oregon courier. (oregon city, clackamas county, or ... · 1 nt not john everlturl hut ha hud stolen...

' ' . . CITY A COUNTRY. EVENTS OF THE WEEK UHKUUN CITV, JUNK 104. Tariuaof Subaeriptliin, II nalsCfipy, dim year, III advance. 12 01 HI iikIh Copy. il mmitns, In advance, I DO J uJ II". I I, rk uf Cvuila, Hiittrirr, COURIER., Oregon Oregon. COUNTY omcKlM. Kaconlar, Trewaurrr, Aaaaaaiir, . School Sliparlutefidant, Surveyor, Coroner, Gomiulaahmera, . .. M. Italllal.y . B H I'.Uil , J. C. Ilrndlay . II. llllHun HMney Hiuyili Hiiliunn I Itlrhanl MViilt I Hair County Court niMli on Aral Wealneaiiay aflar dial Monday ii( evary month. Probata Court meat, uu Drat Monday of every monut. Circuit Court maata nn third Mitmlajr April and nrai Mowiay iu novanwar, OIIKdON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, Hiram Stralirtit R.eriar, L. Ij. Porter Chief uf Pullc 0 R. Hurlia Aaaeeiwr and Colleetur K. H. Cell", Troaatirer K. I,. Itolman City Attorney, I I. I'rtgga MiraI'ninilaa C. llalKSwk. Jr. Hup't of Watar Wurka W. II. Ilowall Cliy Engineer D. W. Klnniard CiiuncllinHn-- C. O. All.riilit. Jr.. II. I. U. N, Oreenmeli, J. J. Cuuka, K. M. llnwrll, Urania HroUrlilon, B. r. Jairnar, II. K. Klavalis Council niaatl Aral Wednesday ul audi month. CHUUCHKS Pint l Churoh-H- av. U. DoUKlirrty Paalur. Harticua II a. ni. and :) p. n. Sunday SolHHdariarnmrnlnsai-nrlce- . Pniyar Mcailna aary WMllilar avanliia al :l II p. m. Prayer Mwlliis of Y. I'. S. ('. E. arary Sunilay availing at 0:riO prompt. vi ui .nti.i rhnwh Nj flllman Parkar. Iailor Mornins Sanlua Hnnday Schoil l'i:lfi; iiaa been Harvlra Mfnli rrayar aanlis. Miinthly tJinanani Mretlug eary Vtwlnaa. day ataulns pracoruins Drat nunua) iu uic muniu. Ht. Jolin'a (nmroh. Hathollo-K- ar. A. Illllrl.rmml a...nr iin Hmiiliiv. Mhmi at S and IU::X) a Kl-r-r Sunday Harmon after S o'cl.ask Maaa. At all olhar Maaaaa Knallah Srrnioin. Sunday acliiaji 2:31) m. Vrairra, AlwIusrllcalSubJiKitaand Dan. allotlonat7::a p. Mathodlut Kplacnpiil Church H. 0. Sykaa, r, svr.lca at Sunday Schtad ut ia:IA: Ryan- - tiroctire Ktlip from Mr. at :!!. Kiwor1li Laaglla niFallng i aTanlng at 1'rayar Thuraday avail- - "Wilier lor f ill), 111118 Ilia at am Pint Pranl.jtarlan Cliurch.-tl- av. O. W. Ollamay, Pa.tor. Sorvlcea II a. m and mp. ni. Saliliatli Sohool IU a. in. Y. P. S. 0. K. maata avery Sunilay aianlng at . I'rnjri-- r MwllligWrduraday atalilng 8:uO. bVuu frea. Crangalleal Oarman A. Krnat, Psat'T Praai-liln- Harvlora avary altrraala Biinnay na. ni '..if,iiin m Haiiliath ScIiikiI aaarv Sunilay 10 a m, Ilarrla'harg'r, Hupl.) Waakly Prayar Mealing van VYrduraday evening, t:jniliUB Unltad nri'lliren Chureli.-- Ra. P. B. Wllllama. Paator. Hunicaa Brat and Piled Sumlay wornlnKa and the pracacdlng Sallimay nigni iu aan rouuui urwimn I.IIT 11 a. in. aim i u. m , n.- - in- -. dat afternoua of aach montii at Kalli View, at i.iii-- ICDlaniiait Rav. J. A. Kokitrum, paaliir. Serrlcaa every Sunday at II a. m. and 7iH) u. in., and Friday availing at uu p. ni. 8 b p Evangelical Lnlliaran Zlon . Pav. h. Qraa. paator. Heele In hall. Hunday achool f mm !W lo lOiSD a.m. 1US4) a iu aud;:aup. m. BOOIUlTIKf?. ralle City Lodge of A. O. H. aata every availing of emli month In A. O. V. n. h,ill nn Savanlh atraat. All Journlng brethren nvdialhr l..l.Ml In attend. Tholuaa Clalllt: M, Vl. W. T. Whllluck. Ilac. Pig Lodge, No. A. O. U. wtn avary ..a,ln al (Mil tVllow'a Hull. Oawegn. Vlaltlng brelhrea alwaya welciilna. J. V. Campbell, M. W. R. Strauaa. Hac. Mulalla Lodgo, No. 40. A. 0. U.W.-Mn- ela Ami and p bird Baturdaye in each moiilb al Srhuol lloua. i v .111... made walcoma. T. Mtlpp, M. rropeily W. J. W. Thomas, Uao. Maripmrli Uavel Lodge, No. 85, A. 0. u. aaconu and third Saturday ovanlngt at Knlght'a Hall, Canby. Vialtlnir lirolllara maue waiuuuia, n. a. n. W. K. B. Carlton, itoo. Clackainaa Ilg8, No. 87, A. O. W. Maata Aral and third Moiidaya In each month, al Strlte'a Hall. Vlaltlng brethren welcome, S. Holcomh, M. W. C. K. Peaaa, lleo. Bunrlae Ialge. No. , A. O. U, W. Meeta avary aeoond and fourth Snturdav ol each monin at Oregon. Max Dchulplui, M. W. C. T. Tpoze, Uco. Cliy, Oaiman Oregon Lodgo, No. 3, I 0. O. Meeta every Thurxlav evau ng at 1:M o'clock p. m. In the Udd Pallowa' Hull. Main state ara luvlted to attend, J . W. MoOatt, N. O. Thoa. K 11) an. H. H. Falls Encampment, Nc 4, 1, 0. 0. F. Meete Aral and third Tueadave of eaota month at Odd Hall. - Melu ban and vlaltlng patrlaralia cordially In vited to attend. O, Lovejoy, LUlei J. Bortbe, Lodge, No. WI, I. O. O. F.-- Mrl at Odd Fel, luw'i Hall, Oewego, avery eveliiug. made welcome. W. J. Phlnaxee, N. U. J. K. KUley, Sec. Mercian Kallowa' Btawaal, 0aego .Monday Vlaltlng brethren Willamette Rebakah Degree Lodge No. . Meeta the euoond and rounn Motiuaya in uia ntonm at i :ou In the I. O. O. F hall, Mary Uharnian, N. 0. Mlnula Q. Charman, Sac. of M. Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. a A. M. Hokll Ita regular commuulcatloua ou Aral and tlilnl Satunlaya ar each monin at 7 sal p. m. ureinren in guuo maim. Inn are 'Invited to attend, I,. L. Porter, W. M. T, F. Hyan, Beo. Oiwegn Lodge No. 10 '. A. F. 4 A. M, Meeta the aaoond ann louriil DSiuniajn. .nnsuiia It,iuu. V . U Beea, W.M. E.J. Kuaaall, 8uo, ciiantor No. 2. R. A. M Regular cun vocation third Monday of month al 7:30 p. in, J. II, Walker, 11. P. M. Bohulplua, See, Monear Chanter. No. 2S. O. E. In M, oiilo Tamnla. lira. II. B. Strange, W. M, Mlaa Ad. die C. Jennings, Sec. Willamette Falla Camp No. 148, W. of W. Meets tecond and fourtn TueailayH ot the iiiouin al K. oi i'. hall. Vlaltlng neigimon maue welcome, e, jn, Handa, 0. C. E. K. Martin, Clerk. Waneheno Lodge. No. 13. I. O. R. M. Meeta Moll' day evening at A. o. V. W. Vlaltlng meiubers aurdlslly Invited, J. II. Ilu ward, sachem. Mwla Poat, No. 2, 0. A. K., of Oregon, Ont atouaay oi encn mouin at a. u. u. vv. Hall, Oregon City. Vlaltlng comrailea made wel. come. W. H. Uuiglurdli coin. c. v. wiiiiama, auj, Oaneral Pope Post. No, H, 0. A. B. Meets Ant Hjlturday OT eacn moiitn at uruugv nun, iuuiino, Cowrudes cordially Invited. J, F, Nelaon, Com. niaiutur, H. W. Slww, Adjutant. (Jer). Crook Pi No. ', 0. A. R., D.'rwrtmeut of Oregon. MeatH In aohool houaa at Needy ou flrat Bat- - urduy tu eacn nurninai oviuua p. m. ah oniu. radea made weuiunui. Joaoh Hpngle, Com. J. Kar tader, Ad). Meade Belief Corps, Nn, IS, Departmiint of Ora-- Heeu on nrat ana tuirq r nuaya oi paau monin fin. of P. Hall. Members of corps from abnmd cordially velnomad. Mrs. M. B. Pllnbury, Pres. Mrs. f. L. Cmhran.Trraa. Mrs. J. B. Harding, Sec. Huna "f Vet, -- ana, E. P. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meet linHaOlltniru inurauay avBiinigaoi eauii iniiiiiu. k. J.JiQsjn. Caul. 0. O. Wuiil, lat Lieut. Aliiliao Opening VliiaJiHi.iLlnL L. A. 8. of Baiter Camp, 8 eeta in K. P. hall on accural and lonrth Monday of earn month. Mrs. . Johaon, rrea. aiis Aora uaiin, Secy. Achillas Lodire, No. 38, K.of avary 4r Kindt at tua k. ui r invited- - II. ! Uolman, C. U, & V. f. hall. Vialtlne Ituilillti V. r. J. IaiiiIk, K aur l.mln Mn. .V K of P. Meeta ever Wednea- - day availing iu Caatle Brothera Invited, J. If. Hliley.O. 0. Thoa. KrilauM, K. al B Canby Loda, No. S4, t. O. 0. T. JJeata drat and third Batunlay avanluga al Knlght'a Hull, l.'anhy. Visitlug roenibara alwaya mada welcotua, P. J. Cox, W. C. T. Hlsa Laura Koiglit. Beo. Oawago Lodga No. 448, I. O. O. T. Meeta every yriday evening In new hall In old town. J. C, llaiuea, 0. T. John Kruae, Beo. : f Compsnr, Flrat Bel ., O. N. O. Armory, TlilKl and Halu, drill nlglit, Munday. fiegular busineaa maetltig, flrat Monday uf each month. J. W. Oammg, Capt. V. . Krllrj, First Lieut. L. L. fie nana, Second Lieut. Canby Ppirttuallat Society. 4aicnillM on Snl ad third Bundaya of each month. H. A. Lae, Ualtle Pulllipa, Becording Secretary, New Era W. C. T U. Meeta flrat Saturday in each month at their hall In New Kra. friende of cauae invited to be praaant. Mra Carey Johnion, Mra, Xaatman, rrea, at and Tenth atreeta, Oregon City. T. W. Sullivan, Praa. II, C. Michala, Bee. Oregon City Board of Trade Meets at Coart Home an aeaond Monday in each month. Viaitura w. looma. Oeo 0. Brownell, Prea. f. K. Donaldaon, Sec. Canliy Board Trade Meeta at Knight'a Hall, Tantiy, on flrat and third Fridaya of each month. Vialtora welcome, Knight, Prea. ti. J. Uarrl-ao- Mulalla Orange. No. 40. P. of reta at Uialr hall alW'rlgbl'a Bridge oa the aawnd Saturday of aack month at 1H a. m. membera - eeleome. J. Nelson, Maater. S. H. Cooper, Bee. Taalatin Oiange.No. Ill, P. of but Satur. 4af of aach month at their hall ia Wllaunville. ft. B. Henry, Maater. Miaa Bed Sharp, See. Warner arange. No. 117, P. of H. Meat fourth gatarday of month at their ball In New C. O. Uliama, Maalar. Miaa Maggie Brown. Sec. Butte Creek Ifo. IU, T. of H. Meeta at their hall in Marqoam eecood in each month at 10 a.m. Viaiting membera alwaya J. B. White, Maater. J. K. Jack, Bee. Oewego Grange No. P. of H. aaeond Saturday in month at 10 a. m. O. Eaton, Master. Pamaaana Qnnga No. 203, P. of H Meeta m Inl Patttrdaf in BauaU) at IU a. m. in Ihunaeeue achool-buaa- S. Toung, Maatrr. T. H. raathen. Bee Minletoe Lodge No. SO. D of H. Maata avary Tnaaday aretiing Mary BUwaford, 0. of H. pyer. Bee. ColnmbU Hook and Ladder Co. MaHa tret af aach aaonth at Fountain Engine Uuuaa. H. W. Tramhaak, WalUca Cola, foreman. Oaorga flrowa, Haa. Poaatata Haa No. 1 Maata aacond Wednewkty i aach month at Kagine Howae.aaat aide Main atraat, fcetveen Bavanth and Eighth. Hiram Straight, Praa. BL P. Wainn. Foreman. J. W. Stewart, Sec. IJiiiiNt'Kii. letter written smiie niontli Bg.i tiy Recorder ri. M. Kiimliy to Mr. Hlini). and which. a t ho htlur claim. Hun iiliHu(HHiiily stolen (nun hi liutiae, Hll'l was ihiIiIImIiihI in l lit populist lI'Tiiltl, on Monday nla-li- t al IllOSt fWH'aaiolled a fitfllt III till) A CCIll IiiimIi Iiihiku. Mr Kediier, edilnr of Hih llrmlit, n marked that IIih w rilintr of iIiIh Idler would I in liroiitilit liefnre w. Meidruni 1H jury, n i lie charneol bribery. 0 W ii.Mong' Htonewtill Vatican Ventured to chip in II, In oner 0 (J. b. of Unit tilt) iiuhtim who stole (lint letter was a tlilef, tu which Kediier replied 1 nt not John Everlturl hut ha hud stolen it. "Then you urea thief, re- tilled Stonewall. "If you were n it sor- - roiindeil here bv thin tlirly frond you wi ulil nt nhv tliiit KHiiner Biuiiietl hack. Ileiny Meldruin, who huh hIho eutniK Hi thu counter, not ruliHliiiiK beiiiv: ral e 1 a ' dirty crowd pill in IiIh nur, Hod whs evidently very mllinit to plant bin fist in Iteiluer a lace. To prevent I he breaking of fUHheN which a llylit wouhl occasion, Ulliuer Horns mired Kediier to leave, bill as he wnulrin t Ko.he forcibly shoved him out of the ilimr and nniereil him to uet out to save himself from boiiiK locked up. TWO HUNDRED I'llUNDk OK (llll.O Qiiahtz. Messrs. Ilaiiklua and Colbv arrived in tliecitv week about ship will be ready occupancy 200 of ore the Twin Lakes July 1st. It Ho by 01) mininif district on Owle Creek in (lie Cascade foot hills of litis county. It is Hold quiirlz winch nssays up in die bun Ireita. hey have taken the ore to Portland w ith the object of It ami if it turns a; well its expected, a mill will bu erected on the ledue this 111 Kvanlns slimmer, which f' 1. Its wiili It ia about 10 leet and it ia the widuHtever discovered in this county The Immense mineral of Clack' amas invites capital and intelligence, Pint Vr, or til). As T B. H inkitis nntile tl.e oell'r to M. lUmsby in the presence (ieorite Morton th.it he Morning II: W1)d the letter Sun. i. IngHarvloa ,1 or allll prevent day USX); Harling Cliurcli, Ijhlvvly'a Iron atrect. Hall. Department evening! hall, AS. Mlaa aach Saturday testing eut wealth ID flluiiauuilt Ilia iflllj I.V17. uruiag is to acknowledge the facts. Worees- - ter s dictionary dellnes black-ma- il as "money extorted from persons under the threat of exposure In print for nn allcg-c- otl'ense; But it seems that Mr. Hankins did not appeal to Mr Kauisbv s feelings properly for the latter told liim to tell "liedner to Ifo to h with the letter." IIk Dksrkvks Contemit. Mrs. Jen me Kenny is receivltiK couslderatile sympathy from those of her own sex because her h. U Uentiy, insteud supporting her bv workini; hlmselt, loaled lor years on tier earn inns and her individual means. At one time (as Mrs. liently told a friend) he possession of fib she had earnetl and squandered tliem in Kambliuit ouch a wretched excuse for a husband would make almost any woman desperate and reckless. Mr liently has earned