old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski ny press......» fcv -*>' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•;...

...» fcv -*>' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•; •»'•'•' »• '•»*» l H » ' , » ^ •"<% ;-v...<-..', i ^w »«#-»•»' RWW ; OTBOHAKPIBE . ** ' Tot Sale—Miscellaneous IS fcERAMlcTlLE—45c «a. ft: plastic tilt. 34c. Beit grade A. EMERlCK ^ Display, Laurai at Maln.__$-02*3. CUSHIONED COMFORT all day long. Wear Knapp Aerotred shoes. Call 4-2195 or Vestal 5-6717. fSviLBlSS "Paint-Spraying Equip- ment. Compressor*, guns, tanks and hose. V«'» h.p. outfits now in •tock. H. C. COLLIER & SONS Washington St. E~ABY WASlfER—Spin Dry. Less*than a year old. Regular 1209. now »H». DAMEL Q. CARVER 133_ Washington St. Dlal_3-645S._ EXEC^IC*HAfCcI.l^PERS. $T.75 up BlNOHAMTON SUPPLY CO. 120 Washington St. Phone 2-2011 EtECTRJC RANOE~-Crosie/•. 'Excel- l e n t condition. Djal-3-0e» after, 4. fjfoUUKTl SOBA "FOUNTAIN-^-" f allon capacity, carbonater, 10 tools. 18-ft. bar, Hotpolnt Electric OfUl. Walters, Maine, N. V., 8-9888 MERCHANDISE Household Good* !A TV—IBM OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Westinghouse. 81*. full door, blonde. Regular $429.95, Spe- cial $269.9$. While they last. KING'S RADIO-APPLIANCE STORE 111 Court St. Dial 2*4688 TV—Used; fully reconditioned. As low BB S49 $3 PEARIS BROS,,' 117 Court St. 2-1421. TV—USED. "ALL MODELS, $50 UP. IDEAL OARAGE 2908_E.JMainJSt, Endlcott_5-3431. TV—1954, 21* Weltlnghouse, 3-way combination, automatic changer and radio. Reg. $499.50. now $349.50. KING'S RADIO-APPLIANCE STORE 111 CourtJ5t ! ^^DlalJ^lOSS^ T.v777" s lable model. $65: combination radio-phonograph. $20; windows, $20. 7-6496. 0 storm •TV—1954 SPECIALS 17 in. SCREEN $: il Jn. SCREEN $ ^!^ a , C 3IL"M^..,X a, \^M e 21 in! ComKion TV, Radio Phonol 149.95 189.95 _*279.B5 these Imperfections with ARVON. the permanent oil texture paint RAY N. DANIELS 119 State St., Blnghamton. 2-6213 HOS~PiTAL~BEir~ Foster "ideal, with side rails; nearly new. 8-1735. REM - TONE HEADQUARTERS— Super Kem-tone. KemGlo and Kern - tone. ACME QUALITY PAINTS, 141 Water 6t. rib^EiTTRAINS-2 engines With SSk tracks permanently asscm- on board with mountain *cenery and miniature accessories. 106 Liberty St.. after 5. PLASTIC ~WA£L~ 1 fiLE7"*ic sq. ft*. Buy from us and our trained me- chanics will go to your home and lay out the Job at no extra v cost. Be sure oi professional results. COMMUNITY RUO SHOP 31 Washington Ave.. Endicott p15wl!E^"'TiEAt-For "not air fur- naces converted .to gas or oil. Save n graph $339.95 SAM KLION Valley Sales 142 Water St. Open Evenings. 3-3751. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. TV—12 «iTOiCA~"ComblnatlbV~ radl and record players. $109. D. C. HOYT l$l_Bevler St Phone 2-9049 TV—T7' 5 ^abie~ln^deT7~$149J5. 24" table model, $279.95. Easy Terms Arranged on the Spot *4_ Clinton St,^ Dlal^l-0104^ TV—All makes*. $59795 up. " SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCE 60 Exchange St. ^ _ Oiai 3-3531. WASHERS—Used, good condition. Soveral to choose from. $19.60. STRAND FURNITURE CO. 137 Water St Dial 1-0509 its cost In fuel. Nothing d own, WASHERS —* Automatic, all makes $l.85_per week. Call -4-3483 after 6 REMODELING expansion attics, out- side stairways. AH around car- pentry work. 8-2715. SUPPLIES' for~lrie~ home carpenter. No order too small. 'ONE-STOB LUMBER YARD" BECKWITH LUMBER CO., INC. 10 Hooper Rd-, Endwell. 5-3387. UNION DISTRIBUTING CO. Prcsto-Moly. anti-friction lubricant. Write Box 632, Endicott. N. Y. Phone 4-4809. ' UNREDEEMED DIAMOND S'ALE You can save l ,J» and more. PAWN SHOP, 5 Washington Ave. Endicott 6-1481. Household Goods 49 gas fully reconditioned. Priced from $49.50 up. Easy credit terms! PEARIS BROS.. 117 Court St. 2-1421. WASHElfiEasyT With Splndrler. Ex- cellent condition. Dial 3-5574. WASHER Whirlpool. All models sold and serviced at PICCtANO'S ENDWELL SHOPPING CENTER Open Evenings. Dial 8-1101. AUTOMOTIVE •MH . ,.-u. ,tr;."-iv. ;::,*£ gaga Auto* for Sale BU3CK 19421 2-Door Sedan. Radio. heater. looks like *46. Must sell, _ $100. 1-3544. BUICK 1953" Koadmaster "Custom Riviera" 8.000 mtles," $800 off will trade and finance. Call Apalachin _12-Y2._ ___,___„ BUICK 1938 4-Door -* Good rubber. original paint real clean. «3-9829._ BUICK 1953 Ro*dma.ster711.000 miles. Hardtop Convertible. 190 h.p. m6* tor. Fully equipped, power steer- ing. New car price. $3900. Our price $2695. OAKLEY'S. 9-1411 or_7-4070 BUICK 1947 Super. $58*. CHEVRojurr. $i». 