ontogenetic correlates of diet in malagasy lemurs godfrey etal 2004.pdfontogenetic correlates of...

Ontogenetic Correlates of Diet in Malagasy Lemurs L.R. Godfrey, 1 * K.E. Samonds, 2 W.L. Jungers, 2 M.R. Sutherland, 3 and M.T. Irwin 4 1 Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9278 2 Department of Anatomical Sciences, School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8081 3 Statistical Consulting Center, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9337 4 Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-4364 KEY WORDS Indriidae; Lemuridae; ecological risk aversion hypothesis; Madagascar; dental development; unpredictable environments; environmental disturbances; life history ABSTRACT There is a well-documented relationship between development and other life-history parameters among anthropoid primates. Smaller-bodied anthropoids tend to mature more rapidly than do larger-bodied spe- cies. Among anthropoids of similar body sizes, folivorous species tend to grow and mature more quickly than do frugivorous species, thus attaining adult body size at an earlier age. This pattern conforms to the expectations of Janson and van Schaik’s “ecological risk aversion hypoth- esis,” which predicts that rates of growth and maturation should vary in inverse relation to the intensity of intraspe- cific feeding competition. According to the ecological risk aversion hypothesis (RAH), species experiencing high in- traspecific feeding competition will grow and mature slowly to reduce the risk of mortality due to food short- ages. Species experiencing low levels of intraspecific feed- ing competition will shorten the juvenile period to reduce the overall duration of this high-risk portion of the life cycle. This paper focuses on development and maturation in lemurs. We show that folivorous lemurs (such as indri- ids) grow and mature more slowly than like-sized frugiv- orous lemurs (e.g., most lemurids), but tend to exhibit faster dental development. Their dental developmental schedules are accelerated on an absolute scale, relative to craniofacial growth, and relative to particular life-history landmarks, such as weaning. Dental development has a strong phylogenetic component: even those lemurids that consume substantial amounts of foliage have slower den- tal development than those indriids that consume sub- stantial amounts of fruit. Implications of these results for the RAH are discussed, and an explanation for this hy- pothesis’ failure to predict lemur growth schedules is of- fered. We propose that the differing developmental sched- ules of folivorous and frugivorous lemurs may reflect different solutions to the ecological problem of environ- mental instability: some rely on a strategy of low maternal input and slow returns, while others rely on a strategy of high maternal input and fast returns. Am J Phys An- thropol 123:250 –276, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Leigh (1994) observed that folivorous anthropoids have higher growth rates than comparably sized frugivorous anthropoids. Leigh (1994) interpreted this difference within the framework of the “ecolog- ical risk aversion hypothesis” of Janson and van Schaik (1993). Accordingly, folivorous anthropoids experience accelerated growth because they have relatively low intraspecific competition for re- sources. Leigh (1994) thus linked differences in rates of growth directly to the spatial distribution and abundance of preferred food resources. According to Janson and van Schaik (1993), two factors strongly affect juvenile mortality: 1) the risk of starvation (induced by competition for food with larger and more competent adult foragers), and 2) the risk of predation. Because of their lower compe- tence in foraging, juveniles tend to spend more time feeding than adults, and they tend to be less vigilant when feeding. Because frugivores experience high intraspecific competition for foods distributed in rare (but locally rich) patches, juvenile frugivores face particularly high risks of starvation during ep- isodes of critically low food abundance. Janson and van Schaik (1993) argued that, were it not for such risks, it should be adaptively advantageous for ju- veniles to grow as fast as is physiologically possible. This is because predation pressure tends to favor rapid growth and maturation (smaller individuals are generally at higher risk of predation). However, the risk of mortality due to starvation sets an upper Grant sponsor: NSF; Grant numbers: GER-9450175, SBR-9630350; Grant sponsor: Statistical Consulting Center of the University of Massachusetts; Grant sponsor: Laboratory of Lawrence B. Martin at, Stony Brook University. *Correspondence to: Laurie Godfrey, Department of Anthropology, Machmer Hall, 240 Hicks Way, University of Massachusetts, Am- herst, MA 01003-9278. Received 9 August 2002; accepted 7 March 2003. DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10315 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 123:250 –276 (2004) © 2004 WILEY-LISS, INC.

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Ontogenetic Correlates of Diet in Malagasy LemursL.R. Godfrey,1* K.E. Samonds,2 W.L. Jungers,2 M.R. Sutherland,3 and M.T. Irwin4

1Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-92782Department of Anatomical Sciences, School of Medicine, Stony Brook University,Stony Brook, New York 11794-80813Statistical Consulting Center, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-93374Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University,Stony Brook, New York 11794-4364

KEY WORDS Indriidae; Lemuridae; ecological risk aversion hypothesis; Madagascar;dental development; unpredictable environments; environmental disturbances; life history

ABSTRACT There is a well-documented relationshipbetween development and other life-history parametersamong anthropoid primates. Smaller-bodied anthropoidstend to mature more rapidly than do larger-bodied spe-cies. Among anthropoids of similar body sizes, folivorousspecies tend to grow and mature more quickly than dofrugivorous species, thus attaining adult body size at anearlier age. This pattern conforms to the expectations ofJanson and van Schaik’s “ecological risk aversion hypoth-esis,” which predicts that rates of growth and maturationshould vary in inverse relation to the intensity of intraspe-cific feeding competition. According to the ecological riskaversion hypothesis (RAH), species experiencing high in-traspecific feeding competition will grow and matureslowly to reduce the risk of mortality due to food short-ages. Species experiencing low levels of intraspecific feed-ing competition will shorten the juvenile period to reducethe overall duration of this high-risk portion of the lifecycle. This paper focuses on development and maturationin lemurs. We show that folivorous lemurs (such as indri-

ids) grow and mature more slowly than like-sized frugiv-orous lemurs (e.g., most lemurids), but tend to exhibitfaster dental development. Their dental developmentalschedules are accelerated on an absolute scale, relative tocraniofacial growth, and relative to particular life-historylandmarks, such as weaning. Dental development has astrong phylogenetic component: even those lemurids thatconsume substantial amounts of foliage have slower den-tal development than those indriids that consume sub-stantial amounts of fruit. Implications of these results forthe RAH are discussed, and an explanation for this hy-pothesis’ failure to predict lemur growth schedules is of-fered. We propose that the differing developmental sched-ules of folivorous and frugivorous lemurs may reflectdifferent solutions to the ecological problem of environ-mental instability: some rely on a strategy of low maternalinput and slow returns, while others rely on a strategy ofhigh maternal input and fast returns. Am J Phys An-thropol 123:250–276, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Leigh (1994) observed that folivorous anthropoidshave higher growth rates than comparably sizedfrugivorous anthropoids. Leigh (1994) interpretedthis difference within the framework of the “ecolog-ical risk aversion hypothesis” of Janson and vanSchaik (1993). Accordingly, folivorous anthropoidsexperience accelerated growth because they haverelatively low intraspecific competition for re-sources. Leigh (1994) thus linked differences inrates of growth directly to the spatial distributionand abundance of preferred food resources.

According to Janson and van Schaik (1993), twofactors strongly affect juvenile mortality: 1) the riskof starvation (induced by competition for food withlarger and more competent adult foragers), and 2)the risk of predation. Because of their lower compe-tence in foraging, juveniles tend to spend more timefeeding than adults, and they tend to be less vigilantwhen feeding. Because frugivores experience highintraspecific competition for foods distributed inrare (but locally rich) patches, juvenile frugivoresface particularly high risks of starvation during ep-

isodes of critically low food abundance. Janson andvan Schaik (1993) argued that, were it not for suchrisks, it should be adaptively advantageous for ju-veniles to grow as fast as is physiologically possible.This is because predation pressure tends to favorrapid growth and maturation (smaller individualsare generally at higher risk of predation). However,the risk of mortality due to starvation sets an upper

Grant sponsor: NSF; Grant numbers: GER-9450175, SBR-9630350;Grant sponsor: Statistical Consulting Center of the University ofMassachusetts; Grant sponsor: Laboratory of Lawrence B. Martin at,Stony Brook University.

*Correspondence to: Laurie Godfrey, Department of Anthropology,Machmer Hall, 240 Hicks Way, University of Massachusetts, Am-herst, MA 01003-9278.

Received 9 August 2002; accepted 7 March 2003.

DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10315



limit for the rate of growth. Developmental prolon-gation reduces the energy devoted to growth at anypoint in time, and thus reduces the risk of starvationunder periodic food shortages. Species that are moresusceptible to predation will tend to grow fast so asto not delay maturation; those that are more suscep-tible to starvation would tend to slow down growthso as to reduce the risk of starvation. Slow growthand development are selectively advantageouswhenever intraspecific competition for resources ishigh. The juvenile risk aversion model assumes thatselection operates on the interplay between ratesand durations of growth and development, slowingthe rate but prolonging the duration of growth anddevelopment in frugivores.

The notion that diet affects primate life historiesin the manner predicted by Janson and van Schaik(1993), or indeed in any important way (Ross, 1998),recently came under criticism (e.g., see Garber andLeigh, 1997, on small-bodied platyrrhines). Never-theless, with the exceptions described by Garber andLeigh (1997), the growth rates of like-sized anthro-

poid frugivores and folivores do seem to conform tothe expectations of the risk aversion hypothesis ofJanson and van Schaik (1993). In this paper, we testthe hypothesis of Janson and van Schaik (1993) for thelarger-bodied prosimians of Madagascar. We showthat dental development does tend to be accelerated infolivorous lemurs, but that these species neither grownor mature more rapidly than their frugivorous cous-ins. It is therefore difficult to describe folivorous le-murs as having “faster” life histories.

We recognize, of course, that the diets of lemurs donot sort easily into the pigeonholes of folivore andfrugivore. Most folivorous lemurs consume somefruit, and frugivorous lemurs consume foliage tovarying degrees (Table 1). Behaviorally, the onlyunequivocally folivorous lemurs are Lepilemur,Avahi, Indri, and Hapalemur. Of these, Lepilemurand Avahi are tree-foliage browsers, while Hapale-mur relies primarily on grasses (bamboo), and Indrisupplements tree-foliage with seeds. Propithecusand most lemurids (except Hapalemur) are appro-priately called mixed (fruit and tree-foliage) feeders.

