optic cables

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  • 7/25/2019 Optic Cables


    Documents which are related to the object of procurement:

    a. Authorisations

    1. For LOT 1 authorisation by the producer for the following material: insertive optic cable

    and self-supporting optic cable.f the authorisation has been issued by the distributer of

    the ob!ect of procurement" it is neccessary to submit the proof that the distributer isauthorised for the sales of that material. The document has to be written in one of the

    official languages in #$ or translated by an authorised court interpreter in one of the

    official languages in #$ and addressed to this tender.f the bidder is simultaneously the

    producer of the e%uipment which is the ob!ect of the tender" he is obliged to submit the

    original statement under penalty of per!ury" which serves as a statement that he is the

    producer of the material in %uestion.

    &. For LOT '. Authorisation by the producer for the following material: free standing optical

    distribution frame O(F. f the authorisation has been issued by the distributer of the

    ob!ect of procurement" it is neccessary to submit the proof that the distributer is authorisedfor the sales of that material. The document has to be written in one of the official

    languages in #$ or translated by an authorised court interpreter in one of the official

    languages in #$ and addressed to this tender. f the bidder is simultaneously the

    producer of the e%uipment which is the ob!ect of the tender" he is obliged to submit the

    original statement under penalty of per!ury" which serves as a statement that he is the

    producer of the material in %uestion.

    )tandards and attestation:The offered material must meet the standards given in the technical

    specification *+hapter &," which is proved by the technical documentation of the producer of

    the material.

    The biddersupplierneeds to submit the following attestations:

    . For Lot 1 it is neccessary to submit the attestation that the optic fibre is in

    accordance with the recommendation T/-T 0. 2&.(.

    . For Lot ' it is neccessary to submit the attestation that the 33free standing optical

    distribution frame O(F meets the re%uirements of the recommendation at a

    minimum 4 25 *6+ 2&7, and that it meets the conditions of the recommendation

    819 *6 &&&,.

    As far as the technical and professional competencies are concerned" the suppliers must fulfill the

    following minimum re%uirements:

    1, A successful e;perience in the realisation:

    &, For LOT 1 at least one *1, contract *minimum of &99.999"99 8

  • 7/25/2019 Optic Cables


    2.1. General characteristics of the cable for Lot 1.

    .1.1 0eneral characteristics of the cable

    Optic cables are cables which are intended for the construction of FTT$ accessible

    networ>s" ''loose tube''construction with the element for enforcement which has been

    produced from strengthened plastics *the central element or more elements

    incorporated in cable coating), with the fibers protected in the cladding.The cables are

    in the dry performance" i.e. the cable must not be filled with gel filling neither

    between the tubes not within the tubes. $umidity penetration between the tubes is

    prevented by water swellable tape, and inside the tubes by water swellable powder.

    The cable must be made without the usage of metal elements and protected with

    46$( claddingcoating so that it can be directly put into ground and in the cable


    .1.& The capacity and the construction of the cable

    .1.&.1The cable with the capacity of two fibres needs to have one cladding with two fibres

    or two claddings with one fibre. The supplier must clearly signify the order of coloursof the claddings and fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All

    fibers and claddings must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode,

    optic fibers and their characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T

    recommendation 0.2&.(. *2 claddings with 1fibre ? & fibers or 1 cladding with&

    fibers ? 2 fibers).

    II.1.2.2 The cable with the capacity of 4 fibers needs to have two claddings with two

    fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the claddings and

    fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and claddings

    must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their

    characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (2

    claddings with 2 fibres = 4 fibers).

    II.1.2.3 The cable with the capacity of fibers needs to have four claddings with two

    fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the claddings and

    fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and claddings

    must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their

    characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (4

    claddings with 2 fibres = fibers).

    II.1.2.4 The cable with the capacity of 24 fibers needs to have & claddings with twelve

    fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the claddings andfibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and claddings

    must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their

    characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (2

    claddings with 12 fibres = 24 fibers).

    II.1.2.! The cable with the capacity of "2 fibers needs to have si; claddings with

    twelve fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the claddings

    and fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and claddings

    must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their

    characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (#

    claddings with 12 fibres = "2 fibers).II.1.2.# The cable with the capacity of $# fibers needs to have eight claddings with

    twelve fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the claddings

    and fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and claddings

  • 7/25/2019 Optic Cables


    must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their

    characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (

    claddings with 12 fibres = 144 fibers).

