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1 Original Book Cover -1977 Chapters and Excerpts from The Golden Cord: Esoteric Hitlerism

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Original Book Cover -1977

Chapters and Excerpts from

The Golden Cord: Esoteric Hitlerism




FORWARD and INTRODUCTION By Jason Alfred Thompkins

In 1978 Miguel Serrano published his first book on Esoteric Hitlerism which came to be his lifelong philosophy and passion which he never abandoned. In fact he spent most of his life learning the "hidden" or "Occult" (Occult literally translates as "hidden") aspects of National Socialism. With his blend of Tantric-Kundalini Yoga, the mystery of the Runes, Ariosophy, the secret rites of the Troubadours and Minnesingers and their MYSTICAL LOVE, the Cathars, his Gnostic beliefs, his fascination with "The Mysteries" and being initiated into a Mystical "Order" in Chile (The Sacred Order of Thi-U-Hin) Serrano found his lifelong "Master" Carlos Rogat Salas AKA Sri Raaknahaif (1878-1974) whom Serrano was loyal to all the way to the end. Serrano traveled and journeyed the entire world meeting prominent people who could answer his questions and quench his thirst for knowledge. These people were not just ordinary men and women. Serrano had access to a massive amount of knowledge and to the great men and women who kept it. From spending time with Julius Evola and Ezra Pound to being one of the first "Westerners" to greet the Dalai Lama when he fled Tibet and made it to the other side. Serrano and His Holiness the Dalai Lama remained good friends through-out his life. His most well-known friendships were with Carl Jung and Herman Hesse whom Hesse called "The Hermetic Circle" and Serrano later wrote his best-selling book on these visits and friendships (The Hermetic Circle or C.G. Jung and Herman Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships). But little is known about Serrano's meetings with high ranking Nazi Party Members and high level Fascist Leaders. In 1948 Serrano took a voyage to Antarctica, the South Pole, looking for the "Oasis of Warm Water." In the 1950s he traveled and spent a decade or so in India and the Himalayas studying Kundalini Yoga and opening his Chakras which is detailed quite well in his book The Serpent of Paradise. Serrano continued to write prominent mystical books and kept journeying throughout Europe, India, Tibet and South America meeting with top level National Socialists and getting his information from "the very source." EL CORDÓN DORADO: HITLERISMO ESOTÉRICO, first published in 1978, was the first of what would become a TRILOGY of Serrano's doctrine of ESOTERIC HITLERISM (or as more commonly known, "Nazi Occultism"). The second book on Esoteric Hitlerism and what can be considered Serrano's MAGNUM OPUS is the 650 page long ADOLF HITLER: EL ULTIMO AVATARA (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar) published in 1984. Lastly came MANU: POR EL HOMBRE QUE VENDRA (MANU: For the Man To Come) in 1991. It is important to know that what can be considered Serrano's best and most popular book is not "Hitlerist" to most, but for the Initiated and those who know the "Language" of Serrano it is in fact Esoteric Hitlerism simply written in code (Trovus Clus). I am referring to the magical book NOS: BOOK OF THE



RESURRECTION published in Spanish in 1981 and in English in 1984. It is a continuation of the book EL/ELLA: Book of Magical Love. Some of the other books that deal with Esoteric Hitlerism to a certain degree, but mostly with what Serrano calls “ESOTERIC KRITIANISM” are DEL RESURRECTIO DE LA HEROE (The Resurrection of the Hero) (1986) and THE SON OF THE WIDOWER (released in English and Spanish in 2004). By the merits I retain from this sacrifice and offering I dedicate these English translations to all the TRUE Disciples and Followers of the Morning Star and one of the last TRUE men who has showed us the way to the City of the Caesars, the way back to Hyperborea and has shown us Victory in the face of Defeat, how we proudly hold our heads up and accept our Defeat with Honour on this Earth. Because to Lose on this Earth means Victory on the Other-Earth. SIG und SAL! Jason Alfred III Thompkins DAWN - AUTUMN - 2010 ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠

TABLE OF CONTENTS Some of the images did not appear in the original.

Chapters not translated are highlighted. Many are excerpts of chapters:
























WHAT THE MASTER TOLD ME It seems as if the years have not passed by but they have. I don't feel as if I have gotten any older. Slowly but surely, I am writing these books as if someone has been guiding me. But its time to bring to the public the information that I have known now for the last thirty years. It concerns the last World War, World War II. This war signaled the end of times both in heaven and on earth. When the war ended thirty two years ago, it was easy to talk about what one thought because there existed freedom of speech. Today the atmosphere is dense, we are being strangled and suffocated by the chains of the victors and the Light of the earth has faded away. No one will dare say what they know or could talk about up until five years after the end of the 2nd World War. Children born in these modern times have weak spirits, they are prejudiced by Communist Indoctrination in our very schools, by the constant Communist propaganda from our public schools, POPular media, from the influx of drugs, from the constant preaching of "Universal Love," the drugs, the final music of Lemuria and so-called Terrorism coming from every corner. All this comes without any Celestial Light from the Gods. In the absence of Light, from our common sense, or from our Subconscious, or even from our Super-Conscious we have no contact with the Light of TRUTH and in the middle of so much Communist propaganda and access to only Communist literature and books our children become weak and absent of Divine Light. For those who are considered "Politically Incorrect", or are Political Prisoners, or are victims of some kind of torture from this Communist world, I give this Revelation. Santiago, Chile Miguel Serrano

ADOLF HITLER WAS AN INTIATE Neither in heaven nor on earth did I ever imagine coming into contact with my Master nor did I expect to get Initiated, but I did. After becoming Initiated I have never left the Path even though it was difficult at times. It is a Warrior-Magician's Order. My Loyalty is to my Master for life and even the Afterlife. It was our Master who put us on Hitler’s side during the Great War. The Master told me: “Hitler is an Initiate, you can communicate with him on the Astral Plane. I have no idea who Hitler’s guides are but I have decided to help him. Adolf Hitler has an unbreakable Iron Will and he will follow any Order given to him. I have been in contact with him." "The other day he told me that he has a mission to trigger destiny, to give the Planet Earth the impulse necessary for its transfiguration and that He was the Vehicle used for such a purpose. When he was Initiated he was infused with ‘Vril Power,’ the energy of Hvareno or Farr which gives him the power over all the elements (wind, water, fire and earth). For



that reason we must all help him. The next war will be between Gods and Demons. The war will be a Celestial War, an Astral War, a Psychic War. It will be in Heaven, but the results of this war will be seen on Earth." Each one of us must help in our own unique way. I print a magazine called “The New Age” and in this magazine I try to educate the people and the masses. Twenty years after World War II the Nuremburg records were opened to historians. What a surprise they found! However, the real secrets and the TRUTH of course will not be revealed to the public and the masses. It was confirmed that the Master existed. When the book “The Morning of the Magicians” by Luis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier was first published it created great curiosity and dismay even for the Communists. At that time I was Chile's Ambassador to Yugoslavia. The Secretary General of the Chilean Socialist Party, Raul Ampuero, friend of Hector Barreto, the “Jason” of the “Nonexistent Flower,” talked to me about the book in Belgrade and informed me that the book mentioned “Esoteric Hitlerism.”*

* – Note from Translator: Serrano speaks of “Jason” in almost every single book he has written. Especially the book “The Ultimate Flower.” “Jason” is the name used by Serrano for his childhood Best Friend and renowned Chilean Poet and writer Hector Barreto who was assassinated and murdered on the streets of Santiago during a Political March and upheaval when they both were in their early twenties) –

A While later the Rector of the Chilean University, Eugenio Gonzalez, an elect spirit, profound and clear-minded, also a Socialist, talked to me about the book, "The Morning of the Magicians." I reminded him that twenty years ago in my magazine I had already provided and discussed the information that this book is providing now. How was it possible that I knew this information Twenty years ago? The Master has always been right. He informed me five years beforehand what the Destiny of my country, Chile, would be. Chile would fall into misery, but would slowly come out of misery and become one with the most prosperous Nations in America. During the moments of misery it is hard to see a Land of Plenty, but my master has never said anything that did not come true. Confirmed by the stars and by our Destiny, we can never give up our positions, our own unique roles, and we cannot retreat and hide when the Celestial War of the Worlds begins. And To the war I owe my Initiation, to my Master I owe my knowledge of Esoteric Hitlerism. My Master never changed his mind. If he would have changed his mind I would have firmly Obeyed. But he didn’t. He never told us we were wrong. When they opened the Nuremburg files, French writers began to publish books in the same style as the “The Morning of the Magicians,” but they were full of lies and half-truths. They were never translated into other languages except Spanish. The Anglo-Saxons (England and North America) ignored the truth because they did not want anyone to suspect anything. We cannot count on the Germans because the enemy’s foot is right on their throat. They are being indoctrinated and constantly forcing the new German



generations to forget their past, their history, their Traditions. We cannot count on the Italians because they will never be free of the Vatican. Everyone is being pushed toward Marxism and Communism, this is the real “Son of Man.”

HOW ADOLF HITLER REALLY WAS Adolf Hitler is one of the most peculiar individuals in the history of our Earth. If there is any doubt whether Jesus Christ was actually born or not, there is also doubt whether Hitler died or not. There is nothing in contemporary history outside of the Jewish Bible which confirms the birth of Christ and even the very people in the Bible who said that Jesus existed had never seen him personally. On the other hand there exists countless eyewitness accounts of people who have seen Adolf Hitler and who have actually touched him. Those that who have seen him in movie theatres have described him as someone from another Planet, a Celestial being. During my 10 years in India I saw yogis, mystics, magicians–men who don’t seem too normal, but they all look human. Even my Master looks Human, “All Too Human.” Adolf Hitler is not human. He is way above the human race. Adolf Hitler is not from Earth. My first impression of Hitler occurred many years ago while looking in a glass window within a store on a street in Santiago, Chile. I was looking at a photo of Adolf Hitler. My first reaction was to turn away, but if you keep looking at his photo he will be Transfigured. Those who knew Adolf Hitler such as Otto Slorzeny, Leon Degrelle, Hanna Reitch, all gave contradictory impressions of him proving that no one really knew Hitler (except for Rudolph Hess). Adolf Hitler appeared differently to different people - always hiding his secret. Except for my Master who was able to see him on the Astral Plane where no one can hide the Truth. My Master’s description of Hitler was that of a person with an Iron Will, he was a Ray of Light from another world with sufficient energy to transform the world. Hitler was a naturalist, a vegetarian, and he refrained from sex. We could compare Hitler's relationship with Eva Braun with the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalen. The Spiritual Wife of Adolf Hitler was not Eva Braun, but someone else - just as the first wife of Adam was not Eve, but Lilith. In each case the second woman brought corruption and treason. It is known that the stars and cosmos abandoned Napolean when he abandoned Josefina. There is a universal cosmic law that there can only be one Spiritual Wife for each Master or cosmic hero. If he abandons his Spiritual Wife the stars and cosmos will abandon him.

HOW IT COULD HAVE BEEN At the start of the war my Master told me: “I have seen Hitler’s armies invade England. They arrived at the royal palace and they arrested the King.” This event was written in the Akasic records of the Universe. Therefore it should have happened. It was cosmic destiny. Why did it not happen? Today we know that Hitler ordered his generals not to attack the British soldiers trapped at Dunkirk trying to retreat back to their mainland. Who convinced Hitler to change the course of history? In the book “Unknown War” by Skozerny, Admiral Canaris was a traitor. Admiral Canaris was in charge of counter



espionage of the German Armed Forces who influenced Adolf Hitler through the son of Haushofer who in turn influenced Rudolph Hess. The argument that was used not to invade England was the “Hyperborean legend.” England was Aryan, part of the Hyperborean continent, the land of Merlin, of the Holy Grail, Knights of the Roundtable, the Alchemist John Dee, the land of Angels, the land of the sacred Thule. Hecatee de Abdera, 400 years earlier referred to the British Isles as Hyperborea and Stonehenge the temple that was erected to The God Apollo (God of the North Pole, Hyperborea, Thule-A-POL-lo,) who visited Hyperborea every 19 years when the stars completed their revolution. England was the maritime power of the White Race and Germany was the Land/Earth power of the White Race. Therefore Adolf Hitler sent Rudolph Hess, an Initiate, to England to make a sacred pact.

THE ASTRAL BODY This means that a person has conquered the energy and influence of the Cosmos and stars. This is a separate body that does not unite with the spirit. It is part of the Initiation. Masters and Initiates can project their Astral Bodies outside of their physical bodies and ‘materialize’. Therefore some people can live Double lives while the rest of us live only single lives. To the common man, consciousness goes through the sequence of ‘reincarnation’ and the "wheel of eternal returning" - through a process of death and rebirth. To the Tulka (Tibetan doctrine), consciousness is everywhere including parallel worlds. My Master has seen Hitler in his ‘Astral body.’ Hitler has seen my Master also. My Master told me he met him on top of a mountain at a house made of rock. My Master peeked through the window and saw Hitler. Hitler then made a gesture to my master saying: "Traveler, continue on your journey.” On another occasion my Master suddenly found himself standing right in front of Hitler and Hitler told him: “You will be able to see the return of the colonies but nothing more, I repeat nothing more.” This happened during the period when Germany invaded France. I would meditate together with my Master to contemplate the meaning of Hitler’s words. The next thing we heard was that Rudolph Hess flew to England and Germany attacked Communist Russia. Today we know that Rudolph Hess made an offer to England that Germany would withdraw from all occupied territories to the west, that England would be preserved intact, and she would retain her maritime superiority. The only thing Germany requested was the return of their colonies in Africa. Germany prepared for the great crusade towards the East, the Return of Asgard-Thule, all through the Caucasus Mountains. Germany was trying to recreate the Great Polar Circle of the Swastika. It was and is a symbol of the return to the great Solar Age and the end of Kaliyuga. For some reason this wasn’t the right time for such a great miracle. What happened? Why did Hitler disobey the destiny written in the stars? Once I talked to Skorzeny on this



subject of attacking Russia. Skorzeny approved Hitler’s decision. He said it was necessary. The pact that Germany had with Russia was too much for German leaders to bear. It was against the ideals of a racial Socialist State. Our Fuhrer also thought so. I insist that the timing for Hitler, was either too late or too early. It was too late because Germany failed to invade England and too early because Germany could not fight a war on two fronts.