TABLE 1. Dietary data from the literature, with sources

SpeciesLeaves, shoots,

and stems Fruit and/or seeds Other Sources

Indri indri 75% 25% Pollock (1975a)75% 16% 8% flowers, galls Powzyk (1997)81.9% 8.2% 9.8% bark, flowers Britt et al. (2002)

Avahi laniger 90.7% Some 9.3% flowers Ganzhorn et al. (1985)100% Harcourt (1991)

Propithecus verreauxi 25% 65% 10% flowers Jolly (1966)39% 48% Richard (1978), South46% 33% 9% flowers Richard (1978), North

P. tattersalli 39% 46% 13% flowers Meyers (1993), Meyers andWright (1993)

P. diadema 28% 65% Hemingway (1996)41% 55% 3% flowers Meyers and Wright (1993)53% 22% 25% flowers Wright (1987)

Some 48% Some Overdorff and Strait (1998)43% 38% 16% flowers, galls Powzyk (1997)

Lepilemur ruficaudatus 75% 25% Coprophagy Hladik et al. (1980)L. leucopus 91% 6% (including flowers) Bark, latex Russell (1977)Varecia variegata 20.9% 73.9% 5.3% flowers, 2% other Rigamonti (1993)

5.1% 74% 21.5% nectar, 1.8% other Morland (1991)8% 70.8% 15.3% nectar, 2% flowers White (1991)6% 90% 4% nectar Balko (1995)4% 86% 8% nectar, 1% flowers Vasey (1997)

17% 73.3% 5.3% nectar, 2.8% other Ratsimbazafy (2002)Eulemur fulvus rufus 89% 11% 4% flowers Sussman (1974), West

23.4% 66.8% 10.8% Overdorff (1993), EastE. rubriventer 10% 10% 80% flowers Overdorff (1988, July 1986)

100% Overdorff (1988, June 1986)13.6% 80.6% 5.8% Overdorff (1993)

E. macaco Some Dominant Some Colquhoun (1993)E. mongoz Some Dominant Some Curtis (1997)

1.5% 17.5% 81% flowers and nectar Tattersall and Sussman (1975)E. coronatus Some 70%� 10–25% flowers Freed (1999)Hapalemur griseus 90% 1.2% Some Overdorff et al. (1997)

92% 5% 3% soil and fungi Tan (1999a, 2000)�90% 4% Wright (1986)

82.7% 13.8% 3.5% flowers, dirt,mushrooms

Grassi (2001)

H. g. alaotrensis 100% Randrianarisoa (1999)Lemur catta 58% 34% 8% flowers Sussman (1974), West

34% 60% 6% flowers Sussman (1974), South47% 44% 2% flowers, 7% other Rasamimanana and

Ratidinarivo (1993)25% 70% 5% flowers Jolly (1966)


Table 1 summarizes published field data on the dietsof the living lemurs considered in this analysis (seealso Muchlinski and Overdorff, 2001).

These percentages, taken alone, are poor indicatorsof some fundamental differences in the diets of lemurs.The resources consumed by lemurs differ in their ma-terial properties and chemistry (e.g., Yamashita, 1996,1998b; Ganzhorn, 1992, 2002; Strait, 1997), as well astheir spatial and temporal availability. All species ofthe genus Lepilemur as well as all Indriidae thrive onfibrous foods which require processing specializationsto deal with structural carbohydrates, high fiber toprotein ratios, and generally high levels of toxic tan-nins and alkaloids. Of these, Lepilemur has the lowest-quality diet (measured in terms of protein to fiberratios; see Ganzhorn, 1988, 1993; Warren and Cromp-ton, 1997a,b). Indriids, like lemurids, consume a vari-ety of leaves and fruit, but they also consume seeds tovarying degrees (Pollock, 1975a; Meyers 1993; Meyersand Wright, 1993; Scharfe and Schlund, 1996; Hem-ingway, 1996, 1998; Yamashita, 1996, 1998a,b; Dewand Wright, 1998). Most lemurids seek higher-energyfoods (including more ripe fruit) than do indriids, butthey do not process seeds, preferring to discard orswallow seeds whole (Ganzhorn and Kappeler, 1996;Overdorff and Strait, 1998; Ganzhorn et al., 1999;Freed, 1999). Indriids and sportive lemurs also tend tospend more time resting and less time feeding than dolemurids (Richard, 1978; Nash, 1998; Mutschler, 1999).

All lemurs have simple stomachs and expandedcecums and/or colons. The colon and cecum are par-ticularly enlarged in indriids and in Lepilemur (fam-ily Lepilemuridae), and the cecum is the primarysite of microbial breakdown of the structural cell-wall component of leaves in most lemurs. Lepilemuris apparently alone among lemurs in having caeco-trophy (Charles-Dominique and Hladik, 1971; butsee Russell, 1977) and adaptations for colonic sepa-ration of digesta and selective retention of fine par-ticles in the hindgut (Cork, 1996). Indriids also haveclear digestive adaptations for folivory, differingfrom lemurids in their 1) higher ratios of intestine tobody length; 2) greater sacculation of the cecum; 3)relatively longer and more coiled proximal colons;and 4) greater vascularization of the cecum and colon(Milne Edwards and Grandidier, 1875; Hill, 1953,1958; Hladik, 1967; Chivers and Hladik, 1980; Camp-bell et al., 2000). Campbell et al. (2000) maintainedthat the most behaviorally folivorous lemurid, Hapale-mur, converges little with Lepilemur or with indriidsin its digestive adaptations. These authors studiedHapalemur griseus, which deliberately selects only thebases of leaves. It is possible that the high-proteinshoots and culms of bamboo on which Hapalemur gri-seus depends are not as difficult to digest as the tree-foliage staples of indriids and Lepilemur (although thesame may not hold for other species of Hapalemur).High food intake may also help all Hapalemur surviveon a diet consisting largely of grasses (see Randri-anarisoa, 1999, on H. griseus alaotrensis; Tan, 2000,on all Hapalemur). Leaving aside the question of Ha-

palemur, indriids and sportive lemurs can be consid-ered more specialized than lemurids for folivory, bothecologically and anatomically.

This paper tests the ecological risk aversion hy-pothesis against patterns of growth and develop-ment of folivorous and frugivorous lemurs of Mada-gascar. Specifically, we ask: does the pattern ofvariation in rates of 1) dental development, 2) so-matic growth, and 3) reproductive maturation con-form to expectations of the RAH? We examine thesedata for lemurs, and reevaluate the risk aversionhypothesis in light of these data. Excluded from thisanalysis are members of the families Cheirogaleidaeand Daubentoniidae, because of the abundance ofanimal matter in their diets.


Developmental data were collected for 778 speci-mens of lemurs belonging to 22 species (Table 2). Allspecies are represented by dentally immature indi-viduals as well as dental adults (some of which areknown to be postcranially immature). We were ableto collect data on near-term fetuses or neonates(here defined as individuals that are 5 days old oryounger) for 14 of the 22 species. Younger fetuses ofPropithecus and Lepilemur were also available. Foreach skull, we measured the mesiodistal and bucco-lingual diameters of the milk and permanent post-canine teeth as well as skull length (prosthion-opis-thocranion) and bizygomatic breadth. Skulldimensions were also averaged for adults with com-plete permanent dentitions and fused or fusing ba-sioccipital sutures. It should be noted that, in le-murs, the dentition sometimes matures well-prior tothe completion of skeletal growth. Thus, some indi-viduals considered immature here had full adultdentitions, but open cranial sutures and incompleteepiphyseal fusion of the long bones.

Species values for maternal body masses, gesta-tion length, birth seasonality, age at weaning, andage at female first reproduction were compiled fromthe primary literature. Neonatal masses were com-piled largely from the primary literature, although afew were reconstructed from neonatal skull sizewhen no mass values were available in the litera-ture. We estimated neonatal “skull size” using “� *0.5 maximum cranial length * 0.5 bizygomaticbreadth,” i.e., the area of an ellipse with major andminor axes equal to the length and width of theneonatal skulls. We regressed the log of our meanvalues for neonatal mass on the log of our meanvalues for neonatal skull size to obtain estimates ofneonatal mass for species whose neonatal mass isunknown. Weanling masses were read from pub-lished growth curves (e.g., Leigh and Terranova,1998) or taken from the unpublished growth recordsof species at the Duke University Primate Center.Occasionally, they were estimated using reports inthe primary literature of body masses of immatureindividuals of known age, or unpublished recordsobtained through personal communications.


Because there is little published information onthe dental eruption schedules of lemurs, we used avariety of means to reconstruct schedules of dentaleruption. We compiled known ages for zoo- or facil-ity-raised individuals in our database, wheneveravailable. We recorded collection dates for wild-caught immature lemurs in museum collections, be-cause reproductive synchrony allows biological ageto be estimated for immature individuals withknown death dates (Godfrey et al., 2001). Bodymasses of wild-caught and captive individuals be-longing to species whose growth trajectories (massincrease over time) have been published were occa-sionally useful. Also considered were the cranialdimensions of individuals of known ages and dentaleruption stages. Combining these data and pub-lished data on dental eruption schedules, we wereable to reconstruct at least partial dental eruptionschedules for each of the species in our database,and generate growth curves for cranial length andbizygomatic breadth. Full adults (with fused basioc-cipital sutures) were used to derive adult mean traitvalues.

Growth curves for cranial length and bizygomaticbreadth were generated using the program ORIGINversion 6.1 (Originlabs, Northampton, MA). Weused Originlabs’s non-linear least squares curve-fitting module to fit a four-parameter logistic curveto each species’ bizygomatic breadth and craniallength trajectories. Several conditions were set dur-ing the curve-fitting process. We used gestationlength to help visualize the full form of each growthcurve. Assuming a sigmoidal growth curve with ashort left-tail during the embryonic phase of earlygestation, we targeted a point one-third of the way

through gestation for an “effective 0-value” for ourtraits.1 Adult mean trait values were used to obtainthe ceilings of growth curves, and each curve wasforced to flat-line at the appropriate mean adultvalue. All known-age immature individuals in oursample were younger than 36 months. For the pur-poses of curve-fitting, adults of unknown age wereassigned “ages” greater than 3 years.

Using the fitted growth curves, we calculated “in-stantaneous” growth rates for bizygomatic breadthand maximum cranial length for each species atbirth. These were defined as the slopes of the bizy-gomatic and maximum cranial length growth curvesover a 20-day period bracketing birth. We also cal-culated mean daily prenatal and early-postnatalgrowth rates for each species in our sample whoseneonatal and weanling masses were known. Our“mean prenatal daily growth rate” was defined asneonatal mass in grams divided by gestation lengthin days. Our “mean early-postnatal growth rate” isthe difference between weanling mass and neonatalmass (in grams), divided by age at weaning in days.On an absolute scale, larger-bodied species tend togrow faster than closely related smaller-bodied spe-cies (see Leigh, 1994; Leigh and Terranova, 1998).Thus, in comparing taxa of diverse body sizes, webenchmarked growth rates against adult body mass.

To compare schedules for dental developmentacross species, we constructed a variable called

1Histological and ultrasound data on fetal growth in nonhumanprimates demonstrate little increase in fetal mass during the firsttrimester (e.g., see Schultz, 1937; Hendrickx and Houston, 1971;Brizzee and Dunlap, 1986; Jaquish et al., 1995).

TABLE 2. Ontogenetic database (including skeletal materials and wet specimens)1

Family Genus and species Neonates (0–5 days old)Other immature



Lemuridae Lemur catta 11 42 20Varecia variegata 1 35 35Eulemur fulvus 2 45 50E. albocollaris 0 3 2E. collaris 1 11 10E. macaco 1 13 12E. mongoz 4 12 15E. rubriventer 1 6 12Hapalemur griseus 4 17 14H. simus 0 1 10

Indriidae Propithecus diadema 11 25 37P. verreauxi 6 43 87P. tattersalli 0 1 1Avahi occidentalis 0 1 7A. laniger 21 7 23Indri indri 11 5 19

Lepilemuridae Lepilemur ruficaudatus 11 9 29L. dorsalis 0 3 6L. edwardsi 0 4 15L. leucopus 22 3 18L. mustelinus 0 3 4L. microdon 0 3 14

Totals 38 292 440

1 Museums and primate facilities at which these specimens are housed are listed in Acknowledgments.2 Ages uncertain, probably neonatal or near-term fetus. 770 � 7 fetuses of Propithecus verreauxi and 1 fetus of Lepilemur sp. Total(including fetuses) � 778.


