on quantum communications in spaceiqis2008.df.unicam.it/iqis2008_files/villoresi.pdf · 2 2 2 0 4 2...

On Quantum Communications in Space Cristian Bonato, Fabrizio Tamburini, Andrea Tomaello, Tommaso Occhipinti, Ivan Capraro, Gabriele Anzolin, Vania Da Deppo, Francesco Ticozzi, Giampiero Naletto, Cesare Barbieri and Paolo Villoresi Department of Information Engineering, CISAS and Department of Astronomy Università degli Studi di Padova INFM-CNR LUXOR Laboratory of Ultraviolet and X-Ray Optical Researches Padova - Italy Italian Quantum Information Science Conference: From Foundations to Applications Camerino, 24 X 2008

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Page 1: On Quantum Communications in Spaceiqis2008.df.unicam.it/iqis2008_files/Villoresi.pdf · 2 2 2 0 4 2 1 DCR d N t G t R A tη r T ... • Industrial partner: Thales-Alenia Space Torino

On Quantum Communications in Space

Cristian Bonato, Fabrizio Tamburini, Andrea Tomaello, Tommaso Occhipinti, Ivan Capraro, Gabriele Anzolin, Vania Da Deppo,

Francesco Ticozzi, Giampiero Naletto, Cesare Barbieriand Paolo Villoresi

Department of Information Engineering, CISAS and Department of AstronomyUniversità degli Studi di Padova

INFM-CNR LUXOR Laboratory of Ultraviolet and X-Ray Optical ResearchesPadova - Italy

Italian Quantum Information Science Conference: From Foundations to ApplicationsCamerino, 24 X 2008

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

From our group on Quantum @ Padova to IQISFrom our group on Quantum @ Padova to IQIS

• Fabrizio Tamburini’s poster on Quantum Astronomy

• Francesco Ticozzi’s poster on Quantum Control

• Cristian Bonato’s poster on Quantum Interferometry

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Objectives of QC in SpaceObjectives of QC in Space

• To extend experimental investigations of quantum phenomena to the Space.

• To realize a quantum channel between an orbiting and a ground transceivers.

• To develop a space-borne quantum terminal (source – state analyzer – real-time processing)

• To obtain that the quantum stuff will comply with spatial infrastructure.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008


• To increase the length of the quantum channels so far realized.

• To test of basic QM with these long channels (Bell’s measurement, state tomography)

• To demonstrate Quantum Cryptography around the planet.

• To teleport quantum states to Space and back.• To aim at the mixing of Quantum Information with

other areas, as Relativity and Metrology.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

QC in EarthQC in Earth--Space channelSpace channel

• The natural step forward from QC on Earth is to mount the sender or the receiver on a orbiting station.

• The equivalent atmospheric thickness is reduced to about 10 km at sea-level.

• The leg length could be extended to 103 km scale and more.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Challenges in Space QCChallenges in Space QC

• A (big) new problem: the sender is moving (and fast!) and a strong background is expected.

• The extension of the ground-QC is not trivial.

• The spaceborne terminal must be space qualified and become very costly.

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ExperimentalExperimental StudyStudy of a Quantum of a Quantum ChannelChannelFromFrom a LEO Satellite a LEO Satellite toto the the EarthEarth

P. Villoresi1, T. Jennewein2, F. Tamburini3, M. Aspelmeyer2,4, C. Bonato1,

R. Ursin4, C. Pernechele5, V. Luceri6, G. Bianco7, A. Zeilinger2,4 and C. Barbieri3

1Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, ITALY andINFM-CNR LUXOR Laboratory for Ultraviolet and X-ray Optical Research, Padova, ITALY

2Inst for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, AUSTRIA3Department of Astronomy, University of Padova, ITALY

4Faculty of Physics, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna, AUSTRIA5INAF-Cagliari, Capoterra (CA), ITALY,

6Centro di Geodesia Spaziale "G. Colombo", e-GEOS S.p.A., Matera, ITALY,7Centro di Geodesia Spaziale "G. Colombo", Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Matera, ITALY.

University of Padova Advanced Research Project QSpace 2003-2006

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Space quantum channel explorationSpace quantum channel exploration

Aims of the experiment:

• To demonstrate the single-photon exchange from a orbiting sender.

• To test the ability of present technologies (2003-2005) for sending, timing and detecting single quanta from Space.

• To point out the critical aspects of space QC system in the perspective of a dedicated mission.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Orbiting singleOrbiting single--photon source photon source

• The source is realized using orbiting retroreflectors.

