online fundraising success- care2 and the sierra club

Online to Offline – Does It Work? Ashley Hansen, Director of Non-Profit Services, Care2 Vicky Barrett-Putnam, Senior Director Donor Development & Acquisition Strategies, Sierra Club #Bridge14

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Online to Offline – Does It Work?

Ashley Hansen, Director of Non-Profit Services, Care2 Vicky Barrett-Putnam, Senior Director Donor Development &

Acquisition Strategies, Sierra Club  


About  Care2

What’s  new  at  Care2?

• Dona&on  ask  in  pe&&on  flow  

• Custom  Auto  Reply  –  client  branded  

• And,  we’re  growing  faster  than  ever  

About  the  Sierra  Club

•  Founded  in  1892  by  legendary  conserva&onist  John  Muir  •  The  na&on's  largest  and  most  influen&al  grassroots  environmental  organiza&on  

• More  than  2.4  million  members  and  supporters  

About  the  Sierra  Club

• Our  successes  range  from  protec&ng  millions  of  acres  of  wilderness  to  helping  pass  the  Clean  Air  Act,  Clean  Water  Act,  and  Endangered  Species  Act  

•  Today,  we  are  leading  the  charge  to  move  away  from  the  dirty  fossil  fuels  that  cause  climate  disrup&on  and  toward  a  clean  energy  economy  


A  few  years  ago  Sierra  Club  received  a  grant  from    the  Bloomberg  Founda&on  to  work  on  our  Beyond    Coal  Campaign.    A  percentage  of  that  grant  went  to  growing  our  email  ac&vist  file  and  acquiring  one  million  new  ac&vists.    This  gave  the  Sierra  Club  a  unique  opportunity  to  also  try  and  convert  these  ac&vists  to  members  and  donors.  Our  two  main  vendors  we  used  to  help  us  recruit  the  1  million  ac&vists  were  Care2  and  

Care2  Acquisi=on  Email

A  Sierra  Club  Pe==on  on  Care2

Email  Ac=vist  to  Member Online  to  Online  

•  First  email  is  an  engagement  survey  with    a  membership  ask  on  the  back  end.      

•  Second  email  is  an  ac?on  alert  with  a    dona?on  ask  on  the  back  end.      

 •  Third  email  is  a  straight  up  appeal  for    an  addi?onal  dona?on.  

When  email  ac&vists  are  acquired,  they  receive  three  emails  to  on-­‐board  them  into  the  program.  

1st  Ac=on  Via  Acquisi=on  Source  (The  goal  is  to  get  a  new  ac=vist  to  take  their  first  ac=on  within  the  first  month)









1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22  

All  Lists  





n  Rate

Timing  of  1st  Dona=on

6  months  is  a  sweet  spot    Sierra  Club  found  that  regardless  of  the  date  a  new  ac&vist  was  acquired,  the  most  common  &me  to  get  a  gi^  was  at  the  6  month  mark.    

Welcome  Series  Message  1:    Engagement  Email

I'd love to hear what you think.

Please take our quick, five-question survey now.

I am so grateful to you for becoming one of our newest supporters. People like you are the heart and soul of the environmental movement -- and our ability to protect the animals and places that are close to our hearts depends on harnessing your ideas and passion. Are you passionate about a particular issue affecting our planet? What strategies do you think will bring the most success in our fight? Please take a moment to let us know what you care most about by taking our short survey. Your answers will help us chart a course for the coming years. Endangered wildlife and wild places are constantly under threat from things like oil and gas drilling and the effects of climate disruption. We have so far to go to ensure we can

stop the catastrophic destruction of our environment.


Welcome  Series  Message  2:  Take  An  Ac=on

My name is Donna Branham and I live in Mingo County, WV -- smack dab in the middle of coal mining country. I'm a registered nurse and I've seen firsthand how mining hurts the health of my community. I've seen how it is making my community sick1 and year after year it's only getting worse. Mountaintop-removal coal mining blows off the tops of mountains to extract the coal that fuels our nation's power plants. It has already leveled 500 mountains and buried over 1,200 miles of streams2 -- but it gets worse. It raises my community's risk of birth defects, cancer, and heart disease. Right now, dozens of permits are pending for new mines and the Obama Administration could approve them any day. If they get approved, it will mean more people get sick and more mountains get destroyed. I don't know about you, but I don't want any more families to suffer the effects of Big Coal's pollution. Send a message to the White House before it's too late. I'm tired of seeing families get sick just so Big Coal can increase its profits. Tell the Obama Administration to put our health first: no more mountaintop-removal coal mines. A few years ago, Island Creek Coal Company opened a mountaintop-removal coal mine two miles from the house where I grew up and where my Mom and Dad still lived. Because of the danger, my parents had to leave their home so that they could have a reasonable life. My Mom never felt at home again. After that, I knew I had to act. The coal companies are putting a burden on us, and it isn't fair. I've got grandchildren, and I want them to live in a better world. That's why I'm calling on the Obama Administration to put our health first, and why I'm asking you to take action. Send a message to the White House today, and let them know that families, like mine, need them to stand up to and say no to any more mountaintop-removal coal mines. Our health depends on it. There have been many times where folks, like us, worked together to make change happen. If it weren't for mothers demanding a right to vote, women would still not be allowed at the polls. It takes people like you and me who get fed up enough to take action to make a change. I can't do it alone, but I know that if we stand together we can create a better life for our children and grandchildren! Tell the Obama Administration to protect families from mountaintop-removal coal mining today. Thanks for all you do to protect our environment! Sincerely, Donna Branham Sierra Club Volunteer Mingo County, WV P.S. After you take action, forward this message or spread the word on Facebook or Twitter by clicking our handy share buttons below:

