oral reading fluency: can it be used as a predictor of ... reading fluency: can it be used as a...

Oral Reading Fluency: Can it be Used as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension Proficiency for English Language Learners? ____________________________________ A Special Project Presented to Dr. Jack McPherson Heritage University ___________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Education Specialization in Bilingual Education ___________________________________ Yvonne M. Harrington Spring, 2009

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Page 1: Oral Reading Fluency: Can it be Used as a Predictor of ... Reading Fluency: Can it be Used as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension Proficiency for English Language Learners? _____

Oral Reading Fluency: Can it be Used as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension

Proficiency for English Language Learners?


A Special Project

Presented to

Dr. Jack McPherson

Heritage University


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Degree of

Master of Education

Specialization in Bilingual Education


Yvonne M. Harrington

Spring, 2009

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Oral Reading Fluency: Can it be Used as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension

Proficiency for English Language Learners?

Approved for the Faculty

__________________________________________, Faculty Advisor

__________________________________________, Spring, 2009

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The purpose of this correlational research study was to determine the

extent to which a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension for ELLs at WMS. The researcher individually administered the

QRI-II (Qualitative Reading Inventory-II) to a convenience sample of 10 6th

grade ELLs and a random sample of 10 7th grade ELLs and 10 8th grade ELLs.

No significant relationship between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension was found for the ELLs on text given at their instructional word

recognition level in context. To more accurately predict a student’s reading

comprehension proficiency, assessments that indicate a student’s oral language

development, vocabulary, and background knowledge should be considered and

could include a cloze, silent reading test and a listening comprehension test.

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I, Yvonne M. Harrington, hereby irrevocably consent and authorize

Heritage University to file the attached Special Project entitled, Oral Reading

Fluency: Can it be Used as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension Proficiency

for English Language Learners?, and make such Project and Compact Disk (CD)

available for the use, circulation, and/or reproduction by the Library. The Project

and CD maybe used at Heritage University Library and all site locations.

I state at this time the contents of this Project are my work and completely

original unless properly attributed and/or used with permission.

I understand that after three years the printed Project will be retired from

the Heritage University Library. My responsibility is to retrieve the printed

Project and, if not retrieved, Heritage University may dispose of the document.

The compact Disc and electronic file will be kept indefinitely.

____________________________________, Author

____________________________________, Date

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FACULTY APPROVAL …………………………………………………………ii

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………….….iii

PERMISSION TO STORE ……………………………………………………....iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….v

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………...viii

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………....ix

CHAPTER 1………………………………………………………………………1


Background for the Project………………………………………..1

Statement of the Problem………………………………………….3

Purpose of the Project……………………………………………..4



Hypothesis or Research Question…………………………………6

Null Hypothesis………………………………………………….. 6

Significance of the Project………………………………………...6


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Definition of Terms………………………………………………10



Review of Selected Literature


Key Elements of Effective Reading Instruction for All Students..15

Effective Reading Instruction for English as a Second Language


Reading Instruction Considerations for Learning Disabled




Methodology and Treatment of Data







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Treatment of the Data…………………………………………....35



Analysis of the Data


Description of the Environment……………………………...…..37


Null Hypothesis………………………………………………….38

Results of the Study……………………………………………..38





Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations





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Table 1, Sixth Grade QRI-II Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension

Scores (November/December, 2008; January, 2009)…………………………....39

Table 2, Seventh Grade QRI-II Oral Reading Fluency and Reading

Comprehension Scores (November/December, 2008; January, 2009)……… … 40

Table 3, Eighth Grade QRI-II Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension

Scores (November/December, 2008; January, 2009)…………………………...41

Table 4, Pearson r Product Moment Correlation………………………………...42

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Figure 1, Scatter Plot of Combined Baseline Data from Tables 1, 2, and 3…..…43

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Background for the Project

Most middle and high school language-minority students fail to develop to

their fullest potential. As a result, they become disaffected, drop out of

school, and have to settle for low-paying jobs or no job at all because they

have little or no access to either high school or a college education

(Calderon, 2007, p. 4).

The above statement by Calderon was especially concerning in view of the

fact that the population of language minority children and youth speaking a

language other than English at home in the United States grew dramatically in

recent years. The National Center for Education Statistics (2006) reported that

6% or six million children were language minority students in 1979. This number

grew to 14% or 14 million nationwide in 1999. Of these language minority

students, 72% spoke Spanish in the home. According to Haycock (2007), with a

projected increase in immigration nationwide, these numbers would continue to

rise. Consequently, the present significant disparity in academic achievement

between an English language learner (ELL) and their peers who spoke English as

a first language must be addressed to provide all students the opportunity for a

successful future.

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In December of 2000, the National Reading Panel (NRP) sponsored by the

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) published a

report documenting an extensive research review of present reading programs and

approaches. The NRP identified five necessary research-based elements for

effective reading instruction that enabled students with English as their first

language to develop the skills to become successful lifelong readers. These

elements included phonics, phonemic awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary,

and reading comprehension. However, the NRP did not specifically address

effective reading instruction for ELLs in their findings. Consequently, the

Institute of Education Sciences with funding from government agencies such as

the NICHD selected another panel of experts to conduct a research review

focusing specifically on literacy development of language minority children and

youth, which was called the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority

Children and Youth. This panel determined that in addition to the implementation

of an effective reading instruction program outlined by NRP, oral language

development and other considerations must also be addressed during instruction

for ELLs to become successful readers (August & Shanahan, 2006).

Many ELLs have developed skills in phonics, phonemic awareness, and

word recognition comparable to that of their peers who spoke English as a first

language (August, 2006; Lindsey, Manis, & Bailey, 2003). However, according

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to Stanovich (1994) their reading comprehension and vocabulary skills lagged

behind (as cited in Lesaux and Geva, 2006). Oral reading fluency (the ability to

read words aloud with speed, accuracy, and expression) was strongly correlated

with reading comprehension. Researchers reasonably concluded that if a student

did not have to focus on decoding the words in a text, the student could give more

thought to the meaning of the words and the text as a whole ((Reis, Eckert,

McCoach, Jacobs, & Coyne, 2008). Although ELLs decoded and read fluently,

other factors clearly impacted their ability to successfully comprehend a text.

Bernhardt (2000) found that such factors as vocabulary, language structure and

meaning, background knowledge, and textual knowledge represented other key

factors in successful reading comprehension, especially for ELLs (as cited in

Lesaux and Geva, 2006).

