on the rail m^$^ m&'& - nys historic...

'^PI* <•»</*!-'*%}$C^tl, ^,*« jpiffjr CSTNTS7 20 S'^ OUR L088;^T BA GREATER THAN^MR8^%SroRfED. iWj$K^sff^wim'-^>'' 9B©!*». -Afc and Meeting of the Special InvestlgatinjM Commlttte. ' v J_v^* ALBANY, Ang. 1.—Assemblymen WitV: ter of Tioga, Faneherof Cattaraugus ana- Barrett "of Erie, comprising a majority of. the special committee to investigate the operations of the laws in relation to tuberculosis and other contagions dlseasSs I in animals and to ascertain the best means. rforthe prevention of the spread of .BU& diseases met' here today and*^ will continue it& sitting tomorrow. Y^eri* naaflans-Edward-Mooreof *"--- m^$^ : M&'& DEEP W + E R WAYS-COMMISSION '"fr rGOMPARE 3URVEY8; TOJ -.Idayotlhepreaeu teoapt , . . . . . . . ... . Wh«|ii'^S»P^»liijr ! *ii* v I#ft BlxtBari Beg^fe^jlin^-;af^theF|Kltt|Dit '^j^,^i^^^r,£0L^jtifm3Khd Declare 1 oo,i$pp^$j&rM**- N*"*** 3 . MiNllf, D. Morris of Binghamton and State Com,? m'ssioner; of Agriculture Wieting were, called upon for suggestions as to thehesfc I methods 1$ be pursued' by the state jSt, stamping.dui these "diseases.. The:com-1 The qomini*«Ion*« Beport btVlU be *#•• •eitfed Eiuclr Next Y«ar-Inspectloa of th» SauH Ste, M«U>Cw»»l-Th« »lff«r ent Boutes That Are Proposed. W. BAymond^ chiefjjnfeineetofthe Tr ""-- to "jt&jsy? -This is the 16th at car strike in Mils Is no nearer a set- NEW SECRETARY-OF _.WArV GIVEN HIS COMMISSIONS end a ^;^A;1cft.-Sunday's j flght^f«pmp^ji^a^ajni <W The lnsurgentt:4^p»lll»n;g> abandon. the plate, w»icihi# t£e key to the lake v*»A: Gen. ^^.JiJBartng that Gteh. Ma> bar was j^p«^|t.<*o.,makB'att attack, its repdrtrwith thelegislajiure. Will Decide How to Spend the »7r.,000 ALBANY, Aug. 1.—The speeM commit* teeappointed by the last legfolatufe to perfectplanifto welcome Admiral Dewey; upon bis home coming, of wnich'Senator ; John Raines is chairman, will meet dome 1 time during the week at.Gev.Jtoosevenm home at Oyster Bay. T i e amount appro- i meeting of the fteep, waterway* ^^^-^ hsionji of which b4is president. Tbe.^ hnisaion,JP?b.!6b. haa -field a nujpal^.ofc [meetings, wilt ai&usa. and cnnipa^the Hftnata^eys""'»eue % f£r-t^ [*oute6£ ^M^w8^^J"^otor*tt#^?«rt: Ikkes to the Atta^tie-Qcean. "'•<''• 'Beforeleaving^y»bei»aia:>Tberonie to be followed wlU he through tne Sjiult JSte Marie canal to Lake Jrlnron, flirdngh •^SmmWS^m^ began. pne^ed a n ^ ^ f f | » t car loadwl wia ft :71M:—. _ •^Mtfc.viMn MayfieldHeights l,to the main track .steep hill toward JJKray down the In- npboundcar with ~ ; ws*e "trolly were on.the [e to s>y neither injured beyond a s^nOIairW%l»Wibw«erwifch^hre©t5om- ^riated-for^^nnrposeJsJJia^lflfl, paniesoftbe31«*;lnfantry, three^oops of c a V ^ | # ; #F | e f;s,Bnll * 0,1 ' s Bonn to *t,tacfcthe Inaurgentft,. fhis detachment, found -a- force^ of 4,M0*^b^ar1»?hisd-] hastUy inade iiitraitchmentB^. JThe rebels held flieir ftte M t l l the contingent of the 21st SmiwiiVltMn300 yards, when they^uSffi.'.Tim* 1** Ame , r ^ dropped in the high* grass out of sight andr«tntti^J*efM« ... ^ „„. •® T,ierif IWTe.: Who w«a walking erect alonTin^^ForEh¥nTen,-WS«hol! in tte arm. J^itaurgeafe !?fflcer r eqnaljy brave stood at the top of the trenches dtrec^g^;!rrypf^hoin8nrgentenntii ne-tfaa iflled Vrhen the Filipinos fled. . Dnrlng the flgW on the north side of the town,.*:sn>ajl body & *S**g&j* attemptetl-to enter on the»south aide bttt a, troop of cavalry repnlsed thent. The totalitoaa-at Calamba was Beven klUedinA twenty wonnded. Sixteen dead insurgents bavM>een tonnd- JThe Ameil(®i ganiaon at Morong ia going to , ualatefeJA'lJomj^B^entahasviB- lted Wtfty.^wberethey kOled several na- tives fhb wer«!'ftfogtl 1 rtOtheAmerlcanB.c 8AY8. 100,000 MEN ARE . NEEDED. A n Offlew- WboJftiiun f iBplno« AieM OlvlUxed • • M*xle«!«. SAH4FRAXCISCO, Ang.,1.—An ohicer ^f. nne of the volnnteer regiments in the^ Pbillppiflea^aywrlt^rffieTollo T ~^ u r ta^ie AaaoojateOr Pregsr UisnkrStaleOT,^Pie arrR'aToTlhe raiuy,8easonanda^ei4nsnrrectionas v?g- orons a* it haa been at any iime staeojthe outbreak Thetoansgentarmies^arewell r^nttPfl, notwithstanding their heavy losses, atid «re well lei and clottied^ FERRY BOAT DAMAGED. therteer'to:. Jiake E^T%ehc*i Blfsmy I aated Snalar^ajMga^ ; fl!alH^^ :Qn : I-^ torio..-%» Qnestlon,confronting th«* «m n tn4iurff>tu»uaiiB ^ofat tf whetJherjjr 4n«tMWt*Hli«M5»yJ aaadown, the; -dar filinelt.colli<lte<i.wItB_ a terriflo tprce.1 .wreclcei, ..Ijywr^,, ujinonnd ca*i vyS^j ; theyno)rthe cr^KRfe r 8«ytoe.sMa«ng:'.tiP/P ddfii "town <*M\ •js^otes* «te;i ......... these estaplialimcitot employts nOtw>,r« Gen. Alter Hands Him the Parchment—A uSlmple Ceremony »t the War Ottlee— Gen. Alger Become* a Private Citizen and See. Boot Aiiomei Hie New Da ties ^WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. ™-,Elihu Root took the oath of office as secretary of war at 1Q:45 today. The ceremony took place y^4heJa«:e.Qfflce J .ot-thejaeor-etary of war fh the presence of SecretariesGageana Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary Meikle- john, a large number of army, officers in 10 Poaches of Mall Hatter Destroyed In the Bedrock Wreck. ^ NEW YpitK,Aug. f. r s- Seventeen pouchlS'' of fli^t-class mail matter, made up in this city and deatlned for Elmlra, .Tamestownj Attica, Sidney, Salamanpaa^^ndplph and Wellsville, in thls-state an3 Meitd- ville, Corry, Warren, Greenville ,and ( Bradford In Pennsylvania, were burned in the wreck on the Erie road at Bedrock on Saturday night. The mail matter in these pouches, none of .which was registered mail, was in great part completely !de- •sttosad J m t a considerable portion which .not the Welland canal,, whion u Cffl?» ^i»n~^Kq?erty r «^^oiad^<^y|«a^ *' deepening, as Jt is now totally Inadeqwaj intiifts gpieMip. kW reached the big and departniiSnT the. proprietors of requeattng their the - Big Consoli- aawuiwis. * in^ujwv-ifcances, hjowever,- <^fcmwoha»t*ha*fliPi>tly refused' W take part ifctheil^yM&llfi declare, they Witt have n n Wng tri do wjto it, no matter what Was only partly burned has beenretni to this city and has-been carefullj The New York Collides With the Gnn- c— hoat-J)olphln.'* __L,-_l.i__ Njm YoBK,-49*gr<»l.'-^A collision oc cnrred about G o'clock this morning be- tween the ferryboat Hew York of the Williamsburg line and the United States gunboat Dolphin. The bow of the" gun- boat cut clean through the men's cabin of the ferry boat to the teamway and into i her eHgtnfi K>cp; Th^NewrYork J 8-maih- shaftwas broken and considerable ma- 1 chinefy damaged. AHiiie woodwork on the forward port side was carried away, and the hull badly damaged. The gun*} boat's bow.was bent and several feet of the rail torn away in the collision. No one was injured. • J- tafclnight sympathizers -JStpreet railway atrik- te n^for sTi^rdeep "^tignK: « : ' « ^ neVcanalbuilt in American: territoryO^ ofthe-Sa#u|iy and Inter,nrban , Thia may be found the more dealrablefpr lluteYfiWonTfiTeaBonaT - — — theresult Tnafiyvber yl 7 " ^At-Sandjutk3tiJ-" with the X31e*elj nftJforn>and other employes and offloiala, The oath was administered by Judge <@ole of th& supreme coni*. ot.the DJstrifit of Columbia. .Secretary Alger arrived- at the war de- partment at 10.40, acconipanied by Mr, Root, for who'mjhe had called in his car- riage. They wenTi unmediately to the secretary's private office, where were Secretaries Gage and Hitchcock, and were soon joined by Adjutant General irhtat^d-MajorJOpklnH, the latter be jurSM . ^y as- sorted. When the. address on a letter waB decipherable ft has been forwarded, I but in many cases portions of burned [letters are fordid" which Contained only the names 6f» the senders and in such cases letters have been returned. ON THE RAIL FAST MAIL WRECKED. FOUR % KILLED AND MANY 'NEAR BOONE, IOWA. HURT I?* FINANCE^ AND COMMERCE. "Imffi <^rna-ana-fltta3Qr-jwyi>.uin, m,v .»vvv^ .~~ ^ith to.,.-.,. - ~ — hig the military secretary bT TSenrAlgerr ^^^•"aoutEem Pacino no A « nmsn t 'iof<if Aaatat.ATit Secretarv THEY THOUGHT HEfV.A WltCH. Three iudlau fqaaws Harder an Old White Woman. . CHIOAQO^ Angs.,1.—A special to the Times-Herald from independence, "Hays"? The report comesjfrom the IndianTerrito- ry,sonth of here.of the horrible murder of an old white woman In the Seminole -Indian country by tbvee Seminole women. Of late there has been several deaths and .other. iniBfortnncB among the tribe and it WA UDWVUIW tkTwUmJVKmr** In addition to Maj. Raymond, the : . , mission consiBta of Alfred Noble, the builder of the first lock of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal and .a member of. the recent Nicaragua canal commission, and George Y. Wisner of Detroit. ~ | The commission will inspect the Ssulfc reteri4fr1«r€analiwdHffill^henrgo-toJ3e= troit. Fifty engineers are at the latter, place tabulating and arranging^reimltSr I and It is expected the final report of the! commission will be presented early'in next year. Maj. Raymond approximates the cost of the proposed waterway a t about 1200,000,000. "A depth of 30 feet throughout the waterway would be suffloteht to carry ^ vessel to *TIie~"0(iuan. • ^fae-^entfee lUne, owned b y tt[e TpidTsmpaaty. JidentoftheOleve- BollarMar r ,. fs Strike. NBWYOBK, Ang/Ifr-Forty-tw()> Jersey CltyboUer naak««i#tfployed by Theodore Smith & Co., "and'.plPaplayed, by ^vna "l«r atrnck today for a reduotlo% of the hnmper of. .ff^king hours;-^ne Btooks, Bonds and Monev. S«w YOBK, Aug. 1.—.Opening.—The market showed .advances at.tUe opening in sympathy -" ' ^-*- u -^-" , j-te-the4^ndo» :chis3h prarrcse ifd M In the "A Tralo on t h e Chlcasjo"& Northwestern »Boa* leaves the Irons on a CurT*—The Engineer, Fireman and Two Postal ~Of«rk» Ixtse Ihejr tljes-Tho^e t»aar«d '. Are Host IT Tralnmeh and Several of -• Them May Die. BOONB; la., Aug. l.