“dental developmental stage.” This is roughly equiv-alent to the proportion of the species-typical numberof deciduous and permanent teeth that haveerupted. Individual values were calculated by scor-ing each tooth on a scale from 0–2 (where 0 �unerupted, 1 � erupting, and 2 � fully erupted), andsumming the scores. Replaced deciduous teeth werescored as 2. The sum of scores was then divided by 2times the species-typical total number of teeth (in-cluding the deciduous teeth). “Dental developmentalstage” thus ranged from 0–1, where 0 represents noteeth erupted, and 1 represents completion of spe-cies-typical adult dentition. Mean adult values forcranial length and bizygomatic breadth were calcu-lated separately for distinct subspecies, and the ap-propriate values were used to assess the somaticmaturation of each immature individual. Thus, “per-cent completion of bizygomatic growth” was con-structed as the ratio of the observed bizygomaticdiameter to the bizygomatic diameter expected (onthe basis of observed means) for adult individuals ofthe same species or subspecies. “Percent completionof cranial length” was calculated on the basis ofobserved to expected adult cranial length. Ratios ofocclusal area of the maxillary and mandibular lastdeciduous premolar to first permanent molar(dp4/M1 occlusal area indices) were also calculated.Occlusal areas were estimated on the basis of me-siodistal times buccolingual diameters of the crownsof teeth.

RESULTSPace of dental development

Among the frugivorous and folivorous lemursconsidered here, the extremes for dental develop-mental rate occur within the Indriidae and theLemuridae. Figure 1 shows two individuals in our

sample (a Propithecus verreauxi coquereli and aLemur catta) of roughly comparable ages. Bothwere at or near weaning at the time of death (ca.6 months, Godfrey et al., 2001, Appendix A). Thesifaka (“Erme,” DPC 1593f, Fig. 1 at left) was bornin captivity at the Duke University Primate Cen-ter and died at 165 days (5.5 months). At death,this individual had I1

1), I22), dc1, dp3, dp2, P4

4), M11),

and M2 in place. M2 was erupting, and P3 was begin-ning to emerge. Most of Erme’s deciduous teeth (in-cluding the vestigial dc1 and dp3; see below) wereshed. The ringtailed lemur (“Phaon,” DPC 5854m,Fig. 1. at right) was born in captivity at the DukeUniversity Primate Center and died at 204 days (or6.8 months). At death, Phaon still possessed all ofhis deciduous teeth (including the deciduous tooth-comb), plus M1

1).Dental developmental differences between le-

murids and indriids begin very early. They aremanifested in all fetal and neonatal specimensthat we examined. The dental developmentalschedules of Propithecus spp. are better knownthan those of Indri or Avahi (Godfrey et al., 2001),but there is good evidence that all indriids areborn with their milk teeth virtually fully erupted,their first and second permanent molars in ad-vanced states of crown calcification, the crypts forthe third molars open, and the M3 crown initiated,whereas lemurids are born with only the anteri-ormost milk teeth erupting and permanent M1formation just beginning (Schwartz et al., 2002).In Propithecus, the first permanent molars begincrown formation at the end of the first trimester ofgestation or the beginning of the second (Schwartzet al., 2002). The rapid pace of dental developmentin indriids has consequences for the relative sizesof the deciduous and permanent teeth and thepattern of dental loss. The space allocated to thedeveloping deciduous premolar buds is reduced,apparently to accommodate the rapidly developingand large permanent molar crowns. The dp4/M1occlusal area ratios of indriids are exceedingly low(Table 3); the developing crowns of the first andsecond molars as well as the deciduous teeth arecrowded into the small jaws of indriid fetuses.

The deciduous teeth begin to erupt in Propithecusverreauxi when fetal head length is less than three-quarters (i.e., ca. 30 mm) of the mean skull length atbirth (generally �40 mm).2 There is no fixed erup-

2Luckett (1984) conducted a histological study of dental develop-ment in even younger fetal Propithecus verreauxi. At 25-mm headlength (little over half of head length at birth), the deciduous teeth arealready well-developed, but unerupted. The vestigial third and fifthmandibular deciduous teeth (dc1 and dp3) are the least developed (i.e.,in the middle-late bell stage, still lacking dentin and enamel); thecrowns of all other deciduous teeth are well calcified. Luckett (1984, p.187) calls the third and fifth mandibular deciduous teeth “retardeddevelopmentally.” More precisely, they are developmentally eclipsedby the faster-developing milk teeth on either side. The developingroots of di2, dp2, and dp4 are in close apposition and extend deepwithin the jaw, providing little space for the growth of dc1 and dp3,

Fig. 1. Comparison of an indriid and lemurid of roughly com-parable age. Left: DPC 1593f. Right: DPC 5854m. For scale,Phaon’s bizygomatic breadth is 42.5 mm. Propithecus verreauxibecomes a dental adult long before it reaches physical matura-tion, and well ahead of Varecia. Even Lemur catta, whose dentaldevelopmental schedule is accelerated in comparison to that ofVarecia or Eulemur, lags well behind all indriid species.


tion order: in some individuals, the anterior teethemerge first, while in others, the opposite is true (Ta-ble 4). Most, if not all, of the deciduous teeth eruptbefore birth. The developmentally eclipsed dc1 and dp3pierce the gumline last because of the very smallheight of their crowns. Dp3 in particular may be diffi-cult to palpate in living neonates, because it is snug-gled against the lingual face of the trigonid of thelarger dp4, and may not achieve full gingival eruptionat birth. Thus it is not surprising that Eaglen (1985;see also Smith et al., 1994) reported relatively late (i.e.,postnatal) eruption of dp3 in Propithecus.

More research is required to ascertain the pre-cise degree to which permanent molar crowns areformed at birth in all frugivorous and folivorouslemurs. The dental microstructural data collectedto date corroborate the observation drawn largelyfrom radiographs of neonates that indriids areuniversally ahead of lemurids in this regard.Milne Edwards and Grandidier (1875, Plate 35)illustrated a fetal (near term) Indri indri withfully erupted deciduous teeth and the crowns ofthe first two partially calcified permanent molarsdissected out. Very young Avahi are more preco-cious dentally than are either Propithecus or Indri

(see Milne Edwards and Grandidier, 1875; God-frey et al., 2001).

In sharp contrast to those of indriids, lemuridpermanent molar crowns calcify largely afterbirth. Only the cusps of the anteriormost molarsare characteristically visible in radiographs of ne-onates or very young individuals (Samonds et al.,1999; Schwartz et al., 2002). Generally, the cryptsfor M2 open during the second month, when M1 isstill only partially calcified. At a comparable agein Propithecus, the crowns of the first and secondmolars may be fully developed. By 3 months ofage, calcification of the third molar is well under-way (Fig. 2); the first molars erupt shortly there-after.

Lemur teeth erupt in waves (Figs. 3, 4; see alsoEaglen, 1985). These are clearly visible when on-togenetic series for any cranial trait (e.g., craniallength or bizygomatic breadth in percent meanspecies-typical adult value, Y) are plotted againstdental developmental stage (X). Figure 3 showscranial length vs. dental developmental stage fortwo species (Lemur catta and Propithecus ver-reauxi), plotted separately. A step pattern is obvi-ous for each. Waves of dental eruption correspondto the horizontal or oblique platforms betweenvertical steps; the vertical “steps” are intervalsduring which cranial growth continues but no (oralmost no) dental eruption occurs. Periods inwhich little or no dental eruption is coupled withlittle or no cranial growth are invisible. Indicatedin Figure 3 is the species-typical timing for birthand weaning in Lemur catta and Propithecus ver-reauxi. The timing of wave initiation is much ear-

which are situated close to the oral epithelium. The relative retarda-tion of dc1 and dp3 results in their failure to develop successionallaminae and in the agenesis of successional teeth. In the maxilla, theanteriormost deciduous premolar never develops. Adult indriids lackthe maxillary P2 and the mandibular canine and P3. In contrast, fourfetal Lemur examined by Luckett (1984) showed no relative retarda-tion of dc1 or dp3; all deciduous teeth develop normally and are evenlyspaced, and lemurids retain the full primitive complement of perma-nent teeth.

TABLE 3. Mean dp4/m1 occlusal area indices in Malagasy lemurs, expressed as %

Family Genus and speciesI. Maxillary

dp4/M1 occlusal area indexII. Mandibular

dp4/M1 occlusal area index

Indriidae Indri indri 26.2 14.5Avahi laniger 24.7 16.6Propithecus verreauxi 25.5 18.7P. diadema 25.5 18.3

Lepilemuridae Lepilemur ruficaudatus 47.6 34.9Lemuridae Hapalemur griseus 98.7 101.0

Eulemur fulvus 77.1 79.1E. macaco 89.5 86.5E. mongoz 88.3 86.4Lemur catta 72.8 76.5Varecia variegata 64.8 75.1

TABLE 4. Dental eruption in fetal Propithecus verreauxi

Specimen numberHead length

(in mm) Mandibular teeth erupting Maxillary teeth erupting

BMNH 95.308 20.5 None NoneBMNH 95.309 31.0 di1, di2, dc1 NoneBMNH 95.306 31.4 di1, di2, dp4 di1BMNH 95.312 32.6 dp4 NoneBMNH 95.310 33.6 di1, di2, dc1, dp2, dp4 di1, di2, dc1, dp3, dp4BMNH 95.311 33.7 di1, di2, dp4 di1, dp4BMNH 95.307 35.3 di1, di2, dp4 di1, dc1, dp4BMNH 67.1365 42.3 di1, di2, dc1, dp2, dp3; dp4 fully erupted di1, di2, dc1, dp3; dp4 fully erupted


lier relative to birth and weaning in Propithecusthan in Lemur catta.

Figure 4 shows cranial length and bizygomaticbreadth for all species of lemurids and indriids inour database. The step pattern is only slightlyobscured by this superimposition. Relative tocraniofacial growth, dental development is fasterin indriids than in lemurids. Thus, at any givendental developmental stage, craniofacial growth ismore advanced in young lemurids than in youngindriids. Dental development is faster in indriidsthan in lemurids on absolute as well as relativescales. Figure 5 illustrates this for one lemuridspecies (Eulemur fulvus) and one indriid species(Propithecus verreauxi); see also Schwartz et al.(2002).

Pace of somatic growth

Like-sized indriids and lemurids exhibit dra-matic differences in pre- and postnatal growthrates. A comparison of trait-growth curves gener-ated by fitting four-parameter logistic curves tothe data derived from our samples of immatureindriids and lemurids of known or estimated agedemonstrates these differences (Fig. 6). Figure 7shows the entire suite of fitted curves for bizygo-matic breadth. Other traits give parallel results;in all cases, lemurids attain their asymptotic adultvalues more rapidly than do indriids of similarbody mass.

