osgi and equinox creating highly modular java™ systems

OSGi and Equinox Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems Jeff McAffer Paul VanderLei Simon Archer r A YAddison-Wesley TT Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City

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Page 1: OSGi and Equinox Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems

OSGi and Equinox

Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems

Jeff McAffer Paul VanderLei Simon Archer

rAYAddison-Wesley T T

Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco

New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City

Page 2: OSGi and Equinox Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems


Foreword xxi Preface xxv Acknowledgments xxix About the Authors xxxiii

Port / О Introduction

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

OSG, Equinox, and Eclipse 1.1 A Bit of History 1.2 Collaboration 1.3 Modularity and Freedom of Action 1.4 Platforms 1.5 Ecosystems 1.6 OSGi in Context

1.6.1 The Java Lie 1.6.2 Reality Check 1.6.3 OSGi Longevity

1.7 OSGi and Equinox in Practice 1.7.1 NASA 's Maestro and Ensemble

1.8 Summary

OSG Concepts 2.1 A Community of Bundles 2.2 Why OSGi? 2.3 The Anatomy of a Bundle

3 3 4 5 7 7 8 8 8 9

10 10 11

13 13 15 18

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VIII Contents

2.4 Modularity 19 2.4.1 Exporting a Package 19 2.4.2 Importing a Package 20 2.4.3 Requiring a Bundle 20 2.4.4 Enforcing Modularity 21

2.5 Modular Design Concepts 21 2.6 Lifecycle 22 2.7 Collaboration 24

2.7.1 Services 24 2.7.2 Extensions and Extension Points 25

2.8 The OSGi Framework 26 2.9 Security 27 2.10 OSGi Framework Implementations 27 2.11 Summary 28

Part И О OSGi by Example 29

Chapter 3 Tutorial Introduction 31 3.1 What Is Toast? 31 3.2 The Evolution of Toast 34 3.3 Development Environment Installation 36 3.4 Sample Code 36

