original story #1

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  • 7/31/2019 Original Story #1


    I slowly walked to school my long hair hiding my face slightly. I was techniquely foreign to Japan though I

    didnt look it. My mother had been purely Japanese, while my father was only half Japanese and half

    American. The only thing that betrayed my slightly mixed heritage was my eyes, instead of the chocolate

    or coffee brown they were crystal sapphire blue, that and my height that was about five foot nine. Other

    than that I looked like the typical Japanese girl black hair that now reached the tops of my thighs and

    light olive colored skin. Though I suppose before I go any further I should introduce myself, my name is

    Mara, Ukari Mara. I had lived in America where my fathers family was for 16 years before my mother

    died due to uncertain circumstances, or thats what the police said at least. Not even a week after the

    funeral my father moved me to Japan, which was almost two years ago.

    Now I walk to school every day wearing my navy blue skirt that reached just above my knees with a

    white button down short sleeved shirt, a navy blue collar, a red scarf hanging out to the bottom and to

    top it off knee high white socks with black shoes. My black bag was slung over my shoulder heavy with

    due homework.

    When I got to the school, one of the more prestigious High Schools, I slipped off my shoes and on my

    slippers proceeding to my class room.

    At lunch I sat on my desk quietly munching on my food making sure to keep my head down so my hair

    hid my face and in advertantly the large bruise that covered the left side of my face. I sat alone everyone

    else in their own little groups. Even though I had been here for nearly two years I had never made any

    friends, not that I wanted to after my mother died and my father changed.

    Finally school was over, now I just had to get through my martial arts club without letting anyone find

    out about what happened, or what has been happening. I got to the gym and immediately helped pull

    out all the mats and put them in place before heading to the locker room to change into my gym clothes

    which consisted of a pair of black shorts and a red wife beater deciding to leave my long hair down.

    I ended up getting paired with Sagari Kurama. He had the typical Japanese looks long black hair just

    below his shoulders paired with chocolate brown eyes and lightly tanned olive skin though his height

    was a bit odd being about six foot three. He was one of the best martial artists belonging to the club.

    Kurama wore a pair of dark grey pants with a white wife beater and I much say it looked extremely good

    on him.

    After we started sparring both of us getting lost in the movements I didnt realize I tossed my hair over

    my shoulder revealing the large bruise to him until I heard a gasp causing me to pause balanced on my

    right leg, my left just a few inches away from him at his waist. Luckily at this point everyone else was

    preparing to leave, not paying us any attention. I slowly put my leg down since Kurama obviously wasnt

    going to continue fighting me. He was simply standing their looking at my face with something akin to

    disgust and hatred. I knew he wouldnt buy anything I told him since my gracefulness was known by the

    school, so I did the only thing I could think of.

    Gomen ne Sagari-san. And with that I fled to the locker room, probably not the best choice on my


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    I waited a while after putting my uniform on before leaving the locker room hoping that Kurama would

    have left by now, as it turns out luck was not on my side. As soon as I left the locker room there he was

    leaning against the wall in his own navy blue uniform.

    I chewed my lower lip slightly a bad habit I had when I was nervous or scared and I was defiantly

    nervous my voice coming out barely over a whisper. Hi Sagari-san

    He looked at me almost like he was disappointed before speaking softly. Kuramas voice was incredible,

    it was deep with almost a predatory growl in it, just all together amazing. What is that bruise from


    I looked away even though I had been expecting the question I still didnt know what to say. I uhm I

    fell out of bed, yah I just fell out of bed this morning and hit my face. Like I didnt pull that right out of

    my ass and from the look on his face he didnt believe it either. Damn him for being at the top of the


    Both you and I know that isnt true, so why dont I just walk you home and you can tell me on the way.Kurama said leaving no room for my arguing. I let out a sigh before nodding heading to the exit. Maybe

    if I could change my shoes fast enough I can run out before Kurama could catch up to me. No, that

    wouldnt work hes also one of the fastest people in school. Why did I have to catch his attention.

    We both put on out shoes as I silently hoped someone would come up and ask Kurama for his help with

    something. He couldnt seem to resist helping people. But just as my luck had been all day, it didnt


    So now here I am walking home trying to find out how to tell him what happened without telling him.

    Good luck to me.

    Well. Uhm, I really dont know what to tell you Sagari -san.

    Kurama sighed giving me one of those looks that just make you feel so bad. As if I didnt want to be

    swallowed by the sidewalk as it was. Why dont you try telling me the truth.

    I cant, just please believe me I cant. I looked at him trying to look convincing and innocent.

    It didnt work.

    Who did this, was it a boyfriend?

    I couldnt help but laugh at that. No, no I dont even have a boyfriend.

    Then tell me who was it, please tell me Mara.

    I looked up at him, he called me by my name. I sighed and looked away again, I couldnt just lie now not

    right after he called me by my name.

    My father My voice was soft barely that of a whisper.

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    Suddenly Kurama was right in front of me chocolate eyes blazing with anger. Your father?!

    And just to add more bad luck for my day we just arrived at my house. Just as Kurama was about to run

    into my house and most likely beat my father to a bloody pulp or worse, I did the only thing I could think

    of. My arms wrapped around his waist my forehead lightly lying against his back.

    Please Kurama, dont do this. I felt him relax slightly before turning to face me. His hand gently grasps

    my chin tilting my head to look up at him.

    Alright, I wont go after him, at least not yet. But that doesnt mean that Im going to let you go in there

    after this.

    I pulled away from him, slightly shaking my head.

    I have to go, Ill be fine until my eighteenth birthday after that Im going to move out anyway.

    Fine, but if anything happens promise to call me alright.

    I smiled at him nodding taking the paper Kurama offered me before heading up to the door sending him

    a wave.

    The house was filled with the usual smell of smoke along with a hint of liquor today. Now dont get me

    wrong I would almost rather my father not drink, but usually if he was drunk I didnt get hurt as badly if

    at all so I didnt really mind as much as I should have.

    I headed straight to the kitchen as usual starting to get dinner ready since I had to have it ready by five

    and it was already 3:30. As dinner cooked I washed up some of the dishes before starting on the

    mountain of homework I had.

    Right at five I had dinner done and my father came in from his room stumbling slightly as I put a plate of

    mixed veggies, rice, and chicken on the table for him. I sat down across from him with my own food

    picking at it slightly.

