openbravo - erp platform presentation - 2014

The Preferred ERP Platform February 2014 © 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 Graphene (credit: University of Bath)

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Openbravo ERP Platform presentation inlcudes: - today's market dynamics: seamless operations, agility for responsiveness, accountability - Openbravo is the preferred ERP platform because of the horizontal ERP functionality embeded and the easily extendible dev. platform - Openbravo empowers ideas to build smart Enterprise Solutions to ... a) be different b) be truly agile c) be accountable Enjoy the presentation!! For further info, drop me an email to [email protected]


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The Preferred ERP PlatformFebruary 2014

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Graphene (credit: University of Bath)

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Graphene & Openbravo

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High-quality graphene is very strong, light, nearly transparent and an excellent

conductor of heat and electricity. Its interactions with other materials and with

light and its inherently two-dimensional nature produce unique properties.

Graphene offers a great metaphor for the Openbravo solutions

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Today’s dynamic markets are very demanding

� Seamless operationsAbility to differentiate from competitors through operational excellence, delightful customer service, and higher productivity

� Agility for responsivenessAbility to effectively and rapidly adapt to continuous market changes


Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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In many sectors seamless operations, agility & accountabilityare key to success

market changes

� Accountability now and tomorrowAbility to demonstrate adoption of the right solution for today and for the future


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The preferred ERP platform

Our ERP platform offers an unmatched combination of

�an easily extendible development platform


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� horizontal ERP functionality embedded

To power your ideas for building smart enterprise solutions

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Power your ideas for building smart enterprise solutions

� Be DifferentAdapt the system your way for competitiveness and keep control thanks to being open source

� Be Truly AgileBe fast and able to effectively adapt to rapidly changing business challenges

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 5

Helping agile companies to compete effectively in today’s dynamic market, whatever business you are in

changing business challenges

� Be AccountableBe confident and demonstrate the adoption of the right solution, now and in the future

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Be Different a powerful user interface

Business Tip

Did you know that?


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70%of firms decide to

build from scratch

for getting required

functionality that

no software vendor

provides (1)

(1) Source. Forrester. Global, Industry, And Technology Forces Shape The ERP Landscape. 2013

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Be Different

Adapt for competitiveness � Leverage broad available functionality that can be easily extended

� Gain absolute control of customizations thanks to a modular architecture

� Extend your system by easily integrating with other systems

� Scale to any stage of growth

Higher staff productivity� Make data entry faster with multitasking and the editable grid

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� Make data entry faster with multitasking and the editable grid

� Reduce manual work and errors with daily tasks automation

� Increase teams productivity with collaboration tools like notes, attachments or direct links to documents

� Enable end users to adapt user interface to their needs without technical assistance

Unique business relationships

� Share access with trusted partners or customers thanks to being a web-based solution

� Allow staff to access the system wherever they are thanks to being a web-based solution

� Achieve higher operational efficiency by easily integrating with your customers or partners systems

� Share valuable data with your partners and customers thanks to powerful analytics

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Be Different - What our customers say

"Since unique contracts require

custom solutions we needed a

platform with

80% of core functionality met and still

have the flexibility and the ability to

Company Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC, NYSE:SAIC) is a leading technology integrator providing full lifecycle services and solutions in the technical, engineering, and enterprise IT markets. with approx 14,000 employees

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 8

have the flexibility and the ability to customize that last 20%.

And that’s really the unique value

that Openbravo and opensource in

general provide.”

John Coble, CTO of the Logistics &

Engineering Solutions business unit of


markets. with approx 14,000 employees worldwide and 4.34B in revenue.Its Logistics and Engineering Business Solutions business is a US Defense contractor that gets supplies and parts to the troops (including fuel and petrochemicals) and acts as an extension of the Defense Logistics Agency

Solution SAIC chose Openbravo thanks to the ability to provide the required flexibility to achieve higher competitiveness and cost efficiency and with to a total fit of the specific business requirements

Results Different contracts managed to procure, supply and deliver directly in the required location , like the Tiers Program

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Be Truly Agile with embedded analytics

Business Tip

Did you know that?