    II.1.2." The cable with the capacity of 21# fibers needs to have eightteen claddings

    with twelve fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the

    claddings and fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and

    claddings must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers

    and their characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(.

    (1 claddings with 12 fibres = 21# fibers).

    II.1.2. The cable with the capacity of 2 fibers needs to have twenty-four claddings

    with twelve fibres. The supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the

    claddings and fibres in the offer" as well as with all the delivered cables. All fibers and

    claddings must be different colours. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers

    and their characteristics must be in accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(.

    (24 claddings with 12 fibres = 2 fibers).II.1.2.$ The cable with the capacity of 432 fibers needs to have thirty-si; claddings

    with twelve fibres. (ue to the larger number of claddings" they can be organised into

    several sheaves(e.g. ' sheaveswith 1& claddings,. The supplier must clearly signify

    the order of colours of the claddings and fibres in the offer" as well as with all the

    delivered cables. All fibers and claddings must be different colours. The fibers will be

    )< *single mode, optic fibers and their characteristics must be in accordance with

    T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (3 shea%es of 12 claddings with 12 fibres = 432


    ote: The defined n&'ber of fibres er cladding is obligator.

    .1.' The mechanical characteristics of the cable

    The mechanical characteristics of cables must be in accordance with 6+ 9@75-1-&

    standards given in Table &.

    Table 2.1: The mechanical characteristics of the cable



    Test Standard


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    well as corroboratethe given data with the technical documentation by the e%uipment


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    Table 2.2. ITU-T recommendation G.652.D

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    ote: If the s&lier in his bid offers a cable b the rod&cer who is not the rod&cer of the

    otic fibre, then the s&lier is obliged to state the rod&cer of the otic fibre in his offer.

    .1.2 s on the cable and the pac>aging

    .1.2.1s should be written all along the cable !ac>et of the cable with the optic fibres.The mar>s should be clearly visible. The following mar>s should be impressed in the

    outer !ac>et:

    The name of the producer

    #$ T6L6+O< d.d. )A=AB6CO

    The type and the capacity of the cableD for e;ample )< 5E 0.2&.(

    The year of productionD

    The mar> of the length in intervals of 1m with the allowed deviation of 1G.

    &.1.2.& The printing procedure must not reduce the dimensions of the outer !ac>et. The colour used

    for printing must be easily recognisable" it must adhere to the cable !ac>et and be resistable to the

    environmental influence during the setting and e;ploatation of the cable.

    &.1.2.' The delivered cable should be wound on a drumso that the both cable endings are free" so that

    the testing of the cable could be conducted. The length of these endings should be 1"2 m for each" and

    it should not be calculated into the length of the cable which is delivered on the drum.

    &.1.2.5 The length of the cable for delivery per one drumshould be 5999m199m for optic cables of

    the capacity: &" 5" '" @&" 155" &1 and &EE fibres" and 1999m29m per one drum for the optic

    cable of the capacity of 5'& fibres.

    &.1. The construction and colour of fibres and the cable

    &.1..1 The supplier most give the order of colours of claddings and fibres with the delivered


    &.1..& dentification scheme of fibres should be in accordance with 6ATA-27E standard"

    33Optical Fiber +olor +oding33" i.e. according to the Table &.'.

    Table 2.3: EIA/TIA-598 standard or o!tical "ber color codin#

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    2.2 *+I*L otical cable

    &.&.1 0eneral characteristics of the aerial optic cable

    The optic cable which is used as aerial for installationon poles should have the ability to master the

    distance between poles up to 29m. t should be fle;ible and non-metallic. t is neccessary to

    strengthen the part of the cable with fibres with e.g.: two non-metallic strengthened elements which

    are diametrically opposed *Figure &.1, and which go with tubes with fibres or with one central

    strength member *Figure &.&," with the aim of achieving the mechanical characteristics of the cable

    and overcoming the re%uired distances. The fibers must be protected in the cladding. $umidity

    penetration in the tubes is prevented by the usage of dry filling e.g. water swelling tape" whilehumidity penetration inside the tube can be prevented using any water-bloc>ing filling.

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    Fig. &.1. 6;ample of charachteristics aerial fiber optical cable with the capacity &. or 5. fibers.