    My father finished his dinner before looking around the kitchen then looking back at him, his voice was

    low and slurred. Well the kitchen looks better today, but the rest of the house is still a pigsty.

    He grabbed my arm dragging me out into the living room as my eyes shut tightly. He stopped in about

    the middle of the living room before he started yelling.

    Look at the damn place its a fucking mess. He shoved me onto the floor a pile of bottles right where Iwas heading. I cried out as I hit the bottles finding out that some of them were broken. I want this place

    spotless before you go to bed ifitsnot there will be hell to pay.

    After that he stumbled over to his room slamming the door. I slowly picked myself up from the bottles

    wincing at some of the cuts the broken ones caused.

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    I picked up the bottles careful of the broken ones as I felt drops of blood run down my arms as I did.

    Finally at around midnight I finished cleaning and got around to cleaning the cuts which turned out to be

    worse than I thought, not good.

    This morning I was rather sore mainly around the cuts and gashes which I rewrapped. There was one on

    my right palm and a few others on that arm the worst one started at my elbow and slightly wrappedaround my arm going half way towards my wrist. My left arm had a large cut going along the inside of

    my arm slightly towards the outside of my elbow, that was the worst one there were a few others that

    werent so bad.

    I pulled on my uniform wincing a bit at the pulling from my arms. As I walked to school I heard someone

    yelling my name instantly knowing who it was. The only person that talked to me, Kurama.

    Pausing slightly I turned to see him jogging up to me. How are you He started to ask me but trailed

    off as his eyes drifted to the bandages on my arms. What happened? He didnt do this to you did he?

    I quickly shook my head. No, not on purpose at least. I fell on some bottles.

    Kurama let a growl like sound out causing me to look at him oddly. You shouldnt have to deal with any

    of this.

    No, I shouldnt but I do. So thats what Im going to do, deal with it until I turn 18 and can move out.

    Going back to school knowing Kurama would follow.

    Why wont you let me help you Mara? Kurama asked a bit sadly.

    Because I shouldnt need anyones help with this, and I only have two more months until I turn 18.

    Please trust me Kurama and I promise to call you next time alright? I asked pleading with him silently.

    He sighed before nodding. Dont worry about what time it is when you call either ok.

    I gave him a small smile nodding just as we got to school.

    The day went pretty normally other than the fact that after school Kurama insisted on walking me


    Dont forget about your promise. Kurama said just before I walked inside.

    I laughed a bit before responding. Just as long as you dont forget yours.

    When the door closed behind me I leaned against it sighing, two laughs in just as many days. My first

    laughs since my mother died. I shook my head to clear it before walking into the kitchen to clean up

    there and the rest of the house not wanting a repeat of yesterday before starting to make some soup for


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    Once the cleaning was done I grabbed my school stuff sitting down to get some homework done before

    my dad got home. Right at five just as I put some soup in a bowl my father walked in going straight for

    the kitchen table, which had been cleared of my homework, I never forgot that after the last time.

    After he finished with his soup my father looked around the house trying to find any excuse to beat me.

    He looked into the laundry room, we really didnt have a room just a closet thing. Then I realized what Ididnt do, laundry.

    Why isnt the laundry done? You know that laundry is supposed to be done by the time I get home on

    Thursday. He yelled stalking back to the kitchen where I sat my eyes wide as I shook my head.

    You stupid bitch. He reached out quickly striking me across the face causing me to fall out of my chair

    not even having enough time to recover before a foot connected with my stomach, all the air rushing

    out of my lungs.

    A heel connected with my back before he grabbed my hair pulling me to my feet dragging me to the

    laundry area. He shoved me in, the side of my head and shoulder hit the washing machine as anotherkick this time to my ribs caused me to crumble to the floor.

    You better not come out until all that damn laundry is done. He said walking out shutting the closet

    doors as I tried to get my breath and shove the pain aside in order to do the laundry.

    I pulled myself up off the floor where I collapsed after I got two loads done. I went through my usual

    routine taking a quick shower as well before heading off to school. This time Kurama wasnt there

    waiting for me. I was rather glad about that since I couldnt help but keep one arm protectively around

    my ribs, I think one of them may have been broken.

    Looking around the school as I walked to class a breath I didnt realize I was holding was released frommy lungs though a wince from my bruised and possibly broke ribs accompanied it. Kurama was nowhere

    to be seen.

    Once school was finished I headed home for the first time in two days. Kurama hadnt been at school all

    day and I couldnt help but feel a bit of relief.

    Back at home I got dinner done starting to put a plate for my father together when the door opened. I

    heard voices not just my fathers but a few strangers as well. I groaned to myself knowing that when he

    brought people over it was never good for me. They seemed to have plenty of entertainment I was just

    used and miserable.

    I fought to get a slight smile on my face as they entered the kitchen. Quickly counting three extra men I

    got plates and served the food putting them on the table before making my own plate and sitting down

    rather stiffly on the end to begin eating. My father didnt bother to introduce the men to me not that I

    expected him to. My father sat at the head of the table with me on his right. An obviously American man

    sat next to me with honey brown hair and green eyes a few inches taller than six feet. Across from her

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    was a shorter Japanese man who was almost leering at her. Beside him was another Japanese man who

    was older than even my father and hadnt said anything since they got here.

    I quickly finished eating though I didnt stand since behavior had to be on my best or things werent very

    good. My father turned to me with a slight smile though it wasnt all nice. If you are finished Mara you

    may be excused, Im sure you have homework to finish.

    I nodded and bowed slightly as I stood. Yes, thank you father. I put my plate up rinsing it off before

    walking upstairs to my room desperately trying not to run.

    A few hours later I was still at my desk working on homework when my door opened revealing the three

    men with my father standing behind them. The American smiled rather evilly as he stepped into the

    room first. He grabbed my hair roughly making me cry out as he brought his mouth down on mine,

    shoving his tongue into my mouth. I closed my eyes panicking as I felt his tongue instinctively biting

    down and tasting blood slightly.

    The man pulled back slapping me across the face. You fucking bitch, you bit me! My father stormedinto the room before the man could continue hitting me grabbing my hair and arm throwing me on my


    You really are a stupid bitch. I taught you better than to mistreat a guest, well I guess you need a new

    lesson. He moved away from the bed leaving me there with a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

    When he came back he had a coil of rope telling the men to hold me down. I immediately started

    moving away seeing the rope. The men grabbed my arms holding them tightly as I fought against them

    as my father tied my hands to the headboard of the bed. They stayed far enough away that I couldnt hit

    them with my legs. My ribs still hurt and now were almost screaming at me as I struggled. I slowly

    calmed down as I opened my eyes looking up at the men smiling down at me none of them pleasant.

