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Leisure Time (Part I)

Module 4, Lesson 1

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Part A: What are adjectives?

(a) Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.


She liked the suspenseful movie.

(Suspenseful is an adjective describing the noun movie)

It was scary.

(Scary is an adjective describing the pronoun it.)

(b) You can have more than one adjective before a noun.


She liked the long, suspenseful movie.

(c) Adjectives can follow linking verbs.

Linking verbs: be, become, appear, look, seem, remain, feel, smell, sound, taste


Trina is emotional.

Trina became emotional.

Trina sounds emotional.

Trina appears emotional

Leisure Time


Exercise 1

Underline the adjectives in the following sentences. Be careful. Some sentences may have more than one


1. The dog seems unhealthy. We should take it to the veterinarian.

2. My holiday is important. I will go by myself if you don't come.

3. Lubka wants to walk along the wooden boardwalk and look at the deep, blue water.

4. The shy, little girl was very talkative. I thought she would be quiet.

5. The coffee smelled so good we ordered a large cup.

6. It tastes wonderful. We want a second cup.

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Exercise 2

Knowing the opposites of adjectives can improve your vocabulary. Rewrite the sentences putting in the

opposites for the underlined adjectives.

Example: The theatre was small and the hosts appeared unfriendly. -> The theatre was large and the hosts

appeared friendly.

1. The old actor with white hair was in his last movie.


2. This is the worst movie. It is very boring.


3. I prefer non-action films. This movie is too fast.


4. Wow! That dog is really ugly.


5. The rich actor drove a new car and wore expensive clothes.


6. I knew he was innocent as soon as I heard what he said.


Leisure Time


Exercise 3

Choose the correct adjective from the ones provided to complete the sentences. Make sure the sentences

make sense.

loveliest tourist Silver

old energetic sloping

1. Our first and _____________________trip was along the wonderful Shabo Trail.

2. The beautiful route takes you through picturesque Bloomsville, a prosperous,

_____________________ town.

3. Landon is a sleepy town, but has impressive homes, _____________________hills and a natural


4. There are lots of clean, friendly hotels available during the_____________________ season.

5. Tired but _____________________ tourists visit this beautiful area.

6. _____________________ harbour is quaint and peaceful.

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Part B: What order do adjectives follow?

When there is more than one adjective in a sentence, adjectives usually must go in a particular order.


We say: a large, green, dirty hat.

We don’t say: a green, dirty, large hat.

When we use more than one adjective, we separate them using commas.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) noun

number opinion size age color origin material purpose noun

four lovely tiny old white African diamond wedding rings


Four, lovely, tiny, old, white, African, diamond, wedding, rings

Leisure Time


Exercise 1

Rewrite the sentences putting the underlined adjectives in the correct order.

1. She bought an fur/expensive/ long/ brown coat.


2. I have a red/ plastic/ new pen.


3. She bought large/ Tim Horton /six coffees.


4. Sergio has a red /10 year- old /brick/ small home.


5. Did you see Ali’s sleek / black /imported/ new /sports car?


6. They ordered hot /seven/Italian pizzas.


7. She made a delicious /French/thick soup.


8. Maria ordered bouquets of colorful /indoor/ fresh flowers


9. You look great in your wool/ lovely /red/ new sweater.


LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Part C: What are adverbs?

Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs



Example: Michelle drives carefully.

-drives is the verb

-carefully is the adverb that describes the way she drives (the verb)

Example: Yesterday we went to a reasonably cheap restaurant.

-cheap is the adjective

-reasonably is the adverb describing how cheap (the adjective)

Example: Basia learns languages incredibly quickly.

-quickly is the adverb

-incredibly is the adverb that describes how quickly (the adverb).

Adverbs answer these questions:


We went to the movies yesterday.

(The adverb tells when.)

He came here yesterday.

(The adverb tells where.)

He talked quietly.

(The adverb tells how.)

Leisure Time


Part D: How do we form adverbs?

1) Adverbs formed by adding ‘ly’. Many adverbs are formed by adding ‘ly’ to adjectives


Adjective Adverb

quick quickly

quiet quietly

heavy heavily

careful carefully

2) Adverbs that do not end in ‘ly’. Below are a list of adverbs that do not end in ‘ly’


soon hard late fast then now up very there always

late often too never seldom sometimes well early down also

3) Adjective and adverb forms that are the same. A few adjectives and adverbs have the same form:

Adjective Adverb

Fast fast

Hard hard

Late late


Adjective Adverb

John is a fast driver. John drives fast.