-rThe fast-mall on the Ghicage^-and Northwestern j$m&i which left Chicago at ^fr ydook-last night, left the track at Kate Shelly curve just east of the Dea Moines River bridge at .5 o'pjoct this morning. Tne~«nglHer and all the o^rs were wrecked. . The fol- lowing were killed: Engineer John Mas- „„ Schmidt; Postal ClerFCrUrStone; ~T. J^^*BrtenVa-ses- °4A moment-latet Assistant '&cret^|jS^^^d U Qoro r r^o^Ciri8rpW • ^ in the 1 ^*.": > V;^' 1 "'~Y 11 ZLT'-~*i m ,i. »>*„« TSeiklejohn and Judge Cole entered thelWot indl«trlaljpe|ferwpna P ^ ^ Voottfsnd the^jndge was formaU^pre- ^' A —-'- ^—<-«'^ reachina thla city. > . . . sented to the new, secretary. The commission bearing date today was striker* are in the nWnorlty as there-are ktr-workv Boys Out. Messenger Oom- nd claim that only More j>ayla de- ys have been as- was Anally decided that thlH old wumanj SMJiyedjwIth her son,_was a witch and hadjaused the Did luck. She waa air tiwke^lfteeV8"o^awsv wharbeat her-to death "with cTnbs. TSey liave been attested. ,,. DEATH STARED HIM I N THE FACE. pany" vessel to'tuer •OCSHUT scheme contemplates some very serious engineering 'problems, particularly as to the system of looks. From, the .point above mentioned, two -canal _ront«a-are suggested, both using the Hudson River. One is known as theOawego-Mohawk route and the other as the Champlaln-St. Lawrence route. The Oswego-Mohawk route is to start .at Oswego and.proceed along the Mohawk valley, taking in such p-if.ipa aa TtnTna n^fl TTtloa, going thenceto Trojr^whjsre it will connect with the Had- rhimdred J^stonH«|iM of t^lc^ofiai peny are still out six boys .are on dn mandrd. Seyefal saulted. , - Thin afternoon' thtMannouncement was -madw tb?,fc j^r^njrft|th.e efforts of the By this time all of the army officers on duty in the department had gathered in the main office and Mr. Root and Secre- tary Alger and other members of the jMtyefolered the room. . .Mr. HooTtookTtEe oathTJfTJfftce. Judge' Cole then addressed him as "Mr. Secre- over 3 bolnts on the advance in the price of the product. Sugar rose m on a reported project to eompromlseVlth the oompetlon, Traces of depression were perceptibleto"the southern lepression were peFceuvi>»D m "•» »-r-„:, ine WIUUM°";M ."^?"^?.t"'ClIT^uiVi^" I g r o u n d """tinned Apprehension .over .they^l in possession of Adju&ht General Corbtnr -P»»P^tyS!i?.-_ low fever situation. , Noon—The market continued to work toward the level until there was a simultaneous rise for Sugar, Brooklyn Transit and Manhattan, which had a, beneficial effect all round. The loading Industrials rose early and held between 1 and v points %ver last night. Recoveries elsewhere -were alight, hut wall rtlat.rlhntflrl gales to noon 855 8U. -^ Money on call nominally at 3W<a4 per cent mill ww^i l UIIU. urn*. ***o^* — ~— ^7"^^ , ,j mesB^rfgertoyalshOok ^ J i a ^ ^ j e r 4 l a a r ^f **& the boaid of fcelfesTe --- —.-.- agwed to retni^tB>*ork pending * con flrenoe between theAoard of arbitration and the dlr^torriofrjthe Boston district AJLlt 0 S . T I | WARPATH. "•r*-*% THE YAfctff JHDWNS HAVE DUG UP THrvl|A7CHET. *•' - - ' ••>••• --£2 . with evident feeling; "With all my heart I congratulate you and the ad- ministration. You will find around you here men who will help in the arduous duties ^>£ your-paaitloD.. Maytfod_bless you and give you strength." " Secretary Gage then stepped forward Uole tnen aaareBaeu mm as »>. uuv ><v , Mnn .„ .... ..... .... tary" and Bhtiok hnnd»and-congratulated-l Prune mercantile pap«L»ia4i4 BterUng e* him. Gen. Alger then advanced and ohange weak at 480Mp48ujf^r5emar^*Bd;aT - ° • - « - •—-i — u l4S8Ma48»H for BO days. Posted rates, *84tf ©487 Commercial bills,- 488^6- BOver oertlfl- oates, 60MO0.1 Bar silver, OOgnjeiloitn aonara, 43. Qovernment bonds ataatly. Western Union—. Sorts or tnei tsecrecary «ago i/ucu ™ y ^ .'y "^yrI Manhattan .. j^» strikers hadknd congratula^d Seoretery ^ v ^ f | i W ^ S Amer Sxprest 140 Canada B o ....... MHi O. O. O. * Bt. I . — B6H Del, * Hudson...U'C) Lake Shore Manhattan 201 120 *•& son, necessitating * deepening of the T-Badgoa, This mate will practically obllt- leraVtHeJEkieCanaM-hnugh it will fete i«3Bca, juiu. «M-W ^»«» -~_ —,_ They have profited by their five months of warfare against the Americans. They aTelast adopting American tactics, and ate.becoming better disciplined and more ftklilfullBthews»^t3seto.waaf«na'ftV«ry day. ' • Over 100,000-Tiolalers should -be here ready for bnsineas at the beginning ofthedryaeasonln-November. Garrisons could then be stationed at jstrategic pdinta. A continuous warfare can not be carried on in this .enervating climate by the same troops. Frequent reliefs are nectaaaryl. Traopaahonld not~BeTEegt here longer Near Koohoster. KOCHESTBR, Aug. 1.—George Frank- up some of its waterways. I •'The Ohamplain-St. Lawrence rofiCeT^ W!!; has been surveyed from £ake Franclff, which., is an arm of the St, Lawrence •Rivnr, rUnmetrlcaUy across to the Elche- &«n»^«T«Kllttaf;»sissu>rt*d <kl»s-li stl «• at sd^ftjjgave ^Ml* Fifty Ked- ltegn Killed he- an=- i of ibar of At&erlcans KrxtoaDi H»T« Lost ThslF Lives. St. Loins; A«gt-4|-A special to the Globe DemocratftojafcOrtia,Mex., snys: Any donbt that tile pfaqnla are oh the was followed "by Secretary Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary Melklejohn, Adju- tant General Corbin and Chief Clerk Schofleld. Gen. Alger picked up the commission, signed by the president and attested by the secretary of state, appointing Mr. Root secretary of war. "Here is your commission," he'oald with a smile, hahding it to Mri Hootr tt iff which yon lose your Identity and become Mr. Secretary! I go buck to btiuome u sovereign-citizen of the United States and btff?"i ft Mr. Alger." "I sincerely wish it were the Other *>*4 Am. Sugar,-—...lg» Tenn. O. ft I ...... rajs Out. A Wsat—.- AtChlSOB ...... .... »'Jfl U. 8. Leathar..... *** O.B. Le»th«r pfd ».-8,-6»#rei -— U. B. 5's cnnp.^>.ia. Erie aeconds ...... •» West Shore 4's....}J4Mi a.a4'ST««Bew..l^ P. 8. 4's oo«pnew.l!|P Nor. PacWo pfA.- „ „ N. V. Centrftl...^ 130* Pacific Mall ,#i 8t,Paul40BU^ }08k Gen. Electrlo **m.li»y. SIOOND 30A«D. NKS? YORK Aup 1.-8 P- m.—Tho rlso In T. O. 1 prompted speculative buying of oUlo> Iron oud B\eol Stooks; panl«ular1y Btoel and^WJlife. thana-year. Men from a mate retain their native vigor for BIX or eight months after arrival here and then begin to succumb to the various ailments of tropical weather. This is exemplified in the cases of the volunteers, and those regulars who have been In the Philippines since last summer.' The most of them are saturated with malaria. Many have . rheumatism, and alLj&re greatly debili- tated. They are unfit for. further duty and recuperation' seems slow and unsatis- factory. As it is with them, so it is likely to be with their successors. - The 8#C0,OOO people ot the PbUlppIhfs are as highly civilized as the 12,000,000 of Meilcov - - K^the American people will imagine thetfalted'St^a to have acquired Mex- ico agalnab her will and to be engaged in an atffigf^^tfrdewH*Universal re- bellion Of- Mexicans with 20,000 troops, they wBL have sdnplicatepicfenieat close range of the situation In the Philippines with the exception that the climate of -UjeJEhjyjgpinea 1B from i0 to 15 degrees moretoopicall'fiafithat OfrMexicor '~^#^AfifS^vTORKH^WAN. Iliu, colored, attempted to assault Mrs. I Mary Stelnmlller, who liyes near tBrlghtany^onjtrof Ilocht^r's^littbnrbs;- early Saturday evening, and a mob of men and boys tried to lynch him when he was finally found Sunday night hiding fit a barn near the village. A coll of rope was brought ontajid despite the frantic struggles of Franklin and his protests, it was thrown about his neck. " ""S" —Sill "EvefyDoaywltbln reach aelssed th_ northern cH-J anff started to drag Franklin out. He{^£ was forced to his knees and dragged across thefloorout into the open and one of the mob had climbed into a tree ready to pass the end of the rope across, a con- venient limb when Constable^ Sfttoeder appeared on the scene andfightinghis way through the crowd drew his revolver and threatened to shoot the first man who made a move to harm the negro. The constable's determined air and his revolver had a»det*rre»t effect upon the crowd, although those on the edges still shouted to go' on . with the lynching. Other officers arrived, and the negro was hurried to the city jaiL UeuTHver, -which ttows into Lake UhSni plain and through this' lake by means 4 canal to Troy." - ^ . M1BBiBBO % : In addition to the ^OBalderatton ot the I In the y a q u j irUwtfMOey, east southeast ^ve*dggfetton»r-i^'oomm1sai<>n 1 w01tdfinttfifi^nf' v ' discuss the question of an increase of the locks of S&ultSte. Marie Canal. MUftDEP, ARSON, SUICIDE. Series of Crimes to Which Jealousy Drives an Indian. « • — AMBBBst, Mass., Ang. 1.—Eugene An* doubt that tfiteWaqnls are oh the SP W 7, "•""""* ' —~- —-. —T whei news reached *here that- several! ^ssoon as ttrey were in^«>te«f f^ Americana ajad Mexicans had been killed way," said Mr. Root, as he accepted the parchment. - Then the offloerawero presented to Sec- retary Root by victor L. Mason, the con* which ruled above CO. Brooklyn llaplit Tnuislfc dropped- a point from Iho msU l'aelflca nnd Anaconda Mlnlhfr, howover, woro freoly taken at advanced prlf s. BUtcRu uiogiid activo flBd4ff-Bgu4ari atchtton..—«-- si do preferred.... G3K -Canwia BnnO»ri.,fijyi " ""llfo..-..- 5K->4 Ghee A Oht 187 km Tobaooo l^M do raatoafl.;,...MO ATOM KjtpK^li.— "•obaoop—.. reaching thiBclty. The following Were injured, but the extent of their Injuries can not,be deter- mined until the surgeons at the hospital " herehave examined theml Postal Clerk Faokert, Postal Clerk A. W.Hoyt, Pos- tal Olerk E. H. Shirk, Postal Clerk C, C. Rootlok, Messenger Helper F.L. Fl^aaoa." *> Brakeman Thomas Flannery was slightly Injnred internally and several other ttained sUghtrlnjarleiU- ^ &U*E*LV UjrVEaXlGATJ,NG. _; ^he Italian Qoveromaat Looklnc Into tha ' Tallnlnh i.ynonini'. WABHINGTOS, Augil.-^The interna tlonal phase of the Italian lynchingB In Louisiana has assumed a rather more sen rions aspect as a result of several official reports received here. These show that the-Italian officials on the scene believe that four, out of five of thefivemen lynohed^er»ltalUn~^tizensJaJhe.fflll: __ eat Hep«#v While the reports are notfinal,the Italian authorities have no doubt thaLith'ej wlJi be* borne out by the inquiries how" Fn progress* aud- it Is to remove all -possible doubt that Marquis Romano, of the Ital-. Ian embassy has gone to Louisana. =He has been commissioned as consul to New Orleans owing to-the ahsenoe-of-the-con— snl on leave and in that capacity he will •p^jyiPftttnlah-and maVw a rurnfiiMnvAH- -" ..*.•__ 4l--«l».t A U n a l .... t ^S^K^k^l^^^^^ : w o a u u w u i The courier who canre in with the news of the slaughter declares that he" saw a desperate fight at a point forty miles southeast of Ortiz, and: that he has posi- tive evidence that F. J. Remley, a mer- chant of Hermoslllo, and E. Miller, a photographer In his employ were among : the killed. Remley was one of the best i.knovra Americans in Sonora. "'• -*•—=•= towns In and OB4Q OOO&Btti ,-., Del&Budsoa-:^—}2|: DelI.*W 1?0 Lake Shorn BOM dentiai secretary oi ™ » » ^ J » ""-j 1 afi l nb^tt l n n M T'.'""iio' J IQnoon as ttrey were intTwtacedr ^e^glf^Swryn-Sis! passed on and Bhook hands with Gen. I m.