70%of the companies

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(1) Source. Forrester.

of the companies that were on the Fortune 1000 list a mere ten years ago have now vanished, unable to adapt to changes (1)

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Be Truly Agile

Real time visibility

� Make more informed decisions with powerful embedded analytics

� Recover very specific transactional information in seconds

� Be informed in real time with alerts associated to any business event

� Leverage long list of available reports which are very easy to extend

Mobilized organization

� Enjoy of the same architecture, simply a new client

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 10

Shorter time-to-market

� Be faster when setting up operations in new geographies or launching new products

� Achieve higher development efficiency and a more secure update process thanks to modularity

� Centrally create and maintain the user interface through the Application Dictionary

� Install and uninstall modules very easily with an integrated Module Administration Console

� Enjoy of the same architecture, simply a new client

� Lower your hardware costs by using mainstream hardware

� Ensure uninterrupted operations in case of connectivity loss with offline capabilities

� Leverage existing mobile sales, procurement and warehouse functionality that can be easily extended

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Be Truly Agile - What our customers say

"The Openbravo implementation

was key to standardize processes

among distributors as part of the

company's strategic plan: a

complete change to business

Company Johnson Controls, Inc. (NYSE:JCI) is a multinational company from the automotive and construction industries founded in 1885 with presence in more than 150 countries and 168,000 employees

Solution Johnson Controls chose Openbravo

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 11

complete change to business


real-time information and key data

ready to provide better solutions to our customers.”

Edmundo Lozano, IT Manager, Sales & Marketing, Johnson Controls Inc.

for Americas.

Solution Johnson Controls chose Openbravo because of its flexible technology that allows adapting the business processes to the corporation needs - thanks to the open source model -, the ability to adopt a model of cloud computing and the affordable costs for its distributors.

Results Openbravo ERP has been implemented in 3 distributors with different sizes. In the midterm, the objective is to implement Openbravo in 60 distributors and completing the full rollout to cover the 120 dealers in Mexico in the long term.All information related to the whole supply chain is managed in real-time and is automatically consolidated in a central system.

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Be Accountable

Affordable solution� Lower upfront investment thanks to a subscription based pricing

� Benefit from opensource affordability

� Reduce IT maintenance costs due to its web native architecture

� Adopt an On Demand service with monthly fees and hosting included

Secured investment� Have the vendor warranty thanks to professional opensource

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 12

Trusted partners network� Work with international partners with broad experience to help achieving your goals

� Access to local knowledge in legal and financial requirements

� Get assistance to evaluate, implement and adapt Openbravo to your unique business needs

� Benefit from direct support to partners by Openbravo

� Have the vendor warranty thanks to professional opensource

� Access to source code from minute zero thanks to being opensource

� Leverage prior investments with an easy to integrate solution

� Adopt a future proof technology platform ready to support your growth today and tomorrow

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Be Accountable - What our customers say

“Openbravo implementation is a

strategic project for the company

Company Grupo Eulen is a multinational company with more than 80.000 employees that offers general services to other companies and had a

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 13

strategic project for the company that will have a big positive impact in

the following years”

Miguel Ángel Bayona Pérez, CIO of Eulen Spain

to other companies and had a turnover of 1,338M Euros in 2012

Solution Grupo Eulen chose Openbravo as a development platform because of its scalable, innovative and flexible technology and to replace their legacy AS400 platform

Results Today Openbravo is managing the activity in one country. New countries will be added in the mid and long term

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The Preferred ERP Platform – Quick Summary

High productiveuser interface




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Strong interoperability




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Power your ideas for building smart enterprise solutions

� Be differentAdapt the system your way for competitiveness and keep control thanks to being open source

� Be truly agileBe fast and able to effectively adapt to rapidly changing business challenges

© 2014 Openbravo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 15

Helping agile companies to compete effectively in today’s dynamic market, whatever business you are in

changing business challenges

� Be accountableBe confident and demonstrate the adoption of the right solution, now and in the future

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Contact us now for more information

� Follow us

� Contact OpenbravoCustomer Form:

Email: [email protected]

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Spain Office: +34 932 725 947India Office: +91 33 4004 7358Mexico Office: +52 559171 1841

� Contact an official Openbravo Partner

� Try it

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Questions & Answers

Thank you very much for your interest!

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Front page photo: Graphene (Credit: University of Bath)

High-quality graphene is very strong, light, nearly transparent and an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.

Its interactions with other materials and with light and its inherently two-dimensional nature produce unique properties.

Important Notices:• This document contains privileged and confidential information prohibited to be distributed without prior Openbravo consent