1933 BUICK, 52,000 actual miles. $145. Sat., Jan. 9, 1954 BINGHAMTON PRESS 15 AUTOMOTIVE Autos for Sale 67 PLYMOUTH m o . RUM fOOd. tj73. K&M MOTORS—Used Car Lot 198 Court St. PONTIAC Catatttut 1953, 3.900 miles $650 under list. CaUT-im poNj^c^j^igijiiux; ^^& M f«°i^^ mb *5 ?!?, 1 ™>*2"1 tinted "glass. Fully equipped. NOTICES Lent Notices' ate ^ Charter No. 242 Reserve District No. S Report of condition of the First National Bank of Blnghamton in the State of New York, at the close 01 1940 ro N?Sjrj.w.•••««««.« m. SANZO USED CARS 216 Front St. ____ Pbon* 3-3151 BUICK Riviera, 1951. Excellent con* dition. Clean. Private owner. Dial 7-8366. ; BUICK 1037 Club CoOpe- 3RS PLY^UTH 1941 ClUb Co FORD 1946 Club Cou, 194 Main St., Johnson City. 7-8921. MAIN STREET GARAGE Pontlac Salei and Service 1801 E. Mam St.. Endicott. V l W i PONtiAC IW3~ Catalina.* Like new, 300 miles. Save $500 on this buy. WILSON MOTOR SALES 347_Court St. Phone S-0TO4 , PONTiXC~194FJt»Door" Torpedo." Re- ( dio end heater. Better than ever* -ie. $1 NASH" 194$ ••600" 4-DOor :ity. 7-8921. BUIck—1949 Sedanttte. A*l Corldr- tion. $695, 20 Ftont St, | M > . M. CADILLAC tion. Pn Weather- lied air conditioner. New paint. $200. PhoneLisle lOl-Yl PONTflCClMl. Fetr "condition. Rea- sonable. lW Court St PONTIAC"i$4» $-Door Sedan. Radio, heater. A-l condition. Low mile- age. Inquire Tlngley'a Gas Station, Chenango Bridge. lithed in response to call made by comptroller of the currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statute*. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process or collection $ $,711,570.11 United State* Government obligations, direct and guaranteed , t,0TO,9Te.$3 political subdivisions -* 2.$27 l 6».09 Other bonds, notes, and . . 1.153,512.10 debentures w»^ Gorporate stocks (includ- inf $75,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) Loans atad discounts tin 1942. Excellent eohdl* one 2-8579. CHEVROLET, 1953. Bel Aire. 4»dOor. Ivory and light blue, power tlide< Fully equipped. Consider trade. Will finance. 7-8747. CHEVROLET l5?6" 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. $275. 3-4013. CHEVROLET 1946^-Club'Coupe, PLYMOUTH 1948-£luD Coupe. PONTIAC 1948—2-Door S$dan. OAKLEY'S, 2$0 Main St. 9-1411. CHEVROLET 194l Club Ceupe. radio, heater; good condition. Very clean. 2-1650. CHEVROLET 1941 Convertible.' New THEVWDRRY VA/AfiT jR.WlLt«AM£, MERCHANDISE Musical instruments BATH FIXTURES, oil heaters, ranges, washers, refrigerators, First Ward Furniture. Dial 3-4211. BED, four-poster, chairs, tables.. Beautiful odd pieces, china, etc/ Reasonable._2-1633 Evenings. _ BREAKFAST NOOK—Set, painted red $25. 2 Crestmont Road, 7-1881. Inventory clearance to make way fpr new "spring patterns. Extra- ordinary values. Tremendous sav- ings. THE RUG SHOP, 190 Wash- ingtonJSt. Phone S-KW^ DTNING ROOM SUITE — 8 pieces WATER-HEATERS Automatic gas. 15-year guarantee. 30-gallon. GiLMORE & WHEELER, 2-1468. ANDES cbStelNAttON STOVES _Good^conditlon. Dlal_2-6131._ BlfNK BEDS""^ Uvl'ng rOom'chalrs, tables, lamps and mirrors. Rea- sonable. 489 Chenango St. 4-6441 CLEARANCE SALE-^Save Up to 60% oh furniture. Shop the self-service way. TRIPLE CITIES FURNITURE 34 Main St. Johnson City 7-2398 FORMICA folding wall taple. Ap- proximate size 30x22. Choice of colors. $22.50. GIRAGOSIAN CABINET. 3-2066 GAS RANGE, Florence, nearly new; period sofa, mahogany bookcase, other items. Reasonable. 3-5426 or 2-9184. GAS RANGE—Apartmetjt sire. Dial 50 SPINET. PIANO New. Built by Story and Clark. Floor sample. Beautiful mahogany finish. Com- plete with bench. Regular selling price $760. Special $595. Conveh- iettt terms. LARKIN MUSIC INSTRUMENT CO. 94 Chenango St 2-3933 TRUMPM'S; atakophonfis. Clarinefs, Cornets, Guitars. Bargam.^S^BO. Wearing Apparel'282 BLACK PERSIAN" LAMB _ COAT— Dlal_7-8775. IGY'S OVERCOAT—Never 7-6934. Good condition. Reasonable. 4-3716.'JANUARY SPECIAL Chrome 5- DTNING room suite, 9-piece mahog- any, like, new. 5-0856 between 5-6. DiNlNG ROOM SUlfE Including ma- ple drop-leaf table (seats 12), 9 pieces. Reasonable. 3-4079. D"RYER "Frigidaire" new, TO-60, $169.95. RELIABLE REFRIGERATION 227 Main St.^ Johngon City. f 7-2393. FRIGIDAIRE—6 cubic foot. Recent model, $149.50. QUALITY APPLIANCE piece breakfast set with extension table, starting at $54.50. SELECT FURNITURE CO. 176 Washington St. Dial 2-4422 worn, size 12, $10. Boy's storm coat, size 14, $8.. Boy's hockey skates, size 7',». $4. Man's hockey skates, like _jiew,juze 7, $7 J 50.