«—-^ v Alger. Nearly all Btopped to express Edith Morn-ell, aged 17, air the home of Mrs. J. F.THiorrell in South AinherateaTly bat evening. H e t h e n s e t fire, to the farm buildings, which were destroyed", and allowed himself to be barned ~to death. The Indian had been employed oh t h e farm for about, a year' and during the time he had paid much attention-to-the girlr The murder; without ddttut,jwas the result of jealousy through Miss Mor- rellte refusal of Pakahpner's attentions. near the xaqnlvslley'-are-tnr-a-state -e terror. . <3en. Torres, commander of the first military none which Includes Sonoro, Slhiloa a n 5 Lower California, who was in.the field with the 12th Regiment, is reported among the slain. .,. No information is obtainable as yet as to the number of Indians nnder arms, but if t h e outbreak Is of tho proportions of the war which ended in 1807, the num- ber may .be placed at between three and Ifour thousand. This outbreak is a sur- prise to the state and array officials. Mhaotirl PaotflO— 40ii Mo, KanftlexpM 37 Alger. Nearly all Btopped to express i MO, tuns their regrets upon his- ratltement^andj-HXOanttai...ta^iWK wish him great BUcceBs In the futftre. t « ^ f i ^ %'AiK la % They also thanked him for his consider, atlon ahd many acts of kindness and uni- form courtesy during the time they had been associated with him. Gen. Miles appeared with his staff in full dresa uni- form of the major general commanding the army. * He stopped to^talk with. Sec- retary Root for some time, longer than and-QfJthftjQlhfliH The Indian became so jealous that his I v r ' BO - «*» v«»«"»«. » r , —,- . behavior aroundthe farm was very dis- toimp«Blble to secure aCtourate flg- - ^ ui A ^^tcrAar, tvinrniriff it -wasl 'J 188 as to tme total nurnber killed to date,. Iacatise and Candles Not Permitted. LOSDOH, Aug, 1.—The archbishop of Canterbury, the Meat E«v. Frsdsrlck Temple, B» B. T has rendered a Aecjgion in the ritual oases which he and the agreeable and yesterday morning it was found necessary to pay him off and give him his discharge. - The fallow j irgitaatSan. «„ fi;» r»nrf ciffieB wbtcn ne a n a . . . » t WassisSfQS, A3pf. I^^^* 1 !??*^?! la ^ L S York the MoBtW wai4atHampton-Ia«garded aa favoraateto- archbisbop of Yo«, wie MOBS rw»- -r^ « dhM-hft-beenno ontbwak of yel-1 but the estimate offiftyon not considered excessive. each Bide is in m imp uitugAa x ^ _ Following the presentation of the ouT- ceratEe~clvillan onlcialffamt derksufrthe department came in and shook bandu with Secretary Root and said farewell to Gen. Alger. Secretary Gage, before leaving the room, went up to Gen. Alger, shook him cordially by the hand; bidding him good bye. Gen. Alger left at 12:45 o'clock to- day for his home In Detroit. Secretary Root did not perform any of- ficial business today. As Gen. Alger Is secretary and draws the salary for today. It was thought best to avoid any legal complications by having the business of the department performed by Mr. Melkle- john as acting secretary. -ft—*—*yfZUVl F t * . . " - - - Northern Pacific. Jj8 do preferred— Nor Wost «<» . Onf* Wost. m Beading; -"-.§,« B W 4 0. W" . , Bt Paul..'. ----!£?* LBt Paul * Omaha 100 OnlonPftoWq...... » OnlofTftd pld 78 JM. Qen Eleotrlo, »s»i«g. Pacino Mail *f. People's Qas.~.--»jH Puninmi Pnlace..-l&»'. Burar Bennory...lOJ Tenn Coal * Iron. TMfi W P Tae^raph^-00 NowTJ8 4« coup-ISO- do 4't rag U8M 'dog's tots J*^ O B 5'B f*K \}\ do 6'« oonp..~..lll AtchUon*'S 101; do 8d A-- », UK*T 8d« 67 >' •' " 4'i...~. 03 Bt L * I M G«n o'slM Tex Pao-2adi.. B5^ West Shore loan 115 Federal Steel-— W do-prefprred.... B3 AmAlrPowsrWd. 11% •• do. askedv»~..- •ttgation. The Italian anthoritieti have also taken note of the statement attrib Uted Uj Dr. Hodges, TTUUDB aaBauItltfd-nfi- 'to the lynching. This states that after the assault he walked;. fSway, tndicattng that the-offense was not of a charaQtet to warrant the lynching of five persons. t y.r -Kcw York Prodnce Marksti <|OlET AT SANTO DOMINGO. :-*he J H»w General O&t U »t His O«o« l*om C a. m. Until Mldnl£ht. Onfrloo- Aug. 1.—Lieut. Edward E. Kellyotle vo&nteer signal«^ has^Btrethrnedfrom ManuXls£oJJI city tisiiilngfrieada, enronte to his home M a L » j ^ 1 ffiSararf- listodinmeNorth. Dakota 1^™*™™* the oiiaefof the war and wasafterward traSte^fe'Tl«lW,"J^£^ ssr vies he was promoted to a lieutenancy. have heen greatly e ^ t g e ^ 4 - ta SS?at no organized rebelUon in thetolandsat thislfe-TOtereare * ^ * S £ L r w S g ; . gen^coniifinlogahnshwh^to^a^re bntThere#npt*forcBof ^Wpjnoatatte> islano*^hlcn#Ul « * ^ ? C broken uh^their organtzioon and waen-j towWara^iintttiiirlaw and order what can be' mm W #» offlce W„ if-f i untasmanigh^..ftiftmy •«W5*EJEISSL feqSiiemiO&^OO ^ n to hoM^te u9efl^g||^Mttty^44iotios fight-. k 8 ''. #iWyli^t|«e«»«'- ir>ii,,,tll 5,'" " " iftm^^MS' 1.^6cetQing to lam Bahrymple MacLagan, D. D , heard in .May. The archbishops declare that while fat from saying the use of incense •{-ftnd-the-carx3ilDg,jof lights In proceeBlons I ate unsuitable or unclesirable'accom f?n^eMrot#viaew^^F^By^aieobl „ . in accordance wityThe^rayer book, to come to the conclusion that these adjuncts are neither enjoined nor permitted by the law of the Church of England. day. There ha* beenno outbreak of yel- low fever outside of the original quaran- tine line. Each day that passts. without snch development increases the confidence sttthe^ev«r-^wliiittent,o. Fiill^ant Hamss His Oahlnet- A Severe Toraado. SAHTO DOMDTQO, Aug.' 1,—"v"ice Presi- dent WeneeslaQ Fign«reo, as a result of the assassination of President Henreanx, July 26, has taken charge of the govern- Tha gtate Officers to Decide Oortlaad DItpntf . COBTLAHB, Arfg. l.-~The village board held a stoxmy meeting last night over tocnsjBf lriiec- tlonandstamped^out theire^ The period of incubation for the disease is from three to five days, although i t has extended to 11 days. The time since the] first outbreak ia now almost up to the 1 usual quarantine limit. It is believed, ITS HEABING8 RESUMED. Hazes Commute* fa Acata Ja Sej- th»tt to N*t»-3totfc,—i t. . Naw YOBK, Attg. 1.—After a vacation oi about six weeks theMazet assembly committee convened today m theebunty court building to continue the work of investigating the different departments U*w YOB*, AUK. 1.—Flour, receipts, a?.89J barrels; sales 3500 packages; state and wesfr em inactive and weak at yesterday's decline. Minnesota patents, SH70j£3.8o; - Minnesota Bakers, | 3 0-J38 10; Winter patents. f&COj} a.75; winter ntralehta, $3.!0®3.45; winter ex- tras, $240313.80; winter Ion grades, $3,80® 2.40. Bye Hour, ma'ket weak; Rood to fair, $a.O0i©3 15; rHoloe to fancy, 13 20®8 40. Wheat, receipts, 83,850 hushelg sales, 675,000 buahelB. Options opened weak because of lower dablep, foreign reliing ard bearish crop news. U was dull all the forenoon, with senti- ment bearish.. September, 74%®74%c) Decem- ber, 7013-16®77c. Bye, easy; state, M s; No 2 westers. BOwio f. o. b. afloat, spot Uorn, re- ceipts, 1310,600 bushels', sales. 10.000 bushels. Options opened weak add fold on* sharply un- der liquidation and fine crop news. De- - ember, 35c Oa*s, receipts, £09.00(1 bushels. Options neglected. Track white, state, - 20 OSoa; track white western. S903tc. Btef, Arm; family, S9J0O10JS0; extra m«*»y 19.00; packet *9.80O10,«). Pork, quiet, new meu v llOrSSilLa.-tBJ&A, woiker; prime western, strain,f!r.&B£p!ffiiSnr* -—--»- Eggs, rocelpta, 12,5C;J packages; market Irreg- ular; state and PennsyPHsnla. ISffilfl -wmtqta, WiliBMo. Rmru, ran^strongjheld h'sher; tali rcnhuVg, 3 15-l§i; c«a*r<rngM^6 test, 4>*». hest omiiuses «u«car, S 13-lGa. BeflhM, market IStrong; crashed, to; powdered, 6Me; 'grann- 'he -country Is-{-ofr1ihe-city-goTernmeat £A~liislrrirTiiSd a"oabiriB^r^i'ne^T»nnwy-iffn^Tairriacy^u»D«^«"™-— - - = This place was visited dnrlng the af- ternoon of July §7 by a severe tornado, | i c £ _ M e w at the rate of 4& miles an UBUai u.ua«iuuui however, thatieyenln case of an outbreak; in the little settlement atTPfioebue the tefeOT aiffiinfltieawith t ^ S S ^ ™wBntmfvrnrfnerspreaaV- - - Pavlii&eornoanym The company refuseB to give laborers iDHFSjer^ay^l^honrsY and the board decided to leave the matter to the state authorities to determine the meaning of the 8-hour law. Mr. Warren stated on behalf of his company that they were willing to make a test case of it and that there were but few complaints on the part of the men. "The men men state that they will strike if not paid. ' 'Oat-Her ^hroat Vtam Bar to Ear. EocfflKSTKBi Aug* ^-—.lir&i-. George Cook, aged 50, who lived at 2 Oak street, committed suicide some time yesterday afternoon by cutting her throat from ear to ear with a razor. Despondency caused prevent any farther spfegej-- t0 ut wealth WiJt fATaWtron^^ ""* **• HLSI ^Tave^ntoelansea of the jndga «•*•»'« A»JM>lMt#tat Wl««a> AiBAHT, A u g / l . - J * e appobitoient of Judge Albert^. &wgMI ; W*l^i K a t t count*, H^.^SS^S^L ttm«ce of the i stipremerJonttf6rtlheBai udiotal disttlct IDTthe^placeof.thelafe I S fiavid h. Follett waa filed with arnor has alaoappoihtedWiluamB.G»> co^nfflaBroh#r-0tthe^*lh« $ $ g * 8 H v a S t o succeed iTranoia Sendrbla., de-1 ditad."" ~ ~ ' - - • — " ^ ^ g "*—- Sy^TAK B*f^ 5 AUg. j^Sfflg 1 ® —UM3W au ui*o »^«- - - - - — - , honr. Three coasting vessels, loaded with produce an*d'"anchored in the Outer bar- „ „ bor, werewreckedasd aho.ntl5 menjper- rbftnjtti^ iBherL '' - .' • """ ^ K r i r * n d y SnsMl tti »U»5.0Oir. Joiepl2ne%ooabury, an ardent dteciple o t c S t i a h Science, has entered suit 1 against Mrs. Eddy and her chief advisors ffor alleged libel. In all eleven suits are brought, aggregating $425,000. Frederick W. ;Feabody,.Miss Woodbury's attorney, says the sttit is based upon the utterance of Mrs. Mdy at the recent annual meet' ing of the Christian SciehntitB. ttronpr; crusnea, «J, IHIFUO>»-I "'?«'-S—.n Kllnw Hteadv: altv. 4Mo; 0 0 0 ^ ^ , - 4}4@m} lieved to have woman's act. Pulp Mill Burned; Loss «35,OQD PhaTtastiBa, Aug. t ^ A pulp.mill at Cadyville, on the Saraaac River,: was-de- stfoyed by-fire' yesterday " tKV)Ki--"»o-*» A*elaware& m&&, Attg. i-—I;aTp itephs^froni this vicinity g J g ^ S o n S S a a ^ S Old anoptvel*wife and^hild,, ??njil i* plnea,:?gi«ollb^i3w:fen. OfciBacaWe- ^ash^gtoniSKanipw- ^"^"iat'eit of "vh^m^'^^^S^ aelu^/ornte^gtoJW^W aaHflsBTs of a-wroui vu«» ,.—« ate- Picking _^^jalWelternville for=Koyd-&01ney's f< 1a^V3ottrellha8beettat Sandy Creek w ^ h e * | i e i ; a n d slokparentesjnee last ^ S » ^ ffngh|vana and Cora timer returhed ywferdayjtwm.avteit to irlenda In liewis county. 