a full measure of for the unmanly treatment of his wile. ComT moved Klmer before amount passage ; Casks. Be he one the V. brick a summons Is been ha ,u ' ' vewiuuuu. extent. . - Ortal nill.UIHf.IM M IIIH. nnv U'lll Portland against Thomas; : i.ukMiieiit : : .i .. uo The family n a 111 iti in i m . u.esiiinn irom ler; a ; Btirney et al ; judgment entered lien docket for J. M. Wallace against John and Alice V. Parsons. Donkeys in Command At the head the I quarters the democ-ruli- central x W. tri- the I committee Portland campaign must have been managed by a jackass Friday evening last, committee sent us two democratic for a m iet ng at Pope's hall, but when one of them fairly opened mouth he vested that was a dved populist, though he that be lieved he was a "greenbacker. Mo such stupidity characterized the repub lican management Si'mmkr Bun-El- i price to which country butter lias descended, green lurmsn puouc ids start in ThB attracts ...i .i .. I r u: ..!.. i.i. ...... m ninny hrniiii (,owg coged can uiicoeiio wan The ate Qwen music, from l p. in. 12:30 Soliool Kntertutniiieiit. preparations are being madel Neltie Olds, teacher New achool, lor entertainment be given the tipiritulist camp-ground- . ning. June Otli, proceeds will be used purchase material kindergarten work her school. Fol the program ; Instrumental Newbury Recitation Declamation . . Dialogue Declamation. "Beautiful .. Recitation Declamation. Recitation. . . Declamation. Recitation .. . Violin Solo, .. C Concert Poem, Address.. Solo. Part Fibst. Song. p. m. until of an to at of in Katie Acquaintance Recital Declamation. Recitation. Declamation Declamation... uncovered MtllOOi Olive Solll .Five Little Pupils Song. A uiee oiuu Tillv Friedrich Earl Wink Ihereaian Olds Second. Vocal Solo Mrs. A. ration of .Caroline Rier Spulak Nation Honor ik... nnh ait nf Maata Merman avery Tuesday evening their aornar Main Portland Clllb of Vfm. made Era. Orange, welcome. 175, Meeta Praa. Co Tli Br, is . . Vocal .. s .Ji.hnnie Pearl Mead If Knew,". Katie L. (iirard.of "Education". .Nettie A. Olds Song, Portland .Glee Club Exercises will at o'clock. Admission 10 cts. We ESTATE TRANSFERS. Eleonora E Redberg to D ette. as id ance on Molalla road near Jackson ; S Latoorette W i. Ked. berg. lots of blk and 149, City; $1000. Willie Portland .Katie Oscar Frank White waltzes Nettie Frank Song Kehm 'Good M Graham to Winnie Graham, blk 117. Oregon City; 400. Jennie Hattie D Vv illiams to Dan Williams, Flora of s, ; tlOUO. J 6 J James to Harms, lots blk 7. Shaws first addition lo City; fVW. F lnlyre claim to A H of J4'. se of sw) t,f t s. 6e: Gladstone R E to Mrs Mary F i i ta kit, rt fiia.l Oamnet H So. !.-- M. Tne-l-ay rf . ,.. n l art En,e Honae. Frank Uwia, Stone tlOOU. rd,Foremaa. u. J. Tbune. Kelly ta C Hunter ,2 as Oral! C't, $io0. e.oMg..aw. . ' 26, s, 1 f, 40 a). ITKMS. Horn, lo tlm wife of Win. Iliilaon nn Thuntduv, a pountl uirl. Mr. Win left Salem nn Monday to visit her pirents Dntit forget the lldoiim' plenic, open air concert .Mine luili ThotnaN Hpoonorof Clielitlia, WhhIi., ia viHltiiiu at the Ihiiiij of Mr. It Jj,i iiinxa. Hon. K. Croar) hiinily to (iludHlonu liiat week mill city real ia to let The llrrntd liua no uau for the hitf rooaler it iinMMirt'd to celebrate tht popullrtt vlcwiry. Stop ut thu Novelty cream purlora for mire ice cream aodn wltli frtiil juicca and puljia. Kmeat b'Hiicht Dix on'a wootlauw and will take contracts auwinif wood Miaa Florence Morev returned on Tueaday fro.n Now York, accompanied by W. (J. Cheney T O. Jotmrud hag been iinaniiiioualy elected jiiMtice of Caacade precinct anil liia aon uuueri conatauie, A band of 40 pieces will entertain you at lirntlerlcK's pmK June iu, given Wucheno Hocial Ulub. The Salvationists new house or wo lust with for pounds from iee(. husband, obtained contempt speakers (lectured Children's day will appropriately be observed ut the UoiiKrcKulional church next Hundav inornihir,. All are invited. Key. J. Ii Wilson, 1). D . of will preatdi the Presbyterian church city uext and uno iiruiii, ,,..,',. eiicioaii-i- r .ha, eveni.ig- - Cuterplllara are wonderfully numer ous in Uregon city, iney nanK irom roofs and Hues and crawling every whither. L'ceuse to wed issued June 1 to Kmma Peterson ahd Caspar the Uih, to Meyer and Joseph IJiilcrnulirer. A children's remedy that has stood the test use for fifty years ia worth Slccdiiiaii Soothing- - Pow ders have Btood thai . Mrs. J. B. Ilobinsnn (nee Cochran) and infant son arrived from Tulare, Cnl , Monday morning, to remain with her parents the summer marriage license issued at the during May, and the record shows only one marriage, that J.J. Davoren and hdith L. Cook on May 1,'th. to- - went but are In this and prune ia crop is and gome lo- - "'o on rroni ana to but the water to who mat considerably ""-- ' can ue by bus is Pe"u- conunne. ?' ,0,r,, " . . .1 ho olic cliurcli at JNew structure to the of about I2UU children were injured by the ac cident, W. M. Beeson and son have closed down their sawmill for the present be cause no money the at the They will opportunity vaca tion stagnation gives them "ZT to country . been elected justice about spring, ui ui REAL the irue I'm for by the by fife not lias The m., 3.1 uone by D) the peopie totlieir pasior, when home several uregon house Meaghers, city. manner receive hands have pastures laiiniuiiy reed, thought- - could profits executed summer retiring sherih". Portland dry. Summer buttermaking 8tores 8Ui)meriBd nonion thocitv c a o y lowing Declamation. Spulak k r x a hleonora 1 s s t r e Oregon r r- - it d aa ..i R t r a a s during a a ... Where picnic White mains June Wales June, headquarter high confectionery Band LIST. a maining City 1S94, J Joseph LOCAL Deterdon, When "advertised, Word Cluckamat campaign other gentlemen npon republican irrespec- tive their support desire every made a favor conducting sound party entirely upon prejudice, Sincerely yours, baby East, below choice y tsucli. wilfully I responsible date. times a piece good land, where could forclearingalike times Clackamas City. Write Oregon POLITICAL OVERFLOW MEETING. Thouiandi Throng Main Par tloipatt political demonalratlon Muiu street Tliuiailay evi'itinir, Kctlmr aeoncouraenf thous- and from Kfflinn A ininlc a white b uloft inscriptions: What w I d i p Deuiocrtla, N'olhiiiK I'eiiiioyer. (mat I'ennoyer. Populhiu, 8iH'ialisin. Anarchy, 2U.0OU Kod Lord aide. Oiciion pace. street Illuminated a lirownell, Hepresen' talivea 'Smith, Hinearson Hon. other republican Commissioner Scott acted mauler ceremonies. cordially llmnkud sislintf popu'lsm. A procession morninu in Ardnegor: apeukinit. cotliu lifted waion a funeral delivered. A populist crowd tried noisy throat8nd horns drowned voice. Camp- bell brief words a populist Tliosendud jollifications City OREGON BULLETIN. unprecedented high lower Willamette rivers from eastern Ihofe usual. river 0 June 181)4, Port- land, feet, which county larfe'e portion city flooded; badly damaged wnoiesaie uisiricts amount little, which '.'rat streets from a those "wp. business, orchards. mall, Is reported tliat.Saturday afternoon, V'' lightning struck steeple Cuth. OHllinnlll riamaaa Uamaging Two there business current take .;Md Elmer Dixon mourn blue than have done resultant daning! enforced cessation business; will, however, f 1,000,000 J June prevailed. Troutdale, Multnomah a From storm heavy large ' stones storm """""" severe bill oi irom f asaeu I. A haw L insii on and Ak n. t i." not rent , rue of K. M. llartman (bot, with and attached be o r ,.h r. J ;! $10 square KilSa IIV Iia nrt trie' nikinh ." ,,r ..:' .V.,i .7 ". ... lu l"e oi me i5. food the ... ...... itiiiiifiiiv ninrnintr Hi!iiiir iiihit nn ernn Bin.rr iftpn a.i u. aoes noi inner ne gets "L in lien for 5od' at soup T, in Order in the the his lie he low A. A. Portland to blk of sec 9. 21 S. of F. nf of iit se i..,. ,.f "" Na. $l IU in of of in in the lias ilia, Put two and tage ana the and had oi me ui (Sunday; thev uown. a new ur. uu nijpr ir. once his and will be The 31. large was attendance arc Uwn '.! lata Qn.nA umue mere some- - Pur some dons .,. the the for she the 1st, indicate a bountiful eilin, ltg ,.r ,ir.nhi tn MUn I11 oi sou. Jfrii.i. tlior, Elizabeth ern )H) a year food The Also 3.1, by the ."'Vto"' "Tt! It. hdmiston, John to Mrs. both this Mr. Maddock the the same and cred that he will it the Mr. now that tne one that the more ana must seek his have his cows tlian the and work i.iu water wiien ins tun win- - are of as a does seo clock Riet born this nine ago. Mrs. The and The My that and gave and this this that npon best this Blate and that your wife this You land and from The of ill in and The was and and Irom and ine Tlie of said that that nf and tion very and state 4th, 31.8 of of was killed rain fell. The The .nas wimc The four an of wile an wife be Mur of and of 1. of at of in at ine in pay. of The for from degrees. fore more latter temperature strawberries which croat The rains have improved wheat hay that prospects for riilitiiitnted Blocks. the have been materially given Ore- - water not merchants gon t'lty win one given placed floor streams higli has iuin and erks in tan oeen year. attraction bethe damage pieces, with Di June 3 which now showing uance p f. 'mulr the truit Extensive the the tabernacle Saturday eve tl.e which for Is Solo Kecitalion Declam.iti n II. ion... ..A Newbury Wink River'.. Social. Wensley, hall, Glee Recitation Friedrich Newbury Furgeson Walter Smith .H Address, 8 C Latour- - lit V L C $2000. E 4 150 lot lot i 4 2 Adolyh 1, 2 J Mc q ree tl. 2 Co aeec. p. w h.r.ua Sac. Co, la H.ae 3 fi as; fur una bull II. hla bia lee Klliolthus for by Portland, are 2 Christine over (est No was courthouse except ".'" maila tnt prices the a Married, conditions d from T" ci. served by fall iieivouuia ,he not irrigation were 8th at Kiver-vie- cemetery near Portland. was in the and came country Uue ol her daughters died ago: thj Bowman, in Novelty is for Redman's by Port land Military June LETTER following is list at Oregon for 7, for: Brooks, L timpson, for please aay r. At. r. Al A from Brownell. To in County: the is over, you for the support that you me the the I take this time to to the people for received. I at time anew to the farmers, tax tailoring men and men promise that I the wiil to the ot my This is of of upon princi- ples, is a a exists mis and ol the farming the will not be in Clackamas this Geo. C. Bbownell. Ne-- of carriages the Portland. Come and get at Be my left my am not for any debt con by her J. A. BoE. Or 10, IHU4- - Yoh could at hard if you of you raise all yon can get 'i0 acres Clackamas river of acres; acres for sale on bard near live miles or E. C. Harkett, sheriff's City, lo In the Fun. brouxlit two to peonlu, many various of the marching was to nf the from and ronis. On the' b the the lliir now, mr IhiiiK? not a lumber too. Is on our sets the red rockets. Speeches were wairon standing: the by Senator Mintie, Mr. Mr. MaJdock, U. E. and successful as of The speakeas democrats for as. them In preceded ol Hi buuduy, itBPrllI1.