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An Electronic News Magazine of PIA Mindanao Cluster


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SEC. SONNY B. COLOMAPresidential Communications Operations Office

JOSE MARI M. OQUIÑENA Director General Philippine Information Agency


EFREN F. ELBANBUENACluster Head, Southern, Western and Central MindanaoRegional Director, PIA Region XI

MANAGING EDITOR ABNER M. CAGACluster Head, Northern & Northeastern MindanaoRegional Director - PIA Caraga Region





VENUS L. GARCIA, PIA Caraga Region


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NOEMI B. EDAGARegional Director, PIA Region IX

THELMA B. OLIVERRegional Director, PIA Region X

OLIVIA T. SUDARIARegional Director, PIA Region XII



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Gensan has new PNP director

Child protection working group can be activated during emergencies







Sarangani lad joins 2015 YSEALI young leaders

DSWD assures readiness to respond to disaster-affected families

Filipinos approve Aquino admin’s Mindanao peace efforts – SWS

Nutrition Month celebration kicks off with physical fitness

Bayog town MDRRMO holds disaster preparedness advocacy

74 schoolchildren receive packbags, health kits during education caravan

SurSur BIR remains unrelenting to hit 2015 tax goal


By: IJMLagare

By: Jocelyn P. Alvarez

By: Claro A. Lanipa

By: Mary Jule E. Escalante

By: Greg Tataro Jr.

Cover Story








City Dad optimistic of Go Negosyo Center in Ozamiz

Vice mayor backs bill providing free dialysis to poor patients


By: CdeoSP

By: Jeanevive D. Abangan


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2933 36




By: Catherine T Apelacio


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Cover Story

By: Catherine T Apelacio

Sarangani lad joins 2015 YSEALI young leaders

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A s young as 18, this intelligent and simple lad named Christian Florendo Gino has reached places that some average adults have not even gone to.

The Simple Lad Up-close

Fresh from a five-weekfellowship abroad, Christian, athird-yearBSMarineBiologyatthe Mindanao State University(MSU)here,istrulyanachieverat heart. At young age, hestartedtowieldhisvisionforabrighter future and continuedtonurtureitintofruition.

“Itwassimplybystartingtobeawareofwhat ishappeningtomyvery surroundingsatanearly age and tobegin to care forthe environmentthat I live in,asawhole,”herecalls.

Christian hailsfrom Purok-3,P o b l a c i o n ,M a l a p a t a n ,S a r a n g a n i .His father is afisherman whilehis mother is ahousekeeper.Tian,as fondly called isthe eldest of thethreesiblings.

YSEALI Learning Experiences

Christian, who arrivedbackhomeonJune8,wastherecipient of U.S. Young SouthEast Asian Leaders Initiative(YSEALI) Academic FellowshipInstitute on Environment heldatEast-WestCenterinHonolulu,Hawaii for three weeks whichstartedonMay5.

“There isonlyonewordtosum up this particular area oflearningandthatisexpertise--

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because that’s the thing theytaught us and that’s what welearnedandreallywedidbecomelikeonewhenwefacilitatedourown workshops,” the studentambassadorrelates.

“Onemost importantthingalsoisthatwehaveacquiredaclearer picture on how to careand manage our environmentproperly and how to addresscomplicationsthatneedcertainactions,”Christianadded.

YSEALI is U.S. PresidentBarack Obama’s signature

p r o g r a mwhich seeks“tostrengthenl e a d e r s h i pdevelopment

and networking in SoutheastAsia”bybuildingtheleadershipcapabilities of youth in theregion and strengthening tiesbetweentheUnitedStatesandSoutheastAsia.

The program which waslaunched in 2013 is beingofferedforages18to35yearsold. It includes a variety ofengagements such as “theU.S. educational and culturalexchanges,regionalexchanges,andseedfunding.”

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According to YSEALI website,theprogramfocusesoncriticaltopics identified by youth inthe region: civic engagement,environment and naturalresources management, andentrepreneurshipandeconomicdevelopment.

“My YSEALI fellowshipamplifiesmy personality, I gotto know more about myself,elevated my confidence andmaximizemyskillswhenitcomestoleadership,itmadememoreawareaboutthethingsorissuesthatarehappeninginthishugelivingsphere,andmuchmoreIgottobroadenmyownnetworkand I now have connections

with the leaders who I’m sureI can collaborate with sooner,”Christianenthuses.