The authorities cited above have addressed the importance of considering

other significant factors impacting the ELLs’ development of reading proficiency,

especially reading comprehension, and, in doing so, have established the context

of the present study.

Statement of the Problem

Oral reading fluency was used as an indicator of reading proficiency for

ELLs at Washington Middle School (WMS) in 2007 - 2008. However, teachers

noted that many ELLs who performed well on the oral reading fluency test had

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difficulty comprehending text at a comparable or even lower reading level in the

classroom during informal assessment. These students were also continuing to

score significantly below their English as a first language (EFL) peers on the

Reading WASL subtest.

Phrased as a question, the problem which represented the focus of the

present study may be stated as follows: To what extent did a correlation exist

between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for ELLs? The answer

to this question had significant ramifications for assessment and instruction for


Purpose of the Project

The purpose of this correlational research study was to determine the

extent to which a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension for ELLs at WMS as measured by the QRI-II (Qualitative

Reading Inventory - II). To accomplish this purpose, a review of related literature

was conducted, essential baseline data were obtained and analyzed, and related

conclusions and recommendations were formulated.


The study was conducted at WMS with a convenience sample of ten 6th

grade ELLs and a random sample of twenty 7th and 8th grade ELLs who had

scored at a Level 3 on the Washington Language Proficiency-II Test (WLPT-II)

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in the spring of 2008. Consequently, participating students were receiving

instruction in English only in a district-wide reading intervention program for

students performing one or more years below grade level. Some these students

were also identified as having a specific learning disability in reading and were

receiving additional support through Special Education. Ten students were

selected from a 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade reading intervention class, all of

which were using the Highpoint Reading curriculum, levels A, B, and C

respectively. Three subtests of the QRI-II were administered by the researcher

individually to each student in the sample during the morning reading block in

November and December of 2008. The word identification subtest was used only

to identify the level at which to begin the oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension subtests.


As the student population addressed in the study consisted of ELLs who

had scored at a Level 3 on the WLPT-II, the assumption was made that a

relationship did not exist between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension for ELLs as measured by the oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension subtests of the QRI-II. A further assumption was made that the

researcher (Yvonne Harrington), a veteran Special Education teacher with prior

training and experience with similar oral reading fluency and reading

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comprehension tests, was qualified to administer similar tests including the QRI-

II to middle school students at WMS.

Hypothesis or Research Question

A significant relationship does not exist between oral reading fluency and

reading comprehension for ELLs as measured by the oral reading fluency and

reading comprehension subtests of the QRI-II.

Null Hypothesis

There will be a significant relationship between oral reading fluency and

reading comprehension for ELLs as measured by the QRI-II for p < at .05, .01,

and .001 levels.

Significance of the Project

The results of the study would influence how ELLs would be assessed for

reading proficiency with regard to reading comprehension in the future. Data

produced might indicate a need for further study regarding other key factors

involved in reading comprehension, namely, oral language development including

vocabulary, semantics, and language structure; and background and textual

knowledge. Reading instruction approaches and programs might also be

reviewed in view of the findings.

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The procedures involved in the present study evolved in several stages. The

researcher met with and received support for the study from the WMS Special

Education department supervisor. Permission was granted to conduct the study

and the procedure to be followed with regard to confidentiality of student test

scores was discussed with the principal at WMS in August, 2008.

During September, 2008, the researcher met with the WMS Literacy

Interventionist for recommendations regarding the most appropriate assessment

instruments and also contacted a literacy specialist at the Educational Service

District office (ESD 105). The literacy specialist from ESD 105 recommended

the Qualitative Reading Inventory-II (QRI-II) for the assessment as it was

available in the district and had been used effectively in the past.

In October, 2008, the researcher met with a 6th, 7th, and 8th general education

language arts teacher from each grade level to explain the study and request a

sample of ten ELLs from their lowest reading intervention block class who scored

at a Level 3 on the spring WLPT-II. At this time, the researcher also met with the

ELL teacher who organized the administration of the WLPT-II (Washington

Language Proficiency Test) to explain the study and request a list of students.

The ELL teacher was given a list of students from each of the selected grade level

classes and asked to highlight those students who scored at a Level 3 on the

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WLPT-II in the spring of 2008. A Level 3 score indicated that these transitional

ELL students had passed the listening and speaking subtests of the WLPT.

In November, 2008, using the highlighted list of Level 3 ELLs, the researcher

took a convenience sample of 10 students from a language arts block at the 6th

grade level as there were only 10 ELL students in the block. The researcher then

took a random sample of 10 students at the 7th grade level and 10 students at the 8th

grade level who had scored at a Level 3 on the spring, 2008 WLPT-II. The names

of the 7th and 8th grade level students were put in a box and ten names were

randomly selected for each of those grade level classes. Consequently, the

students sampled represent a convenience sample of ten 6th grade ELLs and a

random sample of ten 7th grade ELLs and a random sample of ten 8th grade ELLs.

In November, December, 2008, and January 2009, the researcher tested

students individually. The researcher used test results from the San Diego Word

Recognition Test administered in September, 2008, to determine a starting point

at each grade level. The word identification subtest score of the QRI-II was then

used to determine the instructional reading level at which to administer the oral

reading inventory passage to begin to assess oral reading accuracy, fluency, and

comprehension at each student’s instructional word recognition level in context.

The researcher then individually administered one or more of the oral reading

inventory passages of the QRI-II to each student to determine their instructional

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word recognition level in context with the exception of six students. These

students scored at the frustration level in reading comprehension at their

independent word recognition level in context so, to avoid frustration, they were

not tested at their instructional level in word recognition in context. The

researcher determined each student’s oral reading fluency for a passage by

multiplying the total words in the passage by 60 and dividing the product by the

total seconds it took the student to read the complete passage. The researcher

collected and recorded both the fluency and reading comprehension subtest scores

for each student in the sample on a class record sheet.

The researcher did not determine the overall reading instructional level, the

level at which the student scored at the independent (98%) accuracy or

instructional level in word recognition in context (90 – 97% accuracy) and the

instructional level in reading comprehension (70 – 89% accuracy) for each

student as this was not necessary to determine if a relationship existed between

oral reading fluency and reading comprehension (Leslie and Caldwell, 1995).

Furthermore, testing middle school Ells at their word recognition independent

level in context until they reached their instructional level in reading

comprehension would have most probably dropped their reading level too low to

be appropriate according to a literacy specialist (R. Lewis, personal

communication, January 15, 2009).

