online dictionary tutorial

Online Dictionary Quick Tutorial Using

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Post on 27-May-2015




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Page 1: Online dictionary tutorial

Online DictionaryQuick Tutorial


Page 2: Online dictionary tutorial

You’ve seen how to use a print dictionary. Now you’re going to use a dictionary you’re probably more familiar with—an online dictionary.Go to on the computer to answer these questions.Look up the word “jingoism.”

Answer the questions on a sheet of paper:1.) What is the definition of the word “jingoism”?Scroll down to the World English Dictionary definition.2.) What is the World English Dictionary definition of the word “jingoism”?Scroll down to the Cultural Dictionary definition.3.) What is the Cultural Dictionary definition of the word “jingoism”?

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If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, there is even an encyclopedia entry for the word that tells where the word came from.

Answer on a sheet of paper:4.) In what country did the word originate (come from)?

There is another way to look for the origin of the word. Scroll back up to the top of the page and look under the first definition. Under the first definition is the word “Origin:” and under that a date (1875-80) and next to that “jingo + -ism.” Click on the link for “jingo.” Now you’re on the definition of the word “jingo.” Scroll down to find the origin of the word.

Answer on a sheet of paper:5.) What was originally a conjurer’s call according to the origin of the word “jingo”?

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Now go back to the definition of the word “jingoism.”

Answer on a sheet of paper:6.) What part of speech (noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, etc.) is the word “jingoism”?

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Now look up the word “superfluous.”

Answer on a sheet of paper:7.) What does “superfluous” mean?8.) What part of speech is the word “superfluous”?9.) Name one language the word “superfluous” comes from.

Now answer these questions about using print and online dictionaries.10.) What is an advantage to using a print dictionary over an online dictionary?11.) What is an advantage to using an online dictionary over a print dictionary?