3.4.1 Moving from Chapter to Chapter 37 3.4.2 Comparing 38

3.5 Target Platform Setup 39 3.5.1 The Predefined Target 40 3.5.2 Defining Target Platforms 42

3.6 Learning by Example 46 3.7 Summary 48

Chapter 4 Hello, Toast 49 4.1 A Simple Scenario 49

4.1.1 The Project 50 4.1.2 Gps 51

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Contents IX



4.1.3 Ai rbag and iAi rbagListener

4.1.4 EmergencyMonitor

4.1.5 Main

4.1.6 Running

4.1.7 Checkpoint

Slicing Toast into Bundles

4.2 J GPS Bundle

4.2.2 Airbag Bundle

4.2.3 Emergency Monitor Bundle

4.2.4 Launching


Chapter 5 Services 5.1 Moving to Services





Registering the GPS Service

Registering the Airbag Service

Acquiring Services


5.6 Troubleshooting

5.7 Summary

Chapter 6 Dynamic Services 6.1 Introduction to Dynamic Services



Using Service Trackers

6.2.1 Modifying the Bundle Activator

6.2.2 Launching

6.2.3 Service Tracker Summary

Using the Service Activator Toolkit

6.3.1 Installing SAT into the Target Platform

6.3.2 Modifying the GPS Bundle Activator

6.3.3 Modifying the Airbag Bundle Activator

6.3.4 Modifying the Emergency Monitor Bundle Activator

6.3.5 Launching

6.3.6 SAT Summary












67 67







85 85












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X Contents

6.4 Using Declarative Services 97

6.4.1 Modifying the GPS Bundle 98

6.4.2 Modifying the Air bag Bundle 101

6.4.3 Modifying the Emergency Bundle 102

6.4.4 Launching 104

6.4.5 Declarative Services Summary 105

6.5 Summary 105

Chapter 7 Client/Server Interaction 107 7.1 The Back End 108

7.1.1 The Core Bundles 108

7.1.2 The Back End Emergency Bundle 109

7.2 The Client Side 111

7.2.1 The Channel Bundle 112

7.2.2 The Emergency Monitor Bundle 116

7.3 Utility Classes 119

7.3.1 Constants 119

7.3.2 Properties 119

7.3.3 Logging 120

7.4 Running Toast 121

7.4.1 Running the Back End 121

7.4.2 Running the Client 122

7.5 Summary 123

Chapter 8 Testing 125 8.1 Making Toast Testable 126

8.2 Unit-Testing Toast 126

8.2.1 Test Strategy 126

8.2.2 Writing the Test Case 127

8.2.3 Running the Unit Test 130

8.3 System-Testing Toast 131

8.3.1 Test Strategy 131

8.3.2 Creating the Test Harness 132

8.3.3 Writing the Test Case 135

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Contents XI

8.3.4 Running the System Test 137

8.4 Summary 139

Chapter 9 Packaging I41 9.1 Defining a Toast Product 141

9.1.1 Creating a Product Configuration 142

9.1.2 The Overview Page 143

9.1.3 The Dependencies Page 144

9.1.4 The Configuration Page 146

9.1.5 The Launching Page 147

9.1.6 Running the Product 148

9.1.7 Productizing the Client 149

9.2 Exporting Toast 149

9.3 Packaging for Other Platforms 152

9.4 Getting Serious about Component Definition 154

9.4.1 Versions and Version Ranges 155

9.4.2 Exporting Packages and Friendship 156

9.5 Summary 158

Chapter 10 Pluggable Services 161 10.1 Separating Interface from Implementation 162

10.1.1 Separating the Fake Airbag from Its Interface 163

10.1.2 Separating the Fake GPS from Its Interface 164

10.1.3 Regression Testing 164

10.2 Device Simulation 165

10.2.1 Concepts 165

10.2.2 The Device Simulator Framework 166

10.3 Simulated Devices as Pluggable Services 167

10.3.1 The Simulated Airbag 167

10.3.2 The Simulated GPS 169

10.4 Running with Simulated Devices 169

10.5 Summary 171

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X» Contents

Chapter 11 Extensible User Interface 173 11.1 Crust 173

11.1.1 Crust Shell 174

11.1.2 Crust Widgets 175

11.2 Emergency 175

11.2.1 Making the User Interface Pluggable 176

11.2.2 Refactoring the Emergency Domain Logic 176

11.2.3 The Emergency User Interface 178

11.2.4 Running the User Interface 179

11.3 Climate and Audio 181

11.3.1 Climate and Audio Devices 181

11.3.2 Climate and Audio Screens 183

11.3.3 Running the User Interface 183

IIA The OSGi Application Model 184

11.5 Navigation and Mapping 187

11.5.1 Google Earth Integration 187

11.5.2 Mapping Support 191

11.5.3 Application Extensibility and

Navigation Support 191

11.5.4 Running the User Interface 192

11.6 Summary 195

Chapter 12 Dynamic Configuration /97 12.1 The Tracking Scenario 197

12.2 Installing the Tracking Code 198

12.2.1 The Core Tracking Bundle 198

12.2.2 The Back End Tracking Bundle 199

12.2.3 The Client Tracking Bundle 199

12.3 Running the Basic Tracking Scenario 201

12.4 Configuration 201

12.4.1 OSGi's Configuration Admin 201

12.4.2 The Client Tracking Bundle 201

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Contents хш

12.4.3 Running Configurable Toast 204 12.4.4 Running with Persistent Configuration 205

12.5 Summary 205

Chapter 13 Web Portal 207 13.1 Portal 207 13.2 The por ta lserv le t 208 13.3 Action Lookup Using Services 210 13.4 Declaring a Portal Action 213 13.5 Whiteboard Pros and Cons 215 13.6 Summary 216

Chapter 14 System Deployment with p2 217 14.1 Introduction to Equinox p2 217

14.1.1 Architecture 218 14.1.2 p2 Metadata—Installable Units 219 14.1.3 Artifacts 220 14.1.4 Repositories 220 14.1.5 Profiles 220 14.1.6 Director 221 14.1.7 Engine 221

