organsiation of the islamic

1 OIC, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture Near East University INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ISLAMIC CIVILISATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AKDENİZ’DE İSLÂM MEDENİYETİ ULUSLARARASI KONFERANSI Nicosia TRNC 1-4 December 2010 Lefkoşa Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti 1-4 Aralık 2010 PROGRAM

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Page 1: Organsiation of the Islamic Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Research Centre for Islamic History, Art


OIC, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture

Near East University




Nicosia TRNC

1-4 December 2010

Lefkoşa Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti 1-4 Aralık 2010


Page 2: Organsiation of the Islamic Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Research Centre for Islamic History, Art


Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC)

Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA)

Barbaros Bulvarı, Yıldız Sarayı, Seyir Köşkü, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey

Phone: +90 212 259 17 42

Fax: +90 212 258 43 65

E-mail: [email protected], Web-site:

Near East University (NEU) Nicosia, North Cyprus Phone: +90 392 680 20 00 Fax: +90 392 223 32 25 Web-site:

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Co-Presidents Halit Eren, (Dr.), Director General, IRCICA Ümit Hassan (Prof.) President of NEU International Advisory Board: Abdulwahab Bauhdiba (Prof.) President of Beit - al - Hikma , Tunisia Adnan Bakhit, (Prof.), Jordan Ali Birinci, (Prof.), Chairman, Turkish Historical Society, Turkey Amir Pasic, (Prof.), IRCICA Andre Raymond, (Prof.), France Attilio Petruccioli, (Prof.), Politecnico di Bari, Italy Bekir Karlığa, (Prof.), Bahçeşehir University, Turkey Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu (Prof.) Secretary General of OIC Günsel Renda,(Prof.), Koç University, Turkey Halil İnalcık, (Prof.), Bilkent University, Turkey Halit Eren, (Dr.), Director General, IRCICA, Turkey İdris Bostan, (Prof.), İstanbul University Kenan Gürsoy, (Prof.), Galatasaray University, Turkey Mehmet ipşirli, (Prof.), Fatih University, Turkey Nelly Hanna, (Prof.), AUC, Egypt Netice Yıldız, (Assoc. Prof.), Eastern Mediterranean University, TRNC Ramazan Şeşen , (Prof.), IRCICA Ümit Hassan (Prof.) President of NEU

Organizing Committee Şenol Bektaş, (Prof.), Vice President, NEU Zeynep Durukal, IRCICA Tayseer Alshanableh, (Asst. Prof.), NEU Cengiz Tomar, (Dr.), IRCICA Gökalp Kamil, NEU Sadık Ünay (Asst. Prof.) ,IRCICA Mustafa Lakadamyali, (MFA, TRNC) Conference Secretaries Tayseer Alshanableh, (Asst. Prof.), NEU Cengiz Tomar, (Dr.), IRCICA

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OPENING CEREMONY Wednesday, 1 December 2010

10:00 Address of Prof. Ümit Hassan, President of NEU Address of Dr. Halit Eren, Director General, IRCICA Address of H.E. Prof. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Secretary General of OIC

(Read by H.E. Bakary Drame)

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Chair: İlkay Salihoğlu Ali Özkul Eftal Kıbrıs’ın Sosyal, Ekonomik ve Siyasi Tarihi Social, Economic and Political History of Cyprus Tuncer Bağışkan Kıbrıs’ta Osmanlı Türk Eserleri Ottoman Turkish Heritage in Cyprus Mehmet İpşirli Osmanlı Sefer ve Savaş Fetvaları ile Kıbrıs Seferi Fetvasının

Mukayeseli Tahlili A Comparative Analysis of Ottoman Campaign Fatwas and the Cyprus Campaign Fatwa

Feridun Emecen Doğu Akdeniz'de Osmanlı Stratejisi: Sokullu Mehmed Paşa ve Kıbrıs

Ottoman Strategy in Eastern Mediterranean: Sokullu Mehmed Pasha and Cyprus

İdris Bostan 16. Yüzyılda Akdeniz'de Osmanlı Deniz Hukukunun Oluşumu:

Ahidnameler ve Avrupalı Devletler The Formation of Ottoman Maritime Law in the XVI

th Century:

Conventions and European States 13:00-14:00 Lunch break

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Wednesday, 1 December 2010 14:15-14:45 YDÜ Büyük Kütüphanesi gezisi │ Visit to NEU Grand Library

Session 1 14:45-16:45

Chair: Recep Duran Gülgün Köroğlu Mersin Yumuktepe Höyüğü Kazılarında Ele Geçen Türk-İslam

Devletlerinden İthal Eserler Imported Goods from Turkish-Islamic States Founded in Mersin Yumuktepe Excavations

Altan Çetin Akdeniz’in İki Kadim Coğrafyasında Çarşılar ve Karşılıklı Mal

Mübadelesine Dair On the Bazaars and Exchange of Commodities in two Antique Geographies the Mediterranean

Khaled Yusuf عالق صقل االقتصاد بدل البحر املتسط اإلسالم يف القر السط

Economic Relations between Sicily and Mediterranean Islamic States in the Middle Ages

Jose Toma Castello Branco The Al-Andalus: Recovering the Cultural Legacy of the Moorish

Presence in the Iberian Peninsula Endülüs İber Yarımadası’nda İslam Kültür Mirasının İhyası

Imad Allow األبعاد اإلسرتاتج للعنلات البحر اإلسالم يف البحر املتسط يف القرىني

الجالح الرابع اهلجرني

Strategical Dimensions of the Islamic Naval Operations in the Mediterranean in the 3

rdand 4

th Centuries A.H.