(i Edmiston Gauong, was on the and moving: was in the to but a thousand tin the his Lawyer in a few was jubilee. one the ureatest political Oretton ever beheld. Owing to In the Columbia the the por of the state few from the portion of the are not as as at p. at ia feet the highest on A the of the in in calilies will is to is damper invested in It the the fun is lumber. of will property and the the of it be very perhaps Un 2d, and in storms At county, man lightning. the thunder and own has in hail most on of of oeen..e- - $2.6'). cottage, weather kitchen metres ill For - of fearcy entered 'lonf Saviags summer winter, informal vigorous WOuld nev. cherries they in htrawberries duties pastors reacnes reiicBiiuieino mat damage "epruiies a preswi parsonage, pe0pe; pastor. a(Iay On liner, on June at tne of Kmma If leaves sheriS'i business orderly lously dulled giving vacation of outness Airs the to has to the an mean the ranged 04 to 70 In the part of the week maximum and were the the from ten 10 pre vents the ripe shipped, will a loss the the Volunteer intended is it generally be to at most fuvorable all crops. the ImnulWtpil ho th The greatest ever in too weather and showers. ue on June an elevated in their continue no oy me cpdciuhjiou. g'linuoois necessary tins principal will customers. spring did on 8lllKay Mr8. to fruits, is by the aneniaien wim Tim r. dropiung Burgoyne .School Night" commence Henry Oregon sw Cm. R NEWH Reelnin trytntt. business buried Shu to several months other, resides grade picnic concert letters the the ending uncalled Puter. SAD Smith, Judge Jonas calling letters kakdb, Senator FrienJi strong express thanks which payers, of stump ability fulfilled. the affairs business verdict trying arraign against classes, county arrived prices lorn As Aeedy. of choice bottom number 4J basis, station office, Street county. column formed strains Shake! buried times. lights lumber rJecinc Moore, Hayes, of inouriiera oration reply, numerous sounds reports western numerous higher record. apple caused general sections heavy places record. onanav- - month, official ticket, wanted. thunder of degrees recorded fell twenty degrees. now in Wasco timely of heavy allowed in interior Blinked, of In a dark room with alternating rents of 800,000 Tesla, by means of caused a faint glow ot to appear. Explain ing the said "If lean increase the say 000,000 or 1 can duce sunlight this room. Uf I can increase the vibrations by increas- ing the voltage. I can make the voltage 8,000,000 easily as 800,000; but I am not ready 8,000,000 of Currents of such strength would kill everbody in the room. I ex- pect, to learn to control a large voltage. When I have increased the vibrations perhaps a thousand times, the he no longer will be I am satisfied that be from electricity without doing to anybody, and I expect to discover how it It is a grand Idea, and whether the through which came be hushed and still yet resounds in the of new truths, the itself will be carried to and the world be wiser, may having the to be the issue." my to business election and business and had Oregon county. will counties will idea will Europe Colder. That the of Europe U pass ing through a cold period has been pointed out by M. the French astronomer. During the six years the mean of has been two below the normal, and Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Austria and have also growing The seems to have been in in France for a long time, the growth of the vine having forced far south- ward since the 13th and a sim- ilar has been observed as far Rio de Janeiro, where the an- nual has been going (or some past. Acoustics of Buildinqs. Like' the laws of other sciences, which regulate the transmission of sound are most They de- pend entirely upon Given the height of a platform or to this add the height of a person sitting or stand- ing, and one-h- alf the width of room. Ihese three viz., the height of the platform, the height of the speaker, and half the width in the room being added together, should the height from the floor the ceiling. of a person speaking from his position will strike the two side and the ceiling the same moment of Flench scientist's plans for securing a yield of He steeped bis cuttings (or 24 hours in a solution of six pounds of poonds of sulphate of ammonia and 25 gallons of He next allowed them to a whole in order that the eye-bud- s might before planting. potato cuttings treated We manufacture an excellent article in this and planted in the in ice cream. Call at the Novelty and way obtained a yield of 42 tons of po-s- a isfy to the acre. CITY COUNCIL Communication from Geo, Randall In regard to defective aewago drain referred to committee nn street. regard to rebates on .Main laid on street la Hecorder reported two casus of orderly conduct and two cases of run gambling house with $.10 flue iiiy engineer reported work lor month of May to the amount of fo.'H.iH), which was ordered paid. Keviseil report of the city treasurer adopted. Finance committee reported that Attorney Prlgga for collecting notes ue cut uown over l.lt) to ). Ktreet Bulun cliy to pay them the 2d pur cent reserve, t furnish new bunds on street was I.i consideration ol i 00 which was paid the contractors agreed not to ask for any mure discounts on warants. c 10 Pint Antflne house let to . r, lay lor. H K Cross Instructed to finish bridge Hun, .: , l vuKi-.-giiiuii- Ktreet commitlee onlereil nut In culvert of Fifth to coat iuu. Bills allowe- d- EL Shaw O E UUrns 15. L L Porter fr, W 80, $11.25, Herald $1, P U Co $172 T Hl,lnn f Hneii.tMr. O'Connor $3, Mrs GW Church $111, yna uaocot-- tm. Forsyth $11) 23. W iviioaoes I0. How and 17.80. T V S. cor $12 25, $:l.F.II Cris wen n BO.Joe Aldredge t:i.50. Jeff $2. Un street Poped Co dd i, n straight I3.25, U. W. Kln-nai- rd $127.60, U W Keed $25.6), O Ii n turn ,o.f)0. un ruth fund Geo liiils as follows for removing me eariu at nead ol t iltti on prop erty recently purchased bv citv: J A Confer 13 cts per yd, Dan Lyons 15 cts, 2...1 I I, . . .... I.' , .A . iiuiiuey a. ncia.e, raraer 12 cts, iiiamoeriain Cooler 15 cts, tin ti , . , , . ... iiuusciioiiiers instructed not to dump oiiui snu ruouish in any city Ordinances as follows read and or- dered to come up for final June 10th. Fixinu- - salarv of treasurer at $140 and no more; fixing salary of of police at $00 no more; regulating running of freight cars on electric road ; licenses and permits. Ordered that warrants be Issued for collection of Seventli street assessment. accepted of P O E Co and one arc light put at Green Point bridge and one at of Seventh street, with- out extra cost to the T L Charman elected water for years, T V Ryan's terra having expired. French The is from the of a French odiciuf: laborer regularly employed may earn on an average a year and his food one not regularly employed never more man su. When the laborer does ng Mi to May 2lith. attached It U a8 composed rooms a floor), an injunction . garden to this about have sailed in Civ of 1 'A uiuioiugjiuvtiii cot . llUni'Mr linen l. a . . frank E. "Ti:".: .V.. . garden lie pays a rent of entered in lien dockets for J""", . .v. uuyuiitagu armors laborer's . . . i uiiLiru imp nnv . i ... ftuthan against and mucn judgment docket 'J ',' '..'"i 'g..i! Pc,,c"1 ? 1 the and vegetables In Portland against W. ",D "'7 " , autumn, herring Iu re1 on to .. . Recitation. . .. Arthur Burgoyne Part Burgoyne ' Shaw McFarland ; made candidates. vanuuishlnif . head ine " biii uungoi i ttie and eggs on church extended reception nave have pound meat vuwan, mm m.o .oi me a generally and on Thursday evening, are ripening have a visitor. usual lv A crowd average crop, npon- - remains at : housekeeping including of other churches, ngrapiuiy. nave require au ,er energies if n I I Idtnpail tiv ItiiX l.nula I ., . ... v isiting hiiu ujj hid j "j " iivo. i - should children, program. ow was .j, season, at Methodist As wnoie me 0, B . other then by Geo. C. most ,, and her l.'.,.,ai,u ni.luml.ia I ,ur me I woo not anend mora Stroup Clackamas county . I general simwen for clothes. pastor, to In itable lie the anu no abundant shows scrupu-fu- l dairyman fresh the ,,, o htaoura I i nearly one water. is Th ine me on Portland Military 40 oi .IIi Portland J , in ot Portland. . of re poatoffice Simpson. . not individually of political we state county bo verdict in county tolerated nor in just from an home. tracted . laugh see Oregon. on bnns ii It was was of temperature week temperatures uu ; in part water condition for so mature. Reports hand show Crops have stores ; frosts i musical concert , ' a ; month 1820, years week June Miinltna John Lvdia these Now class state. stock after May three them thrue drum Main beiore hotel water great Uigh from being entail cereal crop. warmer 10th. Artificial Sunlight. cur voltage.Nikola atmospheric vibrations, light phenomenon, he : atmospheric 1, lO.OW.OUU.OOO, pro in course. as to handle volts however, how atmospheric phenomenon electricity. It hgh. stinlightcan made harm is done. voice It or fruitage, whatever opportunity thank representation manufacturing Growing continent rlammanon, tempeiature Paris about degrees Belgium, Germany been cold. change progress been century; cooling away as temperature down years all those simple. proportion. bench ; tot be to The voice walls at time. A wonderful potatoes. saltpeter, six drain day, swell From matter he yoorselve. ' Communication in street table until nnislied. iiing each Main street contractors, llanshawi iliey Laid table completed. ctiurcn. tn at street aooui $00, NoIihI Knterprise k 4.5. II A McUloughlin Main fund Heed received street ouuion C Clop $500. creek limits. published, chief regulating delinquent Proposition head city. commis- sioner three The Peasantry. following report A $100 small farm Bank lainng nopg erage May most particularly hsymakingin June food. conscientiously hinti. considerable Band Annie faith that early vibrations, electricity. proclamaiion past dimensions, water. nual latoes until street ubjrex would require to spend about tlQ on bia own clothes, and wood and fuel would cost at least another $10. Then we must not forget tne taxation, which consists of a personal tax of If. 80o.. as sessed tax 6f., and a protestation tax, in money or kind, ol If, 50c. (thu is for keec. ing the roads in order ; a man supplies the lauor.ora norae and cart, or the stones, or the money) ; in all 111. 30c., or $2.50. This leaves little more than $20 for the sup port of his children. One need not bo surprised that many run into debt to the baker, the sabotiur (maker of wooden shoes), etc. The first tiling to pay is the rent. Of course they do not owe much, rarely more than $20 at time, hut even this is considerable to people of such small means : but even tually they pay their debts, in most cases princi pally when they have grown up children who are able to go out to service. The children go out to service as soon as they have made their first communion. The boys are employed oy tne farmers as cow keepers and shep herds. When 12 or 13, thev earn from $13 10 $20 a year; from 13 to 15. bout $2o; then their wages increase steadily till at 20 they can earn $100. Of course the receive food and lodging besides There does not appear to be any bright prospect tor the young in rural France ; you rarely see the fun going on that is witnessed iu every village green hereof a summer evening. Life has to be a terribly earnest thing with them, and even the conscription is often welcomed by the more restless spirits. Cost of Raising Wheat, Here are Mr. C Wood Davis' figures on the cost of raising wheat with an at- - erage yield ol la bushels per acre, "drawn irom accurately kept accounts of all ex- penditures on a farm of as good land as there is in this part of Kansas, and where the wheat is grown with hired la- bor" : Plowing $1 00 Harrowing 15 Drilling 20 Seed, Vi bushels at market price. 55 Cutting and stacking 1 00 Threshing. Carting 15 bushels to station. . . . Kent of land, worth $30, at 7 . . Interest on farm eoninmonts Taxes Insurance MEETING. T"!l!rL,t ioiigrcuuinuiBi Wear and depreciation of euuinm't Superintendence 05 10 10 10 25 Total cost an acre wheat ... $7 80 Lost per bushel o wheat at station. 52 cents. A'ansas City Star. 00 20 50 of of A Monstrost Unfairness. New York has a population of 5.997.853 and an assessed valuation of $3,775. 325,938. North and South Dakota, Mon- tana, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, all com- bined, have but 3,385,392 inhabitants and $1,129,434,340 of values. So New York alone has 2,012,401 more popul- ation, and $2,645,891,598 more property than the whole 13 pnt together nearly double their population, and more than three times their wealth. Yet to pro tect and promote her vast national in terests, New York has bnt two repre sentatives in the United States Senate, while nine of these wild and woolly western provinces already hive 18 sen- - stors, and Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma, when admitted, will ship iu eight morel Could the fiend- - inspired ingenuity of political blacklegs invent a madder monstrosity of unfair- ness? Pat Donan. Among the signers of the declaration of independence a dozen were of Irish blood, and at least balf of these, like Charles Carrol, of Carrol ton. Md.. were Roman Catholics. George Taylor. Chaa. Thompson, Mathew Thornton and James Smith, signers of the declaration of in- dependence, were all natives of Ireland. John Hancock, of Massachusetts, and John Rntledg?, of Hotith Carolina, were Of Irish stock-- . Ex. 0TMER8ZV gsuld n CLEAR Q LONG mental) IJ strong I AVCQ'C Sarsaparilla . 