    A whimper escaped my lips as the younger Japanese man pulled out a knife starting to cut my clothes

    away not seeming to care when he occasionally nicked my skin. Once my clothes were removed the

    American smiled pulling his pants off seemingly planning on taking some revenge for the bite I delivered.

    He roughly shoved his length into me causing me to cry out in pain. As he thrust into my body he

    punched and slapped every bit of flesh that he could making me scream and tears stream down my face.

    When he finished the younger man took his place doing much the same thing followed by the older

    Japanese man. The older man obviously had different tastes from the others since he didnt remove his

    pants or anything just pulled out a knife.

    A scream tore from my lips as the knife started cutting into my skin. My eyes closed as he continued to

    cut into my skin. After a little while of this I felt light headed and darkness moved in everything just

    fading away.

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    My eyes slowly opened as I woke up realizing that not only was I alone but my wrists were now just tied

    together and not to the headboard. A whimper left my lips as I slowly moved my entire body ached and

    was sticky with drying blood.

    I reached for the phone that was by my bed slowly each movement excruciating. Once I had the phone I

    dialed the number that I had memorized once it had been given to me. After a number of rings andalmost blacking out again a groggy voice answered the phone. Hello?

    K-kurama? I asked softly my voice high as I held back tears.

    Mara? Is that you, are you alright? The concern was evident in his voice as he spoke.

    No, Im not I think I need help Slowly tears came flowing again and my voice cracked as I started to


    Dont worry Ill come get you just stay put ok. Ill be there as soon as I can. I nodded and hung up the

    phone not thinking that he would have to potentially face my father as consciousness left me again.

    I vaguely felt a hand gently stroking the side of my face. Slowly opening my eyes I looked up into

    Kuramas soft concern filled eyes. I managed a slight smiled as I looked up at him though it turned into a

    wince from a split in my lip.

    Hold on, Im going to get you out of here Mara. He spoke softly the concern that was in his eyes

    coming out in his voice. He gently wrapped the slightly bloody sheet around my body before lifting me in

    his arms. I whimpered as I was lifted up any sort of movement hurt immensely. I wasnt even sure where

    all the injuries was there was so much pain.

    Kurama carefully carried me down the stairs where another man was waiting. I immediately tensed a

    soft sound coming from my lips. Kurama responded to my tense instinctively holding me a bit closer as I

    leaned into him burying my face in his chest.

    The front door opened silently and I was moved quickly into the slightly chilly night. I heard a car door

    open just before Kurama maneuvered us into the back seat never once releasing me from his arms. The

    door shut and the man got into the drivers seat quickly taking off no one even looking back at the house

    we left.

    Kurama looked up at the man driving. Father we need to take her to the hospita l, she has a number of

    injuries and her breathing seems a bit labored.

    Already heading that way, after the way you had to carry her He trailed off concentrating on driving.

    I shook my head slightly but no one way paying attention to my meager protests. Knowing that I was

    finally safe I once again gave into the darkness threatening to overcome my body and mind.

    I groaned slightly as I felt pain through my body and a slight sensation of movement. I didnt want to

    open my eyes and kept them shut closing them tighter when we passed into a brightly lit building.

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    Turning my head into Kuramas chest I hid my eyes as I heard people moving about. We must have

    gotten to the hospital.

    I heard talking though I wasnt sure what was being said still quite out of it and feeling safe with Kurama

    and his father. Kurama laid me down on a hospital bed but he didnt move away from me but held my

    hand lightly moving his thumb against my hand. I realized my hands werent tied anymore, I dont knowwhen that happened.

    Kurama and his father must have been trying to explain what happened as best they could as the nurse

    took my vitals. They tried to move Kurama away but stopped when I whimpered trying to cling to him as

    best I could.

    After drifting off again I woke up focusing on the warmth that was in my hand as I slowly fought against

    the fog in my mind. I blinked my eyes open slowly to see I was now in a hospital room with Kurama still

    holding my hand though he was asleep with his head lying on the bed by my hip while sleeping in a


    I moved a bit feeling an I.V. in my arm and noted that I wasnt quite as sore as I was before. My

    movement woke Kurama who slowly opened his eyes to look at me with a small smile. I smiled back

    slightly as he sat up stretching a bit.

    How are you feeling? Kurama asked softly moving to brush some hair from my face though it wasnt

    really in the way.

    I smiled a bit nodding. A bit better. Still kinda stiff but not as sore as I was.

    He nodded leaning back in his chair yawning. I have to ask you what happened. They found some

    things during your exam that they wouldnt say but I think I know and I need to hear it from you.

    I looked down and away from him pulling my hand away from his. He took my hand again in both of his

    causing me to look at him. Dont close down on me Mara. Im not going to turn away from you no

    matter what that bastard did.

    I took a deep breath knowing that I would have to tell him at some point. He did rescue me and brought

    me to the hospital to be treated. Ok, Ill tell you My father brought some friends over for dinner he

    doesnt do that often. After dinner I went upstairs to finish my homework and they came in and tied me

    up before cutting my clothes off. I started crying at this point not really wanting to speak anymore.

    Kurama gave my hand a slight squeeze. Two of the men forced themselves on me and used me for

    their pleasure. The third one just pulled out a knife and started using it, I passed out during that I dont

    know how long I was out before I called you

    I was looking down tears falling down my cheeks. Kurama stood up moving closer to the bed pulling me

    into as much of a hug as he could. The tears flowed more as sobs started to come my arms moved

    around Kuramas back pressing my face into his shoulder.

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    A light kiss was pressed to the top of my head before he pulled away slightly. You need to rest, get

    some sleep. I wont leave, I promise.

    I nodded slightly leaning back against the bed closing my eyes. I felt incredibly safe knowing that he was

    here watching over me. I fell into a restful sleep the best sleep Ive had since my mother died.

    Voices cut through slowly pulling me back into the land of awareness. I groaned slightly opening my eyes

    to see Kurama still sitting next to the bed with his father standing by the end of the bed arguing with a

    nurse who was checking on the I.V.

    Kurama noticed me awake squeezing my hand slightly as I listened to his father. I will not let her go

    back to that house, not after what happened to her there.

