opening doors: generating new connections to foster social inclusion


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Ronda HeldWorkshop presented at the #2012waic Conference - Ghent, Belgium



2. Social Isolation and Social Inclusion How do we engage with people who are at risk ofisolation in our community? How can we build sustainable initiatives that willfoster community inclusion? If you were socially isolated, what would it take foryou to take a risk and become more engaged in yourcommunity? 3. Opening Doorsinto Community Are you willing to takethe lead in making your community more inclusive?A communityleadership program for SOCIAL INCLUSION 4. Appreciative Inquirybegins by identifying what is positive and connecting to it in ways that heightenenergy, vision and action for change. Cooperrider (2008) 5. Social Isolation Significant risk factor for morbidity and mortality Risk comparable to cigarette smoking Risk factor for depression and suicide Socially isolated people are less likely to accesshealth and support services and engage in positivebehaviours that can improve their health and well-beingThe debate about social isolation focusses on deficits. 6. Two paths two solutions NeedsAssets(What is not there) (What is there)Services to meetConnections & needs contributions ConsumersCitizensPrograms are the People are theansweranswer 7. Community Needs MapUnemploymentSocial Housing Child AbuseCrimeTeenage ElderlyMothersIlliteracyPovertySchool Dropouts Mentally Ill HomelessTruancyAddictionSocial isolationDelinquency 8. Looking to the community not services Found people passionate about inclusion People raised the issues that were important to themOPEN SPACE PRINCIPLES PassionResponsibility 9. Community AssetsBusinesses Local Institutions Schools AssociationsChurchesClubsGifts of ResidentsParks IncomeArtistsLibraries Youth Elderly Labelled/MarginalizedSocial Groups Self-Help GroupsHospitalsNonprofits 10. Program ProcessGroup Interview: Promoteconversation Vision forcommunity 11. Opening Retreat Exploreleadership Discoverleadershipstrengths 12. Twelve Principles of ABCD1. Everyone has gifts.2. Relationships build a community.3. Citizens are at the centre.4. Leaders involve others as active members of the community.5. People care about something.6. Identify what motivates people to act. 13. Twelve Principles of ABCD (cont.)7.A listening conversation is the way to discovermotivation and invite participation.8.Ask, ask and ask.9.Asking questions rather than giving answersinvites stronger participation.10. A citizen-centred inside-out organisation is thekey to community engagement.11. Institutions have reached their problem solvinglimits.12. Institutions are servants. 14. ABCD three steps1. Discover strengths2. Connect with each other and our community3. Come together to build on knowledge and skills 15. Regular sessions 12 sessions over6 months Meet in a varietyof communityvenues todiscover localassets Develop acommunityproject 16. Margaret WheatleyThere is no powerfor change like acommunitydiscovering what itcares about. 17. Opening Doors has led to 58 graduates strengthening their knowledge, skills andconfidence to make a difference in their communities 45 grass roots community projects that are working toincrease social inclusion Over 4000 community members who are engaged with theircommunities in new and positive ways as a result of theseprojects A network of 50 different organisations, businesses andgroups collaborating to promote social inclusion through theirsupport of the program. 18. Mike Green The deepest dream of ABCD is that more and more people can come to see truly that there is no one we dont need and that a community without a place for everyone is a community really with a place for no one. 19. Strength in PartnershipPartners at the Opening Doors Graduation 2009 20. Partners involved in Opening Doors Inner East Primary Care Partnership MonashLink Community Health Service Whitehorse Community Health Manningham Community Health Uniting Care Community Options Ashburton Support Services City of Boroondara Department of Health, Eastern Region Womens Health East Department of Planning and Community Development 21. Competencies developed by working together Affirmative Competence a focus on strengths to createvitality; Expansive competence challenge conventional practices tostretch in new direction, evoking a set of higher values andideals to inspire members; Generative Competence integrative systems allowmembers to see the results of their actions, to recognizethey are making a contribution and to see progress; Collaborative Competence forums where members canengage in dialogue and active . Barrett, F. (1998) cited in Cooperrider et. al (2008) p 205 22. What was most appreciated about thepartnership? Shared vision, goal and passion. Diversity of people involved different organisations,different roles/levels within organisations, notrepresenting their organisations, bringing resources,knowledge, leadership, linking, capacity for all to learn. Commitment (ongoing) and motivation to achieve realchange on the issue of social inclusion. 23. What kept people most engaged? Energy, enthusiasm, determination, excitement about whatwas evolving. Learning and growth: The different, evolving anddevelopmental nature of the approach of capacity building.The challenge of seeing ideas translate into reality. Thegrowth and learning of individuals from being involved, andthe opportunity to use their expertise and networks toaddress the challenges. The importance of the issue. 24. AchievementsMaking the projects happen!Using a new approach to the issueThe partnership itselfThe outcomes and impacts of the projects 25. Key success factors Perceived social value of the initiative Common vision and goals Diverse contributions Structures to manage the partnership Relationships Roles Time 26. Quotes from partnersPartners were prepared to work together and changedirection when they could see that the project wouldbenefit from thisBe prepared for the long haulA diversity of views leads to a better outcome 27. GreatestAchievementThe Graduationconfidence buildingof the students whowill continue tocontribute. They havebeen skilled up on along-term basis andempowered to usethese skills. Fantastic Graduation 2010model! 28. Community BenefitParticipantsCommunity ProjectsIncreased leadershipActively working toknowledge, skills and strengthen communityconfidence to engage with connectedness and isolation in localneighbourhoods. 29. Quote from an Opening Doors ParticipantOpening Doors has challenged many of my beliefsystems. Through its many unique experiences I now see and experience our world and myself differently.Where I saw hopelessness, weakness, deficiencies andindifference I now see beauty, strengths, potential andpassion. I step forward now, empowered and hopeful. 30. Quotes from participantsHonestly, its made a huge difference in my lifein fact life changing.I think doing this course has opened my eyes to whats possible andgiven me renewed faith in othersespecially myself. I have moreconfidence and faith in my abilities and thats a big shift. MikeOpening Doors gave me insight into how I can contribute. It helped meto focus on my strengths and see a different way to attract people tobecome involved. BunnaryI learnt a lot from that program, most importantly how to listen. MargaretI have learnt that a lot can be achieved with a small beginning. If wehave a simple idea, a clear vision, along with persistence anddetermination, anything is possible.Linda 31. PROJECTS 32. Resources 33. QUESTIONS? Find us on facebookEmail: [email protected] 34. Sponsorsof theManninghamCommunity HealthService