open doors - london, spring 2012

Open Doors – The Regional Training Prospectus Issue 4 | London Edition | Spring 2012 LONDON EDITION Issue 4 - Spring 2012 ISSN: 2046-1569 APPRENTICESHIPS · CAREERS · JOBS · TRAINING · A-LEVELS · COLLEGE · UNI 1+2=3 Ω e +1=0 π x±2 √n —— s y=mx+b 81 =9 x 4x4=16 π 99% ±? ±? 64+2÷9.4=# * * * We Are Awesome And So Are You

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Open Doors magzine, London edition, Spring 2012


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Open D

oors – The Regional Training ProspectusIssue 4 | London Edition | Spring 2012

LONDON eDitiON issue 4 - Spring 2012ISSN: 2046-1569

AppreNticeships · cAreers · JObs · trAiNiNg · A-LeveLs · cOLLege · UNi


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We A

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e And so A

re You

Page 2: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

If you want to make a real di� erence to London then an apprenticeship with us is a great place to start.

We o� er a range of apprenticeships in engineering, technical and customer service roles.

As you would expect from an employer with a reputation for bringing out the best in people, we o� er a great salary and fantastic benefits including free travel.

Go to to see why people are talking about our apprenticeships.

Transport For London Ad v2.indd 1 07/12/2011 13:23

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feel free to put a link to our website on your schools resources web pages or intranet

Throughout this Prospectus, you’ll see lots of facts and figures about our region and its sectors. We get them from UK National Statistics, various Sector Skills Councils, regional local authorities and industry experts. It’s all official stuff, there’s no Wikipedia where we’re involved!

HEllO, wE’rE OpEN DOOrS...

Open Doors – Spring 2012 - London edition

Open Doors – The Regional Training Prospectus is published by Open Doors Media Ltd ©2011.

ISSN: 2046-1569All material is copyrighted both written and illustrated. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. All images and information is collated from extensive research and along with advertisements is published in good faith. Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

... and this is our Regional Training Prospectus, here to help you decide what to do next.

It’s an exciting time, after all – young people like you up and down the country are planning for their futures in September 2012 – and did you know that there are endless opportunities, right on your doorstep! You could start earning money with an Apprenticeship; get a taste of the working world with employer funded study; carry on learning at sixth form or college, and much more.

In this issue we will profile some of the biggest sectors in your region and explain how to take the first step to a career in the ones that interest you. We’ll also cover all of the main sectors out there, explore trends in your area, and take a look at some remarkable true stories of young people who have had success after leaving school.

But that’s not all! We also have a guide to all of the confusing qualifications out there, advice on how to make the most of our social media and we will answer some of the most common questions that you might have.

the future is in your hands... right here in this prospectus. so turn the page and let’s get started!

Publisher – Karl [email protected]

Editor – Stan [email protected]

Business Development – Simon [email protected]

Production Manager – Lindsey [email protected]

Design – Studio Belly [email protected]

Distribution/Subscriptions [email protected]

To contact us:01765 694120 | [email protected]


the intro bits

Page 4: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

the perfect place to start, jump straight to any section that instantly appeals or keep turning the pages and continue reading – it’s all here to help you find your dream career


The Intro Bits Careers Insight

07 HOw tO ApplY Here we answer some of the most common queries you might have

10 QUAlIFICAtIONS tABlE See how different qualifications add up, and how they compare

12 lIFE StOrIES Past and present students tell us all about their experiences and how they succeeded

17 BUSINESS & FINANCE SECtOr Fancy a high-flying career?

21 HEAltH & SOCIAl CArE SECtOr If you’ve got a big heart, put it to good use in a caring career

25 It & tElECOmS SECtOr This cutting edge industry isn’t just for the geeks

29 rEtAIl SECtOr This exciting industry is so much more than life behind a counter

33 mOtOr vEHIClE SECtOr Love cars? There are lots of careers on offer

37 ImAgINE A CArEEr... We give you a heads-up on the other sectors out there, which we’ll cover in later issues

p17 Business & finance sector

the intro bits


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Here’s How IT worksEvery term, we publish a new issue of Open Doors that covers five sectors in detail so you get a good idea of what a career in those industries would be like. Don’t worry if the sector you’re keen on isn’t one of the five – you’ll find it in our overview of remaining sectors in the ‘Imagine a career in...’ article. With each new issue, we’ll cover five totally new sectors in detail, so make sure you look out for us next term.If there’s anything else you’d like us to cover, or if you just want to say hello, email us at [email protected]. We want to make sure our magazine offers everything you need (or just want to read about)! Happy reading, and hope you have a great term.

Useful stuff

43 SpOtlIgHt ON lONDON All about your region

52 mOrE HElpFUl StUFF Useful links, contact details and more – because you can never have too much information

54 CHECK US OUt ON SOCIAl mEDIA A step by step guide on how to find us on facebook, twitter and google +

p33 Motor vehicle sector

p25 IT & telecoms sector

p29 retail sector

p21 Health & social

care sector


the intro bits

Page 6: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

We have LEVEL 2 APPRENTICESHIP placements waiting for you in local salonsExperience not necessary but commitment essential!

Page 7: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

HOw tO ApplY

How do you approach a

company for work experience?

Do you know what the Common

Application Process is?

Now you have an idea of what course or subjects would be right for you it’s time to think about taking the next step and making an application...

Around 70% of 16 year olds choose to remain in full time education


of employers say relevant work experience is the

most important part of an application


(number of school leavers and graduates who enter the job market each year)


Applications without spelling mistakes

are 61% more likely to get a reply

(number of apprenticeship starts in england each year)

275,000+there are more than

university places in the UK each year



the intro bits

Page 8: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

CoMMon APPlICATIon ProCess14-19 area prospectuses use an online resource called the Common

Application Process (CAP) which makes it easier to apply for different

types of courses at age 14 or 16.

What is the Common Application Process?

Basically the CAP allows you to easily manage all of the applications

you want to make for different courses. There might be lots of courses

that interest you and the CAP lets you upload your application details

so that you can quickly apply for any courses on your local 14-19

area prospectus. This means that you should not have to fill out lots of

different application forms but can just upload your details once and

then browse courses and click to apply.

The system also keeps track of the status of all of your applications so

you can check their progress and see if you have any offers of places.

It also links to local Information Advice and Guidance services so that

you can get some helpful advice if the providers you have applied to

are unable to make you an offer.

What kind of courses does the Common Application Process

help me apply for?The courses on here are those offered by local colleges and training

providers. As it is used for all applications through your 14-19 area

prospectus you can use it to apply for the following types of courses:

• ASandALevels• Basic/KeySkills• BTEC’s• GCSE’s• HigherEducationCourses• VocationalQualifications

HowdoIgetinvolved?Your school should be able to give you a login to use on your 14-19

area prospectus, which will allow you to complete a personal profile and

application form, browse the available courses and apply for them online.

For the details of your 14-19 area prospectus turn to page 52 of this

magazine or head to Most of the 14-19

area prospectuses are very easy to use but if you do have problems

don’t be afraid to email them, they will be happy to help and guide you.

APPrenTICesHIPsYou might have decided that an apprenticeship is the way to go! The National Apprenticeship Service operates a vacancy matching service that allows you to search apprenticeship opportunities and make applications for them online. To apply for an apprenticeship follow these simple steps:

•‘search for vacancies’.

• Registeronthesiteandactivateyouraccount.You only have to do this once and you will get a homepage that allows you to track your applications.

• Searchforapprenticeshipsbykeywords,jobroles,locations or learning providers. (Make sure to check the site regularly as new vacancies are uploaded all the time.)

• Whenyoufindtheapprenticeshipyouwantyoucan click to apply through the site. You’ll be asked to fill in your personal info, outline your experience and possibly answer some questions. You can even save your application as a draft and return later if you have to.

• Keepapplying!Youcanapplyforupto10vacanciesand if successful will be invited for an interview or assessment.

HOw tO ApplYBy now you will have some good ideas about what industry and job role appeals to you. You will also be aware of what types of courses andproviderscanhelpyougetthere,buthowdoyouapply?Herewe cover some of the application processes for further and higher education courses as well as some general tips on how to make a successful application...

FInD oUT More

So now you may have a bit more of an idea about

what type of course or learning provider might be

right for you there’s loads more to discover. You can

find out what courses and qualifications are available

in your local area with your local 14-19 prospectus,

they’re on page 52.

... check out for

details of people who can help in your area.

the intro bits


Page 9: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

UCAs APPlICATIon ProCessThe Universities and Colleges Application System

(UCAS) is the system for higher education course

applications. You’ve probably seen it on the news as

hundreds of thousands of people apply to university

each year. The system is not just for undergraduate

degrees; foundation degrees, postgraduate degrees

and most higher education courses are on this site.

The basic steps to applying for university are:

Choosing your course – There are literally

thousands available, make sure to do your research

on which course is right for you, there are lots of

resources on the site to help. Also consider where

you want to do the course, some institutions

specialise in certain courses.

Applying – The application system is all online and

you select on the site which institutions you would

like to apply to, these are your ‘choices’. You need

to provide a personal statement saying why you’re

right for the course as part of this, too so make sure

to take your time.

Offers – If a university wants to offer you a place

they will let you know on the UCAS system what

results they expect you to get. You will have to reply

to accept or refuse these offers.

Results – If you get the results the university asked

for, they will probably offer you a place and you will be

able to start planning for your new course. If you fail to

get the necessary grades, you can still find a course at

a different university through the ‘clearing’ system.

Your teachers will be able to offer you further help

using the system, which you can find at

GenerAl TIPs on APPlICATIonsApplications vary greatly on the system you are using or the course or job you are applying for, but there are some general tips that can be applied to most cases.

GrammarandSpellingTake your time when applying. None of the application systems covered on this page force you to log on, find a course and apply all in one go. This means you have plenty of time to check your application thoroughly, applications with spelling mistakes or grammatical errors suggest that you have rushed the process. You might like to word process your application and then ‘cut & paste’. It’s often a good idea to get your parents, teachers or friends to help you by double checking!

Work ExperienceYou may decide to get some work experience to help you get the course, apprenticeship or job that you want. This can often be a good way to get ahead. If you have a company in mind for work experience you could telephone to find out who to approach or send a polite, and well written, letter or email with a CV attached.