8. P. Smith, of Towanda, Tn,, whose constitution was completely broken down, Is cured by Ayer'i SuiduiiariUu. He writes: " For eight yi ara, I was, moat of the time, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and Imllges-tlo-n, so that my constitution Sveuti-- to be completely broken down. I was Induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in porfect con. ditlon, and, In all their functions, as regular aa clock-wor- k. At the tlmo I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, uiy weight was only 129 pounds; I now can brag of 109 pounds, anil was never ic so good health. If you could sea Die lie. fore and aftor lining, you would want me for a traveling Advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market Ayer's Sarsaparilla Frrparad by Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowall, Maaa. Curetothers,wlllcureyou Potash Fertilizer. The use of artificial fertilzers Is a subiect well worthy of the careful study of farm ers. I l.a supply of manure is wholly to the full yield of the soil, and tne use ot fertilizers Is tlierclore of par amount necessity. Some experiments made at the West Virginia College go to show the comparative value of the dif- ferent kinds of potash fertilizers, a mat- ter little understood by the majority of farmers who use them. The results go to show that the average increased yield produced by one pound of potash con- tained in kainitis 31.33 pounds. The average Increased yield produced bv one pound of potash contained in sul- phate of potash Ib 23 74 pounds. The av- erage increased yield produced by one pound of potash contained In muriate ol potash is 15.91 pound j. The average cost of kainil required to produce one l of corn is 9.00 cents. The aver age cost of sulphate of potash lequired 10 produce one ousiiel ol corn Is 10.32 cents. The average cost of muriate of potash required to produce one bushel of corn is 19.35 cents. It is a Yerv easy thing, then, to And the cheapest form of this indispensable plant food by g the cost of the potash in the dil ferent forms mentioned, taking the pro- portion of actual potash containetl in each. N. Y. Timet. Enriching of Skim Milk. This invention relates to a prepara- tion of oil ("artificial cream") which may be readilly and permanently Incor- porated with any liquid, and is intended to be emloyed chiefly for enriching skim milk, and render It available as cattle food. The preparation is made by sim- ply mechanically emulsifying any suit- able oil with a solution of elueoreela. tin, and final. y diluting with water to any desired consistency. To 1 kilo of oil about SO grammes of glue may be used. "Artificial cream" keeps well and may be mixed with any liquid by simply stirring it in. It separates again only very slowly, and in so doing, rises to the stiriaceexactly like natural cream, and it suffices to stir the liquid to obtain as periect a mixture as beiore. C Dierking. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. FOR SALE. "Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, ou Woodcock creek, Clackamas county, two miles Irom Meadow Urook poatollio. 1 hree acres cleared, 11 acres slashed ; good house 20x30. Price (800, of which f')00 must be paid down, bal- ance two years' time. For further par- ticulars call at Courier oflice or address me at Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of Pough- - keensie. N. Y. was for years a martvr to headache, and never found anything to give more than temporary relief until she began to take Ayer's Pills, since which she bus been in the enjoyment of perfect health. "Is this hot enough for you?" is a silly question ; but if you meet a man who complains of sultering from the heat 'en to one you will find, on inq liry, that he does not use Ayer'a Sarsaparilla to tone up his system and free his blood from irritating humors. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Work Well Doaa. Cepar Raimps, Iowa. I suffered with dyspepsia and disordered liver and would irenuently throw up tine, i pro cured a bottle of .Simmons Liver Keg- - nlator.and after using half ol it was com- pletely cured. One of my lady cus- tomers (old me the other day that Sim- mons Liver Regulator completely cured her of D. Olds. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers can be applied when at home, and is uniformly successful in coloring a brown or black. Hence its great popularity. ,a aa- One thousand ticket are guaranteed to be sold in Portland for the Redman's picnio and dance at Ilroderick'a park, Oregon City, June 10th. I have two little grandchildren who are teething this hot summer weather od are troubled with bowel complaint, rive them Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrho-- Remedy and it acts ke a charm. I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. 1 was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps and pains n my stomach, one lliiru ol a Dome ol this remedy cured me. Witlun 24 hours I was out of bed and doing my housework. Mrs. W. L. Duncaw, Bon-aqu- Hickman Co.. Tenn. ror aalebyO. A. Harding, Druggist. Deft Comfititio! Ten loaves of fresh bread for a quarter dollar; 20 loaves for 50 cent and 40 loaves for $1 at the Seventh Street Bakery, Jacob Kober, Propr. Wba Baby waal akk, w gar kr Cfcatorta. irbea aha aa a Chad, afce cried for CaaatorU. a abe became Miaa, aba dung to Caatorla. irhea aba bavd CbiMrem, abe gawo thmCaaAoria, HOS OHABHA1T Li LITrtfUfOSCHOOLHOtJSI SHOfJ . tooh IV PRIZE ATWOrUOSfAl. fK WMMnJrVHYI8rnHE 6H0fTUTGIU THE LONCXwTUCiSr SHOES FOR OLD AAD YOUNG. W. CAREY JOHNSON, LAWYER, CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate To Sell and Honey To Lend C. I). & D.C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Building, OREGON OREGON. LOCAL SUMMARY. Redmen's entertainments are always a success, their picnic and dance June 10th will be gre ater than ever. Prescriptions carefully ccmp junded at O. A. Harding's drug store. The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer and the Orboon Coi'Kikr, both one year to cash in advance subscribers for only i 60. The bnquirer is a paper whose regular price is l per year. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, flan Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in bis oflice. Weekly Examiner and the Courikr one year, cash in advance, 13.10. Examiner and uoUKiBH.cash in advance, 18.30. Weekly San Francisco Chronicle and the Con hi ait, cash In advance, one year, (3.10. Law Daily Received at Charman & Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. Buv meat at the old Cilv View mamet, toot ot aeyenm street, runs Janney, Props. For lob printing go to the Cour ir office. CITY, Law vers' Bhibps anp Folpbiis printed at the Courier otnee. Teacher's monthly report cards for sale at the Louribr oliice, 60 cents a 100 To Rent A barn Main street Inquire at Courier office. Notice. United States Lanp Office, Ohrcion City. Or., May 8,1804. Notice is hereby given that the ap proved plat of survey of township south, range 4 eaBt, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on June 21st. 1804, atO o'clock a. in. of said day, said plat will be filed in this office, and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Koiiert A. Miller, ItegiBter. Peter Paquet, Receiver. Notlos. United States Lanp Office Oreoon City, Ore., May 1804. Notice is hereby given that ap proved plat of survey of township 0 south, range 4 east has been received irom surveyor-gener- of Oregon and on July 10, 1804, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, said plat will be filed in this of and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Koiiert A. jviim,br, lteglster. Peter Paquet, Receiver. Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Cham berlain's Pain lialin and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon uoidraum, Man juis Key, for sale by George A. Harding, Druggist While at Peksklll, N. Y Mr. J. A. Scriven, a prominent manufacturer of New York city, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Such good results obtained from its use that he sent back to the druggist irom whom he obtained it lor two more bot tles of the Bame remedy. When you have a cough or cold give this prepara tion a trial and like Mr. Scriven you will want it when 'again in need of such a medicine. It is a remedy of great worth and merit. 50 cent bottles for sale by U. A. Harding, Druggist. For Over Fifty Year. Am Old amu Will-Tbie- d Rehrpt. -- Mb. Win Soothing Byrup Iiaa lawn uiwd for over fifty yaara liy rillllionaof motliara for their children while taathfliff. with Darfect It aoothaa the Child, euftana the allaya all pain, cur wind eulle, and ia the beat rarawly for Plarrhuta. Ia plaaaanl to the taate. HulU by Uruaglata in every pan oi ine World. Twenty.fire oenla a bottle, lla Tame la in- calculable, lie aura and aak for Mm. Wlnalow'a Boothliig Byrup, and take no other kind. Oregon City Market Report. Wheat Per bu, 46c. bulk without iaoke V buahel. iscki. Fi.oua Roller 2 70 per bbl, net Eoos 11c BUTTia 4045ca country Vial biie dressed L'HicifMg 12 3M a doten Bitr On foot, cowa 8c; i!4c, fat; 5c dreaaad. .HAVE MuTTon 1 0032 prima ahearcd: slock ah'p II 8hinoi.es 2 )l thoueand. Labd 12lfc t pound. Hidss Jreen,3c;dry.C7cin, d off oroulled. Bheep pelta. 23930a Hat Timothy, 112, clover III, baled. DoikD Fruits Prune 5c; applea 50c; very dull. vour near 28, the flee uai. were alow'a atlveeaa. guma, with roll, ateen Mill Feed Snorts $17. Bran fid; Chop IS; rejected wheat, SO cent )t bu Poke Sides 12c, ahoulders tc, name 12c on fool 6c: dreaaed 6,c. PotUoes Sue a aack, Onlona-ll- .iS per 100. BLANKS I BLANKS BLANKS!!! For Kale at the Coubiib oflice : Mortgage, Filing Covers, Bond for Deed, Promlaaory Notes, Receipt Books, Warranty Deed, Quitclaim Deed, Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena Tearhera' Report Carda, Partial Payment Real Eatat Contract, Sheriff Summons, Jury gumicona. Copy of Summona, Nolle to Garnlahee, Answer lo Garnlahee, Subpoena, Writ of AtUchmenr, JuatiM Subpoena, civil, Justie Subpoena, criminal Special or private blanks printed on application expeditiously ana correctly. v . ....... A " rv .ST. MEN'S ECCT3. Oso.c.Bowksu. A. int. Brownell 1 1;:::::, Attorneys at L:;:, Office Out Door North u'CauJUUiC ley'i D uo,lori, OREGON CITY, .. o- - city view r:i'::::vf CANBY, OREGON. All Varieties Fruit to F::r: . J. a. cox&cc::, proprietors. Noblitt Livery and S:!a T " OREGON CITY, OBEG07" Or tht Street letwsti tkt IrUes tri " Dept.. Double and .Ingls rtp and ways on band al Ihe ralT.r,d?. alao connects with th. biHiTooa, I ? Any Information DinmM iiKM regarding any klidolLJi r ' w j aaMCT or B HORSES BODOHT OB SOLO FRAKX miVX eun and Locktr.ia Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, . " 0SEGCS All kind, o'riraarnn rapairad aa- - daaaai. An ita maJl lor ail klnila of lacka. Uaaataa and aaM. BICYCLES REPAIRED. USTEW FRESH ST0C.I! CHOICE GROCERIES & FOTL'Cn Obtain your family supplies at the Grocery, just opened, on north- east corner of Seventh and Center streets. Prices as low as the lowest Country Prcf;:s I::;!! Flour and Feed For Sale. - Ja Aa CwCHrrla Bank of Orc-- n C:.vy. OLDEST RANKING H0UII IH TBI CTTT Paid Capital, $50,0. President, Vice President, Cashier, Manager, . , - ClAUAS K. H.CAiniu A Banking Transected, DoiMisils Subject to Cheek. Approved Bills and Nolea Piaccanled. County and City WerranH Loana Hade on Available Exchange and Bold. Collections Hade Promptly. Drafta Hold in Anv Part ot Ib World. boughl Up Haums Chau.ii General Business Received bought. Becunlv Bought Available 'i o Eirnanre Bold on Sal FrancWo, Chicago and New York, i niereai raid on Time uepoaiu. ids agists or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. L. M. ANDREWS, M. D. PBALBB Drugs, Notions, Pertercrl:; Toilet Articles, itc. Prescription! Carefully Cistpeniii. Shlvely's Block, Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon The Commercial CsrA OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts General Banklsg B Miser. Loana made. Hills discounted. Haiti col lections. Buy and sells exchange 0 ail poloil In the United Btatea and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Doposlta received aubfectlocheck. I tereat at usual ratea allowed or lime deposit. Bank omiu from S A.M. to 4 P. M.i SaUuday evenings from i till 7 P. M. 0. . C. LAT0URETTE, t. . D0NAIOTOW, President. BATH HOUSE. Capt. Bundy's Bath House.located at the "sandbank," is ready the public. Special accommodations for Women Childrtn. GEO. A. HARDING, PBALBB IN 3? DRUGS 1R, B Standard Pat Ksi:::::i Oil and Wlndo Ola. Prrtcriptioiu AcntraUl Ompt bardino's block. V Oregon CityTrans;:.t:-:"- c- steamer ra:::::v F TAHLK Leave PoRTLASS Foot Taylor 8i. 7:00 A.M. 4.-0- P.M. 8:00 A. M. 3:30 P. M. fistula Tbosai Qso. A. CAtmu elvirranh Portland. IN Oily OF uaaaiai now for and Paint. TIM 11:30 A.M. 11:00 a.m. I i OBEOOX CITT t Leaae 0aa. " l.fUr, Si ... 8C5DAT. t -- at. 1 p. J .. .P-- :

