osteoporosis: what can i do about it? presented by: shara arnofsky, ms pt core strength physical...

Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month "Standing Tall for You" MAY 2007

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Page 1: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It?

Presented by:Shara Arnofsky, MS PTCore Strength Physical Therapy, LLC1430 2ND Avenue(212) 861-1870

Celebrate National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month "Standing Tall for You"MAY 2007

Page 2: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

What is Osteoporosis?

A disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue

A loss of 10%-20% of bone mass indicates the onset of osteoporosis

Known as the “silent disease” due to its symptom free nature. The fractures often are undetected, delaying treatment & prevention of further fractures

Can lead to collapsed vertebrae which causes the symptoms of severe back pain, loss of height, or spinal deformities including stooped posture

Page 3: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

May Is National Awareness MonthOsteoporosis Ambassador

Entertainer, businesswoman and NOF Ambassador, Joan Rivers was diagnosed in 2002.

Motivated to become an advocate for osteoporosis awareness when her doctor told her, “if she keeps going on stage, she may break a hip and die.”

She emphasizes need for all genders, ages, and ethnicities to be aware of osteoporosis and take care of their bones.

Ms. Rivers stresses the disease is largely preventable and treatable.

Page 4: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Osteoporosis Statistics

1 in 2 women & 1 in 4 men > 50 yrs will suffer an osteoporosis related fracture

Fractures can be spontaneous and caused by everyday life activities

1 in 5 hip fracture patients end up permanently in a nursing home

People on bed rest lose ~1% of bone density per week

Page 5: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Osteoporosis Risk Factors

Females Thin and/or small frame body type Advanced age Family history of osteoporosis Estrogen deficiency due to menopause Abnormal absence of menstrual periods

(amenorrhea) Anorexia nervosa Low lifetime calcium intake

Page 6: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Osteoporosis Risk Factors

Vitamin D deficiency Use of certain medications (corticosteroids,

chemotherapy, anticonvulsants and others) Low testosterone levels in men Inactive lifestyle Current cigarette smoking Excessive use of alcohol Being Caucasian or Asian, although African

Americans and Hispanic Americans are at significant risk as well

Page 7: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Osteoporosis Detection

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) testing– An increase in BMD testing and osteoporosis

treatment was associated with a decrease in hip fracture incidence

– Medicare reimburses for BMD testing every two years

Posture and Balance Screening

Page 8: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Osteoporosis Prevention

Maintain a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D Perform weight-bearing and resistance-training

exercises Follow a healthy lifestyle with no smoking or

excessive alcohol intake Regular visits to one’s healthcare professional to

discuss bone health Schedule periodic bone density tests and take

medication when appropriate

Page 9: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Exercise and Osteoporosis

Just as a muscle gets stronger with use, a bone becomes stronger and denser when stressed

Research has shown that the progression of bone loss can be stopped by exercise alone

Page 10: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Types of Exercise

Strength training– The use of weights

or resistance to build muscle and strengthen bone

Page 11: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Types of Exercise

Weight bearing aerobic– Doing aerobic activity

while on your feet– Swimming and biking

have many benefits, but are non-weight bearing

Page 12: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Types of Exercise

Flexibility– Increase the mobility

of joints, preventing muscle injury and improving posture

Page 13: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Exercise Precautions

High impact exercises– These can increase compression on the spine

leading to fracture Flexion based exercises

– Causes excessive compression on the anterior of the vertebrae (trabecular bone) which is weakest in those with low BMD

Side Bending and Rotation in Flexion

Page 14: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Spinal Extension Exercise

The posterior surface of the vertebrae have denser type (cortical) bone which is less at risk of fracture

One study shows that those with strong back extensor muscles had higher BMD in the spine

Another study shows that strong back extensors correlated with fewer vertebral fractures

Page 15: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

What is Pilates?

Program designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body

Movement principles focus on whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath

Method of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates

Page 16: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Safe Initiation of Pilates for Osteoporosis

ALWAYS obtain MD clearance before starting any exercise program

Obtain a safe evaluation of function, strength and balance

Receive proper education on osteoporosis Do’s and Don’ts

Learn proper posture and body mechanics Learn proper breathing techniques

Page 17: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Bone Building Through Pilates

Focuses on body awareness, lengthening and alignment

Focuses on abdominals without using risky “crunches”

Requires the maintenance of optimal spinal posture during most exercises

Encourages thoracic spine extension to prevent hunch back posture

Page 18: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Medication Options

Antiresorptive Calcitonin Hormone Therapy Bone Forming

Page 19: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

NOF’s Updated Recommendations

1200 mg of calcium / day for adults 50 and older

800 – 1,000 I.U. of vitamin D3 / day for adults 50 and older

Page 20: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Fall Prevention

Clear Floors Bathroom Safety Bright Lighting Kitchen Safety General Precautions

Page 21: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

SummaryWhat Can I Do About Osteoporosis?

Be screened by a licensed healthcare


Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Establish a safe and effective exercise


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Page 23: Osteoporosis: What Can I Do About It? Presented by: Shara Arnofsky, MS PT Core Strength Physical Therapy, LLC 1430 2 ND Avenue (212) 861-1870 Celebrate

Call For Your Screening

Shara Arnofsky, MS PTCore Strength Physical Therapy, LLC

1430 2nd Avenue

between 74th & 75th st

Suite 102

[email protected]


(212) 861-1870