optimal size and location of distributed generations for minimizing power losses in a primary...


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Page 1: Optimal Size and Location of Distributed Generations for Minimizing Power Losses in a Primary Distribution Network

Transactions D:Computer Science & Engineering andElectrical EngineeringVol. 16, No. 2, pp. 137{144c Sharif University of Technology, December 2009

Optimal Size and Location of DistributedGenerations for Minimizing Power Losses

in a Primary Distribution Network

R.M. Kamel1 and B. Kermanshahi1;�

Abstract. Power system deregulation and shortage of transmission capacities have led to an increaseinterest in Distributed Generations (DGs) sources. The optimal location of DGs in power systems isvery important for obtaining their maximum potential bene�ts. This paper presents an algorithm toobtain the optimum size and optimum location of the DGs at any bus in the distribution network. Theproposed algorithm is based on minimizing power losses in the primary distribution network. The developedalgorithm can also be used to determine the optimum size and optimum location of the DGs embeddedin the distribution network, including power cost and the available rating of DGs if the DGs exist ina competitive market. An algorithm is applied to three test distribution systems with di�erent sizes (6buses, 18 buses and 30 buses). Results indicated that, if the DGs are located at their optimal locations andhave optimal sizes, the total losses in the distribution network will be reduced by nearly 85%. The resultscan be used as a look-up table, which can help design engineers when inserting DGs into the distributionnetworks.

Keywords: Distributed generation; Optimal location; Optimal size; Loss minimization.


Distributed generation is an electric power sourceconnected directly to the distribution network or cus-tomer side of the meter [1]. It may be explained insimple terms that is small-scale electricity generationtakes di�erent forms in di�erent markets and countriesand is de�ned di�erently by di�erent agencies. TheInternational Energy Agency (IEA) de�nes distributedgeneration as a generating plant, serving a customeron-site or providing support to a distribution networkconnected to the grid at distribution-level voltages [1].CIGRE de�nes DG as the generation that has thefollowing characteristics [2]: It is not centrally planned;it is not centrally dispatched at present; it is usuallyconnected to the distribution network; it is smallerthan 50-100 MW. Other organizations like the ElectricPower Research Institute (EPRI) de�nes a distributedgeneration as the generation from a few kilowatts up

1. Department of Electronics and Information Engineering,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, P.O.Box 184-0012, Japan.

*. Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 18 July 2008; received in revised form 31 October 2008;accepted 29 December 2008

to 50 MW [3]. In general, DG means small scalegeneration.

There are a number of DG technologies availablein the market today and a few are still at the researchand development stage. Some currently availabletechnologies are: reciprocating engines, micro turbines,combustion gas turbines, fuel cells, photovoltaic sys-tems and wind turbines. Each of these technologieshas its own bene�ts and characteristics. Amongall DGs, diesel or gas reciprocating engines and gasturbines make up most of the capacity installed sofar. Simultaneously, new DG technology, like microturbines, is being introduced and older technology, likereciprocating engines, is being improved [1]. Fuel cellsare the technology of the future, however, there aresome prototype demonstration projects. The cost ofphotovoltaic systems is expected to fall continuouslyover the next decade. These statements obviouslyindicate that the future of power generation is DG.

The share of DGs in power systems has beenfast increasing in the last few years. According tothe CIGRE report [2], the contribution of DG inDenmark and the Netherlands has reached 37% and40%, respectively, as a result of the liberalization of thepower market in Europe. The EPRI study forecasts

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that 25% of the new generation will be distributedby 2010 and a similar study by the Natural GasFoundation believes that the share of DG in the newgeneration will be 30% by the year 2010 [4]. Thenumbers may vary as di�erent agencies de�ne DG indi�erent ways. However, with the Kyoto protocol putin place, where there will be a favorable market forDGs that are coming from \Green Technologies", theshare of DG will increase and there is no sign that itwill decrease in the near future. Moreover, the policyinitiatives to promote DG throughout the world alsoindicate that the number will grow rapidly. As thepenetration of DG in distribution systems increases, itis in the best interest of all players involved to allocateDG in such an optimal way that it will reduce systemlosses, hence improve the voltage pro�le.

