opencamp: future-proofing wordpress content

@suredoc Keith Anderson: Future-Proofing Content

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Post on 13-May-2015




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In this session, Keith Anderson will display for all to see the ugly underbelly of what's in the database of a Wordpress blog and what that means for blog longevity. He will show you what he did to convert to Wordpress from the ancient Postnuke platform without losing search rankings. He will also build a case for you to crack a book and learn some markup skills to save yourself from dialing the suicide hotline if you ever have to change platforms.


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Keith Anderson: Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

©2010 Keith Anderson / / @suredoc 2

Just who do I think I am?

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Future-Proofing Content

©2010 Keith Anderson / / @suredoc 3

Future-Proofing:The deliberate act of making your content portable.

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Future-Proofing Content

©2010 Keith Anderson / / @suredoc 4

PurposeWhy do you have a blog?

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Future-Proofing Content

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Asset Management:The process of planning, organizing, and controling your own graphics, text, and other source materials.

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Future-Proofing Content

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Asset ManagementUse tools that help you own your own content.

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Future-Proofing Content

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Decisions were made.Links were lost.

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

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INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_users (ID, user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_status, display_name) SELECT pn_uid, pn_email,pn_pass, pn_uname, pn_email, pn_url, pn_user_regdate, '1', pn_uname FROM postnuke.nuke_users where 1;

INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_posts (ID, post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_name,post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_parent, guid, post_type, comment_count) SELECT pn_sid, pn_aid,pn_time, CONVERT_TZ(pn_time,'+07:00','+00:00'), pn_hometext, pn_title, '0','','publish','open','open', pn_title, pn_time, CONVERT_TZ(pn_time,'+07:00','+00:00'), '0', CONCAT('',pn_sid), 'page','0' FROM postnuke.nuke_stories where 1;

UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts, postnuke.nuke_stories SET wordpress.wp_posts.post_content = CONCAT(postnuke.nuke_stories.pn_hometext,'<br>',postnuke.nuke_stories.pn_bodytext,'<br>',postnuke.nuke_stories.pn_notes) where wordpress.wp_posts.ID = postnuke.nuke_stories.pn_sid AND wordpress.wp_posts.ID in (223)

INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_comments (comment_ID,comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url,comment_author_IP, comment_date, comment_date_gmt,comment_content,comment_agent,comment_type,comment_parent, user_id) SELECT, c.objectid,u.pn_uname,u.pn_email,u.pn_url,c.ipaddr,, CONVERT_TZ(,'+07:00','+00:00'), CONCAT(c.subject,' <br> ',c.comment),'','comment','0', u.pn_uid FROM postnuke.nuke_ezcomments AS c LEFT JOIN postnuke.nuke_users AS u ON c.uid= u.pn_uid WHERE c.objectid not in (393,396, 398, 399);

INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_terms (term_id, name, slug, term_group) SELECT pn_topicid,pn_topictext, pn_topicname,'0' FROM postnuke.nuke_topics where 1;

INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id, term_order) SELECT pn_sid, pn_topic,'0' FROM postnuke.nuke_stories where 1;

INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy (term_taxonomy_id,term_id, taxonomy, description,parent, count) SELECT pn_topicid,pn_topicid,'category', '','0','1' FROM postnuke.nuke_topics where 1;

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_type = 'post' WHERE 1

Code By: Fred Janis @fjanis1979

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

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Future-Proofing Content

©2010 Keith Anderson / / @suredoc 16

If I had my own school of rock, what would I pick? Glad you asked. This section of my site contains a growing list of my 100 favorite rock albums. They are picked for completely subjective reasons, meaning I think the albums are important and provide excellent examples of what makes rock music. Beginning December 8, 2009 I started my 100 Days of the Best Albums Ever. There's more to come. Enjoy.

[catlist id=204 numberposts=100]

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Future-Proofing Content

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WordPress Plug-Ins:Most Wordpress plug-ins are design to ruin your ability to transfer to another platform in the future.

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Future-Proofing Content

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Learn HTML Dammit

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Future-Proofing Content

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HTML Snapshot:We need a plug-in that archives posts as they are presented to the user.

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Future-Proofing Content

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@[email protected]