Upload: others

Post on 26-Dec-2019




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Page 1: Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or ... · 1 nt not John Everlturl hut ha hud stolen it. "Then you urea thief, re-tilled Stonewall. "If you were n it sor--roiindeil

' '. .



Tariuaof Subaeriptliin,II nalsCfipy, dim year, III advance. 12 01HI iikIh Copy. il mmitns, In advance, I DO

J uJ II".I I, rk uf Cvuila,Hiittrirr,

COURIER., Oregon Oregon.


Kaconlar,Trewaurrr,Aaaaaaiir, .

School Sliparlutefidant,Surveyor,Coroner,Gomiulaahmera,

. .. M. Italllal.y. B H I'.Uil

, J. C. Ilrndlay. II. llllHun

HMney HiuyiliHiiliunn

I Itlrhanl MViilt

I HairCounty Court niMli on Aral Wealneaiiay aflar dial

Monday ii( evary month.Probata Court meat, uu Drat Monday of every

monut.Circuit Court maata nn third Mitmlajr April and

nrai Mowiay iu novanwar,


Mayor, Hiram StralirtitR.eriar, L. Ij. PorterChief uf Pullc 0 R. HurliaAaaeeiwr and Colleetur K. H. Cell",

Troaatirer K. I,. ItolmanCity Attorney, I I. I'rtggaMiraI'ninilaa C. llalKSwk. Jr.Hup't of Watar Wurka W. II. IlowallCliy Engineer D. W. KlnniardCiiuncllinHn-- C. O. All.riilit. Jr.. II. I. U. N,

Oreenmeli, J. J. Cuuka, K. M. llnwrll, UraniaHroUrlilon, B. r. Jairnar, II. K. KlavalisCouncil niaatl Aral Wednesday ul audi month.

CHUUCHKSPint l Churoh-H- av. U. DoUKlirrty

Paalur. Harticua II a. ni. and :) p. n. SundaySolHHdariarnmrnlnsai-nrlce- . Pniyar Mcailna aaryWMllilar avanliia al :l II p. m. Prayer Mwlliis ofY. I'. S. ('. E. arary Sunilay availing at 0:riO prompt.

vi ui .nti.i rhnwh Nj flllman Parkar. IailorMornins Sanlua Hnnday Schoil l'i:lfi; iiaa beenHarvlra Mfnli rrayaraanlis. Miinthly tJinanani Mretlug eary Vtwlnaa.

day ataulns pracoruins Drat nunua) iu uic muniu.Ht. Jolin'a (nmroh. Hathollo-K- ar. A. Illllrl.rmml

a...nr iin Hmiiliiv. Mhmi at S and IU::X) aKl-r-r Sunday Harmon after S o'cl.ask Maaa.

At all olhar Maaaaa Knallah Srrnioin. Sunday acliiaji

2:31) m. Vrairra, AlwIusrllcalSubJiKitaand Dan.

allotlonat7::a p.

Mathodlut Kplacnpiil Church H. 0. Sykaa, r,

svr.lca at Sunday Schtad ut ia:IA: Ryan- - tiroctire Ktlip from Mr.at :!!. Kiwor1li Laaglla niFallng i

aTanlng at 1'rayar Thuraday avail- - "Wilier lor f ill), 111118

Ilia at amPint Pranl.jtarlan Cliurch.-tl- av. O. W. Ollamay,

Pa.tor. Sorvlcea II a. m and mp. ni. Saliliatli

Sohool IU a. in. Y. P. S. 0. K. maata avery Sunilayaianlng at . I'rnjri-- r MwllligWrduraday atalilng8:uO. bVuu frea.

Crangalleal Oarman A. Krnat, Psat'TPraai-liln- Harvlora avary altrraala Biinnay na. ni

'..if,iiin m Haiiliath ScIiikiI aaarv Sunilay 10 a m,Ilarrla'harg'r, Hupl.) Waakly Prayar Mealing

van VYrduraday evening,


Unltad nri'lliren Chureli.-- Ra. P. B. Wllllama.Paator. Hunicaa Brat and Piled Sumlay wornlnKaand the pracacdlng Sallimay nigni iu aan rouuuiurwimn I.IIT 11 a. in. aim i u. m , n.- - in- -.

dat afternoua of aach montii at Kalli View,

at i.iii-- ICDlaniiait Rav. J. A. Kokitrum,paaliir. Serrlcaa every Sunday at II a. m. and 7iH)

u. in., and Friday availing at uu p. ni.




Evangelical Lnlliaran Zlon . Pav. h.Qraa. paator. Heele In hall. Hundayachool f mm !W lo lOiSD a.m. 1US4) a iuaud;:aup. m.

BOOIUlTIKf?.ralle City Lodge of A. O. H. aata every

availing of emli month In A. O. V. n. h,illnn Savanlh atraat. All Journlng brethren nvdialhrl..l.Ml In attend. Tholuaa Clalllt: M, Vl. W. T.Whllluck. Ilac.

Pig Lodge, No. A. O. U. wtn avary..a,ln al (Mil tVllow'a Hull. Oawegn.

Vlaltlng brelhrea alwaya welciilna. J. V. Campbell,M. W. R. Strauaa. Hac.

Mulalla Lodgo, No. 40. A. 0. U.W.-Mn- ela Ami and pbird Baturdaye in each moiilb al Srhuol lloua. i

v .111... made walcoma. T. Mtlpp, M. rropeilyW. J. W. Thomas, Uao. Maripmrli

Uavel Lodge, No. 85, A. 0. u. aaconuand third Saturday ovanlngt at Knlght'a Hall, Canby.Vialtlnir lirolllara maue waiuuuia, n. a. n.W. K. B. Carlton, itoo.

Clackainaa Ilg8, No. 87, A. O. W. Maata Aral

and third Moiidaya In each month, al Strlte'a Hall.Vlaltlng brethren welcome, S. Holcomh, M. W. C.

K. Peaaa, lleo.Bunrlae Ialge. No. , A. O. U, W. Meeta avary

aeoond and fourth Snturdav ol each monin atOregon. Max Dchulplui, M. W. C. T.

Tpoze, Uco.



Oregon Lodgo, No. 3, I 0. O. Meeta everyThurxlav evau ng at 1:M o'clock p. m. In the UddPallowa' Hull. Main stateara luvlted to attend, J . W. MoOatt, N. O. Thoa. K

11) an. H. H.

Falls Encampment, Nc 4, 1, 0. 0. F. Meete Aral

and third Tueadave of eaota month at Odd

Hall. - Melu ban and vlaltlng patrlaralia cordially Invited to attend. O, Lovejoy, LUlei J.

Bortbe,Lodge, No. WI, I. O. O. F.-- Mrl at Odd Fel,

luw'i Hall, Oewego, avery eveliiug.made welcome. W. J. Phlnaxee, N. U. J.

K. KUley, Sec.




0aego.Monday Vlaltlng


Willamette Rebakah Degree Lodge No. . Meeta

the euoond and rounn Motiuaya in uia ntonm at i :ou

In the I. O. O. F hall, Mary Uharnian, N. 0.Mlnula Q. Charman, Sac.



Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. a A. M. Hokll Ita

regular commuulcatloua ou Aral and tlilnl Satunlayaar each monin at 7 sal p. m. ureinren in guuo maim.Inn are 'Invited to attend, I,. L. Porter, W. M.

T, F. Hyan, Beo.

Oiwegn Lodge No. 10 '. A. F. 4 A. M, Meeta theaaoond ann louriil DSiuniajn. .nnsuiia It,iuu. V .

U Beea, W.M. E.J. Kuaaall, 8uo,

ciiantor No. 2. R. A. M Regular cunvocation third Monday of month al 7:30 p. in, J. II,Walker, 11. P. M. Bohulplua, See,

Monear Chanter. No. 2S. O. E. In M,oiilo Tamnla. lira. II. B. Strange, W. M, Mlaa Ad.

die C. Jennings, Sec.Willamette Falla Camp No. 148, W. of W. Meets

tecond and fourtn TueailayH ot the iiiouin al K. oi i'.hall. Vlaltlng neigimon maue welcome, e, jn,Handa, 0. C. E. K. Martin, Clerk.

Waneheno Lodge. No. 13. I. O. R. M. Meeta Moll'

day evening at A. o. V. W. Vlaltlng meiubersaurdlslly Invited, J. II. Ilu ward, sachem.

Mwla Poat, No. 2, 0. A. K., of Oregon,Ont atouaay oi encn mouin at a. u. u. vv.

Hall, Oregon City. Vlaltlng comrailea made wel.

come. W. H. Uuiglurdli coin. c. v. wiiiiama, auj,Oaneral Pope Post. No, H, 0. A. B. Meets Ant

Hjlturday OT eacn moiitn at uruugv nun, iuuiino,Cowrudes cordially Invited. J, F, Nelaon, Com.niaiutur, H. W. Slww, Adjutant.

(Jer). Crook Pi No. ', 0. A. R., D.'rwrtmeut ofOregon. MeatH In aohool houaa at Needy ou flrat Bat- -

urduy tu eacn nurninai oviuua p. m. ah oniu.radea made weuiunui. Joaoh Hpngle, Com. J. Kartader, Ad).

Meade Belief Corps, Nn, IS, Departmiint of Ora--

Heeu on nrat ana tuirq r nuaya oi paau moninfin. of P. Hall. Members of corps from abnmdcordially velnomad. Mrs. M. B. Pllnbury, Pres.Mrs. f. L. Cmhran.Trraa. Mrs. J. B. Harding, Sec.

Huna "f Vet, --ana, E. P. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meet

linHaOlltniru inurauay avBiinigaoi eauii iniiiiiu.k. J.JiQsjn. Caul. 0. O. Wuiil, lat Lieut. Aliiliao OpeningVliiaJiHi.iLlnL

L. A. 8. of Baiter Camp, 8 eeta in K. P.

hall on accural and lonrth Monday of earnmonth. Mrs. . Johaon, rrea. aiis Aora uaiin,Secy.

Achillas Lodire, No. 38, K.of avary

4r Kindt at tua k. ui rinvited- - II. ! Uolman, C.U, &



hall. Vialtlne ItuililltiV. r. J. IaiiiIk, K

aur l.mln Mn. .V K of P. Meeta ever Wednea- -

day availing iu Caatle Brothera Invited, J. If.Hliley.O. 0. Thoa. KrilauM, K. al B

Canby Loda, No. S4, t. O. 0. T. JJeata drat andthird Batunlay avanluga al Knlght'a Hull, l.'anhy.Visitlug roenibara alwaya mada welcotua, P. J.Cox, W. C. T. Hlsa Laura Koiglit. Beo.

Oawago Lodga No. 448, I. O. O. T. Meeta everyyriday evening In new hall In old town. J. C,

llaiuea, 0. T. John Kruae, Beo. :

f Compsnr, Flrat Bel ., O. N. O. Armory, TlilKland Halu, drill nlglit, Munday. fiegularbusineaa maetltig, flrat Monday uf each month. J.W. Oammg, Capt. V. . Krllrj, First Lieut. L. L.

fie nana, Second Lieut.Canby Ppirttuallat Society. 4aicnillM on Snl

ad third Bundaya of each month. H. A. Lae,Ualtle Pulllipa, Becording Secretary,

New Era W. C. T U. Meeta flrat Saturday in eachmonth at their hall In New Kra. friende of cauaeinvited to be praaant. Mra Carey Johnion, Mra,Xaatman, rrea,

at andTenth atreeta, Oregon City. T. W. Sullivan, Praa.II, C. Michala, Bee.

Oregon City Board of Trade Meets at Coart Homean aeaond Monday in each month. Viaitura w. looma.Oeo 0. Brownell, Prea. f. K. Donaldaon, Sec.

Canliy Board Trade Meeta at Knight'a Hall,Tantiy, on flrat and third Fridaya of each month.Vialtora welcome, Knight, Prea. ti. J. Uarrl-ao-

Mulalla Orange. No. 40. P. of reta at Uialr

hall alW'rlgbl'a Bridge oa the aawnd Saturday ofaack month at 1H a. m. membera

- eeleome. J. Nelson, Maater. S. H. Cooper, Bee.

Taalatin Oiange.No. Ill, P. of but Satur.4af of aach month at their hall ia Wllaunville. ft. B.Henry, Maater. Miaa Bed Sharp, See.

Warner arange. No. 117, P. of H. Meat fourthgatarday of month at their ball In NewC. O. Uliama, Maalar. Miaa Maggie Brown. Sec.

Butte Creek Ifo. IU, T. of H. Meeta at theirhall in Marqoam eecood in each month at10 a.m. Viaiting membera alwaya J. B.

White, Maater. J. K. Jack, Bee.