Studies have indicated that inappropriate selec-tion of the location and size of DG may lead to greatersystem losses than losses without DG [5,6]. Utilitiesalready facing the problem of high power loss and poorvoltage pro�les cannot tolerate any increase in losses.By optimum allocation, utilities take advantage of areduction in system losses, improved voltage regulationand an improvement in the reliability of supply [5-7].It will also relieve the capacity of transmission anddistribution systems and hence defer new investmentswhich have a long lead-time.

DG could be considered as one of the most viableoptions to ease some of the problems (e.g. high loss,low reliability, poor power quality and congestion intransmission systems) faced by power systems, apartfrom meeting the energy demand of ever growing loads.In addition, the modular and small size of the DGwill facilitate the planner to install it in a shorter timeframe compared to the conventional solution. It wouldbe more bene�cial to install in a more decentralizedenvironment where there is a larger uncertainty indemand and supply. However, given the choices, theyneed to be placed in appropriate locations with suitablesizes. Therefore, analysis tools are needed to bedeveloped to examine locations and the sizing of suchDG installations.

The optimum DG allocation can be treated asoptimum active power compensations, like capacitorallocation for reactive power compensation. This papermodi�ed the economic dispatch method to determinethe optimum size and location of DG in the distributionnetwork. The power cost and rating limits of DG canbe taken into consideration. The proposed algorithmis suitable for the allocation of single or multiple DGsin a given distribution network.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Firsta brief review of the previous research on determiningDGs optimum size and location is presented. Then acomplete description of the proposed algorithm and a ow chart of the developed programs are o�ered. After

that, three di�erent size distribution systems used inthe paper are described, and results and discussionsare given. Finally, conclusions are presented.


DG allocation studies are relatively new, unlike ca-pacitor allocation. In [8,9], a power ow algorithmis presented to �nd the optimum DG size at eachload bus, assuming every load bus can have a DGsource. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) based methodto determine size and location is used in [10-12]. GA'sare suitable for multi-objective problems like DG allo-cation, and can give near optimal results, but they arecomputationally demanding and slow in convergence.Gri�n [6] uses a loss sensitivity factor method andNaresh [13] proposes an analytical method to determinethe optimal size and location of DG in distributionnetworks; these two methods are brie y described inthe following sections respectively.

Loss Sensitivity Factor Method

The loss sensitivity factor method is based on theprinciple of linearization of the original nonlinear equa-tion (loss equation) around the initial operating point,which helps to reduce the amount of solution space.The loss sensitivity factor method has been widelyused to solve the capacitor allocation problem. Itsapplication in DG allocation is new in the �eld andhas been reported in [6].

Loss SensitivityThe real power loss in a system is given by Equation 1.This is popularly referred to as the \exact loss" for-mula [14]:






cos(�i � �j); �ij =rijViVj

sin(�i � �j);

and rij + jxij = Zij are the ijth element of [Zbus].The sensitivity factor of real power loss with

respect to a real power injection from DG is given by:

�i =@PL@Pi

= 2NXi=1

(�ijPj � �ijQj): (2)

Sensitivity factors are evaluated at each bus, �rstly,using the value obtained from the base case power ow.

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The buses are ranked in descending order of the valuesof their sensitivity factors to form a priority list. Thetop-ranked buses in the priority list are the �rst to bestudied as alternative locations.

Priority ListThe sensitivity factor will reduce the solution spaceto a few buses, which constitute top ranking in thepriority list. The e�ect of the number of buses takenin priority will a�ect the optimum solution obtainedfor some systems. For each bus in the priority list,the DG is placed and the size of the DG is variedfrom minimum (0 MW) to a higher value until theminimum system losses are found with the DG size.The process is computationally demanding as a largeamount of load ow solution is needed, and this maynot determine exactly the size and location of the DG,as varying the size of the DG will be in steps.

Analytical Method for Optimal Size andLocation of DG

In [13], a new methodology is proposed to �nd theoptimum size and location of DG in the distributionsystem. This methodology requires load ow to becarried out only twice, once for the base case andonce at the end, with DG included, to obtain the �nalsolution.