Be Yourself!This is a top tip for any application. In many cases the people you are applying to have to look through hundreds of application forms. Try to show what would make YOU the right person for the course. Do you have a real passion for the subject or is it your dream to go into a career in that sector? What makes you stand out as a good applicant and the best candidate for the course or job? Make sure you’re picking the course or job that suits your personality and skills best!

If you are having trouble with your application your school careers advisor should be able to help.

Top 5 CV writing Tips from InspireeducationSometimes, 70 people or even more will apply for every vacancy, and most companies will select only 4

people to attend an interview. It is essential to get your CV and Covering Letter right to give you the best

chance of being interviewed.

1. Spelling and Grammar mistakes will put your CV at the bottom of the pile, always use a word processor

and get someone to check it for you.

2. Remember your audience; CV’s can be boring to read especially if an employer has 70 to read! Keep your CV, clear,

easy to read and to the point. You might want to tweak your CV to emphasize particular points or experience, which are

relevant to that particular job.3. A good Personal Statement at the start of your CV will be the hook that makes the reader carry on or dismiss the

application. In 3 – 4 sentences you need to say who you are and why you would be good for the job, inspire them to

want to interview you.4. Bullet point your key skills, the reader will need to see quickly if your skills match their requirements, using bullet points

will make it easier for them.5. Do not list “reading, going to the cinema and socialising” in your hobbies, everyone does this; you need to stand out from

the crowd and show them how involved in your community, activities and environment you are.

Finding a job part-time or full-time is very tough; InspireEducation helps students to be successful post education.

See our website for more information on our IAG workshops.


the intro bits

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Did you know that completing an Advanced Apprenticeship is the same as getting an A level? There are lots of different qualifications – here’s how they compare. Remember that within any one level, qualifications can cover a wide mix of subjects, and take different amounts of time to complete.

ENtrY lEvEl lEvEl 1 lEvEl 2 lEvEl 3

Entry level Certificates

5 gCSEs (grades D-g)

5 gCSEs (grades A*-C) A levels

Skills for life

BtEC Introductory

Diplomas and Certificates

Advanced Apprenticeship

Functional Skills at entry level

(English, maths and ICt)

OCr NationalsBtEC First

Diplomas and Certificates

gCE in applied subjects

Diploma of Higher Education

Awards, Certificates, and

Diplomas at entry level

NvQs at level 1

Foundation Diploma

NvQs at level 2

Higher Diploma

BtEC Diplomas, Certificates and


NvQs at level 3

Advanced Diploma


lEvEl 4-8

the intro bits





Page 11: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

Wish you were here?

Start your journey to a greencareer with us, if you want to……be a vet, work in animal welfare or as an RSPCAinspector, work in wildlife conservation, as a zoologist oras a police dog handler – ANIMAL CARE

…be a professional florist, run your own floristry business,be a balloon artist, or a floral designer – FLORISTRY

…work as a designer/planting expert for gardens andpublic spaces, work with landscape architects, set up agarden design business – GARDEN DESIGN

…become a tree surgeon, a council tree officer,arboricultural consultant, maintain woodland, parkland,work as a countryside warden, ranger or ecologist –ARBORICULTURE AND COUNTRYSIDE

…have a career as a park warden, or in a botanicalgardens or in a nursery, be self employed in gardenmaintenance, work in hard, soft and interiorlandscaping, sports turf or green keeping –HORTICULTURE

OPEN DAYSBarking and Dagenham Centre10:00am–2:00pm, Saturday 21 April 2012Crystal Palace Park Centre12:00–4:00pm, Saturday 19 May 2012Enfield Centre

10:00am–5:00pm, Saturday 16 June 2012Gunnersbury Park Centre10:00am–1:00pm, Saturday 12 May and 1:00–5:00pm, Friday 15 June 2012Regent’s Park Centre10:30am–1:00pm, Saturday 30 June 2012

Find out more:08456 [email protected]

Capel Manor CollegeLondon’s specialist college for green skills trainingCENTRES ACROSS LONDON

Combining qualifications with experience

210mm x 297mm:Layout 1 4/11/11 12:10 Page 1

Page 12: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

oDe eArns wHIle He leArnsOde Coley recently joined

the staff at Lambeth

College as an Apprentice

Centre Administrator at

our Vauxhall Centre. It’s

a busy and demanding

role within a bustling

college environment.

Everyday tasks can

include dealing with

general enquiries at the

centre reception desk,

enrolling students,

organising the post

and disseminating

important information

to staff. For this job it is very

important to be organised and precise as well as being

a good communicator.

Ode had spent several years training as

an accountant and reached his ACCA Level 3

qualification. He intends to continue to level 4 but

wanted some real work experience first to improve

his job prospects.

“I know that having a good qualification isn’t the

only requirement that employers look for; they also

want you to have experience of being organised and

going to work. I knew an apprenticeship would be

a good way to make progress and gain on-the-job

skills and knowledge. That’s why I joined Lambeth

College. I’m learning new skills and love working

in a team. There are so many different tasks and

responsibilities involved in the job that it keeps me

interested. If I work hard, I could be a manager one

day. I am going to use this opportunity to learn as

much as I can and I’m very grateful for it.”

Lambeth College offer a great range of A levels

and vocational courses, exciting work experience

programmes and lots of fun enrichment activities

including sports, drama, film club, young enterprise

and martial arts. For more information call

020 7501 5000 or visit


IAn AIMs HIGHOnce a gang member at a very young age, Ian Perkins 21, knows only too well the tragedy of taking the wrong path in life and losing friends due to crime and unrest. Looking for his second chance in life and to prove wrong those people who once doubted him, Ian’s determination and will to succeed led him to Lifetime.

Enrolling into the Lifetime Fitness Academy and with the support of tutor Mark Pemberton, Ian successfully completed his Level 2 Fitness Instructor Apprenticeship; not only could Ian earn while he learned, but he was able to gain ‘on the job’ skills and a true understanding of the industry.

Ian says: “I have turned my life around, influenced people and shown never to give up on anyone. In the space of just 20 months I have come from “just an apprentice” to becoming the youngest ever Health and Fitness Manager of the largest Fitness First club in Europe. I have received two awards from my employer on consecutive months, which has never been achieved by anyone in the company. I always aimed high from the very start and never gave up on that goal.”

A bright future awaits Ian; he now teaches ‘PT Business’ courses and has worked hard to establish himself in the fitness industry. “Eventually I want to have a say in how the industry is run. I feel that my passion behind health and fitness can influence change; my ambition is to aim high!”

For more information please get in touchT: 0870 120 1207W: [email protected]

the intro bits


Page 13: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

HelP Us keeP lonDon MoVInG

Transport for London

(TfL) provides vital

transport links for

communities all over

London. We really do

keep London moving.

We believe in investing

in the future, not just

by upgrading our

systems but also

through bringing in

a new generation

of employees with

fresh ideas and a willingness to learn from our experienced managers. We train

apprentices in the skills they need to make a real

career with us.

We offer a number of apprenticeships covering roles in

customer services, engineering and technical areas.

Ryan started working as an LU Operational

Apprentice in September 2009. In his final year of

school he had to decide what to do next, to stay in

education or find work. With this apprenticeship he

found the best of both worlds. He developed his

customer service and management skills, attained a

Level 2 NVQ in Rail Transport Operations and earned

a great salary at the same time.

Ryan completed his apprenticeship in September

2011 and is now working as a Station Supervisor.

“It’s a very interesting and challenging job. On top of

this the money is great!”

Find out about this and other apprenticeships at

CAse sTUDYArjunKataria

Arjun is studying A Levels in Mathematics, Applied ICT, Physics and Mechanics at Tower Hamlets College. This is part of a special programme of study known as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Baccalaureate. This programme is specially designed for hard working high achievers in maths, science and engineering, who want to get into the best universities.

The STEM Baccalaureate gives Arjun and his peers at Tower Hamlets College the opportunity to get industry placements, site visits, seminars and mentoring alongside his A Level studies. As part of this course, Arjun is able to sit the STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper); a mathematics admission test that is used to select the very best students for the top universities.

Once Arjun has completed his A Levels, he plans to study a maths and engineering based degree at a top university.

For more information, please contact our Student Advisers:call 020 7510 7777e-mail [email protected] ‘reg’ to 88020


the intro bits

Page 14: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

APPrenTICe oF THe YeAr DoUBle wIn For DAnIelle!

When invited by her

salon employer to

Shears Academy’s

show last year, Danielle knew she

wanted to train with

Shears Academy,

and what’s more,

enter and win next years’ event,

and that’s exactly

what she did! The

event is held each

year to celebrate

Apprentice achievement; candidates who have impressed

the team as excellent role models to their peers by

overcoming barriers to achievement are nominated

to receive an award. Danielle was nominated for

Apprentice of the Year 2011 by her tutors, and then

judges unanimously declared her the Presentation’s

winning entry!

Danielle is employed at Go West hairdressing, SE3,

her employer Sue said “We enter the show every

year and it’s a lot of hard work, but Jade modelled

Danielle’s work brilliantly, and the win this year is

definitely worth all the effort!”

Jade enrolled with Shears Academy in November

and…yes, she’s hoping to win next year’s

Presentation Event too!

For more information call 020 8461 3504 or visit

the intro bits


lIFE StOrIESColleGe APPrenTICes MAkInG sUITs on sAVIle rowTwo apprentice tailors from the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London are learning their time-honoured trade from the world’s very finest.

Based at the Maurice Sedwell’s Savile Row Academy, Paul White and Eithen Sweet are gaining the garment-making skills, which have taken tailors on the Row centuries to perfect, as part of their apprenticeship. They earn £95 a week to train, while others may have to pay many thousands of pounds to acquire the same level of expertise, and gain a qualification at the end.

Both self-confessed dedicated followers of fashion, Paul and Eithen cannot believe their luck. “Savile Row suits are both elegant and technical perfection, and we practice until our work is perfect. It’s such an honor to be learning from the best” said Eithen.While Paul added: “The work is intricate but I’m confident I can keep up because of the quality of the teaching.”Both apprentices hope to work on Savile Row once they are qualified, making the handmade suits for which tailors there have become so famous.If you’re interested in becoming an apprentice, the College runs a number of similar apprenticeships from rail engineering, through to construction, accounting and lab technicians. As an apprentice, you have a paid work placement, spending most of your time with your employer, and a few days a week at college.

If you’re in employment and would like to train at the same time, or you’re unemployed and looking for an apprenticeship with the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, call the Apprenticeships First hotline on: 0800 678 3000 or visit:

(L-R) Apprentices Paul White, Eithen Sweet and Savile Academy Principal, Andrew M. Ramroop OBE

Page 15: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

Are you interested in finding employment that helps you to earn a wage while you complete a Level 2 or 3 Apprenticeship qualification?

