optical fm system for measuring mechanical shock · dumper mirror polarizing ... have been obtained...

JO URNA L O F RESEA RCH of the Not ional Bureau of St a ndards - C. Engineering and Instrumentotion Vol. 73C, N os . 3 & 4, Ju ly-Sep temb er 1969 Optical FM System for Measuring Mechanical Shock L. D. Ballard and W. S. Epstein, Institute for Basic Standards , National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 E. R. Smith, Harry Diamond Laboratories, U. S. Army Materiel Command, Washington, D.C., 2043B and S. Edelman Institute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 (August 13, 1969) A t ec hniqu e is d esc ribed for ca librating shock acce lero meters by meas uring th e Dopp l er shift in li ght frequency produ ce d by th e change in veloc it y of a t a rget. Th e employs a qu a dr atu re interferometer and a s ln gle·s ld eband ca rn er In se rtIon C Jl Clllt to d,st,ng UI sh betw ee n positive and tive velociti es . Key words: Acce lerometer; ca libration; Doppler: interferomet er; la se r; shock meas uring ; single- s id eba nd. 1. Introduction Shock loading may be one of the most d es tru ctive or most bene fi cial environme nt s enco unt ere d by mec hanical systems. Th e dam age to s tru ctu res by s udd en lo ad s, such as produ ce d by the collision of obj ec t s, is famili ar. Th e for min g of mat e ri als i nt o d es ired s hap es by forging or explos iv e formin g t ec h- niqu es are exampl es of d es ir able effec ts of controlled impa ct, or shock loa din g. Th ere is a demons trat ed ne ed to meas ur e shoc k loads a cc urately over a wide range of amplitudes and wave forms. The design of structures to withstand such loads and the efficient use of energy for forming ma- terials are only two of the more obvious benefits of a knowledge of shock loadings and their effects. On e of the proble ms in measureing mechanical shock has been the inability to c alibrat e sho ck meas- uring systems absolutely exce pt by subj ec ting them to int en se, steady s tat e, s inu soidal mo ti on at a few dis- crete fr e qu enci es . Su ch calibrations ar e inh erently suspec t bec ause they ar e not c hara cte ri s ti c of the environment to be meas ur ed, and t ra ns du ce rs are fre qu ently dama ge d durin g such t es ts. Sinusoidal calibrations of thi s natur e o ffer the added difficulty that the t es ts ar e very time consuming and e xp ensive. Sho ck measuring tran sdu ce rs can also be c alibrated by measuring lump ed r es ponse int eg rat ed over the 75 total energy spec trum with no att e mpt to dete rmin e r es pon se as a fun ction of fre qu ency. An e xampl e of this type of calibration is a pea k value calib ra ti on where the transd uce r is subj ected to a shock in pu t and cali - brated as to th e p ea k rea ding obt ained. The calibra- tio n comes from eith er a reference tra ns du cer or com- puted accelera ti ons via measuring velocity chan ges over finite ti me inter vals. There is a need for a fast, acc ur ate and absolute method fo r calibr a ti ng shock meas uring sys tems un der condit ions closely simulating th ose enco unt ered in act ual u se l1 -7 J. 1 2. Shock Measuring System An interferome ter system has been devised to pro- vide an absolute calibration facility for measuring shock induced motion. Thi s system produc es an elec- trical signal that is dire ctly proportional to th e velocity of the moving eleme nt being studied. Thi s signal ca n be processe d, analyzed and co mpar ed to the signal from a trans du ce r that is subj ec ted to the sa me motion. Th e system has the foll owing adva nt ages: (1) it is a system completely indepe nd e nt of the transducer, (2) it is based on the Doppler shift of light frequency de- tec ted by a moving int e rfe rometric fringe pattern , a phenomenon that is known to be linear with velocities I F'i ),!llr es ill br ac kets indi ca te th e lit e ra ture references at the end of this paper.

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JO URNAL OF RESEA RCH of the Notional Bureau of Sta ndards - C. Engineering and Instrumentotion

Vol. 73C, Nos. 3 & 4, Ju ly-September 1969

Optical FM System for Measuring Mechanical Shock

L. D. Ballard and W. S. Epstein,

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

E. R. Smith,

Harry Diamond Laboratories, U.S. Army Materiel Command, Washington, D.C., 2043B


S. Edelman

Institute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(August 13, 1969)

A techniqu e is described for ca libra ting shoc k acce lero mete rs by measuring the Doppler s hift in li ght freque ncy produced by the c ha nge in ve loc it y of a t a rget. The sys t~ m employs a quadratu re l a~e~ int e rfe romete r a nd a s ln gle·s lde band carn er In se rtIon CJl Clllt to d,s t,ngUI sh be tween pos itive and ne~a tive ve locities .