Oewego Grange No. P. of H. aaeondSaturday in month at 10 a. m. O. Eaton, Master.

Pamaaana Qnnga No. 203, P. of H Meeta m InlPatttrdaf in BauaU) at IU a. m. in Ihunaeeue achool-buaa-

S. Toung, Maatrr. T. H. raathen. BeeMinletoe Lodge No. SO. D of H. Maata avary

Tnaaday aretiing Mary BUwaford, 0. of H.pyer. Bee.

ColnmbU Hook and Ladder Co. MaHa tretaf aach aaonth at Fountain Engine Uuuaa. H. W.

Tramhaak, WalUca Cola, foreman. Oaorgaflrowa, Haa.

Poaatata Haa No. 1 Maata aacond Wednewktyi aach month at Kagine Howae.aaat aide Main atraat,fcetveen Bavanth and Eighth. Hiram Straight, Praa.BL P. Wainn. Foreman. J. W. Stewart, Sec.

IJiiiiNt'Kii. letter written smiieniontli Bg.i tiy Recorder ri. M. Kiimliyto Mr. Hlini). and which. a t ho htlurclaim. Hun iiliHu(HHiiily stolen (nunhi liutiae, Hll'l was ihiIiIImIiihI in l litpopulist lI'Tiiltl, on Monday nla-li- t alIllOSt fWH'aaiolled a fitfllt III till) A CCIll

IiiimIi Iiihiku. Mr Kediier, edilnr ofHih llrmlit, n marked that IIih w rilintrof iIiIh Idler would I in liroiitilit liefnre

w. Meidruni 1H jury, n i lie charneol bribery.0 W ii.Mong' Htonewtill Vatican Ventured to chip in



oner 0




Unit tilt) iiuhtim who stole (lint letterwas a tlilef, tu which Kediier replied1 nt not John Everlturl hut ha hudstolen it. "Then you urea thief, re-

tilled Stonewall. "If you were n it sor- -

roiindeil here bv thin tlirly frondyou wi ulil nt nhv tliiit KHiinerBiuiiietl hack. Ileiny Meldruin, whohuh hIho eutniK Hi thu counter, notruliHliiiiK beiiiv: ral e 1 a ' dirty crowdpill in IiIh nur, Hod whs evidently verymllinit to plant bin fist in Iteiluer a lace.To prevent I he breaking of fUHheN whicha llylit wouhl occasion, Ulliuer Hornsmired Kediier to leave, bill as hewnulrin t Ko.he forcibly shoved him out ofthe ilimr and nniereil him to uet out tosave himself from boiiiK locked up.

TWO HUNDRED I'llUNDk OK (llll.OQiiahtz. Messrs. Ilaiiklua and Colbvarrived in tliecitv week about ship will be ready occupancy200 of ore the Twin Lakes July 1st. It Ho by 01)

mininif district on Owle Creek in (lieCascade foot hills of litis county. It isHold quiirlz winch nssays up in die bunIreita. hey have taken the ore toPortland w ith the object of Itami if it turns a; well its expected, amill will bu erected on the ledue this

111 Kvanlns slimmer, whichf' 1. Its wiili It ia about 10 leet and it iathe widuHtever discovered in this countyThe Immense mineral of Clack'amas invites capital and intelligence,

Pint Vr, or til). As T B. H inkitisnntile tl.e oell'r to M. lUmsby in thepresence (ieorite Morton th.it he

Morning II: W1)d the letterSun. i.IngHarvloa ,1 or allll preventday USX); Harling














ID flluiiauuilt Ilia iflllj I.V17. uruiagis to acknowledge the facts. Worees--ter s dictionary dellnes black-ma- il as"money extorted from persons underthe threat of exposure In print for nnallcg-c- otl'ense; But itseems that Mr. Hankins did not appealto Mr Kauisbv s feelings properly forthe latter told liim to tell "liedner toIfo to h with the letter."

IIk Dksrkvks Contemit. Mrs. Jenme Kenny is receivltiK couslderatilesympathy from those of her own sexbecause her h. U Uentiy,insteud supporting her bv workini;hlmselt, loaled lor years on tier earninns and her individual means. At onetime (as Mrs. liently told a friend) he

possession of fib she hadearnetl and squandered tliem inKambliuit ouch a wretched excusefor a husband would make almost anywoman desperate and reckless. Mrliently has earned a full measure of

for the unmanly treatment ofhis wile.








Casks. Be he onethe

V. brick asummons Is

been ha ,u ' ' vewiuuuu. extent.. - Ortal nill.UIHf.IM M IIIH. nnv U'lllPortland against Thomas; :i.ukMiieiit : : .i .. uo The family

n a 111 iti in i m .u.esiiinn irom

ler; a ;

Btirney et al ; judgment entered liendocket for J. M. Wallace against Johnand Alice V. Parsons.

Donkeys in Command At the headthe I quarters the democ-ruli- central






committee Portland campaignmust have been managed by a jackassFriday evening last, committee sentus two democratic for a m ietng at Pope's hall, but when one of

them fairly opened mouth hevested that was a dvedpopulist, though he that believed he was a "greenbacker. Mosuch stupidity characterized the republican management

Si'mmkr Bun-El- i price towhich country butter lias descended,

green lurmsn puouc

idsstart in ThB attracts

...i .i .. I r u: ..!.. i.i. ......m ninny hrniiii(,owg coged


uiicoeiio wan The ate


music, from lp. in.


Soliool Kntertutniiieiit.preparations are being

madel Neltie Olds, teacherNew achool, lor entertainment

be given thetipiritulist camp-ground- .

ning. June Otli, proceedswill be used purchase materialkindergarten work her school. Fol

the program ;

Instrumental Newbury

RecitationDeclamation . .



. .

RecitationDeclamation.Recitation. . .Declamation.Recitation . . .Violin Solo,

. .


Concert Poem,Address..


Part Fibst.


p. m. until


to at












.Five Little Pupils


uiee oiuu


Earl Wink


Second.Vocal Solo Mrs. A.




Nation Honor

ik... nnh ait nf Maata Mermanavery Tuesday evening their aornar Main Portland Clllb







175, Meeta









. .



MeadIf Knew,".

KatieL. (iirard.of

"Education". .Nettie A. OldsSong, Portland

.Glee ClubExercises will at o'clock.

Admission 10 cts.



Eleonora E Redberg to D

ette. as id ance on Molallaroad near Jackson ;

S Latoorette W i. Ked.berg. lots of blk and 149,

City; $1000.









M Graham to Winnie Graham,blk 117. Oregon City; 400.



D Vv illiams to Dan Williams,Flora of s, ; tlOUO.




James to Harms, lotsblk 7. Shaws first addition lo

City; fVW.F lnlyre claim to A

H of J4'. se of sw)t,f t s. 6e:

Gladstone R E to Mrs Mary Fi i ta kit, rt fiia.l

Oamnet H So. !.-- M. Tne-l-ay rf .,.. n l art En,e Honae. Frank Uwia, Stone tlOOU.

rd,Foremaa. u. J. Tbune. Kelly ta C Hunter ,2 asOral! C't, $io0.

e.oMg..aw. . ' 26, s, 1 f, 40 a).


Horn, lo tlm wife of Win. Iliilaon nnThuntduv, a pountl uirl.

Mr. Win left Salem nnMonday to visit her pirents

Dntit forget the lldoiim' plenic,open air concert .Mine luili

ThotnaN Hpoonorof Clielitlia, WhhIi.,ia viHltiiiu at the Ihiiiij of Mr. It Jj,iiiinxa.

Hon. K. Croar) hiinily to(iludHlonu liiat week mill city realia to let

The llrrntd liua no uau for the hitf

rooaler it iinMMirt'd to celebrate thtpopullrtt vlcwiry.

Stop ut thu Novelty cream purlorafor mire ice cream aodn wltli frtiiljuicca and puljia.

Kmeat b'Hiicht Dixon'a wootlauw and will take contracts

auwinif woodMiaa Florence Morev returned on

Tueaday fro.n Now York, accompaniedby W. (J. Cheney

T O. Jotmrud hag been iinaniiiioualyelected jiiMtice of Caacade precinct anilliia aon uuueri conatauie,

A band of 40 pieces will entertainyou at lirntlerlcK's pmK June iu, given

Wucheno Hocial Ulub.The Salvationists new house or wo

lust with forpounds from iee(.






Children's day will appropriately beobserved ut the UoiiKrcKulional churchnext Hundav inornihir,. All are invited.

Key. J. Ii Wilson, 1). D . ofwill preatdi the Presbyterian church

city uext and uno iiruiii, ,,..,',. eiicioaii-i- r

.ha,eveni.ig- -

Cuterplllara are wonderfully numerous in Uregon city, iney nanK iromroofs and Hues and crawling everywhither.

L'ceuse to wed issued June 1 toKmma Peterson ahd Casparthe Uih, to Meyer and JosephIJiilcrnulirer.

A children's remedy that has stoodthe test use for fifty years iaworth Slccdiiiaii Soothing-- Pow

ders have Btood thai .

Mrs. J. B. Ilobinsnn (nee Cochran)and infant son arrived from Tulare, Cnl ,

Monday morning, to remain with herparents the summer

marriage license issued at theduring May, and the record

shows only one marriage, that J.J.Davoren and hdith L. Cook on May1,'th.

to- -




In this and prune iacrop is and gome lo-- "'o on rroni ana

to but the waterto who mat

considerably ""-- ' can ue by bus

is Pe"u- conunne.?' ,0,r,, "

. . .1 hoolic cliurcli at JNewstructure to the of about I2UU

children were injured by the accident,

W. M. Beeson and son have closeddown their sawmill for the present because no money theat theThey will opportunity vacation stagnation gives them

"ZTto country .

been elected justice



ui ui







by fife









totlieir pasior, when






manner receivehands have

pastures laiiniuiiyreed, thought- - could

profits executedsummer retiring sherih".


dry. Summer buttermaking 8tores 8Ui)meriBdnonion thocitv








k r x a



ss t r e



r-- itd

aa ..i


t r









mains June

Wales June,

headquarter highconfectionery



maining City1S94,








other gentlemennpon republican


tive theirsupport



a favorconducting


entirely upon prejudice,

Sincerely yours,

babyEast, below

choice y tsucli.

wilfullyI responsible


timesa piece good land, where



ClackamasCity. Write



Thouiandi Throng Main Partloipatt

political demonalratlon Muiustreet Tliuiailay evi'itinir,Kctlmr aeoncouraenf thous-and fromKfflinn A

ininlc awhite b

uloft inscriptions:

What w I d i p





Populhiu, 8iH'ialisin. Anarchy,2U.0OU


Lord aide.

Oiciion pace.

street Illuminated


lirownell, Hepresen'talivea 'Smith, Hinearson

Hon.other republican

Commissioner Scott actedmauler ceremonies.

cordially llmnkudsislintf popu'lsm. Aprocession

morninu in


apeukinit. cotliu liftedwaion a funeral

delivered. A populist crowdtried noisythroat8nd horns drowned

voice. Camp-bell brief words

a populist Tliosendudjollifications



unprecedented highlower Willamette

rivers from easternIhofe

usual.river 0 June 181)4, Port-land, feet, which

county larfe'e portion city flooded;badly damaged wnoiesaie uisiricts

amount little, which '.'rat streets froma those "wp. business,

orchards. mall, Is

reported tliat.Saturday afternoon, V''lightning struck steeple Cuth. OHllinnlll riamaaaUamaging


there businesscurrenttake

.;MdElmer Dixon





done resultantdaning! enforcedcessation business; will, however,

f 1,000,000 J


Troutdale, Multnomah aFrom

storm heavylarge ' stones

storm """""" severe


irom fasaeu

I. A






Ak n. t i." not rent, rue ofK. M. llartman (bot, with and

attachedbe o r ,.h r. J ;! $10 square

KilSa IIV Iia nrt trie' nikinh." ,,r ..:' .V.,i .7 ".... lu l"e oi me i5. food the... ...... itiiiiifiiiv ninrnintr Hi!iiiir iiihit nn ernn Bin.rr iftpn a.iu. aoes noi inner ne gets

"Lin lien for 5od' at soupT,


Orderin the









of sec 9.


S.of F.




i..,. ,.f""














tage ana



oi me ui (Sunday; thevuown. a

new ur. uu nijpr ir. oncehis and will be The

31. large was attendance arcUwn

'.! lata Qn.nAumue mere some- -

Pur some dons .,. thethe for she

the 1st, indicate a bountiful eilin, ltg,.r ,ir.nhi tn MUn I11 oi sou. Jfrii.i. tlior,

Elizabeth ern )H) a year food TheAlso 3.1, by the ."'Vto"' "Tt!

It. hdmiston, Johnto Mrs.

both thisMr. Maddock the

the same and credthat he will it

the Mr.now that tne one

that the more anamust seek his have his

cows tlian theand work i.iu waterwiien ins tun win- -

are ofas a does seo



bornthis nine





Mythat and

gave and


this thatnpon


thisBlateand that













wasand and





ofsaid that that



tion very andstate



of was killedrain

fell. The

The .nas




an of

wile an wife



of and

of 1.





pay. of


from degrees. fore

morelatter temperature

strawberrieswhich croat

The rainshave improved

wheathay that

prospects for

riilitiiitnted Blocks. the have been materiallygiven Ore-- water not merchants

gon t'lty win one given placed floor streams higli hasiuin and erks in tan oeen year.

attraction bethe damagepieces, with Di June 3 which now showing

uance p f. 'mulr the truit


the tabernacleSaturday eve

tl.e whichfor



KecitalionDeclam.iti n









hall, Glee








C Latour- -

lit V L C$2000.