    Sir you really dont have any say in the matter, you are not her father or guardian. Unless the police say

    otherwise she goes back with her father when she is released today.

    I shook my head getting ready to speak when Sagari-sama spoke again. Then I will call the police which

    you should have done as soon as she arrived and you heard our statement about what happened.

    He quickly pulled out his cell phone dialing a number talking in hushed tones as the nurse left the room.

    I looked up at Kurama my eyes slightly wide. I dont want to go back there

    He nodded gently rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand. Dont worry, we wont let you go back

    again. Even if you have to run away Father and I wont let him hurt you anymore.

    A smile slightly formed on my lips as I looked up at him.

    Just about an hour later Sagari-sama moves to open the door as a knock sounded. Two police officers

    walked into the room giving a greeting to Sagari-sama before coming to the bed looking at me frowning.

    There was a man and a woman, the man stood about five foot six and the woman was a few inches

    shorter at five foot four, both were quite Japanese. The man had close shaved hair while the woman had

    short hair just brushing her chin.

    Hello miss, I am Takishi Aiko this is my partner Mayako Daisuke. Saragi -sama contacted us that there

    are circumstances where you would not want to return to your current residence under the care of you

    father. Uhm, could you tell us how you came to receive the injuries that brought you to the hospital

    since we were told this is part of why you shouldnt be allowed to return. The woman spoke softly

    obviously trying to put me at ease and possibly a bit concerned with my state of health.

    I bit my lip looking down at my lap Kurama still hadnt moved from his position or released my hand.

    Well, two years ago my mother died from uncertain circumstances shortly after that my father moved

    me here to Japan and started hitting me It wasnt much at first but quickly got worse. Last night was

    the worst it has ever been. He I took a deep breath tears welling up in my eyes. I really didnt want to

    talk about what happened again. He invited some people over and all of them took turns using me and

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    abusing me. I blacked out after a while and when I woke up I called Sagari -san My voice was soft as I

    spoke hoping that I wouldnt have to talk about it anymore.

    Mayako was taking notes as I spoke while Takishi just frowned a slight look of anger on her face. She

    nodded a bit. I think for now we have what we need, we will get your medical records and continue

    working. Till we figure anything out do you have somewhere else to stay?

    Sagari-sama spoke up not giving me a chance to say anything. She w ill be staying with my son and me.

    The officers nodded before leaving the room probably to speak with the nurse and doctor who treated

    me though I had never actually seen.

    Arigato Sagari-sama for helping me. I dont want to be a burden, Im sure that I can find somewhere to


    Please call me Tatsuya and it would be a pleasure to have you stay with us. There is a guest room that

    you may use and you wont have to worry about your father finding you. He spoke with no room for

    argument on my part. I sighed stubbornness must run in the family.

    Thank you very much. Uhmm I will have to return though I need to at least get some clothes and my

    school things. I spoke softly desperately not wanting to return to that house ever again.

    Once you are released we will all go to pick up your things then get you settled in at our home.

    I nodded slightly closing my eyes biting my lower lip.

    A few hours later the nurse came back in starting to unhook the I.V. after handing Sargari-sama the

    release papers along with some prescriptions. Once I was unhooked from the I.V.s I was given a set of

    green scrubs to change into.

    Everyone left the room though Kurama was quite reluctant to. I changed slowly careful of the stitches

    and the bruised ribs that still hadnt healed. Carefully I walked to the door opening it. My entire body

    ached and was incredibly painful but I managed to make it to the door. Kurama and his father were just

    outside waiting.

    Kurama quickly moved over to me an arm going around my waist careful of the wounds to help support


    I took care of all your paperwork and had the prescriptions called in. I will go get the car so you dont

    need to walk as far so we can head out. Sagari-sama said before walking away trusting his son to takecare of me and get me to the car.

    Kurama slowly helped me to the exit supporting me as much as he could without carrying me which I

    had said no to when he suggested it.

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    We pulled up to the house and I bit my lip shaking slightly at the thought of walking back into the house.

    The car was shut off and Sagari-sama looked back at me. You wont go in alone we will go in with you

    and stay with you the whole time. He wont be able to harm you.

    I nodded before taking a deep breath opening the car door. Kurama quickly moved to help me walk up

    to the house. Rocks poked my bare feet since I didnt have any shoes at the hospital as we walked to thehouse.

    Once I unlocked the house Sagari-sama insisted that he go first. He walked in looking around before

    walking upstairs pausing at the open door to my room. I smelled the alcohol in the living room hoping

    that my father was passed out in his room.

    Kurama helped me upstairs to my room sitting me down on the bed. I sighed softly looking around

    smiling slightly when he quickly started packing my school supplies and everything that was on the desk

    he felt necessary.

    I slowly moved to the closet pulling out a few suitcases wincing slightly as I began packing them. I onlytook the absolute necessary items. Sagari-sama came in moving to the closet starting to pull things out

    hangers and all to put into the suitcases.

    I finished with my dresser seeing that the closet was nearly empty. Grabbing a few different pairs of

    shoes I dropped them in the suitcase just before Sagari-sama closed it and slipped on a pair of sandals.

    Sagari-sama took the 2 large suitcases though he didnt seem to struggle with them while Kurama had

    my messenger bag and a back pack that I hadnt used in about a year. Kurama moved to help me out

    since I was getting rather tired. When we got to the bottom of the stairs I heard a door open.

    Feeling Kurama tense I knew he had heard it too. He kept walking to the door slipping out as his fathercame back from putting the bags in the car. Kurama handed the bags to his father concentrating on

    helping me.

    A slurred voice came from behind us and I made a soft sound as I recognized my fathers voice. Where

    the hell do you think youregoing? Kurama tried to ignore him as we got to the car.

    Hey Im talking to you. I didnt say you could go anywhere you stupid bitch!

    Hearing my fathers words Kurama spun around as his father came to steady me. I caught a glimpse of

    his eyes, they were clouded with complete and total rage.

    You will not speak with her, I dont care if youre her father or not. You have not acted as a father

    should you are just a worthless piece of trash that shouldnt even be allowed to walk this earth. He was

    right in my fathers face glaring at him before speaking again but this time to low so I couldnt hear.

    My father glared back at him before clumsily throwing a punch which Kurama easily blocked before

    easily punching him in the face knocking my father on his ass. Kurama turned around stalking back to

    the car where he gently helped me into the car while his father took the drivers seat.