    Fig. &.&. 6;ample of charachteristics aerial fiber optical cable with the capacity &5. fibers

    &.&.& The capacity and the construction of the cable

    &.&.&.1 The cable with the capacity of 2 fibers needs to have one cladding with two fibres. The

    supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the fibres in the offer. All fibers must be different

    colour. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their characteristics must be in

    accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (1 cladding with 2 fibres = 2 fibers).

    &.&.&.& The cable with the capacity of fibers needs to have one cladding with eight fibres. The

    supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the fibres in the offer. All fibers must be different

    colour. The fibers will be )< *single mode, optic fibers and their characteristics must be in

    accordance with T/-T recommendation 0.2&.(. (1 cladding with fibres = fibers).

    &.&.&.' The cable with the capacity of 24 fibers needs to have two claddings with twelve fibres. The

    supplier must clearly signify the order of colours of the claddings and fibres in the offer" as well as

    with all delivered cables. All fibers and all claddings must be different colours. The fibers will be )s on the cable and the pac>aging must be in accordance with &.1.2.

    &.&.2 The length of the cable for delivery per one drumshould be &999m 199m.

    &.&. The colour of the cable !ac>et should be blac>.

    &.&.@ The cable !ac>etmust be /C resistant.

    &.&.E The weight of the cable must be H 199 >g>m.

    &.&.7 The supplier must give the order of colours of claddings and fibres with the delivered cables.

    &.&.19 The identification scheme of fibres should be in accordance with 6ATA-27E standard"

    33Optical Fiber +able +olor +oding33" i.e. according to the Table &.&.

    &.&.11 6%uipment for hanging should have brac>ets and clamps for easy installation. The number of

    pieces of e%uipment of hanging to be delivered is one set for every 29 m length of the supplied

    cable. *ote: This refers to the supplied cable with the capacity of E and &5 fibres,. The set includes

    the brac>et and clamps with all the necessary material for the hoo>ing of the cable to a standard

    phone wooden post.

    2.3 -tic cable rotecti%e colos&re

    &.'.1 0eneral characteristics

    &.'.1.1 The closure is intended for the e;ternal installation for the capacities specified in the Anne;.

    The table of specification of materials and e%uipment. t will ensure complete protection of optic

    fibre connections.

    &.'.1.& After the closure has been installed and closed" it should be fastened with plastic or metal

    coverage for the wall window.

    &.'.1.' The closure should be completelly e%uiped for the installation *mounting accessories in every

    connector should include: plastic cable ties" heat-shrin> tubing for weld protection" self-adhesive

    aluminum foil" coded coloured mar>ers" sandpaper" wiping cloths" polyethylene pipes" heat-shrin>

    tubing of appropriate dimensions according to the number of openings for cable introduction" etc.,.

    &.'.& The shape and siIe of connectors

    &.'.&.1 The connector should be pear-shaped "where the cable introduction from one side *Figure


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    Figure 2.3: The connector

    &.'.&.& The ma;imum length of entire connector must not e;ceed L H @99 mm.

    &.'.&.' The connector must have entrance for all cables on one side.

    &.'.' +losure lid

    &.'.'.1 The closure lid should be hermetically sealed with a clamp and a circular ring.

    &.'.'.& The closure should support heatshrin> sealing.

    &.'.'.' The connector lid should have a minimum of 5 holes for cable introduction *min. H4 &9 mm,

    and one oval opening for the cable loop *Figure &.'.,.

    &.'.'.5 t should be made possible for the closure to be repeatedly opened and closed with a good

    sealing of connections.

    &.'.5 +assettes for fiber placement

    &.'.5.1 The closure should contain the e;act number of cassettes with the ma;imum capacity of &5

    fibres and one additional cassette.

    &.'.5.& The closure should have the ability to upgrade by adding new cassettes" when in need for a

    bigger capacity than re%uired.

    &.'.5.' There should be a possibility for the closure to store more pipes of 1m.

    &.'.5.' There should be a ready access to each cassette.

    &.'.5.2 The cassette should have elements for switching metallic cables.

