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Oliver TwistCharles Dickens

Retold byC.S. Woolley

Level 3

900 Headwords

Oliver TwistCharles Dickens

First published 2017by Foxton BooksLondon, UK

Copyright © Foxton Books, 2017

ISBN: 978-1-911481-05-8

Illustrations and cover design by Alexander Solovyov

Retold by C.S. Woolley

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

Foxton Readers are a series of carefully graded books aimed at ESL / EAL learners of beginner to advanced levels. They are based on a comprehensive grammar and vocabulary framework to match each ability level and to ensure each learner progresses. They are not only suitable for ESL / EAL learners but can also be used with native speakers of primary school age.

Printed and bound in Turkey by Onka Printing Ltd. Printing press certificate number: 20419


Introduction ............................................................................ 4

About the Author ................................................................... 5

Chapter-1 ................................................................................ 6

Chapter-2 ................................................................................ 12

Chapter-3 ................................................................................ 16

Chapter-4 ................................................................................ 21

Chapter-5 ................................................................................ 26

Chapter-6 ................................................................................ 30

Chapter-7 ................................................................................ 34

Chapter-8 ................................................................................ 38

Chapter-9 ................................................................................ 42

Chapter-10 .............................................................................. 48

Glossary .................................................................................. 54

Activities .................................................................................. 55

Answer Key ............................................................................. 63



Oliver Twist’s mother dies when he’s born. He’s sent to a workhouse. He is unhappy there and runs away. He lives in London. He doesn’t have a childhood. He has to work. He doesn’t have a family. He doesn’t know what love is.

But his luck is about to change. He meets some good people who look after him. The good people help Oliver. They love him. He’s safe. Oliver’s story has a happy ending.



Charles Dickens was born in England, in 1812. He’s a British novelist who wrote numeous novels which are now considered classics.

He lived in poverty and had to leave school at an early age to work at a factory because his father was sent to prison for his debt.

Luckily, he found a job as an office boy to support his family. That job became a launching point for his writing career.

In April 1836, he married Catherine Hogarth, the daughter of George Hogarth who edited Sketches by Boz. He published his successful Pickwick Papers within the same month.

Oliver Twist, which is about the life of an orphan boy living in the streets, was published in monthly instalments in the magazine called Bentley’s Miscellany from February 1837 to April 1839.

Other famous novels by Dickens include A Christmas Carol, Nicholas Nickleby, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations.

Dickens died of a stroke in 1870.

Oliver was born in London. He was all alone because he had no parents. He went to live in a workhouse. Mr. Bumble was in charge of the workhouse.

Oliver was a small boy. There was not much food at the workhouse. They ate gruel in a stone hall. They worked very hard every day. They said their prayers every night. They didn’t have any toys or time to play.

The children in the workhouse were always hungry. One day, the boys said to Oliver, ‘Go and ask for more!’

They all finished their food, but were still hungry.

Oliver was sitting at the table. He stood up. He walked to the cook who was standing by a big pot of gruel.

‘Please, sir, I want some more,’ said Oliver.

‘What?’ the cook asked.

‘Please, sir, I want some more,’ replied Oliver.

in charge of (phrase) in control of or responsible for something



‘Please, sir, I want some more,’ replied Oliver.


The cook hit Oliver with a ladle. Mr Bumble saw this. He ran to the workhouse board. There were many rich, old men on the board.

‘Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist asks for more!’

‘For MORE!’ said Mr. Limbkins.

‘He did, sir,’ replied Mr. Bumble.

Mr Bumble and the board thought ‘We need to punish Oliver.’

They put Oliver in a small and dark room. They locked the door and left him all alone. He was cold and hungry in the room. At dinner time, Mr Bumble took Oliver to the hall. He whipped Oliver in front of the other boys. The other boys never asked for more.

The board and Mr Bumble sent Oliver to work for an undertaker. They didn’t want him in the workhouse.

The undertaker was called Mr. Sowerberry. He was an odd man. Noah Claypole worked for the undertaker. He didn’t like Oliver. He was nasty to Oliver.

Oliver didn’t like working at the undertaker’s. Charlotte worked for the undertaker too. She was a nice lady. She was kind to Oliver. She told Noah to leave Oliver alone.

ladle (n) a large and deep spoon with a long handle whip (v) to hit someone or an animal with a long and thin piece of leather undertaker (n) a person who arranges or manages funerals nasty (adj) very bad, not kind


He whipped Oliver in front of the other boys.