• These belong to the network of the geodetic satellites for Satellite-Laser-Ranging (SRL).

• A station on Earth will send the pulse up and the satellite sends it back.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Scheme of the linkScheme of the link

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Concept of SLR Geodesy Concept of SLR Geodesy

Measurements of– Global tectonic plate motion,– Regional crustal deformation,– Earth gravity field,– Earth orientation parameters

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

CubeCube--corners cover the satellitecorners cover the satellite

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SLR geodetic “cannonballs”

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

The ground station: The ground station: MateraMatera MLROMLRO

• Giuseppe Colombo Space Geodesy Centre of Italian Space Agency.

• Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (MLRO).

• World highest accuracy in SLR: mm-level!

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

MateraMatera Laser Ranging Observatory Laser Ranging Observatory

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

1.5m fast and accurate telescope1.5m fast and accurate telescope

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Photon link budgetPhoton link budget

• The conditions for a single-photon downlink have to be pointed out on the base of the modeling of the link.

• The detector count rate (DCR) is estimated using the radar equation (Degnan 1993):


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Case of Case of AjisaiAjisai satellitesatellite

Laser repetition rate Λ 17 KHzEnergy per laser pulse E0 490 nJ (532

nm)Photons per second N0Λ 2.3•1016

Detector quantum efficiency ηd 0.1Efficiency transmitting optics ηT 5•10-3

Transmitter gain GT 7•109

Satellite cross-section σ 1.2•107 m2

Satellite slant distance R 1650 kmTelescope area AT 1.77 m2

Efficiency of receiving optics ηR 4•10-3

One-way atmospheric trans. TA 8.1•10-1

One-way cirrus transmission TC 1Expected detector rate DCR 4.6 cps


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

The brightest satellites for MLROThe brightest satellites for MLRO

Ajisai Beacon Topex Lageos

DCR 4.6 1.2 0.8 0.01

loss in downlink 2.2·10-9 6.6·10-10 3.7·10-10 8.4·10-11

photons in the channel per shot 0.38 0.10 0.06 0.0009

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Prescriptions for the setupPrescriptions for the setup• The outward laser pulse has to

be tailored to the link budget and to the telescope size.

• The receiver has to be coaxial to transmitter.

• The gathered field of view (FOV) must consider the broadening due to satellite velocity aberration.

• The actual setup is not preserving the polarization state.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SingleSingle--photon transceiver setupphoton transceiver setup

40 cm !40 cm !

Difficult to make it at tableside

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Actual orbital data from NASAActual orbital data from NASA

• Real time temporal filtering: calculating the gating time.

• Post processing using Geodyn code, to 1 ns precision.

Ajisai orbit

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Point out the return timePoint out the return time

• For every detector click was calculated the difference from the expected arrival instant

D = texp - tret

• D was then grouped in histograms.

• The link implies a peak at D=0 over the background level.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SingleSingle--photon link with photon link with AjisaiAjisai

P. Villoresi et al. New J. Phys. 10 033038 (2008)

• Integration 5 s

• Bin-size 5 ns

• FOV 30”

• Filter 10 nm BW

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SingleSingle--photon link with photon link with AjisaiAjisai

Robustness against statistical effects on bin size P. Villoresi et al. New J. Phys. 10 033038 (2008)

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Returns rateReturns rate

• A peak of 5 cps was observed at D=0 above the background.

• The peak height exceeds 4 times the rms of the background.

• Total losses are of -157 dB.

• In the downlink channel, μ = 0.4, and so clearly in the single-photon regime.

• DCR = 17 kHz X p(click) 3 10-4 per pulse.

P. Villoresi et al. New J. Phys. 10 033038 (2008)

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Conclusions of Conclusions of QSpaceQSpace

• The feasibility of a single-photon link from an orbiting source and a ground received has been demonstrated for the first time.

• The experimental DCR is in good agreement with the radar equation predictions.

• The transmission is scalable to higher laser repetition rate (detector far from saturation).

• Space QC: A really interdisciplinary subject!

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

The The nextnext stepstep: : feasibilityfeasibility studystudy ofof a a dedicateddedicated satellite satellite forfor QCQC

The space quantum channel or To investigate the quantum nature

without boundaries

– Space Bell experiment or is there a limit for the “spooky action”?,

– Novel approach to the study of decoherence,

– Long distance teleportation,– Quantum key distribution around the

planet,– Quantum Astronomy.