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    We quickly got to what would be my new home for the time being anyway. I was leaning against Kurama

    my eyes closed as I relaxed.

    Lets get you into the house so you can rest Father and I will bring your things in while you sleep.

    I nodded not having the energy to protest. He helped me out of the car, seeing that I was quite weak on

    my feet he easily lifted me into his arms.

    Walking into the house a woman came almost running over looking at me in her sons arms with


    Ive already made up the guest room for you dear. Kurama will get you settled in. Oh, would you like

    anything to eat or drink? She spoke a bit quickly but it made me smile a bit, I had forgotten how having

    a mother that would fuss a bit felt.

    I nodded slightly. Some water would be nice, arigato Sagari-sama.

    Kurama walked up the stairs as the woman brushed off my thanks. He had to be stronger than he looked

    to carry me so easily. Gently laying me on the bed he moved to take off my sandals despite my protests.

    He tucked a blanket lightly around me smiling softly.

    Get some sleep and relax ok. He brushed a few strands of hair away from my face as his parents came

    in. His father had some of my bags while his mother brought a glass of water. She smiled at me seeing

    the tender gesture that her son had done before gently handing me the glass.

    Arigato I spoke softly not sure what I could do to repay the kindness these people who had never

    met me before were showing me. I took the glass taking a drink while Kurama took a few pill bottles off

    the side table.

    Taking a few pills out he handed them to me as I blushed lightly not used to such fussing and caring. I

    took the pills leaning back slightly in the bed my eyes drifting closed. The glass was taken from my hand

    and put on the table I suppose as I started drifting off to sleep.

    Waking up I noticed that the room was in shadows only a small amount of light coming in through the

    curtains on the windows. Groaning slightly as I sat up still quite sore. Turning on the light on the bedside

    table as I sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at the different pill bottles but didnt know what time it

    was when I took the last pills.

    I stood up slowly wavering slightly as I slowly started making my way to the door. I heard voicesdownstairs but couldnt tell what they were saying. Walking down the stairs with slow calculated steps I

    gripped the railing tightly to keep from losing my balance.

    Conversation stopped as I walked into the living room. I smiled at everyone a light blush dusting my

    cheeks as Kurama stood to help me to the couch.

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    Its alright, I can do it. I smiled up at him appreciating his willingness to help but wanting to at least

    making it to the couch on my own.

    He nodded giving me a smile of his own allowing me to walk to the couch though he didnt move away

    in case I did need help. Taking a deep breath I sat down with almost none of the grace I normally

    possess. Wincing slightly as I moved slightly to get comfortable and not stress any of the stitches orother injuries.

    A sigh slid out when I got comfortable relaxing into the couch. I noticed that Kuramas parents were

    watching us as he sat down next to me yet giving me a bit of space which I was grateful for.

    Thank you very much for allowing me to stay here. I dont know how I could ever repay you. I bowed

    slightly as much as I could without pain.

    Mrs. Sagari shook her head smiling at me. No thanks necessary. I am glad that we could help, I only

    wish that we could have prevented this from happening. And please call me Sumiko. We are a family

    here and would love for you to join our family.

    I looked up at her my eyes wide with surprise. Looking over to the others in the room I saw the same

    acceptance in their eyes. Biting my lip I looked down at my lap my hair falling into my face slightly as

    tears formed in my eyes.

    I felt Kuramas hand on my shoulder as his mother moved kneeling in front of me placing her hand over

    mine. Are you alright dear? She spoke with concern in her voice as I nodded slightly.

    I-itsjust been a long time since I have had people be concerned with my well being The tears slowly

    started falling as she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, Kurama let his hand slide off my

    shoulder as I hugged his mother.

    I sat back wiping at the tears, she quickly got a tissue handing it to me with a soft smile. Mr. Sagari spoke

    up as his wife and I calmed down. We would truly be honored to have you as a member of our family


    Thank you so much, I dont know how to really thank you for everything that you have done and are

    doing for me. I would love and be honored to be a member of your family. I dried the tears that were

    still falling slightly as I smiled brightly.

    The last time I had been accepted and cared for this much was before my mother died. I didnt notice

    that Kurama left until he returned with a glass of water and a few pills.

    You need to take these again. They prescribed enough pain killers to keep you pain free for a month it

    seems. He laughed a bit pulling a laugh from me as well as I took the water and pills from him.

    His mother stood up quickly when I swallowed the pills. Well I need to get dinner going, Mara would

    you like to come help?

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    I nodded smiling before slowly standing up. Kuramas hand was gently on my back in case I needed any


    Walking into the kitchen I saw a stool pulled up to the island while Mrs. Sagari was pulling some things

    out and setting them on the counter.

    She smiled at me gesturing for me to sit on the stool. Sit down, Kurama go back to the living room or

    something this is girl time. She shooed her son out of the kitchen making me laugh and blush slightly

    remembering a few times when my mother had done the same thing to my father.

    Once Kurama left and was back in the living room she turned to me putting a cutting board, knife and a

    variety of veggies in front of me. I picked up the knife starting to cut the veggies into small chunks.

    So Mara, I have to ask after seeing how my son reacts around you. How do you feel about my son?

    She asked with a smile on her face. I blushed heavily not expecting the question as I cut the veggies.

    Uhmm, well I dont really know him that well. I mean we only really interacted in the martial arts club

    until he saw a bruise on my face at the beginning of the week. I spoke softly concentrating on my part

    of making dinner.

    She turned to look at me with one of those looks a mother gives that says that wasnt what they asked

    and you know it. Now tell me honestly hunny.

    That was honest. I bit my lip knowing what she wanted to hear but not sure how to say it. He is

    incredibly nice and caring. And has been a wonderful friend.

    A knowing smiled graced her lips as she nodded. I looked up from what I was doing to see her turn

    around with an almost mischievous look on her face and inwardly groaned.

    We quickly finished cooking dinner both of us setting the table. Sumiko put the food on the table while I

    walked out to the living room.

    Dinner is ready. I spoke softly though I knew I had their attention. They nodded standing up Kurama

    walking over to me while his father went right in to the dining room. Kurama smiled softly.

    Im glad you are settling in well Mara.

    I nodded suddenly a bit nervous as I realized we were alone in the room together.

    We should head in for dinner.

    He smiled bowing slightly to me before offering me his arm. I laughed a bit blushing softly thinking that

    it was a little much but accepted his arm allowing him to escort me into the dining room.