E4 150 lot


i4 2Adolyh 1,


J Mc q

ree tl. 2Co


p. w h.r.ua Sac.Co, la H.ae

3 fi as;


una bull

II. hlabia











No wascourthouse





Married, conditionsd

from T"ci.






were 8th at Kiver-vie-

cemetery near Portland. wasin theand came country

Uue ol her daughters diedago: thj

Bowman, in

Novelty is for

Redman's by Portland Military June

LETTERfollowing is list

at Oregonfor 7,

for:Brooks, L

timpson,for please

aay r. At. r. Al

A from Brownell.

To in County:the is over,

youfor the support that

you me thethe I take this

time to to the people

for received. Iat time anew to the

farmers, tax tailoring men andmen

promise that I thewiil to the ot my

This is ofof

upon princi-ples, is a aexists mis

and olthe farming the

will not bein Clackamas

thisGeo. C. Bbownell.

Ne-- of carriagesthe

Portland. Come and getat Be

my left myam not for any debt con

by her J. A. BoE.Or 10, IHU4- -

Yoh could at hard if youof you

raise all yon canget 'i0 acres Clackamas river

ofacres; acres for sale on bard

near livemiles orE. C. Harkett, sheriff'sCity,

loIn the Fun.

brouxlittwo to

peonlu, many variousof the marching

was to nf thefrom and

ronis. On the' bthe

the lliir now, mrIhiiiK?

nota lumber too.

Is on oursets the


Speeches werewairon standing: the

by SenatorMintie,

Mr. Mr. MaJdock, U. E.and successful

as of The speakeasdemocrats for as.

them Inpreceded

ol Hi buuduy, itBPrllI1.(i



was on theand moving:

was in theto but a thousand

tinthe his Lawyer

in a fewwas jubilee.one the ureatest politicalOretton ever beheld.

Owing toIn the Columbia

the the porof the state few

from the portion of theare not as as

at p. atia feet

the highest on A

the of the inin

calilies will is tois damper invested


Itthe the fun




property and thethe

of itbe very perhapsUn 2d, and in

storms Atcounty, man

lightning. thethunder and own hasin hail

most onof ofoeen..e- -



weather kitchenmetres ill For



entered 'lonfSaviags summer

winter,informal vigorous WOuldnev.

cherries theyin htrawberries duties

pastors reacnesreiicBiiuieino

mat damage"epruiies a preswiparsonage, pe0pe;

pastor. a(Iay Onliner,

on June at tneof


If leaves sheriS'ibusiness orderly

lously dulledgiving vacation









anmean the ranged

04 to 70 In the partof the week maximum

and werethe the fromten 10 prevents the ripe

shipped, will aloss

the theVolunteer intended

is it generallybe to at

most fuvorable allcrops. the

ImnulWtpil ho thThe greatest ever in too weather and showers.

ue on June an elevated in their continue nooy me cpdciuhjiou. g'linuoois necessary tins

principal will customers. spring didon 8lllKay Mr8. to fruits, is by the

aneniaien wim Tim r. dropiung
















several months other,resides


picnic concert


the endinguncalled

Puter. SADSmith, Judge Jonas

calling letterskakdb,







stumpability fulfilled.

the affairsbusiness


trying arraignagainstclasses,


arrived prices




of choicebottom number

4Jbasis, station



county.column formed strains






of inouriiera






higher record.apple


general sectionsheavy



onanav- -month,





ofdegrees recorded

felltwenty degrees.


in Wasco timelyof


in interiorBlinked,


In a dark room with alternatingrents of 800,000 Tesla, bymeans of causeda faint glow ot to appear. Explaining the said "If leanincrease the say

000,000 or 1 canduce sunlight this room. Uf Ican increase the vibrations by increas-ing the voltage. I can make the voltage8,000,000 easily as 800,000; but I amnot ready 8,000,000 of

Currents of such strengthwould kill everbody in the room. I ex-

pect, to learn to control alarge voltage. When I have increasedthe vibrations perhaps athousand times, thehe no longer will beI am satisfied that befrom electricity without doing toanybody, and I expect to discover howit It is a grand Idea, andwhether the through whichcame be hushed and still yet resoundsin the of new truths, the

itself will be carried to andthe world be wiser, may

having the to be the issue."














Europe Colder.

That the of Europe U passing through a cold period has beenpointed out by M. theFrench astronomer. During thesix years the mean ofhas been two below thenormal, and Great Britain,Spain, Italy, Austria and havealso growing Theseems to have been in inFrance for a long time, the growth ofthe vine having forced far south-ward since the 13th and a sim-ilar has been observed as far

Rio de Janeiro, where the an-

nual has been going(or some past.

Acoustics of Buildinqs.Like' the laws of other sciences,

which regulate the transmissionof sound are most They de-pend entirely upon Given theheight of a platform or to this addthe height of a person sitting or stand-ing, and one-h- alf the width of room.Ihese three viz., the heightof the platform, the height of the speaker,and half the width in the room beingadded together, should the heightfrom the floor the ceiling.of a person speaking from his positionwill strike the two side and theceiling the same moment of

Flench scientist's plans for securinga yield of Hesteeped bis cuttings (or 24 hours in asolution of six pounds ofpoonds of sulphate of ammonia and 25gallons of He next allowedthem to a whole in orderthat the eye-bud- s might beforeplanting. potato cuttings treated

We manufacture an excellent article in this and planted in thein ice cream. Call at the Novelty and way obtained a yield of 42 tons of po-s- a

isfy to the acre.


Communication from Geo, Randall Inregard to defective aewago drain referredto committee nn street.

regard to rebateson .Main laid on streetla

Hecorder reported two casus oforderly conduct and two cases of run

gambling house with $.10 flueiiiy engineer reported

work lor month of May to the amount offo.'H.iH), which was ordered paid.

Keviseil report of the city treasureradopted.

Finance committee reported thatAttorney Prlgga for collecting notes

ue cut uown over l.lt) to ).Ktreet Bulun

cliy to pay them the 2d pur centreserve, t furnish new bundson street was I.iconsideration ol i 00 which was paidthe contractors agreed not to ask forany mure discounts on warants.c 10 Pint Antflne house let to

. r, lay lor.H K Cross Instructed to finish bridge

Hun, .: , lvuKi-.-giiiuii-

Ktreet commitlee onlereil nut Inculvert of Fifth to coat

iuu.Bills allowe- d- E L Shaw O E

UUrns 15. L L Porter fr,W 80, $11.25, Herald $1, P U

Co $172 T Hl,lnn f Hneii.tMr.O'Connor $3, Mrs G W Church $111,

yna uaocot-- tm. Forsyth $11) 23. Wiviioaoes I0. How and 17.80. T V S.cor $12 25, $:l.F.II Criswen n BO.Joe Aldredge t:i.50. Jeff$2. Un street Poped Co

dd i, n straight I3.25, U. W. Kln-nai- rd

$127.60, U W Keed $25.6), O Iin turn ,o.f)0. un ruth fundGeo

liiils as follows for removingme eariu at nead ol t iltti on property recently purchased bv citv: J AConfer 13 cts per yd, Dan Lyons 15 cts,

2...1 I I, . . .... I.' , .A .iiuiiuey a. ncia.e, raraer 12 cts,iiiamoeriain Cooler 15 cts,tin

ti , . , , . ...iiuusciioiiiers instructed not to dump

oiiui snu ruouish in anycity

Ordinances as follows read and or-dered to come up for final

June 10th. Fixinu-- salarvof treasurer at $140 and no more;fixing salary of of police at $00

no more; regulating running offreight cars on electric road ;licenses and permits.

Ordered that warrants be Issued forcollection of Seventli streetassessment.

accepted of P O E Co andone arc light put at Green Point bridgeand one at of Seventh street, with-out extra cost to the

T L Charman elected waterfor years, T V Ryan's terra

having expired.


The is from the ofa French odiciuf:

laborer regularly employed mayearn on an average a year and hisfood one not regularly employed nevermore man su. When the laborer does

ng Mi toMay 2lith. attached It U a8 composed rooms

a floor),an injunction . garden to this about

have sailed in Civ of 1 'A uiuioiugjiuvtiii cot. llUni'Mr linen l. a . .

frank E. "Ti:".: .V.. . garden lie pays a rent ofentered in lien dockets for J""", . .v. uuyuiitagu armors laborer's

. . . i uiiLiru imp nnv . i ...ftuthan against and mucn

judgment docket 'J ',' '..'"i 'g..i! Pc,,c"1 ? 1 the and vegetables InPortland against W. ",D "'7 " , autumn, herring Iu




. .




. .







McFarland ;






ine " biii uungoi i ttie and eggs onchurch extended reception nave have pound meat

vuwan, mm m.o .oi me a generallyand on Thursday evening, are ripening have a visitor. usual lv

A crowd average crop, npon- -remains at : housekeeping

including of other churches, ngrapiuiy. nave require au ,er energies ifn I I Idtnpail tiv ItiiX l.nula I . , . ...v isiting hiiu ujj hid j "j " iivo. i - should children,program. ow was .j, season,

at Methodist As wnoie me 0, B . other thenby Geo. C. most ,, and herl.'.,.,ai,u ni.luml.ia I ,ur me I woo not anend mora

Stroup Clackamas county . I general simwen for clothes.pastor,



liethe anu no

abundant shows scrupu-fu- ldairyman

fresh the ,,, o htaoura I inearly

one water.

is Thine

me onPortland

Military 40oi





in ot



of repoatoffice




of politicalwe



boverdict in


tolerated nor in















temperature week

temperaturesuu ; in



for somature. Reports hand


havestores ;


musical concert ,

'a ;


week June









thrue drum






being entail

cereal crop.



Artificial Sunlight.


atmospheric vibrations,light

phenomenon, he :

atmospheric1, lO.OW.OUU.OOO, pro

in course.

asto handle volts

however, how


electricity. It hgh.stinlightcan made


is done.voice It



opportunity thank






tempeiature Parisabout degrees


been cold. changeprogress


coolingaway as

temperature downyears



bench ;


beto The voice

wallsat time.

Awonderful potatoes.

saltpeter, six

drain day,swell


heyoorselve. '

Communication instreet table until


iiing eachMain street

contractors, llanshawi

iliey Laidtable completed.


at streetaooui


Knterprisek 4.5. IIA


Main fund



ouuionC Clop









commis-sioner three

The Peasantry.following report




lainng nopgerage


most particularly


June food.


















ubjrex would require to spend about tlQon bia own clothes, and wood and fuelwould cost at least another $10. Thenwe must not forget tne taxation, whichconsists of a personal tax of If. 80o.. assessed tax 6f., and a protestation tax, inmoney or kind, ol If, 50c. (thu is for keec.ing the roads in order ; a man supplies thelauor.ora norae and cart, or the stones, orthe money) ; in all 111. 30c., or $2.50. Thisleaves little more than $20 for the support of his children. One need not bosurprised that many run into debt tothe baker, the sabotiur (maker ofwooden shoes), etc. The first tiling topay is the rent. Of course they do notowe much, rarely more than $20 attime, hut even this is considerable topeople of such small means : but eventually they pay their debts, in mostcases princi pally when they have grownup children who are able to go out toservice. The children go out to serviceas soon as they have made their firstcommunion. The boys are employedoy tne farmers as cow keepers and shepherds. When 12 or 13, thev earn from$13 10 $20 a year; from 13 to 15. bout$2o; then their wages increase steadilytill at 20 they can earn $100. Of coursethe receive food and lodging besides

There does not appear to be any brightprospect tor the young in rural France ;you rarely see the fun going on that iswitnessed iu every village green hereofa summer evening. Life has to be aterribly earnest thing with them, andeven the conscription is often welcomedby the more restless spirits.

Cost of Raising Wheat,

Here are Mr. C Wood Davis' figureson the cost of raising wheat with an at- -erage yield ol la bushels per acre, "drawnirom accurately kept accounts of all ex-

penditures on a farm of as good land asthere is in this part of Kansas, andwhere the wheat is grown with hired la-

bor" :

Plowing $1 00Harrowing 15Drilling 20Seed, Vi bushels at market price. 55Cutting and stacking 1 00Threshing.Carting 15 bushels to station. . . .

Kent of land, worth $30, at 7 . .

Interest on farm eoninmontsTaxesInsurance




Wear and depreciation of euuinm'tSuperintendence




Total cost an acre wheat ... $7 80Lost per bushel o wheat at station.

52 cents. A'ansas City Star.




of of

A Monstrost Unfairness.New York has a population of 5.997.853

and an assessed valuation of $3,775.325,938. North and South Dakota, Mon-

tana, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Colorado,New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada,Idaho, Washington and Oregon, all com-bined, have but 3,385,392 inhabitantsand $1,129,434,340 of values. So NewYork alone has 2,012,401 more popul-ation, and $2,645,891,598 more propertythan the whole 13 pnt together nearlydouble their population, and more thanthree times their wealth. Yet to protect and promote her vast national interests, New York has bnt two representatives in the United States Senate,while nine of these wild and woollywestern provinces already hive 18 sen- -

stors, and Utah, New Mexico, Arizonaand Oklahoma, when admitted, willship iu eight morel Could the fiend- -

inspired ingenuity of political blacklegsinvent a madder monstrosity of unfair-ness? Pat Donan.