__Phone 4-2128. CHINA tftiNK COAT—Like new. very reasonable. Dial 4-4791, after _8 p. m. COAT—Hudson seal, site 42. Dial 4-4509. EXDY'S COAT—New, size 12 to 14^ $25. Call 7-4243 anytime MERCHANDISE Building Materials "55 FOR your repairs., new garages, ad- ditions, etc. Buy on our monthly plan. No down payment required. EMPIRE LUMBER CO. . 14 Jarvls St. Phorte 2-6479 WRECKING " Crowley's Office Buildings 145 CONKLIN AVE. * ALL MATEfclAL FOR SALE SALESMAN ON SITE Kennedy's Wrecking ^15 Front St., Blnghamton. 4-3998. 60 AUTOMOTIVE tires, paint, 4-9939. loaded, quick sale. CHEVROLET 1948 Aero Sedan—OOofl running condition, new tires, $595 Call 5-7350 after 2:80 p. m. CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Aire Coup* 1952 KAISER Manhattan. *-ione blue, radio, heater, full wlnS»hleld de- froster, overdrive, all new urts. Safety padded dash. $1795. . 75,001.00 Investment* and other a* set* lndirettly repre* aentlng hank premise* or other «*1 estate Other asset* . ,.-., 1 ttffiB BERT OWEN MOTORS Your Endicott KaUer Dealer 709 North St., Endicott. Dial 5-M- GOOD USED CAR BtJYS MARTIN AUTO SALES 513 Main St., Johnson City. 7-4S3S, "DOC" CAREY'S MOTORS 14 Main St., Johnson City, by'the Arch DIAL 7-6514. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! _$»,m.40o.t9 TEB Demand deposits Of in* dividual*, parth$rshlp*. . and corporation* _J_UlO,$M,*S$.|7 Time deposits of Individ* uaii, partnerships, and corporations ,..,••,...••-„,;.„ U,31l,T30.t9 Deposits of United States Government (Including postal tavlhla •. _ 4 1.111^77.1$ Deposit* . 0< States and poiltlqal tubdivisions 1,404.446.$4 g eposlt* of banks » 98.61$.!$ ther deposits (certified and cashier's check*. TOTAL- 11EP08- 1TS -— $35,791,311.04 Other Uablilties __*— 2,000 miles. At a great saving 3ED CARS 2303 E. JOE'S USI Mam St.. Endicott Automobile Agencies 65 m Mile* Out CQriklin Rd. 2-8290. "DOC" CAREY'S MOTofis 14 Main St., Johnson City, by the Arch DIAL 7-6514. CHEVROLET 1950 Deluxe. Dark green, 4-door. Radio And heater, godd rubber and good finish. BULMAN MOTORS DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH 403 Nanticoke Ave., Union, 5-0451 On the 1654 Austin Healy and Austlh Sedans and Convertible*. 5-1871 U P to 45, mile* Per gallon. Guar- anteed Used Cars. Late model Austins. Kaisers. Chevrolets, Henry Js, Ctosleys, Oldsmoblle*. Packard. BINGHAMTON AUTO SALES Established Over 30 Years Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock 22 Lewis St. Dial 4-4618. #HBiffl£B!lt. 237jS0Urt St BOTNlCK M USED C ., Water and Henry Sts fffTPNlcR MOTGR Coftp. Dial 4-2487 CORP. OT Dial 2-5301 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan. 1953. CHEVROLET Special 2-Door. 1953. OLDSMOBILE Sedan, 1951. CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedftn. 1950. CHEVROLET Styleline Sedan. 1948. MERCURY Sedan. 1947. BERRAY MOTORS Towpath Rd;. Upper Chenango St.; 1940 QUICK SHANE'S USED CARS are the latest fad. See them In Sunday's Ad. HENRY SHANE The Used Car King 353 Court St. at Ely. Dial 3-5491 184.412.81 599.788.1$ TOTAL LIABILITIES $36,391,104.1$ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common Stock. $1,000. total par Surplus Undivided profits 066.00 I 1,000,000.1 1,500.000. 284.298 CHEVROLET 1951 Club CoupS; good'1939 PONTIAC Machinery and Tools MOUTON COAT, full, 14-16, $45; skis, $3.50; toe Straps. 2-4884. January Clearance Sale Living Room Group 7 WashTngtp^r^rEndlcott. 5-3000 J - p i t J ^ m o h a ^ ^ e T Hving room FURNITURE—Bed complete, dresser,: suite. 9x12 rug. daybed^ 3-8072. ; 2 End Tables Coffee Table IRONBR—Speed Queen Deluxe. EX- $ I a ^ le Jf?. m P s Me ^ 1 Sn }°, k ? ? cellent condition, reasonable. 7-6445.2 Sofa Pillows _ T.V. Chftlr RACCOON FUR COAT. Size 10. Fine condition, $50; Coat, size 12, $8. 3-3949. Country Produce 54 BALED HAY—Early cut. Clover and Alfalfa mixed. Call 8-9424. KITCHEN SET-Genulne Kuehne, chrome. Practically new. Dial 61, Extension 132. _____ j ____ ClNOLEUM Heavyweight rejects. 9x12, $5.95; plastic remnants, Sizes up to 6'x6', 59c square yard. Inlaid remnants, up to 6'x6', $1.09 square yard. 'Plastic floor tile, mill sec- onds. 6"x6", Sc each. ACE RUG CO. 69 Main St._3-3533. tlVTNG'ROOM SUITES'fniw) avail"! 1 Picture Complete $199 9-Piece Bedroom Ensemble Double Dresser Chest Full Size Bed Coil Springs $39.50 Innersprlng Mattress 2 Feather Pillows 2 Dresser Lamps Complete $199 Living Room and Bedroom Suites up to $100 Savings. Seeds, Plants, Fertilizer 55 Pian to Plant 'Christmas TREES" UNADILLA NURSERY, Johnson City. N. Y. 7-6752. AIR COMPRESSORS—60 and 105 cu. ft. Mew and used. NEWING EQUIPMENT CORP. 707-711 Main 1st, Endicott. 