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Page 1: orty DAy ent DevotionAL - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/h2ochurch/documents/Lent2015King... · 2015-02-17 · This devotional is a tool that you can use to prepare yourself

A Forty DAy Lent DevotionAL

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IntroductioNLent is traditionally a forty-day period that is used to prepare a follower of

Jesus to commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Churches across the globe calculate the forty days differently, but most begin observing the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday, forty-six days before Easter, and end on Easter Eve, the Saturday before Easter. Sundays are not traditionally counted toward the forty days of Lent, because the church takes a break from the solemn fasting of Lent to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus each Sunday.

During the Lenten season, some fast from meat or various things that they feel distract them from focusing on Jesus. As is always the case with fasting, the point is to focus more on Jesus and grow closer to Him, and not just to do things that we think will make us ‘look’ more holy or religious; do whatever God is leading you to do this season.

This devotional is a tool that you can use to prepare yourself during the season of Lent. Throughout this devotional, you will encounter some of the different characteristics that our King Jesus embodies. It will follow the tradition mentioned above, beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 18th, skipping Sundays, and ending with Easter Eve on April 5th. Our desire is that this devotional will deepen your understanding of Jesus, allow you to experience him more fully, and will help to focus you on Him as we approach Easter.

Our prayer is that you will not only be informed by God’s Word during these devotionals, but that you will also be transformed. If there is something that stands out to you, pull out your Bible and read the verse in context. Use the free space to write any additional thoughts or prayers that you would like to add. Think through the questions that are presented. Reflect on what you are hearing from God!

All of the devotions have the same flow to them, because we used the ’SOAP’ acronym in organizing this devotional. ‘SOAP’ stands for Scripture, observation, application, and prayer. You can even use this acronym after Lent is over to study the Scripture you’re reading on your own. In effect, you’ll be writing your own devotionals.

We hope you enjoy this book, and that it’s useful for growing closer to Jesus. We especially look forward to celebrating Easter with you and remembering Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, and His triumph over death through His resurrection!

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FebruAry 18th - FebruAry 21st:


PoweroF the


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the Power oF the King:

February 18TH

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.’ ”

- Matthew 28:18 [NIV]

If you have ever walked into a chaotic classroom or workplace, the first question you might ask is, “Who’s in charge here?” There may even be times when we look

at what is going on in our world and ask the same question. Is God really in control? Does Jesus really have the power and authority to bring this whole mess together for His good?

In Matthew 28, we are assured by Jesus that all authority is His! Since He has all authority, we can face a world that may seem a little out of control and chaotic at times with confidence. We can obey Him without fear, no matter where He leads us and no matter what circumstances we face. He is in control. By His death and resurrection, Jesus defeated all enemies and won for Himself all authority.

You see, right after claiming absolute authority, Jesus gave His small group of followers an impossible task. He told this handful of people to take the message of the gospel to the whole world! This would have been beyond impossible to accomplish unless someone had divine authority in this world. But this rag tag group of disciples depended on Christ’s power and guidance. They did not face a lost world on the basis of their own authority, but on the authority of Jesus Christ. The rest is history; the world has been and is being changed by Jesus’ disciples living out His command to take the gospel to all the nations!

Easter is proof of Jesus’ statement, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” By the authority Jesus was given, He taught boldly, healed liberally, forgave limitlessly, and ultimately defeated death itself. Our King truly does have all authority!

Ref lectionDo you think, live, and act like Jesus has ultimate authority in this world?

God, thank you that You have all authority. Help me live my life knowing that You have a plan, that You are in control, and that You always know what is best. Jesus, I want to live under Your authority, not mine. Amen.

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the Power oF the King:

February 19TH

“And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, ‘Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?’ And they were filled with great fear and said to one

another, ‘Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’ ”

- Mark 4:39-41 [ESV]

What seemingly impossible situations have shaken your faith? In the midst of those moments, we can forget that God reigns as Creator and Master

over the wind, the sea, and the world. Becoming overwhelmed by these daunting situations can cause us to doubt God, bringing Him down to our level or the level of our worldly problems. But, no problem on Earth or in the heavens is beyond the power of God.

We all face different hardships in our life, whether it is work, education, relationships, health, finances, et cetera. Even Jesus’ first disciples had moments of doubt. It is in these moments especially that we must have confidence that God is by our side. After the death of Moses, God came to Joshua offering His strength, courage, and presence. In the storm, God again brings peace to his people, the disciples. Just as Jesus brought peace to the lives of his disciples then, so too does He offer peace to us during our storms. All that the Lord asks is that we have sincere faith in His dominion over problems big and small. The only fear that we should have is in the awesome might of the Lord, our God.

Take some quiet time to reflect on whether you’re letting God steer your ship through the storm, or if you are fighting for control of the ship. Write down the reasons why you do not have that “great calm” in your life that God promises. Take these areas of your life and offer them up to God through prayer.

Ref lectionWhat can you do to involve God in your everyday struggles?

Thank you, God, for always being there for me through even the wildest of storms. I ask that in faith, I boldly surrender my problems over to you. Amen.

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the Power oF the King:

February 20TH

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and

without him was not any thing made that was made.”

- John 1:1-3 [ESV]

Many people, when they first read these verses, ask who or what is the Word. In this context, the Word refers to Jesus. It is interesting to find that Jesus

was central to creating everything that has ever existed. Jesus, the King, was powerful enough to create everything and anything that has ever come into being. Jesus was powerful enough to create the entire universe, every distant galaxy, to all the trillions of cells in your own body. Jesus was powerful enough to bring them into existence out of nothing.

Jesus is greater and more powerful than any hero or being ever to exist. As the author of Hebrews writes, Jesus is greater and more powerful than heroes like Moses, greater than any of the angels, and if you have a relationship with Him, He is with you always (Matt 28:20). We must, as followers of Christ, live like we have the most powerful being in the universe as an ever-present help. Today, try and live knowing that God is with you, and that the powerful King Jesus who created all things is your God.

Ref lectionHow does your view of God’s power affect your relationship with Him on a daily basis?

Jesus, we are in awe of your power and your creation. It is truly amazing that You have brought the entire universe into being with Your words. You are our great, all-powerful Creator, and we thank you for allowing us to have a relationship with You through your Son. Help us to remember throughout our day that You can do anything within Your will. Amen.

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the Power oF the King:

February 21ST

“And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, ‘If you will, you can make me clean.’ Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, ‘I will; be clean.’ And immediately the leprosy left him, and

he was made clean.”

- Mark 1:40-42 [ESV]

Mark describes the man with leprosy as one who is “imploring” with and “kneeling” before the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Think about those two words

for a minute. What attitude and even posture does one have to have to bring them to their knees before a Holy God? To plead for healing and forgiveness? It is apparent that this man knew of the healing power of God through the life of Jesus Christ, and that he needed every ounce of that power to invade his life.

It doesn’t stop there though. Jesus not only listens and replies , “I will…”, but this man once burdened by an awful disease is immediately healed. Not days later, or after any effort of his own—He was immediately healed by the power of Christ alone.

I’m reminded in the midst of Mark chapter 1 of how Christ has this same power in my own life, no matter the situation or circumstance. We serve a God that is willing and able to forgive, cleanse, heal, and forgive all aspects of our lives. And God’s ability and power to do so has nothing do with our own abilities or what we can do for Him, but merely the character He possesses. God will always come through for you and me and is far more powerful than we can even imagine. There is nothing too big, too small, too far, or too wide for a God that is all powerful and mighty.

So ask yourself today; What is one thing I struggle to surrender to God? Do I believe that He has the power to heal, forgive, cleanse, and tend to this part of my life? What is holding me back? What can I do to focus on the immense power of my God?

