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Oleh : Bekti Ratna TA – SMA Negeri 1 Sragen HOME Exit ICT lessons Class X Smt.1 SMA N 1 SRAGEN 2008/2009

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ICT lessons Class X Smt.1SMA N 1 SRAGEN 2008/2009

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• One unit consists of a computer CPU, Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse.

• On the CPU which is a unit or console system has several ports.

• Port on the computer to function as an interface between a computer with a computer or with a unit (device) else.

• Generally, the port used to connect a monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem and other peripherals.

•   Ports have their own standard forms, such as a port for the keyboard round.

• The first time created a desktop computer, two ports of serial port and parallel port.

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Types of Port Console• Serial port, this port has nine pins are used to connect a mouse,

joystick and an external modem. Working with serial port 1 transmit data bits at a time through a single cable.

• Parallel port, this port is used to connect the CPU with external printers and modems and other peripherals that have cables for parallel port. Parallel port works by sending and receiving a few bits at a time through a set of wires. Included in the parallel port is the port connecting printers, modems, and ports connecting disk drives.

• PS / 2, this port is called type 2 serial ports used to connect the keyboard and mouse. For purple keyboard port and mouse port is green.

• USB (Universal Serial Bus) port is a multi-functional port which can be used on multiple devices or other feriperal like mice, keyboards, modems, wireless cards, and so forth. USB port is the development of the serial port. Currently, the most popular usb port is used, for example, to flash disk, external hard drives, mouse, keyboard. The advantage of the USB port is the ease of connecting devices to the computer, so that many devices can be installed in a plug and play.

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power supply Port

• Port Power Suply, this port has three large needles.

• Serves to be connected with electricity source for AC supply

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Serial Port

• this port has nine pins • used to connect a mouse, joystick and modem

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Parallel Port

• this port is used to connect the CPU with printer• this port has 25 pins

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PS/2 Port

•,this ports used to connect the keyboard and mouse. • For purple keyboard port and mouse port is green

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USB Port

• this port is port is a multi-functional • The advantage of the USB port is plug and play

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USB Port

• this port is used to connect the CPU with monitor• this port has 15 pins

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Network Port

• this port is used to connect the Cable UTP with Computer

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Audio Port

Its function is to connect audio equipment consists of the 3 types are distinguished by color, green color for the output associated with the speaker, blue for the input connected to a tape recorder or radio, the red color associated with mic recording.

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Fig CPU Port Cable Installation


1.      power supply Port 2.      ps/2 mouse Port3.      ps/2 keyboard port 4.      USB port5.      serial port 6.      parallel port 7.      video (monitor) port 8.      parallel port 9.      network port 10.  sound card (line in, out, mic) port11.  serial port 12.  modem line telepon  port

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To install the computer ports, the computer should be dead to avoid damage to the CPU or other

device, with the right position, and not reversed