

sensation of incomplete evacuation – sensation of

anorectal obstruction – infrequent bowel movement

per week (fewer than 3).

Advice for constipation patients:

Page 30: OTC Course

Increase intake of fluids.


Increase intake of fibers.

Reduce intake of tea & coffee.

Increase the level of exercises.

Differential diagnosis:

Bowel obstruction: nausea & vomiting.

Carcinoma: associated with blood & weight loss.

IBS: alternating diarrhea & constipation.

Hypothyrodism: associated with weight loss.

Drugs which cause constipation.

Drug treatment:

Bulk forming laxatives:

Has fibers which absorb water & stimulates the


Page 31: OTC Course

Safe for long term use for pregnant women &breast


Side effect: flatulence & distension.

Takes 12-36 hrs to give an action.


Agiolax Sachet

Regumucil Sachet

Stool softners & lubricants:

Mineral oils reduce the absorption of vitamins (k, A, E,

D), so it is not used for long term.


Glycerin Supp.

Osmotic laxatives:

Useful in hepatic encephalopathy.

Must be used for long term.

Page 32: OTC Course


Mg salts (Epsom salts)

Mg hydroxide (milk of magnesia)





Enemax (phosphates / citrates enemas)

Enemax is used in case of radiological, endoscopy,


Stimulant laxatives:

Contra-indicated for pregnant & lactating women, not

used for long term.

Anthraquinone derivatives take 6-12 hrs to give an


Diphenyl methamine derivative is found in bisacodyl.

Dose must be taken before sleep only.

Page 33: OTC Course


Sennalax Tab.

Laxin Tab.

Minalax Tab.

Bisodyl Supp.

Nasar Tab.

Abilaxine Tab.


Tension type headache:


No nausea or vomiting.

Gradual in onset.

Its duration is from minutes to days.

Migraine headache:

Page 34: OTC Course


Throbbing, with an aura.

Sudden onset.

Its duration is from hours to days.

Classified into 2 types: classic & common.

Sinus headache:

Face, periorbital area.

Caused by infection in sinus.

Last for days.

Monday syndrome: drugs that contain nitrates cause