Ref lectionHow have you experienced the power of God in your life?

God, thank you for being a God that is willing and able. Thank you for your forgiveness and healing in my life. I pray that You would reveal Your immense power in my life and that I would experience You in a whole new way. Amen.

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FebruAry 23rD - FebruAry 28th:


ArmyoF the


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the Army oF the King:

February 23RD

“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might

send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.”

- Mark 3:13-15 [ESV]

Here we see Jesus separating His followers from His fans—those who were interested from those who were ready to follow Jesus with their whole lives.

King Jesus appoints these men to a special role within his army of world changers. They didn’t realize what they were getting into, but they were ready to trust Jesus, wherever that was going to take them. He gave them His power, not to destroy, but to bring about change and to drive out the darkness in this world, bringing life and light and hope.

Something very important happens before anyone is sent on a mission in this fledgling army, something that is necessary before any earth-shattering change or act could occur as a part of Christ’s army. They were required to be with Jesus. Before they were sent out, before they were to act in Christ’s power and authority, they had to be with Him. Jesus wasn’t just creating an army to change the world; He was choosing people to pour His life into, inviting them to become part of His family.

This is true for us as well. All who follow Jesus and place their trust in Him become part of God’s family, a family with a mission. A mission to change the world, to bring love and justice into this Earth. Just like those men in this account, we can’t do anything unless we are first spending time with Jesus, getting to know Him as a brother, and trusting Him as our Savior and King.

Ref lectionHow are you spending time with Jesus?

Jesus, thank you for calling me into Your family. Help me to love You and share my life with You so I can share You with others. Amen.

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the Army oF the King:

February 24TH

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’ ”

- Mark 16:15 [ESV]

Jesus makes it evident that we are intended to evangelize, to share our faith with others. Yet how often do we leave this step out of our walk with Him? Pray,

go to church, read the Bible: check, check, check. But most of us avoid evangelism. For most of us, the Great Commission is actually the Great Omission.

Why do we dodge sharing the Gospel? We may fail to do so because of fear, afraid to be rejected or afraid we don’t know enough. Maybe we don’t quite know how to go about bringing up the topic of Christ to a non-believer. I think too often we assume someone else will do it; a preacher or church staffer will take command and evangelize for you. In truth though, it is a responsibility that can no longer be avoided.

Around 95% of Christians will never help lead anyone to Christ. Contrast that with the life and even more so the death of John Harper. After founding a London church, he grew it from 25 to 500 members. Hired to preach for a church in Chicago, he traveled to America on the Titanic with his 6-year old daughter. After hitting an iceberg, he loaded his daughter onto a lifeboat, but instead of following her, turned and ran through the ship, witnessing to anyone that would listen. He even continued preaching after he’d jumped into the water, clinging to a piece of wreckage, helping to convert at least one before sinking into the ocean. How different would our lives and those around us be if we acted with such exigency, more concerned with others‘ salvation rather than our own discomfort?

Ref lectionWhy do you resist evangelism in your own life, and what steps can you take to overcome?

Lord, thank you for Your grace and Your command to share Your message. Help us have faith and resist fear or complacency; giving us courage to be a mirror reflecting Your light and glory to all around us; telling the world of the grace extended to those who believe. Amen.

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the Army oF the King:

February 25TH

“The things that mark an apostle —signs, wonders, miracles—were done among you with great perseverance.”

- 2 Corinthians 12:12 [NIV]

I really enjoy this verse. Paul is writing to the church members of Corinth, addressing a problem in how they view him. The verses in context with this one

(11-15) show that Paul was reminding them of his authority as an apostle. Paul shares that he too has done the ‘marks’ of what they know an apostle to be. He said that in front of them he did ‘signs, wonders, and miracles’.

God-given power isn’t unique to the apostles. Jesus tells his disciples before he ascends that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, and that they would be His witnesses in their city, their country, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). But this power didn’t only apply to biblical times. Have you ever thought that, as Christ-followers, we have the ability to do “signs, wonders, and miracles” too? It can be hard for us to absorb, especially when we don’t often see water turned to wine, or people being miraculously healed, but we are heirs of that promise Christ made in Acts 1:8! One of the most powerful signs is one we hopefully exhibit every day—a life lived like Jesus, which is a witness to the world of His power!

Being a part of Christ’s army, we are equipped with such amazing power from the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 1:19-20, it talks about how the Holy Spirit in us, has the same power as that which raised Christ from the grave. That power raised Christ from the grave, radically transformed our own lives through our relationship with Jesus, and now empowers us to do the ‘signs, wonders, and miracles’ of spiritual gifts and a changed life, as described in 2 Corinthians 12:12. Today, let’s take the time to let this hit. When you think of all that Jesus has accomplished, remember that He’s empowered us, too.

Ref lectionDo you believe that the Holy Spirit gives you this power too?

Lord, thank you for conquering the grave. Please help me believe that I have been empowered through Christ. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit when I first accepted you. Thank you for the amazing power that you have promised comes with it. Amen.

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the Army oF the King:

February 26TH

“ ‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ ”

- Matthew 4:19 [NIV]

It was an ordinary day at the lake for Simon and Andrew when they heard the call of the King. Jesus called out to them to stop fishing, follow Him, and begin

ministering to people (“fishing for people”) instead. Immediately, they stop, get up and follow Him. These men gave up their careers without hesitation in order to be part of the King’s army.

God isn’t just calling the high up or elite in society, He is calling ordinary people to be a part of an extraordinary adventure. He doesn’t look for only the best and brightest soldiers, just the willing and the faithful.

Think about where you were when Jesus asked you to follow Him. What was your life like then? Look back on the adventure Jesus has taken you on, this adventure of “fishing for men”. Think about how much joy there has been as friends and family have begun following Jesus with you. Reflect back on the trials and struggles you have endured as one of Jesus’ fishermen. It hasn’t been easy, has it? But it’s been worth it.

Now think about your current situation. What new adventure might Jesus be calling you to next? No matter where you feel God leading you, God promises to go before you. Isaiah 41:10 explains this perfectly: “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” God is with you and more are swearing allegiance to His kingdom every day. Keep fishing!

Ref lectionWhere has God called you to follow Him in the past? Where may God be calling you to next?

God, thank you for Your faithfulness and how You have directed my life. I pray that You would continue to guide me and show me the next part of my journey with You. Remind me of Your provision and goodness today and encourage me to fish for men in my daily life. Amen.

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the Army oF the King:

February 27TH

“Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”

- Luke 14:27 [ESV]

To be a true follower of Christ, we cannot simply live our lives as if nothing has changed. When we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we should

be prepared to put everything on the line for what we believe. If we do not deny ourselves and give it all to God, we will never get to the point of being a disciple of Christ.

God calls us to give everything up for His sake. If this verse said, “Whoever wants to be a disciple can just hang out whenever it is convenient for you,” it would be completely different! God does not want to be an afterthought or something that we deal with when we have time, but the center of our everyday lives.

What does it mean to take up our own cross to follow Him? This means total commitment to living your life for the Lord.

Make a list of everything you have going on in your life, listed from first to last priority. Where does your relationship with God fall on the list? Take some time today to reflect on this and ask God how you can make Him a more central part of your life.

Ref lectionWhat things have you placed before your relationship with God? Check out Matthew 10:38, Matthew 16:24, and Luke 9:23!

God, help me to become a better disciple for You. I pray that through this week I have opportunities to put You ahead of myself. Help me to make You the center of everything that I do. Amen.