I DREAMED OF STALIN The night of the invasion of Russia I had a dream, but it was more like a vision. I saw Stalin standing on a balcony with his hand making a gesture to the crowd below as if he were a minister. I was impressed. I dreamt twice of Stalin during the war. The second time was at the close of the war and he was sitting with his advisors discussing the Vatican. A fact that many people do not know is that Stalin lived for some time in Rome with the Jesuits. Weisshaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Iluminati, also studied with the Jesuits. Lenin, another disciple of the Iluminati, used the tactics he learned from the Iluminati during the Russian revolution. On many occasions I do not need to see the facts or be present to know what happened. I remember one night after the attack on Russia I was walking along a street with my uncle, a poet, Vicente Huidrobo. As with most conversations we had we were discussing the war. My uncle was against Hitler. Suddenly he told me that Hitler is the only person in the world who knows that he has lost the war. He said this with such conviction that I knew he found out this information from some other source. It was the Masonic Lodge. This is where a world pact was made with world Jewry against Hitler. A fatal, irreversible decision was made which included international Masonic lodges, the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Rotaries, the Red Cross, the Socialist Movement, the Communist Movement, the Democratic countries and the Capitalistic countries. Hitler had lost in the face of such great odds. This was accomplished because of the evil intervention of extraterrestrials which promote world slavery known as the ‘New World Order.’ My uncle had already told me that he became a member of the Masonic Lodge. He had told me that if I played my cards right I could be part of this victory. My uncle had a rebellious spirit and didn’t like to take orders. I knew he needed help. He tried to change his cosmic ID, his very Blood. When you try to do this you lose your identity with your race including your spirit. Its something like what happened to Hitler because he disobeyed a Cosmic Order. There is an impenetrable mystery of the relationship between Hitler and Tibet, Mongolia and with India. The India I am talking about is not the same India you know. What I am talking about is the underground India, the subterranean India. The Teutonic Knights and the Baltic Barons tried to find their way back to the Swastika the same as Ungern Von Sternberg, as he writes in his book “Beasts, Men, and Gods.”* In 1926 Tibetan and Hindu colonies were established in Munich and Berlin. In the last battle at Berlin both



Tibetans and Hindus fought side by side with the SS. It was the Tibetans who revealed the truth to the world about the evil Jews. It is also believed that the Tibetans are the guardians to the secret entrances to the subterranean world of Agartha and Shamballah where our great Hyperborean Leaders live. The truth is Shamballah actually means KAMBALA (KBL), which is the center for “Esoteric Hitlerism.” Therefore, Adolf Hitler did not have direct relations with the Tibetans or Mongolians; the relations were indirect. The Tibetans and Mongolians provided all communications, entrance, and access to the submerged Hyperborean world. They were Hitler’s loyal servants maintaining the secrecy of these worlds. Today Tibetans and Mongolians are slaves to the external world after the loss of the Second World War. There must be a good reason for this. When I visited Adolf Hitler’s home in the Alps I could feel a vibration that connected me instantly to the Himalayan Mountains. There is no doubt this place was picked by “Esoteric Hitlerism.” Hitler’s mountain home had many underground tunnels. Anyone who goes to Hitler's home in Berchtesgaden will feel the difference immediately. We must remember that “Esoteric Hitlerism” also called this home Grailsburg, or in other words, the Grail’s Castle. There exists geography and geometry developed during Hitler’s Third Reich which purported to come in contact with the underground portals in Egypt and this is still kept secret. The master, Adolf Hitler, was also an architect.

* – Note from the Editor: Beasts, Men, and Gods was written by Ferdinand  Ossendowski  but  mentions  his  encounters  of  Ungern Von Sternberg in great detail. –


Nevertheless, the new cosmic coordinates of destiny after the attack on Russia affected the universe. It was too late to reach our dream on Earth, to regain Hyperborea and to return to the Golden Age. Hitler now raises the bar and many followers might not have had the strength to bring this World War to a Cosmic level between Gods and Demons, between Light and Darkness, between Fire and Ice with rivers full of blood. He knew he would lose the war here on a physical level so he has brought the war to the new level - an Astral War. Hitler decided to lose this war in order to win on a higher level. On this physical plane he could not count on people who did not TRULY BELIEVE. They would automatically be recruited by the Demonic forces. Hitler would have won the war here on Earth if he invaded England. But he did not invade England and then England betrayed Hitler, therefore either Hitler or the Gods want vengeance. They want something much bigger. In retrospect to what my Uncle thought about Hitler, Hitler lost the war on purpose in order to return triumphant in the final times and to expose the enemy - International Jewry. Therefore, we must fight without giving up, trying to open the eyes of those who cannot see the metaphysical reasons for this war. To unmask the real enemy. The blood



of our fallen heroes gets more blessings from God than those with wisdom or who constantly pray to God. The Gods know they cannot die and they admire the courage of heroes who do not know that they cannot die and volunteer their lives for a dream and a BELIEF. Is there anything more beautiful? This is the sacrifice most appreciated by divinity. Odin, or Wuotan, salutes the heroic death of a warrior. This produces great blessings on the Astral Plane.

HITLER IS ALIVE The energy of Hitler and Germany was so strong it nearly won the war. My Master also saw Stalin and Stalin told him: “We cannot go on any longer. We are up to our necks in water." But destiny is destiny. It will not change. Because of Germany’s attack on Russia two crucial months were lost. Should Hitler help Mussolini in Greece or Yugoslavia? In two months he conquered both Countries. But he lost both Countries during the Russian Summer. It was a fatal blow. Then came the Normandy invasions and the invasions in Italy. It was during this period that my Master heard a voice that said, “Can you see how that woman who has all pervading power failed to get vengeance?” Who was this voice talking about? The next day the voice said, “The heavens have permitted Hitler to make a surprise attack.” Not much longer we heard the news that the German offensive was victorious at Ardennes using the SS and the last available forces that Hitler had. With this victory Hitler almost changed destiny again. Leon Degrelle informed me that all was lost because the German tanks had no fuel and they failed to see the fuel that was left behind in the snow by the North American troops. During the Apocalypse, Berlin fell, and Hitler’s underground hideaway was filled with flames and bullets, Celestial Music was played for the Heroes who had already fallen, but Hitler did not die there. He escaped far away. For many years Hitler had information about South America and he sent Paul Rohrbach to investigate. Hitler investigated Tibet, India, and Central Asia. Once again my Master heard the voice, “They were a victim of their own mental creations.” My Master then saw a White Feminine Spirit who was separated from her native soil where she was born. It was a beautiful luminous spirit. My Master says that it was the Collective Spirit of Germany that has been lost. Today’s Germany is different; they look like fat ghosts, materialists, a country without a soul. Many years later my Master revealed a secret to me. Hitler is alive. He did not die in Berlin. My Master saw him underground. He has changed and his Mustache is long. He saw him face to face. Hitler then turned around and disappeared into the semidarkness. I have not revealed this secret for many years and for good reason. Now I can explain my own adventures, my trip to Antarctica between 1947-1948 trying to find Hitler, the so-called Oasis of Warm Waters in the middle of the ice and the entrance to the subterranean worlds.



During the war at the end of 1943 Admiral Doemitz made a public statement to the effect that the German submarine group feels proud in discovering an underground paradise, an impenetrable fortress for our Fuhrer. Where is this paradise? After the close of the war Stalin communicated to the United States that Hitler did not die in Berlin in his bunker and that he was still alive. The Russians never found the remains of Hitler. The body they excavated and removed from the ruins and moved to Moscow was not that of Hitler. Twenty-five years later Lev Besymesky published a book titled “Hitler’s Death” with photographs and radiographs of Hitler’s skeletal remains, which in fact did not match with Hitler’s dental x-rays of Dr. Erwing Giesing.* Dr. Merner Masor published a book in 1971 titled “Last Name Hitler, First Name Adolf” and in it he confirms that the remains of Hitler were never found. Adolf Hitler disappeared without a trace and so did Eva Braun. Otto Skorzeny revealed in his books the intense interrogations the North Americans put him under and the sequence of the questioning was always the same. “Where did you take Hitler?” “Where is he hiding?” A book that was published in Buenos Aires in 1946 by the pen name Ladislao Szabo, a Hungarian, revealed how Hitler was secretly transported to Antarctica in a convoy of German submarines to where Captain Alfred Ritshcer discovered an oasis of warm water in the Queen Maud Territories in 1938. Captain Ritshcer belonged to the German Air Force. But all his activities were kept secret. Therefore, the Hyperborean theory of the “Resurrection of the Hero” was transferred to the inverted Thule of the South Pole.

* – Note from Translator: {In a recent National Geographic Documentary some forensic scientists were given access to these remains in Moscow and concluded that it was impossible that the skull and jaw in Moscow belonged to Adolf Hitler}. –


I can now reveal this information because the modern world of Democracy and Communism, which is one and the same, are already aware of this information anyway. There is nothing they can do to stop destiny and they were paralyzed in 1945. In my book “Who Calls from Within the Ice” I talk in detail about my trip to Antarctica looking for that oasis of warm water, and of course, the polar opening to the center of the Earth. In my book “The Serpent of Paradise” I tell of my travels to the Himalayas looking for the Ashram of the Siddhas (Holy Men), also my search underground within Mount Kailas, where the Masters of my Master reside. Today I know that all these things exist and they are all connected to one star, the Morning Star, called Lucifer.



One day a man came up to me and told me that the “Order” has connections and influence over the recent and past history of the world. The man just suddenly disappeared. The “Order” has also disappeared, into thin air. My “Master” has also disappeared. Everything now seems just like nothing more than a dream. This is how I have been living lately, pursuing a dream. I am also a prisoner of ancient legends, a victim perhaps, of our own mental creations. We must wait for the return of the Celestial Armies, the Wheel of Destiny, when the Laurel will bloom once again. All the “Initiates” are saying the same thing.

THE HOLLOW EARTH Before entering into the arguments and theories of those who believe in the Hollow Earth I would like to say that I see this as a “Reincarnation” of an old legend or idea and the scientific explanations only come second. Like all ancient legends this theory is also directly related to the ancient Hyperborean legends where everything occurs at the poles and where we find our solar and polar heroes. The resurrection of Hitler also occurs within the poles and from underground and within the warm waters of the Antarctic. The Flying Saucers are also related to all of this. This book centralizes on the theme of supreme ambiguity where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, that whatever happens in Heaven also happens on Earth. Therefore anything is possible because ancient legends repeat themselves over and over and materialize themselves over and over again. Therefore no ancient legend can be negated, not even the theory of a “Hollow Earth.” We cannot negate the survival of Hitler, and we cannot negate the existence of Flying Saucers. We cannot negate these things because they all had their origin in ancient Legends. We must realize that a lot of symbolism is used to represent beliefs and Doctrines, thereby demonstrating a duality of spheres. This is where plasma gets its power, and materializes on the Terrestrial/Earthly plane. This is the magic, the Power, the reasoning behind it all. The same year that I traveled to Antarctica, looking for the secret entrance to the Hollow Earth, Admiral Richard Byrd of North America went to the North Pole or "True North" as we put it. The Earth curves inward at the two polar extremes whereas if anyone goes farther than 83 degrees latitude they will find themselves inside the planet. The force of gravity is contained in 800 miles of crust beneath the surface of the earth. After 800 miles there is only air and the Hollow Earth. The surface on the inside of the Earth has continents, seas, forests, mountains, and rivers inhabited by a superior race that moved there in ancient remote times directly related to the Hyperborean legends. Their technology is light years ahead of ours. This superior race maintains contact with selected people on the surface of the Earth. The cities of Agartha and Shambala exist there. (Agartha means “not-accessible” in Sanskrit and is related to the Nordic home of the Gods, “Asgard” - Home of the Aesir). All the spiritual leaders of the Templars, authentic Rosicrucians, and Esoteric Hitlersim go there for their instructions. Hitler receives his



instructions from them. They permitted Admiral Doenitz with his sailors to enter inside navigating under the polar cap into secret passageways. (In the Antarctic the Caleuche, the mythical Ghost Ship of the South Pole, entered and exited with all of it's lights on beneath the icy waters and was crewed by dead men - In the Arctic the ghost ship Wafeln entered and exited the North Pole) Gypsies and Eskimos were not permitted to enter. The Eskimos have a song about the people from the interior of the Earth and say that they are terrible. The climate inside the Earth is of a fair temperature all year round. In the center of the Earth there is a sun. It is smaller than the sun we know of. Since there is less force of gravity in the interior of the Earth the people grow much taller and they live much longer. It gives the impression of eternity, a miracle, heaven itself. My master has told me that the ‘Temple of the Order’ is found within the Hollow Earth and has a permanent beautiful white light that is not produced by electricity. The first people to start writing about the Hollow Earth were North American authors Darwin and Erasmo in the book “The Golden Secret.” The Druids also knew of the Hollow Earth.

Serrano's drawing of the Hollow Earth



"Hollow Earth" by Miguel Serrano



SIEG Yoga-Stadha Position_Chakra Nadi Manipura - Miguel Serrano




In 1906 William Reed wrote the book “The Phantom of the Poles.” In that book he says that the Earth’s crust is 800 miles thick and the Hollow Earth is 6,400 miles in diameter. The openings at the poles have a circle of 1,400 miles. Mr. Reed maintains that the so-called poles are a Phantasm because the Earth has openings on each end of the planet. The Earth is not a sphere. In reality the poles are in the middle of the air at the center of the openings found on each end of the Earth. When explorers tried to find the north pole, their compasses would go haywire. After reaching latitudes 75 to 76 degrees, north and south, the land begins to curve inward. On the surface the pole would be the same as magnetic north closer to the polar opening. The magnetic north pole was believed to be along the Arctic Islands, but the Soviets have defined magnetic north as a line 1,000 miles long ringing the opening at the pole. When an explorer has found the opening then he has found the magnetic north pole. Even if the compass continues to mark north as you continue forward it is not a true reading. When you pass the latitude indicated the compass turns upward. This is because you have entered the opening and the compass continues to mark magnetic north which is at the border of the opening. The true north pole is in midair which is a phantasm. Once you enter the Hollow Earth you don’t realize it because even though you are in an inverted position you feel as if you are on top of land. This is because the force of gravity emanates from the crust of the earth. A sailor of the seas knows he is navigating the globe in a circle, but all he sees is a direct line and the same happens with a pilot. If an explorer wants to know where north is or where south is after passing the latitudes mentioned, then he better turn back towards the border of the openings until the compass begins to work again. Otherwise we will continue into the Hollow Earth and investigate a new universe. Is this possible? Would we be allowed to encroach upon another civilization? The Aurora Borealis is the reflection of the sun and the dream of the Green Ray from the interior of the Earth. The rays emanate from the openings at the poles. This is why the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury shine at their poles. They are also hollow inside. The icebergs freeze in the rivers inside the openings then float out into the ocean. This is why we have fresh water icebergs in the ocean. Another North American writer published a book in 1920 titled “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” The author, Marshall B. Gardner, argues that the central sun inside the planet is part of the original creation of the planet and that this is a principle upon which the universe was created. The rotation of the planets, and the centrifugal forces pull the greatest mass outwards. As we can see the largest planets in our solar system are also the farthest away from our sun. This means that these planets are being thrown farther out by their centrifugal force because of their mass. This mass forms the outer crust of the planet. A central sun is formed on the inside of the hollow planet. The greatest mass is found at the central line of the planet, which we call equatorial lines or the equator. If the planet was originally just a ball of fire of molten metals, the fire would continue to burn on the inside while the centrifugal forces would



cause the mass to cool and form the outer crust. This internal fire would become a sun providing light to plant life, animal Life, and human life. If there is any doubt about the force of gravity as to the possibility that one would automatically be drawn into the center, Gardner reaffirms that the force of gravity comes from the outer crust of the earth and not the center of the earth. The center sun is found 2,900 miles into the center of the Hollow Earth. This same force of gravity will keep you firmly on the ground once you are inside the Hollow Earth. The common myth is that the planet earth is a solid sphere and at the center is boiling hot iron or lava. Forget this myth. If the outer crust is 800 miles thick then the molten lava would be 7000 miles in diameter and 21,000 miles in circumference. The surface of the earth is 197 million square miles and it is estimated that the earth weighs approximately six, six-trillion tons. If the earth were a solid sphere it would have to weigh much, much more. This is the greatest factor in proving that the earth is hollow. The old myth is that the closer you get to the center of the earth, the hotter it gets. Forget this myth. The temperature only increases until you reach 80 miles down into the crust. After 80 miles the temperature starts descending. What produces the intense heat is radium and radioactivity. All the rocks and stone of earth contain some radium and some radioactivity. The source point of all volcanoes is also found within the outer crust of the earth. The interior of the earth has a subtropical climate, therefore many of the discoveries made on the surface of the earth of certain vegetation or animals originally came from the interior of the earth.