Sizing at Various LocationsThe total power loss against injected power is aparabolic function and, at minimum losses, the rateof change of loss with respect to the injected powerbecomes zero [13]:


= 2NXi=1

(�ijPj � �ijQj) = 0: (3)

It follows that:

�iiPi � �ijQi +NX

j=1;j 6=i(�ijPj � �ijQj) = 0;

Pi =1�ii

24�iiQi +NX

j=1;j 6=i(�ijPj � �ijQj)

35 ; (4)

where Pi is the real power injection at node i which isthe di�erence between real power generation and realpower demand at that node:

Pi = (PDGi � PDi); (5)

where PDGi is the real power injection from DG placedat node i, and PDi is the load demand at node i. By

combining Equations 4 and 5, one can get Equation 6:


24�iiQi� NXj=1;j 6=i

(�ijPj��ijQj)35 :


Equation 6 gives the optimum size of DG for each busi, for the loss to be minimum. Any size of DG otherthan PDGi placed at bus i, will lead to higher loss. Thisloss, however, is a function of loss coe�cient � and �.When DG is installed in the system, the values of theloss coe�cients will change, as it depends on the statevariable voltage and angle; this is the disadvantage ofthis method. After DG is installed, the values of thevoltages and angles at all buses have signi�cant changesand this may lead to a high error in the optimal sizeobtained by Equation 6.


In our analysis, we consider the problem in generaland determine the optimal size and location of theDG, taking power losses and cost into considerationin addition to the available power rating limits of DG.

Mathematical Analysis of the ProposedAlgorithm

The fuel cost of the generator at bus i can be repre-sented as a quadratic function of real power generation(Pi) [15]:

ci = �i + �iPi + iP 2i ; (7)

where �i, �i and i are the cost coe�cients of generatori (� $/h, � $/MWh, $/MWh2).

If the power system contains N generators, thetotal cost is given by the following equation:

ct =NXi=1

Ci =NXi=1

�i + �iPi + iP 2i : (8)

The system losses are included in the optimizationprocess. One common practice for including the e�ectof losses is to express total system losses as a quadraticfunction of the generator power outputs. The simplestquadratic form is:

PL =NXi=1


PiBijPj : (9)

A more general formula, containing a linear and aconstant term, and referred to as Kron's formula is [15]:

PL =NXi=1


PiBijPj +NXi=1

B0iPi +B00: (10)

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The coe�cients Bij are called loss coe�cient or B-coe�cients.

The power output of any generator should not ex-ceed its rating, nor should it be below that necessary forstable operation. Thus, the generations are restrictedto lie within given minimum and maximum limits.

The optimization process aims to minimize theoverall generating cost, Ct, given by Equation 8,subject to the constraint that generation should beequal to total demands (PD) plus losses (PL):


Pi = PD + PL: (11)

Also, satisfying the inequality constraints of generators,the power limit is expressed as follows:

Pi(min) � Pi � Pi(max); i = 1; 2; � � � ; N; (12)

where Pi(min) and Pi(max) are the minimum and maxi-mum generating limits, respectively, for generator i.

Using the Lagrange multiplier and adding addi-tional terms to include the inequality constraints, weobtain [15]:

L = Ct + �

PD + PL �





�i(max)(Pi � Pi(max))


�i(min)(Pi � Pi(min)); (13)


�: is the incremental power cost,�i(min): is the factor which takes the minimum

generation power limit of generator i,�i(max): is the factor to take the maximum

generation power limit of generator i.

The minimum of this unconstrained function isfound at the point where the partials of the function toits variable are zero:


= 0; (14)


= 0; (15)


= Pi � Pi(max) = 0; (16)


= Pi � Pi(min) = 0: (17)

Equations 16 and 17 imply that Pi should not beallowed to go beyond its limits, and when Pi is withinits limits, then �i(min) = �i(max) = 0. The �rstcondition given by Equation 14 results in:


+ ��

0 +@PL@Pi

� 1�

= 0: (18)


Ct = C1 + C2 + � � �+ CN :




: (19)

And therefore the condition for optimum dispatch is:


+ �@PL@Pi

= �; i = 1; 2; � � � ; N: (20)

The second condition given by Equation 15 results inEquation 21:


Pi = PD + PL: (21)

Equation 20 can be rearranged as: 1

1� @PL@Pi


= �; i = 1; 2; � � � � � � ; N: (22)

The incremental power losses are obtained from theloss formula given by Equation 10 and results inEquation 23:


= 2NXj=1

BijPj +B0i: (23)

