open letter to establishment government

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  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    To those whom it MUST concern, 21st March, 2010

    This letter is intended for every serving member of the current Congress, the Executive, the Administrators,

    The Judiciary, and the Federal Government at large.

    To ignore history is to commit oneself to repeating it. Do Any of you Remember this?

    When, in the course of human events , it becomes necessary for one people to dissolvethe polit ical bonds which have connected them with another , and to assume among thepowers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and ofnature 's God entit le them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that theyshould declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be se lf-evident, that al l men are created equal , that they aree ndo we d by t he i r C r e at o r wit h c e r t ain unal ie nable r ig ht s , t hat am o ng t he s e ar e l i f e ,l i b er t y a n d t h e p u rs u it o f h a pp i ne s s. T h at t o s e cu r e t h es e r i g ht s , g o ve r nm e nt s a reinstituted among men, der iving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

    The preceding declaration carries as much relevance today, as it did when originally penned in 1776. I shall,

    in the following letter, provide current examples of violations so similar that only the substitution of the

    United States Government in place of the King of England is required to bring these charges fully current

    and parallel to those which impelled the separation of the colonies from the Kingdom of England.

    Do not tread l ightly upon the souls of men.Some within government, I have no doubt, believe that the actions of Government are just and in the best

    interest of the American people. I contend, that, inside of our general government there are those, who only

    act in the preservation of their own power, ideology, connections, and individual affluence.

    The Soul of our Republic is being torn asunder with little regard for the genuine consequences of government


    The general government has repeatedly reached far beyond its'Constitutional authority. This meddlingin the self-determinate lives of the populace have proven destructive and contrary to the principles of freedom

    which this great land was founded upon. To provide to any man that which he has full capacity to earn on

    his own isdeviously corrupt, essentially serving to erode the freedom of that individual's mind. To loosethe iron shackles of physical bondage only to entrap the citizen in a gilded cage of entitlement and self-pity.

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    What has become the s ham e f ul s t andar d o f g o ve r nanc e in this land, is repugnant, vile, anddestructive of individual as well as national character. You act to preserve your posterity. You act to subvert

    the intent and purpose of good government. You bribe your constituencies with their own stolenprosperity, while de pr iving t he m t he g i f t s o f l ibe r t y g r ant e d no t by g o ve r nm e nt , but byour universal creator.In the following pages, the case against you, your unwise actions or intentional usurpations shall be laid


    Americans wil l consent to being governed, but we wil l NEVER be ruled by men.As a Constitutional Republic, we are a nation of just laws, with equal consequences to the offenders of these

    laws, irrespective of position or prominence. This repeated injury to the freedom of the People will not long

    stand in peaceful equilibrium. I beg your sincere attention and responsiveness to the following;

    The case against you:The history of the nation to date from the start of the Progressive movement, closely mirrors the following


    Prudence, indeed, wil l dictate that governments long established should not be changedfor l ight and transient causes; and accordingly al l experience hath shown that mankinda r e m o r e d i s p o s e d t o s u f f e r , w h i l e e v i l s a r e s u f f e r a b l e , t h a n t o r i g h t t h e m s e l v e s b yabolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses andusurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them underabsolute despotism, it is their r ight, it is their duty, to throw off such government, andto provide new guards for their future security . - -Such has been the patient sufferanceo f t he s e c o lo nie s ; and s uc h i s no w t he ne c e s s i t y whic h c o ns t r ains t he m t o a l t e r t he i rformer systems of government.

    If a violent revolution is your aim, your every action contrary to the Constitution will eventually cause this

    same violent revolt. You must cease and desist. Violent revolutions always preclude periods of absolute

    anarchy and unimaginable barbarity. You are directly responsible to the American people for the consequences

    of your practices and legislation. Should violent revolt grab this nation in its unforgiving claws, it shall be

    your souls which are answerable for its' release. I have come upon a statement which I think should be

    considered heavily prior to your consideration of ANY policy, law, regulation, or action.