Key wo rds: Accele romete r ; ca libration; Dopple r: inte rfe rometer; lase r ; shock measuring; s ingle­s ideband.

1. Introduction

Shoc k loading may be one of the most destructive or mos t beneficial e nvironments e ncountered by mechanical sys te ms. The damage to structures by sudde n loads, such as produ ced by the colli sion of objec ts, is famili ar. The for min g of materi als into des ired shapes by forging or explosive forming tech­niques are examples of desira ble effects of controlled impact, or shoc k loadin g.

There is a de monstrated need to measure shock load s accurately over a wide range of amplitudes and wave form s. The design of structures to withstand such loads a nd the efficient use of energy for forming ma­terials are only two of the more obvious benefits of a knowledge of shock loadings and their effects.

On e of the problems in measureing mechanical shock has been the inability to calibrate shock meas­uring syste ms absolutely exce pt by subjecting them to inte nse, steady state, sinusoid al moti on at a few dis­crete freque ncies. Such calibrations are inherently suspec t becau se the y are not characteri s ti c of the e nvironm e nt to be measured , a nd tra nsducers are frequently damaged during such tes ts. Sinusoidal calibration s of thi s nature offer the added difficulty that the tes ts are very time con sumin g and expensive.

Shoc k measuring transdu cers can also be calibrated by measuring lumped res ponse integrated over the


total energy s pec trum with no attempt to determine res ponse as a fun ction of freque ncy. An example of thi s type of calibration is a peak value calibration where the transducer is subjected to a s hock in put and cali ­brated as to the peak reading obtained. T he calib ra­tion comes from either a reference transducer or com­puted accelerations via measuring velocity changes over finite ti me intervals. There is a need for a fas t , accurate a nd absol ute me thod for calibrati ng shock measuring sys te ms under conditions closely sim ula ting those e ncountered in actual use l1-7 J. 1

2. Shock Measuring System

An interferome ter system has been devised to pro­vide an absolute calibration facility for measuring shock induced motion. This system produces an elec­trical signal that is directly proportional to the velocity of the moving ele ment being studied. This signal can be processed, an alyzed and compared to the signal from a tran sducer that is subj ec ted to the same motion. The syste m has the followin g ad vantages: (1) it is a sys te m co mpletely in de pende nt of the transducer, (2) it is based on the Dopple r shift of light frequency de­tec ted by a moving interferometric fringe pattern , a phe nome non that is known to be linear with velocities

I F'i),!llres ill brac ket s indica te the lit e ra ture re fe re nces a t th e end of thi s pa per.

in the range of the mechanical shock spectrum, (3) it is capable of measuring actual shock motion having a wide range of amplitudes and rich in frequen cy con­tent, and (4) the res ultin g signal can be rapidly and acc urately a nalyzed by known methods and techniques [8J-

2.1. Theory

The moving reflector of an optical interferometer is attached to the object whose motion is to be measured_ A narrow section of the fringe pattern is viewed by a photodetector; if the interferometer plates are un­coated the photodetector output is [9].

El=A+Eo sin [k(.5+20]

E 1 = output voltage

Eo= signal out, dependent upon light intensity

A = d-c term


A= wavelength of monoc hromatic light


.5 = average optical separation between interfering

light beams

g = displacement of reflector

If we had, instead of eq (1)

E 2 = A + Eosin [wt + k (.5 + 20 ] (2)

w = carrier frequency

which is a frequency modulated wave [10], the velocity




of the reflector could be obtained by demodulation. The output of a demodulator is proportional to the instan­taneous frequency deviation and the instantaneous frequency in eq (2) is

Therefore, the instantaneous frequency will define what the instantaneous velocity is. Equation (3) could have been obtained by direct application of doppler shift equation [11].

If El in eq (1) were demodulated directly , or even after up-conversion of the frequencies , the sign of the output would be ambiguous. The problem is therefore to insert a carrier into EI of eq (1) and convert it to E2 of eq (2).