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the Army oF the King:

February 28TH

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”

- 1 Corinthians 11:1 [ESV]

Wow, Paul is essentially challenging us to imitate Christ. Imitating Christ means to walk as He did, and that is a pretty daunting task. Thankfully, we

are not in this alone. We have the wonderful blessing of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. When we embrace the Holy Spirit by pursuing the Lord and His righteousness, we are empowered to reflect Him in our daily lives.

We are called to imitate, or reflect Christ, in everything we do. This means loving the way He loved, and being faithful, devoted, and obedient the way that He was. Possibly the most difficult part of this way of life is to find balance between discipline/accountability, and grace. As followers of Christ, we need to strive daily to walk in the Spirit and do everything with full intentions to honor and glorify the Lord. In doing so, we also need to recognize that we are human and will fall short of Christ’s perfection.

Living for Christ is about progress, not perfection. As John the Baptist says, “He must increase, and I must decrease.” It’s important to remember in the moments when we fall short, that our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to be overcome by shame and therefore turn our backs to Him. Our Father wants us to thank Him for the marvelous, unfathomable gift of grace He gave us by sending Jesus to the cross. He wants us to thank Him for already forgiving our sin. This way, we will not run and hide from Him, we will run to Him, and embrace His goodness.

Ref lectionHow can you actively seek to walk in the Spirit today?

Father, thank you for the strength, guidance, and empowerment that comes from Your Holy Spirit. Please continue to convict me of my shortcomings, but comfort and encourage me in my pursuit of progress to be more like Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for your unending grace and Your devotion to finish the work You have begun in me. Amen.

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mArch 2nD - mArch 7th:


WisdomoF the


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the wisDom oF the King:

March 2ND

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”

- Luke 2:52 [ESV]

We all have things we do not know. We all need to learn and grow in wisdom. Few of us, however, are truly willing to admit that need. Instead, we go

about our days pretending that we are all-wise, all-knowing, and self-sufficient. Thus, we do not grow in wisdom but only in sorrow. To gain wisdom means that you do not have complete wisdom. It means to admit that you have something to learn.

Jesus increased in wisdom. This reveals his true humanity. He didn’t always know everything. As a baby, my guess is that he probably did not know Aramaic or how to build. But over time, Jesus learned these things. Can you imagine being the God of the universe and humbling yourself enough to become an ignorant child? What humility. This humility ultimately would save the world and this man would live a life of wisdom like the world has never seen.

If the God of the universe modeled it for us, it probably works. He was all-wise, then humbled himself to know nothing (like a child), only to model a perfect life of wisdom. Let us follow his example of humility and grow in wisdom and stature.

Ref lectionIn what areas do you need to become more wise? (If you can’t think of one, you have a problem.)

God, we ask that You would give us the humility we need to learn in the ways that You want us to learn. Help us to grow in wisdom and stature. Help us to experience the wisdom of Christ, the life we were created for. Amen.

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the wisDom oF the King:

March 3RD

“And Jesus said to them, ‘Whose likeness and inscription is this?’ They said, ‘Caesar’s.’ Then he said to them, ‘Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ When they heard it, they marveled.

And they left him and went away.”

- Matthew 22:20-22 [ESV]

This account in Matthew begins by saying that the Pharisees (the Jewish religious leaders of the day) went away to scheme how to trap Jesus in His

words. Finally, they approach Him and say, “Teacher, we know that you’re an honest man and teach the Word of God truthfully. Tell us, should we or should we not pay taxes to Caesar?” In our day and age there’s an obvious answer, but the Pharisees have actually laid a clever trap. The nation of Israel was at this time under the rule of the Romans. As such, they were required to pay taxes to Caesar. But, the Jewish people didn’t like the Roman rule. They believed the Bible foretold the day when God would restore Israel as a nation, with a king from the line of David on the throne who would defeat the Romans. Because of this, paying taxes to Rome was seen as an act of submission to Rome, and not very patriotic to the cause of Israel.

So, the Pharisees think they have Jesus cornered. Say ‘pay the tax’, and you’re denying the promises of God (and plus, no Messiah would willingly submit to Rome!) Say ‘don’t pay the tax’, and you’re promoting treason and rebellion against Rome, allowing the Pharisees to take you before the Romans to be punished. But Jesus responds by turning the issue on its head. ‘Whose coin is that?’ Jesus asks. ‘Well, Caesar’s...’ ‘Well then? Let him have it! And give to God what belongs to Him.’

As Jesus demonstrates, godly wisdom always sees past superficial things into the heart of the matter. It seems like the Pharisees thought that, in this instance, having the right political opinion or just the right answer was the most important thing to God and in life. But Jesus dismisses these things as secondary. Godly wisdom says, “Focus on the things that matter. Give to God what’s His.” And what is His? You are! We give ourselves to Him through obeying Him, worshiping Him, and building our relationship with Him. When someone tries to trap us in clever words, or when we get caught up in the whirlwind of secondary things that claim to be primary, the King’s wisdom pushes us to remember what’s primary: God, and our love for Him.

Ref lectionDo I get caught up on secondary things? What ways has God shown Himself to be primary in my own life? How can I thank Him and live that reality out in my life?

Lord, I’m thankful that You’re wise. It’s good to know that, when I don’t have the answers, You do. This account of You defeating human cunning with godly wisdom reminds me that wisdom rests with You, not me. Show me what’s primary, and help me to acknowledge that with my life. Thank you for loving me and protecting me in a world that’s so much bigger than I am. You’re awesome! Amen.

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the wisDom oF the King:

March 4TH

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

- Matthew 7:24 [ESV]

Wisdom is built on the foundation of first hearing the words of Christ, and then doing what He says to do. Christ is constantly calling us to not only

hear Him, but to respond and follow. Jesus compares two builders in this passage; one is a fool who builds his house on the sand, and another is a wise man who builds his house on the rock. When the winds and floods come, the man who built his house on the stone has a house that still stands and is prepared for bad weather, while the man who built his house on the sand is left with nothing.

So many of us seek the easy pleasures of life and “build our lives on sand”—not actually living out and responding to what Jesus says—because it is far easier to build on than stone. It is difficult, time-consuming, and costly to hear what Jesus says and then seek to actually live by what He says. However, when the storms and winds of our life come, we will fall apart unless we build our lives and actions on the very words of Christ who alone can withstand the storms and trials of life.

Ref lectionWhat is the foundation my life is built on? Do my actions reflect the words of Jesus?

Lord, give me wisdom. Let me build my life on the very words of Your Son. Let my actions show to others my love for You and devotion to Your words. Help me to do what is impossible; give me ears to hear Your words and respond to them. Amen.

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the wisDom oF the King:

March 5TH

“ ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your

mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.’ ”

- Matthew 22:36-38 [NIV]

During the time of Jesus, the Pharisees and Sadducees were two religious groups that believed that they were only the ones who were truly holy, or set

apart, for and by God. They believed that if they diligently practiced the law given by God through Moses in the Old Testament—even adding additional rules and laws of their own—they would earn righteousness in the eyes of both God and man.

Interestingly, the Pharisees and Sadducees were considered rivals at that time. The Pharisees considered themselves the true experts in the Word of God, while the Sadducees accepted only the first five book of the Bible (the Torah) and sided with the Roman occupation forces, which gave them power, money, and privilege. Both groups saw Jesus as a threat to their power and leadership and were attempting to trap Jesus through a series of questions in order to publicly disgrace and disqualify his claim to be the Messiah.

By asking which of the commandments given to Moses in Exodus 20 was greatest, Jesus’ response could negate the rest of the commandments which both groups held so tightly to following. However, they missed the deeper understanding of why the law was given to the Israelites in the first place. It was not about a list of rules to follow to achieve perfection (although many are for our own protection from ourselves), but that through the law our hearts would be focused on honoring and worshiping God (Deut. 6:5-6, 6:2).