    All eyes were on us as we walked into the room. I blushed a bit more when Kurama pulled a chair out for

    me and helped me into it before taking the seat next to me.

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    Arigato Kurama.

    You are more than welcome Mara.

    I smiled blushing still as we started making our plates. Taking a few smaller portions than everyone else

    and Kurama checking to see if I wanted anything else, even serving some of the food for me if he had

    gotten it first. None of this did anything for the blush that seemed almost permanent at this point.

    Dinner was a quiet affair though Mr. and Mrs. Sagari shared a few knowing looks. We finished eating

    relaxing a bit at the table for a few minutes. Kurama and his mother cleared the plates quickly before I

    had a chance to protest.

    Walking into the kitchen I saw her starting to fill the sink with water.

    I can wash those for you.

    She turned to look at me shaking her head. Oh, no you go relax I can get these. There will be plenty of

    dishes for you to wash once yourefeeling better. I smiled softly at her words before walking out with

    Kurama who was waiting in the door way for me.

    His father was sitting in a recliner as we sat down on the couch. Kurama put his arm on the back with me

    sitting with him on my right and his hand just above my left shoulder. His father tossed Kurama the

    remote who easily caught it before turning on the TV flipping through the channels.

    Mrs. Sagari joined us a bit later sitting in another chair near her husband.

    A few hours later the adults went to bed leaving just Kurama and I. I started to get tired absently leaning

    into Kurama. He moved slightly so I could get a bit more comfortable. I leaned a bit more into him my

    head resting on his upper chest as he wrapped his arm around me. Feeling his head rest lightly on mine

    he sighed softly. My eyes closed softly as I watched the show that had been put on, I wasnt sure what it

    was but it seemed interesting.

    Light streamed in to hit my face trying to pull me into wakefulness. Groaning slightly I moved burying my

    head into my pillow which tightened its hold of me. My eyes flew open and I stiffened slightly wincing at

    the pain that went through my body. I looked around to see that I was still on the couch now sleeping on

    Kurama who had his arms slightly tightly around me with a blanket over both of us. Trying to move out

    of the arms around me and get up before his parents came down and found us. I gasped with the

    sudden pain that went through my ribs and stitches.

    Kuramas arms tightened at my gasp of pain as his eyes flew open. When his arms tightened I was pulled

    into his chest. We found ourselves extremely close only a few inches separating our faces as we looked

    into each others eyes. I blushed heavily and looked away slightly trying to move out of his arms without

    any more pain. The arms tightened not letting me leave but not tight enough to cause me pain either.

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    I looked back at him still blushing chewing my lip slightly. He slowly brought his lips up to softly press

    against mine his eyes closing as he did. I relaxed against him my eyes fluttering closed as I slowly kissed

    him back. We both pulled back slightly my blush returning heavier than before.

    I looked away my hair falling into my face. Kurama brought a hand up to brush some of the hair out of

    my face. I slowly moved away wincing slightly as I did.

    Ill go get you a glass of water to take some pain killers. He slowly stood up walking into the kitchen. I

    reached over to the side table where Kurama had put my pain killers last night. I took a few out and

    smiled at Kurama when he came back out with the glass of water.

    Blushing softly I took the water from him. Arigato Kurama. Quickly taking the pills I leaned back into

    the couch silently missing the added warmth of Kurama.

    Youre welcome Mara. Oh breakfast is nearly ready, it seems that my parents woke up earlier and

    covered us with the blanket before leaving us to sleep. He had a slight blush on his cheeks as he said

    the last, my own blush increasing a bit.

    We should probably get to the dining room for breakfast I slowly started to stand wincing at the


    Here, let me help you. Kurama said as he moved to put an arm around my waist while also holding my

    hand. He gently lifted me to my feet earning a smile from me.

    We slowly walked to the dining room where Kurama gently sat me in the same chair I sat in last night.

    His father was sitting at the head of the table reading a newspaper.

    He set the paper down giving me a slight smile. Did you sleep well last night? He asked casually.

    I blushed slightly nodding in response suddenly finding the table cloth rather interesting. Kurama came

    out of the kitchen with a light blush on his features followed by his mother who was smiling widely. Both

    carried two plates of food each to set on the table.

    Breakfast was slightly embarrassing but also rather fun and entertaining. I continued to feel more at

    home with the Sagaris as time went on. A few weeks after they saved me I was healing quite well. It

    was incredibly rare the Kurama was away from me during this time.

    I was walking home from school while Kurama finished some things up and would catch up to me. This

    was the first time I had walked home on my own since moving in with the Sagaris. I smiled to myselfand hummed a song that I had heard on the radio while walking down the sidewalk almost a

    combination of skipping and dancing.

    Moving past a park that had an immense amount of trees a hand reached out grabbing my arm to pull

    me into the tree line. Instinctively I cried out before doing what Kurama had worked with me on since I

    healed enough to do it. That was fight back.

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    I was pulled against a mans chest his other hand covering my mouth as the arm that grabbed my arm

    wrapped around my chest. As hard as possible I threw my elbow back into the mans gut while stomping

    on his foot.

    He grunted in pain and released me allowing me to run for the sidewalk. Bursting out of the trees I

    scared a number of people walking including one Kurama who was just jogging by in order to catch up tome.

    Kurama looked me over slightly concerned at my slightly disheveled hair and my most likely pale face.

    Mara what happened are you alright? He spoke as I quickly grabbed his arm walking towards the

    house. I clutched his arm slightly as we walked trying to figure out who might have tried to take me.

    Once we were almost home when I finally spoke. Someone grabbed me and I think tried to kidnap me. I

    got away obviously but Imnot sure who it was, I didnt bother to look back.

    Lets get home, I think Father was supposed to get the court date for what happened with your father

    today. I nodded slightly as we walked Kurama pulling his arm out of my hold to wrap it around my

    waist. I wont let anyone hurt you Mara, not if I can stop it.

    Thank you Kurama, I dont think I will ever be able to thank you or your parents enough for everything

    that you have done.

    Well I think seeing you happy after everything that has happened is enough for my parents. As for me I

    honestly love to see you smile and to know that I am the one who put the smile on your face. I blushed

    looking away slightly at his words.

    We walked into the house a few minutes later laughing Kuramas arm still around my waist now almost

    holding me up from laughing so much. His mother poked her head out of the kitchen smiling at us. Why

    dont you go upstairs and start on your homework before Tatsuya gets home.