Susie is a hard worker. Susie works hard.

The plane was late. I got up late yesterday morning

4) Good/Well. Good is an adjective. Well is an adverb


Your English is good. You speak English well.

Bob is a good drummer. He plays the drums well

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Exercise 1

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. (Be careful - one sentence has two adverbs in it.).

1. The program was poorly organized.

2. She simply could not understand the grammar lesson.

3. They will completely redecorate their house soon.

4. He very clearly explained how to use the Internet.

5. I think the use of computers and the Internet will inevitably increase.

6. Cindy is a fast reader.

7. I paid my telephone bill late.

8. He often arrived late and went about his duties lazily.

9. She looked forward to her vacation enthusiastically.

10. He completed the work easily.

Leisure Time


Exercise 2

Complete the sentences by using the ADJECTIVE or ADVERB in italics.

1. My neighborhood is small and _______________________________________.

a) quiet b) quietly

2. Terry spoke ______________________________________. while in the library.

a) quiet b) quietly

3. The teacher asked an ______________________________________ question.

a) easy b) easily

4. Jane answered the teacher’s question _________________________________.

a) easy b) easily

5. When Ted writes letters he makes many mistakes. He’s a ______________writer.

a) careless b) carelessly

6. Ted writes ________________________________________________________.

a) careless b) carelessly

7. Your English speaking skills are very____________________________________.

a) good b) well

8. You speak English very __________________.

a) good b) well

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Exercise 3

Circle the correct answer (adjective or adverb) in each sentence

1. Igor is a ______________________________________________________ driver.

a) careless b) carelessly

2. He drives _________________________________________________________.

a) careless b) carelessly

3. You must pay your bills ______________________________________________.

a) regular b) regularly

4. It is wise to make __________________________________ payment on your bills.

a) regular b) regularly

5. Eman was a very_____________________________________ student.

a) serious b) seriously

6. She studied ________________________________________________________.

a) serious b) seriously

7. Sergio measured the house ___________________________________________.

a) exact b) exactly

8. They were ____________________________________________ measurements.

a) perfect b) perfectly

9. The bridge was ____________________________________________ to walk on.

a) safe b) safely

10. She was able to walk on the bridge _____________________________________.

a) safe b) safely

Leisure Time


11. Maria can speak English very _________________________________________.

a) good b) well

12. She has very __________________________________________ pronunciation.

a) good b) well

13. Her style of learning is _____________________________________ than mine.

a) different b) differently

14. .She learns _________________________________________________ than me.

a) different b) differently

15. . My little brother is very _____________________________________________.

a) stubborn b) stubbornly

16. .He ______ refuses to eat any vegetables although he knows they are good for him

a) stubborn b) stubbornly

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Exercise 4

Choose the answer that tells what question the underlined adverb answers. The first one is done for you.

1. Bao finally knows how to use a computer.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

2. At first he thought he might learn slowly.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

3. He learned how to use the Internet easily.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

4. He went to the library frequently to use the computer.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

5. Bao went there early every morning.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

6. Now Bao can surf the web comfortably.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

7. Bao always wanted to learn how to use the computer.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

8. Soon he will get a computer of his own.

a) when c) how

b) where d) how much

Leisure Time


Exercise 5

In the following sentences, the adjectives are underlined.

Follow the example and rewrite these sentences positively using adverbs instead of adjectives. Underline the adverb

in your sentence


I’m not a very graceful swimmer. I think you swim very gracefully.

1. I’m not a good guitar player.


2. I’m a quick learner.


3. I’m not a careful driver


4. I’m a fast writer.


5. I’m not a careful house cleaner.


6. I’m not a smooth dancer


7. I’m not a very hard worker.


LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Part E: What is a gerund?

A gerund is a verb that functions as a noun. To form a gerund, add ing to the base form of the verb.

Examples: David swims every day. (swimsverb)

Swimming is fun. (swimming gerund)

David loves swimming. (swimming gerund)

Caution: David is swimming in the pool.

In this sentence, swimming is not a gerund. It is part of the present continuous verb.

Part F: What are the functions of gerunds?

Function Examples

A gerund can be used as a subject of a verb. Exercising is good for you.

A gerund can be used as an object of a verb. I like exercising

A gerund can be used to complete an idea after the verb "to be”.

One thing I like doing is exercising.

A gerund is used after a preposition. I am interested in exercising every day.

Some verbs are followed by the gerund form of the verb (appreciate, avoid, consider delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish,

forgive, imagine, involve, insist, keep, miss,

practise, remember, risk, save, suggest, understand

I avoid exercising whenever I can.