If you’re a Camden resident and between 16-24 years old (and don’t have a degree or Level 4 qualification) then Camden Apprenticeships can support you by offering:

• information, advice and guidance to find out your interests and help you choose the right job

• pre and post employment support, offering recruitment advice that matches your skills to the job.

For more information:

mail [email protected].

Call Nina Scuffil, apprenticeship project officer on 0207 974 1736 or text 0790999074

Visit our website:

‘Like’ our Camden Apprenticeships page on Facebook and receive regular updates about our vacancies and skill sessions.

Apprentices: Unleash your potential!


0800 834 [email protected] app:

Page 16: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

What do youwant to do?

Westminster Kingsway College offers qualifications at Levels 1, 2 and 3,including A-Levels, BTECs and Apprenticeships.

Art, Design & MultimediaBusiness, Enterprise & ICTCreative Media & TVFashion & TextilesFilm, Digital Media & ComputingFoundation LearningHospitality & Culinary ArtsMusic & Music ProductionPerforming ArtsTravel & TourismScienceSociety, Health & Development

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Page 17: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012


Almost 1 million people are employed in financial services

in england

consider a career ‘in the money’...?

£26,000 - £50,000 per year (typical salary range for a qualified


A non-stop environment

for competitive people

some of the biggest salaries going

of workers in financial services are female


(percentage of financial services

firms reporting skills shortages)


Around 70,000 young people start new

businesses in the UK each year



careers insight

Page 18: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

UseFUl - Financial Services Skills Council. - The Institute of Chartered

Accountants in England & Wales. - The Association of Chartered

Certified Accountants. - The Chartered Institute for

Securities and Investment. - Offer support to business start - careers films on the web. - Our online careers resource.

lonDon FoCUsIf you want to get into this sector, then there’s

no better place to be than right here in London.

We’re a major international hub for business,

insurance and finance. In fact, The City rivals

New York as the financial capital of the world.

The London Stock Exchange, Lloyds of London

and the Bank of England are all based here, plus

countless other businesses.

Fast Facts• Oneinthreeofallpeopleemployedinthe

UK financial services sector is employed in

London.• Over248,500peopleworkinfinancial

services in London.• Over500bankshavetheirofficesinTheCity.

• Thereareover10,000financialservices

workplaces, employing 7.3% of London’s


start learning!Want a course in the London? Then turn to page

52 to find out how to access your local 14-19

prospectus. It will tell you who’s offering what

course in your local area, or you could visit

Put simply, the business and finance sector is about money – saving it, borrowing it, managing it and most of all, making lots more of it. It’s the UK’s most global industry and covers a wide range of services and products that everyone uses like bank accounts, mortgages, pensions, credit cards and insurance. The perk of working with money is that salaries tend to be higher than average.


AccountancyAccountants keep track of companies and individuals’ finances so they can manage their money properly. Depending on their client’s needs, they might produce account reports, forecast future profits, calculate tax or audit accounts. All organisations – from football clubs to supermarkets – need accountants, so they can work in many different sectors.Entry-level role: Accounts clerk, trainee accountant.Starting salary: £12,000 – £16,000 a year.

bankingThe banking sector is huge. There are loads of international and domestic banks who manage our money, give loans, exchange money and more. There are three types: retail banking (like your local HSBC or Lloyds), corporate banking (banking services for businesses) and wholesale banking (large transactions for big clients like governments and other international banks).Entry-level role: Customer service adviser, bank cashier.Starting salary: £10,500 – £16,000 a year.

Financial adviceIt’s not just for the wealthy – everybody needs financial advice at some point. Financial adviser’s help people make the most out of their money, whatever they have. A career in financial advice is about working with people to plan their financial goals, whether that’s choosing a mortgage, investing their savings or planning for their retirement.Entry-level role: Insurance technician, customer service adviser in a bank or building society.Starting salary: around £17,000 a year.

entrepreneurial Think you’ve got a fantastic idea for a business? Well almost two-thirds of entrepreneurs say that they had no experience of managing a business before they took the plunge. Organisations like the Prince’s Trust offer help and support to young people who are interested in starting their own businesses. If you have determination and are willing to put in the hard work starting your own business can be a wise career choice.

Money makes the world go round in this suited and booted sector. if you have ambition and a head for numbers, you could set out for a very rewarding career!


careers insight


Page 19: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

CAse sTUDYKarimaBakkali-BTECLevel3NationalBusiness

Karima heard about Westminster Kingsway College while studying at Hackney Free and Parochial Church of England School. The College was recommended by her Head of Year because she knew how much Karima loved Business.

Karima said: “The best part of my course is my teachers’ approach to teaching. It’s realistic and she uses real world situations and makes it interesting. I think I understand better when I can apply my learning to issues and scenarios that are going on right now in society. I also love the location of my Centre because this part of Victoria is so beautiful. In the future I want to use my passion for finance and help bring credibility back to the banking sector and studying here is placing me on the right path.”

Having worked with the Enterprise Society at Westminster Kingsway College Karima has developed her skills in Business and Finance and got the qualifications she needs to move on to King’s College, University of London.

For more information call 0870 060 9800 or visit

GeT QUAlIFIeDThere are plenty of academic and vocational courses for this sector...

Apprenticeships There are several Apprenticeships that will get you qualified in this sector.

The business and administration Apprenticeship covers all the skills

needed to start a career in the office. On the finance side of things, there

are a few options: payroll, accounting and providing financial services.

Here are the Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to the sector, all of

these are NVQ level 2:•Accounting•BusinessandAdministration



Advanced ApprenticeshipsAdvanced Apprenticeships are equivalent to A Levels, but like

Apprenticeships are advantageous for practical roles. Historically

Advanced Apprentices have progressed significantly in the industry and

many have gone on to become supervisors or managers. Many have

remained in Business or Finance for their whole career. Here are the

Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to the sector, all of these are NVQ

level 3:•Accounting•AdvisingonFinancialProducts



You can also do a Higher Apprenticeship, NVQ level 4 in:


A Levels A Levels can either lead to university or a Foundation Degree, which

are explained below, but can be particularly useful in this sector as big

companies such as Institute of Chartered Accountants England and

Wales or Price Waterhouse Coopers offer funded training for students

who have just completed A Levels. Here are some recommended A Level

subjects, which could set you in the right direction for a career in this


Foundation Degrees A Foundation Degree is a higher education qualification which combines

academic study with practical hands-on experience. Designed jointly by

universities, colleges and employers, they should give you the right skills

to be ready for employment. They are university-level qualifications and are equivalent to the first two

years of an honours degree. A typical full-time Foundation Degree takes

two years to complete, and are different from Honours Degrees as they

usually involve learning in the workplace as well as at university or college.

employer-funded studyYou don’t have to go to university to train to be an accountant.

Organisations like the ICAEW offer a training scheme for people who

have completed their A Levels. You’ll start working for an employer and

gain two professional qualifications in four years. As mentioned PwC have

a HEADstart scheme and KPMG also recruit school leavers. Though the

KPMG scheme takes 6 years the benefit is that by the time your friends

are finished university, you’ll be earning and able to command a good


professional QualificationsProfessional bodies (such as Chartered Institute for Securities and

Investments, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and Chartered

Institute of Management Accountants) offer short courses which allow you

to study specific areas of finance and gain a qualification employers will

value. For example, if you want to work for an Investment Bank then the

CISI’s Introduction to Investment Award could really boost your CV and

teach you more about the Investment and Securities industry.


careers insight

Page 20: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

are you lookingfor a rewarding,long-term careerin a growingsector?an apprenticeship in social care couldbe the answer – earn while you learn!

Social care is a growing sector and one that offers increasing opportunities for progression.

Skills for Care’s bespoke career pathways e-tool lets youexplore where an apprenticeship in health and social care canlead and see case studies from those who work in the sector.Go to

for more information

SfC Apprenticeships A4 Advert 08.11_Layout 1 25/08/2011 16:32 Page 1

Page 21: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012


Workers in social care in england

1.56MIllIonWorkers in

healthcare in england


(two of the biggest sectors in the UK)

there are over 350,000 nurses in


350,000Do you want

to help people?

£33,436 per year (salary of senior health


You could help save lives

Keep reading if you want a rewarding, important career…

Advanced Dental technicians earn between £28,000 and £37,000 per year

there are hundreds of different career paths, from it and

admin to nursing and physiotherapy


careers insight

Page 22: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012


sAlArIesMost people in this sector work for the NHS, where an entry-level position will earn you between £13,000 and £14,000 a year. With a level 2 or 3 qualification, you could be earning £16,000. The more experience you pick up, the more you’ll earn.

lonDon FoCUs

London actually has the smallest proportion of workers in this

sector compared with the other regions of the UK, but there are


though the sector is one of London’s smaller employers, its large

population means that London still accounts for nearly 15% of

England’s health workforce. Areas of this sector that you could

work in include hospital activities, general medical practice activities

and dentistry; the biggest employer here is hospital activity.

Fast facts:• 9%ofLondon’sworkforceisinthissector

• 18%ofhealthandsocialcareemployersherehavevacancies

• Employeesinthissectortendtohaveahigherlevelof

qualification than most sectors

start learning!Want a course in London? Then turn to page 52 to find out

how to access your local 14-19 prospectus. It will tell you

who’s offering what course in your local area, or you could


If you’ve got a big heart and want to work with people, then a career in Health and Social Care could be for you. This sector is about keeping people healthy, happy and looked after – and it takes all sorts of job roles to do this from nurses and care assistants to administrative assistants and IT specialists.

Healthcare is an essential part of our society, which means that there’ll always be jobs on offer for qualified people. In fact, this is one sector that continues to thrive during recessions.

Here are some of the main areas in the sector, along with the entry-level job position that could be your first step on the career ladder.

it’s one of the biggest sectors in the UK. it’s also your chance to start a rewarding, challenging career that helps people live healthy, happy lives.

Allied health professionsPeople who specialise in a specific area, like speech and language therapists, radiographers, occupational therapists and psychologists. The work of these professionals varies greatly depending on their skills.

childcareChildcare is an important career. Workers in this sector have to have the necessary skills to help children grow emotionally, physically and socially. The typical working day for someone in this sector will largely depend on the age of the children they care for and whether or not they are based in a school, day-care centre, or at the childs home.