    Kurama composed himself enough to nod and answer her. Yes Mother we will do that right away.

    Walking up the stairs was slightly entertaining since I still couldnt stop laughing and occasionally

    stumbled. Once we finally got upstairs we went into Kuramas room where we normally did our

    homework together. He took a seat at his desk while I simply flopped onto his bed.

    I was laying on my stomach while I pulled out my books. So what you wanna do first?

    Why dont we start with math? Nodding a bit we both pulled out our math things.

    Kicking my feet above me I hummed softly while doing the homework, Kurama answering any questions

    I had on the subject.

    We managed to finish almost all of our homework before Sumiko called us downstairs signaling that

    Tatsuya was home. I left my books spread out on Kuramas bed knowing that we would be back to finish

    before bed.

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    Tatsuya and Sumiko were sitting at the dining table talking when Kurama and I walked in. I took my seat

    expecting that they needed to speak with us, or most likely me.

    Ah, Mara you seem to be doing quite good here. I believe that will work in our favor. They have set the

    court date for Wednesday next week. I will be bringing you to meet the lawyer I hired tomorrow to get

    the final bits taken care of since we have gathered nearly everything else needed already.

    Sagari-san you didnt need to hire a lawyer for me, I dont want to be a burden for you and your

    family. I felt Kurama tense while standing behind my chair.

    Tatsuya shook his head. Mara my dear you will never be a burden, we love having you here and wish to

    keep you as part of our household. Therefore we will do as much as possible to help you remain here.

    Arigato so very much. I do enjoy being here as part of your family so much. I smiled at him brightly

    before remembering what happened on the way home. Oh, I need to tell you. Uhm, I think someone

    tried to kidnap me or something today on the way home.

    He scowled heavily nodding a bit as he looked up at Kurama for an explanation. I was running late and

    Mara decided to head home on her own while I would catch up as soon as I was finished. When I was

    running past the woods of the park to catch up she ran out of the trees. She explained to me that

    someone had grabbed her and pulled her into the trees but she was able to fight her way free.

    Tatsuya nodded and I knew without them saying it that I would not be allowed to walk home alone

    again for a while.

    The lawyer seemed to be quite good and I met with him many times before the court date. The lawyer

    even honored my request to not testify myself unless absolutely necessary.

    The court date arrived and everyone was going, Kurama, Sumiko, and Tatsuya. We all dressed up a bit

    Sumiko even took me shopping for an appropriate outfit.

    Kurama and Tatsuya each wore suits that fit incredibly well, Sumiko wore a pants suit with her ever

    present smile. I had a blue skirt that was just a few inches above my knees with a cream blouse and

    matching jacket that Sumiko said brought out the blue of my eyes. A pair of three inch almost silver

    heels were on my feet as I walked gracefully Kurama at my side as the constant shadow that he had

    been for the past week. Some may find his constant presence annoying or grating but after all that had

    happened I found comfort in it.

    Sumiko and Kurama sat on a bench just behind the half wall and where Tatsuya and I sat with thelawyer. I looked over seeing my father glaring at the Sagaris and me and couldnt stop the feeling of fear

    that went through me.

    Tatsuya put a comforting hand on my shoulder as the judge called the courtroom to order.

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    I spent most of the time biting my lip and looking down at my lap. A few hours later I looked up in

    surprise to my fathers lawyer who was smirking slightly along with my father. I had just been called to

    testify. My own lawyer stood up to object but the judge over ruled it.

    Tatsuya squeezed my hand slightly. You will be fine just answer honestly. I nodded as I stood up slowly

    walking to the stand. I was quickly sworn in before I took a seat. Looking at the lawyer with slightly wideeyes he walked in front of the table smiling at me.

    Miss Ukari, has you father ever raised a hand to you in anger?

    Yes sir, if he hadnt I would not be here. I spoke truthfully though a bit scared not wanting to have to

    back to my father.

    He smiled again the same rather slimy smile from before. Now Miss, why would your father want to

    hurt you? He must love you after all you are his daughter.

    Well you would think so but he doesnt seem to care about my well being very much. I dont know why

    he would beat me but he did.

    May I ask how you came to be involved with the Sagaris and what led to your place with them? I bit

    my lower lip looking down as I slowly started telling the entire court what had happened. By the time I

    was finished tears were rolling down my cheeks and dripping onto my hands and lap.

    The lawyer finished his questions and once my own lawyer stated he had no further questions I was told

    to step down. I looked up at the judge tears still falling slowly.

    Could I please step out of the court room your honor sir? I spoke softly barely audible but at the

    judges nod I bowed before standing up and slowly walking towards the door wiping at my eyes.

    Kurama stood up to meet me wrapping his arm around my waist and escorting me out of the court

    room. We got to the hallway and Kurama stopped wrapping both arms around me. I buried my face in

    his shoulder my arms around him as well as I cried softly.

    He stood there leaning his head gently against mine holding me as close as he could while I started to

    calm down. After a few minutes I slowly pulled back Kurama placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

    Do you want to go back or stay out here till they are finished? He asked with concern in his eyes.

    I think I need to go back Im sorry for getting your suit wet I was stil l speaking softly as I looked up

    at him hesitantly.

    He shook his head slightly placing a soft kiss on my lips briefly. I blushed looking away slightly, it was the

    first kiss he had given me since that first night at his house that we spent on the couch.

    I could care less about the suit, I care about you Mara. I smiled up at him softly. If youre ready and

    you really think you should be in there we can go back whenever you want. He took my hand slowly

    lacing his fingers with mine.

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    The gesture seemed so intimate to me I blushed a bit more as I nodded. We slowly walked back into the

    court room Kurama only releasing my hand once we got to the bench he had been sitting in. I walked to

    my chair sitting down Tatsuya asking if I was alright, at my nod he gave a small smile before hugging me


    A few hours later the judge looked at my father then over at me before clearing his throat. After seeingthe evidence presented I have decided that the child Mara Ukari should not return to the home of her

    father Atsushi Ukari as it may be detrimental to her health. He banged the gavel and stood up to leave.

    I let out a long sigh as I heard the judge, Tatsuya hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. We stood up

    and looked back to see Sumiko and Kurama smiling brightly. I quickly almost ran over to them hugging

    Sumiko while Kumara stood back a bit. Once she released me and stepped to meet her husband Kurama

    quickly moved to pull me tightly into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck with my head

    pressed into his chest.

