oral higience

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  • 7/25/2019 Oral Higience



    A. Definition

    The treatment is done so that the mouths feel fresh and comfortable feeling in the mouth

    B. Purpose

    1. The client will have the oral mucosa intact hydrated good2. The client is able to perform their own oral hygiene care properly

    3. The client will achieve a sense of comfort

    4. The client will understand oral hygiene practices

    C. Tools and Materials1. Mouth wash solution

    2. Padded tongue blade

    3. Towel4. Croced

    !. "elly

    #. $uction machine and catheter suction

    %. &and scoon'. (au)e round

    *. Twee)ers1+. Clam

    D. Procedure

    ta!e Pre"Interactions

    1. ,erifying data previously if there

    2. -o the hand wash

    3. se the hand scoon

    4. Carry tools and materials to the near patient

    ta!e of Orientation

    1. (reet the client name and greets2. /ntroduce yourself3. 0plain the purpose of action

    4. s the patient of readiness

    !. eep the client privacy

    ta!e of #or$

    1. ssess the client gag

    2. Place the towel on the chest

    3. Place the croced under the chin4. Turn on a suction machine and connect to the suction catheter

    !. Carefully retraction from the upper and lower teeth clients with a padded tongue blade

    #. Tae gau)e round with Twee)ers%. Pour mouth wash solution in the gau)e round on the croced

    '. Tae and clip gau)e round with clam

    *. Clean the mouth1+. (ive the elly on the lips

    11. 5earrange clients a comfortable position

    ta!e of Ter%ination

    1. $moothing tools and materials

  • 7/25/2019 Oral Higience


  • 7/25/2019 Oral Higience


    3. Memaai hand scoon

    4. Membawa alat dan bahan e deat pasien

    Ta(ap Orientasi

    1. Memberi salam dan menyapa nama lien

    2. Memperenalan diri3. Menelasan tuuan tindaan

    4. Menanyaan esiapan pasien

    Ta(ap $er'a

    1. ai adanya refle muntah

    2. 8etaan handu di dada

    3. Taruh bengo dibawah dagu4. &idupan mesin penghisap dan hubungan ateter penghisap

    !. $ecara hati9hati retrasi dari gigi bagian atas dan bawah lien dengan spatel lidah yang


    #. mbil asa bulat dengan pinset%. Tuangan larutan mouth wash pada asa di atas bengo

    '. mbil dan epit asa dengan lem*. 7ersihan mulut

    1+. 7erian eli pada bibir

    11. tur embali posisi lien yang nyaman

    Ta(ap Ter%inasi

    1. Merapian alat9alat dan mengembalian e tempat semula2. Melepas handscoon dan mencuci tangan

    3. Melauan evaluasi hasil tindaan

    4. 7erpamitan pada pasien!. Mendoumentasian tindaan