1 ' ft^fiTitf&inioitW doneaBdihe farrners ^^S#ero^: yhloat harvest has "rglfflplpk fS^J^**haVere-et-l nated^^nly:^i|2sowiw^^ Frank ^ | ^ i « i # g ;j n JK X a ii reglrne»W#h^^^^ men wm 8 an irwdTl*B»ta*v'actui».^ tooifflll » AUK. r.—A stuooo^n fire - - , inthXSb&Weat^teB^ete m 6enera| SSS3aU : «^«^9^^ \ Iswe^anfSmSSS^fe ft y^ a « dfiHtroved. at' alote of•tW.W ^ NltwYOBE,Aug l.-.Judgyiachard todSdenied theT mottpn o l M « # Jr Moliheuxi accused death by vSS; Bewi0ftgiaBBW°F*^l 4 e*S*ehnard opheHoiel»|4^»wtt; J«^ winniovtM* AWaSce a^t?a™na«Bg tntif^' 1 "^- ' •••••'••' "•-' - x begun and the crop ia excellent. "Mrar Wfttson has been In a critical con ^iti,oit|;|o|^.|ew days^KplSsSrtiirouble I ^ n ^ ^ K , Aug. l,^l)emptt Barnes , r :,-thls place,, who hea r been at woi^ I'Gneida, IslhOme for, a short time bnt ex to the section of the'law which makes it in cumbent upon sheriffs to suppress crime. Hs said he believed betting on horse races is now practiced in this city to an extraor- dinary extent, and it was his intention to 1 bring the fact to the attention of all the [public authorities wlEMn the provisions of. these resolutions. « TSSx. MoBsthencaHed President Michael Murphy of the health department to the stand. As soon" as Mr; Moss began with Presi- dent Murphy it was evident that his at- tack was directed at Horgan aud«lattery, 1 the architects chosen by Mayor Van' Wyck to revise the work of John B. Thomas and others selected by Mayor Strong's administration to do certain work for the city. CoL Murphy said he I believed there was no competition for the [-erection of Willard Hospital The work Was done by Horgan & Slattery. The same firm prepared the plans for the Kingston Avenue Hospital in Brooklyn, but witness- stopped the work because it "seemed to be too expensive. Charles P. Murphy, treasurer of the. dock board, testified regarding plans for repairing a Brooklyn pier which were drawn by Horgan & Slattery, and which the chief engineer of the dock depart- ment had condemned; . t5eorgeW. Blrdsall, chief engineer of Hay. weatrshippltt>,"S6S60a: iroOd "KFijnoKW 70O85j., Hops, market steady; statcv copj. moo to choice, 1896 crop, Btj7o; 1897 crog, UOI80; 1896 crop, U!Qr7at Paolflo coast, ItW crop, 8©7c; 1807 crop, HftlSc; 1908 crop, 17Q 18c. Load, market quiet; bullion, (4.83; exchange price, f4.55®4.67>i Pnt«to^«, market steady; southern sweets? $2.00a*.00; swte, fair to prime. Sl.00Ol.60; tsney, p.750 2,00; common, SOQTBc. Straw, steady; long 85a45o; snort rye. 30C8So; oaf str»w, mtj ™„ Beana,mar-ket quiet; mair**, J1.450147^ medium. fl^OAf.SV pea, *l.ToaiJ6, *ed aiu- ney, $5.6501.70. Wool, very tlrm; doimtir Beeoe. tOOiMc; Texas. 18016c Calres~--R*cetptg, 314 head; veals dull and lower at 8fl.60tfW5.50- tops, $0-75: buttermilks, $3 50 westernsTfS 86; city dressed veats dull at BHQlOKcper pound. Sutter and Che***. B«.c«lpts and Kxpandlturea. . WASHISOTON, AngT 1.—The monthly ? ;~ I statement of the government, receipts and fefr^tfdltniSlihow^atthetbtat *e»SipW ' <r rlurlnft July were 148,054,258, as against 143,847,108 for-Jhly 1898. Theexpendl- . tures durinerlast month were $58,561,(100 as ngairjBt f74,2C3,475 for July 189& The receipts last month from customs •• werr, $!G,071,4{M; internal revenue, $28.- 322,574; miscellaneons, 13,700,229. There is an increase as compared with July, 1898, of about $1,800,000 from cnstomB, ** $3,200,000 froiip internal revenue, and about $254^06*—from miseellaneotia— fsonrcefiv - . _^_ ^ The«expenditn-pR on account of the war tlepartmenkrlttB't month were $10,- 201,080. Same for July 180S, - $34,7^ - ,„ in3;navy $5,000,245; same for July 1808, $8,514,270. - -^ The Shamrock Sails TunridaT. \' GBEKKOOE, Aug, 1.—The ATnerica'a oop challenger Shamrock sails Thursday for the United States. Lata Dalrr saaraita. UTIOA." July 81.—Cheeae.-On the board today olieese made another sharp advance. The otter' IngB showed falling off, and there was a brisk; demand on the part of the buyers. Holder* were hopeful that as high at O^o would bo reached. The market, ltowover..settleil on 9Mc as tho best price obtainable. Tfrt ruling prjiie for the entire market was 9c, as ?,07a boxes of both larp;e and small were sold at that prieo. ' The new mlllc station at East Hteuben begins Uuflinesa this weoit As a regliHtiro Ksa=el>sSiS^ factory la Henuen whow prodnct has hereto- fr>fe"b«en sold bo the DMcSBo5fu','Wlttbffcio«fidv The station pays 8} cents a hundred tor'milk. Later, when ice Is more accessible,. i » cents Is promised. The increase in the number ot mils: stations is one cause of the present strangin"*T~ the cheese market. Another is that considera- ble la<-ce cheese is going Into a BtoragB la the country. The prospects seem good tor astlU higher market . - - . . fv*trym«n-T«port-that.t.riw hay crop just Rath. leredla oi fine q.UBh{y, and ID many BBCttomr nearly as large as that of last yssr. Follcrwing is a list of tales on tha Uttcaboard today: Lots. •Q—JU^*~-. - --%• •--'-- --^ Boxes. Large cojotgd-v,-.'-—— 87 —-WisX targe colored...' Large white Large white ...... Smalt colored... Smalt white Small white Small'white The transactl"o"ns""on" ! Aug/3, l897rwere 8VT8 boxes, with the ruBng price 74tc. The transac tlons on Aug. 1,1896, were 7,804 boxes; With tho There were 13 packages of buttersppat It^Jc, !Ol poison of Biirute-Mfclf*** *.**? h : minutes o t the {grand Jury '1 sOTEaB*D froin goaWitt'rWltch SaM ^ k ^ffi Adams, to" inspect the mm Aaam«. _ tto | r to ^ ct adhlrn. aod after ^.fo-wM^f^ Early pota- ^o|6jgpjrj«ito work in a canning Fitpry^'. ". • ™ipr .(•',;;-> Botitoeii are looking Hhe;. ,to|e:#^iS'ne^yyi..'- \%. . , L i : ^ r S t T S i i i a s e M r . '-hl*aVI«*t-A,iBll- blooded Jersey bnfl; the disease is un- known. ¥• ''•-,- t, •,';. ' *" Th<> people jn thiil section are harvest- QeorgeW. Birosaiif CBH» OUKUWU. «^ -aeirltlcalcon- thedepartment of water supply, said he laacrtiaroubler trould no^produceaplan showing thalot cation of water gates, because he had neither the time nor appropriation nec- essary. There were 9,000 water gates ahd it would take a matt a year to make a list of them, and their, locations. NEW Yoax, Aug, 1 —Butter, receipts, .13,592 packages; steady; state dairy, lS017<j; do, creamery, I6OI80; r western creamery, ISA' 18c; Imitation, do!. r fs<|lS)io; factory, llCHp. Cheese, receipts, S.508 oaokagei; firm; Mrt* whlte/OHoj small white % o ; Urge colored,9J<<i! small colored, 9><o,. ..•_.*> Cotton. _ . Haw YOEK, Aug. l.i-Ootto»-«pot eottut closed quiet; mlddliBK uplands. Hfios midline Knlf, 6%b. Hales: (not Including 47,300 delirercd on contract) 47,1W oaiea fiottomltttnres closed quiet and steody; Aug., S.EOo;Sept. 6J55o!--"<t 6.70j. NOT., 6.74c; Deo, S.TOaj }SBf,K8a9',reb.,B.d6 .• Uarch, 5.90o; April, Cr.Mo; Hay, 5.98p; June, 0.01a . BolTalo amsurlutl. BCTVaUt, Aug. l.-Sprtes wheatiNo. iw»rtlir erh, 74)4o. Winter wheat, No. Ured, 71®71^o Com. NO. 9 yjilow. 37^o. Oats, No. 8. wtute olM^cj'Mo. anew. 28c. . * 1 Canal !*affiS.-meHuyT~irpe*<fc «6v-«at» 1Ha; barley, \%<i to New York. Lumber rates nominal. . . t) Patrolaoaa. PiCTBBimo; Aug. 1 —Oil opened at 11.87. Cloned, .$1.87. WMtarm Marluts. - Wheat, ??nt M There were 13 packages of butter sold atWHta, iaSUM at 17«o. and m packages A 18c. . N ^ a t l e f o f print butter h a « been- reported^n fiiwamarketfor several weeks: The lateStMvxo~ ^^200^ flVT?bunrp^tag^ aid jfctor m iSt%&^ 81 -Ohe^lgm*J™ «eaa?to-tak>att the'cbe^seoffered tod»y.;,|ho S " ["iniiy uc all around, some ot thelftge colored reaching 9 cents, with rumors of a frac- ^on b e t a S d , 'The market Is v « y i « r « K at ctotmthey can not place stocksi«*Tffl« jOTgethanpriceipsId. They n •« other*w* M Se Roods at an advance over gtfc ftiswlef. 52r„«^iitiWBto!et them go. TUAfact exfats i 1 - men's privilege to let them go. The*".. -that present r*tesara higher forHot leather cheese than the most sanguine had eitfecUd. Cheese are sold off to within about IS days of ,ffi» noon, which to close enough fot sujmuer The sales are: Large colored' Large colored.«-s Large colored ;iarge white .<.. Small white ...... .^. Small colored...... Twins,-colored,, twins, wl Hamlltoo.' ! }nt?«hel?W*ah* : 1fB|a0^ t^wtifiHrAugrK--Je ; wWoWolaaiy^njI^^^J allAhr F J ^ o ^ a f h e a d Of the British delega- aVThe ligu^'hai Been fm**>W*>. the , » * » « « * ' ' - '; ^ 'EihS^J cc^mt«rJ*#fe .^laajii'. ^^^^|^^-^ ^^ ^ . *^*®tt»g MttkEajly^^didme other^ill». J "-WA , ltee<3eotge-H>-Jacoba of : 1fod&%^r J <ltatii* ^VmMt .'.pleaian*, pBC.' t 7iSS^May,Y4)^ r J to£, Sjft, -m^tig&TS nmim* sewVts^; Bibs, Sept., *i90; Oct, OHICAOO, Aug. 1—Opening eager owj.,7tHo; < ?to: 2l«c. Pork; Sept.. , jMay.$V82, Dec.,1»:87. CHICAGO, Aug::J.—Hogs==ErImateJrW«elpt8r ot hogs toaay',13000 head;tomorrow» 25,000 head: left o*er, 4.831 head; quiet, 10c lower; mixed and butchers, JM-lixaAfiOs «e»d heavy, |«p , . . . 81 6,88ft _ irjurrjaoi^. Ang* _t.*-5t«L thunder BhowTrWh came Saturday nTgBT was Tphe oat crop in this section will he hat- a uutcners, w-iuw-vj* n aigfi. r,~v. vSmiswIek^ ^ w V . ^ « r f « l o l l ^ O a ^ f rtcthSafW^eaal; Y 1;he remains of Mrs. F a r oj Buffalo ^ y ^ V e f mfa*.^"Jffi. &&&& were brought here on Satofdar mm** ^fossf Texar steers, J8.Ma&-6, stokers, 3rfl ft^srm was held fn the Ipisoopal Jgd te*£*sr*M»$*so~ .^~ S n S o n S u n d a y afternoon and inter^ optOAOo. Aw. „&*&&%&,%& mentmade,ta the Madison street^Oenie- m°tf$«$XT'l>£?miMt f K Srv Mrs. Fay was a former resident of.Rjg..""f&fcJf^SK iwc: *&*m : .?^Sffl! S f l t o n , and was held to hlglt-esi by inany friends here Awitama you want toaeUt bmp&g&sti Thwe I*rd7 Ahfo, ; i>ec.,*B.S5; Jan., "i4'85r Be|fct>M.»V0«t.v Total ..................... Ol u,oou Butter—Only daii-sr butter is reported sold, ainountiflgto 2» packages; Pricea rangaficom lGc tolTc. * - , OODSKSUUEO. July 31.-There werel,i61 boxess of cheese offered Saturday. No bids W«re made on theboardi but late*jaa the 8ta^ei6|yiMms_ wassoldatSMc. . '•• ^invroN, July 8l.-Today lft. fikctories were represented with 1.003 boxes of cheese. Ijirgo seteaUio. iinrt small sold at 9i«fo Etora, lit,, July si f-Eighty tubat of butteF ofjteriKi, hut none' soliiL. SB>Tket steady at iTMfc, ' - Ladles Cam'Wtar 9ho*€ One sice smaller after using Ailetfa foot-Kane, a powder to be shaken into the Shoes; It mak^a tight or new shoea teeVeasyr give* Inatant relief ltfc6rM»iabuntons_ It's the greatest comfott t«r«(»d <*Uou* spOU. r Allett^ TootiKasi lall certain cure for tafroiflBf Vu^mitm, Twfe <%*• Ajnriiatuiiwia*^*. 10 * "*#5£