6-9989 SAW FILING MACHINE—"Foley." Necessary attachments. 8-0789. COMPLETE MACHINE~~Sll6P—Can handle assembly tool and model work. Plenty of parking space. Utilities furnished. Equipment un- der power. Lease may be extend- ed. 5-8836. USED AC HD5B with angle blade, new tracts and very good appear- ance and condition. USED AC HD3G, one cubic yard bucket. New track chains. Com- pletely checked over. Very good appearance and condition. AfacDOUGALL EQUIPMENT CO. 453 Court St. Dial 2-6468. THE BIG USED CAR LOT Water St. and Henfy, Bingharrttoji HUGH t. BECKWr/TH OPEN EVENINGS 148 Court St Phone 2-5320 CHEVROLET HENRY CARftOlA. INC 278. Court St. Dial 2-3464 . 3841 E. Main St., EndWell. 5-4667 CUNDEY'S " Used Car Lot 239 Main St. DONALD L/NELLENBSCK DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer 85-87 Henry St. Dial 3-7386 clean car. NORTH SIDE AUTO SALES 486 Chehango_St. Phone 3-0957._ CHEVROLET" Convertible 1951, black. All accessories. Excellent condi- tion. CaU 5-5436. _ 1949 4-Door Deluxe, 11941 OLDSMOBILE •—v.,,,. , -r $M5 411 FRONT ST. MOTORS. 3-0571. Tracks for Bait 67A CoairWood and Oil 66 ANTHRACITE SP~£CiAL Furnace coal. $18 a ton LINCOLN COAJ. ANTHRACITE—sto Dial 8-8603 "CWi nuve and nut, ^ pea, $10. Use our budget plant 12 month* to pay—no money down. TYLER & VAN ATTA COAL, INC. Dial 3-6248. aMr> at factory prices. Furniture M „L l R' J , fl ,i„r „" 'A,,. ' T>„„ ^r fireplace all lengths). 3-2902, 3-S7J re covered, latesf fabrics. M ^ n £i,?" 881 ! 0 ! *"• ° U I R u g a n d GRlfeR LUMBER AND COAL CO ANTHRACITE—Guaranteed—High Quality—atove and nut $20—Pea $17. Buck $15. Rice $14. WOOD—Slab- - fireplace (all lengths). 3-2902, 3-5733 Wanted to Buy 61 Ion, hat BLACKSMITH TOOLS Dial 4-8601 after 6 p. m. . ., ^ BOOKCASE, playpen* tea wi - chest deBk, china, cut glass. have your _7-6785. DIAMONDS, "jew'elry, watches and gold. Highest prlceB paid. Thaler. 120 Washington St 4-4396. ches, SCHMIDT MOTOR SALES Your PONTIAC-CADILLAC Dealte 110 Hawley St. Dial 2-7228. GUY F. JOHNSON. INC. "' Your FRIENDLY HUDSON DEALER 15*27 Collier St Dial 2-3409 GARDNIR MOTORS. INC. OLDSMOBILE 6ALE8 AND SERVICE $5-37 COUler St Dial 2-2933. Radio, heater, etc. Excellent con* dition. 7-7511 after 5. CHEVROLET 1950 4-Door"~ StyleUn* Deluxe. Excellent condition. Orig- inal owner. Mileage 6,000, $1,000 _ea6h^2-0377_after 5 p. m^_ DODGE 1952 4-DOOr"Coronet. RadTo", heater, tinted glass. Good tires. 12,000 miles. 3-9857. _ ENGLISH MG 1953. new? Red. Reg- ular $2165, Special now $1735. GEO. S. CARVER, 207 Water. 4-57»8 SANZO $1$ Front St. Phone 3-2252. Opftn Evenings Ttl 0 MARSHALL-NASH MOTORS NASH BALES AND SERVICE 30 Collier St. CHEVROLET 1950 l»4-tOtt With 11- foot van bfidy, $1050. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO CHEVROLET 1946 U4-ten Staka - _Good condlUom_ Price $tt5._4-3497 DODGE l\4-tori, stake body. Inter- national; 1947 >/a-ton Utility body. Call Mr. R. J. Netld at New York Telephone Co., after 4!30 p. m. DODGE 1952 ^4-tOh panel delivery. 20,000 miles. Private owner. Cran dall Supply. 2-8157. . . DODGE 1949. te-toft express, 4-speed transmission, helper springs, other extras. 4-8841 TOTAL CAPITAL AC- COUNTS $ 2,784,296.03 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AC- COUNTS . ... ,$39.175,400^9 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 3,175,398.70 Loans as shown above are after Seduction Of reserves of . - r , ,..,,.- ,$ 410,640.44 I. B. J. Miner, Cashier of the above-named bahk. do solemnly swear that the above statement ft true to the best of my knowledja and belief. JS. J. MtNER. Cashier. EDWARD F. PR1_. FRANK A. JOHN^ _. . . . . . Director*. State of New York, County Of Broome, **: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of January* 1954, and I hereby certify that 1 am not F< ?SS S,, 0000 condUton - Ch6 *»' FORD 1942 ltt-tOri. GOOd shape and condition. $250. , 80 Che*tnut St Call 3-4375. FORD 1952 Victoria, cream-colored top with red bottom. .Fully equipped with overdrive and twin Only 7-4078 11.000 and 2-4258. Appliance Departments. AS LOW AS $2 PER WEEK MUTUAL FURNITURE 171 MAIN ST. DIAL 2-7198. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 8 THURSDAY TILL 9 LOUNGE CHAIR—Like new. $100. Sell $50. 