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SpaceQSpaceQ ProjectProject

• Call for Missions of Opportunity of Italian Space Agency, fall 2007

• Selected 6 projects, Feb 2008• Phase A ended, Sept. 2008• Selection of number of projects <= 3 to proceed to Phase B,

Nov. 2008 (?).• Realization phases (B, C-D): 30 months.• Expected launch 2011-12.

• Prime contractor of Phase A: University of Padova, Project Manager PV

• Industrial partner: Thales-Alenia Space Torino• Scientific collaboration with:

– University of Vienna, Prof. A. Zeilinger, – Center EUDOXOS (Kefallinia, Greece), Prof. N. Solomos.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Padova Padova SpaceQSpaceQ teamteam

Right to left: Cristian Bonato, Andrea Tomaello, Vania Da Deppo, Ivan Capraro, Giampiero Naletto, Cesare Barbieri, Paolo Villoresi

Not in the photo: Gabriele Anzolin, Tommaso Occhipinti, Fabrizio Tamburini

Department of Information Engineering, CISAS and Department of Astronomy

University of Padova, ITALY and

INFM-CNR LUXOR Laboratory for Ultraviolet and X-ray Optical Research, Padova, ITALY

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SpaceQSpaceQ opportunitiesopportunities

• Detailed analysis of the possibilities for the orbiting terminal:

• Constraints:– Launch date;– Orbit < 1500 km– Size, weight, power, data-rate available;– Cost of the opportunity;– Type of orbit.

• Many opportunities were not doable because of last point: polar but dawn-dusk orbit

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

ISS ISS possiblepossible accommodationsaccommodations

The ISS more important provisions to accommodate P/L’s are:

• 4 Express Pallet Adapters on the Columbus Exposed Facility (CEF) • 10 Japanese Exposed Modules Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) sites.• Cupola (for pressurisedinstruments).• Nadir Research Window (for pressurised instruments)• EXPRESS pallet • The possible future Small Payload External Robotic Facility (SPERO)

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SpaceQ blocks: to establish a bidirectional polarization quantum channel between a LEO satellite and a ASI-MLRO ground station.


Ground Terminal

General Scheme of General Scheme of SpaceQSpaceQ


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008



AimThe aim of this working modality is to provide the first experimental demonstration of weak-pulses QKD from Space.

Involved blocks for this modality are:

Transmitter: Tito on the ISSReceiver: Rosy on the Ground Terminal, connected to the Receiver telescope (MLRO)Auxiliary Functions and Electronics for both Terminals


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008



BB84BB84 decoydecoy--state QKDstate QKD

AimThe aim of this working modality is to provide the first experimental demonstration of decoy-state weak-pulse QKD from Earth to Space.

The involved blocks for this modality are:

Transmitter: Alice on the Ground Terminal Receiver: Bob on the ISS-Terminal AuxiliaryFunctions and Electronics for both Terminals

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Entangled source



EntanglementEntanglement--basedbased QKDQKDAimThe aim of this working modality is to provide the first experimental demonstration of entanglement-based Quantum Key Distribution from MLRO to the ISS.

The involved blocks for this modality are:source: Entangled Source on the Ground Terminal communicating parties: Bob on the ISS-Terminal,

Rosy on the Ground Terminal AuxiliaryFunctions and Electronics for both Terminals

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Teleportation module


Quantum TeleportationQuantum Teleportation

AimThe aim of this working modality is to provide the first experimental demonstration of Quantum Teleportation of a single photon polarization state from a Ground Station to the ISS.

The involved blocks for this modality are:Teleportation module on the Ground TerminalBob on the Satellite TerminalAuxiliaryFunctions and Electronics for both Terminals

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Satellite TerminalSatellite Terminal

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Optical design





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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Telescope design

Telescope configuration: afocal Gregorian type (two paraboloidalmirrors)

Advantages: collimated output, very small obscuration, optimal optical performance for on-axis source (very small active FoV: 10 arcsec), large magnificationA simple baffling system is foreseen tolimit diffused light

No critical point is seen in the telescoperealization

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Ground TerminalGround Terminal


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

the Quantum Channelthe Quantum Channel

Quantum Channel requirements:

• link budget and SNR• noise rejection techniques• pointing, acquisition and tracking (PAT)• synchronization• polarization control

QUBITS encoded in the polarization states of single photons

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

SNR required: 6:1

for single-photon communication:

the amount of signal is fixed to ONE PHOTON, emitted by the transmitter

the only tool to increase SNR is to decrease noise!