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In November and December, 2008 and January, 2009, the researcher

collected and recorded both the oral reading fluency and reading comprehension

scores at each student’s word recognition instructional level in context for each

student in the sample on a class record sheet. In January, the researcher compiled

and analyzed the data using the Pearson r measure to determine the extent to

which a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension for ELLs as measured by the QRI-II at their instructional level for

word recognition in context.

The researcher reported and interpreted the results and stated conclusions

drawn from those results to complete the study in February, 2009.

Definition of terms

Significant terms used in the context of the present study have been

defined as follows:

background knowledge. A student’s background knowledge is that knowledge

gained from his or her life experiences including their cultural beliefs and way of

life, previous study, and relationships.

cloze reading test. Usually given a choice of words, a student chooses a word to

complete sentences in a text.

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correlational research study. According to Gay, Mills, and Airasian (2006),

“Research that involves collecting data to determine whether, and to what degree,

a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables” (p. 596).

decode. The reader uses the sounds associated with a letter and letter

combinations to correctly pronounce and read a word.

dyslexia. Dyslexia is a term used for students who demonstrate difficulty with

words. These students confused and reversed letters and words when reading

words in text and in isolation and had difficulty spelling.

English Language Learners (ELLs). These were students representing a subset of

language minority students who were limited in English proficiency.

English literacy. A student demonstrating English literacy was able to listen,

speak, read, and write in English proficiently.

Learning Disabled. Learning Disabled students are of average intelligence and

capable students who are not performing up to their ability even with specific

instruction in foundational reading skills.

oral reading fluency. The student was able to read a text aloud with speed and


phonemic awareness. A student with phonemic awareness could hear and identify

individual sounds and combinations of sounds that have specific meaning. For

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example, the word “cat” has three phonemes in a specific sequence which have


prosody. A student reads with appropriate volume, tone, emphasis, and phrasing.

phonics. A type of instructional reading strategy directly taught to students to

enable them to pronounce and read words using letter sounds and syllables.

reading comprehension. Students demonstrate their understanding or

comprehension of a written text in a variety of ways such as identifying the main

idea of the text, answering fact and inference questions about a text, or

summarizing the text.

semantics. Semantics involves understanding the meanings in language

including the meaning of words, word parts (suffixes, prefixes, etc.), phrases, and


syntax. Syntax refers to how words are organized to make phrases, clauses, and


textual knowledge. A student with textual knowledge understands such elements

of a text as it’s genre, such as a narrative; and how it’s organized with main

characters, a setting, and a plot. In contrast, an expository text relates information

in a format with headings and subheadings.

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EFLs. English as a First Language Learners.

ELLs. English Language Learners.

IEP. Individual Education Plan.

NICHD. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

NRP. National Reading Panel.

NLPLMCY. National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and Youth.

ORF. Oral Reading Fluency.

QRI-II. Qualitative Reading Inventory II. OSPI. Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. WLPT-II. Washington Language Proficiency Test II.

WMS. Washington Middle School, Yakima School District, Yakima, WA

WPM. Words per minute.

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Review of Selected Literature


The review of selected literature presented in Chapter 2 has been

organized to address the following research topics:

The writer’s investigation of the key elements of effective reading

instruction for all students was a subject that received particular attention by the

authorities cited.

The researcher also conducted an in depth investigation of effective

reading instruction for English as a second language learners (ELL).

Finally, the literature allowed the investigator (Yvonne Harrington) to

explore the related topic of reading instruction considerations for learning

disabled students (LD).

Each of these research topics has been detailed on the following pages.

The preponderance of research cited in Chapter 2 was current within the last five

(5) years. Key resources utilized included Education Resources Information

Center (ERIC), the Internet, and Pro Quest. Information obtained from hand

search of selected materials was also incorporated.

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Key Elements of Effective Reading Instruction for All Students

According to the report of the NRP (2000), to read efficiently and with

understanding, students must have developed a set of specific skills involved in

reading. There were five significant research-based elements needed in any

reading program or approach for students to develop into lifelong readers,

namely, phonics, phonemic awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading

comprehension (McCardle, 2006). However, it was important to note that these

were not the only important factors affecting reading proficiency, which may be

the focus of further research by another panel of reading experts (Commission on

Reading Research, 2007). To be proficient readers, students must first have

learned the code of reading. Students must have developed the phonological

awareness to recognize sounds and associate letters and letter combinations with

those sounds (phonemic awareness and phonics). Students must also have learned

letter names and rules that govern spelling and were able to apply these skills to

decode words fluently. Most current reading instruction focused on these skills in

the primary grades and even as young as pre-school (NRP, 2000).

By the intermediate elementary years, more emphasis was placed on

reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills than phonics. In

other words, students moved from focusing on learning to read in the primary

grades to reading to learn by mid-Elementary and the upper grades (August,

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2006). Clearly, reading fluency, or the ability to read words in text accurately and

quickly, significantly impacted a reader’s ability to understand the text. With

efficient and fluent decoding, a student was able to focus more on the content of

the text rather than the recognition of words, which enabled him to better

comprehend what he had read. Developing a student’s reading fluency, then,

improved his reading comprehension of the text, which was the ultimate goal

(Reis, et al, 2008).

In addition to reading fluency, a student’s reading vocabulary also affected

how well he or she was able to derive meaning from a text. According to the

report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth,

English vocabulary knowledge was crucial for English reading proficiency. If a

student did not know the meaning of key vocabulary in a text, it was difficult for

that student to fully understand the text as a whole. Consequently, effective

reading instruction programs also focused on developing the students’ vocabulary

knowledge using a variety of instructional strategies from direct instruction (e.g.

pre-taught the word and it’s meaning) to teaching meaningful word parts (e.g.,

prefixes, suffixes, roots), grammar (e.g., parts of speech), and context clues (e.g.,

used the text as a whole or in part to infer the meaning of words). Understanding

the meaning of words and how they were used in a text clearly increased a

student’s comprehension of that text (Lesaux & Geva, 2006).

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To read with accurate and complete comprehension, a reader must also

have developed specific reading comprehension skills and strategies often

referred to as metacognitive strategies (Bouware-Gooden, Carreker, Thomhill, &

Malatesha, 2007; Calderon, 2007). Reading comprehension skills involved

identifying the main idea and supporting details in a non-fiction text or

summarizing the plot by re-telling the sequence of events in a narrative text.