ADMIRAL RICHARD BYRD AND THE SOUTH POLE Military and civilian flights across the Poles do not see the openings because they think this is a geographical location and not some ghostly opening within a certain circumference. They hardly touch the outer border of the opening before they go off in a different direction. Admiral Byrd did find the opening. Admiral Byrd flew 1,700 miles into the interior of the earth in 1947 entering through the North Pole. Admiral Byrd saw land, sea, continents, and vegetation. He couldn’t wait to go back and once again see such a paradise. Raymond Bernard Phd. revealed Admiral Byrd’s secret, a friend of Byrd and friend to me under very special circumstances. It was Admiral Byrd’s expedition which inspired me to go to Antarctica. On December 2, 1946 Admiral Byrd sailed towards Antarctica with an Armada ready for a major war. The ships were Mount Olympus, Capitana, Pine Island, the destroyers Browsen and Henderson, the ice cutter North Wind, the aircraft carrier Phillipine Sea, the submarine Sennet, fuel ships Capacan and Canisted, and the Cargo ships Yankey and Merrick. There was also another aircraft carrier named Currituck. The Armed Forces from other Nations were all arriving at Antarctica at the exact same time. No doubt this was a military operation and not an expedition. Who was the enemy?



Admiral Byrd stated that the Poles stood between them and the enemy. He made that statement on the 7th of June 1947 in Santiago De Chile. It looked like the Normandy invasion all over again. Who was the enemy? Admiral Byrd apparently dropped a bomb into the opening of the South Pole because it was like throwing a rock into a beehive. Suddenly his planes were missing, ships froze, men perished and died, it must have been a catastrophe. He went limping back to the United States. Later we only heard of his expedition inside the North Pole, then there was complete silence, then came his sudden death. Ever since 1947 there has been a close watch on the Antarctic continent of some 14 million square miles. It is here we should ask if Admiral Doenitz, who was the Secretary of State under Hitler before his escape and disappearance, was tortured and forced to reveal Hitler’s hiding place. The allies never believed that Hitler died at the end of the war. Admiral Byrd was definitely after someone in the Antarctic. I also went to the Antarctic at the end of 1947 and the beginning of 1948, but I lacked the proper technical equipment to get to the opening or to the warm waters that are talked about so much, but I did receive ample input from my Psychic and Auric Antennas. It was the book “The Morning of the Witches” by Jacques Bergier which was the first book to inform the masses that Hitler’s administration was interested in the “Hollow Earth.” Jacques Bergier, a Jew who belonged to the Intelligence Service of the allies during the Nuremberg trials found out about Hitler through the interrogations of SS men. The SS made the first experiments in radar in the Northern Sea and with this radar they found the “Paradise” for our Fuhrer.

THE FLYING SAUCERS Very important statements were made by Ray Palmer, editor of the North American magazine “Flying Saucers.” In an article published in 1959 he claimed that Flying Saucers come from Earth. He challenged a top secret. He claimed that the Flying Saucers do not come from other worlds, but come from a country from the surface of this Earth. According to Ray Palmer the Flying Saucers come from within the Earth and they began to appear in 1945 at the close of the Second World War (is this a so-called "Coincidence?"). They appeared as a warning to all the countries to stop the use of atomic weapons. The highly evolved civilizations from within the earth will not permit an atomic contamination of our planet. The national ‘blackouts’ of electricity that occur all across the globe without reason are warnings caused by these civilizations that they mean exactly what they say. Palmer agrees with Reed and Gardner on the Hollow Earth theory. After this article was printed the magazine was never seen again. According to Palmer all the governments know this to be true but they want to keep it a secret from the public. The Flying Saucers began appearing in 1945, but the greatest Concentration of Flying Saucers was in the Antarctic.



Isn’t it curious that the whole world came to an agreement in 1959, the year of Geophysics, to place Antarctica off limits to atomic testing? While I was the Chilean Ambassador to India the Indian representation to the United Nations rejected twice the proposal to make Antarctica an international territory. I feel I had a part in this. In the summer of 1976 a new expedition was organized to explore Antarctica by 10 nations, called the “Ross Ice Shell Project.” What they intended to do was to drill down under the ice for a quarter mile in the Sea of Ross to see if they could find a continent or if there was just water. Something mysteriously unexpected happened. The project failed and the project was suspended as soon as it started. All they said was that they would restart the project at some future date. Nothing works in the Antarctic. Space satellites don’t work while passing over the Antarctic, neither do NASA flight missions except for the space Photographing of the openings at each end of the earth. This they do have. Raymond Bernard expanded upon Palmers claims and said that he has had contact with some of the people of these flying objects and they look like Germans and they speak German. Bernard claims that these people say that they are from another planet only to mislead everyone from the truth. But it is very possible that they might have bases in outer space. The principal Hispanic author of Flying Saucers, Antonio Ribera, claims that the Flying Saucers belong to the Nazis and they come from the Antarctic. Many UFO investigators believe this. A German who lives in Chile confesses that the Germans invented the Flying Saucer at the close of the war. These Flying Saucers will be piloted by all the fallen heroes in the final battle. Hitler swore that the last battle would be his for the taking.

THE PROPHECY OF JOSEPH LANZ The prophecies of the Austrian Josef Lanz, or Georg Lanz Von Liebenfels, publisher of the Magazine “Ostara” and whom could be the first Initiator of Hitler in Vienna, during his “Secret Years” were in a number of these magazines published in 1912. The founder of the "Order of the New Templars" (ONT), J. Lanz, prophesied the legendary rise of Hitler:

“The Ases will return to conquer the City of Asgard in the Caucasians. They will be guided by the Valkyries and the Great White Horseman, the Incarnation of the Supreme Lord. They will return to the Sacred Osetia and the Magical Mountain, Elbruz.” “After twelve years, after his true Initiation he will receive the first secret as to what this sign means, this knowledge will be your armor. After learning all the minor and major mysteries you will be selected to learn the 12 degrees of becoming a SONNENMENSCH (a SUNMAN, GODMAN, Superman), which will give him the magickal powers he will need to accomplish his mission. Until



that time he must pass the test of Fire and Ice (the War) within his own body before he may return to his disciples (only the Initiated) and appear in light in the Terrestrial realm. His Empire will go against the forces of evil (Elementals, semi-animal beings, the Sheidim of the Bible), and he will become the Supreme Lord of the Universe, in the City where they radiate the Great Luminous Revolving Cross. He will plant his Standard and Flag at the summit of the Mount of the Ark.”

(Hitler and the SS did scale and climb the top of Mount Elbruz, in the Caucasus, and planted the Clockwise Swastika before the march into Stalingrad, where they thought it was the Sacred Osetia, the legendary city of Asgard. Believers of the prophecy of Lanz thought that in the top of that mountain he would find the Power of the Magic of Hyperborea, of Hvareno, Vril - Victory. Repeating step by step the premonitions and signs. “Every 700 years the Laurel Blooms” is a saying of the Cathars. “Humanity advances one step every 700 years” said Hitler. “Every 700 years there is a fire offensive” said Horbinger. The Clock-Wise Swastika represents fire. Every 6,000 years we enter a new period of ice. This is called the war of Fire and Ice. Having the true power of Odil-Vril, he will show his enemies the power of fire from the sky and they will serve him and he will have the power to bring more violence to earth than a thousand lightning bolts (Hitler had the Atomic Bomb, but never used it and it was stolen by America and Russia). He will be the Supreme Lord of the world and will restore 1,000 years of law and order. Hitler already had the Atomic bomb in Germany during the Second World War, but Skorzeny confessed that Hitler did not want to use it. Could it be that his Spirit Guides, the Hyperboreans of Agarthi and Shamballa would not permit him to use it? The North Americans had stolen the Atomic bomb technology from Germany.* * – Translator: And went on to be the first and only nation on Earth to use "Weapons of Mass Destruction" not once, but twice killing hundreds of thousands and ruining two cities with just two bombs. – Then Lanz finished his prophecy:

“The Supreme Lord will go on a great trip. The Son will have constructed an Eagle made of gold and at the exact Sixth Age of our Supreme Lord he will be escorted to the doors of the Celestial City, they will be marked by 12 revolving black crosses that illuminate the Night at all Time” (the Black Sun, Midnight Sun?).

Behind Gotterdemmurung, the Twilight of the Gods, the Center of the Gods, the Golden Eagle will return from the subterranean world, from Asgard/Agartha, the paradise of the Edda, from the Valhalla of Wuotan-Odin and the Valkyries where the Hyperborean Priestess Allouine resides.



In the Era of the Condor as foretold my the Magicians of the legendary Ancient America, the America of the Return of the White Gods, Quetzalcóatl the Winged Serpent with Wings of Fire, will return within a Disk of Light, that travels faster than the speed of thought without a Pilot and according to Homer “they know the thoughts and emotions of all men.”

THE MIRROR OF THE PRINCESS PAPAN There are supposedly various entrances to the subterranean world. There is one in Tibet, in the Gobi Desert, Mount Kalias, there is one under the great Sphinx in Egypt, in Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, in northern Chile, the Polarcaps, and the Andes Mountains where I actually have seen the giants. The Sphinx and the Pyramids are called the “Icebergs of the Desert.” What this means is that what you actually see is very little in comparison to what you would find below and within them. They are firmly situated on top of subterranean worlds connected by tunnels and temples, old remote cities, so what we are really looking at from the desert is the top of a mountain, the top of an Iceberg. What we would find underneath are cities which have been abandoned for ages–the pre-Egyptian ATLANTEAN age. There are also cities and worlds with inhabitants and more subterranean tunnels. John Dee, an extraordinary Alchemist and English mathematician during the 16th century said that the Earth was not round, but concentric at the Polar Caps. He said that according to mathematical calculations the Earth was not solid, but was a series of Spheres superimposed which made it possible to communicate between the Spheres. He tried to convince Queen Isabel of England to takeover Greenland because this land gave access to a Parallel Universe. John Dee received these revelations by concentrating on a Black Mirror, a Black Sphere, that is located today in the British Museum. It is said that John Dee could communicate with Extraterrestrials from Hyperborea, beings from inside the Earth, and beings from Venus, the Morning Star. The “Angels,” according to Dee, could pass from the present into the past or into the future. I have thought a lot about John Dee’s Mirror in the British Museum. I suspect that was the Black Mirror of Princess Papan where she could clearly see the White Gods of Hyperborea. Those who have seen UFOs or Flying Saucers know that the Flying Saucer knew the thoughts within their minds. For the Disks of Light can read the “thoughts and emotions” of man and woman. This is because the Flying Saucer materialized from a parallel world. Therefore the UFOs are always present, but we cannot see them. Fortunate are those who are able to see them! If we fly up into the atmosphere 200 miles, satellite pictures will not show the topography of our Earth. If we were beings from outer space we would say that no one lives on this planet. Out of 250,000 photos of Earth taken by NASA, only one shows Earth as an inhabited planet. From this high of an Altitude the Astronauts have been able to see Lost Continents and Ancient Civilizations. The original inhabitants of this Earth were the White Gods of Thule, Hyperborea. They showed mankind civilization and put their Genes in the Blood. They came to earth from other planets, maybe Venus, the Morning Star, in some Ancient Age. They all lived



in Thule, in the pure virginal white Polar regions. Walls of Ice protected this world of Masters and Supermen. When the first catastrophe occurred on the planet Earth, they went to live in the inside of the Earth. When the continent of Atlantis disappeared, those Masters who received the "Hyperborean Initiation" joined the others inside the Earth. Many more are arriving who have been Initiated.

THE ASTRAL TUBE The openings at the Poles are not only openings into the interior of the Earth, but they are also a window to other invisible and parallel worlds, the fourth and the fifth dimension. Through these dimensions one can enter and exit analog worlds. From these dimensions come beings from other planets, the Hyperboreans, and from distant stars. Through these portals disappear the Masters. Through these portals UFOs and Flying Saucers travel to distant galaxies. This window to other dimensions can also be found in Kenya, Africa and in the “Bermuda Triangle.” Through these portals my Master communicated with Hitler. Through these portals the UFOs and Flying Saucers do not disintegrate. Through these portals miracles happen and it is where the greatest discoveries have been made. Through these portals one can travel astronomical distances. The “Exits” to parallel worlds and “Entrances” to the interior of the Earth vary according to cosmic and planetary cycles. Therefore, if an entrance were closed during a cycle a person would not be able to find the entrance psychologically. The entrance is there, but it is impossible to see or recognize. In the current cycle all the entrances and exits are located at the South Pole. The civilizations inside the Earth are superior to the inhabitants on the surface of the Earth. The civilizations inside the Earth consider the inhabitants on the surface barbarians, beasts, and they know what our destiny is. The “New World Order” will be impotent against the power of the interior world. The signs are always present. If they weren't we would have had an atomic war a long time ago. The plan of “The New World Order” is total destruction and dominion over the planets so that they can finally install their “Messiah,” the false King of the World. But they are scared of the “Last Battalion.” They try to keep it secret so that the masses will not know and rise up and destroy their conspiracy. No matter what happens it will be catastrophic. One has to travel more than 1,500 miles inside the Earth to find the cities of Agartha, Shambala, and their giant inhabitants. You will not be able to visit them without their permission. You must know the proper signs to get through. Raymond Bernard has said that the superior race affirms that Jesus Christ never existed and that the Jewish Bible is only a concoction of lies and plagiarism. The superior race does not believe in sin. The superior race believes in Hyperborean magic, it is the Order of Odin-Wuotan. Contrary to what we believe today the old civilizations of Thule and Hyperborea named the Morning Star Lucifer, the origin of Masters, Angels, Avatars, and high civilizations. Souls such as Hitler travel from there to here on rays of light from Lucifer (planet Venus) to Evolutionize and Spiritualize mankind. Jehovah on the other hand is the "Creator of the Earth" which was considered evil.



Hyperborea is now in the South Pole, where the entrance to the center of the Earth lies. Now I know why my Master told me to be on Hitler’s side during the war. In the south of our planet will rise the Blue Spirit of the Polar Race of all the “Initiates” and they will get vengeance, and they will recuperate everything that has been lost. A few of us will be saved and this will mark the finish and finality of the Dark Ages of Kaliyuga, the Age of Iron. All of our legends have a universal value because their existence is on a cosmic level. These legends compose our ancient science. They disappear and reappear. They are Non-Existent Flowers and become more real than all the flowers of the world. For underneath the seas there exists a Golden Thread that connects all beings of the same race to one Spirit, one Planet, and it goes through all the continents and they have all been joined together since the beginning of time. Here no one can change during a conflict. All that exists is a brief rest at death. Because warriors live forever. This book is about that particular Golden Thread, that Auric Chain.

