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1 International Nuclear Safeguards Policy and Information Analysis Course Overview of the International Atomic Energy Agency Monterey Institute of International Studies June 3 – 7, 2013 Jean Maurice Crete Or: What does the IAEA do… … in Vienna? Secretariat Structure Mr. Mohamad Daud Deputy Director General Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications Mr. Kwaku Aning Deputy Director General Department of Technical Co- operation Mr. Denis Flory Deputy Director General Department of Nuclear Safety and Security Mr. Herman Nackaerts Deputy Director General Department of Safeguards Ms. Janice Dunn Lee Deputy Director General Department of Management Mr. Yukiya Amano IAEA Director General Mr. Alexander Bychkov Deputy Director General Department of Nuclear Energy The current Senior Officers of the IAEA Secretariat are:

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International Nuclear Safeguards Policy and Information Analysis Course

Overview of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Monterey Institute of International StudiesJune 3 – 7, 2013

Jean Maurice Crete

Or: What does the IAEA do…

… in Vienna?

Secretariat Structure

Mr. Mohamad DaudDeputy Director General

Department of Nuclear Sciencesand Applications

Mr. Kwaku AningDeputy Director General

Department of Technical Co-operation

Mr. Denis FloryDeputy Director GeneralDepartment of Nuclear

Safety and Security

Mr. Herman NackaertsDeputy Director GeneralDepartment of Safeguards

Ms. Janice Dunn LeeDeputy Director GeneralDepartment of Management

Mr. Yukiya AmanoIAEA Director General

Mr. Alexander BychkovDeputy Director GeneralDepartment of Nuclear Energy

The current Senior Officersof the IAEA Secretariat are:

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Other Possible Organigram


Three pillars:

• Safeguards & verification

• Safety & security

• Science & technology

Maximizing the contribution of nuclear technology to society, while verifying its peaceful use

The Agency at a Glance(as of 31 December 2012)

• 158 Member States.• 77 intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations worldwide

invited to observe the Agency’s General Conference.• 2474 professional and support staff.• €327 million total regular budget for 2012.1 Extrabudgetary expenditures

in 2012 totalled €82.8 million (including open purchase orders from previous years).

• $62.3 million target in 2012 for voluntary contributions to the Agency’s Technical Cooperation Fund, supporting projects involving 3250 expert and lecturer assignments, 4880 national experts, meeting participants and other project personnel, 3117 participants in training courses and 1675 fellows and scientific visitors.

• 2 liaison offices (in New York and Geneva) and 2 safeguards regional offices (in Tokyo and Toronto).

• 2 international laboratories (Seibersdorf and Monaco)• 19 national donors and 1 multinational donor (European Union) to the

voluntary Nuclear Security Fund.

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The Agency at a Glance(as of 31 December 2012)

• 179 States in which safeguards agreements were being implemented,2 of which 119 States had additional protocols in force, with 1965 safeguards inspections performed in 2012. Safeguards expenditures in 2012 amounted to €121.2 million in regular budget and €25.5 million in extrabudgetary resources.

• 20 national safeguards support programmes and 1 multinational support programme (European Commission).

• 2.7 million people read more than 17 million pages on the Agency’s iaea.org site, and viewed stories on the Agency’s Facebook site over 12.7 million times.

• 3.5 million records in the International Nuclear Information System, the Agency’s largest database.

• 1 million documents, technical reports, standards, conference proceedings, journals and books in the IAEA Library and 15 540 visitors to the Library in 2012.

• 211 publications, brochures, leaflets, newsletters and other promotional material issued in 2012 (in print and electronic formats).


Funding 2014 (Meuros)

Regular Budget 347.56

Capital Regular Budget


Extrabudgetary 57.37

TC Programme 101.20

Total 514.34

Operational Regular Budget

Major Programmes (Meuros)

Nuclear Power, Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Science


Nuclear Techniques for Development and Environmental Protection


Nuclear Safety and Security 37.92

Nuclear Verification 133.58

Policy, Management and Administration Services 77.90

Technical Cooperation 24.04

Total 347.56

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The IAEA - Secretariat

The IAEA Secretariat carries out programmes and activities approved by the Agency’s policy-making organs.

Some 2,300 staff members in 2012

IAEA’s Policy Making Organs

• Board of Governors 35 Members

• General Conference All Member States (Feb 2013: 159)

The Board of Governors (BoG)

• Members with a 2 year term

• Meets generally 5 times per year

• Examines and makes recommendations to the General Conference on the IAEA’s accounts, programme and budget

• Considers applications for membership

• Approves safeguards agreements and the publications of specific documents

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Another of the BoG functions

It has the responsibility for appointing the Director General of the IAEA with the approval of the General Conference

The General Conference (GC)

• Meets once a year to consider the report of the Board of Governors for the previous year

• Approves recommendations of the BoG on the accounts, programme and budget or applications for membership;

• Conducts a wide ranging general debate on the IAEA’s policies and programme, matters brought to its attention by the BoG, the Director General or individual Member States.

Staff Composition

Staff by Category

North America14.4%

Latin America7.7%

Western Europe32.2%

Eastern Europe17.3%


Middle East andSouth Asia


South-East Asiaand the Pacific


Far East9.1%

Professional Staff by Geographical Area

July 2011

Professional Staff

General Service Staff




MenVacant: 220

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Department of Safeguards

"Only by adapting the safeguards system and by applyingsafeguards more intelligently, will we be able to continue toprovide the international community with credibleassurances that States are in compliance with theirsafeguards commitments.."