Figure 8 compares the mean values for growthin mass prenatally (over gestation) and during

Fig. 2. Radiographs of young sifakas, showing complete deciduous dentitions. Left: Natural History Museum (London) ZD1930.3.15.1, infant male Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi collected by E.I. White at Ampoza near Ankazoabo in August 1929. Estimatedage, ca. 2 months. Right: Natural History Museum (London) ZD 1935.1.8.8a, infant male P. diadema collected “1 day west of Andapa”on August 29, 1930. Estimated age: almost 3 months. In this specimen, crypts for M2 and M3 are visible, but crowns are missing. Noterelatively small size of all milk teeth in Propithecus, vestigial nature of dc1 and dp3, and advanced state of calcification of permanentmolars in very young individuals.


Fig. 3. a: Percent adult cranial length vs. dental developmental stage in Lemur catta. In lemurids, birth characteristically occursbetween dental developmental stages 0.04–0.2, and weaning occurs at 0.38–0.53. b: Percent adult cranial length vs. dentaldevelopmental stage in Propithecus verreauxi. Birth characteristically occurs between dental developmental stages 0.31–0.43, andweaning typically occurs between dental developmental stages 0.56–0.8. Straight arrows indicate approximate timing of birth andweaning, respectively, in Lemur catta and in Propithecus verreauxi. Sifaka fetuses are indicated by curved arrow.


infancy (between birth and weaning) (for the dataand their sources, see Tables 5 and 6). These meanvalues are plotted against adult female body mass.In all cases, indriids grow slowly in comparison tolemurids. Instantaneous growth rates at birthshow the same contrast (Fig. 9; Table 7).

Several important inferences can be drawn fromthese data. First, for both indriids and lemurids,there is a very strong correlation between adultbody mass and growth rates (either prenatal orpostnatal). Second, the strength of the correlationweakens considerably when viewed across fami-lies. Third and most importantly, indriids and le-murids exhibit different growth patterns: bothbefore and after birth (and before and after wean-ing), lemurids grow considerably faster than doindriids of similar adult body mass. In sharp con-trast to the pattern for dental development, it isthe indriids that lag behind like-sized lemurids intheir rates of somatic growth.

Reproductive maturation and age atfirst reproduction

Female age at first reproduction and other repro-ductive parameters are poorly known for wild le-murs, with the exception of species studied overextended periods of time.3 Those data that do exist

3Age at first reproduction is better known for captive than for wildsamples, but these cannot be compared because wild individualsusually begin to reproduce at an older age than their conspecifics incaptivity. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the pattern we observefor wild indriids and lemurids is mirrored by the pattern exhibited bycaptive populations. A number of lemurids were reported to reachsexual maturity and conceive in captivity during the second breedingseason after birth (i.e., prior to their second birthday; Boskoff, 1977;Klopfer and Boskoff, 1979; Van Horn and Eaton, 1979; Izard et al.,1993; Digby, 1999). This includes Lemur catta (Van Horn and Eaton,1979), Eulemur collaris (Izard et al., 1993), and Eulemur macaco(Digby, 1999). Even the largest-bodied extant lemurid, Varecia varie-gata, regularly conceives in captivity during the second breedingseason after birth (at ca. 20 months), although early conceptions

Fig. 4. Percent adult mean cranial length vs. dental developmental stage in families Indriidae and Lemuridae.


suggest earlier ages at first reproduction in lemuridsthan in like-sized indriids. Occasionally in lemurids,2-year-old females give birth in the wild (seeColquhoun, 1993, on Eulemur macaco macaco;Overdorff et al., 1999, on Eulemur fulvus rufus; Cur-

tis and Zaramody, Colquhoun, 1999, on Eulemurmongoz; Morland, Colquhoun, 1991, on Varecia var-iegata; and Koyama et al., 2001, on Lemur catta).However, the norm for first successful births, evenamong small-bodied lemurids (see Tan, 1999b, onHapalemur griseus), is 3 years or older, as infantsborn to 2-year-old mothers tend not to survive. Wildringtail females tend to give birth for the first timeat age 3 or 4 years (for ringtails at Berenty, see Jolly,1966; Koyama et al., 2001; for ringtails at BezaMahafaly, see Sussman, 1992; Gould et al., 1999).

It is unlikely that any wild indriid reproduces atage 2 years. The data for Avahi are poor, but Albig-nac (1981) described Avahi as living in social groupsof up to five individuals with an adult male andfemale and offspring up to 2 years of age. If offspringgenerally leave their parents at sexual maturity andtake up to a year to find a mate (as is usual formonogamous species; see Wright, 1990), then firstreproduction in Avahi should occur at 3 years orlater.

generally produce low-weight singletons with a high probability ofmortality (Boskoff, 1977), and infants conceived in the third breedingseason or later are more likely to belong to larger litters (twins ortriplets, or even quadruplets), to have higher neonatal masses (ca.100 g each), and to survive (see also Klopfer and Boskoff, 1979; Foerg,1982). Captive Propithecus tend to reach sexual maturity in the thirdbreeding season after birth (Tattersall, 1982; Duke University Pri-mate Center records), and to give birth at 3 years (and thus later thanin lemurids). Often the very upper end of the range for first breedingin captivity is the lower end of the range for first breeding in the wild.Life spans are also better known for captive than for wild lemurs.Both lemurids and indriids can live long in captivity. Clotho (a femaleVarecia variegata at the Duke University Primate Center) died at age36 or older; Nigel (a male Propithecus verreauxi, also at the DukeUniversity Primate Center) was over 30 years old when he died.Better data from long-term field studies will be required to testpossible differences in the life spans of lemurids and indriids.

Fig. 5. Dental developmental stage vs. age in months for Propithecus verreauxi and Eulemur fulvus.


Excellent data now exist for age at first reproduc-tion in wild sifakas (Richard et al., 1991, 1993, 2002;Wright, 1995; Pochron et al., in press). Occasionally,3-year-old Propithecus verreauxi give birth in thewild, but more often sifakas do not give birth untilthey are older (sometimes considerably older). It isnot uncommon for female P. verreauxi to reproducefor the first time at 6 years; 50% of females at BezaMahafaly have not given birth by the time they are6. Females can give birth in consecutive years (Rich-ard et al., 2002). Whereas the death of an infant doesnot increase the probability that females will suc-cessfully raise the next year’s infant, there is quite abit of variance in female reproductive success, de-pending on each individual’s ability to regain bodymass and thereby store resources prior to the breed-ing season (Richard et al., 2000). In Propithecusdiadema edwardsi at Ranomafana (Wright, 1995;Pochron et al., in press), females tend to leave theirgroups and breed for the first time at between 3–5years. Most females give birth every other year (Po-chron et al., in press). First reproduction in femaleIndri indri does not occur until even later. Mitter-meier et al. (1994) recorded ages at first reproduc-tion from 7–9 years, on the basis of an unpublishedreport to the WWF-US Primate Program by J. Pol-lock. Indri do not reproduce every year; they oftenreproduce only every third year (Powzyk, 1997). Ta-ble 8 summarizes data from the literature on age atfirst reproduction in females of folivorous and fru-givorous species. Clearly, folivorous species (e.g., in-driids) do not experience early sexual maturation orfirst reproduction in comparison to like-sized, morefrugivorous lemurids.

A second difference between the more frugivorousand more folivorous lemur species is litter size.Twinning occurs in many lemurids, including Vare-cia, Eulemur, and Lemur; we are unaware of reportsof twinning in any indriid, either in the wild or incaptivity. Table 9 provides data compiled from pub-lished and unpublished sources on litter size in fo-livorous and frugivorous lemurs.


That lemurids grow more rapidly than indriids oflike-body mass has obvious implications for the riskaversion hypothesis. Lemurids are more “frugivo-rous” than indriids: they prefer higher-quality butpresumably less predictable resources. According tothe RAH, lemurids should be more vulnerable tostarvation than indriids, and would therefore beexpected to grow more slowly than indriids of com-parable body size. However, the data show that theopposite is true. Contrary to the expectations of theRAH, frugivorous lemurs tend to grow faster thanlike-sized folivorous species, have relatively largerweanlings, and reproduce earlier. It is only in theirpace of dental development that folivorous and fru-givorous lemurs conform to the expectations of therisk aversion hypothesis.

Indriids are unique in having rapid dental devel-opment superimposed on a matrix of slow overallgrowth and reproductive maturation. Because theRAH posits that adjustments in the speed of devel-opment serve to counter varying degrees of starva-tion risk, it is the rate of growth that seems mostrelevant, and the RAH seems ill-suited to explainthe developmental differences between indriids andlemurids. The apparent conformity of the pace ofdental development to the predictions of the RAHseems coincidental. Alternative ecological pressuresmight better explain the differences between indri-ids and lemurids in somatic development and age atmaturation, as well as the “decoupling” of dentaland somatic development seen in indriids.

Adaptive significance of variation in rates ofdental development

We suggest, following Eaglen (1985), that varia-tion in the timing of dental development is tied tovariation in the behavioral ontogeny of food process-ing. Many lemur species, including all indriids andmost lemurids, exhibit reproductive synchrony. In-deed, reproductive synchrony may characterize alllemurs except Daubentonia and possibly Hapale-mur, whose specialized diets may be less subject toseasonal changes (Glander et al., 1989; Sterling,1994; Tan, 1999a,b; Mutschler, 1999). Because ofreproductive synchrony, lemurs grow in cohorts, andnatural selection can mold dental eruption sched-ules to anticipate specific seasonal phenologicalevents. In fact, it was shown that phenologicalchanges are closely monitored by lemur species(Sauther, 1991, 1998; Meyers and Wright, 1993),

Fig. 6. Four-parameter logistic curve fit to data for bizygo-matic breadth (Y) by age in months (X) in Varecia variegata,shown to illustrate our curve-fitting procedure. “Zero” value forbizygomatic breadth was set at one-third of the way throughgestation. Equation for logistic curve is A2 � ([A1 � A2]/[1 �(X/X0)P]), where A1 (27.55 � 1.87 mm) is initial Y value at birth(or X � 0), and A2 (62.0 � 1.56 mm) is adult ceiling for Y.Chi-square degrees of freedom � 3.69; R2 � 0.94.


and that weaning itself is timed to correspond to theseason of greatest availability of young leaves inmany species (Wright, 1997, 1999). It was alsoshown that late-cycle infants may be at a distinctselective disadvantage despite the possibility ofcatch-up growth (Sauther, 1991, 1998; Pereira,1993). Eaglen (1985) linked the timing of dentaleruption in lemurs to plant phenology, by suggestingthat the state of the dentition at weaning (or duringthe first postweaning dry season) may be a criticaltarget of selection. Reproductive synchrony may al-low the pace of dental development to undergo se-lective fine-tuning, possibly independent of somaticgrowth, in accordance with the leafing and fruitingschedules of important plant resources.

The first dental eruption wave (comprising theemergence of the deciduous dentition) begins justprior to birth in lemurids, and extends over the firstseveral months of infancy. In contrast, it begins wellprior to birth in indriids, and extends only into the

first few weeks after birth if at all. Solid foods aretasted or mouthed exceptionally early in indriids.Richard (1976) reported such behavior in wild Ver-reaux’s sifakas at about 2 weeks of age. Propithecusdiadema edwardsi begin to play-bite twigs andleaves at about 3 weeks, and actually ingest solidfoods at 4–6 weeks of age; young leaves are ingestedat 2–3 months, and fruits are added at about 2–4months prior to the onset of weaning (Pat Wright,personal communication; see also Grieser, 1992). In-dri infants start feeding on solid food at 8 weeks ofage, long before weaning at ca. 8 months (Pollock,1975b).