You see, no matter how perfectly they tried to perform, the intent of their hearts was far from the sincere worship of God intended by the Mosaic Law. Nothing is more important than to love the Lord your God—the living, personal, sovereign Lord of the Bible. We are to love Him every moment with every part of ourselves.

Ref lectionDo you love God with every part of your being—not just emotionally or by your words? Do you act out of discipline to a set of rules or because it honors and worships God?

Father, please help me to worship You in all matters of my life—that I would not hold tightly to the things I do to gain a moment of personal righteousness, but that what I do would reflect at my core my love for You. Amen.

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the wisDom oF the King:

March 6TH

“…For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”

- Luke 12:12 [NIV]

Have you ever been in those situations where you have no idea what to say? I know I’ve been in that situation plenty of times, because finding the right

thing to say (or not say) in some circumstances can be hard. One of the times this can happen is when someone asks a question about our faith. We sometimes have a tendency to freeze and clam up when we get questions on what we believe. Why? Well, personally I’m just afraid to say something that doesn’t line up with Scripture. I don’t feel that I have the knowledge or wisdom to answer people properly. However, this verse is the promise and encouragement Jesus gives to the disciples when they face situations where people ask or question their faith.

We are not alone when we are asked the hard questions (or ever, for that matter), because just like the disciples, we have the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit is our advocate, left by Christ so we can have continued communion with our Heavenly Father. Because of the Holy Spirit, we are able to ask God for wisdom in any situation and be guided.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

- James 1:5 [NIV]

Today, remember that God gives you the Holy Spirit as your guide—that he gives you the wisdom to act and respond in a Christ-like manner when you ask him for it.

Ref lectionHave I admitted that I need God’s wisdom in my everyday life? Have I sought and asked for it?

Lord, thank you for always being with me, for your wisdom and making it available to me not just though your Word, but through the Holy Spirit. Please help me to seek you and your wisdom in my life and abide in your will. Amen.

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the wisDom oF the King:

March 7TH

“And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption...”

- 1 Corinthians 1:30 [ESV]

God is so wise. He is righteous and good. We were lost in sin and folly, but God revealed to us wisdom—that is, Christ. To us, Christ is wisdom. Our

culture spends a lot of time and puts a lot of stock in vague spiritual thinking. But any wisdom, spiritual insight, and religious cleverness we can muster to philosophize ourselves back to God is fruitless. Even if our wisdom is right, it’s still fruitless, because Christ is wisdom to us. Christ is the way to know God. Christ is righteousness, sanctification (that is, He cleans us up and brings us closer to God), and redemption. No wisdom of man can give us Christ. It is because of God that we have Christ, and it is in Christ that we know God.

It doesn’t take long for us to become distracted with peripheral forms of wisdom. Strategies to help us obey God’s commands, discipleship models, insights into God’s word, and so on. Those are all great things! But none of them are Christ. None of them add to our righteousness, sanctification, or redemption. Let us find our wisdom—that is, our relationship with God—only in Christ. Let him be your wisdom.

Ref lectionWhat wisdom are you relying on today? Your own? Or Christ?

Lord, help me to seek Your wisdom. I pray that I would see Your Son’s direction in my life and follow after You. I pray I would not become distracted with peripheral forms of wisdom, but let Your Son be my wisdom. Open up opportunities for me to share Your wisdom with others through my life and deeds. Amen.

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mArch 9th - mArch 14th:


JusticeoF the


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the Justice oF the King:

March 9TH

“I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.”

- John 5:30 [ESV]

This would be a fairly easy passage to skim over as we’re reading through the gospel of John, but if we actually stop and think about it, Jesus makes a few

interesting statements here. First off, He says that He can do nothing on His own. Earlier in this chapter Jesus had healed a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. Jesus knew that part of being a human was submitting to God’s authority, so all the things that He did on earth were only done through the authority and instruction of the Father. As a man, Jesus knows that He is completely powerless without God’s intervention. It’s really an amazing thing for Jesus to say.

Next, Jesus claims that his judgments are just, which is equivalent to claiming that He is exactly right all the time (which He was). Even though He is perfectly capable of passing judgment in a perfectly just way Himself, Jesus chooses to rely on the Father’s authority instead. This is a perfect model for us to follow as we try to have the same mind in us that was in Jesus (Philippians 2:5).

Especially in Western culture, we sometimes forget that we need God. Things like clothes, food, housing, and so on just seem to come to many of us. It can be easy to only ask for God’s help with the big things. If Jesus (who was completely God), relied on God to do anything and everything, how much more do the rest of us need God’s help?

Ref lectionWhat areas of your life do you need to give up control of and rely on God’s power instead?

God, thank you for being completely sufficient for all my needs. Thank you for always being there and desiring to be a part of my everyday life. Amen.

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the Justice oF the King:

March 10TH

“And the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unrighteous judge says. And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?’ ”

- Luke 18:6-7 [ESV]

Jesus tells tons of stories that illustrate the way God’s kingdom works and the way His people should act in it. These verses come at the end of one such

story. In it Jesus tells of a persistent widow and an unrighteous judge. The widow approached the judge every day, saying “Give me justice against my adversary!” The judge was unrighteous though, and obviously didn’t care what the widow wanted. But the widow kept asking, over and over. Finally, the judge says, “Look, I still have no cares whatsoever for what this lady wants. But maybe if I take care of it, she’ll go away.” Jesus says, “Even an unrighteous judge is capable of doing justice on some level. How much more just is God, then—the most righteous judge? Will he make His people wait forever?”

I’m sure the discontentment we experience when our prayers are not answered is not a new thing. People all the way back then still worried about their concerns, and wondered why the things they wanted from God weren’t happening. To those people, Jesus responds with a perfect blend of invitation and challenge. Jesus invites us into His love and His protection. Jesus sees when you are wronged. Jesus sees when you are suffering. He knows your desires, your hurts and pains. If an unloving judge is capable of taking care of those things, then what about a God who is perfectly just and loves you perfectly? You can be sure of two things: one, if there’s justice to be done, God will do it, whether in this life or the next. You don’t need to worry about it. Two, God doesn’t waste a hurt. Even if your life circumstances don’t make sense to you, God has a plan in mind that will benefit you more than if your circumstances felt nicer to you.

Jesus also challenges us by stressing the importance of always praying. We were created to be in a relationship with God, and prayer is the conversation of that relationship. Jesus, in His justice, holds us to the commandments of God and our intended design. A life of constant prayer doesn’t just help us follow God’s law, but it helps us to see and remember God’s justice in our life. After all, the pinnacle of God’s justice is when Jesus died on the cross for us—perfect in consistency because God carried out the penalty for sin (like He said He would), perfect in love because He took the penalty Himself. God’s justice is amazing.

Ref lectionDoes my life reflect the invitation and challenge that Jesus modeled? Think about how you see God’s justice at work in your life.

Lord, thank you for not being an unrighteous judge. With people, we can’t always be sure that the pain we feel is for our good. With You, we know that all things work for the good of those who love you. I praise you for having a sense of justice like I’ve never seen before. You removed my punishment from me without ceasing to be just. Amen.

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the Justice oF the King:

March 11TH

“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory. In his name the nations will put their


- Matthew 12:20-21 [NIV]

Life happens. Sometimes we can manage to pick ourselves back up again and have a positive attitude, knowing that “what doesn’t kill you makes you

stronger”…right? As you’ve journeyed through circumstances and relationships, different experiences have come into your life. Some you could control, others you couldn’t. These experiences molded you and shaped you. Many may have wounded you along the way. Perhaps your smile starts to become a mask you hide behind because rolling with the punches doesn’t seem to be working anymore. You look at yourself in the mirror and you’re not quite the strong, confident, positive person you remembered being. Instead, you feel like a bruised reed—tired, defeated, and overwhelmed. The light of your life has become dimmer, like a candle’s smoldering wick, and you don’t know how to get it back.