Welcome  Series  Message  3:  Straight  Up  Ask

Dear AdmAllison, Thank you for teaming up with us to help protect the environment. As we undertake this tremendous fight, the Sierra Club and its members have proven time and again that we have the strength and commitment to stop efforts that undermine our public health and destroy our natural heritage. AdmAllison, that is why I am asking you to join our cause and become a member of the Sierra Club today. Thanks to the grassroots support of people like you, we’ve had some amazing achievements. We've stopped more than 150 new coal plants since we began our campaign to move beyond dirty coal. We've kept ground from being broken on the northern leg of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline for 5 years. And we saved more than one million acres in Grand Canyon National Park from new mineral exploration and mining. Each of these accomplishments was possible because of the dedication of our loyal members and supporters. But our work is not done. We are fighting a Congress that wants to roll back landmark legislation like the Clean Air Act and Endangered Species Act. And while each victory we achieve is important, this movement is much bigger – it's about getting off oil and coal as quickly as we can and replacing dirty power with clean energy as soon as possible. We used people power to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and to prevent 150 coal plants from coming online. Now let's use that same power to lead our nation toward a clean-energy future. Please join the Sierra Club today and help us make a lasting difference for our environment! Thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely, Michael Brune Sierra Club Executive Director

Ongoing  Messaging  Strategy

Ac&vists  are  targeted  1-­‐3  &mes  to  par&cipate  in  campaigns  based  on  a  combina&on  of  region,  past  ac&on  history,  type  (e.g.  social  sharer),  and  topic  (e.g.  Wild  America).    If  they  take  ac&on,  they  will  see  a  secondary  ask  or  ac&on  on  the  thank-­‐you.    They  will  also  be  entered  into  a  campaign  arc  and  receive  follow-­‐up  asks  designed  to  move  them  up  a  ladder  of  engagement  (from  online  signer  to  making  a  call  to  abending  an  event,  for  example).    The  specifics  vary  according  to  campaign  goals.    Everyone  also  receives  the  bi-­‐weekly  newsleber  which  includes  a  mix  of  content,  ac&ons,  offers  and  asks.    

  Data  Hygiene:  When  do  we  remove  email  ac=vists  from  our  file?  When  they’ve  been  on  our  file  for    24  months  with  no  opens,  clicks  or    online  ac&ons.  

Email  Reengagement  Tes=ng

•  Since  discovering  that  6  months  is  the  sweet  spot  for  new  leads  to  donate,  leads  who  have  taken  no  ac&on  in  6  months  are  sent  a  specific  email  with  the  best  performing  ac&on  from  the  past  month.    

•  This  email  get  about  a  2.1%  ac&on  rate,  which  is  almost  the  same  as  the  ac&on  rate  off  of  the  ac&on  in  the  welcome  series.    

•  Some&mes  it  is  also  effec&ve  to  take  “Sierra  Club”  off  the  sender  name  of  the  email  and  to  send  an  ac&on  different  from  the  ac&ons  they’ve  been  gehng.  Ex:  “Save  the  Bees”  rather  than  a  Beyond  Coal  ac&on.  

Email  Ac=vist  to  Member Online  to  Direct  Mail  Conversion  


Mailing  Online  Ac?vists:  Background/History  In  2012,  we  had  a  budget  surplus  that  allowed  us  to  mail  a  large  por&on  of  our  email  ac&vist  file  The  following  data  demonstrates  what  we  found  out.    We  were  somewhat  surprised  by  the  results.  