The second dental eruption wave involves theeruption of the anterior permanent molars and per-manent incisors (plus the lower canine, when thistooth is part of the tooth comb). It begins at orshortly after the onset of weaning, which occursbetween 4–6 months in most lemurids, and duringthe wet season. Hapalemur simus is an exception in

Fig. 7. Bizygomatic breadth vs. age in months (adjusted for gestation length) in indriids vs. lemurids. Each curve was generatedusing Originlabs curvilinear regression algorithm for a four-parameter logistic curve, with “zero” value for bizygomatic breadth set atbeginning of gestational growth phase, about one-third of the way through gestation period. Note that indriids reach adult values forbizygomatic breadth more slowly than like-sized lemurids.


Fig. 8.


that it delays weaning until about 8 months of age(Tan, 1999b) (well after the initiation of the secondwave of eruption), so that new weanlings are well-endowed dentally and can process the tough, fibrousstems of giant bamboos. In most lemurids, eruptionof the second wave of teeth extends through the wetseason and well into the first half of the dry season.During the 6-month period of fruit scarcity (partic-ularly the latter half), growth slows dramaticallyand dental eruption halts for a period of about 3months, until the rains come again and the thirdwave of dental eruption (the premolars, third mo-lars, and upper canines) begins (Eaglen, 1985;Pereira, 1993, 1995).

The second wave of dental eruption begins wellprior to weaning in indriids (which similarly occursduring the wet season), and there is no extendedbreak in time between the second and third waves.For example, M1 erupts at age 12–14 weeks (3months) in Propithecus verreauxi, when this speciesregularly samples solid foods (Eaglen and Boskoff,1978). Weaning begins in sifakas at about 5–6months (Meyers and Wright, 1993). At weaning,their dentition includes the first two molars, the lastpermanent premolar, the full battery of adult upperincisors, and the adult mandibular toothcomb (God-frey et al., 2001). During the wet season, the avail-ability of young leaves increases, as does the avail-ability of fruit (including unripe fruit) and seeds.

By the beginning of the first postweaning seasonof scarce resources, sifakas are 8 or 9 months old andstill small in comparison to adults (about a third ofadult mass or slightly more). In the early dry season,adult sifakas process very hard fruits, which arecracked open by the postcanine teeth (N. Yamashita,personal communication). Characteristically in Pro-pithecus, the mandibular dentition is complete (orvirtually so) at around 8 months, and the maxillarydentition except the canine is complete around 1year. The upper canine continues to erupt slowlyafter all postcanine teeth have fully erupted. Thus,8-or-9-month-old sifakas have their full battery ofadult teeth except the upper canines and, perhaps,the maxillary third molars (which are erupting atthis age). During their first postweaning season ofscarce resources, sifakas are capable of processingthe foods eaten by full adults.

One might wonder whether enlargement of theposteriormost deciduous premolar might not be aviable alternative to dental developmental accelera-tion, especially since delaying molar eruption would

prolong the overall life span of the dentition. At leastwith respect to primates, we suggest that no degreeof enlargement of the molarlike posterior deciduouspremolar can rival the masticatory efficiency of thefirst and second permanent molars combined, par-ticularly when the latter are large in adults. There isa strong correlation among primates between thepercentage of teeth that have erupted at weaningand the postcanine occlusal area at weaning (ex-pressed as a percentage of the species-typical adultpostcanine occlusal area; see Godfrey et al., 2001).Among primate species with no permanent molars orreplacement teeth at weaning, weanling postcanineocclusal area is generally 20–30% of the species-typical adult value. Very few such species (indeed,only callitrichines) display values in excess of 40%,and none display values in excess of 50% (Godfreyand Samonds, unpublished data). In contrast, val-ues over 50% are common for species with at leastsome permanent teeth erupted at weaning. For in-driids, postcanine occlusal area at weaning alwaysexceeds 60% of the corresponding species-typicaladult value (sometimes well over 60%).

Molars with large crushing basins and high shear-ing quotients are ideal for breaking down unripefruit, hard or tough seeds, and mature leaves. Themegadont and cresty molars that indriids possesshelp them to do just that (Table 10; see also Godfreyet al., 2002; Jungers et al., 2002). If recent weanlingsmust process the same foods as adults, and if thosefoods include unripe fruit, hard or tough seeds, andmature leaves, there should be a strong selectivepressure to accelerate molar eruption or to delayweaning until the first several permanent molarshave erupted. Delaying weaning requires prolongedlactation. Indriids appear to have accelerated dentaldevelopment without prolonging lactation.

Dental development can be accelerated throughearlier initiation of crown formation, faster enamelaccretion (shortening the crown formation time), orboth. Eruption can follow quickly after crown min-eralization is complete. Schwartz et al. (2002)showed that Propithecus has rapid molar crown for-mation time, very early molar crown initiation (thefirst permanent molar crown initiates soon after theend of the first trimester of gestation, and all threemolar crowns initiate prior to birth), and rapid mo-lar eruption following crown completion. The smallsize of indriid deciduous teeth is a clear consequenceof this adaptive strategy, as the permanent molarcrowns must occupy most of the space available fordeveloping teeth in the jaws of fetuses (Godfrey etal., 2002; Schwartz et al., 2002).

The upshot is that, at weaning, dental endowment(i.e., percent species-typical postcanine occlusal areaat weaning) is considerably greater in indriids thanin their more frugivorous relatives (Godfrey et al.,2001). The same is true at the onset of the firstseason of scarce resources following weaning. Selec-tion seems to have operated on dental development(independent of the growth and development of the

Fig. 8. a: Prenatal growth rates for lemurids and indriids,benchmarked against maternal body mass. b: Postnatal growthrates for lemurids and indriids benchmarked against maternalbody mass. For lemurids: regression of prenatal growth rate onadult female mass, r � 0.979 (N � 9, P � 0.001); regression ofpostnatal growth rate on adult female mass, r � 0.977 (N � 7, P �0.001). For indriids: regression of prenatal growth rate on adultfemale mass, r � 0.990 (N � 6, P � 0.001); regression of postnatalgrowth rate on adult female mass, r � 0.869 (N � 5, P � 0.05,one-tailed).


TABLE 5. Lemur gestation lengths, neonatal mass, maternal mass, age at weaning, and sources

Genus and species


Neonatalmass (kg)

Weanlingmass (kg)

Maternalmass (kg)

Age atweaning(years) References

Avahi laniger laniger 0.42 0.029 0.5 1.32 0.41 Tattersall (1982), Petter-Rousseaux (1962),Glander et al. (1992), Goodman et al.(1993). Weaning may occur prior to 4-months (P. Wright, personalcommunication). Wean mass is probablyoverestimated (see Table 6).

Propithecus verreauxiverreauxi

0.43 0.063 1.0 2.95 0.5 Haring (1990), Garbutt (1999), Richard andDewar (1991), Kappeler and Ganzhorn(1993), Roberts (1994), Ravosa et al.(1993), and records of Duke UniversityPrimate Center, Beza Mahafaly SpecialReserve, and S. O’Connor (personalcommunication)

P. v. coquereli 0.43 0.1 1.18 4.28 0.5 Records of Duke University PrimateCenter.

P. tattersalli 0.5 0.088 0.741 3.59 0.42 Meyers and Wright (1993), Ravosa et al.(1993), and records of Duke UniversityPrimate Center. Weanling mass takenfrom growth records at Duke UniversityPrimate Center.

P. diadema 0.49 0.145 1.25 6.26 0.5 Glander et al. (1992), Meyers and Wright(1993), Powzyk (1996), Wright (1995,1999), and Smith and Jungers (1997). Weused Glander et al.’s (1992) sample ofindividuals 5 days or younger incalculation of neonatal mass. Wright(1999) reported a 153-day-old weanlingat 1.10 g.

Indri indri 0.42 0.14 6.84 0.67 Bauchot and Stephan (1966), Powzyk(1996), and Pollock (1975a, 1977).

Lepilemur ruficaudatus 0.38 0.027 0.25 0.78 0.33 Doyle (1979), Bauchot and Stephan (1966),Schmid and Ganzhorn (1996), Smith andJungers (1997), Garbutt (1999), Petter etal. (1977), and Drack et al. (1999). Weanmass was reconstructed using a growthcurve based on estimated birth mass andfield records for immature individuals ca.9.5 months old.

Varecia variegata 0.28 0.092 2.5 3.52 0.4 Foerg (1982), Cartmill et al. (1979),Brockman et al. (1987), Rogers (1988),Ruempler (1993), Terranova andCoffman (1997), and Morland (1990),records of San Diego Zoo, and the DukePrimate Center.

Eulemur fulvus 0.34 0.079 1.35 2.25 0.5 Glander et al. (1992), Leutenegger (1973),Eisenberg (1981), Roberts (1994), Izardet al. (1993), Frazier and Hunt (1994),and Kappeler and Ganzhorn (1993), andrecords of Duke University PrimateCenter.

E. macaco 0.34 0.088 1.00 2.51 0.37 Prescott (1980), Ruempler (1993), Smithand Jungers (1997), Colquhoun (1993),and Roberts (1994), and records of DukeUniversity Primate Center. Birth massfor individuals in our database.

E. mongoz 0.35 0.063 0.65 1.56 0.42 Smith and Leigh (1998), Terranova andCoffman (1997), Doyle (1979), andWright (1990), and records of DukeUniversity Primate Center, Leigh andTerranova (1998).

Hapalemur griseus 0.38 0.045 0.42 0.9 0.33 Wright (1990), Terranova and Coffman(1997), Smith and Jungers (1997),Kappeler (1991), Tan (1999b), Leigh andTerranova (1998).

Lemur catta 0.37 0.083 1.08 2.21 0.49 Hick (1976), Ruempler (1993), Leutenegger(1973), Sussman (1991), Mittermeier etal. (1994), Roberts (1994), and Ross andJones (1999), and records of Lowry ParkZoo and Duke University PrimateCenter.


rest of the skeleton) so as to guarantee masticatoryproficiency at weaning and during the first post-weaning “dry” season. Dissociation of dental devel-opment and overall somatic growth allows youngindriids to become ecological “adults” while they arestill immature by all other standards, i.e., long be-fore they reach sexual maturation or adult bodymass.

Adaptive significance of variation in somaticgrowth rates

Janson and van Schaik (1993) posited a relation-ship between juvenile (postweaning) growth ratesand resource predictability. Our data for infantgrowth are more complete than those for juveniles.However, we can assert on the basis of growth

TABLE 6. Prenatal and postnatal growth rates in lemurs

Genus and species

Prenatal growthin mass,

conception tobirth (g/day)

Postnatal growthin mass, birth toweaning (g/day) Notes

Avahi laniger 0.19 g/day 3.14 g/day Gestation length was taken from Tattersall (1982). Neonatalmass for Avahi was estimated on basis of regressionanalysis of neonatal mass on neonatal skull size, usingskulls of very young Avahi in collections of the MuseumNational d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. These skulls maybelong to individuals that were more than 5 days old;thus, our estimate for neonatal mass may be too high. Arecently weaned several-month-old Avahi laniger that wascaptured at Ranomafana weighed under 500 g (Wright,personal communication). Goodman et al. (1993) weigheda lone “juvenile” after it was killed by a hawk. Given itsisolation from other group members, it is likely that thisindividual had been weaned. With its head missing, thisindividual weighed 500 g (thus its mass was �500 g). Wetake 500 g as a conservatively high estimate for weanmass in Avahi laniger.