MY AMERICA IS THE LAND OF THE WHITE GODS In the Polar Caps exist the exits towards other universes and outer space. Today the South Pole is the current active exit point. From the Polar Caps you can see the Morning Star, Lucifer-Venus. The Hyperboreans who came from other planets settled at the North Pole, a connecting point to great astral currents. They enter and exit by using the figure eight. There they live where there is little oxygen and their blood is blue. Has anyone ever thought why the Indo-Aryan God Krishna appears as blue? In the Ancient Americas, Hyperboreans, known as the White Gods to the inhabitants of the earth, taught their leaders and made wise men and they sent some to Thule for additional instruction. The Earth is a living being. Each part of the Earth has its own magnetism and special vibration which influences the people that live there. In these places they are being transformed. As we can see Jews are Semitic in nature even though they appear White. The Chinese are multiplying rapidly because they mate with other Chinese. The Whites on the other hand seem to be decreasing in number. The Hyperboreans do not stay long in other regions of the planet because they do not want to change. That is because they belong to an Initiated group of powerful magicians, wise men, great sages, and they are the creators of civilizations. When Atlantis disappeared, a group of missionaries were sent throughout the known world to teach the survivors. First they were taught how to calm the raging waters of the rivers and sea. Then they taught the people how to construct buildings using stone. After the disappearance of Atlantis they constructed buildings that could change the course of tidal waves using secrets of this planet. This new science had nothing to do with magnetism or electricity; it only used the currents of the earth. This science resembles using acupuncture on the face of the earth. We no longer have this science today.



Many groups have tried to recover this science. Apparently the Druids recovered it. This science gives us knowledge of the interior workings of our planet and this technology turns us into magicians because nobody else understands what the principles behind it are. If we had the knowledge of the ancient city of Atlantis, if we could have been taught by Hyperboreans or the Druids we could avoid all natural disasters and probably be able to contact the Hyperboreans in the Antarctic. The science of the megaliths has to do with the vibrations of stone and rock in different centers of the earth. When these rocks become wet from moon water it permits an Initiate to change from one level to another. First he becomes a Druid, then he becomes an Atlantean, and finally he becomes a Hyperborean. It is “Stone music” which changes the nature of things. The Druids inherited the science of the Hyperboreans and Stonehenge was there temple. The construction of Stonehenge created cosmic music and it is magical in nature. Druid means “wise and to see,” to see wisely, it means you are a Magician. The Druids are not Celts. The Celts arrived later. The Druids were magicians with the powers of Atlantis and Hyperborea. When the Celts arrived the Druids were already there. They were the guardians of the Holy Grail. Julius Caesar talked of the Druids. He said they were White, very tall, and blonde. They could change the climate at will. They had the power to move and levitate heavy objects and they could cure people. Julius Caesar said that in one battle the Druids did not move just like statues and they were all in deep concentration and the arrows went right through them as if nothing had happened. The Druids however did give great importance to military formations and taught the Celts the tactics of war. This is where the “Knights of the Grail” originated. The Druids themselves did not fight, they did not use weapons, and they did not harm or kill animals or man. They believed in reincarnation. It took twenty years of training to become a Druid and you had to go through four degrees. The number four is the number of the Druid and the number of the Celts. The Druids taught the Celts the Caste system, dividing society up into four Castes: 1. Agriculture 2. Businessman 3. Builder 4. Warrior The Druid symbol is the Four-Leaf Clover which many today believe is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. The Four-Leaf Clover in reality is a revolving swastika that forms the figure 8, which is a sign of eternity, rebirth, and immortality conquered in the last battle. This is the Grail. Four is not the number of the polar Hyperboreans. Theirs is the number five. Thule was located in the center. The Hyperboreans are the fifth Caste system called Hamsa. It means those without a Caste. The number five is found in the center of the Four-Leaf Clover, in the center of the swastika. The four arms rotate, but the center does not. The number five symbolizes the interior man, the total man, the divine, perfection. It should be mentioned that the dialect used today by the people of northern Italy and southern Switzerland is of the Ancient Celts. In the Hyperborean Initiation the number four is not used. Only the number Five is used. The Cross with a rose is a symbol of the Rosicrucians. The rose transforms into a



swastika by spinning around and this is the symbol of the Hyperboreans. For the Chinese the number five means transcendental and they were conscious of the existence of Hyperborea.

THE  LOSERS In  the  great  war  (World  War  II)  there  were  two  authors  of  international  fame  who  were  on  the  side  of  the  traditional  Aura.  They  were  the  North  Americans  Ezra  Pound  and  the  Norwegian  Nobel  Prize  winner,  Knut  Hamson.  After  the  war,  both  these  men  were   interned   in  mental   institutions.  The  French  poet,  Robert  Brasillach,  also  paid  for  displaying  his  courage.  They  all  wrote  the  things  that  I  am  writing  now  and  they  paid  dearly.  

WITH  EZRA  POUND Ezra  Pound  supported  the  Italian  Fascists  and  the  German  Nazis  during  the  Second  World   War   because   they   offered   an   economic   system   unparalleled   by   other  countries;   they  had   the  best   technology  and  were  pioneers   in   science.  He   felt   that  these   countries   provided   the   best   solutions   to   metaphysical   questions   and   could  purify  the  Earth.  There  are  documents  that  prove  that  the  SS  belonged  to  the  ‘Order  of  the  Templars.’  In  their  secret  meetings  they  had  ‘Esoteric  initiations’.  The  SS  had  plans  to  build  great  cities  throughout  Europe,  eliminate  income  taxes,  and  to  build  a  spiritual  government  based  on  antiquity.  Today,  no  reference  is  made  as  to  the  real  intent  of  the  Fascists  and  the  Nazis  and  now  they  call  any  dictator  or  authoritative  governments  “fascists.”  Of  course  today  these  fascists  do  not  include  communists  or  Marxists.  For  these  reasons  Ezra  Pound  was  on  the  side  of  the  Germans  and  the  Italians.  He  was   against  his   own   country,  which  was  based  upon  usury.  The  Germans   lost   the  war,  Ezra  Pound  lost  the  war,  and  he  was  put  behind  bars.  Later,  he  was  interned  in  a  mental   institution   in   the  United  States  where  he   stayed   for  13  years.  The  Greek  philosopher   Plato   once   said   “anything   great   to   be   built   is   surrounded   by   danger”  and  Heidegger  said,  “anyone  who  thinks  big  makes  big  mistakes.”    







HYPERBOREA AND ATLANTIS In Plato’s “Timaeus and Critias” there is a story of three sisters who guarded the Garden of Hesperides. One was Black, one was White, and one was Red. This garden was located in Atlantis. The colors of black, white and red are used in Alchemistry. Alchemistry was used in Atlantis. In “Timothy” the phrase is used “One, two, three. Where is the fourth?” Also in Montsegur four knights escaped with the treasure of the Grail, but only the names of three knights are known. Where is the fourth? In the process of Alchemistry the yellow color appears between white and red and in reality it is actually white or red in a state of indecision. Therefore the fourth element is actually the third. What we must look for is not the fourth but the fifth, the philosopher’s stone, the Holy Grail. What color represents the fifth element? It is probably Blue, the color the kings used in their sacred ceremonies in Atlantis. What happened to the blue race? The blue beings from Thule, Hyperborea and Venus? According to Jurgen Spanuth, who wrote the book “Atlantis,” the missing continent of Atlantis is at the bottom of the North Sea and it disappeared 1300 years before our age. Plato said that Atlantis reached the other side of the ocean, where we find today North and South America. According to the legend Hercules went to steal golden apples from the Garden of Hesperides and he had to fight against the giant, “Anteo.” From here the legends speak of Hyperborea, land of the giants, of supermen, from the North Pole, and they lived in cities constructed of materials clear as glass. The white skin of these beings was almost blue; their hair was of a pale golden color. The women were beautiful and they had magical powers which permitted them to communicate with other worlds. They received their powers from Vril energy. Hyperborea was connected to all the continents and it was situated in the Arctic before the Earth became transformed during the Second Glacier Period. Iceland, Greenland and Spitzberger were actually parts of the continent Hyperborea. Atlantis was actually a peninsula which extended out from Hyperborea. From there extended Thule - North and South America. Some people think that Atlantis was actually part of Hyperborea on the same continent. This continent existed throughout various glacier periods as evidenced through the discovery of ice walls which were built 4500 years before our age. According to the legends Hyperborea can only be accessed by a secret tunnel through the ice which runs right up to the Euphrates. It is said that some of the Hyperborean descendents still live in Iceland and Greenland and also the Island of the Dead (Dead island). There exist legends that Irish monks and Vikings explored some of the northern islands and found them deserted.



WHERE ARE THE HYPERBOREANS NOW? The legend continues that the Hyperboreans migrated first to the Gobi then to India. They also migrated to the Caucasian mountains and Europe. They were only small colonies. By this time the divine knowledge disappeared. All the extraterrestrial power that the Hyperboreans possessed, a product of Vril Power, where they could travel faster than a thought, where their Flying Machines needed no pilot or steering mechanism. According to ancient Indian lore these flying machines (Vimanas) were fueled by "music" and "sound" and could read "the thoughts and emotions of man." In Hyperborea every fifth woman born within a family had magical powers. The number 5 symbolizes Hyperborea, the polar cap. Today, the use of current philosophical teachings, astrology, astronomy, and science correspond to a different reality. The real astral science, the real cosmic knowledge has been lost. The only thing we have left is El Cordon Dorado, the “Golden Thread.” On Viking Island they had an advanced civilization that practiced Alchemy and the secret sciences. They came very close to our original inhabitants. Iceland is filled with Solar magnetism and special terrain close to Ogigia, the Fabulous. It is here we remember the secret of the celestial City of the four masters with its entrance of 12 revolving black crosses (the Black Sun). As it was told by Joseph Lanz, who would be received by the Supreme Lord at the End of the Sixth Age. What happened to the survivors of Hyperborea? To those who fled to Iceland and Greenland; are they all gone? Have they returned to the planet from which they came (Lucifer-Venus)? To another constellation closer than the Black Sun that reflects the Green Ray in their Flying Saucers which can travel faster than thought itself? We do know that some of theses survivors remained here on Earth to help guide selected Earthlings with their great powers. But not on the surface of the Earth but from inside the Earth. They formed the cities of Agartha and Shamballah within the Hollow Earth. Thule was the capital of Hyperborea. It is said that the teacher of the philosopher, Pythagoras, was a Hyperborean. In the sacred texts of the Hyperboreans the White gods would one day come out from within the earth and return to the stars in the eagle of gold on a white horse. The rest of us would be judged at the end of the Dark Age, Kali Yuga and the beginning of the Golden Age or Satya Yuga, when the axis of the earth is changed through a catastrophe. The poles would become one in a perfect axis, the same as when the First Age began on this planet where man could live to be a thousand years old.

THEY CAME FROM OTHER WORLDS The initiation into El Cordon Dorado, the Golden Thread, teaches us that Hyperboreans came from heaven. They were Gods and semi-gods. Apollo and Lucifer were Hyperboreans. Every nineteen years they left Greece to live in Hyperborea rejuvenated and feeling fresh. In the age of Pisces Apollo and Lucifer were chained to the ice in the North Pole. The sun left our world and all Extraterrestrial knowledge vanished.



It was Apollo and Lucifer whom initiated the secret of the golden apples in the Garden of Atlantis. Lucifer is the carrier of knowledge and light. In the age of Pisces the world falls into the well of profane knowledge, with no contact to the transcendental world, falling into a world of technology without a soul, based on rationalism. In the next stage of Kaliyuga, the age of Iron, we go even lower. This all happens because Lucifer and Apollo Were tortured and made victims of defamation. Who were the first to come here and teach the inhabitants? Without a doubt it was the Gods. All the myths and legends attest to this fact. When the world is no more, our myths and legends will live on. We have lost the ancient science, the superior technology based on transcendental magic. All we have left is El Cordon Dorado, the Golden Thread. It makes no difference how long man has been living on the face of the earth. All knowledge has come from outside. The Gods have brought the Grail, the treasures; fallen angels remain here on earth to keep all the treasures under their custody. They have lost a Celestial war. A fallen angel falls in love with a woman here from earth and creates a race of semi-gods. After that, the angel leaves. Would Osiris-Lucifer be the angel? The woman is left a widow. The descendents of the semi-gods are called Sons of the Widow. For those who have doubts about Esoteric Hitlerism, you will soon learn of Its credibility. When the Gods purified the Earth by covering it with water, only the mountain sheep herders, the ignorant and a few others who knew the truth survived. One great wave that passed during the night destroyed Atlantis. The land on the opposite side of the ocean was elevated miles above the water level. Our current science speaks of the precision of our equinoxes. Because of the equinoxes every 26,000 years the polar caps experience a spring, a summer, an autumn, and/or a glacial winter. In the glacial winter the glacial ice gets extremely packed and heavy, increasing the weight on that end of the earth. This causes the water to rush towards the equator and increases the speed of the planet's rotation at its center (the equator). In the polar summer, the ice melts, and the water runs towards the equator. The centrifugal force of the earth is increased. When the centrifugal force of earth increases it speeds up time. Today we see things happening very fast, where as before it would take 20 years to produce some of the phenomenon we see today. This is a sign. The Hyperborean Thule existed during the polar summer. With the increase in speed of the rotation of the earth the water covered the extremes of our planet and Thule disappeared. All that was saved were the legends and Myths, El Cordon Dorado, The Golden Thread. During the 26,000 years we see all kinds of natural disasters. Those who live on the face of the earth have their legends, their myths, and their traditions. Within the center of the earth they live and experience those traditions, legends and those very myths become reality. The radiant door is open to an invisible world.....




M. Serrano in his Home in Santiago

Schwartze Sonne - Black Sun at Wewelsburg Castle



Cloud forming Vimana/UFO


ARE ALL MEN REALLY MEN? We must realize that races divide the men of this earth and they are distinctly different from one another. The Hyperboreans are the divine race because they are pure and have never intermixed with other races. They are The Polar race and they are the Supreme Guides of humanity. Those of Earth who have intermixed racially with VIRAS or HEROES or with DIVYAS, THE TWICE-BORN ARYANS or with the very Hyperboreans themselves are the semi-divine race. Therefore not all men on earth are really earthlings; there could be offspring of Hyperboreans walking among earthlings. Thule, Hyperborea and Atlantis existed at the same time. All the great Masters existed during this time. They were all Initiated into the great occult mysteries. They were all given Extraterrestrial knowledge. Thule was not a nation, it was a town, a Temple, a place for magicians, masters, wise men, and divine souls. In Hyperborea they maintained the purity of the Blue Blood of the Bluish race of the North Pole, for they were the Guardians of the Morning Star (an old term for the “Nobility,” the Aristocracy, the “Blue Blood” represented the unblemished in inter-marriages with people of a lower Caste; "Blue Blood" means “Pure Blooded”).