29 Narwood- St., Johnson City. i ^ _ MANY BARGAINS" AT THE MUTUAL FURNITURE CO. 171 Main St., Blnghamton. N.»Y. H2DEL, 177 E. Frederick St. 4-4922.: Next to North High. j LIVING ROOM SUITE—2-pieco, blue. over-stuffed. Excellent condition. v 3-1255 after 6 p. m. £oUNGE"CHAIRS"wlth roam ruDber! cushions, $44 up. FURNITURE BARN 137 Hawley St. Dlar_4-36Cfli MATTRESSES ALE" 1NNERSPRINOS $18.95 up HOLLYWOOD BEDS $49.95 up Rollaway Bed*, complete S19.95 Bunk Beds, maple, complete _$79.95 Your Mattresses Remade Like New HULLMAN'S. 110 Court, St. 2-4182 MXTTRISS ARITBOX SPRINGS Famous Simmons make. Regular. $39.95 values. Special year-end sale, §39.95. All sizes. ECONOMY FURNITURE CO. 121 .Washington St.__ _. XfATTRESSES. box springs, pillows Savings from 20 to 50" on many remade like new. Prices reasonable. < items. Up to $100 trade-in allow- ance on living room, bedroom, and dining room suites. DIAMONDS, watches, J e w e 1 r y hought, sold. We'll pay top dollars I See Mf. Martell, 25 Court St. 4-10*9 PiANO—Spinet or apartment size wanted. Good condition. Dial 2-2858. ' .GOOD USE FURNITURE WANTED COAL and Fuel Oil. Fill up now. 0 f every description, stoves, etc. Quick, dependable service. New LOUlE'S t 2-7044 or 7-0344. customers, appreciated. _ ^ _ HIGHEST CASH PRICE^ paid for used tvpewr-'tars, old gold. Jewelry, musical Instruments, guns. BENfiNSOHN'S, Water at Hawley PUBLfc' S'ER'viCE'GARAGE WILLYS-GMC SALES and SERVICE 34 Susquehanna St. 2-3481 OPEN EVENINGS JOHNSON CITY GARAGE Triple Cities' Oldest Bulck Dealer 19 Willow St., Johnson City. 7-2318. •VASH1NA COAL CO., 7-2111. 7-8173. WOOD— Slabarid" body. Dial 2-3946 after 4 p. m. Cost WOOD—Slab and" body, 12 in.; fire - PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE ^lace._J8-24 in. 2-0708. Phillips.^ B & H FUEfTlUPPLYneo. First grade anthracite - coal; body woodT all lengths; also slab wood. Dial 4-9667. . D^RWEUfR COAL CO.—Premium coal. Fair prices. Cinder block*, Try us for satisfaction. 7-2111. DYKEMAN & SON Stove, nut, $21.35: pea, $17.50; buck, $15.35; rice. $14.16 (two-ton loup. 7-*i4d. LEHIOH VALLEV, PlTTSTON AREA Guaranteed High Quality Coal Dial 7-6909, LUBINSKI COAL CO. I AM SEARCHING FOR USFjS^ OFFICE EQUIPMENT Will pay beat pricea for desk*, chairs, files, safes. Call Mr. Has- lett, 4-2467. ... USEt) FURNITURE Bought and Sold. J. C. FURNITURE CO. 103 Clinton St. Dial 2-0570,. LIVE STOCK Doss. Cats, Pets 62 BOSTON TERRIORS—Gorgeous male uppies. Bullock'* Champion Bred •ons. 2-3202 puppi Bostoi EDDIE'S MOTORS FORD SALES AND SERVICE 179 Main St., Johnson City 7-1274 LUDLOW MOTOR CO., INC. CHRYSLER-PL YMOOTH SALES AND SERVICE 60 Hawley St. Dial 2-723$. exhaust and heaters, miles. OAKLEY'S, 0-1411. FORD—1931 Tudor V-8. Puff. *pot< less In and out. A steal at $995 FORD—1950 Tudor. A ohe*oWner black beauty. Only' $765.., GEO,. SPISAK, 47 Cllntpn S^OOJtate F'ORD—1941, - Tudor, xadio, ^hfiaterj very clean, reasonable. ^ -j? _* F^RD 1935. Good motor', exceile: tires. $100,^Dlal 7-1616. - -^ JEEP—"53, 4-wheel drive, automatic hydraulic plow, oversize tires, 3500 _miles. CaQ 3-4171. KAISER 1947. " Excellent condition. Priced to. sell, Private owner. JJ-8113._ ^ _ KAISER 1949 4-Door Sedan Good condition. One owner. $575. 2-4244, (Between 9-51 K. Hall. FORD 1941 l0»wh*eler. in good con- dition. Sell cheap. AH good tires. 4-2732 or 3-0081> SI r L. s i _ state of New York. Deparfr ^ Notary Public. nBmttnehM'M.i eer- Auto Accessories 69 AUTO tires, tub**, battalia* ^- sold, serviced, exchanged, WUrber-^e- treade. .^ type*.ready^TOESTON, ^^^OSl^vCm^im CARSie^lisnett.-^fiR^ i^Phed 90S MairTSf. ; . D^il 7-4T44 RECAPPED 'Suburbanite* tires. Low cost Best winter tread . made. LOU RAPPAPORT, 1140 Front St 2»29$3. • • iflcate of dUsoiution bf George A. Kent Realty CorporatlonTaa beeh filed In this department thu day. and that-it appears therefrom that such corporation ha* complied with seeuon one hundredVand five of the stock Corporatioh Law, and that thedftpartment o; Auto Coaoh Trailers 66 A AIRSTREAM." 21', lightweight $2695. PERT TRAILER SALES & SUPPLY 1241 Front St., Blnghamton. 4-6869 ELCAR. KOZY, STAR, NATIONAL Dealer for World's Largest Trailer- Home Manufacturer CONKLIN TRAILER SALES 628 Conklln Road, Bmghamton, 4-9427 FRANKLYN. CREE, YELLOWSTONE 18 Ft—18 Ft—27 Ft—31 Ft—37 Ft Pays U to Visit Us Before U Buy MONTROSE TRAILER SALES Locust St., Montrose. Pa. Phone 298. MERCURY 1949 Club Sedan with overdrive. $995. CAROL CLARK MOTORS 1904 North St, Endicott. Dial 5-4000. MERCURY***1940^4^DoorrCleah. A^I throughout. Cali.a-7407., , MERcfoRYr 1951 —' Fully equipped 1 , with radio, heater, dual- exhaust, overdrive. 2-5608 after 5 p. m. NASH statesman 1952, fully equipped, 19,000 miles. Call 3-3985. TIRES Mud-Snow Wardcaps Super Traction In roughest going. 