Being able to answer fact and inference questions about a text or finding

information in the text using headings, subheadings, captions, and other structural

elements of the text represented still other specific skills related to reading


In addition to these traditional reading comprehension skills,

metacognitive reading comprehension strategies needed to be taught as well such

as students asking themselves clarifying questions as they read or summarized the

important concepts in a text. Other strategies included the use of graphic

organizers such as a Venn Diagram, which allowed students to compare and

contrast important elements in a text or cognitive maps that allowed them to

organize the information in meaningful and memorable ways (Calderon, 2007).

According to the report of the NRP (2000), for students to have successfully

comprehended a text, students needed to develop the ability to apply these

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comprehension strategies to effectively analyze and interpret the text (Bouware-

Gooden, et al., 2007).

A reading approach or program that developed the students’ reading

comprehension skills as well as their phonemic awareness, phonics, reading

fluency, and vocabulary would have significantly increased the students’ reading

proficiency and prepared them to become lifelong readers. Other factors also

clearly impacted reading proficiency such as connecting reading with writing or

the time a student spent reading text of his or her choice, but these factors were

not the focus of this discussion.

Effective Reading Instruction for English as Second Language Learners

Although the five key elements of reading instruction as identified by the

NRP and mentioned earlier may also be applied to effective instruction with

English language learners, a student’s level of oral language development must

also have been considered (August & Shanahan, 2006). According to McCardle

(2006), the NRP “made a conscious decision not to include the scientific

literature available in the development of language and literacy for those students

learning to read in English for whom English was not their first native language”

(Foreword). Consequently, another panel consisting of experts in reading,

language development, bilingualism, research methods, and education was

formed, namely, the National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and

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Youth (NLPLMCY), to specifically examine and report on research literature

regarding the development of literacy in children who were language minority

students (McCardle, 2006). Their report defined literacy skills as pre-reading

skills (e.g., concept of print, alphabetic knowledge, etc.), word level skills (e.g.,

decoding, word reading, nonsense word reading, and spelling) and text level skills

(e.g., fluency, reading comprehension, and writing) (August & Shanahan, 2006).

As with English as a first language students, research indicated that ELL

students benefited from explicit instruction in phonics, including those at risk

ELL students (Lovett, DePalma, Fritjers, Steinbach, Temple, Benson, &

Lacerenza, 2008). Developing a student’s ability to read and write words using

the letter sounds and combinations of sounds as well as word parts gave them a

foundational and effective tool for decoding and spelling words. In fact, many

English-language learners could demonstrate word recognition, decoding, and

spelling skills at the elementary level comparable to those of their English-

speaking peers (Lesaux & Geva, 2006; Lovett, M., et al, 2008). However, they

lagged significantly behind them in their vocabulary and ability to understand

what they read. Although phonics instruction benefited ELL students at all levels,

it clearly represented only one aspect of a necessary multifaceted reading skills

approach with upper elementary and higher ELL students (Calderon, 2007). This

was due in part to several factors, especially their level of oral language

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development, which included receptive and expressive language skills as well as

phonology, vocabulary, morphology, and grammar. Oral language proficiency

was especially significant with regard to developing strong reading

comprehension skills (LaSaux & Geva, 2006). Therefore, reading must have been

taught in a way that fostered oral English language development including the use

of proven instructional strategies for English language learners (August &

Shanahan, 2006; Lovett, et al., 2008,), which helped make input comprehensible.

According to Krashen’s theory of language acquisition (Jameson, 2003), ELLs

must receive comprehensible input to successfully learn.

Along with their English-speaking peers, ELLs needed to develop their

vocabulary to become proficient readers (Calderon, 2007). Unfortunately,

English-language learners usually began school at a significant disadvantage, and

lacked the depth and breadth of vocabulary of their English as a first language

peers (Lovett, M. et al., 20008), as well as the syntactic awareness (meaningful

grammatical structures) of English. This impeded their ability to draw meaning

from a text. Consequently, ELL students required directly taught vocabulary in a

meaningful context using a variety of sheltered English teaching strategies such as

the use of cognates (e.g., fortunate/afortunado; coincidence/coincidencia) and

direct instruction of polysemous words (words with multiple meanings)

(Calderon, 2007).

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Teachers also needed to be very intentional in the words they selected to

teach, choosing largely from Tier 2 words (important, useful words characteristic

of mature language of which students already understood the concept) but also

incorporating Tier 1 words (basic words, idioms, and connecting words) and Tier

3 (content area specific or technical words). Vocabulary was to be taught before,

during, and after reading using such sheltered English teaching strategies as

visuals, modeling, collaborative activities, and graphic organizers. Tier 3

vocabulary words, then, also must be specifically taught in the content areas such

as Science and Math for ELL students to fully comprehend the concepts presented

in related text (Calderon, 2007).

In addition to word knowledge, ELLs had to develop the ability to read

with appropriate volume, tone, emphasis, phrasing (often referred to as prosody),

and other elements of oral expression (Miller, Justin & Schwanenflugel, Paula J.,

2008). To develop prosody, teachers modeled oral reading and provided partner

oral reading practice. Rasinski explained that students were better able to actively

interpret and construct meaning from the text when they had these skills of

prosody. Well-developed prosody increased a student’s reading fluency, which,

as mentioned earlier, strongly correlated with the student’s ability to comprehend

the text (Calderon, 2007).

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Successful reading comprehension for ELLs involved a myriad of factors.

Background knowledge was key to understanding text. Hansen and Pearson

maintain that students must have been able to connect their present knowledge

with the topic of the text they were currently reading (as cited in Calderon, 2007),

to successfully comprehend it. For ELLs, using text relevant to their culture and

life experience was helpful when possible (August & Shanahan, 2006). When

this was not the case, teachers needed to help ELL students make the connections

they could by explicitly teaching them how to do this with such strategies as a K-

W-L chart, which elicited from the students what they knew, wanted to know,

and, following the reading, had learned from the text. Explicitly teaching students

the written format and structure of a text such as the purpose of headings,

subheadings, summaries, and captions or the elements of a specific writing genre

such as poetry, expository, or narrative text further enabled the students to

successfully draw meaning from a text (Calderon, 2007).