FASCINATION FOR THE ABYSS When they opened the files of the Nuremburg trial and the investigations they found out something that I had known for 30 years. That the Third Reich tried to establish contact with the Hollow Earth, with the Hyperboreans, with Agartha, with Shambala. They tried



to confirm every piece of Nordic legend and literature. As a result they reestablished an Esoteric organization to maintain and keep this knowledge alive. In any event we do not know today if this was a wise move or an error or if it was before its time. Maybe it was done to lose in the age of Pisces to render respect to the God of Pisces in order to be victorious in the age of Aquarius. If you believe the latter then you will be permitted to enter into the door leading to an incredible world of knowledge and of real magic.





“Minne-Memories” are the source of all thought of each race. We all have memories of the past of our race in a strict hereditary line that is transmitted from family to family to race and town and small community (Blood and Soil). The chromosome constitutes the nucleus of the cell which has DNA, an acid. This is where life starts. It is the genes that makeup the cathedral of our heritage. Chromosome means color and form. This is where our memories reside. That is why we should preserve our color. The Aryans need to preserve our memory, the Minne, we must remember Hyperborea for the next Thule. Our Hyperborean Ancestors came in search of a sacred drink called SOMA. It was the “Blood Memory.” Those who do not preserve their race will lose all Spirituality, all knowledge, and the use of Vril Power, the power over the Universes. Those who preserve their race will receive Spirituality, knowledge, and the sixth sense will become more intense, Vril Power enters through the third eye and permits you to communicate with Divine Souls, Extraterrestrials, and much more.

A DIFFERENT CONCEPT OF REINCARNATION    What kind of reincarnation did the Druids believe in? Most of us have heard or read of the theory of reincarnation where one returns to individuality, either going up or down a zoological ladder, based on the theory of Darwin, or based on the theory of evolution, going back into an animal or progressing until we become angels, all based on the theory of so-called Karma. This concept of reincarnation is completely the opposite of the truth. It is not based on evolution rather it is based on involution. Man did not descend from the monkey, the monkey descended from man as a degenerative change, involution. The same thing has happened with man today, he is a degenerative form of the divine world,



the God-man. The physical earth today is nothing more than a degenerative form of a spiritual earth. Therefore, what we see is the result of the complete breakdown of morals where vice and corruption has become king. But there existed an ancient Earth and there exists an interior of the earth where nature is completely different and will return once the earth becomes transfigured. The purpose of reincarnation is for one to return to one’s homeland, to one’s own divinity, the individual's place of origin. Reincarnation is repetitive attempts to repeat the same history over and over until you find your own perfection. Once you find that perfection you are immortal. The memory inside your chromosomes makes it an obsession. This is the memory we have with our own God. Many times we have premonitions of the future because in our memories we have lived these scenes over and over. The people we meet seem familiar, as though we have met them before, and we have, over and over, in life after life. We also have in our memory banks the memories of all the natural disasters that occurred on Earth: cosmic disasters, the disappearance of Atlantis, the disappearance of Thule, and everything that will happen in the future. We already know because we have already lived it time after time. Part of the initiation is to reactivate your memory banks in proportion to your free will as a warrior in order to reveal and remember Hyperborea. If I am able to remember the marvelous city of the golden apples with fruits and animals that talked with man because they were our friends, part of man itself, then it is because my heritage is from the Celts, or the Druids, or the Visigoths and because I was born at the South Pole. All this is in our memory banks in the cells of our blood. This is also part of my Polar initiation. This is my reincarnation, the reincarnation of my melody, my perfect note.




Ezra Pound was an author of literature. He worked in England for various years as secretary of the poet W. B. Yeats who was a member of the group ’The Golden Dawn’ which in turn was connected to the ‘Thule Society’ of Munich, Germany, where Nazism was born. Rudolf Hess was a member of the Thule society and when he made his flight to England he was to meet members of the ’Golden Dawn’ in Scotland. Ezra Pound was famous for bringing to us the Chinese Astrology and the science of I-Ching, although he is also known for his literature. In one of his writings he said “We need a European religion. Christianity has been infected by Jews. What we really believe inside ourselves Christianity has not been able to destroy. Jehova was an egg thrown at the nest of Europe. There is no connection between Jehova and God. God’s concept of supreme love is not found in any Jewish Bible.”




In Spain the Visigoths had blue eyes and blond hair and many of them preserved the tradition of the ‘Path of the Star’ on their way north by various mystery routes. The Visigoths were a great people. They adopted the name of God. Visigoth means ‘the wise Goths’. Their God was Wotan or Odin. Their language consisted of magic signs and runes, which vibrate on an atomic scale and produces power over stone, trees, and everything of nature, the heavens and other cosmic spheres. The Visigoths were wise men, their land of origin: Hyperborea, Lucifer, the morning star, Venus, the planet of ELELLA. The Visigoths were Aryans. The Chilean race is descended from the Visigoths. The Chileans have been at war for over four hundred years with the Spaniards. During that time, inter-racial relations have taken place. There has been mass immigration of Germans to Chile during the last one hundred years. Therefore, as a result, the Chilean race of today has Nordic blood. True spiritualism comes from the Celtic culture, the German culture, the Aryan culture, and from Mount Asturias. Chile, today, is a country of the Lone Star, of the planet Venus called Lucifer, of the Hyperboreans who have inverted to the South Pole. The Vascos also came to Chile and incorporated into our society to the point where they no longer remember their original language. This was a shame because the Vascos were not supposed to forget their language.



The  ancient  path  towards  that  shining  star  is  not  any  Christian  or  Jewish  religion,  it  is  an  esoteric  path  that  uses  land  points  that  change  once  we  become  familiar  with  laws  and  principles  of  cosmology  and  alchemistry.  The  path  to  the  star  is  the  path  to  the  planet  Venus  known  as  Lucifer.  Once   you   are   initiated   into  Hyperborea,   there  are  no  limits,  this  is  the  transcendental  change,  you  are  a  true  magician.  



I arrived at Santiago de Compostela on the 21st of June. Without knowing it that day they were going to open the ’sacred door of the temple’ which is done once every five years when the sun is in direct line with the summer solstice. This marks the path to the sacred peak. At this place a spiritual person related to the Hyperborean race, which is semi-divine, should be able to reintegrate alchemically, mystically, to his place of extraterrestrial origin, to that star.



To go through these mountains and secret passages one has time to meditate, prepare for change, and receive divine visions. Inside the Church of San Milagro (St. Miracle) is a grail and it is said that the other grail is in San Juan de la Pena where the words ’Parcifal and Wagner’ are inscribed. To drink out of that grail is to drink the blood of the Blue Race, Hyperborea. The grail is green with the colors of a ray passing through a black sun. But before coming to this place you should stop at the Convent Benedictino de Samos, which is in reality a German name, a Visigoth name, with a Sanskrit history, which in translation means ‘The great Hyperborean forefathers.’ The convent was built in the fifth century. I climbed the sacred peak. When I reached the top I was met by a young person who led me to a cave, and he told me that I could enter the interior of the earth through this cave. I continued on to Noya and at their cemetery I contemplated the strange signs, remembered the magic runes, this is the place where many were initiated. A man suddenly appeared in the form of a swastika. He had a head, arms and legs, with a cup in his hand. The man represented symbols, schematics, that don’t start with him nor do they end with him, showing all the possible changes and involutions. They are lines of force, which exist in all the caves of the earth. These formula-signs are atomic numbers, which means that even if the man disappears, the vibration of the sign, present in stone, will recreate him over and over. The divine man, the Super man. If one lets his instinct guide him he will be lifted to new heights guided by the Star. It is 36 miles to Ageitos through a pine forest. It is here that one receives the secret. Three rocks hold up the roof. Four rocks support the other three. The total is eight. This is the number of the Templar’s Monument. The tension in those rocks marks the beginning. Then you will hear the music of underground water flowing, the river of the other earth, this is the door to the other side. Paul Bochet wrote much about the Druids. He wrote of how they constructed megaliths. Before the arrival of the Celts, the Druids knew the secrets of the invisible magnetic currents that flow within the Earth. We call it the ‘law of the circulation of blood through the first Astral Earth‘. In these subterranean hydraulic currents you place a needle, just like acupuncture, or like those who put needles into dolls to injure some person, called black magic. This is the key to create a magnetic circle, the contact point between the visible world and the invisible world, between the material world and the Astral plane, between two worlds of vibration. Between two currents a mantra is produced, this vibration is called ‘moon water.’ These keys are still there to be used by anyone who wants to use them. If you can only hear one current of subterranean water you put a megalithic stone in the form of needle (wide on one end and pointed on the other) into the ground. But if you hear two three currents of water you build a megalithic monument with two or three supports (needles) and then connect them with a stone slab on the top. Many churches



have been built upon these sacred grounds and this means that there exists an invisible church where one can enter the invisible world.


I  came  to  Compostela  following  that  path  to  the  star.  Meditating  every  afternoon  in  the  forests.   I   found  people  from  Vasco  country,  France,  Germany  but  none  of  them  knew  of  the  ancient  secrets,  which  lay  below  these  rocks.   I  went  to  Galicia   looking  for   ancient   Celtic   remnants,   the   forefathers   of  my  mother,   but  what   I   found  were  Germans.  The  professor  of  History  and  Archeology  of  the  University  of  Santiago  de  Compostela  explained  it  to  me.  This  area  is  all  German  tradition,  Visigoth  tradition.  Here  you  will  find  no  Jews,  no  Celts.  The  Visigoths:  a  semi-­‐divine  race,  creators  of  a  great   civilization.   In   the   fifth   century   the  Visigoths   came   to   civilize   the   rest   of   the  world.    But   before   the  Visigoths,   the  Nordics   and   the  Celts   did   come  here,   and   they  were  guided  by  the  Hyperboreans.    According   to   the  historian,   the  German   traditions  are   found   in  our   folklore,   in   the  architectural   construction   of   our   buildings,   and   in   the   names   of   our   women.   To  confirm  this,  my  mother’s  name  is  Bertha,  the  same  as  the  mother  of  Charlemagne.  This  is  shocking  knowing  that  my  mother  came  from  Spain  and  not  Germany.  Now  I  understand  many  of  our  local  songs.  


The glorious memory can get lost in appearances but it will return with the initiation into the Golden Thread, the memory of our blood heritage, as we proceed towards the goal of an initiate. Everything we forget in the age of Pisces will be remembered in the age of Aquarius. The memory locked away in our chromosomes will awaken the entire family. This in turn will convert into a ‘Magic Love.’ This is cosmic music, which one can hear on the path to the star. There existed only one brotherhood of fire warriors. There is only one initiated family, one solar family, under the rocks of the Andes today, under the ice of the Antarctic, the oasis of the South Pole, descendents of the North Pole. It is because of this that the Nazis under Hitler wanted to preserve their blood heritage. How can we think that Hitler’s ideas were wrong when we accept the fact that the Jews don’t mix with other races? The Jewish religion does not permit Jews to mix with other races. Why? Because in the preservation of their blood heritage they maintain the pact with their particular God. When Dr. Jung talked of the Aryan collective unconscious and the Jewish collective unconscious he referred to the same thing but one represents Gods and the other represents Demons. Because of this Dr. Jung was falsely accused of being a Nazi sympathizer and even today people are prejudiced against his literary works. Dr. Jung was a much better Psychiatrist



than Freud. But after World War II, Dr. Jung was not heard of and the Jew, Freud, became famous. Many of my books were not allowed to be printed because I mentioned the great works of Dr. Jung. All of Freud’s teachings are Communist in nature. In today’s world of the Kaliyuga Age where we are entering the catastrophic involution stage hardly anyone would understand Dr. Jung’s teachings. How many people would understand our metaphysical roots after being indoctrinated so long in communism? When we talk of preserving our blood heritage, it is not just a biological blood that circulates through our veins, but an astral light, ancient memories in our chromosomes of our extraterrestrial forefathers, the great memory. Blood represents mystery. Neither the Third Reich nor the Jews consider their blood heritage lightly. Hitler’s famous words “The spiritual race lasts much longer than the natural race. Because we have not reached that elite state we must be content with what we have. For the time being, we will have results as a matter of consequence.”





The mystery of the White Gods is that they came from the Antarctic, they walked among the men of this earth, they were spirit guides and that one-day they would return. They were immortal, without a soul, they were some type of incorruptible ghost and they could travel to Thule at the South Pole. They were of a blue-white milk color. The Vikings colonized America in the year 967. The first Viking to colonize America was Ullman. In Chile there are various sites where Viking Runes and other signs are found. Our legend is that giants settled in Chile when a huge continent disappeared. These giants also settled in Ecuador. They must have gone beneath the surface of the earth. The Mayas claim that their ancestors and forefathers came from Thule. The Vikings also claim that their ancestors and forefathers came from Thule. There are various landing strips in South America made in the designs of Runes where it is believed that Extraterrestrial ships landed. According to legend, Extraterrestrials came here from the Morning Star, the planet Venus. They were called "The Messengers of the Green Ray" (the Emerald of Venus) from behind the Black Sun, the Polar Sun of the Farthest Northerly Midnight and they were the ancestors of the Hyperboreans. With the sinking of Atlantis in the Northern Sea some of the survivors of Hyperborea, such as the Vikings, are an example of involution, a degenerative form of their divine ascendancy. They were looking for places to live and settle. Ramses the II in the Egyptian region expelled them but they were able to settle in the Americas. After the



Vikings came the Normans and the Irish. Before them were the Druids and the Celts. The Spaniards came after the Normans and the Irish. After this came Christianity and we lost the secrets of our ancestry. When Hyperborea disappeared the spirit guides returned to a subterranean world never to return again. The White Nordic descendents of Hyperborea retained the sacred Swastika, which was retained by the Vikings, the Bon-Po, the Templars, and later by Esoteric Hitlerism. The swastika symbolizes the return to our Ancestral land. Today the opening to this underworld is in the Andes Mountains, in the jungles of the Amazon, the world of the White Gods.



In   the   age   of   Pisces   is  when   the   spirit   guides   of  men   leave   this   earth.   This   is   the  spiritual   massacre.   Everything   seems   to   go   downhill   in   a   never-­‐ending   spiral  towards  degeneracy  and  animalism.  The  reestablishment  of  the  Order  seems  to  be  impossible   because   this   is   a   hostile   world.   People  who   love   their   race  must   hide  behind  a  simulation  to  abide  by  this  world’s  rules.  Even  though  the  Templars  were  stronger  they  could  not  use  force  on  those  they  wanted  to  help.  For  these  warriors,  the   real   combat   was   in   their   interior   using   yoga,   a   mystic   knighthood,   internal  discipline.    Adolf  Hitler  brought  hope  to  the  world  by  bringing  back  the  Sacred  Swastika,  once  again   reminding   the   world   of   our   origin,   of   our   duty   to   find   our   way   back,   to  reawaken   the   memories   locked   away   in   our   cells   and   chromosomes,   to   stop   the  spiral  of  degeneracy  and  work  our  way  back  up  to  salvation.  The  SS  practiced  yoga  and  they  had  initiations.  Adolf  Hitler  was  the  guest  of  honor.  