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Page 1: ON THE RAIL m^$^ M&'& - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031997/1899-08-01/ed...builder of the first lock of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal and .a member of. the


<•»</*!-'*%}$C^tl, ^,*«

jpiffjr CSTNTS7

20 S ' ^

OUR L088;^T BA GREATER T H A N ^ M R 8 ^ % S r o R f E D .

iWj$K^sff^wim'-^>'' 9B©!*».

-Afc and

Meeting of the Special InvestlgatinjM Commlttte. ' v • J_v^*

ALBANY, Ang. 1.—Assemblymen WitV: ter of Tioga, Faneherof Cattaraugus ana-Barrett "of Erie, comprising a majority of. the special committee to investigate the operations of the laws in relation to tuberculosis and other contagions dlseasSs

I in animals and to ascertain the best means. rforthe prevention of the spread of .BU& diseases met' here today and* will continue it& sitting tomorrow. Y^eri* naaflans-Edward-Mooreof *"---


'"fr rGOMPARE 3URVEY8; TOJ -.Idayotlhepreaeu

teoapt , . . . . . . . ... . Wh« | i i '^S»P^»l i i j r ! * i i * v I # f t BlxtBari

B e g ^ f e ^ j l i n ^ - ; a f ^ t h e F | K l t t | D i t

'^j^,^i^^^r,£0L^jtifm3Khd Declare

1 oo,i$pp^$j&rM**- N*"***3.

M i N l l f ,

D. Morris of Binghamton and State Com,? m'ssioner; of Agriculture Wieting were, called upon for suggestions as to thehesfc

Imethods 1$ be pursued' by the state jSt, stamping.dui these "diseases.. The:com-1

The qomini*«Ion*« Beport btVlU be *#•• •eitfed Eiuclr Next Y«ar-Inspect loa of th» SauH Ste, M«U>Cw»»l-Th« »lff«r ent Boutes That Are Proposed.

W. BAymond chiefjjnfeineetofthe Tr""--


"jt&jsy? - T h i s is the 16th at car strike in Mils Is n o nearer a set-

NEW S E C R E T A R Y - O F _.WArV


end a

^;^A;1cf t . -Sunday's j

flght^f«pmp^ji^a^ajni < W The l n s u r g e n t t : 4 ^ p » l l l » n ; g > abandon. the plate, w » i c i h i # t £ e key to the lake v*»A: Gen. ^^.J iJBartng that Gteh. Ma> bar was j^p«^ | t .<*o . ,makB'a t t attack,

its repdrtrwith thelegislajiure. Will Decide How to Spend the »7r.,000

ALBANY, Aug. 1.—The speeM commit* teeappointed by the last legfolatufe to perfectplanifto welcome Admiral Dewey; upon bis home coming, of wnich'Senator; John Raines is chairman, will meet dome1

time during the week at.Gev.Jtoosevenm home at Oyster Bay. Tie amount appro-

i meeting of the fteep, waterway* ^^^-^ hsionji of which b4is president. T b e . ^ hnisaion,JP?b.!6b. haa -field a nujpal^.ofc [meetings, wilt ai&usa. and cnnipa^the Hftnata^eys""'»eue%f£r-t^ [*oute6£ ^M^w8^^J"^otor*tt#^?«rt: Ikkes to the Atta^tie-Qcean. "'•<''•

'Beforeleaving^y»bei»aia:>Tberonie to be followed wlU he through tne Sjiult JSte Marie canal to Lake Jrlnron, flirdngh

•^SmmWS^m^ began.

pne^ed a n ^ ^ f f | » t car loadwl w i a ft :71M:—. _ • Mtfc.viMn May field Heights

l,to the main track .steep hill toward

JJKray down the In-npboundcar with ~ ; ws*e "trolly

were on.the [e to s>y neither

injured beyond a

s^nOIairW%l»Wibw«erwifch^hre©t5om- ^riated-for^^nnrposeJsJJia^lflfl, paniesoftbe31«*;lnfantry, three^oops of c a V ^ | # ; # F | e f ; s , B n l l * 0 , 1 ' s Bonn to *t,tacfcthe Inaurgentft,. fhis detachment, found -a- force of 4,M0*^b^ar1»?hisd-] hastUy inade iiitraitchmentB . JThe rebels held flieir ftte Mtll the contingent of the 21st SmiwiiVltMn300 yards, when they^uSffi.'.Tim* 1** A m e , r ^ dropped in the high* grass out of sight andr«tntti^J*efM« . . . ^ „ „ . •® T,ierif IWTe.: Who w«a walking erect alonTin^^ForEh¥nTen,-WS«hol! in tte arm. J^itaurgeafe !?fflcerr eqnaljy brave stood at the top of the trenches dtrec^g^;!rrypf^hoin8nrgentenntii ne-tfaa iflled Vrhen the Filipinos fled. .

Dnrlng the flgW on the north side of the town,.*:sn>ajl body & *S**g&j* attemptetl-to enter on the»south aide bttt a, troop of cavalry repnlsed thent.

The totalitoaa-at Calamba was Beven klUedinA twenty wonnded. Sixteen dead insurgents bavM>een tonnd- JThe Ameil(®i ganiaon at Morong ia going to

, ualatefeJA'lJomj^B^entahasviB-lted Wtfty.^wberethey kOled several na­tives fhb wer«!'ftfogtl1rtOtheAmerlcanB.c

8AY8. 100,000 MEN ARE . NEEDED.

A n Offlew- WboJftiiun f iBplno« A i e M OlvlUxed • • M*xle«!«.

SAH4FRAXCISCO, Ang.,1.—An ohicer f. nne of the volnnteer regiments in the Pbillppiflea^aywrlt^rffieTolloT~^ u r ta^ie AaaoojateOr Pregsr

UisnkrStaleOT,^Pie arrR'aToTlhe raiuy,8easonanda^ei4nsnrrectionas v?g-orons a* it haa been at any iime staeojthe outbreak Thetoansgentarmies^arewell r^nttPfl, notwithstanding their heavy losses, atid «re well lei and clottied^


therteer'to:. Jiake E^T%ehc*i Blfsmy I aated S n a l a r ^ a j M g a ^ ; f l ! a l H ^ ^ : Q n : I - ^ torio..-%» Qnestlon,confronting th«* «mntn4iurff>tu»uaiiB ^ofat tf whetJherjjr


aaadown, the; -dar filinelt.colli<lte<i.wItB_ a terriflo tprce.1 .wreclcei, ..Ijywr^,, ujinonnd ca*i vyS j

;theyno)rthe cr^KRfe r8«ytoe.sMa«ng:'.tiP/P

ddfii "town <*M\ •js otes* «te;i......... these estaplialimcitot employts nOtw>,r«

Gen. Al ter Hands Him the Parchment—A uSlmple Ceremony »t the War Ottlee—

Gen. Alger Become* a Private Citizen and See. Boot A i iomei Hie New D a ties

^WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. ™-,Elihu Root took the oath of office as secretary of war

• at 1Q:45 today. The ceremony took place y^4heJa«:e.QfflceJ.ot-thejaeor-etary of war

fh the presence of SecretariesGageana Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary Meikle-john, a large number of army, officers in

10 Poaches of Mall Hatter Destroyed In the Bedrock Wreck. ^

N E W YpitK,Aug. f.rs- Seventeen pouchlS'' of fli^t-class mail matter, made u p in this city and deatlned for Elmlra, .Tamestownj Attica, Sidney, Salamanpaa^^ndplph and Wellsville, in thls-state a n 3 Meitd-ville, Corry, Warren, Greenville ,and (

Bradford In Pennsylvania, were burned in the wreck on the Erie road at Bedrock on Saturday night. T h e mail matter in these pouches, none of .which w a s registered mail, was in great part completely !de-•sttosad J m t a considerable portion which

. n o t the W e l l a n d canal,, whion u Cffl?» ^ i » n ~ ^ K q ? e r t y r « ^ ^ o i a d ^ < ^ y | « a ^

*' deepening, as Jt is now totally Inadeqwaj

intiifts gpieMip. kW reached the big

and departniiSnT the. proprietors of

requeattng their the-Big Consoli-

aawuiwis. * in^ujwv-ifcances, hjowever,-< fcmwoha»t*ha*fliPi>tly refused' W take part ifctheil^yM&llfi declare, they Witt have nnWng tri do wjto it, no matter what

Was only partly burned has beenretni to this city and has-been carefullj

The New York Collides With t h e Gnn-c— hoat-J)olphln.'* __L,-_l.i__

Njm YoBK,-49*gr<»l.'- A collision oc cnrred about G o'clock this morning be­tween the ferryboat Hew York of the Williamsburg line and the United States gunboat Dolphin. The bow of the" gun­boat cut clean through the men's cabin of the ferry boat to the teamway and into i her eHgtnfi K>cp; Th^NewrYorkJ8-maih-shaftwas broken and considerable ma-1

chinefy damaged. AHiiie woodwork on the forward port side was carried away, and the hull badly damaged. The gun*} boat's bow.was bent and several feet of the rail torn away in the collision. No one was injured. „ • J-

tafclnight sympathizers -JStpreet railway atrik-

te n^for s T i ^ r d e e p "^tignK: « : ' « ^ neVcanalbuilt in American: territoryO^ o f the -Sa#u | iy and Inter,nrban

, Thia may be found the more dealrablefpr lluteYfiWonTfiTeaBonaT - — —

theresult Tnafiyvber yl7" ^At-Sandjutk3tiJ-" with the X31e*elj

nftJforn>and other employes and offloiala, The oath was administered by Judge <@ole of th& supreme coni*. ot.the DJstrifit of Columbia.

.Secretary Alger arrived- at the war de­partment at 10.40, acconipanied by Mr, Root, for who'mjhe had called in his car­riage. They wenTi unmediately to the secretary's private office, where were Secretaries Gage and Hitchcock, and were soon joined by Adjutant General

irhtat^d-MajorJOpklnH, the latter be

jurSM . y as­

sorted. When the. address on a letter waB decipherable ft has been forwarded,

I but in many cases portions of burned [letters are fordid" which Contained only the names 6f» the senders and in such cases letters have been returned.






"Imff i <^rna-ana-fltta3Qr-jwyi>.uin,m,v .»vvv .~~ ^ith to.,.-.,. - ~ — hig the military secretary bT TSenrAlgerr ^^^•"aoutEem Pacino no A « n m s n t 'iof<if Aaatat.ATit Secretarv


Three iudlau fqaaws Harder an Old White Woman.

. CHIOAQO^ Angs.,1.—A special to the Times-Herald from independence, "Hays"? The report comesjfrom the IndianTerrito-ry,sonth of here.of the horrible murder of an old white woman In the Seminole -Indian country by tbvee Seminole women. Of late there has been several deaths and .other. iniBfortnncB among the tribe and it

W A U D W V U I W tkTwUmJVKmr**

In addition to Maj. Raymond, the:. , mission consiBta of Alfred Noble, the builder of the first lock of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal and .a member of. the recent Nicaragua canal commission, and George Y. Wisner of Detroit. ~

| The commission will inspect the Ssulfc reteri4fr1«r€analiwdHffill^henrgo-toJ3e= troit. Fifty engineers are at the latter, place tabulating and arranging^reimltSr I and It is expected the final report of the! commission will be presented early'in next year. Maj. Raymond approximates the cost of the proposed waterway at about 1200,000,000.

"A depth of 30 feet throughout the waterway would be suffloteht to carry

^ vessel to *TIie~"0(iuan. • ^fae-^entfee

lUne, owned by tt[e TpidTsmpaaty.


B o l l a r M a r r ,. fs Strike. NBWYOBK, Ang/Ifr-Forty-tw()> Jersey

CltyboUer naak««i#tfployed by Theodore Smith & Co., "and'.plPaplayed, by ^vna

"l«r atrnck today for a reduotlo% of the hnmper of. .ff^king hours;-^ne

Btooks, Bonds and Monev. S«w YOBK, Aug. 1.—.Opening.—The market

showed .advances at.tUe opening in sympathy -" ' ^-*-u-^-",j-te-the4^ndo»

:chis3h prarrcse ifd M In the

"A Tralo on t h e Chlcasjo"& Northwestern »Boa* l e a v e s the Irons on a CurT*—The

Engineer, Fireman a n d Two Postal ~Of«rk» Ixtse Ihejr t l j e s - T h o ^ e t»aar«d '. Are Host I T Tralnmeh and Several of

-• Them May Die .

BOONB; la., Aug. l.-rThe fast-mall on the Ghicage^-and Northwestern j$m&i which left Chicago at fr ydook-last night, left the track at Kate Shelly curve just east of the Dea Moines River bridge at .5 o'pjoct this morning. Tne~«nglHer and all the o rs were wrecked. . The fol­lowing were killed: Engineer John Mas-„ „ Schmidt; Postal ClerFCrUrStone; ~T. J^^*BrtenVa-ses-°4A moment-latet Assistant '&cret^|jS^^^dUQororr^o^Ciri8rpW • ^ in the 1 ^ * . " : >V; '1"'~Y11 ZLT'-~*im,i. »>*„«

TSeiklejohn and Judge Cole entered thelWot indl«trlaljpe|ferwpna P ^ ^ Voottfsnd the^jndge was formaU^pre- ^'A—-'- ^ — < - « ' ^ • reachina thla city. > . . . sented to the new, secretary.

The commission bearing date today was

striker* are in the nWnorlty as there-are ktr-workv

Boys Out.

