organizational readiness for an enterprise taxonomy

Organizational Alignment and Taxonomy Development Gary Carlson @gc_taxonomy, @taxobc 4 November, 2014

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Enterprise taxonomies cross organizational, system, and distribution boundaries. Crossing these boundaries presents real challenges to the taxonomist. Any omni-channel strategy or comprehensive portal project will need to address these challenges. Unfortunately, creating and managing the taxonomy itself is usually the least of the problems. Resourcing, organizational alignment, internal politics, and technology all impact the success of a taxonomy project. Identifying the risks and the organizational readiness for a taxonomy project can be a huge factor in the project success. Using real-world examples, this presentation highlights the types of problems that can torpedo a project and provides remedies that companies have used to make the taxonomy project (or more specifically, the omni-channel experience or intranet project) successful.


Page 1: Organizational Readiness for an Enterprise Taxonomy

Organizational Alignment and Taxonomy Development

Gary Carlson@gc_taxonomy, @taxobc

4 November,

Page 2: Organizational Readiness for an Enterprise Taxonomy


• Factor specializes enterprise-scale information and experience challenges.

• We have outside perspective that helps you gain the insight necessary to break through organizational barriers.

• Our evidence-base approach allows us to truly understand what will drive your success -and help you get there.

• Our approach is to understand your business from the perspective of both your customers and your staff.

• You need a clear vision of success – we ensure all your efforts arevalidated by research and focused on results.

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Gary Carlson PRINCIPAL

Bringing over 20 years of experience as a

taxonomist, consultant, and information

strategist to every project, Gary’s current

focus is helping companies develop their

information infrastructure to deliver

business success and satisfy customer goals.

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So, you want taxonomy to help you…

• Increase the number of customers who are finding and purchasing your products and services

• Connect content, publishing, and data systems to optimize the customer experience and your business processes

• Provide information your customers truly value, across your channels, in a way they can use really use

• Understand and implement the most efficient internal processes for your business

• Increase overall staff satisfaction and reduce points of frustration or inefficiency

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What’s getting in your way?

• Quickly expanding online and mobile requirements -new technologies & omni-channel publishing

• People and workflows are not focused on taxonomies

• Customer expectations, needs, and goals are changing and also poorly understood

• Outdated systems that cannot be replaced or upgraded without impacting everything else

• Lack of tools to effectively model and manage taxonomies

• Conflicting goals across business units

• Lack of clarity from the executive level regarding direction

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Why this is hard

• Improving system-wide processes requires coordination across business units

• Tradeoffs inherent in organizational alignment, challenge goals and values – resulting in internal disruption

• Organizations know they need to shift, but don’t know where to start, or what needs to be done to make further change possible

• Market dynamics demand strategic planning for current and future operational needs, yet these directions can change rapidly

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Your your people, processes and platformsneed to be aligned to support an enterprise


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The Issue, is rarely the issue…

Page 9: Organizational Readiness for an Enterprise Taxonomy

Executive Vision

Internal Alignment

Across Business Units

Tools and Technology

Understanding of the Business Goals and User Goals

People and Expertise

Enterprise Taxonomy and Information Infrastructure

Unified Information and End-User Experiences

Robust Modeling and System Integration

Well defined and targeted taxonomies

Task based taxonomies

What you have What you get

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Executive Vision

Internal Alignment

Across Business Units

Tools and Technology

Understanding of the Business Goals and User Goals

People and Expertise

Enterprise Taxonomy

Unified Information and End-User Experiences

Robust Modeling and System Integration

Well defined and targeted taxonomies

Task based taxonomies

People and Expertise are the Foundation

First Steps

Build taxonomies for discrete tasks

Identify existing taxonomies

Start designing best practices

Evangelize internally

Build ad hoc alignment across groups

Look for allies

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Executive Vision

Internal Alignment

Across Business Units

Tools and Technology

Understanding of the Business Goals and User Goals

People and Expertise

Enterprise Taxonomy

Unified Information and End-User Experiences

Robust Modeling and System Integration

Well defined and targeted taxonomies

Task based taxonomies

Business and User GoalsNext Steps

Build taxonomies that support larger tasks or workflows

Talk about taxonomies in business terms

User research and analytics to design and validate taxonomies

Taxonomies are built and (possibly) maintained

Success of taxonomies may be able to be measured

Start to drive system and integration requirements

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Executive Vision

Internal Alignment

Across Business Units

Tools and Technology

Understanding of the Business Goals and User Goals

People and Expertise

Enterprise Taxonomy

Unified Information and End-User Experiences

Robust Modeling and System Integration

Well defined and targeted taxonomies

Task based taxonomies

Tool and Technology are in PlaceThings are getting fun

Build taxonomies to support targeted omni-channel experiences

Taxonomies are managed in something other than Excel

System integrations allow for re-use across systems (maybe)

Governance processes are talked about and put in place (maybe)

Growing pains as different groups are involved (IT, Marketing,

Analytics, Compliance etc) (definitely)

Project costs increase dramatically as new systems and

integrations are identified

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Executive Vision

Internal Alignment

Across Business Units

Tools and Technology

Understanding of the Business Goals and User Goals

People and Expertise

Enterprise Taxonomy

Unified Information and End-User Experiences

Robust Modeling and System Integration

Well defined and targeted taxonomies

Task based taxonomies

Tool and Technology are in PlaceThings are getting really hard

Build taxonomies to support flexible experiences

Build taxonomies to model organizational processes

Omni-channel experiences are still difficult but are growing

Governance processes become essential

Project complexity increases dramatically

Organizational re-alignment of resources and the orgchart is

highly likely

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Executive Vision

Internal Alignment

Across Business Units

Tools and Technology

Understanding of the Business Goals and User Goals

People and Expertise

Enterprise Taxonomy and Information Infrastructure

Unified Information and End-User Experiences

Robust Modeling and System Integration

Well defined and targeted taxonomies

Task based taxonomies

Executive Vision and Understanding

With unified direction at the executive level taxonomies and

information are treated as core corporate assets and their value

to the organization is understood

Systems, tools, and resources are in place to manage and utilize

the taxonomies and information

Taxonomy becomes a core competency for many roles

Things are still hard.

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Where is your organization?

Assessing organizational readiness is an essential part of a comprehensive taxonomy roadmap.

Understanding where you are today identifies what you can do today.

Building the taxonomy is rarely the issue.

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[email protected]


design and modeling of information and experiences