The SS believed that if we could return to our original cultures and traditions we could once again awaken the creative force and create that magic energy necessary to start our journey back to our homeland. The following words from an author from Holland sets an example of what we mean. “Listen my son, keep this book with your body and soul. It contains all the history of our people and our forefathers, even your generic name. I saved the book from the flood, even while saving you and your mother. The book got wet and it began to rot and I had to copy it on paper. The day you inherit this book, copy it again on



fresh paper and make sure that your sons do the same, and their sons. This way we will never lose our soul.” Another passage by another author says “In the name of our forefathers and our freedom never stop looking and reading the pages of this book. We know we are the enemies of all foreigners because we tell the truth, we impart justice, and we preach duty to principle and good morals. This is why they destroy everything related to our forefathers or taught to us by our forefathers. They know we are the survivors of our forefathers. If we don’t have the power to resist, everything is lost.” Our sons and the young people of future generations will have no hope whatsoever unless they learn the secrets of Esoteric Hitlerism. Because only through Esoteric Hitlerism will anyone learn of the Golden Thread, of Hyperborea, of their race, the meaning of the Swastika, so that they may reincarnate on a higher level and not on a degenerate level. Esoteric Hitlerism means to reach the highest levels of Hyperborean initiations and to go up the secret degrees of the SS so that one day there will be a great resurrection, a definite explosion. The masculine conception is to be virile, of the sun, to be Nordic, to be an individualist, and to be a hero. The feminine conception is of the moon, Jewish in nature, of the community, believes in equality. For a mother all the children are equal and the same. But they all cannot be heroes. A hero would be considered the black sheep of the family. This is the principle of Communism: there cannot be any heroes. There cannot be anyone ‘different.’ Under communism our sacrifice today is supposed to be for a better tomorrow, which of course never comes. The same is taught by the Christian religion. Everything has to be bureaucratic, it’s horrible. This is the direct path towards slavery. Democracy makes the mediocre look great, you only get censored information or half-truths, everything is standardized and reproaches anything great, it murders creativity, originality and true godliness.


We must understand that this world is currently not in evolution but in involution, a spiral downwards. Therefore our reincarnations are degenerating into beasts, animals, etc. Man did not come from the monkey but rather the monkey comes from the man as a degenerative progression. Battles are being fought everyday between what we call men, animals, dogs, spiders, birds, plants, even between metals. Many do not win the battles and fall by the wayside. Each and every fallen creature has inert energy. This energy is what will give the hero, the Superman, his victory. This is a mystic law, which the SS will use to their advantage at the appropriate time.


The Templars discovered that Christ is a solar entity and was never within a human body nor was he crucified on earth. The cross is a star symbol known by the philosophers Pythagoras and Plato. They said that “the spirit is crucified in the four worlds” The mineral and vegetable worlds are the vertical descendents; the animal world is the horizontal descendent. In this way the spirit is crucified to involution. We are forced to find a way to cosmic consciousness. The Rosicrucians teach that when the rose appears in the middle of the cross, we begin to rise up above involution. Those Christians who



believe in this Christ are the true Christians of the Greek Hermetic Cross and not the Jewish Christians or Judeo-Christian faiths. The Templars do not negate the Cross, which is a mystic symbol, they do negate the man on the cross as an earthly thing not even to be considered.





What was this extraordinary order of the temple? The initiation of knights? Who inspired Hitler in the beginning and who guided him along the later years? No doubt it was the Hyperborean guides, the spirit of the Druids which were working inside the convents, and the first of these is Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Saint Benito was the founder of the Benedictino Order; he died in the year 546. It is believed that his order inspired the Druids. In a convent in Austria, Heilingenkreus, in Mayerling the monk Joseph Lanz was sent to study the archives of the convent Benedictino de Lambach in the same town where Hitler lived as a boy and where the swastika was reborn. Joseph Lanz was there for a year. Joseph Lanz then decided to live the life of a monk and he changed his name to George Lanz Von Liebenfels. In the year 1900 he created a new temple order in Vienna and he wrote various books. He also printed a magazine titled ’Ostara’, the German God of spring light. He began to speak of Thule, of the Hyperboreans, of the city of Agartha, and Shamballah. It is believed that Hitler was a constant reader of the magazine ’Ostara’. It is even possible that Lanz initiated Hitler during this period. But it was in Munich where Hitler came into contact with Rudolph Hess, Dietrich Eckhart, Rosenberg, and Haushofer. Many believe that these people were also initiated into the Thule Society but Haushofer was not a member of the Thule Society he was a member of the Vril Society founder of which was Von Sebottendorf, one of Germany‘s most famous astrologers. This society was formed in Munich in 1918. Both the Thule Society and the Vril Society had the swastika as their symbol. The Thule Society also had a dagger in their symbol, which resembles the symbol of the SS. The entomology of Thule, the capital of Hyperborea was Celtic, which is derived from the word ’thu-al’, north, the extreme point of expedition. The initiation into the Golden Thread teaches us that Thule of Hyperborea is the sacred center of revelation, of midnight, the first sanctuary of initiations, the image of light at the pole where divine sages live.




Part of the initiation is to go on a symbolic trip, walking in the form of a swastika until we reach the mystical point, the North Pole, home of the Hyperboreans. Before reaching that point one must pass by the Caucasian Asgards (Stalingrad). Here we must note that Hitler in his lightning conquests during the great war were in the form of a swastika making his way north towards Stalingrad. All the military strategy of Hitler from the Blitzkrieg over France to the attack on Ardennes has been considered brilliant. The English historian, Sir Basil Liddel Hart considered Hitler one of the greatest military geniuses of all times.


At the final days of the war the Germans were defending a convent founded by Saint Benito. They were helping the monks to save all their valuable documents and treasures hoping to save the monastery from destruction. Nevertheless, it was reduced to ashes by bombs. This same monastery was destroyed once before in the 14 century. It was the Irish monk, Saint Colombano born in the year 540, educated by the Druids, who contributed the Celtic spirit to the Temple Order. The Order then passed on to Saint Bernard. Therefore the knights of the Temple were ancient orders of the Irish Celts. The Knights Templars are unique in that they reproduce Hermetic and Gnostic signs. The Order started in the first centuries of the age of Pisces as a necessity to maintain contact with ancient sacred Gods. The order continued to exist to the year 1128 by Saint Bernard and continued to exist for many more centuries.



The Jewish Bible says that Moses had an Arc made of gold and inside the Arc were some rocks. The Arch was supposed to have some kind of magical powers called ‘Urim and Turrim’. The Levites guarded the Arc and they were dressed in white. The Arc was stolen in Egypt. Gold and rocks are symbols of Alchemistry. The gold represents alchemistry and the rock Philosophy. The fact that the Arc was stolen means that they lost their powers because of something they did wrong. Moses then goes up the Mount, is met by some divine power, brings the tablets down to the base of the mount and finds the Hebrews adoring a gold calf. Moses breaks the tablets therefore we do not know what the tablets said. Then Moses goes back up the Mount either writes or finds new tablets and again descends the Mount. No doubt the whole history of Moses in the Jewish Bible is a sham. Moses was an Egyptian priest who was assassinated. The Jews did there best to cover up and erase Egyptian history. The Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) have destroyed the true history of our earth, of Atlantis, of Egypt. They have destroyed all history of extraterrestrials and millions of years of civilizations on this planet down to



about six thousand years of history, which only demonstrate a primitive existence. The proof of what I am saying lies in the fact that the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt was destroyed and along with it the history of extraterrestrials and prior civilizations to Egypt. Moses, an Egyptian, refused to give up the precious knowledge held within that country and for that he was assassinated. The tribe of Judea, which was the most primitive tribe in existence at that moment in time, falsified all the history of the world including the history of Israel. But some of that great history survived and was saved in subterranean worlds. Moses did not respect the Cosmic Law of Racial preservation and he married an Ethiopian. He then established a school of initiation into Atlantis- Hyperborean esoteric knowledge. And it is from here that the Egyptian Pharaohs were taught and then sent out to setup their Egyptian dynasties. This all occurred during the Iron Age. Pharaoh means ‘of iron.’ That is why gypsies are called pharaohs because they made jewelry out of metals. The Egyptian Pharaohs lost the knowledge of how to reawaken their bodies at the precise moment after the final days of involution. Of all the Jewish tribes, ten in all, only one survived in the desert, the tribe of Judi, the least intellectually and morally capacitated. They were half man, half animal, and this is where their racial obsession and criminal tendencies come from. They have falsified the Hebrew traditions. It was not Moses who brought the law to the Hebrews but 120 scribes led by Nehemia and Esdra. They are the real authors of Jewish law. They are the authors of the Talmud, which means, Law. In the year 622 during the reconstruction of Salomon’s Temple, the Jews supposedly found the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth Book of Moses. In that book, which no one had ever heard of before, the Jewish people are glorified, they make themselves the chosen people of earth, and they prohibit race mixing. They add that it is their duty to exterminate the people of all other nations and that Jerusalem is the only place where their God, Jehovah, wants to be venerated. The Hebrews knew nothing of these traditions. All of a sudden this God has become a jealous God. Any Jewish man or woman who did not abide strictly by these rules was punished. All sacred Hebrew books and texts were revised and changed and now the Jews were called ’Reformed Jews’. The Jewish people are not a people, it is a blood community, invented a posteriori, manufactured from top to bottom by Rabbis initiated in the blood religion. This ethnic creation has no parallel in world history. Hitler on the other hand, tried to create a spiritual race. I will repeat Hitler's words “The spiritual race lasts longer than the natural race.” The Aryans are the offspring of angels, extraterrestrials from Venus, the Morning Star. They are semi-gods and therefore they must be conscious of their race and preserve their race. For the Jews to accomplish their mission they must suck the blood out of life and change the sun to the color of blood. The original Hebrew was a pagan believer in a sun God and David and Solomon were Hebrew poets. Six hundred years before our time everything changed. When the Jewish scribe Esdra swore his allegiance to the new Reformed Jew pact, the Hebrew people cried. Thirteen thousand six hundred laws governs the life of a Jew from dusk until dawn. None of the prophets of Israel would have become a ‘Reformed Jew‘. Now there is only one God, one altar, and one Rabbi. Now



since the Jewish people have been made sacred they are not made to do any work or any honest work to make a living. According to the Jewish God and according to Ezekial, their God will always be generous to them.





Blood was the first fluid made out of magnetic light. It is the astral soul manifested in human bodies. Blood is a spiritual, hermetic concept. The divine purpose for preserving the bloodline of Aryans is to reawaken the memory banks of our DNA so that we may overcome the process of involution by remembering our origin, our heritage, and our previous great civilizations. The Jews on the other hand will only perpetuate hate and vengeance, based on a criminal God created from their own minds for the purpose of enslaving mankind, their incubated Dracula. This is what has changed the course of history.




Tell me who your Gods are and I will tell you who you are. The Aryans have pagan Gods. The pagan Gods live and let live. Sometimes they come into conflict including war but not for spiritual reasons exclusively, but because there has been a division of power, it is to preserve ones own power, unless it was a tournament or some kind of game. On the other hand the Jewish God is an exclusive God. There can be no other truth than what this God says, neither before him nor after him. There can be no new prophets, avatars, or saints. There is neither reincarnation, nor can there be any resurrection of any Gods. According to the Jewish bible before Christ arrived everyone was a dirty, sinful pagan. The Jews also say that before the Jew, Karl Marx, nobody knew the truth, that Communism is the greatest thing under the sun. Nothing could be better than Communism. And of course their great Jew, Freud, the Psychiatrist, who said that all mental aberrations were caused by sex. Jehova will not permit other Gods before him because he is jealous, possessive, and wants only exclusivity. The same goes for the Christian God, which is completely different from Aryan traditions. Or from the religions of India which originated from



Aryan religions. For an Aryan, a pagan, he has many Gods therefore he has many ancestors, even extraterrestrials, and angels that can appear here on Earth. Where there exists exclusivity, division, lack of unity, there is no happiness because there is no contact with the cosmos, which permit us to breathe. In Communist countries even the plants and vegetation are sad. One should read the article written by Henry Ford titled “The Jewish Kahilla.”


Is has been said after the world war that Hitler implemented an evil swastika because it rotated in the opposite direction that the earth rotated. Of course this is bogus and crazy. There is no such thing as an evil swastika. Quite the contrary, the swastika represents metaphysical concepts, which were symbolized by runes. The reason Hitler chose the swastika was for metaphysical reasons. The swastika represents our Aryan ancestors, our semi-divine origin, and initiation into the Aryan mysteries. It is the sign of the Himalayan Mountains, the Andes. It is the sign of astral kundalini, and the sign of the White Gods.

THE TEMPLARS ATTEMPTED TO REESTLABLISH DIVINE NOBILITY The divine nobility of the Visigoths was transmitted by the blood of Extraterrestrials, which currently flow in our physical as well as our Astral veins. The Initiation consisted of drinking from a sacred cup the blue blood of the blue race from Hyperborea. The same colors of the Gods Krishna and Siva. In the cup of the Grail is also the Green Stone, The Emerald, the Morning Star, Venus-Lucifer, the blood of the Hyperborean king, of the world, of the Visigoths. In the cup of the Grail is preserved the miracle of our divine Extraterrestrial heritage. Even before the Templars, the Druids tried to reestablish the divine order, and even the Rosicrucians. But in this spiral of involution they all lost. This is the effect of Kaliyuga. According to the philosopher Plato, the disappearance of Atlantis was due to a great catastrophe which set in the process of Involution.* But the semi-divine peoples of earth, with the help of the Hyperboreans can once again enter the Golden Age. We have no idea how low this cycle of involution will go without a major confrontation. We should not permit this involution to go on any further. If we don’t stop it what might happen? If we permit the destruction of our planet to happen then how are we to find our way back to enlightenment? We need supermen, Divya (God-men), Magicians, great strong spiritual leaders and Warriors for this task. That is why we will have another World War and it will be by Warriors who have been Initiated and it will mark the beginning of the Golden Age. Guided by invisible leaders, the accumulated forces of energy will be released from inside the Earth, and all our dead heroes will be revived.

* Note from the Translator: "Involution" is the opposite of Evolution. Involution means that mankind did not evolve from apes and monkeys, but that mankind was once Gods and through the ages devolved ever further into the state that mankind is currently in. That is to say - Mankind is



turning into an animal through the ages and in this final age, the Kali Yuga, mankind reaches the nadir of his Involution until all is lost except for the few who retain the Spiritual Memory and another Golden Age begins as mankind starts slowly to Spiritually evolve.