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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Session 2 17:15-19:15

Chair: Mustafa Bilge

Maen Omoush Crusaders’ Life in the East: Myth and Reality

Haçlıların Doğu’daki Yaşamı: Efsaneler ve Gerçekler Nimer Abuzahra The Influence of Pre-Islamic and Islam Literature on the Italian

Sonnet and the French Courtly Love İslam Öncesi ve İslam Edebiyatı’nın İtalyan Sone’lerine ve Fransız Saray Aşklarına Etkisi

Osman Demir İbn Hazm el-Endelûsî’nin Akdeniz’in Medenileşme Sürecine Olan

Katkıları The Contributions of Ibn Hazm on the Mediterranean Civilisations

Mustafa Sabri Küçükaşcı Erken Dönem İslam Kaynaklarında Akdeniz

Mediterranean in the Early Islamic Resources Monica Molnar Transformations of a Mediterranean Cult in Northern Ambience

Legends and Cults About Gül Baba in Buda Bir Akdeniz Kültünün Kuzey Efsanelerinin Ortamında Dönüşümü ve Buda’da Gül Baba Efsanesi


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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Session 3 09:00-11:00

Chair: Mehmet İpşirli

Adnan Çevik Batı Anadolu Beylikleri ve Ortaçağ Akdeniz Ticaretindeki Rolleri

Western Anatolian Beylicates and their Roles in the Medieval Mediterranean Trade

Netice Yıldız, Banu Mahir A 14

th Century Illuminated Qur’an in the National Archive of the

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus KKTC Milli Arşivi’nde 14. yüzyıla Ait Tezhipli bir Kur’an

Arzu Terzi Kıbrıs’taki Padişah Mülkleri

Estates of Ottoman Sultans in Cyprus Mustafa Bilge Kıbrıs Beylerbeyi Cafer Paşa ve Vakıfları

Cafer Pasha, Governor of Cyprus and his Pious Foundations Discussion Coffee break

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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Session 4 11:15-13:15

Chair: İdris Bostan

Sanad Ahmad Sanad Abdulfattah (و0201-0521) اجلالات األرب يف مصر املنلك

European Colonies in Mamluk Egypt (1250-1517) İsmail Hasan Zadeh A study on the role of the Mediterranean Sea in the foreign policy

of the Aq-Qoyunlu Akkoyunluların Dış Politikasında Akdeniz’in Rolü

Nasira Abdulmutajalli الساس العجناى ف إدار الالات املتسط القضا اإلسالم

()اإلسكيدر منذجا

Islamic Judgement and Ottoman Politics in the Administration of Mediterranean Cities (Alexandria as an example)

Özen Tok Akdeniz Dünyasında Kuraklık ve Kıtlık (XVII. Yüzyılda Mısır Örneği)

Droughts and Famines in the Mediterranean World (XVIIth

Century Egypt)

Fadıl Bayat حل الرسال املتبادل بني السلطا العجناى سلنا القاىى أمرا

املغرب العرب

Exchange of Letters between Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and Moroccan Rulers

Discussion 13:15-14:00 Lunch break

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Thursday, 2 December 2010 14:00-15:00 YDÜ Hastane ve İnnovasyon Merkezi gezisi

Visit to NEU Hospital and Innovation Centre

Session 5 15:00-17:00

Chair: Halit Eren

Ahmad Hussain Abduljabburi در البحر االبض املتسط يف تطر ازدار جتار القدس الصرف اخلارج

دراس م خالل سجالت حمكن القدس الصرع يف العد العجناى

The Role of Mediterranean in the Development of Jerusalem Foreign Trade in the Ottoman Period

Hatice Oruç-Ferhan Kırlıdökme Mollaoğlu Salnamelere Göre Cezayir-i Bahr-ı Sefid Vilayeti (1883-1886)

Algeria (Bahr-i Sefid) According to Salnamas Anwar Mahmoud Zanaty األلفاظ املصرتك ) در التاصل احلضار لإلسالو بني شعب البحر املتسط

(بني لغات البحر املتسط منذجا

Cultural Exchanges Among the Mediterranean Nations

Holta Vrioni Dusting off the Display of a Vanished Local Power Seraglios of the

Traditional Ottoman Albanian Feudal Families Geleneksel Osmanlı Arnavut Feodal Ailelerinin Saraylarının Mahallî

Gücünün Ortaya Çıkışı Viorel Panaite East Encounters the West: Islamic Law and Christians in the Ottoman