SNR requirements for SNR requirements for the Quantum Channelthe Quantum Channel

Details:M. Aspelmeyer, T. Jennewein, M. Pfennigbauer, R. Leeb, A. Zeilinger, Long-Distance Quantum Communication With Entangled Photons Using Satellites, IEEE Vol. 9 (2003)

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Relevant parameters:

solar radiance: 4.16·1018 photons/(s nm m2)Earth albedo: 0.3Optical slot duration 5 ns

Background Noise in uplinkBackground Noise in uplink

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

DayDay--time SNR uplinktime SNR uplink

No day-time operation is possible!

time-window: 5 ns

filter bandwidth: 1 nm

IFOV less than

5 microradians

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

NightNight--time SNR uplinktime SNR uplink

Night-time operation is possible with a telescope IFOV less than

50 microradians

time-window: 5 ns

filter bandwidth: 1 nm

Moon phases

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SNR DownSNR Down--linklink

time-window: 5 ns

different filter bandwidth

telescope FOV: 50 microradians

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Pointing, Acquisition & TrackingPointing, Acquisition & Tracking

• PSD: position-sensitive detector with resolution of 5 μrad in the two axes

• angular actuator for coarse pointing of the telescope on the two axis, with 1 Hz bandwidth and 10 mrad resolution

• angular actuator for fine pointing of the telescope, with two fast rotating axis orthogonal to the telescope axis; 1000 Hz bandwidth and 10 μrad resolution

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008



• time-tagging of correlated events

• temporal filtering

• dead-time management

Technical Requirements

• time-tagging resolution < 500 ps

• gating-window < 3 ns

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008




Satellite motion:

1. Rotation of polarization planes

2. Change in the reflection coefficients of the mirrors

Time-dependent variation of polarization

C. Bonato et al., Influence of satellite motion in a Space-Earth quantum communication link, Optics Express 14, 10050-10059 (2006)

Polarization CompensationPolarization Compensation

System Auxiliary FunctionsPolarization Compensation

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

• vertical input state: (S1 = 0, S2 = 1, S3 = 0)

• signal wavelength: 800 nm

•statistics based on 300 passages of a LEO satellite

Signal and probe wavelength must be chosen in order to:

• minimize dispersion

• allow high-degree separation of the signal photons from the probe beam

825 nm

532 nm

Polarization Compensation:Polarization Compensation:Wavelength MultiplexingWavelength Multiplexing

System Auxiliary FunctionsPolarization Compensation

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Preliminary mechanical layout


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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Mechanical configuration

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

• 1.5 meter telescope with astronomical quality optics, Cassegrain configuration f/212, long Coudé path• ranging laser: active hybrid Nd:YAG, 40 ps pulses @ 523 nm, 100 mJ/pulse; 10 Hz repetition rate, range accuracy less than 2 mm• the transmitted beam divergence is "diffraction limited" and can be tuned in a continuous way from around 1" to 20".• a Hydrogen Maser atomic clock is used to synchronize all operations to better than 10 ps•as safety device, a radar aircraft detection system is present

MLRO facilities and Nasmyth platform

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008


• SpaceQ Phase A was completed.• An explorative scheme of only one space channel

was adopted.• The general design include up- and downlinks.• Due to tight schedule, the ISS was selected.• The links will be possible during night-time only.• Present technology is good enough for the

payload.• Formidable output is expected.

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008


• Novel processes and methods, e.g.– Rome Schrödinger cat: entanglement of single-photon and

strong beams.– Rome high-D Hilbert space with two photons.– Camerino QKD protocols.– Torino SC photon-counting methods.

• Concepts and gedanken (not much..) experiments to be envisaged and exploited.

• ASI SpaceQ project may be seen as an opportunity for Italian Quantum Community

[email protected]

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On Quantum Communications in Space – P. Villoresi - IQIS Camerino 24 X 2008

Mark the calendar!Mark the calendar!Free-space Quantum Communications on Earth and Space (Technical Program Chair PV)

The International Conference on Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking (from satellite to nanoscale) "QUANTUMCOMM 2009" - General Chair A.V. Sergienko

Vico Equense, Naples, 26-30 October 2009

Space Quantum Communications

Second Colloquium on Scientific & Fundamental Aspects of Galileo GNSS - Sci. and Org. Committee F. Tamburini and Org. Comm. C. Barbieri (Chair ) and PV

Padova, 14-16 October 2009

Perspectives on Quantum Control

Workshop on Quantum Control (Chairs M. Pavon & F. Ticozzi)

Padova, TBA 2009