Substituting Equation 23 in Equation 20 results inEquation 24:� i


�Pi +

NXj=1j 6=i

BijPi =12

�1�B0i � Bi


Extending Equation 24 to all generators results in thefollowing linear equations in matrix form:2664

1� +B11 B12 � � � B1NB21

2� +B22 � � � B2N� � � � � � � � � � � �

BN1 BN2 � � � N� +BNN

37752664P1P2� � �PN



2664 1�B01 � B1�

1�B02 � B2�� � �

1�B0N � BN�

3775 ; (25)

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or in short form:

EP = D: (26)

To �nd the optimal for an estimated value of �(1)

(Initial value of the incremental power cost), thesimultaneous linear equation given by Equation 25 issolved. Then, the iterative process is continued usingthe gradient method [15]. To do this, from Equation 24,Pi at the kth iteration is expressed as:

P (k)i =

�(k)(1�B0i)� �i � 2�(k)NPj=1j 6=i


2( i + �(k)Bii): (27)

Substituting for Pi from Equation 27 in Equation 11results in Equation 28:


�(k)(1�B0i)��i�2�(k)Pj 6=i


2( i + �(k)Bii)=PD+P (k)

L ;(28)


f(�)(k) = PD + P (k)L : (29)

Expanding the left-hand side of Equation 29 in the Tay-lor series about an operating point, �(k), and neglectingthe higher-order terms results in Equation 30:

f(�)(k) +�df(�)d�


��(k) = PD + P (k)L ; (30)


��(k) =�P (k)�df(�)d�

�(k) =�P (k)P�dPid�

�(k) ; (31)






i(1�B0i)+Bii�i�2 iPj 6=i


2( i + �(k)Bii)2 ;(32)

and, therefore:

�(k+1) = �(k) + ��(k); (33)


�P (k) = PD + P (k)L �


P (k)i : (34)

The process is continued until �P (k) is less than aspeci�ed accuracy.

A program named \Bloss" is developed for com-putation of the B-coe�cient. This program requires

the power ow solution. Another program called the\dispatch" of the generation is developed and this pro-gram produces a variable named \dpslack". This is thedi�erence (absolute value) between the scheduled slackgeneration determined from the coordination equation,and the slack generation obtained from the power ow solution. A power ow solution obtained withthe new scheduling of generation results in new losscoe�cients, which can be used to solve the coordinationequation again. This process can be continued until\dpslack" is within a speci�ed tolerance ("). This canbe explained in the ow chart in Figure 1. The resultof this method is more accurate than the two methodsdescribed previously, because during each load owcalculation, the losses coe�cients are updated for thenew generation dispatch. Also, another advantage ofthe proposed algorithm is that the DG power limitsare taken into consideration.


The proposed algorithm is tested on three di�erenttest systems with di�erent sizes to show that it canbe implemented in distribution systems of various con-�gurations and sizes. The �rst system (25-KV IEEE-6-bus systems) is shown in Figure 2 [16], which can beconsidered as a subtransmission/distribution system,which was applied to verify the algorithm describedpreviously. The parameters of this system are givenin [16]. The second test system is a part of the IEEE30-bus system, as shown in Figure 3, which can beconsidered as a meshed transmission/subtransmission

Figure 1. Flow chart of the used and developedprograms.

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system. The system has 30 buses (mainly 132 and33 KV buses) and 41 lines. Only 18 buses of thissystem is taken into consideration, so that this systemis considered as an 18-bus system. The system busdata and line parameters are given in [15,16]. The thirdtest system is a 30-bus distribution system, as depictedin Figure 4. The parameters of the system are foundin [17].

A computer program has been written in MAT-LAB 7.2 to calculate the optimum sizes of the DG at

Figure 2. One-line diagram of 6-bus system.

Figure 3. IEEE 30-bus test system.

Figure 4. One line diagram of 30-bus system.

various buses and power losses, with the DG at di�erentlocations to identify the best location. A Newton-Raphson algorithm based load ow program is usedto solve the load ow problem.


Sizes Allocation

In our calculation, the optimum size and optimumlocation are determined based on minimizing powerlosses only. If the DG exists in a competitive market,the optimum size and location can be determined basedon cost, loss minimizing and available ratings. Basedon the algorithm described before, the optimum sizesof DG are calculated at various nodes for the three testsystems. Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the optimum sizes ofDG at various nodes for 6-, 18- and 30-bus distributionsystems, respectively.

