online help authoring tools analysis

Online Help Tools Analysis

Upload: raghuram-pandurangan

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Online Help Tools Analysis


• Purpose of Analysis

• Suggested Tools

• Help and Manual

• HelpSmith

• Helpinator

• Dr.Explain

• Market Leaders

• Adobe RoboHelp

• Author-IT

• ArborText Editor

• Madcap Flare

• Adobe Framemaker

• Purpose of Analysis

• Issues with Drupal

• Copy and format text

• Usability issues

• Content reuse

• Versioning or Conditional Text

• Plug and Play

• Structured Authoring

Suggested Help Authoring Tools

Help and ManualTool Name and Version Help and Manual Professional 6

Company Ecosoftware


Price $550

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version


Online Help Support Versioning (with Server)

Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Supports WebHelp, PDF, Mobile Help)

Comments • Good WebHelp Output • Minimum changes required after importing the RTF

document• Supports Version when integrated Help & Manual Server• Has inbuilt screenshot enhancer(Impict)


HelpSmith 5.2Tool Name and Version HelpSmith 5.2

Company Divcom Software


Price $199

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version


Online Help Support Versioning Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Supports CHM, PDF output and Embed Videos)

Analysis Results •Supports variables, breadcrumbs, custom HTML code.•Supports Translation (Unicode support)


HelpinatorTool Name and Version Helpinator 3.1.1

Company Major Mind Software


Price $250

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version

250 for Lifetime Upgrade

Online Help Support Versioning Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Supports CHM, PDF output and Embed Videos)

Comments • Good retention of formatting when copy pasted from MS Word

• Supports Translation• Screenshot association with topics for easier

management of screenshots


Dr.ExplainTool Name and Version Dr.Explain 5

Company BlueSnap


Price $290 (Advanced), $349 (Ultima)

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version

Not mentioned

Online Help Support Versioning Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Supports Online Help, CHM, PDF output)

Comments • Good Online Help output• Easier organization of content• Automate the Help Authoring (Needs Setup and Learning



Market Leaders

• Used widely by many technical writers

• Support DITA, the latest technology for


• Structured Authoring

• Excellent Support and Forums available

Adobe RoboHelpTool Name and Version RoboHelp 11

Company Adobe


Price $999

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version


Online Help Support Versioning (with Server)

Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Supports CHM, PDF output and Embed Videos)

Comments • Easier Learning Curve• Easier customization of skins and templates• Good option for Online Help Output


Author-ITTool Name and Version Author-IT 6

Company Author-IT Software


Price $2,000 - $10,000 (Small team-group-based)

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version

No mention

Online Help Support Versioning (with Server-$1999)

Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Web Help, PDF, Printed Documentation, )Comments • Ease of Use

• Easily import from MS Word• Easy Documentation Management and Content reuse


PTC ArborText EditorTool Name and Version PTC ArborText Editor, acquired Epic Editor

Company PTC


Price Secret Pricing Model

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version

No mention

Online Help Support (Integrate with ArborText Publishing Engine)

Versioning Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Web Help, PDF, HTML Help, Printed Documentation)

Comments • Automate the production with integration of CMS• Include interactive 2D and 3D illustrations• Easy to transfer MS Word content (Copy/Paste)


Madcap FlareTool Name and Version Madcap Flare 11

Company Madcap Software


Price $1448

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version

No mention

Online Help Support Versioning Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (Online Help, PDF, Printed Documentation, Context-Sensitive Help, Mobile Help)

Comments • Steep Learning Curve• Excellent output and customizations available• Consistent output and versatile


Adobe FramemakerTool Name and Version Framemaker 12

Company Adobe


Price $999

Upgrade Cost from Previous Version


Online Help Support (Additional Plug-in Required)

Versioning (with Server $5999))

Conditional Text Ease of Migration from MS Word

Single Sourcing (PDF, Printed Documentation, Mobile Help)Comments • Steep Learning Curve

• Needs Plugin Software (needs to be purchased) for Online Help

• Consistent output• Good option for PDF output


Consolidated Comparison of ToolsTool Pric

eUpgrade Cost

Online Help Support


Conditional Text

Ease of Migration

Mobile Help

Structured Authoring


Help and Manual

$550 $389 for Upgrade

(with Server $1295)

• Good WebHelp Output • Minimum changes required after importing

the RTF document• Supports Version when integrated Help &

Manual Server• Has inbuilt screenshot enhancer(Impict)

Help Smith

$199 $99 for Upgrade

• Supports variables, breadcrumbs, custom HTML code.

• Supports Translation (Unicode support)

Helpinator $250 $250 for Lifetime Upgrade

• Good retention of formatting when copy pasted from MS Word

• Supports Translation• Screenshot association with topics for easier

management of screenshots

Dr.Explain $249 OR $349

No Mention

• Good Online Help output• Easier organization of content• Automate the Help Authoring (Needs Setup

and Learning required)• *First Year Support is free and additional year support require purchase. Upgrade cost is from previous versions of the corresponding tool.

Tool Price Upgrade Cost

Online Help Support


Conditional Text

Ease of Migration

Mobile Help

Structured Authoring


RoboHelp $999 $599 (with Server-$1999)

• Easier Learning Curve• Easier customization of skins and

templates• Good option for Online Help



$2000-1000 (Group of Users)

No Mention

• Ease of Use• Easily import from MS Word• Easy Documentation Management

and Content reuse

PTC Arbor Text

Secret Pricing Model

No Mention

• Automate the production with integration of CMS

• Include interactive 2D and 3D illustrations

• Easy to transfer MS Word content (Copy/Paste)

Madcap Flare $1448 No Mention

• Steep Learning Curve• Excellent output and

customizations available• Consistent output and versatile

Framemaker $999 $599 (with Plug-in)

(with Server $5999)

• Steep Learning Curve• Needs Plugin Software (needs to

be purchased) for Online Help• Consistent output• Good option for PDF output

Consolidated Comparison of Tools [Contd.]