on defending against doxxing by benjamin brown

On Defending Against Doxxing Benjamin Brown

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On  Defending  Against  Doxxing  

Benjamin  Brown  

Who Am I? Benjamin  Brown  Akamai  Technologies      

-  Incident  Response  -  Threat  Research  -  Actor  Profiling  -  System  Architecture  Reviews  -  Security  Training  and  Workshops  

Overview of Terms -  Doxxing:  “Publicly  releasing  a  person’s  idenCfying  informaCon  including  [but  not  limited  to]  full  name,  date  of  birth,  address,  phone  number,  and  pictures”  

 -  SWATing:  “To  cause  a  SWAT  team  to  be  deployed  on  (an  unsuspecCng  vicCm)  by  falsifying  a  threat”  

Why Should We Care?

Pranking,  MarkeCng  SensiCve  InformaCon  Leaks  

Harassment,  Bullying,  Stalking  Iden:ty  The=  SWATing    

Targe:ng  For  Physical  ABack  

Why Should We Care?

Why Should We Care?

Why Should We Care?

Why Should We Care?

Why Should We Care?

From:  Tim  Oblivious  Sent:  Wednesday,  October  31,  3:55PM  To:  Paul  Bossman  Subject:  Family  Emergency    

Paul,  I  just  wanted  to  let  you  know  that  I  will  not  be  able  to  come  into  work  tomorrow.  Something  came  up  at  home  and  I  had  to  go  to  New  York  this  morning  for  the  next  couple  of  days.  I  apologize  for  the  delayed  noCce.    

Kind  Regards,  Tim  

Real Cases

From:  Paul  Bossman  Sent:  Thursday,  November  1,  4:54PM  To:  Tim  Oblivious  CC:  Jill  Director  Subject:  RE:  Family  Emergency    

Tim,  Thanks  for  le_ng  us  know  –  hope  everything  is  ok  in  New  York.  (cool  wand)    

Cheers,  PB  

Real Cases

Real Cases

Sunil  Tripathi    -­‐  Missing  Since  March  16th  2013    -­‐  MisidenCfied  as  Boston  Bomber    -­‐  Doxxed  on  Reddit  &  4chan    -­‐  Family  Death  Threats,  Harrasment    -­‐  Body  Found  in  Providence  River  

Real Cases

Amanda  Todd’s  Bully    -­‐  Commifed  Suicide  Following  Cyberstalking  and  Blackmail    -­‐  Anonymous  Doxxed  Wrong  Man    -­‐  Had  to  Quit  Job,  Move  Across  Country,  Legally  Change  Name  

Real Cases

Michael  Brown  Shooter    -­‐  Anonymous  Doxxed  Wrong  Man  and  His  Mother    -­‐  Never  Part  of  Ferguson  Police    -­‐  Death  Threats,  Thrown  Items    -­‐  Both  Financial  VicCms  of  ID  Thei    

Real Cases


• Live  Recordings  of  Various  Online  Gamers  • MulCple  Gamergate  Targets  • Ashton  Kutcher  • Brian  Krebs  


Chinese  "Human  Flesh  Search  Engine"    (人肉搜索,  Rénròu  sōusuǒ)    -­‐  CollaboraCve,  Distributed  Human  Research  on  a  Mass  Scale  

 Russian  Celeb  Doxxing    -­‐  Eastern  Bloc,  Europe,  Americas    -­‐  Kim  Kardashian,  Mel  Gibson,  Ashton  Kutcher,  Jay  Z,  Beyonce,  Paris  Hilton,  Britney  Spears  


The  Googles  -  Search  Operators  (“Google-­‐Fu”)  -  Usernames  <-­‐>  Email  Addresses  -  Cached  Websites    

-  (Way  Back  Machine)  -  VariaCons  of  Usernames  and  Email  Addresses  


Resources and Methods

Tools    -­‐  theHarvester    -­‐  Maltego    -­‐  Cree.py    -­‐  Recon-­‐NG  


Resources and Methods

Social  Media  -  FB,  Twifer,  LinkedIn,  etc.  

-  Contact  Info,  Family  Members,  Friends,  Acquaintances    

-  Interests,  Haunts,  Paferns  -  Skillsets,  Jobs,  Colleagues  -  Answers  to  Security  Ques:ons  


Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Social  Media  -  Forums,  Groups,  Mailinglists  

-  Birthdate,  Age,  LocaCon  -  Hobbies,  FeCshes  -  Trusted  Usernames  -  Breaches  


Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Yahoo  Groups  -­‐  Freecycle  

- Whois    

-  Full  Name  -  Phone  Number  -  Fax  Number  -  Email  Address(es)  -  Physical  Address    

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Data  Brokers  -  Spokeo,  Intelius,  pipl,  peekyou,  etc.  

-  Free  -  Full  Name  (Incl.  Maiden  Name),  Age  -  Current  and  Former  Addresses  -  Family  Members  /  Ages  /  Addresses  

-  Paid  -  Criminal  Records  -  Schools  -  Retail  AcCvity  InformaCon  

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Public  Records  -  Business  IncorporaCon,  Deeds,  etc.  

