osca vermicultum compost systemoscr vermiculture compost system 2.4 location of oscr vermiculture...

2.1 Operator OSCA Vermicultum Compost System Name of Site: Site Address: CitylStateiZip: Contact Person: Day Phone: Night Phone: 2.2 Determining the Number of OSCR Vermieulture Bins Needed Daily Pounds of Food Waste Targeted Number of OSCR Bins (School Site: Table B-1 & B-2) (365 day Site: Table B-5 & B-6) 2.3 Cost of OSCR Vermiculture System and support tools OSCR Bins Materials (Table B-9) OSCR Bin Construction Labor (est. $150 ea.) Red Woms (est. $5-12 per pound) Tools (Table B-10) Estimated Total Initial Investment Estimated A MU~ Labor Expense Funding Source(s) Appendix A- 1

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2.1 Operator

OSCA Vermicultum Compost System

Name of Site:

Site Address:


Contact Person:

Day Phone:

Night Phone:

2.2 Determining the Number of OSCR Vermieulture Bins Needed

Daily Pounds of Food Waste Targeted

Number of OSCR Bins (School Site: Table B-1 & B-2)

(365 day Site: Table B-5 & B-6)

2.3 Cost of OSCR Vermiculture System and support tools

OSCR Bins Materials (Table B-9)

OSCR Bin Construction Labor (est. $150 ea.)

Red Woms (est. $5-12 per pound)

Tools (Table B-10)

Estimated Total Initial Investment

Estimated A M U ~ Labor Expense

Funding Source(s)

Appendix A- 1

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

2.4 Location of OSCR Vermicul ture Bins

Yes No

o n The bins will be placed near the source of waste being processed.

o n The bins will be located in the same area as the existing waste disposal containers.

o o The bins will be placed within reach of a garden hose.

o The bins will be equipped with nursery type heat cable. Elechic power is required and is available at the location.

o o A qualified elechician will determine the power requirements and will provide adequate sewice at the location.

o o The bins will be painted white or a light reflecting color to reduce heat absorption from sunlight.

o o The bins will be placed inside another structure to reduce exposure to temperature extremes.

o o Locking hasps on top and front access doors will be used to deter vandalism.

2.5 Identification of organic waste stream

Yes No

o o There is an adequate balanced supply of organic waste generated at this site.

o o There is not an adequate balanced supply of organic waste generated at this site,therefore, we will apply for a solid waste handling permit to accept waste from other sources with the annual tonnage equal to the processing capacity of the number of bins at this site.

o o Kitchen preparation area vegetative food and paper waste

o o Dinning Area sewing tray scraps.

o o Classroom and office paper waste.

o o Yard Waste.

o o The oil and grease from the kitchen are specifically excluded from the waste fed to the OSCR bins but the quantity of oil and grease on the students plates is not great enough to be a concern. However, this practice will be reviewed in light of actual experience.

o o Since microbes multiply rapidly on meat waste, food waste with meat scraps will be added to the bins in smaller quantities so the red worms can process it quickly. This will reduce formation of odors, flies and potential anaerobic conditions, which are toxic to red worms.

Appendix A-2

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

2.6 Separation of organic waste stream

Yes No

o o Containers will be provided in the kitchen area for collection of appropriate food waste.

o o Containers will be provided in the dining area for collection of appropriate food waste.

2.7 Control of liquids entering OSCR Vermiculture Bins

Yes No

o o The closed vessel design prevents excess water in the form of rain or snow ftom entering the system.

o o Liquids will be sepamted 6om targeted wastes in the kitchenldiniig area and poured down a drain connected to a waste water treatment facility.

2.8 Measurement of balanced CarbodNitrogen ratio

Yes No

o o A waste stream will be identified and targeted which will provide a relatively consistent mix of Carbon:Nihogen in the range of 25-40 parts carbon to one patt nitrogen.

o o This site will target six pounds of food waste per day, one and a half pounds of paper w wood chips will be target4 and this will require one OSCR vermiculture b i i

o o This site will target 42 pounds of food waste per day for five days of each week. The food waste will be covered with 10.5 pounds of paper or wood chips each day. This will require five OSCR vermiculture bins to balance the processing rate and the C.N ratio.

o o All OSCR bins will be fed daily.