DentalThere are a range of roles that are important to the dental team. Dentists, dental nurses, hygienists, technicians and therapists are all vital to providing dental care. Some will be employed or partners in a dental practice or based at NHS hospitals.

healthcare scienceThe scientific side to it all – includes pharmacists, biomedical scientists and laboratory assistants. Healthcare scientists play a vital role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a range of medical conditions.

health informationThe people who help process, store and analyse patient information and medical records – medical records clerk, clinical researcher, IT professionals. This is one of the fastest growing areas in the NHS as technology improves and more emphasis is place on keeping accurate records of patients.

Nursing and midwiferyThe largest group of staff in the NHS nurses play a vital role in assisting doctors and consultants. Midwifery is one of the most rewarding job roles in the healthcare profession due to the key role they play in assisting mothers before, during and after birth.

social careSocial care workers and personal assistants help a variety of people, ranging from those with disabilities to the elderly. They assist these groups in maintaining their independence and live fuller lives. Many of these workers visit patients in their own homes and provide support in a variety of settings.

Wider healthcare teamThe NHS has to make sure all hospitals and health centres are well maintained, and that those in their care have all of their needs met. The wider healthcare team includes lots of roles, like technicians, porters, gardeners, caterers, cleaning staff.

careers insight


Page 23: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

UseFUl – Skills for Health. – NHS Careers. - Step into the NHS. - Skills for Care. - Careers films on the web. - Our online careers resource.

CAse sTUDYA route into the care sector

Sian Hendry was recruited to take on an apprentice’s role within a team who provide care for customers with mental health issues who live in a supported housing complex of self-contained apartments.

Prior to undertaking the apprenticeship, Sian had waitressed for a number of years after completing her GCSEs and a university access course in media. She soon realised that she would prefer to take up a paid vocation that offered on-the-job and skills training, rather than just a qualification.

Sian’s role is varied. She relishes the combined day’s study at college, with four days of on-the-job training. The course gives her an overview of health and social care and she is tasked with live assessments that enable her to reflect on her practical experience.

On a daily basis, she can be helping customers to manage their appointment schedules, identifying signs of health deterioration and ensuring their health and safety.

Sian believes that for a role in care you need empathy and patience towards others. The apprentice role has helped her to build personal confidence and gain a better understanding of mental health.

For more information about social care apprenticeships visit or email [email protected]

GeT InTo THe seCTor!There are lots of pathways to a career in this sector –

relevant work experience is one of them…

volunteering & work experienceThere are lots of volunteering opportunities in Health and

Social Care, and this type of experience could qualify

you for a fulltime position or boost your application for a

course. Visit or to search for opportunities near you. You can also

get in touch with your local NHS trust who may be able to

help you with work experience.


ApprenticeshipsIf you’re aged 16 or over, you could take an Apprenticeship

in health and social care and get a job with an employer.

You’ll do half of your learning on the job and half in the

classroom with a college or training provider. Here are the

Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to the sector, all of

these are NVQ level 2:•HealthandSocialCare•PharmacyAssistantsandTechnicians


Advanced ApprenticeshipsAdvanced Apprenticeships are equivalent to A Levels,

but like Apprenticeships are advantageous for practical

roles. Advanced Apprenticeships help you become more

qualified whilst gaining employment experience. Here are

the Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to the sector, all of

these are NVQ level 3:•DentalNursing•HealthandSocialCare


A LevelsA Levels can either lead to university or a Foundation

Degree, which are explained below. Most employers and

universities will value subjects that demonstrate you have

solid base level knowledge and would be able to develop

skills relevant to the industry. Here are some recommended

A Level subjects, which could set you in the right direction:



Foundation DegreeYou can also do a Foundation Degree in health & social

care. A Foundation Degree is a higher education qualification

which combines academic study with practical hands-on

experience. Designed jointly by universities, colleges and

employers, they should give you the right skills to be ready for

employment. They are university-level qualifications and are equivalent

to the first two years of an Honours Degree. A typical full-

time Foundation Degree takes two years to complete, and

are different from honours degrees as they usually involve

learning in the workplace as well as at university or college.

college coursesA college course can also be a great route into this sector.

To see which colleges have relevant courses in your region

check out


careers insight

Page 24: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

Earn while you learn! IT Application Specialist and IT Professional Apprenticeships

- Skills for IT and o�ce work- Central London location- Free, professional training- Employment opportunities

Call today on 020 7831 7777 or email [email protected]

[email protected][email protected]

Page 25: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

it & telecoms employees working in other sectors in the UK

It & tElECOmS SECtOr

it & telecoms

is vital to every sector

employees in it & telecoms sector in the UK

employers love candidates who are good on computers

senior web designers

can expect to earn up to £43,000 per


Over half a million new it & telecoms professionals are needed in the next 5 years!

£38,500 per year(Average salary for full-time it professionals)

Of job vacancies

require basic it skills!



Earn while you learn! IT Application Specialist and IT Professional Apprenticeships

- Skills for IT and o�ce work- Central London location- Free, professional training- Employment opportunities

Call today on 020 7831 7777 or email [email protected]

[email protected][email protected]


careers insight

Page 26: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

It & tElECOmS

IT & Telecoms is a major part of life – it helps us keep in touch with our friends, stay entertained, conduct business and more. This sector is all about digital technologies and it’s a fast moving area with excellent prospects, whether you’ve got a technical brain or a way with people.

This sector can be broken down into two main areas:

From mobile phones and satellite tv to broadband and fibre optics, it & telecoms is for anyone who wants to work with cutting-edge technology.

itAs you can imagine, almost every organisation and business out there uses computers as part of their daily operations. In the UK, 21 million people use IT at work every day! From hospitals and power stations to charities and banks, IT is found in all parts of life. The IT industry is all about computers and information systems – designing them, developing them, making them, selling them and installing them.

Skilled IT professionals are always in demand. There’s a wide range of career paths on offer and many of them are technical – however, lots of IT jobs involve working with other people in a team. Here are some of the careers in IT:

IT trainer – These people make courses to teach clients how to use computers and different applications. They train people of all abilities and backgrounds and will generally specialise in a particular area, which could be anything from technical training to general use of applications like MS Office. Salary:startingaround£18,000.

Web designer – These designers use a mixture of technical and creative skills to build websites that look good, function well and are user-friendly. Many web designers work independently but those working in companies may be in a team with programmers and other specialists.Salary: starting between £16,000 and £20,000.

Software developer – These people design computer programmes and applications that help businesses work more effectively, such as bookkeeping software. Working on anything from these business applications to games these roles are highly complex and technical.Salary: starting between £20,000 and £26,000.

Helpdeskassistant– Offering support to IT users with technical difficulties. This role requires good communication skills and the ability to explain problems clearly, as well as technical knowledge.Salary: starting between £14,000 and £17,000.

telecomsTelecoms is a broad term for any technology that transmits information, like phone lines, broadband, TV, mobile phones and satellites. This industry includes internet suppliers, mobile phone companies and the big companies like BT and SKY who offer a wide range of services (phone + broadband + satellite TV) in one package.

It’s a growing sector with lots of different career paths. You could be installing fibre optic broadband cables, selling contracts in a call centre or assisting customers in a mobile phone shop. Apprenticeships are a recognised way of progressing through this industry.

Telecoms technician – The people who install, test and repair telecommunication systems like telephone and broadband cabling. This can range from installing home satellite systems to working on communications for large companies and corporations.Salary: starting between £12,000 and £15,000.

Customer service – The people who assist contract holders and users with any enquires, from billing to technical problems. Similarly to helpdesk assistants communication skills are required in order to help people.Salary: starting between £14,000 and £16,000.

lonDon FoCUs This sector is a major contributor to the London economy and is central to guiding it out of the recession. Beyond that, every business uses computers so IT skills will make you more employable. The industry forecasts needing 90,000 new recruits in London over the next five years…so now’s the time to get qualified!

Fast facts• Thesectorcontributesto10%ofLondon’seconomy.• Onein13peopleinLondonworkinthissector.• Thesectorisforecasttogrowthreetimesfasterthananother

sector in the UK.

start learning!Want a course in London? Then turn to page 52 to find out how to access your local 14-19 prospectus. It will tell you who’s offering what course in your local area, or you could visit

careers insight


Page 27: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

CAse sTUDYDaniel’s future looks bright

Daniel left school not knowing which career he would end up in. He was hoping for a future in football, which didn’t end up quite how he planned. He started studying at a specialist Sports College but several months later decided to leave as he felt it wasn’t suitable for him.

Unsure of what he wanted to do in life, he applied for an IT User Apprenticeship with Information Horizons in London, where he would gain a high level of knowledge, understanding and experience within both IT and business administration.

Daniel enrolled on a Level 2 Apprenticeship in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of IT and administration. Having successfully completed this at a rapid pace, he progressed to an Advanced IT User Apprenticeship, working as an Administrator at Information Horizons.

On completion of his Advanced Apprenticeship, Daniel was offered full-time employment as Training Administrator with Information Horizons.

He said “With the help of my family, friends and the staff at Information Horizons, I was able to gain a recognised IT Qualification and secure a full-time job at the end of it. I owe a lot to the people who helped me throughout the course and I now feel comfortable and dedicated to working in this environment, hopefully, for many more years to come”.

To find out more about IT User Apprenticeship courses with Information Horizons, visit or call Reni, Apprenticeship Co-ordinator, on 020 7831 7777.

UseFUl - The Sector Skills Council for this industry. - Microsoft UK. - Computer Technology Industry Association

(CompTIA) - Big Ambition. - Careers films on the web. - Our online careers resource.

GeT QUAlIFIeD!There are plenty of vocational and academic routes into this sector...

ApprenticeshipsIf you’re aged 16 or over, you could take an Apprenticeship in IT services & development, telecoms, or IT user. You’ll do half of your learning on the job and half in the classroom with a college or training provider, picking up qualifications along the way. Here are the Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to the sector, both of these are NVQ level 2:• ITandTelecomsProfessionals• ITUser

Advanced Apprenticeships Advanced Apprenticeships are equivalent to A Levels, but like Apprenticeships are advantageous for practical roles. Advanced Apprenticeships help you become more qualified whilst gaining employment experience. Here are the Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to the sector, all of these are NVQ level 3:• InformationandLibraryServices• ITandTelecomsProfessionals• ITUserYou can also do a Higher Apprenticeship, NVQ level 4 in:• ICTProfessionals

A Levels A Levels can either lead to university or a Foundation Degree, which are explained below. In this industry demonstrating that you’re handy with computers is an obvious advantage; however technical roles may require other skills too. Here are some recommended A Level subjects, which could set you in the right direction:• Computing• Design&Technology–SystemsandControl• ICT

Foundation DegreesYou can also do a foundation degree in Information Technology. A Foundation Degree is a higher education qualification which combines academic study with practical hands-on experience. Designed jointly by universities, colleges and employers, they should give you the right skills to be ready for employment.