-  Business  Partners  -  Addresses  -  Histories  -  Mappings  to  Other  Business  

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Public  Records  -  PoliCcal  ContribuCons  

-  Name,  Address,  PoliCcal  AffiliaCon,  DonaCon  Amounts  

-  PeCCons  -  Name,  Geographic  LocaCon,  Fuel  For  Social  Engineering  


Resources and Methods

EXIF  Data  -  Photos,  Videos,  Audio  

-  Device  /  Computer  InformaCon  -  Soiware  InformaCon  -  Times  and  Dates  -  GPS  Coordinates  


Resources and Methods

Resources and Methods

Social  Engineering    

-  ISP  /  Phone  Company  as  Spouse  or  Delegate  

-  Current/Former  Place  of  Work  -  Family  as  Friends  -  Friends  as  Family    

Resources and Methods

Social  Media  Mindfulness  -  Tighten  Security  and  Privacy  Se_ngs  

-  Facebook,  Google+,  LinkedIn,  etc.  -  Restrict  Personal  InformaCon  -  Vet  ConnecCon  Requests  -  Untag  Judiciously  -  Block,  Uninstall  3rd  Party  Apps  


Defense Methods

Secure  Your  Accounts    -­‐  Use  Strong  Passphrases    -­‐  Use  Two-­‐Factor  Auth    -­‐  Do  Not  Reuse  Passwords    -­‐  Shutdown  and  Clean-­‐out  Old,  Disused  Accounts    -­‐  Don’t  Let  Retail  Sites  Save  Data  

Defense Methods

Defense Methods

Data  Clearinghouse  Opt-­‐Outs  -  Spokeo:  

-  hfp://www.spokeo.com/opt_out/new  -  VerificaCon  needed:  Email  address  

-  Pipl  -  hfps://pipl.com/directory/remove/  -  VerificaCon  needed:  Email  address  

-  ZoomInfo  -  hfp://www.zoominfo.com/lookupEmail  -  VerificaCon  needed:  Email  address  


Defense Methods

More:  hfp://www.computerworld.com/arCcle/2849263/doxxing-­‐defense-­‐remove-­‐your-­‐personal-­‐info-­‐from-­‐data-­‐brokers.html  

Data  Clearinghouse  Opt-­‐Outs  -  Whitepages:  

-  hfps://support.whitepages.com/hc/en-­‐us/arCcles/203263794-­‐How-­‐do-­‐I-­‐remove-­‐my-­‐people-­‐search-­‐profile-­‐  

-  VerificaCon  needed:  Email  address  and  Phone  Number  

-  Intellius  (and  subsidiaries)  -  hfps://www.intelius.com/optout.php  -  VerificaCon  needed:  Government  ID  


Defense Methods

More:  hfp://www.computerworld.com/arCcle/2849263/doxxing-­‐defense-­‐remove-­‐your-­‐personal-­‐info-­‐from-­‐data-­‐brokers.html  

Registering  a  Fic::ous    or  “Doing  Business  As”  (DBA)  name        -­‐  Protect  Your  Name,  Your  Partners,  Your  LLC  or  CorporaCon    -­‐  County  Clerk’s  Office  or  State  Government  Website  or  Office  


Defense Methods

Land  Trusts  /  Holding  Corpora:ons        -­‐  Protect  Your  Name,  Address,  Etc.    -­‐  Keep  Sales  Price  Private      -­‐  Consult  a  Real  Estate  Lawyer  


Defense Methods

Wiping  EXIF  Data  From  Media    

-­‐  ExifTool  by  Phil  Harvey  (Win/Mac/Nix)  hfp://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiiool/    

-­‐  Windows:  Property  Details    


Turn  off  Loca:on  Tagging  on  Devices  

Defense Methods

Маскировка (Maskirovka)

-­‐  Use  different  and  ‘Meaningless’  Email  Accounts,  Usernames,  and  Passwords  

-­‐  Employ  Pseudonyms  -­‐  Be  Wary  of  Cloud  Services  -­‐  Rotate  Phone  Numbers  and  Passwords  Oien  

-­‐  Shred  All  IdenCfying  Paper  /  Mail  

Маскировка (Maskirovka)

-­‐  DifferenCated  InformaCon  Release  -­‐  False  InformaCon  -­‐  Pics  of  Places  You  Haven’t  Been  -­‐  “Evidence”  of  Hobbies  You  Don’t  Have  

-­‐  Early  InformaCon  -­‐  Late  InformaCon  -­‐ Don’t  Post  Photos  Right  Away  

-­‐  Family  /  Friends  Corroborate  

Маскировка (Maskirovka)

-­‐ Always  Use  (No-­‐Split)  VPN  -­‐ Watch  for  DNS  /  IP  Leaks  

-­‐ Consider  TOR  -­‐ Don’t  Use  Skype  -­‐ Start  Building  Other  IdenCCes  -­‐ Encrypt  All  The  Things  -­‐ OTR,  PGP,  Etc.  


Маскировка (Maskirovka)

- MiCgate  Immediate  Danger  -  Call  911,  File  a  Police  Report  

-  Fully  Document  -  Shreenshots,  Printouts,  etc.  

- Clean-­‐up  -  Close  Down  Accounts  

I’ve Been Doxxed!

- Credit  Watch  Services  -  ID  Thei  Watch  Services  -  ID  Thei  or  Blackmail  Afempts  =  Contact  FBI  

-  Inform  Local  Police  About  any  SWATing  Concerns  

I’ve Been Doxxed!


   [email protected]