670-15 Wardcap Mud-Snow, $12.48. 600-16 Riverside New Mud-Snow, $11.25. Plus Federal Tax and a re- cappable tire. MONTGOMERY WARD 38 MAIN ST. BlNOHAMTON Wanted Automobiles 73 NASH 1952 Statesman Sedan. It ha* everything. Low mileage, like new. OLDSMOBILE 1947. Clean. Will sac- , rlfice. Tommy's -Service Station. Hl GHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR 281 Math St. 7-9903. CLEAN CARS, ALL CARS TOP CASH PRICES JACK SHERMAN, 49 State St 2-7155. CASH FOR GOOD CI EAN CARS MILTON'S MOTOR CO.. INC. 66 State St Dial 2-3512. Albany, this t... of December, on* thfiusan hundred and fifty-three. THOMAS J. CUR! - Of te, at ffie citv ty»nin\h day L. 8. Secretary of State. By SIDNEY B. GORDON. Deputy Secretary of State. Use Marine Midland Credit Plan. MORGAN 8j_iyES. Phone 2-2113. MATTRESS and box spring sale. 8ave U. HANCOCK'S, 258 Mam St, 3. C RANGE—Coal and pas, city or bot- tled gas, $50. 4-7022. R~ANGE Gas, Florence 5-burner with griddle. $166. AYLESWORTH_&_LEWIS, 2-2708 RANGE—"K*aTamazoo Binghamton Furniture Co. 177 Washington St Dial 4-5091 combination, direct from owner, excellent con- dition. If you want a real good buy be sure and sec this stove, C. D. HUMPHRIES 39 Collier St. Dial 2-7247. RANGES used. Living room sets, used. $15 up. A S FURNITURE CO.. 5-6891 114 W. Matn St., Endicott (Union). SEE US for reconditioned used elec- RANGES-Gas. Used. Reasonable. r 'V c p^v a ni C n« "S.i-TXnH^rut-• PRART<! nnnt! in rmir» «* <i w i C. L. REYNOLDS. Sales and Service ? S vT --J,,! 1 _ ••_!.• _ 25-27 Sturges St. Dial 2-5325. RANGE—Gas. While and black, ta- gngrMXu gAt _•'"«'/ i_kT _^ w »^^„. ble top. Excellent condition. $69 SPEClAIi SALE on 1953 appliances. SULLIVAN BROS. FURNITURE TltANSTTg COAL CO. - Stove and BOXERS-One ' male, one female."V^ALE-^J ft. 195^. c^ustom ^uilt., p _^ " Must fl : WMTov A A !^% AL 7 . 1607 . _. u .^ ?2p: pea, $17: buck. $15; rice. Flashy faun and white marked. J ™ " ^ p " c t "T5 fl _r_ 3 1^1._, Will sacrifice. Private owner, Will ? J ^ S ^ . ^ r 4 f i _ D J^„_-^„_ $14.' Dial 7-3245. ^-8822. Business-Office Equipment 57 Show prospects. 12 weeks old. HOUSE TRAILERS for "Mr. Average | trade. 3-68ao DESKS Wood and Metal. All Sizes. CHAIRS Wood and Metal. All Name Brand*. FILES Steel. 2-, 3-. 4-drawer. Letter or legal sizes. SOLD BY The Georgia-Hanks Co. 130 State St. * Dial 4-2457. PHILCO—TV 21"; Beauty Ranee gas stove; large Kelvinator refriger- ator.JHke new. 5-6898. TYPEWRITERS cleaned and repaired. REC6NDITI6NED Bendlx washer. Guaranteed service. PELLETIER'S, Blackstonc washer, Hotpolnt clothes' 31 Blanchard Ave. 2-6151. Gas. table-top models. dryer> Hotpoint range. 90-day; uSED^Yawman steel desk. 6<rx30- guarantee Cropped and with ail shots. Inter national champion V. E. Admiral bloodline. Call 5-5834 Man, $195 and up. . - . . CASTLE TRAILER SALES . PLYMOUTH 1941 Sedan. Good mo- 1261 Front_St _ _ Dial 4-7989, tor and rubber. Reasonable. Dial BOXER PUPS—Registered AKCV NATIONAL—23 ft—New" tires, new I 2-9356. fawn with white markings. 6-8318. ; gas range and jofa...Trail Tru- PLYMOUTH 1953. .11,000, miles. Pri CHIHUAHUA puppies, 9 weelts oTdf. AKC reglsiered. Reasonable. 3-0327. CHIHUAHUA, grown, 2«/ 2 yearsr3 ! pounds, female. Cheap. Also PUP- PIES. Mtl-Nu Kennels. Campvllle Road, Owego 1399. GREAT" PYRENEES 2 AKC regis- tered pups. Phone 2821, Tioga Center. MAPES-JACOB. Phone 3-2916 SPEC1AU SALE on 195T ranges, refrigerators, washers, etc. MICHAEL'S ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1136 Upper Front St, Dial 3-5459. 133 State St. _ Dial'2-4418 REFRIGERATORS—CROSLEY ~ Brand new—Automatic defrosting, 9U cu ft—11 cu. ft. Save up to ' JOSEPH LESSER CO. 120 Washington St. Dial 4-4396 REFRIGERATOR—ElecTfle. excellent, reasonable. Table top ga$ ranges. 1 Apt. Site. 124 Walnut St. 3-1366. REFRIGERATOR—Frigidaire, Deluxe W odel. Cold-wall, all porcelain, eatonablc. Many other Rood used refrigerators at low prices. SULLIVAN BROS. FURNITURE 132 State St. DiAl 2-4416 REFRIGERATOR—Used:" fullv rccon- USED TV's 12V' ? - to 17*. table, con- ditioned. A* low as 25c a day. | sole and combination model*. PEARIS BROS.. 117 Court St. 2-1421! M . ARROW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR- "Frigidaire," late »1S J^Malii« Bndwell. J-«J1. . model, $100. ,5-PIECELJD!NETTES^S*ve_tpJ_40%, USED TVs $39.50 UP TV RENTALS ' OLUM'S 114 CLINTON ST. OPEN EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SATURDAY PUPPIES Beagles, AKC. sired by Field Champion; 7 weeks old. with typewriter drawer, was $190, Dial 5-7875. __ ___^ . . now $125; 2 Cole steel filing cab- AK c REGISTERED BOXER. 