Like their first language English speaking peers, ELLs needed to develop

the ability to reflect on and analyze text for successful comprehension. ELLs'

text-level skills such as reading comprehension were usually well below that of

their English speaking peers (August & Shanahan, 2006). With ELL students,

Brown and Day (1983) stated that it was best to break the text into manageable

parts or provide a summary or simplified version of the text first then use that text

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to teach students effective meta-cognitive strategies, such as asking themselves

clarifying questions about words and text as they read or identifying the important

ideas and supporting details in a text to summarize the text. Again, with ELL

students, the teacher provided explicit instruction in how to use meta-cognitive

strategies with modeling, graphic organizers, collaborative group work, and other

sheltered English approaches, which also largely constituted best teaching

practices for all students. Clearly, explicit instruction in reading comprehension

skills and meta-cognitive strategies represented another key component of an

effective reading program for ELLs as well as their English speaking peers

(Calderon, 2007).

Reading Instruction Considerations for Learning Disabled Students

Learning disabled students were identified in two ways. They were those

students who demonstrated a significant discrepancy between their cognitive

ability and academic achievement as measured by their performance on

intelligence tests and academic achievement tests, the original criteria for

identifying learning disabled students. They were also students who made limited

if any progress in reading in spite of receiving significant instructional

interventions, which represented a more recent criteria for identifying a learning

disabled student (Aaron, Malatesha, Gooden, & Bentum, 2008). Learning

disabled students, and specifically, reading disabled students, were those students

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who were clearly intelligent, capable students but not performing up to their

ability even with specific instruction in foundational reading skills such as

phonology, fluency, and reading comprehension. These students confused and

reversed letters and words when reading words in text and in isolation and had

difficulty spelling. They were often referred to as dyslexic. According to King

(2008), “Dys means ‘problems’ and ‘lexia’ means 'words', so dyslexia means

problems with the words you speak, the words you hear, and the words you see”

(p. 18). There was considerable variability in the degree to which students

demonstrated a reading disability, from mild to severe. Reading and other

learning disabilities were attributed to a number of factors including cognitive,

psychological, and sensory disabilities that made processing printed text in a

meaningful way difficult (Johnstone, Thurlow, Thompson, & Clapper, 2008).

Effective instruction for learning disabled students addressed all the

primary reading components recommended for all students earlier in the National

Reading Panel Report (NPR) including phonemic awareness and phonological

processing (the ability to translate spoken language into written language),

fluency, and comprehension. However, the recommended method of instruction

for dyslexic students or students with significant reading difficulties included

behavioral strategies, and cognitive and direct instruction. For example, studies

showed that learning disabled students benefited from explicit phonemic and

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phonics-based instruction in small groups of three to six students using such direct

instruction programs as Reading Mastery and Read Well (Kamps & Greenwood,

2005). Moreover, effective reading instructional programs for learning disabled

students included multi-modalities, such as visual, auditory, tactile, and

kinesthetic (Johnstone, et al., 2008). For example, teachers presented flashcards

with color-coded word parts to focus students on certain letter combinations and

sounds or had students spell words out loud while writing them in their palms.

Such instruction involved utilizing multi-modalities and direct, explicit instruction

related to specific reading skill components (Aaron, et al., 2008).

Another recommendation for reading disabled students was explicit

strategy instruction. According to Nelson and Manset-Williamson, learning

disabled students “do not naturally own, access, and apply as many strategies as

typically achieving students” (Two feasible hypothesis section, paragraph 12).

Students needed to be specifically taught reading strategies in order to decode and

comprehend what they read. A study which involved reading disabled students in

grades four through eight indicated that those students explicitly taught reading

comprehension strategies had better reading comprehension scores at post test

than another group with less explicit instruction. Those who received explicit

comprehension strategy instruction were also better able to self-regulate their use

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of the reading strategies to read more effectively (Nelson & Manset-Williamson,


O’Conner, White, and Swanson (2007) stated that fluency was one of the

most difficult skills to remediate for students with reading disabilities.

Furthermore, how much a student read was considered one of the most significant

factors effecting reading fluency. Good readers were exposed to two to ten times

the number of printed words as poor readers. As noted earlier, increased reading

vocabulary and fluency would improve comprehension as well. As a result of a

study conducted with reading disabled students, students who practiced repeated

reading of a text or continuous reading through a text increased their reading rate

and improved their word identification skills and reading comprehension.

Consequently, reading fluency practice represented another significant component

of an effective reading instructional program for learning disabled students

(O’Conner, White, & Swanson, 2007).


The review of selected literature presented in Chapter 2 supported the

following research themes:

1. According to the National Reading Panel report of 2,000, all students

learning to read benefited most from an instructional program which

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addressed the five specific skills of phonics, phonemic awareness,

reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

2. For ELLs, the student’s oral language development, especially

vocabulary, and the student’s background knowledge were also

considered important factors in developing the student’s reading skills

according to the National Literacy Panel on Language Minority

Children and Youth (NLPLMCY).

3. For students who demonstrated a reading disability or dyslexia, the

foundational reading skills noted above needed to be explicitly taught

in a small group of three to six students utilizing a direct instruction,

multi-sensory approach and regular, repeated or continuous reading of

connected text.

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Method and Treatment of Data


The teaching of reading represented a multi-faceted process which

addressed many interrelated skills including phonemic awareness, decoding,

syllabication, comprehension, and fluency. Reading fluency as it relates to

reading comprehension was the focus of this study. A fluent reader was one who

read aloud with speed, accuracy and expression, which was usually measured by a

one-minute timing of an unfamiliar text. To read with comprehension, the student

was able to read a text with understanding, which could range from the ability to

remember facts and sequence events to the ability to make inferences and draw

conclusions from a text. Research indicated a strong correlation between reading

fluency and reading comprehension (Reis, Eckert, Mc Coach, Jacobs, and Coyne,

2008), which had implications both for reading instruction and assessment.

With regard to assessment, reading fluency scores have been used as one

measure to predict reading comprehension (Reis et al., 2008). It was reasonable

to conclude that if a student did not have to focus on decoding the words in a text,

he could give more thought to the meaning of the words and the text as a whole

(Reis, et al., 2008). But could we this same conclusion be drawn for all students

including English Language Learners (ELL) and Learning Disabled (LD)

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students? Was their ability to read a text fluently, especially at the middle school

level, as highly correlated with their ability to read with comprehension?

At Washington Middle School, many ELLs have demonstrated the ability to read

fluently, even at grade level, but have had real difficulty understanding what they

read. They were able to successfully decode words because of their phonological

awareness, as some studies indicated (Lindsey, Manis, and Bailey, 2003), but

their syntactic awareness and vocabulary were not developed to the level of their

EFL (English as a First Language) peers. These, too, are considered key factors

affecting reading comprehension (Lovett, et al., 2008). The purpose of this

correlational research study was to determine the extent to which a relationship

existed between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for ELLs at

WMS as measured by the QRI-II (Qualitative Reading Inventory - II).