Christian and four otherrecipients from the Philippineswere among the 20 youngSoutheastAsianyoung leadersthatqualifiedforthefive-weekenvironmental fellowship. HewasthesoleprideofMindanaoout of thehundredsapplicantsfromthearea.

The other 15 came fromMalaysia, Indonesia, Brunei,andSingapore.

AsidefromHawaii,theyoungleaders also visited Boulder,Coloradoforaweek,where“welearnedtheartofcollaborationhoning our partnership skillswith different environmentalinstitutions.”

In the last week of theprogram, the group also metwith President Obama at theWhiteHouse,Washington,D.C.,

“Wealsolearnedmoreaboutleadership in Washington D.C.aside of course from meetingPresidentBarackObamaattheWhiteHouse,”Christiansays.

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To him, the dialogue withPresident Obama at the WhiteHousewasthe“highlight”oftheprogram.

“Iwastotallyimpressedbyhow inspiring the message ofthe President was; his wordsand gestures would tell howbrilliant, warm and sincere hewas.Iwasreallyblessedtobeinvited in such a gathering,”Christiannotes.

Overall, he describedthe YSEALI experience “ahealthy convention of youngleaders coming from differentbackgrounds, different placeswith different stories acrossASEANregion.”

As Exchange Student In 2011, Christian was anexchangestudentforAmericanField Service-Japan East-AsiaNetworksofExchangeStudentsfor Youth (AFS-JENESYS) inJapan.Atthattime,hewas4thyearhighschool.

The program aimed topromotemutual understandingthroughyouthexchange in theregion.Under the program, the youthgoodwill ambassadors wereencouraged to share theirexperiences with peers whilepromoting each other’s culturetostrengthentiesandsolidaritybetween Japan and thePhilippines.

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Mapping the future

Uponreturninghome fromtheU.S.,Christianimmediatelyinvolved himself with raisingawareness on sea turtles andpromotingmarineconservationatbarangayKiambing,Maitum,Sarangani.

“Philippines,beingsituatedattheapexofthecoraltriangle,happen to be one of themostrich when it comes to marineresources. With this we mustknowandbeawareoftheunsungcontributionsthatthisdynamichabitatbroughtuponusandthatlikemostthosethingsshouldbereturned,beforenaturetakesitback,”hearticulates.

Heisalsoactiveinseveralrelevantyouthorganizationsandcommunity groups to help not

onlyinenvironmentalprotectionandpreservationadvocaciesbuteconomicdevelopmentaswell. Currently,heisavolunteerin a non-profit organizationAFS Intercultural ProgramsPhilippinesandreadilyextendsa helping hand to his peers inschool. He said he is eager toshare with others his learningexperiencesabroad.

Considering himselfa “steward” of his fellowcountrymen, Christian says: “Iwillcontinuetoaspireforbetterchange, pursue support andevenbuildprojecteventsinmyarea that would surely createimpact in the society not justlimitingmyreachtoenvironmentbut expanding it to social andeconomicdevelopmentaswell.”

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DBM releases 95% of agency budgets in H1 2015

MANILA - The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced on Thursday that 94.6 percent of agency allotments have already been released as of June 30, 2015. In total, 86.6 percent ofthe original 2015 program wasreleased in the first half of theyear.

“UndertheGAA-as-Release-Document regime, the DBMmade the majority of fundsavailabletoagenciesattheverystartoftheyear.Theremaining

allotments are earmarked forlater release, once agencieshave complied with conditionsor have requested the funds,”Budget Secretary Florencio“Butch”Abadsaid.

These figures represent anincrease in allotment releasescompared to the first half of

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2014, when 91.6 percent ofagency allotments and 86percentofthetotalprogramweremade available for obligation.On the other hand, releasesfor automatic appropriationsregistered a slight decrease,from95percentin2014to94.2percentthisyear.

“Given that our proposedbudget for 2016 stands atP3.002 trillion, it is crucial thatagencies—especially those withbig-ticket projects and still-unreleased allotments—ensurethe timely implementation oftheir programs this year. Thisway, we can further strengthen

servicedelivery in2016 insteadof catching up on the previousyear’sprogram,”SecretaryAbadadded.