If you feel this way, or have ever felt this way, there is hope in this verse! Christ’s profound tenderness is described here, as He doesn’t come to see us in our brokenness and toss us aside as useless or worthless. Nor does He get frustrated with where we are at and blow out what little light we feel we have left. Instead, Christ comes to strengthen, uphold, and rekindle the fire in our hearts. God’s part is leading us from justice to victory. Our part is to put our hope in Him.

Ref lectionHave you put your hope in Him and trusted that He will bring justice and victory in your life?

Jesus, thank you that You see me for who I am and meet me right where I’m at. I ask that You strengthen me and rekindle the fire in my heart for You. Continue to shape and mold me to be the person You have purposed me to be. Amen.

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the Justice oF the King:

March 12TH

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

- Micah 6:8 [ESV]

God does not give us an endless list of things to accomplish to earn His favor. He also doesn’t keep what He desires from us a secret. He calls us to do

justice, to do what is right, and to live with integrity. We are supposed to love kindness, to love without condition, just as He unconditionally loves us. He also asks us to rid ourselves of pride when we begin our walk with Him.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians also reminds us that no amount of earthly success can win us worth, value, or grace in God’s eyes. Being a follower of Christ means striving to live like Jesus, deny ourselves, and follow Him. When we look at the way Jesus lived and the way He interacted with strangers, His disciples, and God, we see that He did what was right, that He loved others, and gave all of the glory to God.

Today, try to demonstrate God’s love to those around you. Pay for a stranger’s meal or surprise a friend with something that will brighten his or her day. Instead of seeking praise or thanks, intentionally act with love to glorify God. Reflect on what you did today and what Christ did for you, and work to develop an attitude of thankfulness and service to do what God asks of us.

Ref lectionIn what areas of your life does pride keep you from fully experiencing God’s love and plan for your life?

God, thank you for Your grace and for Your sacrificial love that I cannot earn. Thank you for sending Your Son as the perfect example for how to live my life. Help me to deny myself before You and glorify You in everything I do! Amen.

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the Justice oF the King:

March 13TH

“When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ ”

- John 8:7 [NIV]

This verse tells of the Pharisees and teachers who attempted trapping Jesus, by presenting a woman caught in adultery. “Teacher,” they said, “This woman

was caught sleeping with a man who isn’t her husband. The Law of Moses teaches that a woman like this should be stoned to death! What do you say?” By saying the woman should be stoned, Jesus would violate Roman law which forbade such acts. Adversely, by saying not to stone her, he would violate Moses’ Law.

But Jesus turned the tables on them, saying, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Jesus proves the accusers are actually guilty of what they accuse: breaking the Law of Moses. For in Moses’ Law, the one who accused another person of a sin punishable by death was required to throw the first stone. By applying the Law to the woman and not to themselves, they violated the letter and spirit of the Law.

This is an important statement about judging others. Jesus upheld the legal penalty for adultery, therefore did not go against the law. But by saying only a sinless person could throw the first stone, Jesus highlighted the importance of compassion and forgiveness.

Astoundingly next, Jesus forgave the woman’s sin and told her to sin no more, before she asked for forgiveness or expressed repentance or regret. He didn’t demand her repentance, but forgave her, letting her know that God loves her unconditionally.

Being sinless, Jesus had the only right to stone the woman. He instead, however, demonstrated God’s mercy, giving the woman a chance to repent and begin following Him.

Ref lectionHow has judgment affected the way people view Christians? Is there anything specifically that you feel you are more judgmental about? Why do you feel that is?

Lord, thank you for the unconditional love and mercy You have shown us in our sin. Allow us to exemplify this love to the people around us. Diminish our judgment and help us show grace and mercy and Your heart to all. Amen.

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the Justice oF the King:

March 14TH

“ ‘And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” ’ ”

- Matthew 25:40 [ESV]

How great is our King Jesus for always putting others before Himself!? In Matthew 25:31-40, Jesus describes the glorious moment of His second

coming. In this picture, Jesus says that the basis for entering into His kingdom is feeding, clothing, or otherwise ministering to Him when He was in need. Some will be confused because they did not do anything directly for Jesus that He described as making one worthy of sitting at His right hand. Jesus explains in His words above that by feeding, clothing, providing for, and helping those in need, you are also doing it for Jesus.

God does not describe the righteous as those who do good deeds to impress Him or to earn His love. There is nothing more or less we could do to change the immeasurable love that God has for us. Jesus simply asks that we love our Lord and love our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39). It is by these commandments that Jesus will render His ultimate judgment. Only our King knows our heart, mind, and soul’s true intentions. In Luke 12:34 Jesus points out that wherever we put our values, our heart will be there too.

Make it a goal to take steps each day to model your life after the righteous life that Jesus lived. Rejoice that our God doesn’t commit us to the impossible task of earning His approval; rather, He asks us to perform the very ordinary task of showing love to others. Write/create a reminder of one practical thing that you can do this week or even today to start doing things for others that honor God.

Ref lectionAre your actions and intentions justified in the sight of God?

Father, I thank you for being the one and only King that has the right to judge my actions. I pray that each and every day I treasure others instead of myself just as Jesus did. I surrender myself to the service of others so that I may bring Your Name glory! Amen.

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mArch 16th - mArch 21st:


DisciplineoF the


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the DisciPLine oF the King:

March 16TH

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.”

- John 17:20 [NIV]

T hese few words carry so much meaning. Did you know that Jesus prayed specifically for you? Before you knew him and before you committed your life

to Him, Jesus Christ prayed for you. It is so easy to read the story of Christ and feel that His words, actions, and prayers are directed to those whom He was with directly. John 17:20 is evidence that Christ came to this earth knowing fully who He came to save.

If we believe in the power of prayer and the implications of Christ’s life and sacrifice, how could we not be encouraged by this? His prayer in this chapter is filled with beauty, as He asks His Father to provide direction in our lives, protection from the evils of the world, redemption through His sacrifice, and deep intimacy with the Lord.

This is what Jesus wants for us. In fact, a little farther in His prayer, Jesus says “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them” (John 17:24). He came to bring us life and unity with our heavenly Father, and He expresses His desire for that to the Lord in prayer.

Today, take some time to read about and consider Jesus’ prayerful desires for you. Go through John chapter 17 and write them out in a list. Then you can reflect on the implications this prayer has for your life.

Ref lectionWhat can you do in response to Christ’s desires for your life?

Jesus, thank you for Your prayer. Thank you for thinking of and choosing to save me before I knew You. Lord, help me to fulfill Your desires for my life. Lead me to act in response to Your Word, that I may feel Your love and lead the world to You. Amen.

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the DisciPLine oF the King:

March 17TH

“And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate

nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry.”

- Luke 4:1-2 [ESV]

A fter these verses, the devil begins to tempt Jesus. I think there’s something remarkable about the fact that Jesus manages to remain without sin and

successfully counter the devil’s temptations while He’s hungry. I don’t know about you, but I get “hangry” pretty easily, and times I’m most vulnerable to sin are often when I’m hungry. Yet in this instance, when Jesus fasts for forty days and is tempted by the devil, He is able to stave off what are probably history’s strongest temptations—the ones meant to derail Jesus’ journey to the cross for us. I think this reality says something about fasting that I often miss.