Appendix A-3

OSCR Vermicuture Compost System

2.9 Educational Activities:

Yes No

o o The vermiculture system operated at this site will be used for educational purposes. Efforts will be made to provide learning experiences for the people involved in the daily process and efforts will be made to share the experience with the community.

o The vermiculhue system operated at this site will be used only as a waste reduction and recycling tool.

2.10 Health Concerns:

Control of scavenger animals and nuisance insects

Yes No

o n The design of the bin provides sufficient means for restricting access to the food waste.

o The bin@) will be placed within a fenced or enclosed area

o The design of the bin pmvides means for restricting access to the food waste by undesirable insects through the use of tight fitting doors and screened air vents.

n n The use of paper or wood chips for "Daily Cover" will be used to further restrict access by undesirable insects.

Control of odors

Yes No

n o The design of the OSCR bin is an adequate measure to control nuisance odors.

Ammonia Odor

o o When ammonia odor, is present, high &n materials will be added to the bin. The bin will also be given extra water to help flush the ammonia h m the system.

Rotting Odor

o Primary action, break up compacted or wet material with hand tool to provide air channels.

o o Secondary action, remove pockets of rotting anaerobic material if there is no sign of worm activity in the area and dispose of it in bash container.

o o Long tenn action, stop or reduce the volume of food added to the bin until condition is corrected.

Appendix A-4

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

Control of leachate from vermiculture bins

Yes No

o o The captured liquid is a "nutrient tea" and can be strained, bottled and used in a diluted form as plant or lawn food. This method requires some experimentation and analysis.

o o The captured liquid can be added in small quantities to the water used to moisten the paper and wood fiber in the daily cover.

o o During part of the year, evaporation will take care of the leachate, but during wet or freezing weather excess liquids may build up faster than the system is designed to capture. The tea can be poured off into plastic 5 gallon buckets and sealed until weather conditions are such that evaporation will reduce the volume or the liquid can be used as described above.

o o Captured liquids will be poured down a draii connected to a waste water treatment facility.

Health concern with students and staff handling waste

Yes No

o o Students and staff will wear disposable plastic gloves when handling the waste or the worms. Thomugh washing of hands afterward is required.

o o Waste paper 6om the wash basin areas will not be allowed into the feed of the vermiculture system.

o Operators will be informed of the health and safety issues for handling waste and castings.

Out of Balance Systems

o Students will be allowed to volunteer for cleanup operations. mi can be a valuable lesson)

o The maintenance personnel agree to or have been d i e d to assume overall responsibility for major cleanup operations.

o in the event of a totally failed system the maintenance staff will remove the contents of the bins to proper waste disposal containers and clean the area

Appendix A-5

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

Summer vacation feeding a n d maintenance program fo r schools

Yes No

n o Allow the bins to go dormant, no food or water, for the summer break period.

o o Harvest and sell or give away all red worms in the system at the end of the school year.

o o Allow the bms to go idle for the summer break period. Water will be added to maintain 75% moisture content. Some shredded newsprint, cardboard or wood chips added

o o Maintain feeding with alternate waste stream materials At the end of the school year a supply of wood chips or shredded newspaperlcardboard will be obtained and will be used with a supply of aged cow, sheep or horse manure.

2.11 E n d Product

Pathogen Control

Yes No

o o Sufficient care will be exercised through choice of waste streams processed to prevent introduction of pathogens to the OSCR bins and pasteurization will not be necessary.

o o Finished castings will be heated to a temperature of 160°F and held at that temperature for one hour.

Red W o r m Population Audit

Yes No

o o An audit of the red worm population will be performed on each OSCR bin at least once every 90 days.