    &.'.5. There should be a space on the cassette for entering the number of fibers directly to the


    &.'.5.@ The heat-shrin> tubing should possess the characteristics as specified in section &.1&. of this


    2.4 he 'ar/er for 'ar/ing the cable0'icroie

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    &.5.1 The mar>er for mar>ing the cablemicropipe should be a plate made of plastic or some other

    fle;ible material which can be fastened to the cablepipe using cable ties.

    &.5.& t is intended for multiple use in cable ducts" manholes and terminating points of micropipes for

    mar>ing the cables. t must be resistanto to various aggressive substances" humidity etc" so that the

    written inscription on it could be read even after a long time.

    &..5.' The mar>er for mar>ing the cable needs to contain the space for entering at least two data such

    as the name of the cable and the capacity of the cable.

    &.5.5 The part with the inscription must be in some way *plastic foil etc., be protected from the direct

    contact with the environment.

    2.! eatshrin/ t&bing for weld rotection

    &.2.1 They are intended for the protection of the splice on the optic fibers *T/-T recommendations:

    0.2&.(" 022 and [email protected], with the protection of &29 and 799 micronsD

    &.2.& They should be 59-52 mm long for the closures used" because the greater length creates

    greater fiber bending in the cassetteD

    &.2.' They should be transparent" and be ba>ed in an oven for heat-shrin>g tubing" and protect the

    splice against mechanical damage and stress with the help of the metal or some other strengtheningmaterial inside of it.

    4.1 Optic connection cabinet

    5.1.1 0eneral characteristics The optic connection cabinet needs to have the re%uired number of connecting cassettesfor providing a defined number of splices. The connecting cassette must be availablefrom the outside and it is intended for splicing of 1& optic fibres with the secondary

    protection of 799 um" and the dimensions of the fiber 71&2. The optic connection cabinetshould have guides for stac>ing of e;cess fiber *installation cable and fiber cable,.

    5.1.& The optic cabinet with the capacity of 1& fibres

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    5.1.&.1 The construction

    The optic connection cabinet" for wall installation" with the capacity of 1& fibres" must be eithermetal or plastic. t also needs to have a sufficient number of splice cassettes to connect theincoming cable to the installation user cable. There should be a place for mar>ing thenumber of the fiber or circuit for each splice module. )plice modules should be availableand easily fastened inside the cabinet. The optic cabinet should provide inputs and outputsfor cables" as well as the additional material used for closing the inputs and outputs afterthe pulling of the cable" in order to avoid contact of the cable with metal. The opticcabinet should provide four holes for pipescable with the diameter of 1& mm" ensuringthe closure of unused openings. The openings should be ad!ustable in order to enable theoutput from one micropipe 2'"2 to the sheaf of 1& micropipes. 6very opening should beclosed with the appropriate rubber seal" which can be ad!usted for the appropriate gatediameter.

    5.1.&.& t is necessary to provide places inside the cabinet where it will be possible to simply set theties for organising cables.

    5.1.&.' The optic cabinet should be adaptable to any type of optic cables.

    5A.&.5 The wall optic cabinet must have holes for attaching to the wall using screws and pvcdowel, and it is necessary to ensure a distance of 2 mm between the cabinet and the wallwith the appropriate spacer.

    5.1.&.2 The optic connection cabinet should provide a minimum 4 55 protection.The cabinetshould possess the protection from unauthorised access *a loc> with a >ey,. f the cabinetis made of plastic" it should meet the recommendation re%uirement at a minimum 89@*6 &&&,.

    5.1.&. The optic cabinet should be delivered with all the neccessary material *grounding screws"spacer" screws" pvc dowel, dust covers,. t is also necessary to offer the possibility oflabeling the micropipesfibres on the doorlid of the optic cabinet.

    5.1.' The optic connection cabinet wtih the capacity of & and 5 fibres

    5.1.'.1 The purpose

    The optic connection cabinet with the capacity of & and 5 fibres is intended for the installation inthe access optical networ> to an e;ternal wall of an individual residential building of thesubscriber with the purpose of switching the fibers of the secondary optic cable to theoptical fiber installation in the house.