    His arms tightened around me and I turned to see my father walking by glaring at us. Kurama relaxed

    when as soon as he walked out the door a police officer arrested him.

    Why dont we go home and have a little celebration to welcome our newest family member. Tatsuya

    smiled warmly at me still standing in the circle of his sons arms.

    I nodded a bit taking a small step away from Kurama though he kept on arm around my waist. The four

    of us walked out of the court house and got into the car. Kurama released me once we got to the car

    graciously helping me into the car as I blushed slightly.

    There wasnt much conversation in the car all of us quite relieved that the case had been won.

    Walking into the house Kurama took my hand gently wrapping my left hand around his right arm.

    I blushed laughing a bit. Are you always this much of a gentleman Kurama?

    Only with ladies that I find deserving and that I desire to be a gentleman with. He whispered in my ear

    low enough that only I heard him and sent a shiver down my spine.

    Sumiko hurried to the kitchen walking back out with a cake with royal blue icing that said welcome to

    our family. I smiled widely walking to the table where she put the cake down.

    Arigato Sumiko, Tatsuya, and Kurama. Tears of joy started to well in my eyes slightly as I looked over

    at all of them.

    Well letsget this celebration under way, Tatsuya would you give me a hand in the kitchen. Sumiko

    said before walking into the kitchen followed by Tatsuya.

    Kurama walked over to me wrapping his arms around me again smiling down at me softly. I hope you

    can forgive me if I do not think of you as a sister.

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    I nodded looking down slightly as I started to step away from him a bit disappointed. His arms tightened

    stopping any movement I could have made other than into him. I would prefer to think of you as much

    more than a sister Mara.

    Looking up at him with slightly wide eyes his hand came up to gently caress my cheek before he leaned

    down claiming my lips in a slightly passionate kiss. I kissed him back leaning into his chest as my armswrapped around his neck.

    A throat cleared in the direction of the kitchen causing Kurama and I to jump apart both of us blushing. I

    looked down my hair falling into my face. Well Kurama I hope that if you intend to date this girl who I

    happen to think of as a daughter that you will treat her right and not break her heart. Tatsuya spoke

    eyeing both Kurama and I.

    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kurama smile before he pulled me back into his arms. I looked up to

    see Kurama smiling then over at Tatsuya who was also smiling.

    I have to say I wouldnt mind her for a daughter -in-law at all. Both Kurama and I stood their stunnedwhile his father walked back into the kitchen after speaking.

    Kurama turned me to face him smiling down at me. Well I cant say anything about possible marriage

    but I would very much like it if you would consent to going on a date with me.

    A blush dusted across my cheeks as I nodded looking up at him. That sounds wonderful I would love to

    go on a date with you Kurama.

    He smiled at me before leaning down to kiss me gently though briefly since his parents were in the next


    I returned his kiss softly smiling up at him.

    How about on Friday, we can have our own little celebration. Kurama said with a small smile. I nodded

    smiling brightly.

    Sumiko and Tatsuya walked back in each with a tray of food. Pulling away from Kurama I looked at the

    food shaking my head slightly. You didnt have to do all this for me.

    Oh yes we did, and now that we know for a fact you are staying we need to go shopping for paint and

    furniture. Sumiko said getting rather excited as she obviously thought about redecorating.We can go

    shopping on Friday, and get you some new clothes along with the furniture.

    Uhmm, Sumiko I cant go on Friday. I have plans.

    Oh, what plans do you have dear?

    Well uhm I blushed looking down at my hands. I have a date actually with Kurama. I spoke softly

    a bit nervous about telling his mother that we would be going on a date. I looked up surprised when a

    squeal hit my ears. Sumiko was smiling broadly.

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    Oh thats wonderful, we will go another day so you can go on your date. Ooo we should go shopping

    before to get you an outfit and maybe have your hair done. My eyes w idened as she spoke looking at

    her a bit scared. Kurama reached out putting his arm across my shoulders gently.

    Another squeal came from the woman across from us before she jumped up. Both Kurama and I tensed

    not knowing what she was doing. Sumiko came running back quickly snapping a picture before we couldreact. I blinked still slightly trying to process what had happened.

    Sweetheart, why dont we let them go upstairs. Im sure they have some homework that is unfinished

    with all that has happened this week. Tatsuya spoke moving to take the camera from his wife.

    Yes of course. Cant have either of you falling behind in school.

    Kurama and I nodded before excusing ourselves to retreat upstairs.

    I am sure my father knew we did not have any more homework but the distraction was nice. Would

    you like to come and watch a movie with me? Kurama asked motioning towards his room.

    A movie sounds good. I took a small step towards his room before he opened the door ushering me

    inside. He closed the door behind him and I got on his bed making myself comfortable. I completely

    forgot about the awkwardness of possibly dating Kurama in the familiarity of coming to his room to

    hang out and do homework or watch movies.

    So what would you like to watch? Kurama asked as he moved to his collection of movies.

    Its your pick, I picked last time. I grabbed the remote turning on the TV and DVD player while leaned

    up against the headboard.

    He put a movie in before lying back on the bed though I was still on the other side. A laugh brought my

    eyes to his face as he smiled.

    You can come a bit closer. I wont bite, at least not if you dont want me to.

    I laughed a bit reaching over to smack his arm lightly. He grabbed my arm pulled me over against him a

    smirk on his lips as he looked down at me.

    Hmmm feisty huh. Well I cant say I wouldnt object to some rough play. I blushed brightly at his words

    before he claimed my lips passionately. A soft sound escaped my lips as I kissed him back my body

    pressing against his as our arms tightened around each other.

    We broke apart for air looking into each others eyes. I smiled softly up at him. I cant help but wonder

    how you do that.

    Do what? Kurama asked curiously absently pressing play on the remote.

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    You pull me in and not only is it rather nice but uhm. Youre the only person since my mother that has

    managed to do that but Ive never actually been on a date or anything I spoke the last bit quietly

    looking away from him slightly.

    A hand gently gripped my chin tilting my head up to look at him. I am more than happy to steal your

    first date, and Im guessing your first kiss as well then. I blushed but before I had a chance to answer hekissed me again softly.

    Kurama settled back against the headboard allowing me to make myself comfortable against him. I

    ended up on my side with his arm wrapped around my back, my head on his shoulder and one arm

    draped across his stomach.

    We watched the movie easily snuggling on the bed though we hadnt sat like this since the first night.