ollie maclaurin evaluation tasks 1 7

EVALUATION TASKS 1 -7 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? How does your media product represent particular social groups? What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience? What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Page 1: Ollie MacLaurin evaluation tasks 1  7

EVALUATION TASKS 1 -7In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

How did you attract/address your audience?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and convections of real media products?:

Our media project is a Thriller. We

have tried to use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of

real media films that are thrillers. We

feel that we have made this work by

the use of our sound, camera

shots, editing, the creation of mise-en-

scene, titles and character to make

this look and feel like the opening to a

thriller movie.

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We used the camera shots to try

and give the audience enough time

to look at what is happening in

detail. What I mean by this is when

the shots show the male character

it makes the audience much more

curious s to whom the character

represents and what he is doing.

The man in our movie is a hidden

character so this gives the

audience a sense of his belonging

as we can’t tell who he is as he has

hidden his face. Here is how we

can illustrate our hidden

characters to other hidden

characters in other thriller movies.

We have used form of conventions

n the same way as e have hidden

he identity of the killer in our movie.

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The music that we have used is quite dark and gloomy, this will help fit fit the feel f a thriller d the actions that are king place within e movie. We decided to choose this music as it fits in with the speed of the shots we have taken and it also gets the audience wiry of what’s going or about to happen.

The use of visual effects within are movie worked really well. We used visual effects at the end of our movie with our main character shooting a girl. We used visual effects for the gun shot and the blood spurting out of the girls body. This shooting is one of the main characteristics of a thriller movie as it generates tension and shock for the audience. This picture on the left is showing the visual effects we used in our movie. And the picture on the right is showing the typical convergence that you would find in a thriller movie and this is before the killing .

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How does our media project represent particular social groups?:

Our media project represents a particular social group, the social group it represents is a stereotypical criminal/ murderer in England, so mostly know as a hooded person. In our film the character who plays the man is a stereotypical demonstration of a criminal. In our film the character plays the role of a stereotypical criminal as he dresses in a black hooded jacket with a cap on. He suits the stereotypical role as a criminal very well as you can see what a criminal looks like from this picture below.

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Also the setting we see him in is an

isolated location, it’s in a dingy dark

garage with him driving a mysterious

black car. We can also compare him

to bad guy or villain types that we

have seen in existing thriller films. You

can see this by these two pictures.

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What kind of media institution might

distribute our media product and why?:

The media institution we have used is Lionsgate. We have used Lionsgate due to that fact that they mostly distribute most thriller movies such as ‘Saw and Burning Bright’. Our movie therefore fits in well with this institutes as our movie is a cold blooded kid napping and a murder. So we have chosen them to distribute our thriller movie ‘Perfidious’.

In terms of the distribution of our movie we will look to put our movie straight on to DVDs . The hopefully if will be shown in the cinema like the most rated Lionsgatemovies do, so that is what happened to the ‘Saw’ movie. We would expect our movie to be soled by main retailers such as HMV, Blockbuster and on online websites. We would also like to promote our movie on social websites such as Facebook and Twitter, where there will be links to the Lionsgate website and to YouTube where they will be able to view our trailer.

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Who would be the audience of our media


Our film is suitable only for 15 years and over

Our film is rated a 15 because:

Our film is rated at a 15 due to the fact that we have ‘violence, Imitable Behaviour, Horror and Discrimination’. The violence, Imitable Behaviour, Horror and Discrimination is all due to the fact that there is a kid napping and then the child is killed (as you can see in the screen shot below).So as our film comes under those sub-headings the British Board of Film Classification said that our film had to be rated a 15.

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The audience of our movie would mostly be directed at an older teenage group who like watching thriller movies that are tense and scary. An example of some like that is probably myself. I am 17 and love to socialise with my mates whilst watching thriller movies on the big screen and at home once they have come out on DVD. This is one of the reasons we chose to do a thriller movie. But then again this is very stereotypical for a teenage boy. The age rating’s that Lionsgate mostly produce are 18+, however if we were to release our movie to the 18+ are group then that would reduce the number of people we get watching our movie as we would rule out the 15+ age group. So if we were to open out movie up to the 15+ age group then we would therefore get more sale which equals more profit.

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How did you attract/address your audience?:

When we were thinking of who to attract/address our audience to we had to figer out which age, gender and social group it would be for and we thought it would attract to 15-30 year olds who like to watch thriller movies. When addressing the audience we tried to relate the video to the real world, to show people out there what can go on in the world and one of these is kidnappings and killings. So as well as it being a thriller movie we also tried to make people understand what can go on in the world.

There are also elements in our opening that would make the audience want to keep watching. They are to try and find out who the mysterious murderer is as he doesn’t show his face and the unknown girl who was shot dead.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this product?:


This is the Sony Vegas Pro software we

used, this is where we did all are editing to

make our movie. So within this software we

made all the titles, dib sounds, faded

shots, changed and or contrasted the

brightness of some shots.

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This is my blog, this is where I upload all my work, and this is so the examiner can see all the work I have done in a formal and neat way.

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I used YouTube to look up film trailers and film

openings to get ideas for my film and where I

uploaded our prelim task and our final video so

we could get some feedback.

I used the bbfc to research film classifications to

see what classification our film would be under.

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Camera: We used this to film our movie..

Tripod: We used this to sit are cameraon to get the right angles for our film.This is how we got good still panning

shots as we didn’t have to hold the camera.

Computer Screen:

This is the high

definition screen we

used to edit our film

and use to research

things for our film.

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Looking back at our preliminary, what do we feel we have

learnt in the progression from it to the full product:

We have learnt many different ways in which are final movie has differed from are preliminary task, this is from the different camera shots we used, to the montage of clips and from better editing skills.

Firstly please watch our preliminary task movie:


Secondly please watch our final movie:


So from the two movies we have produced you can defiantly see the difference in quality from our first movie to our second movie. You can see that the second one is so much better. In our final movie there are far less errors than there were in our prelimery task. But we did have one error in our final video, it was caused by one of our friends in our media group in the passengers seat of the car when they weren’t meant to be. The knowledge of how to use the editing software has improved greatly with the use of good special affects and good sharp editing. We have also used texted and titles in our final video, this shows how we have improved on our editing skills. Finally we also used better and a wider variety of shots along with the right sounds applied to the movie.