    5..& The construction

    The optic connection cabinet should be e%uipped with an optic cassette for connecting & fibres andthe other e%uipment for the reception of optic cables" as well as the creation and

    protection of redundant optic fibers *the technical solution without the optic cassette isalso acceptable" provided that the placement and protection of optical welds is properlyresolved,. t should be made of 4C+ or L)J$ material" rectangular in shape and greycolour *=AL 799&,. The ma;imum dimensions are: 129 mm ; &99 mm ; 29 mm *K ; (; $,. The minimum dimensions of the cabinet are not defined. The cabinet must meet there%uirements for the proper handling of cables" such as the minimum allowed bendingradius for 0.2&.( optic fibres" easy and safe access to all connections" the possibility of

    reconnection without compromising other connections. The cabinet should have at leasttwo openings. The cable entries i.e. the openings" must be at the foot of the cabinet andallow 4C+ riser pipes to be easily pulled in Ht 1 mm and &' mm. 4C+ riser pipeswhich are designed for insertion into a subscription bo; are made of 4C+ material withthree metres long. The housing unit lid must be attached with 5 screws. The housing unit

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    must be fi;ed to the wall with a minumum of & dowels and screws of sufficient length sothat the built-in cabinet is firmly fi;ed to the wall.

    The subscription bo; should contain the following elements:

    The housing unit of the bo;" with a lidThe optic cassette for weld placement of the optic fibres" with the capacity of two fibresThe set of screws for the installation of the optic cassetteThe set of dowel screws" screws and spacers for the installation on the wallThe set of screws for the installation of the lid on the housing unit of the bo;The set of rubber seals for all the openings on the bo;The persistent label of the customer and the manufacturer on the cover of the cabinetThe label used for denoting optic fibres.

    The optic connection cabinet must be ade%uately resistant to humidity" dust" temperaturechanges and mechanical stresses which in certain defined limits should not affect themechanical and transmission characteristics of the installed components. The cabinet should

    meet recommendation3s re%uirements at a minimum: 4 25 *6+ 2&7, i 89@ *6 &&&,.

    4.2 Free standing optical outdoor distribution box - ODB

    5.&.1 0eneral characteristics

    Free standing optic distribution bo; - O(# for e;ternal installation is intended for thereception and distribution of optic cables and reconnection of optic fibres. n FTT$access networ>s O(# is designed for the installation in trenches and it is used as a

    !unction point for primary and subscribers3 *secondary, underground

    telecommunication optic cables.

    O(# should provide placement and mechanical protection of the optic fibre for all types of!oints *welded" mechanical and connectors," splitters and the remaining passiveoptic components.

    the ability to accommodate the reserve optic cablesD

    the capacity of the splice cassette *version without connectors,D

    O(F should be the following capacities:

    E fibresD 1& fibresDM &5 fibresDN ' fibresD

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    Fig.5.1. 6;ample O(# enclosures for optical fiber cable

    t is necessary for O(# to provide access to and the replacement of all the components without wor>interruption" as well as to ensure that the access to splices is simple.

    O(# shall have a loc> with standard >ey.

    O(# should have a document *table of high-%uality paper placed in a plastic bag, for recording dataon connectionsconnectors" users etc.

    O(# must have an entry for cables on the bottom.

    O(# must have a front door hinge" which can be loc>ed and can be opened at least at 1E9.

    O(# must have the option of leaving the reserve of the cable at least 1 m long.

    All parts of O(# must meet the re%uirements for the proper handling of cables" such as the minimalallowed bending radius for 0.2&.( optic fibres" easy and safe access to all connections" the

    possibility of reconnection and cross-connection without compromising other connections.

    5.&.& protection at the degree 8 19 *6 &&&,.

    The temperature range of the application:

    in the wor>: -&9+ do P29+

    storage at: -59+ do P@9+.

    O(F should be white or light grey.

    5.&.' Functional characteristicsThe functional characteristics are as follows:

    the capacity *openings for cables" cassettes,D

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    M the way of inserting optic cablesD fastening and handling the optic cablesD

    Q security protectionDe labelingDN the ability to accommodate the reserves of the optic

    cablesD the capacity of splice cassettes *version withoutconnectors,D

    O(F should be the following capacities:

    N 1& fibresDN &5 fibresDN ' fibresD

    t is necessary for O(# to provide access to and the replacement of all the components without wor>interruption" as well as to ensure that the access to splices is simple.

    O(# shall have a loc> with standard >ey.

    O(# should have a document *table of high-%uality paper placed in a plastic bag, for recording dataon connections" users etc.

    O(# must have an entry for cables on the bottom.

    O(# must have the option of leaving the reserve of the cable at least 1 m long.