OnthebackofAdministrativeOrder No. 46, which directedagencies to adopt measures toclear procurement bottlenecks,improve reporting on projectimplementation, and completedocumentary requirements forallotment release, the DBMset guidelines for the creationof a Full-time Delivery Unit ineach agency. These units willact as problem-solvers in theirrespective agencies and willassist DBM in tracking agencyexpenditures.

Additionally, DBM releaseda National Budget Circular(NBC No. 2015-558) in June,strengtheningtheorganizationalstructureofagencyProcurementUnits, and providing them withadditional staffing to supporttheirBidsandAwardCommittees(BACs).(DBM)

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DSWD assures readiness to respond to disaster-affected families

QUEZON CITY - With the onset of the rainy season, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as vice-chair of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), assures that response measures are in place to ensure provision of timely and appropriate interventions to disaster-affected families in an orderly and coordinated manner. During the recentlyconcluded full-council meetingoftheNDRRMC,DSWDAssistantSecretary Vilma Cabrerashared that the Department

has upgraded the operationalcapacityoftheNationalResourceOperations Center (NROC), itscentral warehouse located inPasayCity.

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The upgrading includes theadvanced stocking and pilingof relief supplies through palletracking system, mechanizedproductionof50,000foodpacksper day, and maintenance of100,000familyfoodpacks(FFPs)atanygiventime.

Aside from this, each ofthe 16 DSWD-Field Officeswill also maintain 30,000 foodpacks at any given time readyfor prepositioning at the localgovernmentunits.

Asec. Cabrera also sharedthat there is an ongoingdiscussion with the UnitedNations-WorldFoodProgramme(UN-WFP) for the constructionof regional island warehousesin Cebu for Visayas, Davao forMindanao, and Clark for Luzonfor easier accessibility andresponseduringdisasters.

To complement these,regional field warehouses in allDSWD-Field Offices will also be

constructed in partnership withthe Australian Department ofForeignAffairsandTrade.

Asec. Cabrera added thatDSWD inpartnershipwithLGUsalso completed the constructionof pilot evacuations centers inPangasinan,Pampanga,Laguna,Albay, Iloilo, and Butuan.SimilarstructuresarealsounderconstructioninIsabelaandIloilo.

DSWD is also in closecoordination with the otherleadagencies in theResponseClustersuchastheDepartmentof National Defense fortelecommunications andlogistics, Department ofHealth for medical andhealth emergency services,Department of Education onsafety plans and alternativelearning spaces for studentsduring disasters, and ArmedForces of the Philippines forsearch, rescue, and retrievaloperations.(DSWD)

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Filipinos approve Aquino admin’s Mindanao peace efforts – SWS

MANILA - Majority of Filipinos are satisfied with the Aquino administration’s resolute stance in the pursuit of peace in Mindanao, according to the findings of the Second Quarter 2015 Social Weather Survey. The national survey,conducted last month on June5-8, noted the public’s +23rating on the administration’sefforts in “Restoring peace toMindanao,” up from +12 in


The President’s overallsatisfactionratingalsorecoveredlast month to +31 from +19

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in March, his lowest since heassumedofficein2010.Healsoreceiveda+19anda+13ratingon“Givingjustice”and“Fightingterrorism”respectively.

President Benigno S.Aquino III continues to enjoyhigh satisfaction rating due tohis uncompromising stance oncontroversialissuesincludinghisfurtherance of the Bangsamoropeaceprocess,saidPresidentialCommunications OperationsOffice (PCOO) SecretaryHerminio B. Coloma, Jr. in apressbriefing.

“Naging mataas din angrating ng pamahalaan saaspeto ng pagtataguyod ngprosesong pang-kapayapaankasabay ng pagsulong ngBangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)at pagpapatupad ng mgaprobisyon ng Comprehensive

AgreementontheBangsamoro(CAB) tulad ng normalizationat decommissioning (Thegovernment also received ahigh rating on its securing ofthe peace process alongsideits advancement of the BBLand the implementation ofprovisions in the CAB suchas the normalization anddecommissioning).” Government of thePhilippines (GPH) chief peacenegotiator Professor MiriamCoronel-Ferrer thanked thepeoplewhocontinuedtosupportthe Bangsamoro peace processand helped shape a favorableviewamongthepopulace.“Kamipo ay nagpapasalamat sa mgatao na patuloy na kumilala sakahalagahanngpeaceprocessatkung bakit natin ito kailangangipagpatuloy (We would like tothankthepeoplewhocontinuedto recognize the importance ofthepeaceprocessandtheneedtopursueit).”