2.2. Description

The interferometer used in the present work is a commercial model shown schematically in figure 1. It is a modified Michelson type , illuminated by a single­frequency He-Ne laser so that long path differences are possible_ The moving retroreflec tor is a corner cube for the usual reasons. The interfering beams are circularly polarized so that by use of a beam splitter and analyzers , followed by two photodetectors , two electrical outputs in phase quadrature are obtained. The original purpose of this arrangement is for fringe counting [12]. The instrument has internal preampli­fiers of bandwidth DC to 500 kHz; for higher velocity external preamplifiers of bandwidth 20 Hz to 60 MHz were used.

If one output is described by eq (1), which we re­write , dropping the constant A and replacing k (.5+2g)







: -b- A r-----




>-_----:-I_~ ___ ____=:B__1 TO VELOCITY I I

-------------------------~ I FRINGE

Ad =!" 2.

FIGURE 1. Schematic , laser interferometer.


by x, as E.-I= C sin x

the n the other is EJj = C cos x.

Th e s ignal Ell is multiplied , in a balan ced mixer by th e output D s in wt of a local osc ill a tor, givin g

CD s in wt cos x, (4)

and E.-I is multipli ed , in another bala nced mixer , by D cos wt , givin g,

CD cos wt s in kt (5)

the outputs (4) and (5) are added in a s uitable circuit to give

CD sin (wt+x) =CD sin [wt+k(o+2g)] (6)

whi ch is the frequency·modulated wave of eq (2). As already ex plained , de modulation of thi s wave yields an output proportional to the veloc ity of the re Aector.

Th e a bove meth od is similar to the ph ase-shift method of s ingle-side ba nd generation [13J with th e distinc t diffe re nce that the s ignal phase shift is pro­duced op ti cally.

The s in gle-s id eba nd circ uit was asse mbled from off-the-sh elf hardware of balan ced mixers , quadrature hybrid , FM de modula tor and carri e r' oscill ator. The carrier used in thi s case is 60 MHz. Th e signal is demodulated by a co nve ntional FM di sc riminator, and the res ulting s ignal can be analyzed by either digital or analog techniques.

Th e system can be readily calibrated by subjectin g the moving element to steady state sinusoidal motion. One tec hnique that has been used involves counting int erfere nce fringes over a known time interval. Ave rage and peak velocities can then be computed for th e frequ ency of vibration . Other methods for calibra ting the sys te m, s uc h as th e Crosby method for de terminin g pea k FM s wing, co uld al so be used. [14, 15, 161 Inh e re nt in th e sys te m is a poss ible means of c heckin g th e calibrat ion fac tor durin g th e co urse of eac h ex pe rim e nt. Th e calibra tion fac tor can be de termined by co mpa ri so n of the ave rage ve loc ity over a known tim e inte rval , during whi ch th ere are no ve locity re versals , with th e average di sc rimin ator output over the same interval. The form el' is the displace ment , determined from a fringe count, divided by the time interval.

3. Performance

To obtain data an accelerometer was attached direc tly to th e face of a corner c ube re troreAector. Th e accele rometer was s mall enough to fit in a quad­ra nt of th e corn e r cube so as not to interfe re with the lase r beams. Th e· mov ing corn e r c ube of th e inte r­feromete r was mounted on the tab le of a n elec tro­dyna mi c s ha ke r. The input signal to th e shaker was a sin gle s in e pulse (301 Hz) re pea ted a t a ra te of 75 .3 Hz. Qualitative co mpari sons of s ignals obtain ed from variou s s ubsys te ms can be made from fi gures 2a, b , and c. Fi gure 2a shows the signals from the di scrimin ator of the interferometer sys te m and fro m the accele romete r. Figure 2a shows the signals from

FrGURE 2 . Simultaneous signals from shock motion measuring system. a. Disc ri mi na tor ve r SlI S acce le rometer. h. di scriminat or versus ve locit y coil. c. diffe re ntiated disc riminator vers us acce le rometer.


the discriminator of the interferometer system and from the accelero meter. Figure 2b shows the signals from th e discriminator and from the velocity coil of the shaker. Figure 2c shows the differentiated output of the discriminator and the output of the acceler­ometer. The two outputs shown in figure 2c were fed to a frequency analyzer and the results plotted on an X-Y plotter. The measured peaks of response are shown in table 1. The calibration factors were arbi­trary and the results are only meaningfu) when compared to each other as shown in th e percent deviation column. The differences in- harmonic rela­tionships of the frequencies are due to errors in determining the frequency at a point in a logarithmic sweep.