They are university-level qualifications and are equivalent to the first two years of an Honours Degree. A typical full-time Foundation Degree takes two years to complete, and are different from honours degrees as they usually involve learning in the workplace as well as at university or college.

college coursesA college course can also be a great route into this sector. To see which colleges have relevant courses in your region check out


careers insight

Page 28: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

A 2 year BTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Art & Design (Graphic Design) is available to students aged 16+ and is equivalent to 3 A levels.This Diploma is well suited to gain employment in a variety of graphic design settings such as Branding, Corporate Identity, e-Commerce Design, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Packaging, Publishing, Events and Exhibitions. This course is set in a fashion retail context.

Why study at the FRA rather than at a local school or college?• Sponsored by Arcadia Group, Marks & Spencer, Next and Tesco• Taught by practicing professionals• Work placements integral part of most courses• Work with over 90 high street and luxury brands• Industry professionals give master classes and guest lectures• The building, central London location, environment and teaching are inspirational

Graphic Design at the Fashion Retail Academy Interested in art, design, graphics, textiles, IT? Why not study Graphic Design at the Fashion Retail Academy?

FRA15 Gresse StreetLondon W1T 1QLT: 020 7307 2345F: 020 7301 2346E: [email protected] Apply online now at

Forthcoming Open Days25th January 2012 14th March 2012 25th April 2012

Page 29: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012


(number of female workers

in this sector)


(number of male workers in this sector)


£325 billion (annual turnover of the retail sector)

the retail sector is booming in the UK…get involved!

Don’t forget about the staff discount…!

get paid to help people shop til they drop

if you love fashion this is the sector for you!

retail manager (experienced) expected yearly earnings - £21,000 - £28,000

retail manager (large store) expected yearly earnings - £40,000+

number of retail

employees under 25 years old



careers insight

Page 30: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

Everyone loves to shop, which is why this sector turns over more than £321 billion a year in the UK. Retail is about the sale of products and services to consumers (that’s people like you). It covers high street shops, supermarkets, independent shops, large national chains and more. It’s also one of the most fun and young industries out there, with more than one third of the workforce under 25 years old.

Whether your strengths are creativity or organisation, there’s a role for you. Here are the main areas in the sector:

store operationsOne of the most exciting places to work, store operations is about delivering customer service. Sales assistants help customers in the shop and make the overall shopping experience better. To do this it is important to have top knowledge of the products you are selling, as well as being friendly and approachable.Salary: starting between £11,000 and £15,000 a year.

buyingBuyers are the people who choose what is sold in the shop, and buy the products directly from designers and wholesalers. As well as knowing all about the latest fashions and trends you have to be a keen negotiator. It’s the buyers at Topshop, for example, who bring trends to the high street.Salary: starting between £16,000 and £20,000. With experience, you can earn over £45,000 a year.

visual merchandisingFrom window displays to mannequin dressing, this creative career is about making visual displays to catch the customer’s eye. Visual merchandising is vital to the stores overall profitability.Salary: starting between £12,000 and £16,000 a year.

ManagementFrom managing a shop to overseeing a region of national chains, store managers are needed to keep things running smoothly and profitably. To be a successful store manager you have to be able to motivate staff and sales teams but you may also have to deal with human resources, marketing, customer service and finance.Salary: starting between £16,000 and £20,000, while managers of large stores can make £40,000 or more.

lonDon FoCUsPeople come to London from all over the world to shop. And then there are the millions of us who shop every day, which is why London has more retail centres than any other part of the country. In fact, the West End is officially the largest retail hub in the UK with people spending around £3,536,000,000 each year!

Fast facts:• 16%ofallretailestablishmentsareinLondon,themostin

the country.• Employsaround376,000peoplein39,414retail

establishments.• 51%peopleinthissectorworkincustomerserviceand

sales roles.• Morethan66%ofvacanciesareincustomerserviceroles.• Employersarelookingfornewrecruitswithgood

customer service skills, management skills and the ability to solve problems.

start learning!Want a course in London? Then turn to page 52 to find out how to access your local 14-19 prospectus. It will tell you who’s offering what course in your local area, or you could visit

it’s not just about working on a till – the retail sector offers a range of career paths, from managing a shop to creating shop window displays.

rEtAIlcareers insight


Page 31: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

UseFUl - Advice on careers in retail. - The Sector Skills Council

responsible for the Retail sector. - For information about

the new Diploma in Retail Business. - Careers films on the web - Our online careers resource.

GeT QUAlIFIeDThere are several courses you can take to help start

a career in Retail. Once you have work experience

these qualifications will help further your career...

ApprenticeshipsThe Retail Apprenticeship covers a wide range of

job roles in retail, from visual merchandising to sales.

You’ll get a job with an employer (for example, a

national chain like Superdrug) and do half of your

learning on the job, and half in the classroom with

a college or training provider. Though this the only

apprenticeship framework in the sector it can vary

hugely based on the employer, the apprenticeship

gives you an NVQ level 2:•Retail

Advanced Apprenticeships Advanced Apprenticeships are equivalent to A

Levels, but like Apprenticeships are advantageous

for practical roles. Advanced Apprenticeships

help you become more qualified whilst gaining

employment experience. You can continue the retail

apprenticeship to NVQ level 3:•Retail

A Levels A Levels can either lead on to university or onto a

Foundation Degree, which are explained below. In

this industry a lot of your success will be down to

your personality rather than academic qualifications;

but if you’re interested in retail management or a role

as a buyer, here are some recommended A Level

subjects, which could set you in the right direction:


Foundation DegreesYou can also do a foundation degree in Retailing.

A Foundation Degree is a higher education

qualification which combines academic study with

practical hands-on experience. Designed jointly by

universities, colleges and employers, they should

give you the right skills to be ready for employment.

They are university-level qualifications and are

equivalent to the first two years of an Honours

Degree. A typical full-time Foundation Degree

takes two years to complete, and are different from

Honours Degrees as they usually involve learning in

the workplace as well as at university or college.

employer Funded studyMany of the big national chains (like M&S, Tesco

and Sainsbury) run special training schemes for

school leavers – lots of them are linked in with a

management option. Entry requirements vary with

each scheme – check the websites of shops for

more information.

CAse sTUDYLara hopes to pursue her career overseas

Omolara (Lara) Martins is 17 and studying on the National Diploma in Business (Retail)

I enrolled at the Fashion Retail Academy wanting to expand my knowledge in the business retail industry, meeting key industry people and learning first-hand what the industry is looking for. I have had a taste of the industry by working with an online fashion magazine, styling on shoots and two retail jobs (Topshop and Mulberry).

I first heard about the Academy whilst working at Topshop in a conversation about career path choices and applied online. A few months on and I am fully committed and enjoying learning business retail as it is shaping my future, from marketing to business communication my knowledge of industry is multiplying. After starting at the Academy and adding the FRA to my CV, I obtained an interview at Mulberry and successfully got the job.

With help from the Fashion Retail Academy, I am looking into a career in PR and Marketing in the Luxury goods sector and hoping to progress onto University and then move overseas in the next 6-7 years to pursue my fashion retail career.

For more information call 020 7307 2345 or visit


careers insight

Page 32: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012
Page 33: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012


if you love cars this is the sector for you

Automotive manufacturing contributes

£6.5 billion to the UK economy

£20,000 per year (potential earnings of

vehicle repair technicians)vocational training

is the best way to get into this sector

Why not consider a career working in the motor vehicle industry?

the industry needs people in lots of different and exciting job roles

there are over 200,000 employees in vehicle sales

the UK is home to 8 formula one teams, employing 50,000




careers insight

Page 34: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012


The motor vehicle sector deals with all aspects of cars, vans and motorcycles – selling them, fixing them, servicing them and even rescuing stranded drivers. There are lots of career paths on offer, from technical to customer-service based roles – it all depends on what interests you.

The good news about this sector is that vocational training is the best way to get into it, though academic routes, such as engineering degrees are a possibility. Here are the main areas within the motor vehicle sector – there are vocational routes into all of them.

Maintenance and repairOne of the most popular areas, maintenance and repair is about keeping cars roadworthy. These technicians service, fix and replace parts of all sorts of vehicles. They can work in independent garages or as part of dealerships, say working on just BMWs. Some technicians specialise in things like electrics or motorcycles.Earnings: Between £13,000 and £20,000 a year.

body and paintBody and paint technicians fix cars that have been damaged in accidents. Body work can be sorting out rust or dents and scratches and paint work is about sprucing up after to make everything look like new again. You need a good eye for detail and an understanding of vehicle bodywork in these roles.Earnings: Between£13,500and£18,000ayear.

roadside assistanceWhen someone’s car breaks down on the side of the road, it’s the roadside recovery technician who comes to the rescue. They either fix the car onsite or safely tow it back to a garage and need a high level of technical ability. Workers in this role may also need to available for on-call services.Earnings: Between £13,000 and £16,000 a year.

FittingMotor vehicle fitters repair and replace parts on cars, like tyres, batteries, brakes and exhausts while the customers wait. Workers in this role will also need to advice customers on simple maintenance issues. They can work in fast-fit centres, dealerships or alongside motor vehicle technicians.Earnings: Between £12,000 and £15,000 a year.

parts operationsThis area is about selling car parts to the public – dealerships, motor vehicle technicians and everyday customers. It’s a customer-service based role that requires good organisation to process payments, manage inventory, advise customers, and more.Earnings: Between £9,000 and £14,500 a year.

salesThis is about selling cars, which involves broad knowledge of cars and negotiation skills. It’s also about understanding people – sales people need to find the car that’s right for the customer, and have the confidence to seal the deal.Earnings: Between £10,000 and £15,000 a year, plus commission.

there are 32 million vehicles on the UK’s roads, and all of them need to be serviced, repaired, bought and sold. that’s where the motor vehicle industry comes in…

lonDon FoCUs Our region isn’t one of the motor sector’s biggest employers, but it’s not the smallest either. There are various different roles within the sector that you can get involved with; these include vehicle sale, roadside assistance, vehicle repair, body building, vehicle rental and parts distribution and supply. Sales, light vehicle maintenance and accident repair have the highest number of employers here.

