open access international tendences

Presentations by Johannes Keizer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Dr. Johannes Keizer Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN Open Access International Tendences Presentation at CAAS AII, Beijing, China 2012-09- 25



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Page 1: Open Access International Tendences

Presentations by Johannes Keizer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-

NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Dr. Johannes KeizerOffice of Knowledge Exchange, Research and ExtensionFood and Agriculture Organization of the UN

Open AccessInternational Tendences

Presentation at CAAS AII, Beijing, China 2012-09-25

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“After all, publishers need academics more than academics need publishers” (Economist) 

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1. To maximise the uptake, usage, applications and impact of the research output of your university

2. To measure and reward the uptake, usage, applications and impact of the research output of your university (research metrics)

3. To collect, manage and showcase a permanent record of the research output and impact of your university

Open Access: Why?

Slides for Promoting OA Mandates and Metrics by Stephen Hanard

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Open Access to What?ESSENTIAL:

to all 2.5 million annual research articles

published in all 25,000 peer-reviewed journals

(and peer-reviewed conferences)

in all scholarly and scientific disciplines,


Slides for Promoting OA Mandates and Metrics by Stephen Hanard

OPTIONAL:(because these are not all author give-aways,

written only for usage and impact):

1. Books2. Textbooks

3. Magazine articles4. Newspaper articles

5. Music6. Video

7. Software8. “Knowledge”

(or because author’s choice to self-archive can only be encouraged, not required in all cases):

9. Data10. Unrefereed Preprints

9. Data

Gray Literature

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Range = 36%-200%(Data: Stevan Harnad and co-workers)


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Lawrence (2001) findings for computer science conference papers. More OA every year for all citation levels; higher with higher citation levels

Slides for Promoting OA Mandates and Metrics by Stephen Hanard

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There are two ways to provide OA:Green OA Self-Archiving: Authors self-archive the articles

they publish in the 25,000 peer-reviewed journals

Gold OA Publishing: authors publish in one of the c. 3000 OA journals (some still recovering costs through institutional subscriptions, others through author/institutional publication charges)

NB: This presentation is exclusively about providing Green OA, through university policy reform (by mandating Green OA Self-Archiving).

It is not about Gold OA Publishing, which is in the hands of the publishing community, not the university community.

(Green OA may or may not eventually lead to Gold OA, but it will lead with certainty to OA.)

Slides for Promoting OA Mandates and Metrics by Stephen Hanard

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What About Copyright? Mandate ID/OA: Immediate Deposit, Optional Access:

All articles must be deposited immediately upon acceptance for publication. Publishers have no say over institution-internal record-keeping.

Embargoed articles can be made Closed Access instead of Open Access.

63% of journals are Green (already endorse immediate OA)

ROMEO/EPRINTS (Directory of Journal Policies on author OA Self-Archiving):

Slides for Promoting OA Mandates and Metrics

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There are many repositories but few deposits because deposit mandates are still few: 0























15% of annual 2.5 million articles

Slides for Promoting OA Mandates and Metrics

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Author Surveys (Alma Swan)

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Open Access Policy Mandates

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Case Studies -

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Open Data Licensing

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..newest developments

• Open access to scholarly publications and other technical documentation,

• Access to germplasm collections,

• [Open access] to genomic and genetic data, as per relevant international treaties and national legislation,

• Improving Agricultural Innovation Systems, and

• Improving agricultural statistics.

G20 MACS meeting

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European Union

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CHINA1.      The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has been promoting open access to scientific dada through the establishment of data centers/platforms in various scientific areas, starting around 2005. Now 23 of such data centers/platforms have been established, which provide open access to relevant scientific data ( 2.      Agricultural Scientific Data Center ( is one of the above mentioned platforms. It started in 2005. Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS is the coordinating organization for this platform under the guidance of the National Science and Technology Infrastructure Center (NSTIC, Now it contains more than 600 datasets in 12 agricultural scientific domains such as crop science, animal science, and aquaculture science. The data come mostly from public funded agricultural R&D projects, and they are open to all. 3.      At CAAS, a pilot trial has been initiated that all R&D projects funded by the national government and conducted in the 11th Five Year Plan shall submit their research results (mostly in the form of data and publications) to NSTIC to provide open access to such research results. This policy will apply to all organizations nationwide that has undertaken such projects. 4.      In the 12th Five Year Plan, it would be foreseeable that all agricultural R&D projects funded by the national government need to make their research findings available for open access.

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Thanks to my team an especially to Imma Subirats for helping me getting the materials on open access