Propithecus verreauxicoquereli

0.64 g/day 6.00 g/day Gestation length, neonatal mass, and growth in mass toweaning based on records of Duke University PrimateCenter.

P. v. verreauxi 0.40 g/day 5.21 g/day Gestation length, neonatal mass, and growth in mass toweaning based on records of Duke University PrimateCenter and Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve.

P. tattersalli 0.49 g/day 4.35 g/day Gestation length, neonatal mass, and growth in mass toweaning based on records of Duke University PrimateCenter and Meyers (1993).

P. diadema 0.81 g/day 6.14 g/day Neonatal mass estimated on basis of published data on wild-caught week-old P. diadema, adjusted on basis of first-week growth curves for captive P. verreauxi. For postnatalgrowth rates, Wright (1999) reports an even lower valueof 5.5 g/day for birth to weaning in P. d. edwardsi.

Indri indri 0.93 g/day Neonatal mass for Indri estimated on basis of regressionanalysis of neonatal mass on neonatal skull size, usingskull of neonatal Indri depicted in Milne Edwards andGrandidier (1875). Skulls of newborn indris are similar insize to those of newborn P. diadema.

Lepilemur ruficaudatus 0.21 g/day 1.86 g/day Estimate by Doyle (1979) of neonatal mass for Lepilemurwas based on unspecified L. mustelinus. In 1979, allcurrently recognized species of Lepilemur were consideredconspecific. Drack et al. (1999) collected Lepilemurruficaudatus during July and August 1996 at KirindyForest. All were adults save two youngsters, ca. 9–10months old, one 470 g, and the other 513 g. Mean massfor two juveniles was 491.8 g, or 61% of adult femaleweight. Full adults in population ranged in mass between660–940 g, with a mean of 785.6 g. Mean mass for nineadult females in study group was 803.9 g, close to valuereported by Smith and Jungers (1997) of 779 g.

Varecia variegata 0.90 g/day 10.67 g/day Duke Primate Center. Pereira et al. (1987): ruffed lemursmay attain 70% of average adult body, weight by age 4months Cartmill et al. (1979), Kappeler (1996), andKirkwood and Strathatos (1992).

Eulemur fulvus 0.66 g/day 7.06 g/day Duke Primate Center, ZurichE. macaco 0.70 g/day 6.75 g/day Duke Primate Center, Leigh and Terranova (1998)E. mongoz 0.49 g/day 3.93 g/day Duke Primate Center, Leigh and Terranova (1998)Hapalemur griseus 0.33 g/day 3.12 g/day Duke Primate Center, Leigh and Terranova (1998)Lemur catta 0.61 g/day 6.15 g/day Duke Primate Center, Zurich


curves that those species that grow rapidly duringinfancy also attain adult size relatively early. Theseare the more frugivorous (not the more folivorous)lemur species.

How can this variation in growth rates be ex-plained? An extensive literature relates fetal andinfant growth rates to maternal investment. Indeed,rates of fetal and infant growth are sometimes takenas measures of maternal investment, particularlywhen benchmarked against maternal mass. Thus,for example, the “prenatal maternal investmentrate” might be measured as the average daily ma-ternal energy output during gestation (litter weightdivided by gestation length), and this in turn isplotted against maternal mass or basal metabolicrate in species comparisons. Ideally, when measur-ing maternal investment, energy expediture shouldbe benchmarked against the energy available to themother, and thus against basal metabolism (oxygenconsumed per unit time) and not maternal mass.Young et al. (1990) suggested that the cost of repro-duction is high in many lemur species relative to theavailable energy, and therefore female lemurs areenergetically stressed during gestation and lacta-tion. They took sifakas to be a prime example. How-

Fig. 9. Lemurid vs. indriid species values for instantaneous growth in cranial length at birth, benchmarked against maternal bodymass.

TABLE 7. “Instantaneous” growth rates at birth, calculated for20-day period before and after birth

SpeciesMaternal mass

in kg

Mean daily rate ofincrease in cranial

length averagedfor 20-day intervalsurrounding andincluding birth(mm/20 days)

Varecia variegata 3.52 18.62Eulemur macaco 2.51 14.79Eulemur fulvus 2.25 14.25Eulemur collaris 2.38 15.34Lemur catta 2.21 11.43Eulemur rubriventer 1.94 14.06Hapalemur griseus 0.9 8.07Indri indri 6.84 14.34Propithecus diadema 6.26 10.94Propithecus verreauxi 3.62 8.75


ever, Kappeler (1996) showed that the cost of repro-duction, benchmarked against either maternal massor metabolic rate, is not unusually high in lemurs(including sifakas) when compared to other groupsof primates. He also showed that metabolic rate doesnot vary independently of body size in lemurs and isnot correlated with measures of maternal invest-ment (prenatal and postnatal infant or litter growthrates).

Of course, the rate of infant growth can be a poorproxy for maternal investment (Whitten and Brock-man, 2001). It does not take into account contribu-tions to infant growth from sources other than moth-er’s milk; early ingestion of solid food, for example,may ease the burden on the mother. It does not takeinto account contributions to infant care from othergroup members or behavioral modifications on thepart of the mother (e.g., parking vs. carrying infants)that may positively or negatively impact energy ex-penditure. It does not take into account variation inthe relative proportions of cheap vs. expensive tis-sue. For example, it may cost more to raise an infantwith a relatively large brain than an infant with arelatively small brain because of the high expense ofbrain tissue.4 If the species compared have mark-edly different tissue proportions, maternal invest-ment is not well-captured by overall rates of growth.

We have shown that fetal and infant growth ratesare higher in lemurids than in indriids of similarbody size, and that lemurids attain adult values forcranial traits at a relatively earlier age. To the ex-tent that these differences reflect variation in ma-ternal investment, adult female lemurids investmore in their young than do adult female indriids.The upper extreme for lemurids is occupied by thehighly frugivorous Varecia (the largest living le-

murid), which regularly gives birth to multiple off-spring, each of which grows rapidly during infancyto gain as much as 70% of its mother’s mass by thetime it reaches 4 months of age, when weaning oc-curs (Cartmill et al., 1979; Pereira et al., 1987; Kirk-wood and Stathatos, 1992; Kappeler, 1996). Thiscontrasts sharply with the condition in Propithecus,which regularly gives birth to a single young thatgrows slowly throughout infancy and afterward(Wright, 1999; Richard et al., 2002). Wright (1999)reported an infant growth rate to weaning for wildPropithecus diadema of 5.5 g/day. Our data suggesta similarly low preweaning growth rate for P. dia-dema (6.14 g/day), as for other species or subspeciesof Propithecus (4.35–6.0 g/day), even when raised incaptivity. When a young sifaka is weaned at 5–6months, it may weigh only 20–25% of its adult mass(Wright, 1999).

Other factors do not alter the conclusion that ma-ternal investment is lower in indriids than in le-murids. Early ingestion of solid food in indriidswould function to further reduce maternal invest-ment in indriids. All indriids and most lemuridscarry their young (except Varecia, which uses infantparking and biparental guarding to ease the mater-nal cost of raising multiple, extremely rapidly grow-ing infants; see Pereira et al., 1987). Relative brainsize is not higher in indriids than in lemurids; to thecontrary, indriids have significantly smaller brainsrelative to body mass (t � 3.83 with 12 degrees offreedom, two-tailed P � 0.002; W.L.J., unpublisheddata). This difference is not a simple function ofbrain/body allometry, as like-sized indriids and le-murids show consistent differences in their relativebrain size. It is likely that indriid weanlings havesmall bodies with relatively small brains.

The basic premise of Young et al. (1990) is thatenergy is limiting in reproductive female lemurs.Pereira et al. (1999) argued that this premise may becorrect, even if maternal reproductive effort is notparticularly high in these species (see review byWhitten and Brockman, 2001). The critical factor is

4Teeth, like brains, may be an expensive tissue; unfortunately, littleis known about the relative “cost” of raising infants with precociousvs. retarded dental development. Studies of milk composition andlactation rates should be helpful here. However, studies of milk com-position in prosimians (e.g., Tilden and Oftedal, 1997) have not in-cluded indriids.

TABLE 8. Maternal age at first reproduction in the wild

Genus and speciesMaternal age at first reproduction

in the wild (years) Sources and notes

Indri indri 7–9 Pollock (1977); Mittermeier et al. (1994) on basis of 1984unpublished report by J. Pollock to WWF-US Primate Program

Avahi laniger 3 Albignac (1981)Propithecus verreauxi 5–6 Richard et al. (1993, 2002)P. diadema 3–5 Meyers and Wright (1993); Wright (1995, personal

communication)Lepilemur ruficaudatus 2? Petter-Rousseaux (1964); Nash (1993)1

Varecia variegata 2–3 Morland (1991)Eulemur fulvus 2–4 Overdorff et al. (1999)E. macaco 2 Colquhoun (1993)E. mongoz 3 Curtis and Zaramody (1999)Hapalemur griseus 3 Tan (1999b)Lemur catta 3–4 Jolly (1966); Sussman (1992); Gould et al. (1999)

1 Information on Lepilemur is scanty. Petter-Rousseaux (1964) reported that young L. ruficaudatus stay with their mothers for a yearafter birth. Thus, they cannot give birth to their first young until age 2. Leanne Nash observed L. leucopus, not L. ruficaudatus.Year-old Lepilemur are not fully grown (unpublished observations on museum specimens, L.R.G.).


the precarious nature of food resources in highlyunpredictable climates (Wright, 1999; Richard et al.,2000, 2002). The climate of Madagascar is unusuallyunpredictable (Ganzhorn, 1995; Dewar and Wallis,1999). Reproductive stress is a product of both en-ergy availability and the competitive regime. Le-

murs are energy conservers apparently because en-ergy availability is unreliable. Reducing maternalinvestment is one way to minimize reproductivecosts and conserve energy. Our hypothesis is thatthe relatively low fetal and infant growth rates man-ifested in indriids do indeed reflect reduced mater-

TABLE 9. Litter size in wild and captive frugivorous and folivorous lemurs

Taxon Litter size Sources

Varecia variegata Twins are very common in the wild; litters of up to fivehave been raised under semifree ranging conditionswith food supplementation. Both twins and tripletsare common in captivity.

For Varecia in the wild, see Morland (1989, 1991);Ratsimbazafy (2002). For Varecia in captivity, seeCartmill et al. (1979), Foerg (1982), Shidler andLindburg (1982), Brockman et al. (1987), Bollen(1996), Kerridge (1999), and records of HappyHollow Park and Zoo, Twycross Zoo, Kansas CityZoo, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Pittsburgh Zoo, San DiegoZoo, Zoo Atlanta, Parc Ivoloina, and Duke UniversityPrimate Center.

Eulemur macaco Twins occasionally occur in captivity. Records of Henson Robinson Zoo and Duke PrimateCenter (D. Haring, personal communication).

Eulemur mongoz Twins occur in low frequency in captivity, and possiblyin the wild.