Just like Jesus replies to Satan in the next few verses, “Man doesn’t live on bread alone,” the focus in fasting isn’t on your hunger. The focus isn’t on what you’re going without. In fact, the whole point of fasting is to remove something for a time, in order that you can fill that time with seeking God. Yet so often, we can be distracted even more from God by our efforts to fast. We can miss that key component of exchanging eating for praying and reading the Bible. When that happens, we end up hopelessly focused on that gnawing feeling in our belly instead of on God, and then the hangry comes.

For Jesus, fasting wasn’t just a self-inflicted trial. He took the time to fill Himself with the things of God. Not only did this help Him to survive the attacks of the devil, but it gave Him the strength that He needed to propel His ministry journey. And that’s what’s available for us when we fast. By practicing this discipline of the King, we have the opportunity to lay aside our wayward, distracted tendencies and be propelled forward in God’s will for us. Will we take it?

Ref lectionHave I fasted in a way that propels me forward in God’s will? What’s the best way I could fast and spend some time with God?

Lord, Your discipline is remarkable. In a place where most humans are susceptible to sin, You thwarted Satan. Just proof that You’re a God worthy of praise. I confess sometimes my fasting can distract from You instead of propelling me toward You. I thank you that You’ve given us this model to draw close to You. Please help me in my own discipline and focus so I can live “life to the full.” Amen.

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the DisciPLine oF the King:

March 18TH

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

- Mark 1:35 [NIV]

S olitude is being alone in purposeful withdrawal from human interaction. It is a deliberate choice to draw closer with God by the power of the Holy Spirit,

disengage from your daily responsibilities and people you interact with, to prepare to listen to God and receive His spiritual guidance. Silence is the absence of speech and it is a critical part of solitude. While not all silence is solitude, silence is always a part of solitude.

Jesus recognized the need to be alone in silence with His Father throughout His ministry on earth. The daily expectations on Jesus’ life would have left Him drained emotionally, physically, and spiritually if He had not spent time with the only One who can truly refresh and renew Him. Jesus also understood that He was to do only the will of the God (John 6:38). The time spent with God prepared him for each decision and next step in His ministry.

There’s much to be said about solitude. What’s most important is that in solitude we don’t try to make anything happen. We just bring our naked self to the Lord to be with Him. Solitude and silence can be difficult, but it is very beneficial. Great practice is needed.

Ref lectionCan you make the commitment to find a regular time of solitude and silence to focus on your intimacy with Jesus? “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone.” (Psalm 62:5)

God, thank you for Your example through Your Son to seek out alone time with You. At times I feel worn-out by the demands and expectations on my earthly life. Help me to seek You in times of solitude and silence so that I can walk fully in Your will and to be renewed and refreshed by You. Amen.

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the DisciPLine oF the King:

March 19TH

“After three days, they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed

at his understanding and his answers.”

- Luke 2:46-47 [NIV]

C an you even imagine Jesus being taught? If we look into the context of these verses, we can see that Jesus was only 12 at this time. I imagine this scene

being like that kid in your class who sits in the front row and is the only one engaged with the professor. He is asking questions and staying after class to explain the lecture flawlessly to everyone else. I like how these verses can point us to seeing that Jesus, too, studied the Scriptures and had so much wisdom at such a young age.

I think that we need to challenge ourselves to study the Bible more. It is God’s Word, and it the best way we can listen to Him. In 2 Timothy 3:16, it says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” As Christians, we look to Christ as being our example. He out of anyone could have used the excuse that He didn’t read his Bible because He knew it (refer back to his wisdom at a young age) but yet He still immersed Himself in it (see Luke 4:17-21).

Today, I challenge you to add 10 more minutes into reading your Bible each day. Take notes, ask questions, journal, do whatever you do that will challenge you to study it better. I also challenge you to pray for God to give you more wisdom from studying His Word. Let’s be people who have God’s Word engraved into our hearts!

Ref lectionAm I really using God’s Word to its potential?

Lord, thank you for blessing me with the Bible. Thank you that it is Your Word and that it is so easily accessible to me. I pray that I can listen to You when I read it and gain wisdom. Amen.

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the DisciPLine oF the King:

March 20TH

“At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to

little children.”

- Matthew 11:25 [NIV]

B efore Jesus speaks this verse in Matthew, He has just gotten done pointing out something that doesn’t make sense. He has gone throughout the countryside

doing great, miraculous deeds in the sight of everyone, and yet they don’t believe! But, He says, if He had done these same things in Sodom, a city notorious for its sinfulness, it would have repented and not been destroyed by God. That doesn’t make any sense! If Sodom could have figured it out, why not these cities in Jesus’ time?

Jesus tells us that it is because God is the revealer. God chooses who gets to know what, and how, and under what circumstances. That reality of God’s sovereignty—His power and right as King to choose—has made many call God unfair. But what does Jesus do? Jesus praises God for His power and wisdom!

The circumstances under which God chooses to reveal things to us may not line up with what we’d like. But, in His time, God’s will for our lives will be revealed to us. Because of this, we should praise Him, for He is good and His will for our lives is far greater than we could ever imagine. The future is full of the unknown. We should praise God, the King, for having a will for our lives and the ability for Him to reveal that will piece by piece in His time.

Ref lectionDo I respect God as King? Does realizing God’s place as King make me praise and rejoice in His majesty, power, and wisdom, or does it make me wish that I was in control instead?

God, thank you that you are the King revealer and the One who holds our lives in the palms of Your hands. Constantly help us to patiently wait for You to reveal to us what You have planned for our lives. Let those times where we come face to face with the truth that “You are God and I am not” cause me to worship You! Amen.

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the DisciPLine oF the King:

March 21ST

“In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because

of his reverence.”

- Hebrews 5:7 [ESV]

I n His humanity, Jesus was just like us—He felt what we felt, He was tempted, and He went to the only place that would provide genuine comfort and make a

difference: the feet of God. Just think about it: Jesus, the Son of God in all of His glory, still believed in and lived in the power of prayer. Prayer isn’t a last resort to get what we want; it’s a first line of defense, a way to focus on God no matter the situation, good or bad. Through prayer, Jesus was submitting to God’s will for His life, even when it was a scary place to go.

This translation of the verse uses the word ‘reverence’, which means respect, tinged with awe. Like Jesus, this is the posture we are to have when going to God in prayer: respecting who He is, and acknowledging His power. Living a lifestyle of prayer and submission is a discipline that will change the way we view daily stressors, situations, and the unknown. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reads, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” This is what God intends for all of His believers: to live a prayer-filled life, to submit every area of life to His will and to trust that He knows what’s best for us!

Ref lectionWhat are areas of my life that I can continuously submit to God through prayer?

God, thank you for who You are and giving me purpose. I lift up my whole life to You. Have Your way in my life and use me for Your glory. When I am afraid, confused, or I feel alone, please comfort me and give me the strength to get through life. Amen.

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mArch 23rD - mArch 28th:


HumilityoF the


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the humiLity oF the King:

March 23RD

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

- Philippians 2:8 [ESV]

W e live under the rule of the King who went to the cross, the King who laid down His crown of glory, exchanging it for a crown of thorns. Where else

in all of history do we see a hero who died for the villains?

It is the great paradox of the gospel that King Jesus wore a cross before a crown. This is good news because it was at the cross that He bore the humiliation we deserve. The Author of Life had to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23) because the people He so loved were trapped there. He purchased our lives and won our allegiance through giving up His.

We can take great comfort knowing that we serve a King like this, a King who came in humility, and doesn’t ask us to do anything that He hasn’t already done. So we see that the call of discipleship is to take up our own cross, to humble ourselves even to the point of death, just like our King.