14.2 Refining the Toast Structure 221 14.2.1 Defining Products Using Features 222 14.2.2 Back End Features 222 14.2.3 Client Features 225 14.2.4 Restructuring Summary 228

14.3 Writing a Provisioner 229 14.3.1 The Provisioner 229 14.3.2 Configuring the Back End 233 14.3.3 Back End Summary 233

14.4 Adding a Deployment Web UI 233 14.4.1 The Create Action 234 14.4.2 The Manage Action 235

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XIV Contents

14.4.3 The Install and Uninstall Actions 235 14.4.4 Installing the Provisioning UI 235

14.5 Exporting, Running, and Provisioning 235 14.5.1 Populating a p2 Repository 236 14.5.2 Running the Toast Back End 238 14.5.3 Creating and Provisioning Vehicles 240

14.6 Client-Side Dynamic Deployment 241 14.7 Summary 242

Part III О Deep Dives 245

Chapter 15 Declarative Services 247 15.1 The Declarative Services Model 247 15.2 Common Scenarios 248

15.2.1 The Simplest Component 249 15.2.2 Referencing Services 250 15.2.3 Providing Services 253 15.2.4 Referencing and Providing Services 254 15.2.5 Immediate Components 255 15.2.6 The Whiteboard Pattern 256 15.2.7 Factory Components 262

15.3 Launching and Debugging DS Applications 269 15.4 PDE Tooling 270 15.5 Summary 273

Chapter 16 Extensions 275 16.1 The Extension Registry 275 16.2 Extension Points 278 16.3 Extensions 280 16.4 Advanced Extension Topics 281

16.4.1 Contribution IDs 281 16.4.2 Named and Anonymous Extensions 282 16.4.3 Extension Factories 282

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Contents xv

16.5 Extension Registry Lifecycle 283

16.6 Dynamic Extension Scenarios 284

16.6.1 Scenario 1: No Caching 285

16.6.2 Scenario 2: Extension Caching 285

16.6.3 Scenario 3: Object Caching 287

16.7 Services and Extensions 290

16.7.1 Integrating Services and Extensions 291

16.8 Extension Registry Myths 293

16.9 Summary 293

Chapter 17 Logging 295 17.1 The Log Service Specification 295

17.1.1 Logging Levels 296

17.1.2 Writing to the Log 296

17.1.3 Reading the Log 297

17.1.4 Listening to the Log 298

17.2 Using the Logservice in Toast 298

17.3 Using the LogReaderservice 301

17.4 Toast's Logutili ty Class 303

17.5 Equinox's Logservice Implementations 304

17.6 Summary 306

Chapter 18 HTTP Support 307 18.1 The Httpservice 308

18.1.1 Concepts 308

18.2 Registering and Unregistering a Servlet 309

18.3 Declarative HTTP Content Registrations 312

18.4 Using Jetty 313

18.5 HTTP Contexts and JAAS Integration 314

18.5.1 Basic HTTP Authentication and Login 314

18.5.2 Running the Secured Client 317

18.6 Troubleshooting 318

18.6.1 BindException 319

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xv/ Contents

18.6.2 On Which Port Is the H t tpServ i ce

Listening? 319

18.7 Summary 320

Chapter 19 Server Side 321 19.1 Servers and OSGi 322

19.2 Embedding the Back End in a Web Application 323

29.2.1 Updating the Product 324

19.2.2 The Web Application Root Files 326

19.2.3 Building the Web Application 329

19.2.4 Running the Web Application 330

19.2.5 Troubleshooting 332

19.2.6 <init-param>s 333

19.3 Remote Services in OSGi 333

19.3.1 The Eclipse Communication Framework 334

19.3.2 Remote Services 335

19.3.3 Distributed Toast 335

19.3.4 Remote Service Host 336

19.3.5 Remote Service Client 338

19.3.6 Service Discovery 339

19.3.7 Running the Distributed System 340

19.4 Summary 341

Chapter 20 Release Engineering 343 20.1 What Is PDE Build? 344

20.2 Bundle bu i ld .proper t ies 345

20.2.1 Control Properties 346

20.2.2 Using Custom Build Scripts 347

20.3 Setting Up a Builder 347

20.3.1 Tweaking the Target for PDE Build 348

20.3.2 bu i ld .proper t ies 348

20.4 Running the Builder 353

20.5 Tweaking the Build 356

20.5.1 Customizing the Build Scripts 356

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Contents XVII

20.5.2 Repositories and Additional Dependencies 357 20.5.3 Fetching from an SCM System 358 20.5.4 Fetching the Maps 360 20.5.5 Auto-substitution of Version Numbers 360 20.5.6 Qualifying Version Numbers 361 20.5.7 Identifying and Placing Root Files 362