Fast facts:• 9%ofthemotorvehicleretailsector’sworkforce

is in London.• Thereareover6,000workplacesinthemotor

vehicle retail here.• Over60,000peopleareemployedinthis sector here.• Themostcommonsub-sectorismotorsales,

followed by light vehicle maintenance.

start learning!Want a course in London? Then turn to page 52 to find out how to access your local 14-19 prospectus. It will tell you who’s offering what course in your local area, or you could visit

careers insight


Page 35: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

GeT QUAlIFIeDThere are plenty of vocational courses in this sector...

ApprenticeshipsApprenticeships are the recommended route into this

sector. You’ll get a job with an employer and do half of

your learning on the job, and half in the classroom with a

college or training provider. Here are the Apprenticeship

frameworks relevant to the sector, all of these are NVQ

level 2:• RoadsideAssistanceandRecovery

• VehicleBodyandPaintOperations

• VehicleFitting• VehicleMaintenanceandRepair• VehiclePartsOperations• VehicleSales

Advanced ApprenticeshipsAdvanced Apprenticeships are equivalent to A Levels,

but like Apprenticeships are advantageous for practical

roles. Historically Advanced Apprentices have progressed

significantly in the industry and many have gone on to

become supervisors or managers, because of the hand-

on practical nature of the sector this is a good route to

take. Here are the Apprenticeship frameworks relevant to

the sector, all of these are NVQ level 3:

• RoadsideAssistanceandRecovery

• VehicleBodyandPaintOperations

• VehicleFitting• VehicleMaintenanceandRepair• VehiclePartsOperations• VehicleSales

A LevelsA Levels can either lead to university or a Foundation

Degree, which are explained below, but which ones

are right for you depend on what role you want to do.

Most people take the vocational routes into the motor

industry, but you could do the more practical Foundation

Degree after A Levels or study something like mechanical

engineering at university.

Foundation DegreesA Foundation Degree is a higher education qualification

which combines academic study with practical hands-

on experience. Designed jointly by universities, colleges

and employers, they should give you the right skills to be

ready for employment. They are university-level qualifications and are

equivalent to the first two years of an Honours Degree.

A typical full-time Foundation Degree takes two years

to complete, and are different from honours degrees as

they usually involve learning in the workplace as well as

at university or college. They are available in a range of

subjects, from motor vehicle performance to mechanical

engineering, and are a good way to get qualified and gain


college coursesA college course can also be a great route into this sector.

To see which colleges have relevant courses in your

region check out

UseFUl - The Institute of the Motor Industry is the

Sector Skills Council. - Careers site from the Institute of the

Motor Industry. - National training provider specialising in motor

vehicle apprenticeships. - Careers films on the web. - Our online careers resource.

CAse sTUDYAdam is in his element

3rd year Panel Apprentice at Thatcham’s Automotive Academy, Adam Illstone is in his element - in a job he’s always wanted to do and learning his craft from the best. “It started out as a hobby,” says Adam, “I had a VolksWagen Polo and with the help of a friend we managed to lower it and I also had a go at fixing some bodywork. At around the same time I was finishing at school and I saw an opportunity as a panel technician with Peugeot UK in Coventry.” A successful interview later and Adam found himself exactly where he wanted to be – working with cars.

Adam’s on-the-job learning was to be supported by formal learning through the Thatcham Apprenticeship Programme. Thatcham offers apprentice training leading to NVQ Levels 2 & 3 in 3 disciplines, Panel, Paint or Fitter. The programme works on a block release basis so apprentices are released from their employer for two weeks at a time, 4 times a year, allowing them to learn new skills and techniques, which can be immediately put into practice on their return to the workplace. The apprenticeship can be completed in as little as 2 years.

After the initial welcome and settling in process at Thatcham it was down to business for Adam and during the first block he was already trying new skills and techniques. “The Academy is a really excellent place to learn – clean, loads of facilities and equipment, as well as friendly, knowledgeable instructors who treat us like adults. Eventually I hope to have my own bodyshop. I would definitely recommend this career to anyone and I would tell them they need to do their training at Thatcham.”This service can be accessed online at or through a local Connexions office or Job Centre.

You can also contact the Thatcham Apprentice Team, who will be delighted to offer help and advice.

Find out more at or call our Apprentice Team on 01635 294816

Thatcham will be holding an employer open day at their ApprenticeAcademyinBerkshireonthe8thFebruary.Allemployers or potential apprentices wishing to find out more about apprenticeships in the motor industry are welcome to attend for an informal look around from 12:30. Visitors are requested to confirm their place in advance, via [email protected] or on 01635 293 174.


careers insight

Page 36: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

IT Users Customer Service Business & Administration Health & Social Care

020 8992 4144 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Acton Training Centre Swarn House, 296-300 High Street, Acton, London W3 9BJ

Children & Young People’s Workforce Bookkeeping ICT Professional Financial & Management Accounting


Apprenticeships - Intermediate & Advanced Levels

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Page 37: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

Designing websites

organising holidays

Making big

money deals

Travelling around the


repairing sports cars

leading outdoor


Helping to cure life threatening


Cooking five-star meals

Fitting shop frontsrenovating

old houses

Caring for

animalsworking behind

the scenes in TV

saving the




careers insight

Page 38: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

YOUr CArEEr, YOUr CHOICEWondering what other careers are out there?here are some of the other sectors in your region...

Armed Forces Britain’s armed forces – the Army, Royal Navy, RAF and MoD – all invest a lot in their personnel to give them an education that’s relevant in the civilian world as well as in the services. They all offer Apprenticeships so recruits can earn nationally recognised trade qualifications alongside their regular training. For example, a cook for the Royal Navy could also complete a chef Apprenticeship. Each organisation offers different schemes, so visit their websites for more details.

Salary: Starting around £13,400 the first year, with excellent benefits and progression. Qualifications:The armed forces offer Apprenticeships in many areas, including Engineering, Fitting, Maintenance, Cookery, IT, Admin, Marine Engineering and more.

constructionIts more than just bricks and mortar. The construction industry is worth billions and builds the world around us, from hospitals and houses to bridges and football stadiums. One of the most popular ways into this career is the Construction Apprenticeship Scheme, which takes two years for a Level 2 award, and one more year for

the Level 3 qualification. To apply, you’ll need to have found an employer that will sponsor you.

Job roles: Bricklayer, labourer, joiner, painter and decorator, plasterer.Salary: Apprentices can expect toearnaround£8,700thefirstyear, £11,600 the next, and £15,350 the third year.Qualifications: Construction Apprenticeships; Foundation Degrees.

creative, Digital & Media This sector covers a range of exciting and creative careers in TV, film, graphics, publishing and journalism. Production assistants help out on television and film sets; graphic designers create adverts and billboards; journalists write news stories; publishers print books and magazines; and photographers shoot and edit images. If you thrive on a creative buzz, there’s no better industry to be in. Competition for jobs is high so work experience is highly recommended.

Job roles: Graphic designer, web designer, production assistant, editing assistant, photographer assistant. Salary: Starting between £13,000 and £17,000.

Qualifications: Apprenticeships in Creative and Digital Media; Foundation Degrees from Creative Writing to Animation.

customer service & AdminAny business that wants to be successful has to make its customers happy. From helping a shopper find the right size at Topshop to answering customer queries at a BT call centre, customer service jobs come in all shapes and sizes. Another thing businesses can’t function without is effective admin. Administrators are responsible for running the daily operations of the office. They answer the phone, input data, type up letters and anything else that needs to be done. Since administration and customer service are needed in most organisations, you could work across many different sectors.

Job roles: Admin assistant, office junior, personal assistant, customer service representative.Salary: Starting anywhere between £13,000and£18,000peryear.Qualifications:Apprenticeships in Customer Service and Business & Admin; Foundation Degree in Customer Service Management.

careers insight


Page 39: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

energy & renewablesThis essential sector deals with the utilities we rely on: water, electricity and gas. It also covers waste management and alternative sources of power like nuclear energy, wind power and solar energy. Careers in this sector cover the distribution and supply of gas; the generation and transmission of electricity; the collection and purification of water; the treatment of sewage; and nuclear fuel processing. Apprenticeships are a recognised route into this industry and offer excellent career progression.

Job roles: Gas network engineer, gas service technician, wastewater plant worker, process operator, decommissioning operative. Salary: Starting anywhere between £12,000 and £20,000 a year. Qualifications:Apprenticeships in Gas, Nuclear and Utilities; Foundation Degrees, including Power Distribution.

engineeringAt the heart of every technological advance is an engineer. Chemical engineers create new fuels to keep vehicles moving; civil engineers design our railways and roads; and aerospace engineers design the most modern aircraft. Engineers use problem solving, creativity and imagination to come up with answers to problems. The main challenge is doing more with less. How can they make something more cheaply, quickly and effectively than ever before? Engineering is one of the most varied sectors out there, with specialist areas like chemical, mechanical, electrical, aerospace, marine and defence.

Job roles: Maintenance fitter, welder, mechanical engineering technician.Salary: Starting anywhere between£15,000and£18,000per year.Qualifications: Apprenticeships in Engineering; Foundation Degrees.

environmental & Land-based This broad sector offers lots of opportunities to make a difference to the planet, from farming and protecting wildlife to looking after parks and conservation. The main areas within this sector are: Horticulture & landscaping, Agriculture, Animal care, Environmental conservation, and Land-based engineering.

Salary: Starting between £12,000and£18,000.Landscape engineers make between £20,000 and £26,000 a year. Qualifications: Apprenticeships from Animal Care to Agriculture; Foundation Degrees.

Food & Drink Food and drink is one of the largest industries in the UK – in fact, it even helped pull the country out of the recession. This sector is about taking what’s grown by farmers and transforming it into our favourite foods and beverages. It takes a lot of people working together to make this happen, which means loads of career paths on offer. You could be processing ingredients, fixing machines on the production floor, processing meat, baking cakes or testing quality.