A correlational design was used to determine the relationship between

reading fluency and reading comprehension with middle school ELLs, including

those with a learning disability. The Pearson r measure of correlation was used

for data analysis. This measure of correlation is appropriate when both variables

are expressed as continuous data producing a coefficient between –1.00 and +1.00

(Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006).

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Thirty ELLs in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades who scored at a Level 3 on the

WLPT-II (Washington Language Proficiency Test), including students with a

learning disability (LD) and a current IEP (Individual Education Program), were

selected for the study. Of these 30 ELLs, 16 were female and 14 were male.

According to OSPI (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 2007),

these students continued to be eligible for transitional bilingual instruction based

on their scores on the WLPT-II. Their oral language skills allowed them to

receive all academic instruction in English, but they were not yet proficient in

reading and writing English.

A convenience sample of ten 6th grade ELLs was selected from a class in

which students were performing below grade level and using a reading

intervention curriculum at about the 3rd – 4th grade reading level. A random

sample of ten 7th grade ELLs was selected from a class of students performing

below grade level and using a reading intervention curriculum at about the 4th –

5th grade reading level. Ten 8th grade ELLs were randomly selected from a class

of students performing below grade level and using a reading intervention

curriculum at about the 6th – 7th grade reading level. The participants all attended

Washington Middle School (WMS) in Yakima, Washington.

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According to OSPI, 85% of the students at WMS were Hispanic, 36% of

which were identified as transition bilingual ELL students. Of the approximately

735 students attending WMS, 43.4% were migrant and 91.8% were on free or

reduced lunch. Consequently, Washington was a school in which most of the

students spoke Spanish as their first language and came from low-income homes.

Washington was in its fourth year of annual yearly progress because of WASL

(Washington Assessment of Student Learning) scores, which fell below the state

and national average. However, with the ongoing development and

implementation of Washington’s School Improvement Plan, students were

making steady academic progress as reflected by data indicating their entry skill

level and significant measurable gains to date.

One Special Education teacher individually administered, scored, and

compiled the test data. Data results were shared with the WMS literacy specialist

and WMS Special Education supervisor.


The Qualitative Reading Inventory-II (QRI-II), an individually

administered informal reading inventory, was used to assess students’ oral reading

fluency and reading comprehension on narrative passages given at their word

recognition instructional level in context. The inventory was developed by

Lauren Leslie of Marquette University and JoAnne Caldwell of Cardinal Stritch

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College for the purpose of assessing a student’s reading proficiency with regard to

several factors including oral fluency, oral and silent reading comprehension,

narrative and expository text, and background knowledge. Test results could be

used to estimate a student’s reading level as well as identify reading skills needing

instructional interventions for primary, intermediate, and secondary students

through junior high.

Although the QRI-II was not a norm-referenced or standardized

instrument, it was extensively piloted to obtain measures of reliability and

validity. The pilot sample included 213 children from kindergarten through 8th

grade who attended two inner city private schools and one suburban public

school. Thirty-eight percent of these children were minority children, primarily

African-American, and most of the students in the sample were of low-average

reading ability. The researchers conducted a multivariate analysis of variance

with readability as the with-in subjects factor and total comprehension, retelling,

and reading rate as the dependent measures. Oral reading accuracy and oral

reading acceptable accuracy were also dependent measures analyzed through the

6th grade. According to Lauren and Caldwell (1995), students scored significantly

higher on lower level passages indicating the graded passages increased in

difficulty both in readability and comprehension as students moved from a lower

level to a higher level passage.

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A correlational design with the Pearson r measurement was used to

determine if there was a significant relationship between reading fluency and

reading comprehension with middle school, Level 3 ELLs as measured by the

WLPT-II including students with a learning disability.


The procedures involved in the present study evolved in several stages:

1. In August, 2008, the researcher met with and received support for

the study from the WMS Special Education department supervisor

and principal at WMS.

2. During September, 2008, the researcher selected the Qualitative

Reading Inventory-II (QRI-II) as the assessment instrument at the

recommendation of the literacy specialist from ESD 105.

3. In October, 2008, the researcher met with a 6th, 7th, and 8th general

education language arts teacher from each grade level and the ELL

teacher responsible for administering the WLPT-II to select

students for the study.

4. In November, 2008, using the highlighted list of Level 3 ELLs, the

researcher took a convenience sample of 10 students from a

language arts block at the 6th grade level (as there were the only

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available students in that block) and a random sample of the 7th

and 8th grade level ELLs from their respective classes.

5. In November and December, 2008, and January, 2009, the

researcher tested students individually using the word list subtest

to identify a starting point of the QRI-II. The students were given

a narrative passage to read aloud at their instructional word

recognition level in context while being timed then asked oral

questions about the text when they finished the passage.

6. In January, 2009, the researcher discussed the results with the

literacy specialist from ESD 105 ( R. Lewis, personal

communication, January 15, 2009).

7. In January, 2009, the researcher collected and recorded both the

oral reading fluency and reading comprehension scores at each

student’s word recognition instructional level in context for each

student in the sample on a class record sheet. The researcher

compiled and analyzed the data using the Pearson r measure to

determine the extent to which a relationship existed between oral

reading fluency and reading comprehension for ELLs as measured

by the QRI-II at their instructional level for word recognition in


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8. The researcher reported and interpreted the results and stated

conclusions drawn from those results to complete the study in

February, 2009.

Treatment of the Data

The scores from the ORI-II were analyzed to determine if there was a

correlation between reading fluency and reading comprehension for ELLs and

ELL learning disabled students using the Pearson r measure of correlation. Using

the Windows STATPAK statistical software program and the reference tables of

the text, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application

(Gay, et al., 2006), the researcher found no statistically significant relationship

between the ELLs’ oral reading fluency and their reading comprehension as

measured by the QRI-II in November /December, 2008, and January, 2009. The

following formula was used to determine statistical significance for the Pearson r

measure of correlation.