I enjoy watching old movies.

I remember seeing that movie.

I suggest taking a holiday in the winter.

I save eating dessert until the last..

Leisure Time


Exercise 1

A gerund as a subject:

Use a gerund from Column B to replace the underlined word/ phrase in Column A.

Column A Column B

1. Exercise will keep you healthy. a. lying down

2. Humor makes everyone laugh. b. drawing

3. Cigarettes are terrible for your health. c. exercising

4. Weights build healthy strong muscles. d. body-building

5. Silence is golden. e. dancing

6. Rest helps relax the mind and body. f. keeping quiet

7. TV is sometimes educational for children. g. smoking

8. Art develops the creative mind. h. telling jokes

9. Ballet develops muscle. i. watching T.V.

Exercise 2

A gerund as an object

Underline the gerund in the following sentences

Example: Bart quit smoking last year.

1. I enjoy watching old movies in the evening.

2. Lucy likes reading on quiet Sunday afternoons.

3. Jacob loves playing chess with his friends.

4. Mary hates swimming in a pool.

5. Jim avoids working late whenever he can.

6. Julie can’t stand eating vegetables.

7. I detest practicing the piano.

8. My parents love golfing in the summer

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Exercise 3

Make questions by putting the words in the correct order


you/ avoid/reading/ books/ Do/ English/ in/? Do you avoid reading books in English?

1. enjoy/ Do / reading/ newspaper/ you/the/ ?


2. prefer/ a/ or / at/ eating/ Do/ restaurant/ home/ you/ at / ?


3. hate/ Does/ his/ housework / doing/ Sergio/ ?


4. like/ shopping/ Teresa/Does /?


5. avoids /exercising / Who/?


Exercise 4

(using a gerund to complete an idea after “to be”) Complete the sentence by using the gerund form of the

verb below.

writing wearing saving swimming

1. My favorite sport is _____________.

2. My main concern is ___________ money.

3. One thing I enjoyed when I was single was __________ new clothes.

4. One thing I don't like is ___________ tests.

Leisure Time


Exercise 5

A gerund after a preposition. The gerund form of the verb comes after prepositions.

Choose the correct gerund from those listed in order to complete the sentences.

Example: I always look forward to relaxing on the weekend.

deciding changing beginning gathering

working getting locating checking

earning writing making selecting

1. I have been thinking about ___________________________ jobs for a long time now.

2. I finally succeeded in ____________________________________________ a new job.

3. I’m looking forward to _____________________________ my new job as a journalist.

4. I’m excited about ___________________________________ for a large newspaper.

5. A journalist must work at _____________________________________information.

6. A journalist is also responsible for __________ the facts to make sure they are correct.

7. A journalist’s success depends on ______________________________ good articles.

8. They are sometimes accustomed to ____________________________ large salaries.

9. The editor’s job consists of ____________________________________ corrections.

10. An editor must also concentrate on _____________________ attention-grabbing stories.

11. Editors are also responsible for _________________________ what goes on each page.

LINC HOME STUDY Module 4 Lesson 1


Exercise 6

Choose the correct preposition + gerund to complete the sentence.

1. I insist _________ to Paris for a holiday.

a) of going b) in going c) on going

2. Janet is worried ___________ the plane on time.

a) on catching b) for catching c) about catching

3. The teacher apologized ____________ late for class.

a) to being b) for being c) in being

4. The students were bored ___________ everyday.

a) for studying b) about studying c) with studying

5. He spoke __________ across Canada this summer.

a) on traveling b) to traveling c) about traveling

6. The employees were working __________ the machine on schedule.

a) in finishing b) at finishing c) on finishing

7. Do not try to stop me _______ that movie.

a) from seeing b) to seeing c) on seeing

Leisure Time


Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Remember to use the gerund form of the word. The words

are listed below to help you. You may use each word more than once

decide work write begin check

gather get make choose create

1. I finally succeeded in ___________________________________________ a new job.

2. I’m looking forward to ______________________________my new job as a journalist.

3. I’m excited about ____________________________________ for a large newspaper.

4. A journalist must work at ________________ information, __________________ the facts

and _________________ a good article.

5. Journalists who work for large newspapers are used to _____________ long hours.

6. They are sometimes accustomed to __________________________ large salaries.

7. The editor’s job consists of ________ corrections, ________ good stories and ________

what goes on each page.

8. Editors are also responsible for __________________________ good editorials.