Women  Significantly  Out-­‐Performed  Men    

   #  Mailed  %  Responded  Average  Gi^  Men    252,043  0.46%      $21.15  Women  321,967  0.63%      $20.33  

Mailing  Online  Ac?vists:  

Care2  Significantly  Out-­‐Performed    

   #  Mailed  %  Responded  Average  Gi^  Care2    100,562  0.68%      $20.37  225,092  0.37%      $20.19      

Mailing  Online  Ac?vists:  

Looking  at  How  Long  Ago  They  Signed  a  Pe??on  has  Mixed  Results  

     #  Mailed  %  Responded  Average  Gi ̂  0-­‐3  Months    299,288  0.58%      $21.22  4-­‐6  Months    140,662  0.48%      $20.60  7-­‐12  Months  106,370  0.47%      $21.19  13+  Months    2,235    1.07%      $19.83    

Mailing  Online  Ac?vists:  

It  Did  Not  MaTer  How  Many  Ac?ons  They  Took    

     #  Mailed  %  Responded  Average  Gi^  Took  1  Ac&on  92,885  0.58%      $22.16  Took  2-­‐3  Ac&ons  50,006  0.62%      $21.53  Took  4+  Ac&ons  79,846  0.57%      $21.91    

Mailing  Online  Ac?vists:  

We  Also  Tested  Messaging    Since  these  email  ac&vists  first  became  involved  through  Beyond  Coal  and  Clean  Energy  ac&ons,  we  were  hopeful  that  they  would  perform  well  to  direct  mail  appeals  on  these  issues,  which  we  have  not  been  able  to  make  work  in  the  mail.    We  were  wrong.    They  liked  the  animal  and  wildlife  direct  mail  beber.      

Mailing  Online  Ac?vists:  

Sample  of  Coal  Packages

Sample  of  Wildlife  Package

Our  Current  Tes?ng  Strategy    

• Once  the  Bloomberg  names  stopped  coming  in,  we  decided  to  segregate  the  names  depending  on  whether  they  came  in  from  Bloomberg  or  more  recent  sources.          • We  tested  NON-­‐Bloomberg  sources  as  a  force-­‐in.    So  we  took  3  panels  of  10,000  names  based  on  recency  and  the  number  of  ac&ons  taken.    And  we  mailed  them  with  actually  good  results.  • We  highlight  the  URL  to  give  online  in  all  of  our  direct  mail.      

Results  from  Current  Tes?ng  Strategy                    %  Responded  Average  Gi^  

0-­‐3  months  1  ac&on  0.80%      $21.24  0-­‐3  months  2-­‐3  ac&ons  0.78%      $29.29  0-­‐3  months  4+  ac&ons  0.69%      $21.32    

Based  on  these  results  we  will  be  tes&ng  larger  panels  of  the  non-­‐Bloomberg  Names.  

Email  Ac=vist  to  Member Online  to  Telemarke?ng  

What  is  Working  for  the  Sierra  Club  • Calling  only  super  advocates  –  those  who  have  signed  at  least  three  (preferably  5)  pe&&ons  in  a  12-­‐month  period.  • The  ask  has  to  be  a  monthly  donor  ask.      We  have  found  that  approximately  2.5%  to  3%    of  the  people  you  contact  will  become  a  month  ly  donor.    Another  6%  to  9%  will  give  an    addi&onal  gi^.    These  gi^s  will  be  lower  than    your  other  TM  programs.  • Program  pays  for  itself  in  less  than  2  years.  

What  is  Working  for  the  Sierra  Club  •  You  cannot  manage  the  script.    Callers  need  to  be  able  to  talk  about  what  is  happening  now.  

•  It  is  good  to  have  more  than  one  firm  call  this  program.    Results  are  not  always  stable  and  you  need  to  move  the  program  or  split  it  more  o^en  than  a  normal  program.  

Monthly  Donor  Reten=on  by  Source

Percentage  of  Monthly  Donors  Acquired  S&ll  Ac&ve  A^er  24  Months:  Email  Ac&vist:        56.5%  Canvass:          29.1%  Online  (self  selec&ng):  61.9%  

Check  box  for  monthly  gi^  

Email  Ac=vist  to  Member Other  Sta?s?cs  

21%  of  ALL  Welcome  Series  Ac?on  Takers  have  become  members  of  the  Sierra  Club.    

4,389  Monthly  Donors  will  be  acquired  through  our  email  ac&vist  telemarke&ng  program  in  2014.    

171,141  Members  (12%)  give  both  online  and  offline  gi^s  to  the  Sierra  Club.    

40%  of  Members  Acquired  through  the  Welcome  Series  are  renewing  their  membership.  

Ashley Hansen [email protected] Vicky Barrett-Putnam

[email protected]

Don’t forget to visit the Solutions Showcase!

Many of the ideas discussed today are on display at the Solutions Showcase!


Thank You!