Appendix A-6

OSCR Vermicultura Compost System

Use and Marketing of products red worms and red worm castings

Yes No

o Red worms will be harvested from the OSCR bms and will be sold directly.to the local community as fishing bait or for vermiculture b i i , will be sold through an agreement with Recycleit Corporation or will be given away at no cost to interested parties.

o Red Worm populations will be allowed to self regulate and no attempt will be made to harvest or market them.

o o Castings will be used on site in gardens and potted plants.

o o Castings will be packaged and sold to the local community.

o o Castings will be given away to local garden clubs, nurseries and individuals interested in the product.

2.12 Periodic Maintenance

Yes No

o o The screen which separates solids h m liquids in the harvest chamber drain will be checked periodically and cleaned or replaced as needed.

o A handful of soil containing grit will he added to each bin once each month.

o o The harvest chamber will be checked regularly for the presence of migrating red worms and an effort to identify the cause will be made. The red worms will be returned to the reactor chamber in a timely manner unless conditions warmnt other action.

o The temperature of the OSCR bim will be monitored and action taken in a timely manner to control and regulate it so as to avoid undesirable conditions which may result.

2.13 Starting a New OSCR Vermicultnre System

Yes No

o The initial start up feed strategy will allow the use of aged cow, sheep or horse manure in place of food waste during the period in which operators are getting familiar with the operation.

o o In the future there may be times when the aged manure feed strategy will be reintroduced as a means for stabilizing systems which are chronically out of balance or while train'mg and familiarizing new operators.

Appendix A- 1

OSCR Varmiculture Compost System

Table B-I OSCR Compost Bin Capacity and Cost Estimates

42 School Week Operation (food added to bin 5 out of 7 days) .

Average Conditions: 112 lb food per llb worms per day

Table B-2 OSCR Compost Bin Capacity and Cost Estimates

42 School Week Operation (food added to bin 5 out of 7 days)

Optimum Conditions: 1 lb fwd per 1 lb worms per day

Appendix B-I

OSCA Vermiculture Compost System

Table B-3 OSCR Compost Bin Income and Expense Estimates

42 School Week Operation (food added to bin 5 out of 7 days)

Garbage Service Cost Per

Garbage Service


Total F d waste


Additional 15minlday Bases15

hr. Maint Day Carbon

hoduct worms

Waste to Casting

Reduction Ratio 5:l Product


Assumptions: pounds per gal food = 3

Table B-4 OSCR Compost Bin Return on Investment Estimates

42 School Week Operation (food added to bin 5 out of 7 days)

I Years to Recover lnvcnmenl I I Yr. to Recover Investment Optimu~n Average

worms and castings,

Appendix B-2

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

Table B-5 OSCR Compost Bin Capacity and Cost Estimates

365 Day Operation Average Conditions: 112 ib food per lib worms per day

Table B-6 OSCR Compost Bin Capacity and Cost Estimates

365 Day Operation Optimum Conditions: 1 lb food per llb worms per day

Appendix B-3

OSCl Vermiculture Compost System

Table B-7 OSCR Compost Bin Income and Expense Estimates

365 Day Operation

Table B-8 OSCR Compost Bin Return on Investment Estimates

365 Day Operation

Total Food Waste


Estimates include 100°% realization of savings from deferred cost ofwaste disposal and income from sale of red worms and castings.

Appendix B-4

Garbage Service

Gatbage Service

Additional 15min/day Base$8.5

hr. Pmduct

wasteto Casting

Reduction Ratio 5:1 Product Annual

OSCR Vermiculture Compost Syztem

Table B-9 Parts List and Cost Estimates for OSCR

Grand Total I I I I $311.00 1 $105.87 1

Appendix B-5

O f CR Vermiculture Compost System

Table B-10 Estimated Cost of Testing and Support Tools

Table B-I 1 Carbon : Nitrogen Ratios by Dry Weight

Materials C:N 20-49:l

25:l 12-203

20:l 20:l 16:l 16:l 15:l

13-18:l 9-25: 1

6: 1 5-71

5:1 5:l 3:l

Appendix B-6

Materials with Hich Carbon Values with High Nitrwen Valua Material

fruit waste horsemanun vegetable wastes coffee grounds cattle manure sheepmanure tree trimmings dairy cow manure poulhy manure (with litter) grass clippings poultry manure (fresh) pig manure Meat: Fish Meat: Poulhy Meat: BeeWork