As God leads you to places you never thought you’d go, be encouraged by the example of our King. When God calls you to lay down your ambitions for the sake of His plan, remember Jesus your King who left heaven. When God calls you to serve others at the expense of your own comfort, remember Jesus your King who became your “suffering servant” (Isaiah 53). When you are misunderstood, misinterpreted , or mistreated for the sake of the gospel, remember Jesus your King who sustained the very breath of His crucifiers.

Ref lectionHow is Jesus calling you to walk in humility today in your relationships?

God, thank you for humbly pursuing me. Thank You for sweetly breaking down the walls that I put up against You. I praise You for the lengths You went to win my heart and I ask for grace to live this day with the humility of Jesus. Amen.

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the humiLity oF the King:

March 24TH

“And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’ ”

- Luke 9:58 [ESV]

J esus, the Son of Man, was essentially homeless. Let that sink in for a moment. The Word-Become-Flesh, whom we worship as our Savior and Redeemer, had

no place that He would have called home on this earth. He depended entirely on the Lord to send people to supply all of His needs.

By today’s standards, those who are homeless are thought of as people who are to be pitied. However, the Son of Man came and humbled himself to that exact position by His own choice, so that we may have Him as a model of humility to follow and strive for.

If we consider ourselves to be servants of the King, we have to shift our mindset to a state of humility like Jesus had. Jesus was calling to all of His potential disciples with this Scripture, warning them that following Him may not be a glamorous life. When a master has no place to lay his head, then why should any of his servants?

Reflect on Jesus’ choice to have no home on earth. Remember that He chose to live trusting God to provide people who would help meet all of His needs, rather than just trusting in His own works.

Spend time with God today thanking Him for everything that He provides to you every day. Think about things that we often take for granted: food, shelter, clean water. Consider the other parts of your life where you need God’s provision: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Ref lectionWhat are some areas in your life where you need to trust in God’s provision?

God, thank you for providing me with everything that I need. Help me remember every day that whatever I have is a gift from You. Lord, help me to humble myself and trust You to meet all of my needs. Amen.

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the humiLity oF the King:

March 25TH

“And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and

sinners?’ ”

- Matthew 9:10-11 [ESV]

Y ou’re probably thinking, “Great, those Pharisee guys again. Don’t they ever quit?” I’m thinking the same thing. I love how, regardless of who you are, God

will use you to His glory and purpose. Here, God uses the Pharisees in a positive manner to teach us two very important lessons about humility.

First, this situation is an example of Christ’s humility. Time and time again in the Bible, we see that Jesus dines with all different types of people. Whether it be rich tax collectors, prideful Pharisees, the poor and homeless, you name it. The people in Matthew 9 were the most looked down upon during this time. But it didn’t matter to Jesus. We are all equal in his sight; rich or poor, prideful or humble, sinner or righteous. He chooses to dine with those people to show the world the perfect picture of humility. He ate and broke bread with the “least of these”.

The Pharisees show us another lesson: the contrast of humility—the prideful Pharisees versus humble Jesus. The pride of the Pharisees blinded them to their own sin. They were so pleased with themselves that they didn’t even realize that the list of sinners Jesus was dining with included them. We can see and realize in our lives (and very much in my own) that if we are not continually humbling ourselves before Him, we will become prideful and blind to our sin.

Ref lectionHow does it look for you to be humble before the Lord?

Lord, please shine a light on the sin in my life, so I can repent and become humble before You. Thank you for your continual love and forgiveness, and for sending Your Son to show me how I can be humble. Amen.

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the humiLity oF the King:

March 26TH

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

- 2 Corinthians 8:9 [NIV]

W hat an amazing verse that displays so many characteristics of Jesus! First off, the verse starts by talking about how we know the grace of the Lord.

The peace that flows like a river and extends to anyone who is in Christ. A grace that is unmatched and perfect. Second, it talks about Jesus’ sacrifice for us, His sacrificial love for mankind. Our King, enthroned in majesty, was rich beyond what we can imagine, yet for our sake He gave it up. He gave up His riches and became flesh to walk the earth in our very footsteps. That is mind-blowing, that we could be loved so much that He would come down to save us and pull us out of our darkness and poverty. By this sacrifice, we become rich. His love is so deep that He gave Himself up as a sacrifice so that we may live richly. That is a love that cannot be fathomed.

Today, spend your time in praise. So many times we turn solely to prayer and can forget about stopping to thank Him for what He has done. He is the greatest gift we can ever receive, yet so often after we receive it, we don’t truly let its weight and depth sink in. Praise Him, lift up His name, worship Him, thank Him, and be in His presence today.

Ref lectionHow has Jesus’ sacrifice changed you since accepting Him? If you haven’t asked Him into your life, what is your response to the sacrifice and love shown in the verse?

Lord Jesus, thank you that You didn’t leave us or abandon us. Thank you that You made a way for us and gave us the riches of Your love. Help us to remember this daily and let it deeply impact our lives. Amen.

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the humiLity oF the King:

March 27TH

“ ‘...Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ ”

- Luke 4:1-2 [ESV]

T he world’s expectations of leaders is that they would be the greatest on earth. The world looks at leadership like a pyramid. The best men and women are on

top of the pyramid and those below the leader serve the leader. But Jesus turns the pyramid upside down and says, “The greatest leaders are the greatest servants.” In the Kingdom, the greatest is not the one who is served, but the one who serves and gives their life to others. Humility is putting the needs of others before ourselves.

Jesus does not just call us to live by this standard, but He lives it out through His life of service. The greatest in all of history was and is Jesus, yet He came to serve and not be served, and gave His life for the ransom for many. So, if Jesus was the greatest and yet was the greatest servant, how much more do we need to follow His example and serve those around us? It is impossible to do this without submitting to and following the example and life of Christ. But when we humble ourselves before Him, He can do so much more through our service to others.

Ref lectionHow easy is it for you to serve others? How can you follow the example of Christ and serve?

Lord, help me to follow Your lead and serve those around me. Let me not worry about being the greatest, but serve others with my life and mind. Help me to serve those I work with, have classes with, and go to church with. I pray I would serve and expect nothing in return and model Your Son in all I do. Amen.

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the humiLity oF the King:

March 28TH

“We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin.”

- Hebrews 4:15 [MSG]

L ife is not fair. We hear this from children and adults. It seems like the things that feel good are bad for us, and the things that hurt are good for us. Why

would God make us this way? Surely he doesn’t expect us to strive after things that make us feel pain? What we see in this verse is something extraordinary. The man Jesus Christ dealt with every difficulty, pain, and temptation that we do, yet remained sinless. His ability to look past the pain allowed him to gain victory over sin and death itself. What a victory! Truly, this man was God!

The Bible tells us that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are simply not like Jesus on our own. But the good news is that when Jesus became a man, lived a perfect life, died a wrongful death in our place, and rose again in victory, two things happened. First, victory over eternal death was won for all who place their faith in Jesus as Lord. Second, hope was given to the life we live on this earth. Not just hope for a future in heaven, but a taste of heaven here, now. Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full and He modeled this full life for us. It was not an easy life. It might not even have been what He always had in mind. But we stand here two thousand years later, still talking about it.

Let us look into the eyes of pain, difficulty, and temptation and laugh because we know that what is fulfilling is hard, and because we would rather feel pain than miss out on all that God wants to give us through a life fully devoted to him. Let us follow Jesus!

Ref lectionWhat needs to change in your life that you know will be difficult?

Lord Jesus, we pray that You would give us eyes to see the riches of Your Kingdom here and now. As we encounter hardships, we ask that they would seem small compared to all that we have in a life that is fully devoted to You. Thank you for all that You have won for us! Amen.