For possible twinning of Eulemur mongoz in the wild,see Tattersall (1977), Petter and van der Sloot(2000), D.J. Curtis (personal communication). Fortwinning in mongoose lemurs at Duke PrimateCenter, see Perry et al. (1992).

Eulemur coronatus Twins and singletons are equally common, both in thewild (e.g., Ankarana) and in captivity.

For twinning in Eulemur coronatus in the wild, seeFreed (1996); Petter and van der Sloot (2000).Twinning has been recorded for Eulemur coronatusin captivity; see Kappeler (1987), and records of theDuke Primate Center.

Eulemur fulvus Twins occur occasionally in the wild (e.g., Ranomafana,Mt. d’Ambre, Berenty) and in captivity.

Overdorff et al. (1999) do not observe twinning inEulemur fulvus rufus at Ranomafana. However,several pairs of twin E. fulvus rufus were recentlyobserved at Ranomafana by D. Durham (personalcommunication). Twinning also occurs in E. fulvusrufus at Berenty (Berenty web site, 2002) and inEulemur fulvus sanfordi at Mt. d’Ambre (Freed,1996). For twinning in Eulemur fulvus in captivity,see Izard et al. (1994), and records of Duke PrimateCenter.

Eulemur collaris Twins occur in captivity. Izard et al. (1994); see records of Duke Primate Center.Eulemur rubriventer Twins are born in the wild (e.g., Ranomafana) and in

captivity.For twinning in Eulemur rubriventer in the wild, seeOverdorff (1996). For twinning in E. rubriventer incaptivity, see Petter and van der Sloot (2000), andrecords of Duke Primate Center.

Lemur catta Twins and occasionally triplets are born in the wild(e.g., Berenty) and in captivity.

For Lemur catta in the wild, see Koyama et al. (2001),and Jolly et al. (2002). For twinning in Lemur incaptivity, see Van Horn and Eaton (1979), Pereiraand Weiss (1991), Petter and van der Sloot (2000),records of Indianapolis Zoo, Hongshan Forestry Zoo(Nanjing, China), and Duke Primate Center.

Hapalemur griseus In the wild, singletons are usually born. Twinssometimes occur in captivity.

For singleton births of Hapalemur griseus in the wild,see Tan (1999a). For twinning in captive Hapalemur,see Taylor and Feistner (1996, on H. griseusalaotrensis), records of Myakka City Free-RangingReserve, Florida (on H. griseus griseus), and recordsof Duke Primate Center.

Hapalemur aureus In the wild, singletons are the norm. See Norosoarinaivo and Tan (1998). No twinning hasPropithecus verreauxi Singletons are born in the wild and in captivity. been observed in Propithecus at Kirindy (P.

Kappeler, personal communication), Beza Mahafaly(A. Richard and M. Schwartz, personalcommunication). No twinning has occurred inPropithecus verreauxi at Duke Primate Center (D.Haring, personal communication).

No twinning has been observed forPropithecus diadema Singletons are born in the wild. Propithecus diadema at Ranomafana, P. Wright

(personal communication). This species has notreproduced in captivity.

Propithecus tattersalli Singletons are born in the wild and in captivity. No twinning has been observed for Propithecustattersalli at Duke Primate Center (D. Haring,personal communication).

Indri indri Singletons are born in the wild. Indri does notreproduce in captivity.

Indri indri twins have never been recorded in the wild.For reproduction in the wild, see Pollock (1975a),Petter et al. (1977), Thalmann et al. (1993), Petterand van der Sloot (2000), J. Powzyk (personalcommunication).

Avahi laniger Singletons are born in the wild. Avahi does notreproduce in captivity.

Ganzhorn et al. (1985, personal communication) andPetter and van der Sloot (2000) report no twinningin wild Avahi.


nal investment, and their adaptive value lies in theenergy they save for indriid mothers.

Juvenile growth rates are apparently correlatedwith infant growth rates among lemurs. Slow ratesof growth continue in indriids after weaning. Glan-der et al. (1992) reported a mass of 43% of the meanadult value in a year-old wild Propithecus diadema,58% of the adult value at age 2 years, and 78–90% ofthe adult value at age 3. In contast, Leigh and Ter-ranova (1998) showed that most lemurids achievefull adult mass at or around 2 years of age. Richardet al. (2002) reported that wild Propithecus ver-reauxi require 5 years to reach adult values for thighlength. Using skeletons of known or estimated age,King (2003) reported that the humeri and femora ofPropithecus verreauxi attain near-adult values be-tween 2–3 years, although the epiphyses do not fullyfuse for years thereafter. King et al. (2001) alsoreported skeletal size in juvenile Propithecus ver-reauxi lagging well behind Eulemur fulvus and Le-mur catta at standardized stages of (postweaning)dental development.

Adaptive significance of variation in age atfirst reproduction

As might be expected, those lemur species thatexhibit relatively slow somatic growth tend to haverelatively late first reproduction. Conversely, spe-cies with relatively rapid somatic growth tend tohave relatively early first reproduction. However, inthe case of lemurs, it is the more frugivorous (notfolivorous) species that display the combination ofmore rapid growth and earlier reproductive matu-ration. Our hypothesis is that these differences re-flect fundamentally different strategies for popula-tion maintenance. Of particular importance areresponses to environmental catastrophes: cyclones,droughts, and the like.

In the life-history literature, variation in age atfirst reproduction is generally interpreted within thecontext of mortality schedules and life-history strat-egies. Comparative data on lemur mortality sched-

ules are limited. Those that exist do not offer strongsupport for the hypothesis that juvenile mortalityfrom starvation is reduced in the more folivorousspecies (as predicted by the RAH). Indeed, amonglemurs, juvenile mortality is often high for both leaf-and fruit-eaters. Infants are particularly vulnerable:typical values are 35.7–50% in Eulemur fulvus rufus(Overdorff et al., 1999); about 50% in Eulemur ru-briventer (Overdorff, 1991; Mittermeier et al., 1994);30–52% in Lemur catta (Sussman, 1991, 1992); 43%in Propithecus diadema (Wright, 1995); and 48% inPropithecus verreauxi (Richard et al., 2002). P. ver-reauxi infant mortality appears to peak shortly afterbirth and again around weaning (i.e., during the wetseason; Richard et al., 2002). Juvenile mortalityrates are not often reported. In three well-studiedringtail groups, juvenile mortality during a non-drought year was only 6% (Gould et al., 1999).

An interesting comparison can be made of sympa-tric Lemur catta and Propithecus verreauxi during aprolonged period of increasing aridity at Beza Ma-hafaly in southwest Madagascar (3 successive yearsof diminishing rainfall, culminating in a cata-strophic drought during the years 1991–1992; Sau-ther, 1998; Gould et al., 1999; Richard et al., 2002).Ringtail lemur mortality was high across all life-cycle stages in 1992–1993. During the 1992–1993birth and rearing season, infant mortality in Lemurcatta was 80%, and more than half of the juveniles(57%) in three well-studied groups died during thattime. Adults in the whole study population (ninegroups) declined from a high of 85 in 1991 to a low of51 in 1994 (a 27% loss), and the number of adultfemales fell from 48 to 27 (a 30% loss; see Gould etal., 1999). Lactating females were particularly vul-nerable. An incredible 89% of the adult males dis-appeared in the 2 immediate postdrought years (ei-ther due to mortality or migration to another area).However, by 1995–1996, a population recovery waswell underway. Infant mortality during the 1993–1994 resource-recovery year dropped precipitously(to 18%!), and infants that survived the 1993 birthseason reached sexual maturity in 1996. High an-nual birth rates (0.80–0.86), and a string of goodyears for fruit production, contributed to the popu-lation recovery.

Propithecus verreauxi reacted differently to thesame drought (Richard et al., 2002). During the 1992dry season, the proportion of adult females who gavebirth dropped to 11% (well below the mean of 30%),and infant mortality during the 1992–1993 birthand rearing season rose to 66%. Adult female mor-tality also rose, primarily during the late dry seasonof 1992, to 20% from a “normal” level of around 10%,but rapidly fell back to around 10% in succeedingyears. Survival among all age classes during thepeak of the drought was higher in Propithecus ver-reauxi than in sympatric Lemur catta. The greatestimpact of the drought on the Propithecus populationat Beza was a dearth of infants born during its peak,and a doubling of the typically low level of adult

TABLE 10. ANOVA for mean molar megadonty indexin extant lemurs1

Family2N of


Mean molarmegadonty


Indriidae 5 4.32 0.22Lemuridae 6 3.67 0.28Lepilemuridae 1 3.73Total 12 3.94 0.40F � 9.34 (df 2, 9), P � 0.01

1 Molar megadonty is measured here as: molar occlusal area(mesiodistal * buccolingual diameters for three upper and threelower molars, summed) divided by skull cross-sectional area (cra-nial length * bizygomatic breadth), and expressed as percentage.2 Taxa sampled here are, for Indriidae: Indri indri, Propithecusverreauxi, Propithecus diadema, Propithecus tattersalli, andAvahi laniger; for Lemuridae: Lemur catta, Eulemur fulvus, Eu-lemur mongoz, Eulemur macaco, Varecia variegata, and Hapale-mur griseus; and for Lepilemuridae: Lepilemur ruficaudatus.


female mortality. Despite this drought-induced mor-tality spike, Richard et al. (2002) reported no signif-icant correlation over the period from 1986–1999between adult female (or male) mortality and rain-fall.

A more intense climatic disturbance impacted apopulation of Varecia variegata at Manombo Forestin Eastern Madagascar. Cyclone Gretelle hit Ma-nombo in January 1997, wiping out over half of thepopulation’s preferred food trees (Ratsimbazafy,2002). Varecia seems to have survived this disaster,despite heavy losses, by dramatically decreasing ac-tivity levels and foraging opportunistically on shrubfruit. About half of the population of Varecia waslost in the immediate aftermath of the cyclone(Ratsimbazafy, personal commununication). Repro-duction was halted entirely for 5 years, after which,with the recovery of food resources, some infantswere born (Ratsimbazafy, 2002). If, in the future, thepopulation fully recovers, it will owe that recovery toan ability to replenish its population before the nextintense disturbance, a task made easier by this spe-cies’ extraordinarily high reproductive rates.

Strategies for population maintenance inindriids and lemurids

Indriids and lemurids appear to follow differentstrategies for population maintenance in an unpre-dictable environment. Indriids become ecologicaladults quickly: able to subsist on young leaves, andthen unripe fruit, seeds, and mature leaves, at arelatively early age. Fibrous and hard-to-process(i.e., low “quality”) foods are the mainstay of indriiddiets, and young indriids rapidly become efficientfood processors, with tiny jaws full of teeth. Duringresource crunches, the relatively low growth rates ofyoung indriids may reduce the risk that they willstarve. More importantly, slow infant growth cou-pled with relatively early weaning may reduce theburden on the mother during lactation. If populationstability (or recovery after a disturbance) dependson a high probability of adult survival, then earlyreproductive maturation is not necessary. Indeed,female Propithecus are “bet-hedgers par excellence”(Richard et al., 2002, p. 431): trading the ability togrow and mature rapidly for reduced maternal cost

of reproduction, and long reproductive life spans(see also Wright, 1995).