Messenger Oom-nd claim that only

More j>ayla de-ys have been as-

was Anally decided that thlH old wumanj SMJiyedjwIth her son,_was a witch and hadjaused the Did luck. She waa air tiwke^lfteeV8"o^awsv wharbeat her-to death "with cTnbs. TSey liave been attested. ,,.


pany" vessel to'tuer •OCSHUT scheme contemplates some very serious engineering 'problems, particularly as to the system of looks. From, the .point above mentioned, two -canal _ront«a-are suggested, both using the Hudson River. One is known as theOawego-Mohawk route and the other as the Champlaln-St. Lawrence route. The Oswego-Mohawk route is to start .at Oswego and.proceed along the Mohawk valley, taking in such p-if.ipa aa TtnTna n fl TTtloa, going thenceto Trojr whjsre it will connect with the Had-

rhimdred J^stonH«|iM

of t^lc^ofiai peny are still out six boys .are on dn mandrd. Seyefal saulted. , - Thin afternoon' thtMannouncement was

-madw tb?,fc j^r^njrft|th.e efforts of the

By this time all of the army officers on duty in the department had gathered in the main office and Mr. Root and Secre­tary Alger and other members of the jMtyefolered the room. .

.Mr. HooTtookTtEe oathTJfTJfftce. Judge' Cole then addressed him as "Mr. Secre-

over 3 bolnts on the advance in the price of the product. Sugar rose m on a reported project to eompromlseVlth the oompetlon, Traces of depression were perceptible to" the southern lepression were peFceuvi>»D m "•» » - r -„ : ,

i n e W I U U M ° " ; M ."^?"^?.t"'ClIT^uiVi^" I g r o u n d """tinned Apprehension .over .they^l in possession of Adju&ht General Corbtnr -P»»P^tyS!i?.-_ low fever situation. ,

Noon—The market continued to work toward the level until there was a simultaneous rise for Sugar, Brooklyn Transit and Manhattan, which had a, beneficial effect all round. The loading Industrials rose early and held between 1 and v points %ver last night. Recoveries elsewhere -were alight, h u t wall rtlat.rlhntflrl ga les to n o o n 855 8U. - ^

Money on call nominally at 3W<a4 per cent

m i l l ww^i l UIIU. urn*. ***o^* — ~— ^ 7 " ^ ^ , , j

mesB^rfgertoyalshOok ^ J i a ^ ^ j e r 4 l a a r ^f **&

t h e boaid of fcelfesTe - - - —.-.- „ agwed to retni^tB>*ork pending * con flrenoe between theAoard of arbitration and the dlr^torriofrjthe Boston district

AJLlt 0 S . T I | WARPATH. "•r*-*% •

THE YAfctff JHDWNS HAVE DUG UP THrvl|A7CHET. *•' - - ' • • > • • • --£2 .

with evident feeling; "With all my heart I congratulate you and the ad­ministration. You will find around you here men who will help in the arduous duties >£ your-paaitloD.. May tfod_ bless you and give you strength." "

Secretary Gage then stepped forward

Uole tnen aaareBaeu mm as »>. uuv><v , Mnn.„ .... ..... .... tary" and Bhtiok hnnd»and-congratulated-l Prune mercantile pap«L»ia4i4 BterUng e* him. Gen. Alger then advanced and ohange weak at 480Mp48ujf r5emar *Bd;aT

- ° • - « - •—-i — u l4S8Ma48»H for BO days. Posted rates, *84tf ©487 Commercial bills,- 488 6- BOver oertlfl-oates, 60MO0.1 Bar silver, OOgnjeiloitn aonara, 43. Qovernment bonds ataatly.

Western Union—.

Sorts or tnei tsecrecary «ago i/ucu ™ y ^ .'y "^yrI Manhattan .. j » strikers hadknd congratula^d Seoretery ^ v ^ f | i W ^ S

Amer Sxprest 140 Canada B o . . . . . . . MHi O. O. O. * Bt. I.— B6H Del, * Hudson...U'C)

Lake Shore Manhattan

201 120 *•&

son, necessitating * deepening of the T-Badgoa, This mate will practically obllt-leraVtHeJEkieCanaM-hnugh it will fete

i«3Bca, j u i u . «M-W ^»«» - ~ _ — , _ They have profited by their five months of warfare against the Americans. They aTelast adopting American tactics, and ate.becoming better disciplined and more ftklilfullBthews»^t3seto.waaf«na'ftV«ry day. ' • Over 100,000-Tiolalers should -be here ready for bnsineas at the beginning ofthedryaeasonln-November. Garrisons could then be stationed at jstrategic pdinta. A continuous warfare can not be carried on in this .enervating climate by the same troops. Frequent reliefs are nectaaaryl.

Traopaahonld not~BeTEegt here longer

Near Koohoster.

KOCHESTBR, Aug. 1.—George Frank-

up some of its waterways. I •'The Ohamplain-St. Lawrence rofiCeT^W!!;

has been surveyed from £ake Franclff, which., is an arm of the St, Lawrence •Rivnr, rUnmetrlcaUy across to the Elche-

&«n»^«T«Kllttaf;»sissu>rt*d <kl»s-li s t l «• at sd^ftjjgave ^ M l *

Fifty Ked-ltegn Kil led

he-an=-i of

ibar of At&erlcans KrxtoaDi H»T« Lost ThslF Lives.

St. Loins; A«gt-4|-A special to the Globe Democrat ftojafcOrtia, Mex., snys: Any donbt that tile pfaqnla are oh the

was followed "by Secretary Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary Melklejohn, Adju­tant General Corbin and Chief Clerk Schofleld.

Gen. Alger picked up the commission, signed by the president and attested by the secretary of state, appointing Mr. Root secretary of war.

"Here is your commission," he'oald with a smile, hahding it to Mri Hootrttiff which yon lose your Identity and become Mr. Secretary! I go buck to btiuome u sovereign-citizen of the United States and btff?"ift Mr. Alger ."

" I sincerely wish it were the Other

*>*4 Am. Sugar,-—...lg» Tenn. O. ft I . . . . . . rajs Out. A Wsat—.- W « AtChlSOB . . . . . . . . . . »'Jfl U. 8. Leathar..... *** O.B. Le»th«r pfd ».-8,-6»#rei - — U. B. 5's cnnp.^>.ia. Erie aeconds...... •» West Shore 4's....}J4Mi a .a4 'ST««Bew. . l^ P. 8. 4's oo«pnew.l!|P

Nor. PacWo pf A.- „ „ N. V. Centrftl...^ 130* Pacific Mall , # i 8t ,Pau l40BU^ }08k Gen. Electrlo **m.li»y.

SIOOND 30A«D. NKS? YORK Aup 1.-8 P- m.—Tho rlso In T.

O. 1 prompted speculative buying of oUlo> Iron oud B\eol Stooks; panl«ular1y Btoel and^WJlife.

thana-year. Men from a mate retain their native vigor for BIX or eight months after arrival here and then begin to succumb to the various ailments of tropical weather. This is exemplified in the cases of the volunteers, and those regulars who have been In the Philippines since last summer.' The most of them are saturated with malaria. Many have

. rheumatism, and alLj&re greatly debili­tated. They are unfit for. further duty and recuperation' seems slow and unsatis­factory. As it is with them, so it is likely to be with their successors. -

The 8#C0,OOO people ot the PbUlppIhfs are as highly civilized as the 12,000,000 of Meilcov - -

K^the American people will imagine thetfalted'St^a to have acquired Mex­ico agalnab her will and to be engaged in an atffigf^^tfrdewH*Universal re­bellion Of- Mexicans with 20,000 troops, they wBL have sdnplicatepicfenieat close range of the situation In the Philippines with the exception that the climate of -UjeJEhjyjgpinea 1B from i0 to 15 degrees more toopicall'fiafi that OfrMexicor —


Iliu, colored, attempted to assault Mrs. I Mary Stelnmlller, who liyes near tBrlghtany^onjtrof Ilocht^r's^littbnrbs;-

early Saturday evening, and a mob of men and boys tried to lynch him when he was finally found Sunday night hiding fit a barn near the village.

A coll of rope was brought ontajid despite the frantic struggles of Franklin and his protests, it was thrown about his neck.

" ""S" — S i l l "EvefyDoaywltbln reach aelssed th_ northern cH-Janff started to drag Franklin out. H e { ^ £

was forced to his knees and dragged across the floor out into the open and one of the mob had climbed into a tree ready to pass the end of the rope across, a con­venient limb when Constable^ Sfttoeder appeared on the scene and fighting his way through the crowd drew his revolver and threatened to shoot the first man who made a move to harm the negro.

The constable's determined air and his revolver had a»det*rre»t effect upon the crowd, although those on the edges still shouted to go' on . with the lynching. Other officers arrived, and the negro was hurried to the city jaiL

UeuTHver, -which ttows into Lake UhSni plain and through this' lake by means 4 canal to Troy." - ^ . M 1 B B i B B O % : In addition to the ^OBalderatton ot the I I n t h e y a quj irUwtfMOey, east southeast ^ve*dggfetton»r-i^'oomm1sai<>n 1w01tdfinttfifi^nf'v' discuss the question of an increase of the locks of S&ultSte. Marie Canal.


Series of Crimes to Which Jealousy Drives an Indian.

« • — AMBBBst, Mass., Ang. 1.—Eugene

An* doubt that tfiteWaqnls are oh the SPW7, "•""""* ' —~- —-. —T

whei news reached *here that- several! ^ssoon as ttrey were in^«>te«f f ^ Americana ajad Mexicans had been killed

way," said Mr. Root, as he accepted the parchment. -

Then the offloerawero presented to Sec­retary Root by victor L. Mason, the con*

which ruled above CO. Brooklyn llaplit Tnuislfc dropped- a point from Iho msU l'aelflca nnd Anaconda Mlnlhfr, howover, woro freoly taken at advanced prlf s.

BUtcRu uiogiid activo flBd4ff-Bgu4ari a t ch t ton . .—«- - si

do preferred.... G3K -Canwia BnnO»ri.,fijyi

" ""llfo..-..- 5K->4 Ghee A Oht

187 km Tobaooo l^M

do raatoafl.;,...MO

ATOM KjtpK^li.—


reaching thiBclty. The following Were injured, but the

extent of their Injuries can not,be deter­mined until the surgeons at the hospital " herehave examined theml Postal Clerk Faokert, Postal Clerk A. W.Hoyt, Pos­tal Olerk E. H. Shirk, Postal Clerk C, C. Rootlok, Messenger Helper F.L. Fl^aaoa." *> Brakeman Thomas Flannery was slightly Injnred internally and several other

ttained sUghtrlnjarleiU- ^


^he I ta l ian Qoveromaat Looklnc Into tha ' Tallnlnh i.ynonini'.

WABHINGTOS, Augil.-^The interna tlonal phase of the Italian lynchingB In Louisiana has assumed a rather more sen rions aspect as a result of several official reports received here. These show that the-Italian officials on the scene believe that four, out of five of the five men lynohed^er»ltalUn~^tizensJaJhe.fflll: __ eat Hep«#v While the reports are not final, „ the Italian authorities have no doubt thaLith'ej wlJi be* borne out by the inquiries how" Fn progress* aud­it Is to remove all -possible doubt that Marquis Romano, of the Ital-. Ian embassy has gone to Louisana. =He has been commissioned as consul to New Orleans owing to-the ahsenoe-of-the-con— snl on leave and in that capacity he will •p^jyiPftttnlah-and maVw a rurnfiiMnvAH-

- " . . * . • _ _ 4 l - - « l » . t A „ U n a



: w o a u u w u i The courier who canre in with the news

of the slaughter declares that he" saw a desperate fight at a point forty miles southeast of Ortiz, and: that he has posi­tive evidence that F. J. Remley, a mer­chant of Hermoslllo, and E. Miller, a photographer In his employ were among

: the killed. Remley was one of the best i.knovra Americans in Sonora.

"'• -*•—=•= towns In and

O B 4 Q OOO&Btti ,-., Del&Budsoa-:^—}2|: DelI .*W 1?0 Lake Shorn BOM

dentiai secretary oi ™ » » ^ J » ""-j 1 afilnb^ttlnnMT'.'""iio'J

I Q n o o n as ttrey w e r e intTwtacedr ^ e ^ g l f ^ S w r y n - S i s ! passed on and Bhook hands with Gen. I m.«—-^ v Alger. Nearly all Btopped t o express

Edith Morn-ell, aged 17, air the home of Mrs. J. F.THiorrell in South AinherateaTly b a t evening. H e then s e t fire, to t h e farm buildings, which w e r e destroyed", and al lowed himself to b e barned ~to death.

The Indian had been employed oh the farm for about, a year' and during the time he had paid much attention-to-the girlr The murder; without ddttut,jwas the result of jealousy through Miss Mor-rellte refusal of Pakahpner's attentions.

near the xaqnlvslley'-are-tnr-a-state -e terror. . <3en. Torres, commander of the first military none which Includes Sonoro, Slhiloa an5 Lower California, who was in.the field with the 12th Regiment, is reported among the slain. .,.

No information is obtainable as yet as to the number of Indians nnder arms, but if the outbreak Is of tho proportions of the war which ended in 1807, the num­ber may .be placed at between three and

If our thousand. This outbreak is a sur­prise to the state and array officials.