Job roles: Production operative, bottling operative, baker, warehouse worker. Salary: Starting between £11,000 and £17,000 a year. Qualifications:Food Manufacture Apprenticeships; Foundation Degree in Food & Drink Management.

hair & beauty This industry is all about helping people look good and feel better about themselves. It’s a booming sector that makes billions each year. There are many different paths within this sector – hairdressing, nail services, beauty therapy, spa therapy – and all of them require common skills: creativity, the ability to work on your feet for long hours, good hand-eye co-ordination and up-to-date knowledge of what’s in (and what’s out). Job roles: Hairdresser, spa therapist, beauty therapist, aromatherapist Salary: Starting between £13,000 and £16,000 a year. Qualifications: Apprenticeships from Hairdressing to Beauty Therapy; Foundation Degree in Salon Management.


careers insight

Page 40: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

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Page 41: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

sTArT leArnInGWant to find a course in one of these sectors? Then turn to page 52 to find out how to access your local 14-19 prospectus. It will tell you who’s offering what in your local area.

Manufacturing From the cars on the motorway to the clothes in your wardrobe, many of the things we rely on have been manufactured. This sector is all about making things on a massive scale: cars, TVs, clothes, aeroplanes, fuel… it’s a very important industry. There are many career paths in the sector, from operating machinery that makes plastics or testing the quality of finished engine parts.

Job roles: Production and process engineers, technicians, maintenance engineers, welders and machine setters. Salary: Starting between £13,000and£18,000ayear.Qualifications:Manufacturing Apprenticeships and Foundation Degrees.

public services In this sector, your work could help other people and improve your local community. Public services are an essential part of our society – education, housing, the police, and the fire service are all services that the government provides for its citizens (that’s you and us). In this sector, you could help organise a community arts programme, work for a housing association or support a teacher in the classroom. Your local council is a large employer in this sector. Contact them directly for job vacancies.

Job roles: Classroom assistant, nursery nurse, admin assistant, youth support worker. Salary: Starting between £13,000 and £16,000 a year.

Qualifications: Apprenticeships and Foundation Degrees in Public Services.

sport & Fitness Many people think the only way you can get a career in sport is to become a professional athlete or a PE teacher – but this couldn’t be further from the truth. This sector is about promoting health and fitness. For example, exercise and fitness instructors work for gyms and leisure centres and help people stay fit and healthy. Sports coaches teach skills and techniques at all levels, from beginner to professional. Outdoor activity instructors help people enjoy themselves in the great outdoors and operations managers make sure gyms and leisure centres run smoothly.

Job roles: Personal trainer, fitness instructor, swimming coach, leisure centre assistant, playworker. Salary: Starting around £12,000 and can rise to £25,000 with experience and qualifications. Qualifications:Apprenticeships in Sports Management, Leadership and Coaching; Foundation Degree in Playworking.

transport & Logistics This sector deals with all sorts of vehicles and their different purposes – the cars and motorcycles we drive, the lorries that transport goods, the trains and buses that travel across the country, even the aeroplanes that arrive and depart from our airports. All of these vehicles

require skilled mechanics to keep them running, drivers to operate them safely, and organised people behind the scenes keeping everything to schedule. Many jobs involve manual and mechanical skills, however many roles deal with the public, so people skills are important too.

Job roles: Vehicle technician, bodywork repairer, rail engineering technician, lorry driver, baggage handler. Salary: Starting between £12,000 and £17,000 a year. Qualifications: Apprenticeships and Foundation Degrees.

travel & hospitality This sector helps people enjoy themselves during their free time and holidays. People working in this industry arrange our holidays, cook for us in restaurants, serve drinks at the bar, pamper us in salons, and more. It’s a buzzing, exciting sector with many opportunities to work in the UK and abroad. You could be a chef, a spa therapist or even a member of air cabin crew! While working hours often take place when other people are enjoying themselves (evenings and weekends), many prefer escaping the typical 9-5 lifestyle.

Job roles: Travel agent, waiter, trainee chef, air cabin crewmember. Salary: Starting between £11,000 and £16,000 a year. Qualifications: Travel Services and Hospitality & Catering Apprenticeships; Foundation Degrees in Hospitality Management.



careers insight

Page 42: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

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Page 43: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

...AND SO mUCH mOrE!


An international financial hub

voted the best european city for business 21 years running

More than 7.5 million people live in London

A world media centre

pay here is 20% more than the UK


20% £33,861 per year (Average salary in


About 250,000 jobs in London are supported

by tourism


home of the 2012 Olympic games



Useful stuff

Page 44: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

London is home to the largest workforce in europe and is vital to the global economy. here’s a look at the different regions is greater London, and their key sectors...


East London

South London

North London

West London

Central London

welCoMe To lonDon

UseFUl lInksThe 14-19 area wide prospectus for London is Or if you can’t

find what you need there check out for more useful info!


Keycolleges: The College of North West London, Ealing, Hammersmith and West

London College, Harrow College, Richmond Upon Thames College, Stanmore

College, St. Dominic’s College, Uxbridge College, West Thames College,

Keyuniversities: University of London (19 colleges and institutes across

London), Brunel University, Middlesex University, St Mary’s University College,

University of West London.

This diverse area is home to Wembley, the BBC and BSkyB, and Heathrow

airport, where 90 million passengers travel through each year. There are also

opportunities with many food processing and airline catering companies, and the

area is also a major IT hub too. Major companies: British Airways, Sony Ericsson, AOL, Adobe, Apple, Coca

Cola and L’Oreal.

Keysectorsbyborough• Brent–food & drink, transport & logistics, creative, digital & media

• Ealing– creative, digital & media

• HammersmithandFulham–creative, digital & media, IT & telcoms

• Harrow– IT & telcoms, business & finance

• Hillingdon– IT & telcoms, retail, transport & logistics

• Hounslow– customer service & admin, IT & telecoms, transport & logistics

Useful stuff


Page 45: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

EaSt LoNdoNKeycolleges: Barking and Dagenham College, Bexley College, Brooke House Sixth Form College, Christ the King Sixth Form College, Greenwich Community College, Hackney Community College, Havering College, Lewisham College, Newham College of Further Education, Newham Sixth Form College, Redbridge College, Sir George Monoux College, Tower Hamlets College,

Keyuniversities: University of London (19 colleges and institutes across London), University of East London, University of Greenwich.

This is one of the most exciting and fast-changing parts of London, thanks to Canary Wharf and the upcoming Olympic Games. It’s also a buzzing creative area, home to fashion designers, digital media companies, artists and galleries.Plans are underway for an ‘East London Tech City’ which will stretch from Shoreditch to the Olympic site in Stratford, forming a ‘silicon city’ for creative companies. Google, Intel, Facebook, Cisco and Silicon Valley Bank have agreed to invest in the area; with google creating an ‘Innovation Hub’ that will bring together their researchers, developers and academics. Keysectorsbyborough• BarkingandDagenham– engineering, motor vehicle, manufacturing, transport & logistics• Bexley– manufacturing, creative, digital & media, transport & logistics• Greenwich– manufacturing, travel & hospitality• Hackney–creative, digital & media, business & finance, food & drink• Havering– business & finance, manufacturing, customer service (contact centres)• Lewisham– business & finance, creative, digital & media • Newham– construction, manufacturing, transport & logistics• Redbridge–business & finance, customer service & admin• TowerHamlets– business & finance, IT & telecoms

South LoNdoN

Keycolleges: Bromley College, Carshalton College, Coulsdon

College, Croydon College, John Ruskin College, Kingston

College, South Thames College,

Keyuniversities:University of London (19 colleges and institutes

across London), Kingston University, Roehampton University.

South London is all about business & finance. The local

dominance of the financial services sector is dominated by the

strong transport links to the City. Other key sectors include

retail, civil and mechanical engineering, creative industries and

manufacturing. Retail is set to grow in particular with a brand

new American style mall due for construction in Croydon.

Major companies: Nestlé, Bank of America, AIG & Heineken.


• Bromley- retail, customer service & admin

• Croydon– retail, transport & logistics

• Kingston-Upon-Thames–retail, IT & logistics

• Merton– transport & logistics

• Richmond-Upon-Thames– retail, business & finance,

IT & telecoms• Sutton–health & social care

CENtraL LoNdoNKeycolleges: Brooke House Sixth Form College, City and Islington College, City of Westminster College, The City College, Duff Miller Sixth Form College, Fashion Retail Academy, Kensington & Chelsea College, Lambeth College, Regents College, Southwark College, Westminster Kingsway College, Working Men ‘s College, Keyuniversities:University of London (19 colleges and institutes across London), BPP University College, City University London, Imperial College London, London Metropolitan University, London South Bank University, University of the Arts London, University of Westminster.

Central London is home to nearly half of the whole city’s businesses. It’s the hub of London’s business & finance sector as well as its tourist, leisure and entertainment industries. Every day, around 1.6 million people commute into Central London for work.

Financialcapital: this area dominates the world in areas such as investment banking and insurance. All 20 of the world’s largest international insurance companies are active here. Media, design and fashion buzz: fashion houses of all sizes make their home here. Soho is home to one of the world’s most active media and creative clusters. Culture and entertainment: this area is home to the world’s largest theatre district, two world heritage sites — The Palace of Westminster and Tower of London — and some of the greatest collections of art galleries such as the National Gallery and Tate Modern.

Keysectorsbyborough• Camden– fashion, digital, media & design • CityofLondon– business & finance• Islington– IT & telecoms • KensingtonandChelsea– creative, digital & media • Lambeth– business & finance, customer service & admin • Southwark– business & finance • Wandsworth–creative, digital & media• Westminster–creative, digital & media, IT & telecoms

North LoNdoN

Keycolleges: Barnet and Southgate College, Capel Manor

College, The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East

London, Haringey Sixth Form College, Waltham Forest College,

Woodhouse College,

Keyuniversities:University of London (19 colleges and

institutes across London), London Metropolitan University.

This district is home to one of the city’s largest industrial areas

and has vibrant manufacturing and logistics sectors. Coca

Cola and Warburtons are two of many major brands that are

manufactured in North London. The world’s largest transport &

logistics operators are based here too as Stanstead and Luton

airports are both based north of the city. There are also retail

opportunities as Brent Cross Shopping Centre was the UK’s

first out of town US-style shopping mall and attracts 20 million

shoppers each year.


• Barnet– retail, business & finance

• Enfield– food & drink, transport & logistics, manufacturing

• Haringey–creative, digital & media, manufacturing

• WalthamForest– manufacturing


Useful stuff

Page 46: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

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Page 47: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

When it comes to career opportunities there’s no better place to be! here is just a snapshot of employment in the capital...


every major financial institution on the planet is represented in London.

London is home to europe’s largest regional workforce — more than 9.8 million.

there are direct flights to 530 destinations

worldwide from London’s five international airports.