1 year inets, $39.50 each; .1 small safe. old . Reasonable. Dial 4-0373. $49.50; 1 Remington-Rand fireproof - _ hTi At ,__-, 0 ^.„„„. .».*^. cardex filing cabinet. $75; 1 Auto- BABY PARAKEETS-Cages. stands, graphic billing machine and cash Ginny Vogue Dolls. Cards and f 1 ^^^?^^^ 0 "^^^. n°.i ?oit w w s E it i ? aas t w°f: h 6x8 bills, each $! ally, jermyn, Pa. 9199. TKNSA TRAIL^frSALEX Modern Parking _3 ml. .~X. .. a mi. W__ Apalachin, 12-Y2. -JS .Vestal. N. Y. RANDALL TRAILER* 6ALES" 8421 Mam St.. Endwell, N. Y. Dial 5-8791. BARGAIN 1950 NEW MOON House Trailer with bath. Excellent condition. Only $1,793. delivered. CASTLE TRAILER SALES 1251 Front St. Dial 4-7989. vate owner. Dial 9-1784. PLYMOUTH, 194T^f_O0T 5e3an. Good condition. Good rubber. $175. Call after B. 7»2138. 48 Mo- zart St. PLYMOUTH.*'1948 4-d0or. Special Deluxe: one owner. 14 Euclid Ave. Call 4-2862. NEW—ALL NEW 1954 UETROU'ER check writer, $50, originally colt $125. Molt above items are nearly new and In excellent condition. Phone 2-9049. 58 l"Paymaiter" BABY'-pARAKEETS 'and" SfNGfNG 3l ^ w:1 ' S yc * r - 9 -^ P fl ^ Boats. Bait, Supplies , ol»'a-foot and 39_-foot ANDERSON. CANARIES. Cage*, stands, ,*quar- 19 ^ jeu-foot Va-Ka-Shun-Ette, Jutt right for that vacation in Florida. Life, health and accident Insurance Dog foods and supplies. CONKLIN-SULLIVAN CO. lums C. Ill Washington St. Dial 4-5211. BABY PARAKEETS—Foods and sup- plies for dogs, cats and birds. TRIPLE CITIES PETS AND SEEDS 116 Washington St. Dial 2-7618. ALUMACRAFT-DUNPHY BOATS AND KITS JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Gator Trailers—Paint—Hardware JPWFLL'S SPORT SHOP 221 Chenango St. Phone 4-1937 BABY CHICKS—Hampshlres and Red Eggs, Poultry and Supplies 63 10 Court St. WERNER'S Dial 4-4087! WOODMANSEE TURNITURE Endwell Plata. 8-1600 RUGS —9x12, 8'3»xl0'6": blond cof- fee, occasional, end tables; dresser; bedroom sidle. 4-3718. KDc-S Felt base 9x18 factory re- jects. Regular. $10.95. Sale. $5 95. FARRELL KITCHEN SPECIALTY 263 Main St., Johnson City. 7-0994. Rl 7 6s—Very reasonable. Inoutre 60 Grand Blvd. No phone_ calls. SEWING MACTifNE—console. NETA BRAIN Quality Appliance 7 Washington Ave. Endicott. 5-3000 Antiques 49A ANTIQUES BOUGHT AND SOLD ALEXANDERS. 815 FRONT ST. DIAL 4-5198 CHERRY _ candlc stand, plneand mi- , china, glass. 369. off Rt 7-N >..,.,.. in>.w<«- 0«a,,\«, ^ , . . v • • . . v pie water bench, china, glass. LALLKY'S. Rt. " BOATS, TRAILERS. PAINT JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS HUTCHINGS 1159 VESTAL AVE. DIAL 2-3367. CARTOP BOAT—7V a h. p. Martin _jnotor. Reasonable. 2-5658. "DU-CRAFT FISHING BOATS. Mercury Motors. Gator Trailer*, THUNDERBIRD. 1629 Upper Front St. EVINWDE OUTBOARD MOTORS Thompson and Wolverine Boat* and Boat Trailers. Terms. SHApDUCKS. 450 Court St. 4-0634, MASt'E'R AIREX SPINNING REEL Rock cross. Cockrels available Jan, 19. Booking Feb. chicks now. McKUNE POULTRY FARM., 1394 Crjcnango St., 2-4894. Farm Equipment A Supplies 64A "CHAIN SAWS AND PARTS C. LOOM1S. Balnbrldge 2076. FARMALL-BN " Reconditioned Good Rubber BINGHAMTON TRACTOR gives you worry free financing. TERMS AND TRADE ROBINSON TRAILER SALES Junction Routes 7 and 12A (At the Bridge) Dial 2-8508 OUR 1954 MOBILE. HOMES ARE: MORE LUXURIOUS AND MORE MODERN. MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MORE PRACTICAL THAN EVER BEFORE VAGABOND-TRAVELO AMERICAN-NEW MOON WESTWOOD Visit our heated showroom TODAY and see for yourself. USED JANUARY BPECIALS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 1951 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 1953 FORD 4-DOOR CUSTOM rilgflfcsT'CAiSH FOR YOUR CAR OAKLEY'S 9-1411; 7-5210 nights. NEWM'ONEV h t a l r i AWAY? Gash waiting for good clean car*. TABOR, 1058 Front St 4-1174 _ WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and will pay top prices. See us before you cell. ECONOMY MOTORS 23l_Maln_St. _ Dial 7-0297 A BETTER PRICE FOR YOUR CAR. CUNDEY'S. ISO MAIN ST. .... ——••— —• ; - '__• • ' f '"i flOTICEB Auction Sale 74 Charter No. 202 Reserve District No. S Report of an affiliate of a nation*] bank published rn accordance with Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statute*. Report as of December 31, 1953. Of First National Safe Deposit Corpora- tlon, Blnghamton. New York, which is affiliated with First National Sank of. Blnghamton, N. Y. Kind of business of this affiliate: A safe deposit company, a New York