Among the signers of the declarationof independence a dozen were of Irishblood, and at least balf of these, likeCharles Carrol, of Carrol ton. Md.. wereRoman Catholics. George Taylor. Chaa.Thompson, Mathew Thornton and JamesSmith, signers of the declaration of in-

dependence, were all natives of Ireland.John Hancock, of Massachusetts, andJohn Rntledg?, of Hotith Carolina, wereOf Irish stock--. Ex.



mental) IJ strong I


. 8. P. Smith, of Towanda, Tn,,whose constitution was completelybroken down, Is cured by Ayer'iSuiduiiariUu. He writes:

" For eight yi ara, I was, moat of thetime, a great sufferer from constipa-tion, kidney trouble, and Imllges-tlo-n,

so that my constitution Sveuti--to be completely broken down. I wasInduced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, andtook nearly seven bottles, with suchexcellent results that my stomach,bowels, and kidneys are in porfect con.ditlon, and, In all their functions, asregular aa clock-wor- k. At the tlmoI began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, uiyweight was only 129 pounds; I now canbrag of 109 pounds, anil was never ic sogood health. If you could sea Die lie.fore and aftor lining, you would wantme for a traveling Advertisement.I believe this preparation of Sarsaparillato be the best in the market

Ayer's SarsaparillaFrrparad by Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowall, Maaa.


Potash Fertilizer.The use of artificial fertilzers Is a subiect

well worthy of the careful study of farmers. I l.a supply of manure is wholly

to the full yield of the soil, andtne use ot fertilizers Is tlierclore of paramount necessity. Some experimentsmade at the West Virginia College go toshow the comparative value of the dif-ferent kinds of potash fertilizers, a mat-ter little understood by the majority offarmers who use them. The results goto show that the average increased yieldproduced by one pound of potash con-tained in kainitis 31.33 pounds. Theaverage Increased yield produced bvone pound of potash contained in sul-phate of potash Ib 23 74 pounds. The av-

erage increased yield produced by onepound of potash contained In muriate olpotash is 15.91 pound j. The averagecost of kainil required to produce one

l of corn is 9.00 cents. The average cost of sulphate of potash lequired10 produce one ousiiel ol corn Is 10.32cents. The average cost of muriate ofpotash required to produce one bushelof corn is 19.35 cents. It is a Yerv easything, then, to And the cheapest formof this indispensable plant food by g

the cost of the potash in the dilferent forms mentioned, taking the pro-portion of actual potash containetl ineach. N. Y. Timet.

Enriching of Skim Milk.This invention relates to a prepara-

tion of oil ("artificial cream") whichmay be readilly and permanently Incor-porated with any liquid, and is intendedto be emloyed chiefly for enriching skimmilk, and render It available as cattlefood. The preparation is made by sim-ply mechanically emulsifying any suit-able oil with a solution of elueoreela.tin, and final.y diluting with water toany desired consistency. To 1 kilo ofoil about SO grammes of glue may beused. "Artificial cream" keeps welland may be mixed with any liquid bysimply stirring it in. It separates againonly very slowly, and in so doing, risesto the stiriaceexactly like natural cream,and it suffices to stir the liquid to obtainas periect a mixture as beiore. CDierking.

Children Cry forPitcher's Castorla.

FOR SALE."Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly

bottom, ou Woodcock creek, Clackamascounty, two miles Irom Meadow Urookpoatollio. 1 hree acres cleared, 11 acresslashed ; good house 20x30. Price (800,of which f')00 must be paid down, bal-

ance two years' time. For further par-ticulars call at Courier oflice or addressme at Vancouver, Wash.

Mrs. Anna Taylor.

Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of Pough- -

keensie. N. Y. was for years a martvr toheadache, and never found anything togive more than temporary relief untilshe began to take Ayer's Pills, sincewhich she bus been in the enjoyment ofperfect health.

"Is this hot enough for you?" is asilly question ; but if you meet a manwho complains of sultering from the heat'en to one you will find, on inq liry, thathe does not use Ayer'a Sarsaparilla totone up his system and free his bloodfrom irritating humors.

Children Cry forPitcher's Castorla.

Work Well Doaa.Cepar Raimps, Iowa. I suffered withdyspepsia and disordered liver andwould irenuently throw up tine, i procured a bottle of .Simmons Liver Keg- -

nlator.and after using half ol it was com-

pletely cured. One of my lady cus-

tomers (old me the other day that Sim-

mons Liver Regulator completely curedher of D. Olds.

Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskerscan be applied when at home, and isuniformly successful in coloring a brownor black. Hence its great popularity.

,a aa-

One thousand ticket are guaranteedto be sold in Portland for the Redman'spicnio and dance at Ilroderick'a park,Oregon City, June 10th.

I have two little grandchildren whoare teething this hot summer weather

od are troubled with bowel complaint,rive them Chamberlain's Colic, Chol

era and Diarrho-- Remedy and it actske a charm. I earnestly recommend

it for children with bowel troubles. 1

was myself taken with a severe attackof bloody flux, with cramps and painsn my stomach, one lliiru ol a Dome ol

this remedy cured me. Witlun 24

hours I was out of bed and doing myhousework. Mrs. W. L. Duncaw,Bon-aqu- Hickman Co.. Tenn. roraalebyO. A. Harding, Druggist.

Deft Comfititio! Ten loaves of

fresh bread for a quarter dollar; 20

loaves for 50 cent and 40 loaves for $1

at the Seventh Street Bakery, JacobKober, Propr.

Wba Baby waal akk, w gar kr Cfcatorta.

irbea aha aa a Chad, afce cried for CaaatorU.

a abe became Miaa, aba dung to Caatorla.

irhea aba bavd CbiMrem, abe gawo thmCaaAoria,










Oregon City, Oregon.

Real Estate To Sell and Honey To Lend


Attorneys at Law,Commercial, Real Estate and

Probate Specialties.

OFFICE: Commercial Bank Building,



Redmen's entertainments are alwaysa success, their picnic and dance June10th will be gre ater than ever.

Prescriptions carefully ccmp junded atO. A. Harding's drug store.

The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer andthe Orboon Coi'Kikr, both one year tocash in advance subscribers for onlyi 60. The bnquirer is a paper

whose regular price is l per year.L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising

Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, flanFrancisco is our authorized agent. Thispaper is kept on file in bis oflice.

Weekly Examiner and the Courikrone year, cash in advance, 13.10.Examiner and uoUKiBH.cash in advance,18.30.

Weekly San Francisco Chronicle andthe Con hi ait, cash In advance, one year,(3.10.



Received at Charman & Son's a largeinvoice of wall paper, latest and prettiest designs.

Buv meat at the old Cilv Viewmamet, toot ot aeyenm street, runsJanney, Props.

For lob printing go to the Courir office.


Law vers' Bhibps anp Folpbiis printedat the Courier otnee.

Teacher's monthly report cards forsale at the Louribr oliice, 60 cents a 100

To Rent A barn Main streetInquire at Courier office.

Notice.United States Lanp Office,

Ohrcion City. Or., May 8,1804.

Notice is hereby given that the approved plat of survey of townshipsouth, range 4 eaBt, has been receivedfrom the surveyor general of Oregon, andon June 21st. 1804, atO o'clock a. in. ofsaid day, said plat will be filed in thisoffice, and the land therein embracedwill be subject to entry on and after saiddate. Koiiert A. Miller, ItegiBter.

Peter Paquet, Receiver.


United States Lanp OfficeOreoon City, Ore., May 1804.

Notice is hereby given that approved plat of survey of township 0south, range 4 east has been receivedirom surveyor-gener- of Oregon andon July 10, 1804, at 9 o'clock a. m. ofsaid day, said plat will be filed in this of

and the land therein embraced willbe subject to entry on and after saiddate. Koiiert A. jviim,br, lteglster.

Peter Paquet, Receiver.

Sometime ago I was troubled with anattack of rheumatism. I used Chamberlain's Pain lialin and was completelycured. I have since advised many ofmy friends and customers to try theremedy and all speak highly of it. Simonuoidraum, Man juis Key, forsale by George A. Harding, Druggist

While at Peksklll, N. Y Mr. J. A.Scriven, a prominent manufacturer ofNew York city, purchased a bottle ofChamberlain's Cough Remedy. Suchgood results obtained from its usethat he sent back to the druggist iromwhom he obtained it lor two more bottles of the Bame remedy. When youhave a cough or cold give this preparation a trial and like Mr. Scriven youwill want it when 'again in need of sucha medicine. It is a remedy of greatworth and merit. 50 cent bottles forsale by U. A. Harding, Druggist.

For Over Fifty Year.Am Old amu Will-Tbie- d Rehrpt. --Mb. Win

Soothing Byrup Iiaa lawn uiwd for over fiftyyaara liy rillllionaof motliara for their children whiletaathfliff. with Darfect It aoothaa the Child,euftana the allaya all pain, cur wind eulle,and ia the beat rarawly for Plarrhuta. Ia plaaaanl tothe taate. HulU by Uruaglata in every pan oi ineWorld. Twenty.fire oenla a bottle, lla Tame la in-

calculable, lie aura and aak for Mm. Wlnalow'aBoothliig Byrup, and take no other kind.

Oregon City Market Report.

Wheat Per bu, 46c. bulk without iaokeV buahel. iscki.

Fi.oua Roller 2 70 per bbl, netEoos 11cBUTTia 4045ca countryVial biie dressedL'HicifMg 12 3 M a dotenBitr On foot, cowa 8c; i!4c, fat; 5c



MuTTon 1 0032 prima ahearcd: slock ah'p II8hinoi.es 2 )l thoueand.Labd 12lfc t pound.Hidss Jreen,3c;dry.C7cin, d off

oroulled. Bheep pelta. 23930aHat Timothy, 112, clover III, baled.DoikD Fruits Prune 5c; applea 50c; very













Mill Feed Snorts $17. Bran fid; ChopIS; rejected wheat, SO cent )t bu

Poke Sides 12c, ahoulders tc, name 12c

on fool 6c: dreaaed 6,c.PotUoes Sue a aack,Onlona-ll- .iS per 100.


For Kale at the Coubiib oflice :

Mortgage,Filing Covers,

Bond for Deed,Promlaaory Notes,

Receipt Books,Warranty Deed,

Quitclaim Deed,Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena

Tearhera' Report Carda,Partial Payment Real Eatat Contract,

Sheriff Summons,Jury gumicona.

Copy of Summona,Nolle to Garnlahee,

Answer lo Garnlahee,Subpoena,

Writ of AtUchmenr,JuatiM Subpoena, civil,

Justie Subpoena, criminal

Special or private blanks printed onapplication expeditiously ana correctly.

v . ....... A "



Oso.c.Bowksu. A. int.Brownell 1 1;:::::,

Attorneys at L:;:,Office Out Door North u'CauJUUiC

ley'i D uo,lori,

OREGON CITY, . . o- -

city view r:i'::::vfCANBY, OREGON.

All Varieties Fruitto F::r: .J. a. cox&cc::,


Noblitt Livery and S:!a T "OREGON CITY, OBEG07"

Or tht Street letwsti tkt IrUes tri "Dept..

Double and .Ingls rtp andways on band al Ihe ralT.r,d?.alao connects with th. biHiTooa, I ?Any InformationDinmM iiKM

regarding any klidolLJir ' w j aaMCT or B


FRAKX miVXeun and Locktr.ia

Adjoining the Noblitt Stable,OREGON CITY, . "

0SEGCSAll kind, o'riraarnn rapairad aa-

-daaaai. An ita

maJl lor ail klnila of lacka. Uaaataaand aaM.




GROCERIES & FOTL'CnObtain your family supplies at

the Grocery, just opened, on north-

east corner of Seventh and Centerstreets. Prices as low as the lowest

Country Prcf;:s I::;!!Flour and Feed For Sale.

- Ja Aa CwCHrrla

Bank of Orc-- n C:.vy.


Paid Capital, $50,0.President,Vice President,Cashier,Manager, . ,




H.CAiniuA Banking Transected,

DoiMisils Subject to Cheek.Approved Bills and Nolea Piaccanled.

County and City WerranHLoana Hade on Available

Exchange and Bold.Collections Hade Promptly.

Drafta Hold in Anv Part ot IbWorld.




Chau.iiGeneral Business





'i o Eirnanre Bold on SalFrancWo, Chicago and New York,

i niereai raid on Time uepoaiu.

ids agists or



Drugs, Notions, Pertercrl:;Toilet Articles, itc.

Prescription! Carefully Cistpeniii.Shlvely's Block,

Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon

The Commercial CsrAOREGON CITY.

CAPITAL $100,000.Transacts General Banklsg B Miser.

Loana made. Hills discounted. Haiti col

lections. Buy and sells exchange 0 ail poloilIn the United Btatea and Kurope and on HongKong. Doposlta received aubfectlocheck. Itereat at usual ratea allowed or lime deposit.

Bank omiu from S A.M. to 4 P. M.i SaUudayevenings from i till 7 P. M.




BATH HOUSE.Capt. Bundy's Bath House.located

at the "sandbank," is ready

the public.

Special accommodations for Women





Standard Pat Ksi:::::iOil and Wlndo Ola.

Prrtcriptioiu AcntraUl Omptbardino's block. V

Oregon CityTrans;:.t:-:"- c-

steamer ra:::::vF TAHLK


Foot Taylor 8i.

7:00 A.M.

4.-0- P.M.

8:00 A. M.

3:30 P. M.


TbosaiQso. A.


elvirranh Portland.










11:30 A.M.

11:00 a.m.




0aa. "

l.fUr,Si ...

8C5DAT.t -- at.

1 p.

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