online ad rate card

P roduction I nformation Full Banner 468x60 IMU Medium Rectangle 300x250 IMU Vertical Rectangle 120x250 IMU File should be provided in gif format. O nline A dvertising It’s interactive Reach students, faculty, alumni and K-State fans everywhere Stay on the cutting edge Link to your own website for free Kansas State Collegian • (785) 532-6560 fax (785) 532-7309 • [email protected] 118 Kedzie Hall, KSU, Manhattan, KS 66506 Contact your advertising representative for more information. R ate I nformation Full Banner $50/week Medium Rectangle $30/week Vertical Rectangle $20/week 2010-11

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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online ad rate card, ksu collegian


Page 1: Online ad rate card

Production InformationFu l l Banner 468x60 IMU

Medium Rectang le 300x250 IMU

Ver t i ca l Rec tang le 120x250 IMU

F i le shou ld be prov ided in g i f fo rmat .

O n l i n e Ad v e r t i s i n g• I t ’ s in te rac t i ve

•Reach s tudents , facu l t y , a lumni and K-S ta te fans everywhere

•Stay on the cut t ing edge•L ink to your own webs i te fo r f ree

www.kstatecollegian.comKansas State Collegian • (785) 532-6560

fax (785) 532-7309 • [email protected] Kedzie Hall, KSU, Manhattan, KS 66506

Contact your advertising representative for more information.

Rate InformationFu l l Banner $50/week

Medium Rectang le $30/week

Ver t i ca l Rec tang le $20/week