TABLE 1. Comparison between accelerometer and differentiated discriminator output spectrum due to repetitive sine pulse

Accelerometer Frequency Differentiated Accelerometer b output deviation

disc ri m inator b from discrimi · nator output a

Hz Units Units Percent 76.5 4.50 4.63 +3 .6

151 8.23 8.18 0.0 225 7.76 7.75 +.5 301 7.41 7.45 + 1.2 376 6.46 6.72 +4.6

2104 6.02 5.75 -3.8

a Normalized to maximum discrimin"ator amplitude rccoreed at 151 Hz. h Amplitude as measured on a X -Y plott er.

4. Other Applications

The development of this system was oriented to­wards motion with large velocities and displacements. If the emphasis is changed from detecting frequency to detecting phase modulation , it is feasible to measure fractional parts of a fringe displacement. [17] This approach is not limited to a laser as an electromagnetic radiation source; any coherent source will do, such as radar.

5. Summary

A sys tem has been described that is capable of sensing mechanical shock induced motion and pro­viding a signal that is proportional to the velocity of the motion. The sys tem makes use of the Doppler shift in light frequency, a phenomenon that is known to be linear with amplitude and frequency of motion. The information output is a variable frequency thereby minimizing the linearity requirements for electronic components other than the discriminator. The syste m can be readily calibrated by use of steady s tate sinusoi­dal motion. The information is available in a form that can be analyzed by known methods and techniques.


The authors wish to express their appreciation tor the financial support received from:

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Sandia Corporation Albuquerque, New Mexico AL-67-421,

U.S. Army Missile Command U.S. Army Metrology and Calibration Center Redstone Arsenal , Alabama YP-369,

Naval Ordnance System Command Naval Plant Representative Metrology Engineering Center Pomona, California 4355/N1(N69-35).

6. References

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[2] Bouche, R. R. , The absolute calibration of pickups on a drop· ball shock machine of the ballistic type, Proc. Ins!. Environ· mental Sci. , 115 (1961).

[3) Ramboz, J. D., and Blanchard, C A. , Report No. ESEE08, Endevco 2965 Shock Calibrator, Metrology Engineering Center Naval Plant Representative, Pomona, California; Private Communication.

[4) Burke, R. G. , Improved velocity measurement techniques for the shock calibration of accelerome ters, Proc. Ins!. of En· vironmental Sci. (1963).

[5) Kelley, R. W. , Calibration of , hock accelerometers, Proc. 22nd ISA Conf., M18-2-MESTIND-{)7, In st. Soc. Am. (1967).

[6) Levy, S., and Kroll , W. D. , Res pon se of accelerometers to transient accelerations, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 45, No.4, 303 (1950) RP2138.

[7) Bundy, D. E., The calibration of transducers for use in high intensity shock measurement , Tec hnical Note W.C 56, Royal Airc raft Establishment , Ministry of Aviation, London W.C 2, England , March 1964, AD-449463.

[8) IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, AU-IS No.2, June 1967, Special Issue on Fast Fourier Transform and Its Application to Digital Filtering and Spectral Analysis.

[9) Schmidt, V. A., Edelman, S., Smith, E. R., and Jones, E., Optical calibration of vibration pickups at small amplitudes, J. Acou s. Soc. Am. 33, 748 (1961).

[101 Hund , A. , in the book Frequency Modulat ion , Eq. 10, p. 16, McGraw·Hill Book Co. , New York (1942).

[ll] T. P. Gill, in the book The Doppler Effect, Chapter 5 (Academic Press , New York, 1965).

[12) Rowley, W. R. C , Some aspects of fringe counting in laser interferometers, IEEE , Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1m-IS, No.4, 146 (1966).

[13] Norgaard , D. E., The Phase·Shift Method of Single-Sideband Signal Generation , P roceedings of the IEEE , 44 , No. 12, 1718 (1956).

[14) Hund , A., ibid., p. 86. [15) Smith , D. H. , Method for Obtaining Small Mechanical Vibra·

tions of Known Amplitude, Proc. Phy. Soc. (London) 57, 534 (1945).

[16] Ziegler, C A., Electromechanical Pic kup Calibration by the Interferometer Method, J. Acous. Soc. Am. 25, 135 (1953).

[17] von Willisen, F. K., Time resolved photoelectric interferometry of very high phase resolution, Oral Presentation at 1968 Spring Meeting Optical Soc. Am.

(paper 73C3&4-291)