Coronel-FerrersaidthatthelatestSWSsurveyresultsshowedFilipinos across the country arerealizing the stakes involved inthe Bangsamoro peace processwiththeMoroIslamicLiberationFront, especially in the light of

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external challenges in theWestPhilippineSeaandothersecuritythreats suchas theAbuSayyafGroup and the BangsamoroIslamicFreedomFighters.

“What we are doing is notonly for the Bangsamoro butforthebenefitofallFilipinos.Iamgrateful thatmore Filipinosrealize why we must pursuethe solutions provided by theComprehensive Agreement onthe Bangsamoro so that thegovernmentcan focusonotherpressingproblems.”

The latest survey fromthe SWS also showed a +1satisfaction rating with regard“Reconciliation with MuslimRebels”.Thiswasseveralnotchesup from the -3 rating of theadministration under the samecategorylastMarch.

Ferrercommented that thisnet positive rating “shows thatmorepeople are seeing thebigpictureandthebenefitsthatwehavereapedandwillcontinuetoreapifwestayonthistrack.”

“We welcome the supportof every Filipino especially atthis juncturewhenpermanentlyending the conflict with theMILFissocloseandisnolongerelusive,”sheadded.

The SWS survey wasconducted nationwide throughface-to-face interviewsof1,200respondentsacross thecountry.(OPAPP)

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Stakeholders affirm commitment to NSDDBy: Daisy Jane M. Apit

BUTUAN CITY – Representatives from the Department of Education (DepEd), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), city and provincial health offices affirmed their commitment to support the National School Deworming Day (NSDD) of the Department of Health (DOH) on July 29 here. NSDD shall be implemented throughthe collaboration of the different units in alllevels,itwaslearned.Theseunitsshallincluderepresentation from health and education

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sectors, other governmentagencies, and local governmentunits. The different DepEddivisions and district officescommitted that they will helpby coordinating with the localgovernment units in all phasesof NSDD implementations,consolidate reports and submittotheDepEdregionalofficeandsupervisetheconductofNSDD. They will also orient andcoordinate with the ParentsTeachers Association (PTA) andadminister the deworming drugsupervisedbyahealthworker. Meantime, the DILGwill coordinate with the localpartners and potential donors,disseminatematerials forNSDD

implementation and supporttheDepEddivisionsanddistrictoffices. The agency had alsoissued Memorandum CircularNo. 2015-66 urging provincialgovernors, city and municipalmayors, and barangay captainstosupporttheNSDD. Whiletheprovincialandcityhealthofficeswillcoordinatewiththe local partners, monitor thedelivery of drugs and suppliesand support to the DepEddivisions and district offices ontheimplementationofNSDD. The deworming acticity isalsopartofthe“OplanGoodbyeBulate paramagingmalusog atmasigla ang inyongmga anak,”projectofDOH,DILGandDepEd.

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By: Mary Jule E. Escalante

74 schoolchildren receive packbags, health kits during education caravan

SURIGAO CITY – A total of 74 kindergarten pupils from Roberta Quano Memorial

Elementary School, Melquiades Cagasan Memorial Elementary School and Canlanipa

Elementary School received packbags during

the HEALS Plus Victory Forum on July 7, 2015, this


The education caravan is aseriesofschoolsactivitiesunderthe HEALS (Health, Education,Agriculture and Aquaculture,

Livelihood and Tourism, andSpiritual Enhancement) Plusagendaoftheprovince. Governor Sol Matugas ledthe conduct of the educationcaravan together with somemembers of the SangguniangPanlalawigan,TeamCapitolanddepartmentheads. Duringthesaidactivity,gov.Matugasalsodistributedtentstothesaidschools. She also turned overfinancial assistance worthP100,000tothedistrictofficeofCanlanipaElementarySchoolinBrgy.Canlanipa.