Mhaotirl PaotflO— 40ii Mo, KanftlexpM 37 Alger. Nearly all Btopped to express i MO, tuns

their regrets upon his- ratltement^andj-HXOanttai...ta^iWK wish him great BUcceBs In the futftre. t « ^ f i ^ %'AiK la % They also thanked him for his consider, atlon ahd many acts of kindness and uni­form courtesy during the time they had been associated with him. Gen. Miles appeared with his staff in full dresa uni­form of the major general commanding the army. * He stopped to talk with. Sec­retary Root for some time, longer than and-QfJthftjQlhfliH

The Indian became so jealous that his I vr'BO- «*» v«»«"»«. » r , —,- . behavior aroundthe farm was very dis- I» to imp«Blble to secure aCtourate flg-- ui A ^^tcrAar, tvinrniriff it -wasl 'J188 as to tme total nurnber killed to date,.

Iacatise and Candles Not Permitted. LOSDOH, Aug, 1.—The archbishop of

Canterbury, the Meat E«v. Frsdsrlck Temple, B» B.T has rendered a Aecjgion in the ritual oases which he and the

agreeable and yesterday morning it was found necessary to pay him off and give him his discharge. -

The f a l l o w j irgitaatSan.

«„ fi;» r»nrf ciffieB wbtcn ne ana. . .»t WassisSfQS, A3pf. I ^ ^ ^ * 1 ! ? ? * ^ ? ! l a ^ L S York the M o B t W wai4atHampton-Ia«garded aa favoraateto-archbisbop of Yo«, wie MOBS rw»- -r^ « dhM-hft-beenno ontbwak of yel-1

but the estimate of fifty on not considered excessive.

each Bide is

in m imp uitugAa x ^ _ Following the presentation of the ouT-

ceratEe~clvillan onlcialffamt derksufrthe department came in and shook bandu with Secretary Root and said farewell to Gen. Alger.

Secretary Gage, before leaving the room, went up to Gen. Alger, shook him cordially by the hand; bidding him good bye. Gen. Alger left at 12:45 o'clock to­day for his home In Detroit.

Secretary Root did not perform any of­ficial business today. As Gen. Alger Is secretary and draws the salary for today. It was thought best to avoid any legal complications by having the business of the department performed by Mr. Melkle­john as acting secretary.

-ft—*—*yfZUVl F t * . . " - - -Northern Pacific. Jj8

do preferred— '» Nor Wost «<» . Onf* Wost. m Beading; -"-.§,« B W 4 0 . W" .

, Bt Paul..'. ----!£?* LBt Paul * Omaha 100

OnlonPftoWq...... » OnlofTftd pld 78


Qen Eleotrlo, »s»i«g. Pacino Mail *f. People's Qas.~.--»jH Puninmi Pnlace..-l&»'. Burar Bennory...lOJ Tenn Coal * Iron. TMfi W P Tae^raph^-00

NowTJ8 4« coup-ISO-do 4't rag U8M

'dog's tots J * ^ O B 5'B f*K \}\

do 6'« oonp..~..lll AtchUon*'S 101;

do 8d A-- » , U K * T 8d« 67

>' •' " 4' i . . .~. 03 Bt L * I M G«n o'slM Tex Pao-2adi.. B5^ West Shore loan 115 Federal Steel-— W

do-prefprred.... B3 AmAlrPowsrWd. 11% •• do. askedv»~..-

•ttgation. The Italian anthoritieti have also taken note of the statement attrib Uted Uj Dr. Hodges, TTUUDB aaBauItltfd-nfi-'to the lynching. This states that after the assault he walked;. fSway, tndicattng that the-offense was not of a charaQtet to warrant the lynching of five persons. t


-Kcw York Prodnce Marksti



General O&t U »t H i s O«o« l * o m C a. m. Unti l Mldnl£ht.

Onfrloo- Aug. 1.—Lieut. Edward E. Kel lyot le vo&nteer s i g n a l « ^ has^Btrethrnedfrom ManuXls£oJJI city tisiiilngfrieada, enronte to his home • M a L » j ^ ? £ 1 f f i S a r a r f -listodinmeNorth. Dakota 1^™*™™* the oiiaefof the war and wasafterward t r a S t e ^ f e ' T l « l W , " J ^ £ ^ ssr vies he was promoted to a lieutenancy.

have heen greatly e ^ t g e ^ 4 - taSS?at no organized rebelUon in the tolands at thislfe-TOtereare * ^ * S £ L r w S g ; . gen^coniifinlogahnshwh^to^a^re bntThere#npt*forcBof ^Wpjnoatatte>

islano*^hlcn#Ul « * ^ ? C broken uh^their organtzioon and waen-j towWara^iintttiiirlaw and order what

can be' mm W # » o f f l c e W„ if-f i

untasmanigh^..ftiftmy •«W5*EJEISSL feqSiiemiO&^OO ^ n to hoM^te u 9 e f l ^ g | | ^ M t t t y ^ 4 4 i o t i o s fight-. k8''. #iWyli^t|«e«»«'- i r>i i , , , t l l5,'" " "

iftm^^MS' 1.^6cetQing to

lam Bahrymple MacLagan, D. D , heard in .May. The archbishops declare that

• while fat from saying the use of incense •{-ftnd-the-carx3ilDg,jof lights In proceeBlons I ate unsuitable or unclesirable'accom f?n^eMrot#viaew^^F^By^aieobl „ . in accordance wityThe^rayer book, to come to the conclusion that these adjuncts are neither enjoined nor permitted by the law of the Church of England.

day. There ha* beenno outbreak of yel­low fever outside of the original quaran­tine line. Each day that passts. without snch development increases the confidence sttthe^ev«r-^wliiittent,o.

Fii l l^ant Hamss His Oahlnet-A Severe Toraado.

S A H T O DOMDTQO, Aug.' 1,—"v"ice Presi­dent WeneeslaQ Fign«reo, as a result of the assassination of President Henreanx, July 2 6 , has taken charge of the govern-


gtate Officers to Decide Oortlaad DItpntf . COBTLAHB, Arfg. l.-~The village board

held a stoxmy meeting last night over

tocnsjBf lriiec-tlonandstamped^out theire^ The period of incubation for the disease is from three to five days, although i t has extended to 11 days. The time since the] first outbreak ia now almost up to the1

usual quarantine limit. It is believed,

ITS HEABING8 RESUMED. Hazes Commute* fa Acata Ja Sej -

• th»tt to N*t»-3totfc,—i t. .

N a w Y O B K , Attg. 1.— After a vacation o i about s ix weeks theMazet assembly committee convened today m theebunty court building to continue the work of investigating the different departments

U*w YOB*, AUK. 1.—Flour, receipts, a?.89J barrels; sales 3500 packages; state and wesfr em inactive and weak at yesterday's decline. Minnesota patents, SH70j£3.8o; - Minnesota Bakers, | 3 0-J38 10; Winter patents. f&COj} a.75; winter ntralehta, $3.!0®3.45; winter ex­tras, $240313.80; winter Ion grades, $3,80® 2.40. Bye Hour, ma'ket weak; Rood to fair, $a.O0i©3 15; rHoloe to fancy, 13 20®8 40. Wheat, receipts, 83,850 hushelg sales, 675,000 buahelB. Options opened weak because of lower dablep, foreign reliing ard bearish crop news. U was dull all the forenoon, with senti­ment bearish.. September, 74%®74%c) Decem­ber, 7013-16®77c. Bye, easy; state, M s; No 2 westers. BOwio f. o. b. afloat, spot Uorn, re­ceipts, 1310,600 bushels', sales. 10.000 bushels. Options opened weak add fold on* sharply un­der liquidation and fine crop news. De-- ember, 35c Oa*s, receipts, £09.00(1 bushels. Options neglected. Track white, state, - 20 OSoa; track white western. S903tc. Btef, Arm; family, S9J0O10JS0; extra m«*»y 19.00; packet *9.80O10,«). Pork, quiet, new meuv

llOrSSilLa.-tBJ&A, woiker; prime western, strain,f!r.&B£p!ffiiSnr* - — - - » -

Eggs, rocelpta, 12,5C;J packages; market Irreg­ular; state and PennsyPHsnla. ISffilfl -wmtqta, WiliBMo. Rmru, ran^strongjheld h'sher; tali rcnhuVg, 3 15-l§i; c«a*r<rngM^6 test, 4>*». hest omiiuses «u«car, S 13-lGa. BeflhM, market IStrong; crashed, to; powdered, 6Me; 'grann-

'he -country Is-{-ofr1ihe-city-goTernmeat £A~liislrrirTiiSd a"oabiriB^r^i'ne^T»nnwy-iffn^Tairriacy^u»D«^«"™-— - - =

This place was visited dnrlng the af­ternoon of July §7 by a severe tornado, | i c £ _ M e w at the rate of 4& miles an

UBUai u.ua«iuuui however, thatieyenln case of an outbreak; in the little settlement atTPfioebue the

tefeOTaiffiinfltieawith t ^ S S ^ ™wBntmfvrnrfnerspreaaV- - -Pavlii&eornoanym The company refuseB to give laborers iDHFSjer^ay^l^honrsY and the board decided to leave the matter to the state authorities to determine the meaning of the 8-hour law. Mr. Warren stated on behalf of his company that they were willing to make a test case of it and that there were but few complaints on the part of the men. "The men men state that they will strike if not paid.

' 'Oat-Her ^hroat Vtam Bar to Ear. EocfflKSTKBi Aug* ^-—.lir&i-. George

Cook, aged 50, who lived at 2 Oak street, committed suicide some time yesterday afternoon by cutting her throat from ear to ear with a razor. Despondency caused

prevent any farther spfegej--

t 0 ut wealth WiiJt fATaWtron^^ ""* **• H L S I ^ T a v e ^ n t o e l a n s e a of the

j n d g a « • * • » ' « A»JM>lMt#tat Wl««a> AiBAHT, A u g / l . - J * e appobitoient

of Judge Albert^. & w g M I ; W * l ^ i K a t t count*, H ^ . ^ S S ^ S ^ L

ttm«ce of theistipremerJonttf6rtlheBai udiotal disttlct IDTthe^placeof.thelafe

I S fiavid h. Follett waa filed with arnor has alaoappoihtedWiluamB.G»> co^nfflaBroh#r-0tthe^*lh« $ $ g * 8 H v a S t o succeed iTranoia Sendrbla., de-1 ditad."" ~ ~ ' - - • — " ^ ^ g " * — -

Sy TAK B*f^5 AUg. j ^ S f f l g 1 ®

—UM3W au ui*o »^«- - - - - — - , honr. Three coasting vessels, loaded with produce an*d'"anchored in the Outer bar- „ „ bor, werewreckedasd aho.ntl5 menjper- rbftnjtti^ iBherL ' ' - .' • """

^ K r i r * n d y SnsMl tti »U»5.0Oir. Joiepl2ne%ooabury, an ardent dteciple o t c S t i a h Science, has entered suit

1 against Mrs. Eddy and her chief advisors ffor alleged libel. In all eleven suits are brought, aggregating $425,000. Frederick W. ;Feabody,.Miss Woodbury's attorney, says the sttit is based upon the utterance of Mrs. Mdy at the recent annual meet' ing of the Christian SciehntitB.

ttronpr; crusnea, «J, IHIFUO>»-I "'?«'-S— .n

Kllnw Hteadv: altv. 4Mo; 000^^,- 4}4@m}

lieved to have woman's act.

Pulp Mill Burned; Loss «35,OQD PhaTtastiBa, Aug. t ^ A pulp.mill at

Cadyville, on the Saraaac River,: was-de-stfoyed by-fire' yesterday "



m&&, Attg. i-—I;aTp itephs^froni this vicinity

g J g ^ S o n S S a a ^ S

Old anoptvel*wife and^hild,, ??njil i*

plnea,:?gi«ollb^i3w:fen. OfciBacaWe-

^ash^gtoniSKanipw- ^ " ^ " i a t ' e i t

of "vh^m^'^^^S^


aaHflsBTs of a-wroui vu«» ,.—« ate- Picking

_^^jalWelternville for=Koyd-&01ney's f<1a^V3ottrellha8beettat Sandy Creek w^he* | i e i ;and slokparentesjnee last

^ S » ^ ffngh|vana and Cora timer returhed ywferdayjtwm.avteit to irlenda In liewis county.1 ' ft^fiTitf&inioitW doneaBdihe farrners ^ ^ S # e r o ^ : yhloat harvest has

" r g l f f l p l p k fS^J^**haVere-et-l

n a t e d ^ ^ n l y : ^ i | 2 s o w i w ^ ^ Frank ^ | ^ i « i # g ; j ™ n

J K X a i i r e g l r n e » W # h ^ ^ ^ ^ men wm 8an


tooifflll» AUK. r.—A stuooo^n fire - - , i n t h X S b & W e a t ^ t e B ^ e t e

m 6enera| S S S 3 a U : « ^ « ^ 9 ^ ^ \ I s w e ^ a n f S m S S S ^ f e ft y ^ a « dfiHtroved. at' alote of•tW.W

^ NltwYOBE,Aug l.-.Judgyiachard todSdenied theT mottpn o l M « # Jr Moliheuxi accused death by

vSS; Bewi0ftgiaBBW°F*^l 4

e * S * e h n a r d opheHoie l» |4^»wtt; J«^ winniovtM* AWaSce a^t?a™na«Bg

t n t i f ^ ' 1 " ^ - ' • • • • • ' • • ' " • - ' - x

begun and the crop ia excellent. "Mrar Wfttson has been In a critical con

^iti,oit|;|o|^.|ew days^KplSsSrtiirouble I ^ n ^ ^ K , Aug. l,^l)emptt Barnes

,r:,-thls place,, who hearbeen at woi^ I'Gneida, IslhOme for, a short time bnt ex

to the section of the'law which makes it in cumbent upon sheriffs to suppress crime. Hs said he believed betting on horse races is now practiced in this city to an extraor­dinary extent, and it was his intention to

1 bring the fact to the attention of all the [public authorities wlEMn the provisions of. these resolutions. «

TSSx. MoBsthencaHed President Michael Murphy of the health department to the stand.