ΣXY – (ΣX) (ΣY) r = __________ N______ 2 2 √ [ΣX2 – (ΣX) ] [ΣY2 – (ΣY) ]

N N Summary

The purpose of this correlational research study was to determine the extent to

which a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading


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comprehension for ELLs at WMS as measured by the QRI-II (Qualitative

Reading Inventory - II). As cited earlier in the review of selected literature, there

was a strong correlation between these two variables for readers in general,

especially in the primary grades, but was this relationship equally as strong for

ELLs? In the present study, 30 ELL middle school students including ELL

learning disabled students participating in a reading intervention general

education class were selected to participate. Participants were each tested

individually using the Qualitative Reading Inventory-II by the researcher and

student scores were analyzed to determine a relationship between oral reading

fluency and reading comprehension using the Pearson r measurement.

Determining the correlation between reading fluency and reading comprehension

for ELL middle school students could have significant implications for future

assessment and instructional programs.

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Analysis of the Data

Introduction The present research study sought to determine the extent to which a

relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for

ELLs at WMS as measured by the QRI-II given in November and December,

2008, and January, 2009, to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ELLs who scored at a Level 3

on the Spring, 2008 WLPT-II.

Description of the Environment

The study was conducted at WMS with a convenience sample of ten 6th

grade ELLS and a random sample of 10 7th grade and 10 8th grade ELLs who

scored at a Level 3 on the WLPT-II in the spring of 2008. All of these students

were receiving reading instruction in English only using Highpoint, a reading

intervention program with sheltered English accommodations for students reading

two or more years below grade level. Five of these students were also identified

as Learning Disabled (LD) students and receiving small group reading instruction.


A significant relationship did not exist between oral reading fluency and

reading comprehension for ELLs as measured by the oral reading fluency

measure and reading comprehension measure of the QRI-II.

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Null Hypothesis

There was a significant relationship between oral reading fluency and

reading comprehension for ELLs as measured by the QRI-II for p < at .05, .01,

and .001 levels.

Results of the Study

In Tables 1, 2, and 3, student oral reading fluency scores representing total

words read orally in context per minute at that student’s word recognition in

context instructional level (90-97%), have been presented. The reading

comprehension score represented the percent of correct answers a student gave to

oral comprehension questions following the student’s oral reading of the graded

passage given that student. In Table 1, 6th grade participants’ instructional level

ranged from grades 3 to 5; oral fluency scores ranged from 70 – 160 words per

minute (wpm), and reading comprehension scores ranged from 13% to 88%. Data

contained in Table 2 indicated 7th grade instructional levels from grades 1 to 5,

oral fluency scores from 90 – 149 wpm, and reading comprehension scores from

13% to 80%. Table 3 indicated 8th grade instructional levels ranged from grades 2

to 6. Oral fluency for 8th graders ranged from 73 – 141 wpm and reading

comprehension scores ranged from 25% to 100%.

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Table 1 Sixth Grade QRI-II Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension Scores (Nov./Dec., 2008; Jan.2009) Student Instructional Level Oral Reading Fluency Reading Comprehension

1* 3 87 75%

2 3 118 63%

3 3 118 86%

4 3 87 38%

5 3 160 75%

6 3 129 88%

7 4 122 38%

8 4 88 25%

9 4 79 13%

10 5 93 50% _________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Those scores identified with an asterisk (*) represented oral reading fluency and reading comprehension scores at that student’s independent word recognition level in context (98% accuracy).

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Table 2 Seventh Grade QRI-II Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension Scores (Nov./Dec., 2008; Jan. 2009) Student Instructional Level Oral Reading Fluency Reading Comprehension

1 1 109 67%

2 1 90 80%

3 3 109 13%

4 4 101 25%

5 4 102 50%

6* 4 118 63%

7* 4 135 63%

8 5 122 25%

9 5 149 38%

10 5 116 38% _________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Those scores identified with an asterisk (*) represented oral reading fluency and reading comprehension scores at that student’s independent word recognition level in context (98% accuracy).

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Table 3 Eighth Grade QRI-II Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension Scores (Nov./Dec., 2008; Jan. 2009) Student Instructional Level Oral Reading Fluency Reading Comprehension

1 2 73 88%

2 2 105 75%

3 3 122 25%

4 3 85 100%

5* 3 122 63%

6 4 108 50%

7 4 141 38%

8 4 121 63%

9* 5 115 25%

10* 6 123 25% __________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Those scores identified with an asterisk (*) represented oral reading fluency and reading comprehension scores at that student’s independent word recognition level in context (98% accuracy).

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In Table 4, student scores were combined and analyzed using the Pearson

r measurement on the Windows STATPAK with the correlation coefficient for

different levels of significance (Gay et al., 2006, p. 566). The sample of 30

participants with degrees of freedom at 28 produced a Pearson r coefficient

correlation value of –0.6.

Table 4 Pearson r Product Moment Correlation Statistic Value Number of items 30

Sum of X 3347.0000

Sum of Y 1565.0000

Sum of Squared X 3857890.00

Sum of Squared Y 99301.00

Mean of “X” Scores 111.57

Mean of “Y” Scores 52.17

Sum of XY 173748.00

Pearson’s r -0.06

Degrees of Freedom 28 __________________________________________________________________ df 0.05 0.01 0.001 __________________________________________________________________ 28 .3809 .4869 .5974

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Finally, Figure 1 has provided a scatter plot of combined baseline data

from Tables 1, 2, and 3. The scatter plot diagram further demonstrated no linear

relationship between the two variables, oral reading fluency and reading









0 50 100 150 200


Figure 1 Scatter Plot of Combined Baseline Data from Tables 1, 2, and 3


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The null hypothesis stated there was a significant relationship between

oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for ELLs as measured by the

QRI-II for p < at .05, .01, and .001 levels of significance. The hypotheses stated

that there was no significant relationship between oral reading fluency and

reading comprehension as measured by the QRI-II for p < at .05, .01, and .001

levels. With a Pearson r of -.06, the null hypothesis was rejected at the p < at

.05, .01, and .001 levels. Conversely, the hypothesis was supported at the p < at

.05, .01, and .001 levels. The scatter plot diagram (Figure 1) further demonstrated

no linear relationship between the two variables, oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension. According to the baseline data, many of the ELL students with

higher reading fluency scored lower on comprehension than their peers with

lower reading fluency rates. Consequently, there was no significant relationship

determined between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for ELLs

who scored at a Level 3 on the WLPT-II as measured by the QRI-II at a student’s

instructional word recognition level in context (90 – 97% accuracy).