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CitingthecollectiontargetofP745,763,000,MonibDimakuta,revenue district officer, saidhis office remains optimisticin spite of the snags met ascanbe gleaned from the actualcollectionfortheperiodJanuary-May2015plusthepartialreporton tax collection last June. TheBIRchiefbaredthatforthe first fivemonths, this year,a collection of P331,632,462.80hasbeenpostedplusthepartialcollectionofP58,123,263.45forthemonthof Juneora total ofP389,755,726.25asagainst the

targetofP440,209,000,incurringa deficit of P50,453,273.75 orequivalent to 11.46 percent. On the contrary, Dimakutapointedoutthattheirperformanceis not at all so dismal sincethe end result as compared tothe same period of last yearposted an increase of 16.95percent, citing a collection ofP333,275,007.36oranequivalentincrease of P56,480,718.89. Inthemeantime,hevowedto go after business taxpayerswho have failed to settle theirobligation to the government.

SurSur BIR remains unrelenting to hit 2015 tax goal By: Greg Tataro Jr.

TANDAG CITY - The Revenue District Office (RDO) 106 of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in Surigao del Sur has reiterated its resolve “to give their all” just to hit the 2015 tax goal.

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By Gideon C. Corgue

PAGADIAN CITY – In observance of the Na-tional Disaster Consciousness Month, the city government here conducted on Wednesday morning a fire drill simulation exercise to its employees to equip them with the basic things to do during disasters/emergencies.

CDRRMC conducts fire drill to city employees

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City Disaster Risk ReductionManagement Council (CDRRMC)actionofficerHaronDamadasaidthedrillwasinconsonancewiththeobservanceofJulyasNation-alDisasterConsciousnessMonth,which carries the theme “Pami-lyaatPamayanangHanda,Katu-wangsaPag-unladngBansa.”

Damada said the drill was alsodesigned to test the emergen-cy response plan and to evalu-ate the operational capabilityandreadinessoftheemergencymanagementsystemof thecitygovernment.

Inthatsimulationdrill, theem-ployeesaswellasthetransact-ing public at theCityHallwere


Damada said the employeeswere instructed to assemble attheirrespectiveevacuationareaslikethecementedpublicparkingarea and the City Hall Plaza toensuretheirsafety.

Some of the employees weretaught by the personnel of Bu-reauofFireProtection(BFP)onhow to extinguish fire using aportable fire extinguisher whiletheotheremployees,whowerepassing off as patients with in-juries,werecarriedbyCDRRMCmembersoutofthebuilding.

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By Jocelyn P. Alvarez

ZAMBOANGA CITY – Anchored on the theme “Timbang iwasto sa ta-mang nutrisyon at ehersisyo!” the nutrition month celebration here kicks off with a bang, as the City Nutrition Committee puts excite-ment and spice in the celebration by organizing an afternoon walk and dance exercise dubbed “Sunset Walk for a Healthy Me.”

Ms. Vergie Sagrado of the CityHealthOfficesaidtheactivitywillbeheldatthePaseoDelMarat4p.m. todaywherea thousandparticipantsareexpectedtojoin.

“We are expecting a thousandparticipants since there will bestudents from various schools.

We have also invited privategroups, humanitarian organiza-tions,members of the RegionalNutritionandAnti-HungerCom-mittee and national and localgovernment employees,” shesaid.


Nutrition Month celebration kicks off with physical fitness

TheCDRRMCaction officer saidthedrillwas very important forthe employees for them to beguidedonwhat todo in caseafirewilloccurintheirrespectivework places and even at theirownhome.

“The fire that occurred in ba-rangay San Pedro last June 1,whichlefttwopersonsdeadanddestroyed P20-million worth ofproperties,hastaughtusanim-portant lesson about disaster

preparedness.Thus,weneedtobe alert at all times,” Damadaadded.

Damada said, as part of thelined-up activities, theCDRRMCwould be visiting the differentbarangays to determine if theyhaveconductedthesameprepa-rationsand trainingwhileutiliz-ingDRRMfund.


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theimportanceofattainingidealweight through proper nutritionandexercise.

Sagradosaidlecturesconcerningnutrition to include factors thatmayleadtooverweightandobe-sitywouldbegivenaspartoftheprogram.



Sagradosaidproceedsoftheac-tivity would be for emergencyandmedicalneedsoftheBaran-gayNutritionScholars.