Thule - The Black Sun and the Green Emerald Ray in Hyperborea


We intend, that the young Jew, who knows the real purpose of the Jewish ritual of the Renewed Covenant/Federation/Alliance, when he must give his answer, that everything is not lost (in the very moment that his parents believe they have won everything). In this book the statements have deep symbolic content and refer to metaphysical events, even if these events are synchronistic. When someone once wrote: “The Jews are the mixture of man and animal, they committed the ‘sin against the race,’” they were probably speaking of an act of Black Magic. The animal is of a Mythical nature during the Sabbath. The New Covenant/Federation is not irreversible, it is probably reversible, so that someone can separate themselves from it, in order to return again to reveal the Hyperborean Origins, from a Lunar Origin to a Solar Origin, to Resurrect with the help of Alchemy, from mutations to transmutations, to the White Magic of the Orphic Kabbala, of those Mantrams, the ones King Saul used. And everything happens with the help of the Internal World, where one dies, and with new pure blood they can rise again, Resurrect by cleaning the Akashic blood in order to be able to free themselves from the control over them by Black Magic and let the out-pouring of the pure, clean blood of the Minne, the



Memory of Hyperborea, from a far distant past, into the memory of an Extraterrestrial home and deep within ones veins; it should still be possible. It is mainly by blood that we become registered in the Akashic Memory. If a human can transform into a half-divine Virya (Hero) and then into a Divya (a Godman), then the Jew can once again transform again into a Hebrew, into a Habiru, a descendant of a Kabiru or a Kebiren, from that mountain of the far distant ancestors, the ones that divided and were separated in the critical moment of departure in the real authentic Exodus, regaining everything and following a path that was once lost, the path of Return towards the left-to-right spinning Swastika. One must understand that this highest effort toward transformation, toward the actual mutation is dependent on these things. It is possible that more than one has tried already and with the Sephardim or “Western Jew” they have probably been successful. However, by their fanaticism and eagerness to penetrate Catholicism neither the Marranen nor Spanish “Chuetas” (the descendants of Bekehrter Jews) succeeded because their Semitic Lunar world has remained intact. Collectively, no larger hope exists. Because the unseen director and conductor of the Jews and their Pole, their center, brings tension which causes an increase of materialism and mammonism (the seeking of Gold, the search for “material wealth”) and thus they become representatives of the forces of darkness, to the point of denial, denying they do not represent chaos. And in the drama of creation they play such a role, bringing war and conflict to the world (..."from the fifth sky downward"...) as our Solar Divinities supply the Viras (the Heroes) with the Solar Principle, being Sons of the Light who hold this very weapon, Light, in their hands.

THE LAW OF THE PENDULUM It is a cosmic law that a pendulum travels the same exact distance to the other side that it traveled on this side. This is a fatal movement. On one side was Hitler, just one people, just one Reich, just one Fuhrer. On the other side was Judaism. They were both based on bloodline but the earth animal-man for some reason rejected Hitler’s racism but accepted the Jews’ racism. With Hitler’s racism having been finished this served as a perfect instrument for Judaism to promote race mixing to make everyone impure like them. Everything that has happened since the close of the Second World War has made the Jews stronger, has made them more loyal to their God and they have won the promised land, Jerusalem; the only place where their Jehova wants to be revered. Where do we go from here? We know how complicated it is to talk about these issues. But these are the issues that are bringing us to the end of the age of Kaliyuga. This cycle is ending and a new cycle will start. We have waited for many years to start of the initiation of our young people into the mysteries of the ‘Golden Cord’ and Esoteric Hitlerism.




When someone is submerged in a myth, a legend, in the symbols, in the Green Ray, that person is possessed by the cosmic forces of history. The prophets were not considered anti-Jewish when they called Jehovah the Devil! The confusion as to the SS before and after the war was due to the fact that SS also controlled the political police, the Gestapo, a branch of the SS. But every member of the SS that we refer to in this book was a spiritual initiate. Not every member of the SS was a member of the Nazi Party. In these meetings everything was discussed, White Gods, Jews, bloodlines, Germany. The SS had created an order to flourish after the war which was to be separate of the totalitarian state, separate from any other organization or political party. The philosopher Heideggar was a member of the Nazi Party and remained a Nazi until his death in 1976. The pendulum is now on the Jews side and it has not swung the other way yet. It is not the hour.


When we reach the final days of this age where the situation is as critical as we know it is, then the gods, the demons, the myths, the legends, take an active part in the battle and they will be seen by many. They will take direct action in the combat, the same as in the last World War. It will have a cosmic resonance and not even our imaginations can conceive of a war with immortals. The immortals don’t die even if they make believe that they die. When the mystic SS killed someone they were killing demons. Today the Jews are killing Palestinians because they are killing the enemies of their particular God. These things are hard for earth people to understand. But even you can reach understanding through the ‘Golden Thread.’


In the Hindu religion there is the trinity of Brahma, the god of creation, Vishnu, the god of preservation, and Siva, the god of destruction. Each of these gods has a function of equal importance and one feeds off the other. Between all three gods a spirit is formed. Today we are living the dance of Siva where civilization is returning to the dark ages. Hindu Astrology also confirms that we are living in the age of the dance of Siva. In the Hindu Bible, Krishna advises the warrior Arjuna to do his duty and comply with his destiny and to kill his enemies even if they are not his enemies because they are already dead in Krishna’s eyes. Because after the destruction comes new creation. Through death comes life. A prayer by a Hindu author once said, “O My God let there be a great and terrible war because I know that through a war we will find eternal life.” A Russian author once said, “ There is no terror that cannot be transformed into a luminous solution with even greater energy.” The cause of death can only be understood within the spirit.




Once Germany was conquered in the Second World War the Jews had won their promised land; a geographical point on the astral earth. Esoteric Hitlerism contends that the Jews have falsified a myth that belongs to the Aryans, the promised land of Hyperborea, the Polar Thule, where the exact point exists to exit the earth to other planets of our origin. Since we must return according to laws of spiritual evolution and through the preservation of our race, we will do this by the power of ‘Vril.’ There are those who believe that these myths are purely symbolic and that everything we have talked about so far such as the hollow earth, fair temperature, white men, women with magical powers, Agartha, Shamballah, the Grail, are only symbols within our own beings that guide our evolution. Remember this earth cannot survive the Kaliyuga Age without the help of divine men and beings on this earth. Therefore there is a spiritual change, which comes first on the astral level then a physical change on this earth. Both are necessary. It is a grave mistake for the Jews to appropriate the land of the Palestinians and then to say that it is the promised land. This act on an astral level has caused a catastrophe for the future of the people on Earth. The Jews have stolen the Golden Apple from the Aryan Gods and the Aryan Gods will have their vengeance. THE INITIATION OF AGARTHA The spirit guides from the astral world explained that the Second World War was only the first part of the great World War and that Hitler was supposed to lose the first part or first battle. Hitler knew this and he was ordered to fight to the end by the spirit guides knowing he would lose. He had to comply with destiny. On the 26th of April 1942 Hitler declared the following: “The gods don’t love, they demand the impossible.” The Gods only give their blessing to those who do not falter in complying with their mission. At the end of the war Hitler declared in Berlin “For a people to resist as have the German people, prepare for a new era because in the final war the battle will be won by the Germans” and during the firefight an SS soldier asked Hitler “and who are we supposed to fight for?” and Hitler responded “For him who will come later.” Hitler already knew that in the Astral world the armies were getting ready for the final days and that he was chosen to lead these armies. Fulfilling the prophecy of Enoch in the legend. Hitler left in a flying saucer in 1945.


The Hermetic Law declares that whatever happens in heaven happens on earth, therefore all myths and legends become reality, the difference is in rates of vibratory energy where things happen quickly in heaven because of its high vibratory nature whereas on Earth



everything happens slowly because of the slow vibratory energy. Therefore the land of Thule exists, Atlantis exists and we can recuperate our lost cities. This is what our Templars sought with the help of spirit guides. To recreate those magic moments of the Druids, the Celts, the Germanic tribes, the Hindu Aryans, bringing our earth back to divinity from whence we started. To overcome involution. In Shamballah one is taught how to use the power of Vril, which brings about an automatic transfiguration. One is initiated a warrior. Those who are initiated warriors are born here on Earth to fight and struggle to bring about the New Solar Age. These warriors make up the great Golden Thread through time to guarantee that planet Earth is not abandoned by the spirits.


The third fundamental is that the Earth is a living being. The same as man, the Earth has an ‘Etheric body ’ which we refer to as the ‘other Earth.’ Within the Etheric body we find the Hyperborean Thule, and the cities of Agartha and Shamballah and they are inside Earth. Isn’t it extraordinary to know that the SS talked of the hollow earth and they searched for the secrets of how to enter? As we have said, both the North and South Pole are entry points into the hollow earth and the exit points to the astral Earth, which we call the parallel earth. The spirit guides work incessantly both in the astral earth and on the physical earth to fulfill their missions knowing that we are suffering from this age of involution. At this point in time of the age of involution the spirit guides are not coming to the physical earth and they expect us to communicate with them to receive instructions and divine messages. One has to be very careful that he is communicating with divine spirits and not semi-divine spirits. True divine spirit guides are necessary. They must help on both the astral level and on the earth level at the same time, especially at this most critical time on our planet. The earth, just like man, is not immortal unless he makes contact with the spirit world consciously. This is the chore for the great Hyperborean spirit guides. The third vision is of Hyperborea before the separation between Agartha and Shamballah, of the North and South Pole. Therefore, our Earth has been spiritualized and the spiritual earth has been contacted by the Druids, the Templars, and the SS. They have established centers of communication with the higher civilizations in the center of the earth.


With the order of the temple, a new spirit extended all through the West, the Hindi-Aryan churches. Now we find the megaliths, built by the giant peoples that lived here, are in astral magnet points. All the great spiritual monuments across the globe are complete. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. The secret of stone placed in astral magnetic points creates astral music across the globe. When people dance at these holy points it creates



magnetic vibrations and magic becomes possible. Before the 14th century the people would dance in a circle with the spiritual leader in the center. The repeated foot stomping on sacred ground made contact with the astral world and communication was possible. In today’s churches there is no magic and no communication with the astral world. The Temple order accumulated riches for the benefit of the people and to create a better civilization. It was prohibited for a Templar to become enriched on an individual basis. Only the Order could become enriched. The same was true of the SS where in their nightly ceremonies, they swore to be faithful, loyal, obedient, strong, to continually improve, to be poor, and to be brave. In the three hundred years that the Templars operated in Europe they eliminated hunger and disease. Their motto was ’You will be king as long as you remain just and fair’. The Templars had no respect for nobility or rich people, only in the best people, for character. They were building a human pyramid to the magic Grail.


The legend of the Grail disappeared with the disappearance of the Templars. Therefore, we believe that organizations after the disappearance of the Templars were looking for a different grail. Thus, the SS reawakened this esoteric knowledge of the Templars within the Black Order and had the same knowledge, both invisible and visible, and it was maintained secretly, the same as the Templars.


In the book written by the German Otto Skorzeny, a member of the Waffen SS, titled ‘The Unknown War’ he documents the treason of the high command of the German Armed Forces and how it was infiltrated by Soviet and Allied spies from all over the world. Skorzeny described in his book how he was against the esoteric teachings of the SS and that Hitler was not interested in Esoteric teachings. I immediately suspected something was wrong. I visited Skorzeny just before his death and I inquired as to why he said Hitler was not interested in esoteric teachings. Skorzeny said that he wrote the book for those who never knew Hitler but were drawn to him. He knew that people who were born after Hitler was gone would also be drawn to him. This was the ‘collective unconscious’ effect.


The directors of the SS were people who were not seen in public, they had no uniforms, they were not members of the Nazi party, they had only one mission: to maintain contact with the higher civilizations within the earth and to receive their instructions.




It’s a mistake to think that the real Masters of the SS and of Esoteric Hitlerism were made prisoners or that they were executed, such as Himmler or Jacques De Molay; the real masters were somebody else as they can make themselves invisible and they continue their work and mysteries in another dimension. In that invisible circle unknown to the Templars, the SS, or their bosses is where they decide when the secret orders should disappear from the surface of the Earth because the people have degenerated too much and would not get any benefit from esoteric teachings. This is why the Templars do not defend themselves; they want to maintain the purity of the Grail. A lot has been written about Hitler. One story makes Hitler a ’medium’ that fell under an evil spell and used his powers only for his own benefit.” A radio report from Oslo at the disappearance of Hitler remarked, “A great person has gone who could not be understood by our current era.” The Japanese declared after an interview with Hitler that he was the “Great Priest of the West”. Without a doubt Hitler was one of the last great avatars who tried to pull humanity out of the dark ages and into a golden era. If he had enough time he could have re-straightened out the planet and returned the magnetic poles to their proper position.


It is said that the Templars were the first bankers in the history of the west. Businessmen did not have to carry money as the Templars gave them a check of sorts and they could cash in their checks at the end of their journey, this way robberies were avoided. The greatest enemies of the Templars were the Jews who loaned money based upon usury. The villagers never had to pay taxes to the Templars when the Templars ruled the land. The Templars also did not pay tribute to the nobles. We know that the SS was working on a project to free Europe from having to pay taxes. The Templars based their organization on the ancient Druids. The Druids were from the country, they worked the land and cut the stone, they made bridges, roads and cathedrals. They were distinguished as artists, monks, or warriors who protected the common people, distributed food and the riches without any personal benefit or profit. Above all they had spiritual power. The sign of the four-leaf clover. The SS could have reached this goal. Each subdivision of the Templars and the Druids had their own initiation; they had magical laws, secret codes, which gave them the wisdom to find the invisible currents of the Earth. Those who live during the Kaliyuga period belong to a society divided into classes and not in an initiation society which makes it impossible for them to understand the history of society based upon initiations which could not be based upon hate or jealousy because each initiation belonged to a specific type of wisdom and a degree of penetration into the magical universe. Those who worked in agriculture had their own secrets and their own initiations that were based upon cosmic laws. Those who worked in metals or construction had their initiations deep within the Earth. Each would finally reach the



initiations of the stars closing the great circle. The warriors also had their own initiations. No class was superior to another. Each was respected equally. The monks were initiated in cathedrals. This is why it is absurd to try to prolong the Kaliyuga period where greed and hate reign. This is a society without any knowledge or wisdom. All we have is the bourgeois, the military, and crooked politicians. Only bad faith and ignorance reign.


If the Templars had continued to exist we would live in a much different world today. Our lives would have been based upon tradition and the divine right of Hyperboreans. We would have a united world based upon spirituality. In the Hyperborean concept of transcendental power there is a divine right to initiation within an order to be guided by masters, magicians, and psychics who are in constant contact with extraterrestrial and cosmic forces. This is an invisible government. Today there are three concepts of initiation which circulate in the veins of this planet. There is the Catholic initiation, which corresponds to a lunar initiation that is ambiguous, doubtful and maintains the imperfection of everything on Earth. This passing through the “valley of tears,” a life in heaven where one commits sins then is forgiven. No one governs nor is anyone governed. One always prepares for death, accepts injustice, and does not correct what is wrong. The other concept is the power of democracy and humanism where real power is invisible and society is controlled by elements they have no knowledge of. They enjoy constant struggle and war against each other. This concept is rationalism and democracy; it has the appearance of equality when in reality it produces the most severe cases of inequality and disgrace. The final and unavoidable result is collective atheism, which is also rationalism. A world without Gods, a planet of lead, the Dark Ages. This is the worst and darkest period of Earth history.


