on funds held in escrow earn more with yield-farming

Invest safely in ICOs with milestone-based payments Earn more with Yield-Farming on funds held in escrow www.escrowprotocol.app

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Post on 18-Dec-2021




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Invest safely in ICOs with milestone-based payments

Earn more with Yield-Farming on funds held in escrow


Our Mission:

To deliver robust access, transparency and security to investors;

funding, support and accountability to entrepreneurs;

and ultimately bring trust to the global investment market.

Escrow Protocol combines the best of blockchain and DeFi technology to offer an

all-inclusive investment hub; a user-friendly platform where investors can support

their favorite startup projects with oversight, security and peace of mind.

ICO Market

20194,000 Coins

20205,000 Coins

202111,000 Coins

$2.5 TrillionPeak Market Capitalization

$765 BillionPeak Market Capitalization

$765 BillionPeak Market Capitalization

(Source: Coin Market Cap)

Crypto investment has seen an

unprecedented boom in 2021, an upward

trend which experts expect will continue in

the years to come.


Crowdfunding Market

$12 Billion2021 Market Value

Our secondary market relates to

traditional crowdfunding,

essentially a monetary vote of

confidence in a new project,

product or startup.

11%Compound Annual Growth Rate


$25 Billion2027 Market Value


(Source: Statista)

Traditional crowdfunding platforms

such as Kickstarter, IndieGoGo and

GoFundMe carry high commission

fees are and not built using

blockchain technology.


Industry Problems


40%Increase of ICO failures in FY2020

The perception of ICOs as exit scams has risen since the leveling

of the ICO market cap after the 2018 boom


“Among all the different types of scams, crypto scams are the fastest

growing category, and we are just at the beginning of this new wave of

digital theft campaigns... We continue to see scammers being

opportunistic and designing campaigns focused on real time, surging

trends when people are likely not to be on guard because it’s so new.”

—Co-founder and CTO of Bolster, Shashi Prakash

Escrow Protocol Token

Escrow Protocol is a Web3 Oracle platform where investors can fund

start-ups with extended control of their financial contributions.


ESCROW is Escrow Protocol’s

proprietary cryptocurrency, a

governance token that grants

voting rights and investor

oversight over ICOs and

funded projects.

Escrow Protocol accomplishes

fully the blockchain’s promise

of truly trustless transactions.

Early Access

Users who have staked ESCROW in

the governance pool are able to

access listed projects’ presale



Depending on the time period

staked, users will gain access to

successive rounds.

For example, when a user has staked

ESCROW within the first two

months, he gains access to the seed

round benefits.

Platform Features

★ Cross-platform application with outstanding UI/UX

★ Self-executing smart contracts

★ NFT-backed identity and contract verification and security

★ Yield-Farming protocols on funds in escrow with high APY

★ MultiChain interoperability


Smart Contract


★ Escrow Protocol holds all payments in escrow using a stable coin, secured by self executing smart contracts.

★ ESCROW smart contracts further simplify the process of doing business by eliminating legal expenses and confusing verbiage.

★ Using our web-based templates, users can easily customize their smart contracts using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Yield-Farming & NFT


Investors passively earn high API returns on their investments in

escrow by taking advantage of our Yield Farming Protocols

Funds held in escrow beyond one year see gains of 25% or more

Each user is minted a NFT to verify their identity as part of the “know

your customer” (KYC) process

Each project on the platform mints a set of NFTs which act as user ID

Access Cards




For Investors1. After registering a new account, the investor

visits the project landing page and inspects the detailed project proposal

2. When he is ready to invest, the investor deposits funds into escrow using ESCROW token and selects Yield-Farming options

3. The investor gets regular updates on the project’s progress and votes to release payments to the creator when milestones are met. Meanwhile, the investor regularly claims APY profits from the Yield-Farming protocol


For Creators1. The creator launches the new project, listing

assets and defining development milestones and funding needs.

2. Upon accomplishing each milestone in good faith, funding is approved and released to the creator.

3. Completion of the final project milestone and approval by the governance pool triggers release of the final payment to the creator, leading to a successful project launch added to the record of the Escrow Protocol platform.



Staking Community

Empowered with governance over

the platform commensurate with

the amount of ESCROW they have

locked into the staking pool

Investment Community

Invested ESCROW into specific

projects, and are therefore granted

governance voting power over

aspects of the project

Investigation Community

Perform rigorous due diligence to

determine the project’s viability and

credibility, and assess the status and

progress of projects post-investment

Internal DevSecOps

Participate in initial vetting of projects,

monitor projects in progress, and use

white hat tactics to gather evidence

and track down scammers

Token Allocation


Total ESCROW Issue: 500,000,000 tokens



Dennis Schulte

CEO & Market Expansion

Guillaume Provent

CTO & Systems Architect

Jean Claude

CFO & Regulatory Compliance Advisor

Andrew Reyes

Marketing & SEO Expert

Justin Kommit

Business Development

Marina Silva

Specialty Lawyer & Legal Advisor