Participating individualwillhaveto share P100 as registrationfee.Healthyjuicedrinkswillbeservedtoparticipants,too.

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Bayog town MDRRMO holds disaster preparedness advocacyBy Claro A. LanipaBAYOG, Zamboanga del Sur – In keeping with the observance of the National Disaster Consciousness Month, the municipal government here through its Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Of-fice (MDRRMO) is slated to hold an erthquake drill in all elementary, secondary and tertiary schools in this town starting July 7 until Aug. 15, 2015.TheMDRRMO togetherwith theBarangay Emergency ResponseTeam (BERT)and thePhilippineNationalPoliceleadstheconductofthesaidactivitywiththestu-dents, teachers and abarangayofficialsasparticipants.


The samedrillwill alsobe con-ductedtothemunicipalofficialsandemployeestoassesstheca-pabilityandreadinessnotonlyoftherankandfileemployeesbutalsothemembersoftheMDRRMOintimesofemergencies.


Funds collected will be turned-overtoCABNSattheendoftheactivity.

Sagrado also bared other ac-

tivities in linewith thenutritionmonth celebration such as theupcoming Nutrition Forum andthe culminating activity set onJul.30.

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Doctors urged mothers to return for newborn screening confirmatory testsCAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – To avoid early death or retardation, doctors urged mothers to return to hospitals for confirmatory test if found positive in the regular newborn screening.

by Jorie C. Valcorza

Northern Mindanao Medical Center(NMMC)Chair of the PediatricsDepartmentDr. Patricia V. Gaid drummed up the callduring the Newborn Screening ContinuityClinic’s 1st Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH)and Glucose-6-Phosphate DehydrogenaseDeficiency(G6PD)ForumheldattheNMMC

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onJuly9,2015. Gaid said that the mostcommonreasonwhymothersfailtobringtheirchildrenforfollow-upisusuallymonetaryconcerns,butinmostcases,shesaidtheytrytoseekhelpfromthehospital,department of health, socialservices, and Philippine CharitySweepstakes Office (PCSO) tocoverfortheirmedicalneeds. “Youcandoalotifcomebackearlyandregularly; thecaseofHypothyroidism for example, ifyoudelaytreatmentformorethanthreemonths,bringsirreversibleeffectsonthebaby’sIQ,adropto80percentandanother40to50 percent on the sixth monthif leftuntreatedandwill leadtopermanent mental retardation,”shesaid. To date, Philippine

Health Insurance Corporation(PhilHealth) covers the P500basicnewbornscreeningfee,butlimited only to identifying fivecommondiseases. Gaidalsonotedthatnewbornscreening is now expanded andcandiagnoseabout28diseasesat a fee of P1,500, meaninginterested clients has to shelloutadditionalP1,000fromtheirpockets, but for NMMC this feealready covers the confirmatoryscreeningtestslater,ifnecessary. Meanwhile, the NMMC’sNewborn Screening ContinuityClinic, which was opened lastyear,istheonlynewbornfollow-upclinicintheregion,supportedby the National Institute ofHealth (NIH) and University ofthePhilippinesManila.

City Dad optimistic of Go Negosyo Center in OzamizOZAMIZ CITY, Misamis Occidental -- Ozamiz City mayor said he is very confident that the Negosyo Center will help prepare his people, to live up to the aspirations of the Bag-ong Ozamisnons.


the recent launching of the GoNegosyo Center in the city,

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located at the Business ActionCenter,attheCityHallGrounds. “I am indeed very hopefulthattheNegosyoCenter,withitsservicestothemicro,smallandmedium enterprises (MSMEs),both potential and existingentrepreneurs,willmakethemfitandcompetitivetotheemergingeconomic sophistication,” hesaid. “This,aswewouldliketobringour city into its full magnitudeof becoming the commercialand government center of theprovince,”theMayorsaid. He also thanked the

DepartmentofTradeandIndustry(DTI) for partnering activelywiththecitygovernmenttohelpboost itseconomy,attractmoreinvestors,provideemploymenttothepeopleandcontributetotheinclusivegrowthofthenation. He added that we shouldalsobethankfultoSenatorBamAquino,authoroftheGoNegosyoAct, for his care to the MSMEacrossthecountry. “As a gesture of continuingsupport to the MSME, the LGUwill build a Training Room toformpartoftheNegosyoCenter,”Parojinogadded.(DTI)

OROQUIETA CITY, Misamis Occidental -- Noting the increasing number of patients with kidney diseases, the vice mayor of Cagayan de Oro expresses his support to Senate Bill No. 2849 or the Dialysis Center Act, which will provide indigent patients with free dialysis treatment.