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mArch 30th - APriL 4th:


LoveoF the


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the Love oF the King:

March 30TH

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

- 1 John 3:16 [NIV]

T his verse is packed with so much intense information and application for our lives. It begins with explaining how we have the truth about what real love

is—Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. This is the gospel, that Jesus came into our broken world to rescue us from a life without God. He paid the punishment for our sins and sacrificed His life on the cross because He loved us. Real love is sacrificial love. It is a love that puts the needs of others before our own. It is love that is unconditional and never changing.

The next part of the verse talks about how, because we have experienced this love, we are to model His love in our lives. We are called to lay down our lives, or sacrifice our interests, our pride, and our selfishness. If we truly and deeply understand the love that He poured over us, there is no possible way for us to live a life that doesn’t reflect and also pour out His love. If we love God, we will love others because at the core of God’s character is a deep, high, and wide love for us that is unmatchable.

Today, reflect on this love that He has shared with us and then outwardly show that love to others. We aren’t called to hoard that love to ourselves. Be bold today to sacrifice any of your selfish ways for your friends, classmates, family members, or coworkers. Lay down your own interests to better serve theirs.

Ref lectionWhat are ways that you can show God’s love and lay down your life for others?

Lord, we pray that You will become greater in us and that the love that You poured out over us, we can reflect to others. Give us a bold, relentless love today. Amen.

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the Love oF the King:

March 31ST

“...But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

- Romans 5:8 [ESV]

M any of us struggle to forgive people in our lives even when they are truly sorry for what they have done. But God forgives those that accept His gift,

even though it would be just for Him to punish us. Paul, the author of Romans, goes on to say that, before we have a relationship with Christ, we are even enemies at war with God. Therefore, God reconciles us to himself despite the fact that we in our sinful lives are actively living against Him. He loves us, forgives us, and draws us to Him despite this. Not only is it important that God loved us and forgave us while we were sinners, but the way He did it is important. God the Father gave up His Son so that we, His enemies, could be in relationship with Him forever. There has been no love or sacrifice on the level of Christ the King’s death for us—in the past and in the future, no sacrifice could ever compare.

As you go throughout your day, remember that God loves you more than anyone has ever loved you, and that if you have accepted Him He has forgiven you. As you remember God’s love for you, try and show His love to others, no matter how difficult the person is to love. Remember, God loved you even when you were His enemy. If we show Christ’s love for us in our lives, people will notice and we can share His love with them.

Ref lectionHow is God’s love shown in the way you live?

Father God, we thank you that You loved us while we were still against you. Your love is so deep and wonderful that You even sacrificed your own Son for us. Lord, help us to remember Your love as we go through our day and help us to show that love to others in our daily lives. Amen.

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the Love oF the King:

April 1ST

“And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ And they cast lots to divide his garments.”

- Luke 23:34 [ESV]

A recurring theme in the Bible is forgiveness. Forgiveness is the whole reason that Jesus came into our world in the first place. C.S. Lewis summed it up

when he said, “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” We see Jesus living this out through this verse. He speaks these words while He is hanging on the cross, clinging to His life. He is not concerned about Himself, but is talking to His Father, making sure that the same people that were killing Him were forgiven. He loves us so much that He is willing to show us grace time and time again, although we always fall into sin and temptation.

Why would God keep forgiving us just to see us turn back to sin? Because He loves us more than we could ever even imagine! He wants us to apply this to our own lives and give forgiveness to those have hurt us. Matthew 5:39 says, “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” When asked how many chances a person should get, “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times’ “ (Matthew 18:22).

Take some time to pray about this today. Ask God for help forgiving people in your life that have hurt you. Make a list of the things that you have not been able to let go of, and reflect on them. How has God used those situations?

Ref lectionWhat situations in your life do you need to give to God this week? How can you make steps toward forgiving those who have hurt you?

God, help me to love and forgive others as You do. Thank you for the forgiveness that You show to me daily. Amen.

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the Love oF the King:

April 2ND

“In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

- 1 John 4:10 [ESV]

L et’s change that word of “propitiation” to this – a sacrifice that takes God’s wrath and turns it into favor. Jesus is our propitiation. He is our perfect

sacrifice that bears God’s wrath so that we can experience His great love. And guess what? That’s a perfect example of His love right there.

We get an opportunity to see what love is through the actions of Jesus becoming our propitiation, and the Father’s infinite love to allow him to take that place, so that we may experience that love. This is how we know what love really means. Our love for God and for others may be great, but anything we could ever do pales in contrast to what He has done for us.

The only logical response to being loved this tremendously is to love others as much as we can. Sure, we will never be able to give the same love that God has given us while we’re on this earth, but when we’ve seen what the Lord has done for us, how else can we respond?

Take the time today to read 1 John 4:7-21. Really read it, and dig into what it means. Realize that God has given us a perfect example of love in Jesus’ life and death and that He calls us to share that love with everyone else. Let your love and your life be a small example of God’s love to others.

Ref lectionGod sent His son, and Jesus gave His life to show us what love really is. What are some ways that you are able to show that love to those around you?

Lord, thank you so much for the love You’ve given us! Thank you for sending Your Son to take my place in death for my sins. Help me to love others like You’ve loved me. Amen.

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the Love oF the King:

April 3RD

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”

- 1 Peter 2:24 [ESV]

L et’s back up for a minute and look at this verse in context of what Peter is sharing. He of course is describing what Jesus did for us when He died on “the

tree”—the cross. In this passage Peter put forth what is known in theology as the substitutionary atonement. Jesus died in our place, for our sins.

Stop and reflect on that statement for a minute… Jesus died in our place for our sins!

Every sin you and I have ever committed or will ever commit was placed on Jesus. My sins, your sins, all of humanity’s sins hung Jesus on the cross. Scripture makes it clear that there is a penalty for sin and that penalty is death. Jesus, the sinless sacrifice, willingly accepted our penalty and took our place on the cross. I love you guys, but my love for you doesn’t even compare to the amount of love Jesus has for each of us!!

“We are healed by Your sacrifice, and the life that You gave. We are healed for You paid the price. By Your grace we are saved!”

Ref lectionHave you allowed God to bear your sins and exchange them for His righteousness?

Lord, help me to understand the magnitude of Jesus willingly stepping up to an unimaginable death for the sins that I’ve committed. Let me be grieved by my sin, but ecstatic in the sacrificial love of Jesus, who gave Himself as a substitute for me! Amen.

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the Love oF the King:

April 4TH

“ ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”

- 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 [NIV]

W e live with the sting of death all around us. The news is a never-ending cycle of the dead and dying. In our own lives we may find the sting of death

with close friends and relatives who pass away unexpectedly or after long battles. Humanity’s disobedience (sin) has led to a sick and dying world, and we mourn for it bitterly. If the King didn’t act on behalf of His people, He knew we would be stuck this way.

When Jesus died on the cross for us, He put death to death. There’s the victory! But we are not just left with the two of them in the grave. Jesus rose from the dead in triumph! So we know that even though death and sin may have hold of the world for now, with Jesus there is hope.

Two thousand years have passed and still He patiently waits for more of the world to give their lives to Him—not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9).

We can live each day with the Father, holding tight to the hope and deep-rooted joy we have in the here and now. And when the time comes for us to pass, or when Jesus comes back Himself to claim us, we will be rejoicing in Heaven with Him in the biggest celebration we have ever seen. Thanks be to God!

Ref lectionHave you accepted the victory of Jesus in your life? If you have, have you ever shared it with someone you know?

Thank you, God! You have given us eternal life because of Your great love. We have victory through Your death and resurrection on the cross. Thank You for Your great love. Amen.

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