The researcher conducted the study to determine if a significant

relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension for

ELLs who scored at a Level 3 on the WLPT-II. As discovered from the review

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of selected literature, oral reading fluency was found to be a good predictor of

reading comprehension for native English speakers (Reis et al., 2008). However,

this was not true for ELLs. Many ELLs have proved quite proficient in decoding

and word recognition, which has enabled them to orally read accurately and

fluently (August, 2006). However, other factors besides oral reading fluency

needed to be considered when predicting reading comprehension ability for ELLs,

such as the student’s background knowledge, vocabulary, and overall oral

language development (Lesaux & Geva, 2006).

This appeared true for the group of students at WMS. Although they were

not tested at their overall instructional reading level, with an instructional level

score in both word recognition in context and reading comprehension, their

fluency scores at their instructional level for word recognition in context was not

a reliable predictor of their reading comprehension scores at that level. In

addition, many of those students whose instructional word recognition level in

context was higher and who had higher oral reading fluency scores had lower

reading comprehension scores, which might indicate they did not understand the

vocabulary or higher level syntax required at those levels. In fact, for most

students, their word recognition in context level was at least one if not more grade

levels above their instructional level for reading comprehension (70 – 90%), as

most scored at the frustration level (< 70%) on these passages.

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During the testing, the researcher noted that some students did not know

the meaning of some of the vocabulary in the questions, which they indicated by

asking a question about a word or stating that they did not know the meaning of a

word. They also gave inappropriate oral responses at times demonstrating that

they did not clearly understand what the question was asking. This was not

unusual, according to a literacy specialist. Many ELLs’ reading scores on the

WASL in 2007 indicated that they did not clearly understand the written

comprehension questions as they often gave answers that did not match the

question. Consequently, a listening comprehension test and a cloze format

comprehension test might have proved better predictors of reading comprehension

for ELLs because they would have provided a measure of oral language

development, especially with regard to vocabulary and sentence structure. With

regard to instruction, this had significant ramifications. To be more successful in

reading comprehension, ELLs needed more explicit instruction and practice

accurately interpreting comprehension questions and developing appropriate

responses (R. Lewis, personal communication, January 15, 2009).


The purpose of this correlational research study was to determine the

extent to which a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading

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comprehension for ELLs at WMS who scored at a Level 3 on the WLPT-II as

measured by the QRI-II (Qualitative Reading Inventory - II). Results from the

study indicated that there was not a significant relationship between the two

variables for the small sample of students tested at their instructional word

recognition level in context. Thus, the hypothesis, which stated that a significant

relationship between these two variables did not exist, was supported at the .05,

.01, or .001 levels of significance. The null hypothesis, which stated that there

was a significant relationship between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension for ELLs, was rejected at all three levels. In view of these results,

no significant relationship between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension was found for ELLs on text given at their instructional word

recognition level in context. Therefore, oral reading fluency would not be a good

predictor of reading comprehension for ELLs at their word recognition

instructional level in context. Measures of oral language development,

vocabulary, and background knowledge should also be considered.

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Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


The purpose of this correlational research study was to determine the

extent to which a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and reading

comprehension for ELLs at WMS as measured by the QRI-II (Qualitative Reading Inventory - II). Summary

For this study, the researcher first conducted a review of literature

regarding key elements of effective reading instruction for English speaking

students, ELLs, and learnng disabled students. Developing oral reading fluency

represented one of these key factors. Most English speaking students who were

able to read a text accurately and fluently also demonstrated good comprehension

of the text (Reis et al., 2008). However, ELLs who were able to decode words

and read a text orally with fluency often demonstrated difficulty with

comprehending the text (Lesaux & Geva, 2006). This was seemingly true for

many ELLs at WMS. Oral reading fluency was being used as one predictor of

overall reading proficiency, including reading comprehension, for all students, but

was this appropriate for ELLs? Consequently, the purpose of this correlational

study was to determine if a relationship existed between oral reading fluency and

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reading comprehension for ELLs. The results of the study might have significant

ramifications for reading assessment and instruction for ELLs.

After a review of selected literature, the researcher conducted a

correlational study involving a convenience sample of ten ELL sixth graders, and

a random sample of 10 seventh and 10 eighth graders at WMS who scored at a

Level 3 on the WLPT-II in the spring of 2008. The researcher individually

administered the QRI-II to obtain an oral reading fluency score and a reading

comprehension score at each student’s instructional word identification level in

context. The data was then analyzed using the Pearson r measure of correlation

and certain conclusions and recommendations were made.


Based upon major research themes presented in Chapter 2 and from major

findings produced from the analysis of data in Chapter 4, the following

conclusions were reached:

1. All students learning to read benefited most from an instructional

program which addressed the five specific skills of phonics, phonemic

awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension,

according to the National Reading Panel report of 2000.

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2. For ELLs, the student’s background knowledge and oral language

development, including vocabulary, were also considered important

factors in developing the student’s reading skills, which findings from

the study further supported as many ELLs who were able to read a text

orally demonstrated difficulty understanding and appropriately

answering some of the comprehension questions about that text.

(Calderon, 2007).

3. For students who demonstrated a reading disability, the foundational

reading skills noted above should be explicitly taught in a small group

of three to six students using a direct instruction, multi-sensory

approach with the opportunity for regular repeated or continuous

reading of connected text.

4. An analysis of data indicated no significant relationship existed

between oral reading fluency at an ELL’s word recognition

instructional level in context and reading comprehension as measured

by the QRI-II administered individually by the researcher to a sample

of 30 middle school ELLs at WMS in November and December,

2008, and January, 2009.

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From the conclusions cited above, the following recommendations have

been suggested:

1. To benefit all students learning to read, an instructional program

should include specific skill instruction in phonics, phonemic

awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

2. To develop English Language Learners’ reading skills, educators

should consider such important factors as the students’ oral language

development, vocabulary, and background knowledge.

3. To identify and provide appropriate reading instruction for ELLs with

a learning disability, careful consideration must be given to the

student’s language development, response to interventions, and a more

direct form of reading instructional program focusing on specific skills

in a small group setting with repeated and multi-sensory practice.

4. To better predict an ELL’s reading comprehension level, assessments

that indicate a student’s level of oral language development and

background knowledge, such as a listening comprehension test or a

cloze format comprehension test, might be better indicators. Oral

reading fluency with a measure of the student’s oral reading prosody

could also be an indicator of a student’s reading comprehension level.

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5. School and district personnel seeking information related to the

correlation between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension

for ELLs may wish to utilize the information provided in this study or

conduct another study more suited for their unique needs.

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