online adjunct faculty orientation

David Barrish Amanda Hartman Maria Poindexter Online Adjunct Faculty Orientation The Gateway for Creating Student Success

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Given at Virginia Community College New Horizons Conference, 2011


  • 1. OnlineAdjunct Faculty Orientation
    The Gateway for Creating Student Success
    David BarrishAmanda HartmanMaria Poindexter

2. Importance
60% of credits at J. Sargeant Reynolds are taught by adjunct faculty (Fall 2011)
No fixed schedule of hire
3. Defining Needs
The ideal orientation program will _____.
provide knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) needed during first several weeks of teaching
highlight policies many adjunct might not think about
be delivered online to accommodate all adjunct faculty
be accessible 24/7 for initial use and future reference
4. Development Process
Committee formed
Input from several college units; not just instructional faculty
Focused on need to know information
Created web portal with links to information already there (minimal new content developed)
5. Categorize primary duties
6. 7. Former Adjunct Faculty Web Page
8. New Adjunct Faculty Web Page
9. 10. Expandable Items
11. Key Components
12. Key Components
13. Key Components
14. Key Components
15. 16. Key Components
17. Pre-semesterOrientationChecklist
18. Recordkeeping
19. Assessment
Adjunct Faculty Orientation Program
Spring 2011
Stakeholder Survey
Sample Size: 646
Number of Respondents: 193
Response Rate: 30%
20. Assessment
21. Assessment
22. Assessment
23. Assessment

24. Assessment

25. Assessment
26. Assessment

27. Assessment
28. Assessment
29. Assessment
30. Next Steps
Greater participation
Ownership of site
Additional KSAs
Class cancellations & make-up policy/expectations
Codes(adjunct offices, copiers)
Sample overview of student evaluations
Add teaching/learning module
31. 32. David Barrish
[email protected]
Amanda Hartman
[email protected]
Maria Poindexter
[email protected]