As far as one location is concerned, in a distribu-

Figure 5. Optimal size of DG for 6-bus system.

Figure 6. Optimal size of DG for 18-bus system.

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Minimizing Power Losses in a Primary Distribution Network 143

Figure 7. Optimal size of DG for 30-bus system.

tion test system, the corresponding �gure would givethe value of the DG size to have a \possible minimum"total loss.

Any regulatory body can use this as a look-uptable for restricting the sizes of DG for minimizing totalpower losses in the system.

In the 6-bus distribution test system, the opti-mum sizes ranging from 10.72 MW to 11.98 MW areshown in Figure 5. For the 18-bus test system, theoptimum size of DG is varied between 30 MW to 65MW. The range of DG size for the 30-bus test systemat various locations varied from 0.244 MW to 15.888MW, however, it is important to identify the locationwhere total power loss is at a minimum. This can beidenti�ed with the help of power losses calculated ineach case.

Optimal Location Selection

Figures 8, 9 and 10 show total power losses for 6-bus, 18-bus and 30-bus test systems, respectively, withoptimum DG sizes obtained at various nodes of therespective systems. For each system, the best locationcan be determined directly from the loss �gures (thebus corresponds to minimum losses).

For the 6-bus system, the best (optimum) locationof the DG is bus 3 where total power losses are reducedto 0.1195 MW as depicted in Figure 8. The second bestlocation is bus 4 where total power losses are 0.20106MW. Each value of the losses is shown in Figure 8 andits corresponding optimum size is shown in Figure 5.For example, if the proposed DG is inserted at bus 2,the size of the DG and total system losses will be11.2897 and 0.331595 MW, respectively, while if theproposed DG is inserted at bus 3, the size of the DGand total system losses will be 11.9663 and 0.1195 MW,respectively, and so on for other buses from 4 to 6.In all cases, only one DG inserted at a certain bus

Figure 8. Total power losses for 6-bus system.

Figure 9. Total power losses for 18-bus system.

Figure 10. Total power losses for 30-bus distributionsystem.

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and at optimum size is calculated for active power lossminimization. After calculating the optimum size ofthe DG inserted at each bus individual, we look to thetotal results �gure (like a map) and the least losses busin the map (bus 3 in Figure 8), represents the optimumlocation of the proposed DG; its size can be obtainedfrom Figure 5. The same is correct for the other twostudied systems. In the 18-bus system, the optimumbus is bus 10 where total system losses are equal to 2.96MW as shown in Figure 9. The corresponding optimumsize of DG is 58.1905 MW, as shown in Figure 6. Thesecond optimum location is bus 11 which correspondsto 3 MW power losses and a 57.5207 MW optimumsize, as shown in Figures 9 and 6, respectively. In the30-bus distribution test system, the best location isbus 12 with a total power loss of 0.312551 MW and4.5342 MW optimum sizes as shown in Figures 10 and7, respectively. The second best location is bus 11 withslightly higher total power losses as shown in Figure 10;its corresponding size is shown in Figure 7.


The size and location of DGs are crucial factors in theapplication of DG for loss minimization. This paperproposes an algorithm and develops two programs tocalculate the optimum size of DG at various buses ofthe distribution system for minimizing power losses inthe primary distribution network. The bene�t of theproposed algorithm for size calculation is that a look-up table can be created and used to restrict the sizeof the DG at di�erent buses of the distribution system.The proposed algorithm is more accurate than previousmethods and can identify the best location for singleor multiple DG placements in order to minimize totalpower losses. The proposed method can be used todetermine the optimum size and location of DG, takinginto consideration the power cost and available powerrating of DGs. The proposed method is applied tothree test distribution systems. Results proved thatthe optimal size and location of a DG can save a hugeamount of power. For the �rst test system, power lossesare reduced from 0.5 MW to 0.11 MW. In the secondtest system, losses are reduced from 13.5 MW to 2.96MW, while in the third test system, losses are reducedfrom 2.5 MW to 0.31 MW. In practice, the choice ofthe best site may not be always possible due to manyconstraints, however, the analysis here showed that thelosses arising from di�erent placement varies greatlyand hence this factor must be taken into considerationwhen determining an appropriate location.


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