Among lemurids, adults as well as juveniles maybe at a greater risk of mortality under food crunches,due to their frugivorous diet. They appear to com-pensate for this increased risk by the ability to re-bound quickly, through early reproductive matura-tion and a high reproductive recovery rate duringgood times. Lemurids grow and mature rapidly, buttheir dentitions develop on a slower schedule, be-cause their preferred food resources can be pro-cessed by weanlings possessing little more thantheir milk dentitions.

We propose that the differing developmentalschedules of indriids and lemurids may be differentsolutions to the ecological problem of environmentalinstability (periodically stressful environments).Year-to-year variation in climate and the fairly reg-ular occurrence of catastrophes such as cyclones anddroughts have led to reproductive adaptations toconfront temporary dietary stress. Indriids appearto have evolved a “low maternal input, slow returns”strategy whereby fewer infants are produced, in-fants grow slowly, and the ability to survive ontough and fibrous foods is quickly achieved (due inpart to rapid dental development). In contrast, le-murids appear to have evolved a “high maternalinput, fast returns” strategy whereby more and fast-er-growing infants are produced, but adults requirefoods that provide more “ready” energy if they are toreproduce.

In order to understand the efficacy of each strat-egy in times of disturbance and resource scarcity, itis important to consider various intensities of dis-turbance (Table 11). Both strategies will have a“critical threshold” of resource availability, belowwhich reproduction is not possible. However, onewould expect this threshold to be reached muchsooner for lemurids, given 1) the higher rate atwhich resources are invested in offspring, and 2) thehigher reliance on reproductive plant parts whichmay be virtually or totally unavailable in times ofenvironmental stress. Conversely, the indriid’sthreshold will be reached much later (i.e., they aremore tolerant of environmental stress), as a result of1) the lower resource input required by each off-

TABLE 11. Differing reproductive strategies in response to differing intensity of disturbance


Medium-intensitydisturbance High-intensity disturbance

Indriidae Continue to produce low-costoffspring through period ofdisturbance.

Continue to produce low-costoffspring through period ofdisturbance.

Stop reproducing during period ofdisturbance; replenishpopulation slowly throughnormal reproduction afterhabitat recovers.

Lemuridae Continue to produce high-costoffspring through period ofdisturbance.

Stop reproducing during period ofdisturbance; replenishpopulation through rapidreproduction after habitatrecovers.

Stop reproducing during period ofdisturbance; replenishpopulation through rapidreproduction after habitatrecovers.


spring, and 2) their ability to consume high quanti-ties of nonreproductive plant parts (leaves), whichare less likely to be affected by environmentalstress. Given these differences, one might predictthat during a “medium-intensity” disturbance, in-driids would implement a “slow and steady” strat-egy, continuing to reproduce at the normal rate.Lemurids, on the other hand, would implement a“catch-up” strategy, foregoing reproduction duringthe period of disturbance and capitalizing on theirhigh potential reproductive rate to rapidly replenishpopulations once the environment recovered. Part ofthe catch-up strategy in lemurids may be their abil-ity to twin. The “slow and steady” and “catch-up”strategies of indriids and lemurids, respectively,both seem to be adequate solutions to the problem oftemporary, medium-intensity disturbance (as mightoccur frequently in an unpredictable environment).One would only predict significant differences be-tween them in the highly unlikely situation of ex-tremely prolonged medium-intensity disturbance (inwhich case, lemurids would perish, while indriidspersisted).

It is interesting to note that, as the intensity ofdisturbance increases, these two strategies wouldtend to converge: under a “high-intensity” distur-bance, one would expect both indriids and lemuridsto experience reproductive failure. In this case, pop-ulations would be forced to wait until the environ-ment had recovered sufficiently to allow normal re-production. Indriids would be expected to begin theirrecovery sooner, given their different responsethreshold, while lemurids would be forced to waitlonger before resuming reproduction, but would re-plenish populations at a faster rate. Due to the factthat it is the most intense disturbances which havewarranted study as “disturbances” per se (Gould etal., 1999; Richard et al., 2002; Ratsimbazafy, 2002),one might not appreciate the true differences be-tween the two strategies by considering these casesalone. Consequently, evidence for or against the ex-istence of these strategies will not be found by con-sidering only intense disturbances, but by examin-ing variability in reproductive output over time. Twoimportant predictions follow from these hypothe-sized strategies, that could be easily tested givenlong-term birth-rate data accompanied by climaticdata. First, indriids should exhibit lower coefficientsof variation in annual reproductive output (infantsper female) than lemurids. Second, and more impor-tantly, reproductive output (infants per female)should be more strongly correlated with climaticvariables (e.g., total rainfall, diversity in monthlyrainfall, or dry season length) for lemurids than forindriids. A tighter linkage between climate and re-production in lemurids would imply that they tendto limit their reproduction to years with higher re-source availability, effectively “waiting out” the badtimes and “catching up” in the good times.


When tested for lemurs, the predictions of the riskaversion hypothesis regarding differences in growthrates of folivorous and frugivorous species do nothold. Whereas it is true that folivorous, seed-crunch-ing anthropoids (such as colobus and leaf monkeys)grow and develop faster than like-sized anthropoidfrugivores (such as macaques), the same is not thecase for folivorous, seed-crunching lemurs. Indriidsgrow and develop less quickly than lemurids. Be-cause the more frugivorous lemurids do not growslowly, one cannot maintain that slow growth re-duces the risk of juvenile mortality through starva-tion in these species. Folivory is not associated withrapid reproductive maturation or early age at firstreproduction in lemurs. To the contrary, frugivorouslemurids tend to reproduce at a relatively earlierage.

Rapid dental development does characterize indri-ids, but it is superimposed on a matrix of relativelyslow overall growth and development, and delayedfemale age at first reproduction. We suggest thatdental development is more rapid in indriids than inlemurids because of the mechanical requirements ofprocessing high-fiber foods.

In summary, notwithstanding its apparent suc-cess in explaining variation in rates of growth anddevelopment among many anthropoids, the ecologi-cal risk aversion hypothesis fares poorly when ap-plied to lemurs. Frugivorous lemurs do not growmore slowly than like-sized folivorous lemurs. Re-productive maturation is not slower in frugivorousthan folivorous lemurs. Infant and juvenile mortal-ity may be high in fruit-eaters, but it is also elevatedin leaf-eaters in times of food shortage. Lemursmight be said to conform to the expectations of theRAH only in that folivores exhibit more rapid dentaldevelopment. But the risk aversion hypothesis doesnot single out teeth for rapid development, and otherhypotheses are superior in accounting for unusuallyrapid dental development in folivorous lemur spe-cies. Instead, differences in the behavioral ontogenyof food processing and of food-processing require-ments can better explain the observed differencesbetween indriid and lemurid dental developmentalschedules.

We believe that the key to understanding the dif-ferences in growth rates and age at first reproduc-tion of lemurids vs. indriids may lie not in a com-parison of the mortality rates of immatureindividuals alone, but in an examination of mortal-ity rates across all life-cycle stages. Specifically, wepropose that this variation reflects varying strate-gies for population maintenance in the face of fre-quent environmental disturbance, and is closely tiedto the trade-off between adult female survival andreproductive effort. We suggest that indriids exhibita “slow and steady” life-history strategy, continuingto produce offspring during medium-intensity dis-turbances, whereas lemurids exhibit a “catch-up”


strategy, forgoing reproduction during medium-in-tensity disturbances and relying on reproductive re-silience in good years. These “slow and steady” and“catch-up” strategies both seem to be adequate solu-tions to the problem of temporary, medium-intensitydisturbances.

Our research emphasizes the importance of phy-logeny to life-history strategies: the alternativeadaptive solutions described here are clade-specific,and very different from those observed in anthro-poids. Diet does influence life-history strategies(contra Ross, 1998), as the indriid and lemurid de-velopmental strategies are responses to the mannerin which preferred resources are likely to behaveunder environmental stress. Ultimately, both indri-ids and lemurids may thrive under the same envi-ronmental stresses, but those stresses have verydifferent effects on their preferred food resources,and seem to have led to divergent life-history strat-egies. Diet does not influence life-history strategiesin lemurs in the manner predicted by the ecologicalrisk aversion hypothesis.


This project would not have been possible withoutthe assistance of numerous people, for which we aregrateful. For special help in supplying specimens orunpublished data, we are indebted to G. Gray Eaton,Kenneth Glander, D. Haring, Claire Hemingway,Stephen King, Steve Leigh, Lawrence B. Martin,Sheila O’Connor, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Alison Rich-ard, Gary Schwartz, Elwyn Simons, and Patricia C.Wright. This paper benefited from our discussions oflife histories or various aspects of primate ontogenywith Ann Grady, Jukka Jernvall, Stephen King,Lawrence Martin, Andrew Petto, Alison Richard,Frank Williams, and Patricia Wright. Captive, semi-captive, and wild animal birth records, as well asother archival data on known-aged individuals, werecompiled from the records of the following zoos, mu-seums, and research facilities: American Museum ofNatural History, New York; Duke University Pri-mate Center; Field Museum of Natural History;Laboratoire de Paleontologie des Vertebres, Univer-site d’Antananarivo, Madagascar; Laboratoire deZoologie, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle,Paris; Lowry Park Zoological Garden; Museum ofComparative Zoology at Harvard University; Mu-seum National d’Histoire Naturelle; NationaalNatuurhistorisch Museum (formerly, the Rijksmu-seum van Natuurlijke Historie), Leiden; NaturalHistory Museum, London (formerly the British Mu-seum (Natural History)); Oregon Regional PrimateCenter; Parc Ivoloina; Parc Tsimbazaza; Rano-mafana National Park; San Diego Zoo; State Uni-versity of New York at Stony Brook; United StatesNational Museum, Smithsonian Institution; and theUniversity of Massachusetts at Amherst. Specimensunder the care of the following institutions weremeasured for this study: American Museum of Nat-ural History, New York, NY; Duke University Pri-

mate Center, Durham, NC; Field Museum of NaturalHistory, Chicago, IL; Laboratoire de Paleontologie desVertebres, Universite d’Antananarivo, Madagascar;Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer-sity, Cambridge, MA; Museum National d’HistoireNaturelle, Laboratoire de Zoologie (Mammiferes etOiseaux), Paris, France; Nationaal Natuurhisto-risch Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands; NaturalHistory Museum, Zoology Department, London, UK;Naturhistorika Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden;Mammals Department; Parc Tsimbazaza, Antanan-arivo, Madagascar; United States National Mu-seum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC;Department of Anthropology, University of Massa-chusetts, Amherst, MA; and the Zoologische Mu-seum, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Weextend special thanks to the caretakers of the collec-tions listed above, as well as to our many colleaguesand friends in Madagascar (Berthe Rakotosami-manana, Gisele Randria, Armand Rasoamiara-manana, Benjamin Andriamihaja, Albert Randrian-jafy, and Gilbert Rakotoarisoa, among others) for theirhospitality, assistance, and access to specimens at theUniversite d’Antananarivo and the Parc Tzimbazaza.For help with the generation of growth curves, wethank Abby Grace Drake (University of Massachu-setts at Amherst) and Scott Bertrand (Originlabs,Northampton, MA). Peter Andrews generously sup-plied the radiographs of sifaka skulls that Luci Betti-Nash translated into the final version of Figure 2.Darren Godfrey helped with the generation of the finalversions of Figures 6 and 7. Dental and morphometricdata for this study were collected by K.E.S. and L.R.G.


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