    All parts of O(# must meet the re%uirements for the proper handling of cables" such as the minimal

    allowed bending radius for 0.2&.( optic fibres" easy and safe access to all connections" thepossibility of reconnection and cross-connection without compromising other connections.

    5.&.5 The capacities of O(# and additional mechanical characteristics

    5.&.5.1 O(# with the capacity of 1& fibres O(F 1

    O(# 1 is a distributional pole for outdoor installation" of small capacity" designed so that it canaccept welded !oints *version without connectors,.

    The ma;imum capacity is 1& splices.

    The ma;imum dimensions of the frame are: $ 1@299 mm *11&9 mm above the ground, ; K '99 mm; L &19 mm.

    O(F 1 must have the possibility of entering and placing a minimum of: & optic cables with diametersE-1 mm and 1& optic cables with diameters of &-' mm.

    5.&.5.& O(# with the capacity of &5 fibres O(F &

    O(# & is a distributional pole for outdoor installation" of medium capacity" designed so that it canaccept welded !oints *version without connectors,.

    The ma;imum capacity is &5 splices.

    The ma;imum dimensions of the frame are: $ 1@299 mm *11&9 mm above the ground, ; K '99 mm; L &19 mm.

    O(# & must have the possibility of entering and placing a minimum of: & optic cables with diametersE-1 mm and &5 optic cables with diameters of &-' mm.

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    5.&.5.' O(# with the capacity of ' fibres O(F '

    O(# ' is a distributional pole for outdoor installation" of enormous capacity" designed so that it canaccept welded !oints *version without connectors,.

    The ma;imum capacity is ' splices.

    The ma;imum dimensions of the frame are: $ &1@9 mm *1529 mm above the ground, ; K '99 mm ;L &19 mm.

    O(# ' must have the possibility of entering and placing a minimum of: 5 optic cables with diametersE-1 mm and 5E optic cables with diameters of &-' mm.

    5.&.2 =eferences

    For the offered solutions it is necessary to submit complete technical documentation" which includes:


    N Technical specification" which includes the conditions of pac>aging andstorage

    Q nstruction manuals

    N (rawing

    4.3 Optic distribution box for installation on wall/pole - ODB

    5.'.1 0eneral characteristics

    Optic distribution bo; for e;ternal installation on a wallpole O(# is intended for the reception and

    distribution of optic cables and reconnection of optic fibres. n FTT$ accessnetwor>s O(# is designed for the installation on the wall or a pole and it is used asa !unction point between primary and subscribers3 *secondary, undergroundtelecommunication optic cables.

    O(# should provide placement and mechanical protection of the optic fibre for all types of!oints *welded" mechanical and connectors," splitters and the remaining passiveoptic components.

    O(# for the installation on the wall and the pole are identical" whereas during the installation on the pole"

    pillar brac>et needs to be added.


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    The temperature range of the application:

    in the wor>: -&9+ do P29+

    storage at: -59+ do P@9+.O(# should be white or light grey.

    5.'.' The functional characteristics

    The functional characteristics are as follows:

    Fig.5.&. 6;ample wall O(#

    the capacity *openings for cables" cassettes,DM the way of inserting optic cablesD

    Q fastening and handling the optic cablesDN security protectionD

    N labelingD

    O(# & is a distributional bo; for e;ternal installation" of medium capacity" of flat design" designedso that it can accept welded !oints *version without connectors,.

    The ma;imum capacity is &5 splices.

    The ma;imum dimensions of the cabinet are: $ &29 mm ; K '19 mm ; L 19 mm.

    O(# & must have the possibility of entering and placing a minimum of: & optic cables with diametersE-1 mm and &5 optic cables with diameters of &-' mm.

    5.&.5.5 O(# with the capacity of ' fibers O(# '

    O(# ' is a distributional bo; for e;ternal installation" of enormous capacity" designed so that it canaccept welded !oints *version without connectors,.

    The ma;imum capacity is ' splices.

    The ma;imum dimensions of the frame are: $ '@2 mm ; K '99 mm ; L &19 mm.

    O(# ' must have the possibility of entering and placing a minimum of: 5 optic cables with diameters

    E-1 mm and 5E optic cables with diameters of &-' mm.

    Table of total amount fiber optics cable Lot 1.

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    Table of total amount O(# Lot'.