20.6 Building Add-on Features 363 20.6.1 Setting Up a Feature Builder 364 20.6.2 bu i ld .proper t ies 364 20.6.3 Running the Feature Build 365

20.7 Building WARs 367 20.8 Summary 367

Part IV О Reference 369

Chapter 21 Dynamic Best Practices 371 21.1 Dynamism and You 371 21.2 Dynamic Aspects of Toast 372 21.3 Dynamic Challenges 374 21.4 Dynamic Awareness 374

21.4.1 Object Handling 376 21.4.2 Bundle Listeners 377

21.5 The Extender Pattern and Bund!етгаскег 378 21.6 Dynamic Enablement 379

21.6.1 Cleaning Up after Yourself 380 21.7 The Dynamics of Startup and Shutdown 382

21.7.1 Start Levels 382 21.7.2 Proper Use of Services 383 21.7.3 Shutting Down Is Not Always Easy 384

21.8 Summary 385

Chapter 22 Integrating Code Libraries 387 22.1 JARs as Bundles 388 22.2 Bundling by Injection 388

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XVIII Contents

22.3 Bundling by Wrapping 390

22.4 Bundling by Reference 392

22.5 Bundling Using bnd 394

22.6 Troubleshooting Class Loading Problems 394

22.6.1 Issues with class.forNameO 395

22.6.2 Issues with Context Class Loaders 399

22.6.3 Managing J RE Classes 401

22.6.4 Serialization 402

22.7 Summary 403

Chapter 23 Advanced Topics 405 23.1 The Equinox Console 406

23.1.1 Extending the Equinox Console 407

23.2 Roles in OSGi 409

23.3 The Shape of Bundles 411

23.4 Fragments 413

23.5 Singletons 415

23.6 Bundle Lifecycle 416

23.6.1 Lifecycle States 416

23.6.2 BundleActivator 418

23.6.3 The Downside of Activators 418

23.6.4 Uses for Activators 419

23.7 Bundle Activation Policy 419

23.8 Controlling Bundle Start 421

23.8.1 Persistent Starting 422

23.8.2 Enabling the Activation Policy 422

23.8.3 osgi.bundles 422

23.9 Class Loading 423

23.9.1 Class Lookup Algorithm 424

23.9.2 Declaring Imports and Exports 424

23.9.3 Importing versus Requiring 426

23.9.4 Optionality 426

23.9.5 The uses Directive 426

23.9.6 Re-exporting 427

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Contents XIX

23.9.7 x-internal and x-friends 428 23.9.8 Boot Delegation 428

23.10 Configuring and Running Equinox 428

23.10.1 config. ini 429

23.10.2 The Executable 430

23.11 Data Areas 432

23.12 Summary 434

Chapter 24 Declarative Services Reference 435 24.1 Component XML Schema vl . 1.0 435

24.1.1 Declaring the XML Namespace and Schema 435

24.1.2 The <component> Element 437

24.1.3 The <implementation> Element 439

24.1.4 The <property> Element 439

24.1.5 The <properties> Element 440

24.1.6 The <service> Element 441

24.1.7 The <provide> Element 442

24.1.8 The <reference> Element 442

24.2 The Component Lifecycle 444

24.2.1 Satisfying a Component's Configuration 445

24.2.2 Component Activation, Deactivation,

and Modification 447

24.2.3 Accessing Referenced Services 450

24.2.4 Component Immediacy 453

24.2.5 Component Properties 454

24.3 Summary 457

Index 459