- Herman Nackaerts, Deputy Director General

Ensuring that nuclear material is not diverted from peaceful nuclear activities by verifying Member State declarations







Tokyo Office














State Infrastructure


State Factors Analysis

Declared Information


Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis


Systems Infrastructure and


Systems Solutions Support

Systems Solutions


Systems Architecture and



Coordination and Support

Environmental Sample


Nuclear Material Laboratory

Project Management


Strategic Planning

Concepts and Approach

Process Design

Training Section


System Integration and Coordination

Verification Logistics

Unattended Systems

Non Destructive Assay


Department of Safeguards

Evolution of SG Human Resources

1957: Staff of 8

1969: Staff of 56

1979: Staff of 282

2012: Staff of 795

{520 Professionals,

including 238 Inspectors

275 General Staff}

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Department of Nuclear Safety & Security

Helping countries upgrade nuclear safety and prepare for and respond to emergencies

SafetyInternational safety standards for themanagement and regulation of nuclear andradioactive material activities

SecurityHelp States prevent, detect, and respondto terrorist or other malicious acts andprotect nuclear installations and transportagainst sabotage

Security and Safeguards

COMMON GOALS (but also differences):

• Deterring and detecting unauthorized removal of nuclear material

• Provide assurances that all nuclear material is accounted for

• Determine the amount and location of any loss


• Education and training

• Evaluation of State Systems of Accounting for and Control of nuclear material

• Nuclear forensics

• Front end of the nuclear fuel cycle

Incident and Emergency Centre

• IEC Activities based on:

• IAEA Statute

• Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident

• Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency

• Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material

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Process to Develop Safety Standards

Outline and work planPrepared by the Secretariat

Review by the Committees and Commission on Safety Standards

Drafting or revising safety standard

by the Secretariat and consultants

Reviewby the Safety Standards 


Endorsementby Commission on Safety Standards


Process takes between 3 to 5 years from start to


Safety and Safeguards

• Nuclear Fuel Cycle

• The flow of nuclear material in the country

• The number and type of nuclear facilities

• Waste? Also depends on the type of reactor.

• Nuclear fuel

• Which enrichment?

• MOX?

• Post irradiation examination?

• Which burn-up?

• Nuclear material handling path and containment

• Essential equipment

Safety and Safeguards

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Department of Nuclear Energy

Fostering the efficient and safe use of nuclear power

Support Member States with respect to:• Nuclear power programmes

• Advanced nuclear technologies

• Nuclear fuel cycle and waste management programmes

• Energy system development, energy investment planning and energy-environment policy formulation

• Nuclear knowledge management

• Library

Preparing for a Nuclear Power Industry – IAEA & Safeguards

Several interrelated activities considered in


1. Considerations before a decision to launch a nuclear power program is taken

2. Preparation work for the construction of a NPP after a policy decision has been made

3. Activities to implement the first NPP

INIR Missions

Preparing for a Nuclear Power Industry – IAEA & Safeguards

• Early and continued interactions with the IAEA very important

• Consult at an early stage with the IAEA for advice on safeguards:• incorporating safeguards in the design of the facility

is extremely cost effective and resources saving(including safeguards requirements in the licensing process may be considered)

• some reactor types may require more intensive safeguards verification activities than others

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Nuclear Energy and Safeguards

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications

Programmes in:• Food and agriculture (with FAO)• Human health• Industry• Water resource management• Protection of marine and terrestrial environment• Special programme: PACT Programme of

Action for Cancer Therapy

Contributing to sustainable development through the use of nuclear sciences and their applications

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Department of Technical Cooperation

• Goal: socio-economic impact by contributing directly to sustainable development priorities

• How: provide skills and equipment

• Who benefits: 125 recipient countries in 2012, 3 regional agreements and 1 cooperative agreement

• When: if nuclear technology is a better or complementary solution

Transferring nuclear and related technologies for peaceful uses to countries throughout the world

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Technical Cooperation 2012

• €118.8 million disbursed

• Support provided to 125 countries and territories

• Expert and lecturer assignments

• meeting participants

• training course participants

• fellows and scientific visitors

• procurement

TC programme - Quick Facts

• Recipients: all IAEA Member States are eligible for TC assistance (e.g. non NPT: 24 MUSD from 1997 to 2007)

• National, regional and interregional projects

• 80% of recipients are non-nuclear power countries

• 31 recipient countries are Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

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TC and Safeguards

• Concerns:• Transfer of sensitive equipment

• Unjustified provision of equipment for SSAC

• Procurement and shipment

• Review process including• evaluating proliferation risks of TC project


• reviewing all procurement requests made to the agency under ongoing TC projects

Department of Management

Services:• Budget and Finance• Human Resources• Information Technology• Conference and Document Services• General Services• Common Services• Procurement Services• Public Information

Contributing to the effective and efficient running of the Agency’s programmes and services

Management and Safeguards

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Offices reporting to the Director General


• Office of Legal Affairs

• Secretariat of the Policy-making Organs

• Internal Oversight Services

Providing legal advice, policy coordination and liaison with Member States and other organizations, support for governing

bodies, audit and management consultancy.

Offices reporting to the DG and Safeguards


What exactly does the IAEA do?