As soon" as Mr; Moss began with Presi­dent Murphy it was evident that his at­tack was directed at Horgan aud«lattery, 1 the architects chosen by Mayor Van' Wyck to revise the work of John B. Thomas and others selected by Mayor Strong's administration to do certain work for the city. CoL Murphy said he

I believed there was no competition for the [-erection of Willard Hospital The work Was done by Horgan & Slattery. The same firm prepared the plans for the Kingston Avenue Hospital in Brooklyn, but witness- stopped the work because it "seemed to be too expensive.

Charles P. Murphy, treasurer of the. dock board, testified regarding plans for repairing a Brooklyn pier which were drawn by Horgan & Slattery, and which the chief engineer of the dock depart­ment had condemned; .

t5eorgeW. Blrdsall, chief engineer of

Hay. weatrshippltt>,"S6S60a: iroOd "KFijnoKW 70O85j., Hops, market steady; statcv copj. moo to choice, 1896 crop, Btj7o; 1897 crog, UOI80; 1896 crop, U!Qr7at Paolflo coast, ItW crop, 8©7c; 1807 crop, HftlSc; 1908 crop, 17Q 18c. Load, market quiet; bullion, (4.83; exchange price, f4.55®4.67>i Pnt«to^«, market steady; southern sweets? $2.00a*.00; swte, fair to prime. Sl.00Ol.60; tsney, p.750 2,00; common, SOQTBc. Straw, steady; long — 85a45o; snort rye. 30C8So; oaf str»w, mtj ™„ Beana,mar-ket quiet; mair**, J1.450147^ medium. fl^OAf.SV pea, *l.ToaiJ6, *ed aiu-ney, $5.6501.70. Wool, very tlrm; doimtir Beeoe. tOOiMc; Texas. 18016c

Calres~--R*cetptg, 314 head; veals dull and lower at 8fl.60tfW5.50- tops, $0-75: buttermilks, $3 50 westernsTfS 86; city dressed veats dull at BHQlOKcper pound.

Sut ter and Che***.

B«.c«lpts and Kxpandlturea. . WASHISOTON, AngT 1.—The monthly ?;~ I statement of the government, receipts and fefr^tfdltniSlihow^atthetbtat *e»SipW '<r

rlurlnft July were 148,054,258, as against 143,847,108 for-Jhly 1898. Theexpendl- . tures durinerlast month were $58,561,(100 as ngairjBt f74,2C3,475 for July 189&

The receipts last month from customs •• werr, $!G,071,4{M; internal revenue, $28.-322,574; miscellaneons, 13,700,229. There is an increase as compared with July, 1898, of about $1,800,000 from cnstomB, ** $3,200,000 froiip internal revenue, and about $254^06*—from miseellaneotia—

fsonrcefiv - . _^_ ^ The«expenditn-pR on account of the

war tlepartmenkrlttB't month were $10,-201,080. Same for July 180S, - $34,7^ - ,„ in3;navy $5,000,245; same for July 1808, • $8,514,270. - -^

T h e Shamrock Sails TunridaT. \' GBEKKOOE, Aug, 1.—The ATnerica'a

oop challenger Shamrock sails Thursday for the United States.

Lata Dalrr saaraita. UTIOA." July 81.—Cheeae.-On the board today

olieese made another sharp advance. The otter' IngB showed falling off, and there was a brisk; demand on the part of the buyers. Holder* were hopeful that as high at O^o would bo reached. The market, ltowover..settleil on 9Mc as tho best price obtainable. Tfrt ruling prjiie for the entire market was 9c, as ?,07a boxes of both larp;e and small were sold at that prieo. '

The new mlllc station at East Hteuben begins Uuflinesa this weoit As a regliHtiro Ksa=el>sSiS^ factory la Henuen whow prodnct has hereto-fr>fe"b«en sold bo the DMcSBo5fu','Wlttbffcio«fidv The station pays 8} cents a hundred tor'milk. Later, when ice Is more accessible,. i » cents Is promised. The increase in the number ot mils: stations is one cause of the present strangin"*T~ the cheese market. Another is that considera­ble la<-ce cheese is going Into a BtoragB la the country. The prospects seem good tor astlU higher market . • - - .

. fv*trym«n-T«port-that.t.riw hay crop just Rath. leredla o i fine q.UBh{y, and ID many BBCttomr

nearly as large as that of last yssr. Follcrwing is a list of tales on tha Uttcaboard

today: Lots.

•Q—JU^*~-. — -

--%• • - - ' - - - - ^

Boxes. Large cojotgd-v,-.'-—— 87 —-WisX targe colored...' Large white Large white...... Smalt colored... Smalt white Small white Small'white

The transactl"o"ns""on"!Aug/3, l897rwere 8VT8 boxes, with the ruBng price 74tc. The transac tlons on Aug. 1,1896, were 7,804 boxes; With tho

There were 13 packages of buttersppat It^Jc,


poison of

Biirute-Mfclf*** *.**?h:

minutes ot the {grand Jury

'1 sOTEaB*D froin

goaWitt'rWltch SaM ^ k ^ f f i

Adams, to" inspect the mm Aaam«. _ t to |rto^ctadhlrn.

aod after ^ . f o - w M ^ f ^

Early pota-

^o|6jgpjrj«ito work in a canning F i t p r y ^ ' . ". • ™ipr .(•',;;-> Botitoeii are looking Hhe;.

,to|e:#^iS'ne^yyi..'- \%. . , L i :^rStTSiiiaseMr. '-hl*aVI«*t-A,iBll-blooded Jersey bnfl; the disease is un­known. ¥• ''•-,- t, •,';. ' *"

Th<> people jn thiil section are harvest-

QeorgeW. Birosaiif CBH» OUKUWU. « -aeirltlcalcon- thedepartment of water supply, said he laacrtiaroubler trould no^produceaplan showing thalot

cation of water gates, because he had neither the time nor appropriation nec­essary. There were 9,000 water gates ahd it would take a matt a year to make a list of them, and their, locations.

NEW Yoax, Aug, 1 —Butter, receipts, .13,592 packages; steady; state dairy, lS017<j; do, creamery, I6OI80; r western creamery, ISA' 18c; Imitation, do!.rfs<|lS)io; factory, llCHp. Cheese, receipts, S.508 oaokagei; firm; Mrt* whlte/OHoj small white % o ; Urge colored,9J<<i! small colored, 9><o,. ..•_.*>

Cotton. _ . Haw YOEK, Aug. l.i-Ootto»-«pot eottut

closed quiet; mlddliBK uplands. Hfios midline Knlf, 6%b. Hales: (not Including 47,300 delirercd on contract) 47,1W oaiea

fiottomltttnres closed quiet and steody; Aug., S.EOo;Sept. 6J55o!--"<t 6.70j. NOT., 6.74c; Deo, S.TOaj }SBf,K8a9',reb.,B.d6 .• Uarch, 5.90o; April, Cr.Mo; Hay, 5.98p; June, 0.01a

. BolTalo amsurlutl. BCTVaUt, Aug. l .-Sprtes wheatiNo. iw»rtlir

erh, 74)4o. Winter wheat, No. Ured, 71®71^o Com. NO. 9 yjilow. 37^o. Oats, No. 8. wtute o lM^cj 'Mo. anew. 28c. . * 1

Canal !*affiS.-meHuyT~irpe*<fc «6v-«at» 1Ha; barley, \%<i to New York. Lumber rates nominal. . . t)

Patrolaoaa. PiCTBBimo; Aug. 1 —Oil opened at 11.87.

Cloned, .$1.87. WMtarm Marluts. -

Wheat, ??ntM

There were 13 packages of butter sold atWHta, i a S U M at 17«o. and m packages A 18c.

. N ^ a t l e f o f print butter h a « been- reported^n fiiwamarketfor several weeks: The lateStMvxo~ ^ ^ 2 0 0 ^ flVT?bunrp^tag^ a i d j fctor

m i S t % & ^ 81 - O h e ^ l g m * J ™ «eaa?to-tak>att the'cbe^seoffered tod»y.;,|ho S " ["iniiy u c all around, some ot thelftge colored reaching 9 cents, with rumors of a frac-^on b e t a S d , 'The market Is v « y i « r « K at

ctotmthey can not place s t o c k s i « * T f f l « jOTgethanpriceipsId. They n • « o t h e r * w * M S e Roods at an advance over gtfc ftiswlef. 52r„«^iitiWBto!et them go. TUAfact exfats


men's privilege to let them go. The*".. -that present r*tesara higher forHot leather cheese than the most sanguine had eitfecUd. Cheese are sold off to within about IS days of

,ffi» noon, which to close enough fot sujmuer

The sales are:

Large colored' Large colored.«-s Large colored

; iarge white .<.. Small white... . . . . . Small colored...... Twins,-colored,, twins , wl

Haml l too . '


t^wtifiHrAugrK--Je; wWoWolaaiy^njI^^^J allAhr

F J ^ o ^ a f h e a d Of the British delega-

aVThe ligu^'hai Been fm**>W*>. the

, » * » « « • • * ' • • • ' • ; - ';

^ 'EihS^J cc mt«rJ*#fe .^laajii'. ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^

. *^*®tt»g M t t k E a j l y ^ ^ d i d m e

other^ill».J"-WA,ltee<3eotge-H>-Jacoba of •:1fod&%^rJ<ltatii* ^VmMt .'.pleaian*,

pBC.'t7iSS^May,Y4) r Jto£, Sjft,

-m^tig&TS nmim* sewVts^;

Bibs, Sept., *i90; Oct,

OHICAOO, Aug. 1—Opening eager owj.,7tHo;<?to: 2l«c. Pork; Sept.. ,

jMay.$V82, Dec.,1»:87.

CHICAGO, Aug::J.—Hogs==ErImateJrW«elpt8r ot hogs toaay',13000 head;tomorrow» 25,000 head: left o*er, 4.831 head; quiet, 10c lower; mixed and butchers, JM-lixaAfiOs «e»d heavy, | « p

, . . . 81 6,88ft

_ irjurrjaoi^. Ang* _t.*-5t«L thunder BhowTrWh came Saturday nTgBT was

Tphe oat crop in this section will he hat- a uutcners, w-iuw-vj* naigfi. r,~v. v S m i s w I e k ^ ^ w V . ^ « r f « l o l l ^ O a ^ f rtcthSafW^eaal; Y1;he remains of Mrs. F a r oj Buffalo ^ y ^ V e f mfa*.^"Jffi. &&&& were brought here on Satofdar mm** ^fossf Texar steers, J8.Ma&-6, stokers, 3rfl ft^srm was held fn the Ipisoopal Jgd te*£*sr*M»$*so~ .^~ S n S o n S u n d a y afternoon and inter^ optOAOo. A w . „ & * & & % & , % & mentmade,ta the Madison street^Oenie- m°tf$«$XT'l>£?miMt fK

Srv Mrs. Fay was a former resident of.Rjg..""f&fcJf SK iwc: *&*m:.?^Sffl! S f l t o n , and was held to hlglt-esi by inany friends here

Awitama you want toaeUt bmp&g&sti Thwe

I*rd7 Ahfo, ; i>ec.,*B.S5; Jan.,

"i4'85r Be|fct>M.»V0«t.v

T o t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ol u,oou Butter—Only daii-sr butter is reported sold,

ainountiflgto 2» packages; Pricea rangaficom lGc tolTc. * - ,

OODSKSUUEO. July 31.-There werel,i61 boxess of cheese offered Saturday. No bids W«re made on theboardi but late* jaa the 8ta^ei6|yiMms_ wassoldatSMc. . '••

^invroN, July 8l.-Today lft. fikctories were represented with 1.003 boxes of cheese. Ijirgo seteaUio. iinrt small sold at 9i«fo

Etora, lit,, July s i f-Eighty tubat of butteF ofjteriKi, hut none' soliiL. SB>Tket steady at iTMfc,

' - Ladles Cam'Wtar 9ho*€ One sice smaller after using Ailetfa foot-Kane, a powder to be shaken into the Shoes; It mak^a tight or new shoea teeVeasyr give* Inatant relief ltfc6rM»iabuntons_ It's the greatest comfott

t«r«(»d <*Uou* spOU.rAllett^ TootiKasi l a l l certain cure for tafroiflBf Vu^mitm, Twfe



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