Vice mayor backs bill providing free dialysis to poor patients

The bill, which was filedby Senator Sonny Angara,requiresgovernmenthospitalsto“establish,operateandmaintainadialysiswardofunittoensure

that dialysis treatment will beavailable, accessible and cost-effective especially those livinginruralareas.” ViceMayorCaesarIanE.

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Acenas cited published reportssome23,000patientsunderwentdialysisattheendof2013,whichisabigincreasecomparedtothe4,000recordedcasesin2004. Accordingtothereport,thereis a 10 to 15-percent increaseperyearofpatientshavingtogothroughdialysis,”hecited, “Figures show that thereis growing number of patientssuffering from kidney disease,many of them have no meansto shoulder the high cost oftreatment. They should not bedeprived of the chance to livejustbecause theycannotafforddialysis,”hesaid.

Kidney failure is the 7thleading cause of death in thecountry,accordingtoreports. “The government must dosomething about it to give thepoorachancetogetthetreatmenttheyneed,”thevicemayorsaidashelaudedSenatorAngaraforeffortstomakedialysistreatmentaccessibleeveninruralareas. With this, he also urgesthepublictodowhatittakestoprotect themselves against thedisease. “Preventionisalwaysbetterthancure,”hestressed.(CdeOSP)

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33 July 10, 2015One Mindanao

Mindanao Exporters’ Con-fab and exhibit set this month in Davao City

DAVAO CITY- Local ex-porters based in Min-danao will hold the Mindanao Exporters’ Congress and Trade Expo 2016, on July 23-25 at the SMX Conven-tion Hall. EdwinSotto,spokespersonofthePhi-lExportinDavaoRegionsaidthisyear’sthemewillbe“IntegratingtheMindanaoSMEsintheGlobalValueChain.” Hesaidthecon-gressisanotherexpo-


playersintheglobalchain. Sottosaidinvitedguestsfromthelinegovernmentagenciesinagriculture,tradeandindustry,MindanaoDe-velopmentAuthorityandtheCanadianChamberofCommerceinthePhilip-pineswillbeprovidingupdatesandinforma-tionfortheexportersandotherparticipantsintradepartnershipfacilita-tion,takingadvantageofglobalmarketopportuni

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Child protection working group can be ac-tivated during emergencies

DAVAO CITY- The Regional Child Protection Working Group (RCP-WG) can now be activated in the Davao Region in case of emergen-cies as the Regional Council for the Welfare of Children (RSCWC) 11 has adopted it as one of its working groups. ChairedbytheDepartmentofSocialWelfareandDevelopment(DSWD),theRSCWC11passedaresolutiononJune30adoptingtheRCPWG.BasedonthetermsofreferencereleasedbytheCouncil


ties,businessopportunitiesarisingfromtheregionaleconomicintegra-tion. “Exportersneedtobeawaretheextentandvalueoftheirrespec-tivebusinesses,”hesaid. FerdinandMaranon,presidentofthePhilExportinDavaoRegionsaidresourcesspeakersfromthecacao,coconutandrubberindustrieswillalsoprovideinputsabouttheirbestpracticesintheglobalmarket. “Thisyear’scongresswillhigh-lightseveraltechnologysuccessesandnewdevelopmentsinmarket-ingandvalue-addingopportunitiestovariousexportcommodities,”hesaid.


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facts and figures

33 brandnewpatroljeepsreceivedbyPoliceRegionalOfficeXIlastJune27.

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LGU initiates strengthening LGBT community takes part in T’nalak Fest

KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato, July 10 – South Cotabato’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community is tak-ing part in the province’s T’nalak Festival which opens Thursday (July 9).

By: Danilo E. Doguiles

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Gensan has new PNP director

GENERAL SANTOS CITY, July 10 – After two years and nine months, Police Senior Superintendent Froilan Quidilla has relin-quished his post as the city director of General Santos City Police Office (GSCPO).

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