    I g ive y o u e ve r y t hing r e q uir e d f o r y o u t o A C HI E V E y o ur f ul l m e as ur e o f happine s s .T h e s e s i m p l e l a w s w h i c h I l a y u p o n y o u a r e n o t t o d e p r i v e y o u r h a p p i n e s s , b u t t opreserve it. God, by any one of a thousand names given throughout the whole of humanhistory .

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    The history of the present leviathan federal government, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all

    having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be

    submitted to a candid word.

    The y have r e f us e d t he i r as s e nt t o laws , t he m o s t who le s o m e and ne c e s s ar y f o r t hepublic good.The establishment of protected classes, entities, and individuals in the specific laws which affect the citizens

    at large. Injure many to effect remedies ultimately destructive to a protected few. Governments who, in their

    ignorance or arrogance, imbalance society through the passage and enforcement of inequitable laws and

    enforcements, pit one citizen against another, with the misguided or intentional aim of increasing their own

    power or to perpetuate their own careers and fortunes. T h i s p r a c t i c e i s e v i l , t h i s p r a c t i c e i simmoral , this practice is destructive and must cease .

    They have forbidden the Governors and State Legis latures to pass laws of immediateand press ing importance, unless suspended in their operation t i l l their assent should beobtained; and when so suspended, they have utter ly neglected to attend to them.

    To this claim, no words of my own are required other than to remind the intended audience of this letter of

    the intent of the 9th and 10th Amendments to our Constitution. A few most relevant sentiments from our

    distant, often misrepresented or misinterpreted, or even ignored past follow:

    The art ic le nearest my heart is the divis ion of counties into wards. These wil l be pureand e lementary Republics , the sum of al l which, taken together, composes the state , andwill make of the whole a true democracy as to the business of the wards, which is thatof nearest and daily concern (emphasis added) . The affairs of the larger sect ions, ofcounties , of states , of the Union, not admitting personal transactions by the people , wil lbe delegated to agents e lected by themselves; and representation wil l thus be substitutedwhere personal action becomes impractical. Yet even over these representati ve organs,should they become corr upt and perverted, the divis ion into wards, constituting thepeople . . . .a regularly organized power, enables them by that organization to crush,regularly and peaceably , the usurpations of their unfaithful agents , and rescue themfrom the dreadful necess ity of doing it insurrect ionaly . In this way we wil l be asrepublican as a large society can be , and secure the continuance of purity in ourgovernment by the salutary, peaceable , and regular control of the people . "*Thomas Jefferson

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    " The powers of the general government re late to external obj ects , and are but few.(emphasis added) But the powers in the states re late to those great objects whichimmediately concern the prosperity of the people *James Madison*

    " The plan of the convention declares that the power of Congress , or, in other words, ofthe national leg is lature , shall extend to certain enumerated cases . This specif ication ofparticulars evidently excludes al l pretension to a general leg is lative authority , becausean aff irmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless if a generalauthority were intended.* A le xa n d er H a mi l to n *, s p ea k in g a b ou t t h e p ro v is i o ns o f A r ti c le 1 , S e ct i on 8 , U .S .Constitution.

    You must cease and desist.

    The y have e nde avo r e d t o pr e ve nt t he po pulat io n o f t he s e s t at e s ; f o r t hat pur po s eo b st r u ct i ng t h e l a ws f or n a tu ra l iz a t io n o f f or ei g n er s; r ef u si n g t o p a ss o t he rs t oe nc o ur ag e t he i r m ig r at io n hit he r , and r ais ing t he c o ndit io ns o f ne w appr o pr iat io ns o flands.

    The first and most vital principles of good citizenship require a healthy and uniform respect for and

    adherence to the just laws of a nation. To offer amnesty to those who have willingly and flagrantly ignored

    the laws of naturalization of this nation, or by the general government to willfully and with political intentdisregard or misrepresent the actual laws of naturalization. You cannot build a nation of free men absent the

    immigration of law abiding, productive citizens. The repeated cries of racism are dishonest, disingenuous, and

    patently abusive of the principles of our Constitution. One law, one standard, one nation.

    The y have e r e c t e d a m ult i t ude o f ne w o f f ic e s , and s e nt h it he r s war m s o f o f f ic e r s t oharass our people , and eat out their substance.