8% of the London

economy comes from

creative industries.

London is leading the new

wave of digital media,

and its graphic design

agencies turn over £13

billion each year.

the 2012 Olympics will create 12,000 new jobs and bring in around £5 billion into the local economy.

A third of the world’s largest companies are

headquartered in London.

London has the highest

concentration of it & telecoms companies in

all of europe.

0 3 6 9 12 15

Other service activities

Arts, entertainment and recreation

Human health and social work activities


Public administration and defence

Administrative and support service activities

Professional, scientific and technical activities

Real estate activities

Financial and insurance activities

Information and communication

Accommodation and food service activities

Transportation and storage

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles


Water supply; sewerage, waste management

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning




Useful stuff

Page 48: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012




Page 49: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012




Page 50: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

Have you ever thought about

starting an Apprenticeship?

You earn while you learn, gain

a variety of skills and work

towards nationally recognised

qualifications that enable you to

progress in your chosen career.

You’ll be in good company;

there are over a half a million

apprentices working in England.

This year the fifth annual National

Apprenticeship Week takes place

from 6-10 February and celebrates

apprentices across the country.It is

an excellent opportunity to find out

more about Apprenticeships, so

if you’re considering your future

options and career path then why not

go along to a careers event or open

day? At

you can find out what’s taking place

near you.

The website also gives you the

opportunity to search and apply

for Apprenticeship vacancies.

At any one time there are

thousands of jobs available in a

variety of industry sectors across

England. You can apply for as

many as you like.

Apprenticeships are increasingly

recognised as the gold standard

for work-based learning. There are

more than 200 different types of

Apprenticeships suitable for over

1,200 job roles, in a range of

industry sectors, from engineering

to financial advice, veterinary

nursing to accountancy.

Career progression is excellent for

apprentices, and over the course

of their careers, those with an

Apprenticeship earn, on average,

£100,000 more than those without.

Some Apprenticeships already

attract UCAS points or allow you to

study for a Technical Certificate.

Once the Apprenticeship has

finished there’s the opportunity to

carry on working, maybe get

promoted or go on to higher

education in a college or university.

What types of

Apprenticeship are there?

An Apprenticeship includes a work-based

learning qualification, functional skills, a

knowledge-based qualification and in some

cases a technical certificate.

• Intermediate Level Apprenticeship (level 2)

• Advanced Level Apprenticeship (level 3)

• Higher Apprenticeship (level 4 or above)

Key Benefits:• earn a salary

• get paid holidays

• receive training

• gain qualifications

• learn job-specific skills

Climb the Career Ladder

with an Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Week6 - 10 February 2012

Ben’s story…Ben Murphy, 21, a chef from London, who works at Koffmann’s,triumphed at the largest global skills competition there is, WorldSkills London 2011, winning the gold medal in cooking. Ben was part of Team UK who competed against 1,000 competitors from 52 countries/regions, watched by over 200,000 visitors over the four days of tough competition they had to complete. Ben said: “It is an amazing feeling to be crowned the best in the world at cooking. This is what I’ve been training for all this time, and I am just so pleased I’ve been able to make my family, friends, training manager and all those who have supported me along the way, so proud. Just as importantly, I hope my success will inspire others to think about their career options and that I’ve managed to show everyone that there are options for them. I’d definitely say that a career in cooking is very rewarding!” Team UK consisted of 43 competitors aged 19 -24 competing in 37 skills ranging from Mobile Robotics, Electronics and Manufacturing Team Challenge through to Landscape Gardening, Cooking and Bricklaying.Two in three Team UK Members were current or former apprentices.For more information and to be inspired by apprentices inTeam UK visit

London Chef Triumphsat WorldSkills London 2011C








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Have you ever thought about

starting an Apprenticeship?

You earn while you learn, gain

a variety of skills and work

towards nationally recognised

qualifications that enable you to

progress in your chosen career.

You’ll be in good company;

there are over a half a million

apprentices working in England.

This year the fifth annual National

Apprenticeship Week takes place

from 6-10 February and celebrates

apprentices across the country.It is

an excellent opportunity to find out

more about Apprenticeships, so

if you’re considering your future

options and career path then why not

go along to a careers event or open

day? At

you can find out what’s taking place

near you.

The website also gives you the

opportunity to search and apply

for Apprenticeship vacancies.

At any one time there are

thousands of jobs available in a

variety of industry sectors across

England. You can apply for as

many as you like.

Apprenticeships are increasingly

recognised as the gold standard

for work-based learning. There are

more than 200 different types of

Apprenticeships suitable for over

1,200 job roles, in a range of

industry sectors, from engineering

to financial advice, veterinary

nursing to accountancy.

Career progression is excellent for

apprentices, and over the course

of their careers, those with an

Apprenticeship earn, on average,

£100,000 more than those without.

Some Apprenticeships already

attract UCAS points or allow you to

study for a Technical Certificate.

Once the Apprenticeship has

finished there’s the opportunity to

carry on working, maybe get

promoted or go on to higher

education in a college or university.

What types of

Apprenticeship are there?

An Apprenticeship includes a work-based

learning qualification, functional skills, a

knowledge-based qualification and in some

cases a technical certificate.

• Intermediate Level Apprenticeship (level 2)

• Advanced Level Apprenticeship (level 3)

• Higher Apprenticeship (level 4 or above)

Key Benefits:• earn a salary

• get paid holidays

• receive training

• gain qualifications

• learn job-specific skills

Climb the Career Ladder

with an Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Week6 - 10 February 2012

Ben’s story…Ben Murphy, 21, a chef from London, who works at Koffmann’s,triumphed at the largest global skills competition there is, WorldSkills London 2011, winning the gold medal in cooking. Ben was part of Team UK who competed against 1,000 competitors from 52 countries/regions, watched by over 200,000 visitors over the four days of tough competition they had to complete. Ben said: “It is an amazing feeling to be crowned the best in the world at cooking. This is what I’ve been training for all this time, and I am just so pleased I’ve been able to make my family, friends, training manager and all those who have supported me along the way, so proud. Just as importantly, I hope my success will inspire others to think about their career options and that I’ve managed to show everyone that there are options for them. I’d definitely say that a career in cooking is very rewarding!” Team UK consisted of 43 competitors aged 19 -24 competing in 37 skills ranging from Mobile Robotics, Electronics and Manufacturing Team Challenge through to Landscape Gardening, Cooking and Bricklaying.Two in three Team UK Members were current or former apprentices.For more information and to be inspired by apprentices inTeam UK visit

London Chef Triumphsat WorldSkills London 2011C








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Working Men’s College 7255 4700


Barking and Dagenham 02080903020

Bexley 442331 02082979433 02084884800

Redbridge 020 7510 7777


Bromley 02082957000

ONlINE 14-19 prOSpECtUS



City 020 7492 2600

City of Westminster 02077238826

The City 7253 1133 7307 2345




Barnet 02082664000 08003892947

Capel Manor 08456122122

City & Islington 020 7700 9200

CollegeofHaringey,EnfieldandNorth East

The College of North West 02082085050 020 7613 9123






Useful stuff


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Carshalton 02085444444

Croydon College 02086865700

John Ruskin

Lambeth 7501 5010


South-Thames College

Coulsdon 551176


Duff Miller Collegewww.duffmiller.com0207 225 0577


Kensington& 7573 3600


West Thames 02083262000


Barking and Dagenham London Borough

Barnet London Borough

Bexley London Borough

Brent London Borough

Bromley London Borough

Camden London Borough

City of Corporation

Croydon London Borough

Ealing London Borough

Enfield London Borough


Islington London Borough


Lambeth London Borough

Lewisham London Borough

Merton London Borough

Newham London Borough

Redbridge London Borough

Richmond upon Thames London Borough

Southwark London Borough

Sutton London Borough

Wandsworth Borough

Westminster City






Useful stuff

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tHE rEgIONAl trAININg prOSpECtUS ON SOCIAl mEDIAYou’ve reached the end of the mag, but that’s not all the Open Doors team have to offer! If you’re on facebook, twitter or even google +1 you can come and say hello...

So if you don’t want to miss out on your dream career you can like us, follow us, or even +1 us. Come say hello, we don’t bite!

FACeBookIt couldn’t be easier to find our facebook page you can visit our website

( and click on the facebook logo at the top corner of the

page or search ‘The Regional Training Prospectus’ whilst you’re chatting to your

mates on facebook.

• Checkoutourwall We post information, articles, success stories, and much

more. You can even ask us any careers questions you have, just write on our wall.

• Uploadyourphotos Our magazine goes all over the country, and so do we,

so upload pics of you with the mag and you’ll win a mini prize.

• Winprizes We love to give away prizes, and not just for your photos, but every

time we get 1000 more “likes” we give away a great prize such as an ipod or computer

games! We’re too generous.


TwITTerLoads of people use twitter to follow their fave celebs or share their funny thoughts, but did you know you can use twitter to get top careers advice?!• Followus Search @opendoorsmedia and you’ll find us, just look for our logo, click

follow and we do the rest.• Readourtweets We’re always tweeting the best careers opportunities and latest

news. We also re-tweet lots of colleges and training providers.• Tweetus Why not say hi? You can ask us any question you’re struggling with on

twitter, or even re-tweet any opportunities we promote for your friends.

GooGle +1You may not have tried it yet but the Open Doors team are already +1 experts...

• +1us If you head to you’ll see the +1 logo on our

homepage (or on any of our pages). Clicking this gives us your personal stamp

of approval (that would make us very happy) and adds us to your recommended

pages so you can easily keep up to date with the latest opportunities in your area.

It also allows you to share all of the exciting news and careers opportunities with

your friends!

Useful stuff


Page 55: Open Doors - London, Spring 2012

If you’re 16 – 24, have 5GCSEs A* – C, and want to become an AccountingTechnician Level 4, applynow for our 14 monthapprenticeshipprogramme.

There are 25 Accounting TechnicianApprenticeship vacancies starting6 February 2012 at the College ofHaringey, Enfield and North EastLondon’s Totteham Centre (nearesttube: Seven Sisters).

The programme allows you to completethe Association of AccountingTechnicians (AAT) qualification in paidemployment, progressing from a Level 2 to Level 4, in a professional officeenvironment at college rather thantraditional classrooms.

Apply now by visiting: or call our CourseInformation Line on 020 8442 3055

Earn and learn your way to acareer in accountancy with ourAccounting Apprenticeships

For other courses starting early in 2012visit:

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