C:N 130-1300:l 400-850:l

600:l 600:l 563:l

200-750:l 115-4403 130-180:l 100-150:l 50-100:l 40-80:l

60:l 50:l 45:l 40:l

Material bark softwood newspaw wood chips & sawdust hardwood wood chips & sawdust softwood cardboard sawdust bark-hanlwwd residential waste paper wheat straw oatsmiw foliage (leaves) Cornstalks shrub trimmings home manure with litter corn silage

OSCR Vermicutura Compost System

Table B-12 Worm Castings Media Analysis as Soil Amendment

Red worm casting sample for this analysis was from the Oregon Soil Corporation Commercial Reactor in Portland, Oregon. Feed stock included: fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable trimmings, yard waste and land clearing debris. Values achieved will vary by feedstock and extent of processing.

pH Percent Humus

Appendix B-7

Castings Actual

6.3 43.8

parts per million

Suggested Range

Soluble Salts Nitrate (N03-N)

Ammonia (NH3-N) Phosphorus

Calcium Magnesium

Potassium Sodium

Sulphur as Sulfate Bomn

Iron Manganese

Copper Zinc

Aluminum Molybdenum

Most Media and Plants 5.5 - 6.6

Most Pine Bark Media and Plants 5.0 -6.0

7469.0 4875.0

25.0 25.75

389.06 141.88

2422.14 338.94 439.68

0.82 1.04 0.48 0.09

00.65 1.29 .06

600-2.000 70-200 3-20 3-11

80-230 40-120 80-250 0-40

30-150 0.08-.40 0.5-2.5 0.05-2.0

0.003-.35 0.25-2.0

0-5 0.03-.I

500-1,400 60-135

0-20 0-20 15-50 15-50 30-80 0-50

OSCR Varmiculture Compost System

Observation Log Form: Use for daily observations.

Appendix C-1

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48







Date Time

Site ~ ~ .--.- Bin # ~

Air Temp Reading Depth

Bin Temperature Grid Audit Form

The grid represents six inch sections ofthe surface of the OSCR Bin

Appendix C-2

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

Oregon Soil Corporation Reactor Vormiculture Compost System

100 Q





0 Periodic Temperature Readings Fahrenheit: Vermicompost vs Air

December 8 startup - January 5,1995

Appendix C-3

OSCA Vermicultura Compost System

The chart above represents the temperature readings taken at a depth of 6 inches, using the Grid Audit Form, at various locations in the bin during January. Notice the temperature in the center of the bin is V i e r near the center and lower around the edges.-

OSCR Vermiculture Compost Syztem

Site License

for Consbuction and Operation of

OSCR Vermiculture Compost Bins

The purchase of this manual gives the recipient a license to build and operate an unlimited number of OSCR vermiculture compost bins at a single site designated by the recipient.

The purchase of this manual gives the recipient permission to make copies of Appendix A: Operations Plan Check List, providing the copies are used to develop a site specific operations plan for the single licensed site designated to operate the OSCR vermiculture bins.

The purchase of this manual gives the recipient permission to make wpies of Appendix C: Observation Log, providing the copies are used to record data collected at the single licensed site designated to operate the OSCR vermiculture bins.

Copying any part of this manual without the specific permission granted above is an infringement of the copyright laws and is subject to statutory penalties of up to $100,000 per incident. Copying or recreating the design drawings for the purpose of creating your own modified plan is considered a derivative work and is also an infringement of the copyright on this document and the design plans.

Building an OSCR Vermiculture Compost Bin or a derivative design based upon these copyrighted designs without a license is illegal. The license to build and operate OSCR Vermiculture Compost Bins for additional sites can only be obtained through the purchase of additional construction and operation manuals.

Appendix D- 1

OSCR Vermiculture Compost System

Contacts for Publications, Specialized Parts and Services



888 989-1558

Thomas Richard Rachel A. Crowe and Engineering Service Robert Kozlowski Patricia L. Sobel

1054 N.E. Onwnta St. Portland, Oregon 9721 1


Appendix E-1