    The establishment of the Internal Revenue Service, its' constant expansion. The creation of the Department

    of Homeland Security, The Social Security Administration, The Department of Education, TheEnvironmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, The Occupational Health Administration, The

    myriad of new bureaucracies to be created under the Health Choices Act of 2010.....these are nothing short of

    a perpetual stream of agencies with the sole intent of destroying states sovereignty, and subjecting the whole

    body of the American people to the absolute control of the State. We did not consent to this .

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    Th ey h av e c om bi ne d w it h o th er s t o s ub je ct u s t o a j ur i sd ic ti o n f or ei g n t o o u rc o n s t i t u t i o n , a n d u n a c k n o w l e d g e d b y o u r l a w s ; g i v i n g t h e i r a s s e n t t o t h e i r a c t s o fpretended legis lation:

    To this charge, I raise the often considered conspiratorial, though never disproved premises that this nation

    has gradually been subjected to the detrimental actions of the Council on Foreign Relations, The United

    Nations and its many intrusive programs and agendas, The Bilderberg Group, The Fabian Society, the Federal

    Reserve Bank (a private corporation), the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, the Trilateral

    Commission, the multitudinous organizations influencing politics with direct ties to Communist or Fabian

    regimes. You were never granted authority to cede the sovereignty of We the People. You will be exposed.

    A bad cause seldom fails to reveal itself. Violent revolution is at your feet. You cannot crush the human spirit

    absent its' fight to exist. You cannot determine through central planning, the individual's right to self-


    For cutting off our trade with al l parts of the world:

    Free trade agreements which grant special treatment to the products of one nation over another and in many

    cases over those of your own country can be seen as nothing short of intentionally destructive of our

    prosperity. Government involvement which seeks to level competition by restricting it is destructive.

    For imposing taxes on us without our consent:The total taxation of the average citizen now approaches 50% of his total earnings. Whether by federal,

    state, county, city, embedded taxation in the products necessary for survival or happiness, or the destructive

    taxation of currency inflation, you must cease and desist.

    To specific issue is the federal tax on income from whatever source derived as provided for in the 16th

    Amendment. The tax was proposed to the people as a system of taxation which fairly distributes the needs of

    the general government among those members of society most capable of meeting it. This pretense is AT BEST

    a manipulative means of political advancement, At WORST, Marxist in nature with respect to wealth

    redistribution. If this current system is Fair, why does it require over67,000 pages of leg is lation andregulation to define it?

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    This system was best described by Congressman S.E. Payne of New York,

    A s t o t he g e ne r al po l i c y o f an inc o m e t ax, I am ut t e r ly o ppo s e d t o i t . I be l i e ve d wit hGladstone that it tends to make a nation of l iars . I bel ieve it is the most easi ly concealedof any tax that can be laid, the most diff icult of enforcement, and the hardest to col lect ;t hat i t i s , in a wo r d, a t ax upo n t he inc o m e o f t he ho ne s t m e n and an e xe m pt io n t o agreater or less extent, of the income of rascals ;

    To this comment, I add the following. Corporations and those who control them do not pay taxes, they

    collect them by embedding them in the price of the products or services they sell. Our current system of income

    taxation, the Internal Revenue Code, and the IRSare not centrally instruments of revenue, butare weapons against the honest wielded by the corrupt. Direct taxes on incomes are destructiveto productive behavior and they encourage malaise and poverty. Corruption runs rampant where taxes can be

    manipulated with deference. If taxes on incomes are to be the law of the land, then they must be uniform and

    equal amongst the citizenry. Some will pay more, some will pay less, but all will bear equal burden to their

    own freedom. In this equal burden lies on key to controlling corruption and profligate fiscal irresponsibility.

    For depriving us in many cases , of the benefits of tr ial by jury:This is not yet the full practice, but with each encroachment of our freedoms in the name of our security, it

    is not far away...Patriot, Patriot II, S. 3081 Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution

    Act of 2010....this madness must cease...the people are only enemies to the statists who seek to hold them

    under the boot.