GLOSSARYboldy (adv) without being afraid or scared; bravely

box somebody's ears (idiom) to hit someone on the sides of the head or on the ears

cross (adj) angry

fetch (v) to bring

grateful (adj) if you are grateful to somebody, you feel and show thanks to them for their help; thankful

if the worst comes to the worst (idiom) if the situation becomes unpleasant and difficult

in charge of (phrase) in control of or responsible for something.

ladle (n) a large and deep spoon with a long handle

let go of (idiom) to stop holding (somebody or something)

listen in (phrasal verb) to listen to a conversation secretly

nasty (adj) very bad, not kind

nod (v) to move your head up and down as a way of saying "yes"

pickpocketing (n) stealing people's money or other things from their pockets or purses

rags (n) old and dirty clothes

surgeon (n) a doctor who performs medical operations

throttle (v) to kill or hurt somebody by squeezing their throat

tell on (phrasal verb) to tell authorities about a bad thing or a crime someone else has done.

undertaker (n) an undertaker is a person who arranges or manages funerals

whip (v) to hit someone or an animal with a long and thin piece of leather

wretch (n) someone who is bad, unpleasant or annoying



Test-1Are the following sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. Oliver Twist was an orphan. T / F

2. Bill Sykes was Oliver’s real father. T / F

3. The Artful Dodger was a pickpocket. T / F

4. Oliver went to jail for trying to rob Mr. Brownlow. T / F

5. Rose was Oliver’s sister. T / F

6. Rose didn’t want to marry Harry because she loved someone else. T / F

7. Bill Sykes kidnapped Oliver. T / F

8. Monks was Oliver’s brother. T / F

9. Someone murdered Oliver's mother. T / F

10. Fagin killed Nancy. T / F




Test-1Choose the best answer. The police caught Oliver. They took him 1 .................. court. The old gentleman was called Mr. Brownlow. He argued 2

.................. the judge 3 .................. Oliver. Mr. Brownlow didn’t want them 4 .................. Oliver. He asked 5 .................. Oliver home with him. The judge and Mr. Brownlow argued for a long time. 1. a. in b. to c. for

2. a. with b. on c. over

3. a. at b. to c. about

4. a. punish b. punishing c. to punish

5. a. taking b. to take c. take

Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Corney 6 .................. married. Mr. Bumble was 7 .................. charge of the place 8 ..................Oliver was born in. Mrs. Corney was a hard woman. Mr. Bumble was unhappy. He 9 .................. embarrassed at work by his wife. He went to the gin shop. A strange man sat down 10 .................. to him.

6. a. have b. was c. were

7. a. in b. for c. on

8. a. where b. - c. what

9. a. was b. has c. had

10. a. by b. beside c. next



Test-1Complete the sentences using the words below. surgeon fetch charge listen boldlywhipped nasty cross punished grateful

1. He ................. his horse lightly to make it go faster.

2. They took him to the best ................. in the country to treat his brain injury, but they couldn't save him.

3. The police asked him many questions and he ................. answered all of them.

4. The teacher ................. him by giving him extra homework.

5. She felt so ................. to them for helping her move home.

6. I’ll be with you shortly. I have to ................. my son from school first.

7. She got ................. with me for being late for the meeting.

8. She’s extremely ................. to her friends and she enjoys that.

9. Mike is in ................. of this place. He manages everything here.

10. The little boy ................. in as the men were planning to rob the bank.



Test 1 1. True2. False3. True4. False5. False6. False7. True8. True9. False10. False


Test 2 1. e2. a3. h4. j5. b6. c7. i8. f9. g10. d

Test 31. Mr. Bumble2. Miss Rose3. Nancy4. Bill Sykes5. Mr. Brownlow6. Nancy7. Fagin8. Oliver9. Oliver10. Miss Rose

Test 41. Miss Rose2. Books and money3. A wallet and a handkerchief 4. He ate too much meat5. For his mother’s money6. Bull’s-eye7. Bill Sykes beat her to death8. Mr. Bumble9. Gold10. Bow Street

Test 5 a. 1b. 6c. 4d. 8e. 2f. 7g. 5h. 9i. 3j. 10