Mediterranean (Late-Sixteenth and Early-Seventeenth Century) Doğunun Batıyla Yüzleşmesi: Osmanlı Akdeniz’inde İslam Hukuku ve

Hıristiyanlar (XVI. Yüzyıl Sonları-XVII. Yüzyıl Başları) Discussion Coffee break

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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Session 6 17:30-19:30

Chair: Harun Özer

İsmail Erünsal Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda XV-XVI. Asırlarda Saray Şâirleri

Var mıydı? Did Ottoman Court Poets Exist in the Ottoman Empire in the XV



Centuries Salah Ahmad Harriedy القبارص حاته االقتصاد االجتناع ف مدي اإلسكيدر

ف العصر العجناى

Cypriots and their Economic and Social Life in Alexandria During the Ottoman Period

Ömer Fatih Parlak Approaches to Syphilis in Europe and the Ottomans: Fracastoro’s

Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus and Hayatizade’s Risale-i Maraz-ı Frengi Avrupa ve Osmanlılarda Frengiye Karşı Tutum: Fracastoro’nun Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus ve Hayatizade’nin Risale-i Maraz-ı Frengi Adlı Eserleri

İbrahim Numan, Dr. Netice Yıldız, Munther Moh’d A Historical Survey of Turkish Baths in Cyprus and Some Suggestions for

their Reuse Kıbrıs’ta Türk Hamamları Üzerine Tarihsel Bir Araştırma ve Yeniden İhyasına Dair Öneriler

Sahibe Alam العالقات الجقاف الدي بني املسلنني الد اليصار يف األىدلس يف عصر

الال اإلمار

Cultural and Religious Relations among Muslims, Jews and Christian in Andalusia during the Petty-Kings


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Friday, 3 December 2010

Session 7 09:30-11:45

Chair: Netice Yıldız

Asu Tozan-Havva Arslangazi An Early Housing Development in Nicosia: Samanbahçe

Lefkoşa’da İlk Dönem Yerleşim: Samanbahçe Claudio Rubini From the Spontaneous City to the Planned Layout of Ottoman

Mediterranean Urban Fabrics Plansız Şehirlerden Osmanlı Akdeniz’inde Planlı Kent Dokularına

Hakkı Atun The Ottoman Turkish Footprints in the Cities of Former Ottoman

Empire with Special Reference to Lefkoşa (Nicosia) Osmanlı Şehirlerinde Türk İzleri (Lefkoşa Örneği)

Hamza Zeghlache Textual Representations of Place, (Space) and Landscape in the

Pre-Modern Arabic -Islamic Tradition Modern Öncesi Arap-İslam Geleneğinde Mekan ve Peyzajın Metinsel Temsili

Insaf Omar Mostafa عله الصرط تأثري كينط كتاب تثق عل الغرب


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Friday, 3 December 2010 14:00-14:30 YDÜ Dişhekimliği Fakültesi gezisi

Visit to NEU, Faculty of Dentistry

Session 8 14:45-16:45

Chair: Hakkı Atun

Stefan Heidemann Memories of the Past? ‘Classical’ or ‘Sunni Revival’ in Architecture

and Art in Syria Between Mediterranean and Iran in the 12th

and 13

th Centuries

Geçmişe Dair Hatıralar? Mimaride Klasik veya Sünni İhya ve XII. ve XIII. Yüzyıllarda Suriye’de Sanat

Magdi Guirguis Arabic Islamic Elements in Coptic Literature

Kıptî Edebiyatında Arap-İslâmi Ögeler Sumiyo Okumura The Blazon – The Western Influences on Mamluk Art After the

Crusaders Armalar: Haçlılardan Sonra Memluk Sanatında Batı Etkileri

Sussan Babaie Domestic Architecture and Social History of Cosmopolitanism in

the Middle East: Aleppo, Cairo and Isfahan (17th

Century) Ortadoğu’da Yerel Mimari ve Kozmopolitizmin Sosyal Tarihi: Halep, Kahire ve İsfahan (17. Yüzyıl)

Discussion Coffee break

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Friday, 3 December 2010

Session 9 17:00-19:00

Chair: Stefan Heidemann

Tuba Akar Examining the Role of Vakıf Institution in the Construction and

Conservation of Built Environment Through the Vakfiyes Vakfiyelere Göre Vakıf Müessesesinin Yapıların İmarı ve Korunmasındaki Rolü

Rafooneh Mokhtarshahi Sani Islamic Architectural Identity; Example of Traditional Houses of

Cyprus İslam Mimari Kimliği: Kıbrıs’ta Geleneksel Evler

Khaled Tadmuri The Urban Plan of Tripoli Old City (Lebanon) and its Mamluk

Architecture Eski Trablus’un Şehir Planı ve Memluk Mimarisi

Dursun Özden Akdeniz Su Medeniyeti

Mediterranean Water Civilisation Asia Benadada االستعنار الفرىس باملغرب حماالت طنس اهل اإلسالم

French Colonialism in Morocco and Attempts to Eradicate Islamic Identity