The concept of the Druids and the Templars was the Solar initiation, the Hyperborean initiation, which intended to establish a divine order where the power was in “service” which can only be accomplished when in contact with extraterrestrials, or Divine Masters from other dimensions, from the symbolic north and at midnight. Seven hundred years ago an attempt was made to save the Earth from its involution and to transfigure it. The victory of inferior currents and the destruction of the Templars brought this world to humanism and rationalism, the animal-man with animal feelings constantly revolving in circles cutting off all spiritual connections to the universe and as a result has lost all power to connect with other dimensions, cosmic beings, divine beings, and Gods. They have lost the power of “vril.”



All of civilization is drowning as the slaves of the cybernetic world become more and more human (demonic) and less godly. There is no earthly way to escape from this never-ending spiral. If the Templars were still here today we would live in a more magical world where superhuman feats would be commonplace. Hitler and Germany had the atomic bomb but Hitler decided not to use it. Germany also had flying saucers. The victors of the war stole many of Germany’s military secrets. It is very probable that the atomic bomb used against Japan was actually of German origin. The Germans had discovered a new technology (used in there flying saucer experiments) where they found it was not necessary to win the physical World War II. They found that it was necessary to lose that war to save the legend. If we analyze what the Germans or the SS accomplished in only six years it was nothing less than a miracle, more on the same level as the Templars. It is believed that the SS also found the Holy Grail and they were able to decipher it. If the SS could have imposed their government there would have been no usury, no communism, and no capitalism which are really one and the same and help each other destroy the divine and the divinity, resulting in nothing more than rationalism.


Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, the Jews and their religion have caused multiple conflicts of interest and greed contributing to the fall of the Templars. Finding out the truth about ancient Hyperborea, then covering it up with lies was the real crucifixion. Jealousy of the enormous treasures of the Templars was another reason. We must remember that the Templars never used violence, not even in their own defense. These wise men also chose to lose this battle in order to win the final war.



One final word about the six million Jews that were killed in gas chambers: it never happened. After the First World War, the propaganda was that the Germans cut open the breasts of French women, they ate children for breakfast, etc, etc. and of course they had photos to prove that this was true. The English author of this fantastic lie about the Jews retracted this accusation in his memoirs. Of course with all the information media in the hands of the Jews today the populace will never know the truth. At the end of the Second World War the Jews that died did not even reach a million. Today they claim six million Jews died. The Jews have made themselves victims of the Germans for two generations and their offspring parrot the same lies. There is not one Jew in the world that claims that someone in his or her family did not die in a German gas chamber. And there is not one Jew over 60 who was not in a German concentration camp and survived to tell their story.



In reality the concentration camps that were supposed to have gas chambers were in Poland and the Soviet Union, not Germany and then the gas stories were highly contradictory, questionable, and at the least, a complete lie. In 1977 a British historian, David Irving, published a book titled “Hitlers War”, an 800-page book based on a 10-year investigation including recovered documents from Berlin. His conclusion is that Hitler knew nothing of any Jewish extermination or the so-called “final Jewish solution.” This proves that the Jews build there present and future on lies. This falls in line with the fifth protocol of the “Protocols of Elders of Zion” of the Jews plan to take over the world.



The  invention  of  the  six  million  Jews  killed  by  genocide,  which  Germany  had  to  pay  with  6  million  sterling  pounds  after  the  war  never  mentioning  the  part  of  Germany  that  was  controlled  by  the  Russian  Bolsheviks  is  nothing  more  than  an  expression  of  the   Jewish   religion.  The   star  of  David  has   six  points   therefore   the   invention  of   six  million  Jews  killed  by  the  Germans  is  nothing  more  than  Black  Magic  being  practiced  by  a  collective  people.  If  one  is  interested  in  more  details  of  this  falsified  holocaust  please  read  ‘The  lies  of  Ulises’  by  Paul  Rassinier  published  in  1949  in  Paris,   ‘Ulises  betrayed   by   his   own’   published   in   1960,   ’The   true   trial   of   Eichman’   published   in  1962  and  the  ‘Drama  of  European  Jews’  published  in  1964.  Rassinier  was  a  French  Socialist.  He  participated  in  the  French  resistance  and  was  caught  by  the  Germans.  He  was  sent  to  the  concentration  camp  at  Buchanwald  in  1943.  He  was  liberated  in  1945  and  decorated  with  the  medal  of  the  Resistance.  Rassinier  wanted  to  reveal  to  the   world   the   falsification   by   the   Jews   of   the   ’six   million’   and   the   so-­‐called   ’gas-­‐chambers’.  Paul  Rassinier  died  in  1966.   THE SWASTIKA OF THE EXODUS AND THE SWASTIKA OF THE RETURN

The Swastika is the symbol of Tantric Esoteric Hitlerism. It rotates in its movement yet remains untouched and immovable in its center, which represents the Pole, just like Krishna in the dance of Destruction and Shiva in deep meditation. As previously mentioned, Chakravarti is the name for the Polar Lord of the Chakras. The counter-clockwise rotating Swastika is that of the Great Exodus, the Departure, the loss of Thule, the Ur-Home, the original Homeland, Hyperborea, Paradesha, the Paradisal Star of the Origins (Venus-Lucifer?). It is the Swastika of Rama, of the Defeated Gods, the symbol of the fallen Lucifer. The clockwise spinning Swastika which spins the same direction as the Earth represents the way back to the Origins. First through Asgard in the Mythical Caucasus, and then Shamballah, Agarthi, and at the Polar circle Thule, and then through the Morning Star. The Swastika is also the “Non-Existent Flower,” the Blossom of “Elella” (He-She), the androgynous Baphomet, Abraxas, of the Resurrected Total-Man who has already entered those places of Eternal Life and Resurrection. Those who are able to penetrate deeply into the depths of this symbol maintain that this Swastika is not to be used for the purpose



of Physical Conquests because its energy is of a parallel nature and resides on the other side of physical things. For this reason it was under this Banner during the Kali Yuga that the Physical Defeat was inevitable; so now a larger preparation for the Golden Age awaits and a complete Triumph can be prepared. The Round Table of King Arthur (Arktos) also symbolizes the Pole. It is a representation of the Swastika. Everything spins around the center. The clockwise swirling Swastika of the Great Return to the Ancestral Homeland spins while the center is raised, the final stage of the journey to Resurrection and Immortality. One may not notice the current central Pole as mental and see it as the new center, the new Pole of the New Earth. The Pole is the Final Chakra of the planet Earth, the Final Leap. It is the starting point, the Archetypal image of all centers including that of Atlantis. It is therefore the center of Agarthi, of Shamballah and then from Asgard it forms the center of the ranges of the initial vital terrestrial Chakras which one must visit, must awaken, and in which one may stay, but continue on the journey to the inhabitants of Hyperborea, for all those on the Esoteric Path of the Swastika as the Inauguration of our Polar Order teaches. The counter-clockwise spinning Swastika which spins the opposite direction as the Earth in its current Dark Age, is the Swastika of the Exodus from Hyperborea, of the Catastrophe, of the Original Ancestral Extraterrestrial Home. It is the Swastika of the North Pole, where Lucifer, Abraxas and Apollo are bound. The clockwise-rotating Swastika of the Return is the Swastika of the South Pole. This is a Sign that from the South Pole that the Departure will be carried out according to the Other Earth, the Astral Earth, according to which our God of the Losers of this Second Earth, Lucifer, in the Oasis will be Reinstated and Avenged. It now becomes very clear that Jewish Zionism is against true Initiation in this world where it fanatically clasps not only to the physical Jerusalem which they are holding onto as their highest Center (the Jews let its appearance seem finite), but also they clench to Mount Zion as the heart of the earth, the Anahata Chakra, to Jehovah's straw house, the residence of the Shekinah, (the Kundalini-Chakra of Esoteric Hebräewism), the one and only place where Jehovah wants to be worshipped.



The Emblem of Return, the Sign of the Guardians of the Dawn



Before Rudolf Hess was transferred to Nuremburg for his trials from England’s prisons. He wrote a manuscript and he repeated this manuscript during the Nuremberg trials. Rudolf alleged that the people who ran the English prisons, and England’s politicians were under the effect of a hypnotic drug administered from a distance. Some Russian ministers were sentenced to death because they were caught using this hypnotic drug on other politicians in that same country. Although Rudolph Hess was shrugged off as just being crazy at the Nuremburg trials, Rudolf Hess also claimed that Hitler was under the influence of that hypnotic drug. Rudolf Hess under close examination was found to be of superior intelligence and passed every intelligence test ever given to him. The North American Prison Director, Lieutenant Colonel K. Bird wrote in his book, “The Loneliest



Man in The World” that in all the time he was in contact with Rudolf Hess throughout the years in prison he demonstrated to be intelligent beyond the common man and was never crazy or went crazy. The same was said of him in Bernard Hutton’s book, “Hess, the Man and His Mission.” Recent events in World History have proven Rudolf Hess to be correct in his statements.


The facts of Watergate, the hallucination of the American public, seem to confirm the arguments of Rudolph Hess about hypnosis at a distance. The press, the radio, television, and politicians have all lost any contact with reality. Everything Nixon did in his last days after Watergate was to his own destruction. The same happened with the suicidal decisions of President Thieu of South Vietnam when he withdrew his armies without any reason within three weeks before a North Vietnamese Army that took over his country without firing a shot. The Pentagon should scrutinize the events that took place there. On the other hand, with all the military operations launched by General Westmoreland utilizing the latest technology in Vietnam they were powerless, they found the jungle was empty even though the enemy was there. It would constantly rain even though the weather reports said it was going to be good for flying sorties. Who runs this center of telepathic hypnosis? Rudolf Hess alleged that it was the Cabalistic Jews. Rudolph Hess further alleged that the reason he was being kept behind bars is because the Jews never forgave him for trying to stop a war that the Jews worked so hard to get started. Furthermore, president Nixon was too independent for the Jews because he stopped the Vietnam War, opposed the Communist Soviet Union, and established relations with China. It was time for the Jews to stop him. A Spanish journalist who covered the Watergate scandal called the operation “Operation Golda Meir.” Mao Tsu Sung of China iterated that the atomic bomb could do nothing to their country and The North Vietnamese proved that they were superior to America’s war machine and technology. People were controlled by strong mental forces from some point on Earth. In Stalin’s last days he alleges that Jewish doctors were trying to poison him. Once again we remember the words of Rudolph Hess. The Jews never forgave Stalin for entering into a non-aggression pact with Hitler and they got their revenge. It makes no difference where this force comes from or how it is used. What is important is who controls the dark side of this day and age.    

BLACK MAGIC AND THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ATLANTIS At the end of each cycle everyone clearly sees that "The Gods will blind those that want to lose” and we also see the hypnotic effect of the evil forces of the dark side who cause chaos. This is known as "Black Magic" and the Gods we speak of here who will blind those who wish to lose are in fact the Gods of evil, commonly known as Demons, the



acolytes of the Prince of Slavery, always reaching their Maximum strength at the end of the terrestrial cycle and involution of Kali Yuga. This Black Magic is what caused the disappearance of Atlantis. The same Black Magic that is being used today to destroy our planet is the same Black Magic which was used to destroy Atlantis. Diabolical arms invented by Military Nations controlled by the dark side cause the Age of Iron, the Kali Yuga, where we witness major changes in the climate. People actually think that these things and these phenomena are natural occurrences? Atomic bombs melting the Arctic ice will unleash a great flood over Canada and the United States. A Break in the ozone layer will occur and ultra violet rays will enter, burning up landmasses and converting them in deserts. All changes in climate can be controlled by man and when the Summer converts into Winter and the Winter converts into Summer the Earth as we know it will exist no more.

WHITE MAGIC AND THE PASSAGE TO THE OTHER EARTH We have said that the Hitlerists had rediscovered the basis of that Spiritual Science and other technology. This could only have occurred if they had found the Gral (Grail), that Stone of the Cathars of the Pyrenees, that Stone of the Templars and Visigoths, the Stone which fell down to Hyperborea and where Initiates of Esoteric Hitlerism were able to decipher its message, inaugurating El Cordon Dorado, the Golden Thread of Magic and of Celestial Power. The Initiates of Esoteric Hitlerism are incorporated into El Cordon Dorado (the Golden Thread) which teaches a Spiritual Science and are of a "Circle of the Uncreated Light" which is above all matter and overcomes all Terrestrial and material force of gravity and is beyond the material world. They will immediately enter into a parallel Earth leaving behind all ambitions and the three-dimensional world to continue the war in another dimension. It is the deciphered message of Luciferian Love and Beauty and the Light of the Morning Star. It is the power that will come to save all our heroes and those that remain Loyal and stay on the right path at the very moment when we think all is lost. “The Last Battalion” will enter into combat at a higher energy vibration when the destruction of our planet becomes inevitable. For the Cathars the God of this Involuted Earth was the Demiurge Jehovah-Yahweh, the “Prince of Slavery” who will become the slave. He will intermingle with his acolytes in a complete world of slaves. According to the traditional formulae, this Low Rabbi, the creator of the Golem, will disappear with his Creator and Creation into the frightful hollowness of the Cosmic Catastrophe. On the 13th of February 1945 in Berlin Hitler stated: "If I win this war it will be the end of the Jewish Empire and of Jewish World Control, but if I lose the war the Jewish victory will be of short duration.” According to Colonel Bird, Rudolph Hess stated in his trial in Nuremburg: “There is a Superior power to Jewish power.” A group of fellow comrades applauded.



This Power is White Magic. It prepares the way for the New Earth at the end of Involution and the Fourth Age, the Iron Age, the Kali Yuga or Dark Age of the Manvantara.


The insistence of the Jews to confiscate Jerusalem as their spiritual center reflects their type of peace (shalom). This may produce another disappearance of a continent just like Atlantis. In the book titled ‘The King of the World’ by Rene Guenon he wrote that the city of Agartha wasn’t always inside the Earth or inside of a mountain. In the beginning Agartha could be seen on the surface of the Earth. Six thousand years ago the city moved within the Earth. But once again the city of Agartha will return to the surface, the men will become young and Hyperborea will be here once the new age begins.


According to the Hindu legends in the times when the city was visible on the surface of the Earth there was only one caste, the ‘Hamsa.’ This word also means ‘the perfect state’ before humanity fell into involution (reverse reincarnation). The author, Tilak, wrote the book “The Arctic Home of the Vedas” explaining in detail the Polar origin of the Indian Vedic religion. This book was published in 1956. When the city was visible and both the divine souls and semi-divine souls lived together using “Vril Power” and they could enter or leave the city. The power of “Vril: disappeared when the city of Agartha disappeared. When the Golden Age returns so will Agartha and the Vril Power.

THE LIGHT OF THE MORNING STAR In that delicate region of the world, that extends between the Mountain range of the Andes and the Pacific Ocean and reaches down to the South Pole, the submerged continent of ELELLA will emerge after the catastrophe, from within its tormented coasts, from deep within the waters, the Continent of the Spirit, and summits of Paradesha and Thule, illuminated by the Light of the Morning Star, the voice of the New Sun, of the Total Man, now Married to his own Soul. Because there the White Gods are guarding the Grail, and it is the secret entrance to the Inner Earth.