    For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province , establishingtherein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at oncean example and f it instrument for introducing the same absolute r ule in these colonies:

    The non stop capture of state lands by the federal government in the name of ecological protection, wild

    horse protection and any number of other general non-related reasoning. These practices only serve to deprive

    the individual states and the citizens of same of their just and sovereign rights to the resources and uses of

    same property. There is no Constitutional authority granted to the general government to capture or seize any

    property in the name of environmental, economic, or security interests. No compensation can be honestly

    deemed reasonable when the transaction deprives the states or the people of prosperity and self-determination.

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    Fo r t a ki n g a wa y o u r c ha r t er s, a b ol i sh i ng o u r m o st v a lu a b le l a ws , a n d a l te r i ngfundamentally the forms of our g overnments:

    Under the construction of the Constitution, The House of Representatives was to represent the rights and

    interests of the people in the federal government. The Senate was to represent and protect States' rights in the

    federal government. The Founders and Framers of our Constitution had assigned the Senate the

    responsibility of representing the states as sovereign entities, which is why they were appointed by the

    Legislatures of their respective states rather than being elected directly by the people of the state. This was so

    that Senators would not be compelled to involve themselves in the popular issues of the day, but could

    concentrate primarily on protection of states rights and on maintaining the established order. Theirs was the

    primary assignment of balancing the budget, keeping taxes as low as possible, and tempering the radicalism of

    the House. The Making of America, Skousen By passing the 17th Amendment, Allowing for popular election of

    Representatives, Senators, and the Executive (via an all or nothing Electoral College. Another distortion of

    original intent), Congress has fundamentally altered the system of checks and balances and transformed this

    nation from a Constitutional Republic to a true democracy. Where both houses of Congress now represent the

    popular will with no preservative checks against the erosion of States Rights. This is not what was intended.

    It allows the emotions of current affairs to supersede the principles of balanced, limited, and representative


    For suspending our own legis latures , and declaring themselves invested with power tolegislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

    One only needs to examine any number of the thousands of laws and regulations which ignore or nullify the

    9th and 10th Amendments either overtly or circuitously.

    They have excited domestic insurrect ions amongst us , and have endeavored to br ing ont h e i n ha b i ta n ts o f o u r f ro n ti e rs , t h e m er ci l es s s o ci a li st / m a rx i st sa va g es , w h os eknown rule of warfare , is undist inguished destruction of al l ages , sexes and condit ions.

    To this I point to the true history of events in the rise of communism, European style socialism, the rise ofNazi Germany, the cases never disproved which were brought to light by the McCarthy Hearings, the secret

    combinations of power arrayed against our Republic revealed by Dr. Carrol Quigly in Tragedy and Hope, the

    non-stop dereliction of our currency by the Federal Reserve, the rampant corruption of our social and political

    scenes by controllers from beyond our own shores. To these points, countless volumes have been written, yet

    no action taken to reverse them. This is unacceptable .

  • 8/9/2019 Open Letter to Establishment Government


    Your action or inaction will be directly responsible for the fall of the last free nation on earth. Regardless of

    your specific ideology, you took anOath to preserve, protect , and defend our Constitution ofThese United States . If you are not willing or able to satisfy this oath, you should consider yourself unworthy of the public trust or criminally liable for any and all violations of the Oath and damages to the

    freedom of a sovereign people.

    In every stage of these oppress ions we have petit ioned for redress in the most humblet e r m s : o ur r e pe at e d pe t i t io ns have be e n ans we r e d o nly by r e pe at e d in jur y . A pr inc e ,who s e c har ac t e r i s t hus m ar ke d by e ve r y ac t whic h m ay de f ine a t y r ant , i s unf it t o bethe ruler of a free people .

    I find no means of improving or updating this quotation...the only object being the federal government

    rather the King of England and his puppet parliament.

    It is possible to continue this line of reasoning for an indefinite period of time and innumerable pages. The

    result will not change. The basic case against you resides in the simple assertion that you are transforming

    this government into a more perverse and oppressive beast than the one which Impelled our separation by

    Declaration of Independence and bloody War. Please, you must stop. This nation is at a boiling point.

    Unclench the great fist of Government and hear a mighty sigh, as our nation once again reclaims its' rightful


    Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave.

    Michael Mollenkopf

    Mesa, Arizona