corporation organised un- der the banking law of the State of New York. Manner In which above-named ON ganlzatlon Is affilated with nation- al bank, and degree 61 control! First National Bank of Blngham- ton, N. Y.. own* and holds $05 of 600 shares of the capital stock, issued and outstanding. Financial relations with bank: Stock of affiliated bank owned by the affiliate _ (par value) ___ $ None Loan? by the affiliate to .affiliated bank'_____. $ None Stock of affiliate registered in name of affiliated bank or known to be owned by bank directly or indirectly (par value) $26,500.00 Borrowing* from affiliated bank, including accept- ances executed by affili- ated bank for account of affiliate and securltle* sold to affiliated bank under repurchase agree- ment --- - '•••< I Nona Other obligation* of the affiliate to, or known to be held by, affiliated bank ,„,., ., ,., $ None $1395 $1895 1952 FORD VICTORIA—VERY CLEAN. RD $2395 ATIC CONVERTIBLE Used part of one season, $18.00, 3-2514 after 8. 12' V-Bottom Boat Kt«, $63. CHAMPION motors. Specdlmer boat*. ROBERT. Senshel! Boat Kits, $47 up. CHINESE BRASS, glass, china, dry,93 Thcron St., Johnson Ctly. 7-2330. ainks. fireplace sets, screens. (Off Riverside Drive.' Next Flora!) ar^SJK'Jv-S S u Me f V*°?L> "~ V ~ Bnildlng Materials* " 59 6 MAHOGANY Fruit and nut side•... " chairs. CEMENT PAINTS—Fully waterproof. MRS. LEE ELDREDGE. Dial 7-7558 Winterize safe and easily. DINABURG BLOCK CO. 3-7331. Musical Instruments 50 CERAMIC TILE SEWING MACHINES January Clearance Sale PFAFF ZiB-£*R Console ' . $339 Used SINGER Queen Ahh $125 , New Console »139 ACCORDION. BAND INSTRUMENTS Sold and Installed. Free Estimates. Used SINGER Portable JW'- AND GUITAR RENTALS W . T. O'CONNOR CO., 3-1340. UP TO 30^ OFF ON ABOVE New classes.now forming. Pay only ^ _iMDiR : BL6^kS-Afi's£es on" h^and- PRICES $1.50 weekly. Use of Instrument U, 4 ".,_J I ™„i MTH and private lessons. Full credit f lvcn If Instrument Is purchased. OWLER'S Piano Department. BAND INSTRlTMFTNTS-Usedlnstru- Mcl-ean's Sewing 8-9941 or 4-1321. Mr. Bartnlck. STNR —Small, swing faucets, cheap. Phone J-9104. IOFA—6h ""solid mahogany frame. Excellent buy. S3 Jerome Ave. fio'FX—"Lounge "chair, wing chair Excellent condition. Reasonable. 43 Matthews St. 9«0993 ment<. Bought and sold. LARK1NS. 94 Chejr»ango__St IESSE FRKNlMrPIANOSCsPINETS. Jlcsted. Dial_7-2111 DIMENSION LUMBER—MTLLWORK & Imprco;, 447-451 Court St. 2-044$ From $900 up. Some with baths, some with i bedrooms, C. J STOLL TRAILER SALES Upper Chenango St. Phone 4-1497 Open Weekdays, $-$ FORD TRACTOR With *now-plow, Used, $695. G06DRICH IMPLEMENT CO. Your J. I. CASE Dealer 745 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City HARDWARE!" We have over"7 000 F6r i n $™i™'o$t?'tir!d*r, !•» Items. Many rare and hard to get. *- \ K «»_«,««« «,.„, WITBECK HARDWARE ,Se* PARSONS With $99 Chenango St. Dial 2-0960. ! _ W. J. Hj"»L»«|f J? 1 },^.-,. irwrorocAt* V^«« M^rrMiii;*M i9i USED CARS AND TRAILER HOMES UNIVERSAL Long Hose Milkers (2)— « « o » MAIN ^T FNDWRLI. S-OSQI New rubbers, reconditioned, reason- ^ - F . v . M , A l^ v f_-? J -?7i l! . «.• able. 5-1038. Harpursvllle. '1953 NEW MOON. 40-ft house trauer COMPLETE "Service'" Facilities."' All S1 «P S *• .Owner .being shipped COMMISSION SALES Every. Monday Evening at 7:30. New Milford Sales Pavilion. BOYD A. RESSEGUIE. 3-5234. Sales Manager and Auctioneer^ A. T. (AD MOYLE Auctioneer and Appraiser Complete _Service._ ^Dial 5-4891. MICHAEL MlCHA - AUCTIONEER Any Place or Time Reasonable. Johnson City, 7-6095 or 0-O707. HUMBERT'S AUCTION HOUSE-New fure station. Klrkwood, N. Y. Auc- tion Saturday night, 7:30 G. W HULBERT. Auctioneer. Sales Man- ager. S-0762 and 3-6263. Other information necessary to dis- close fully reUtion* with bankt Non*. I; Jame*A, Rum**y, Treasurer ef First National Safe Deposit Corpora- tion, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and beKef. JAMES A. RUMSEY, ^ Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of January, 1954. ALMA R. KENNEDY, Legal Notices 95 fLSl Notary Public. -Mason and building supplies. >sUl Lum" D}al 5-3307. makes of farm tractors and tools. Pickup and delivery. Petsold Equipment, Owcgo._JPhone U66._ JOHN" DEERE Parts and Service" C. E. SMITH «t SONS 1J^ Miles Out Conklln Rd, ...t/jttOO. NEW AND USED FORITTRXCTORS NEWING EQUIPMENT CORP. 707-711 Main St. Endicott 5-0989 Vestal Lumber it Supply "Co., Inc. Vestal, N._Y. And FLAGSTONE— Fill dirt, sand gravel. 2-3946 after 4 p. m. rSl!E?. r " B MATirv« im ^' &'«&& RANKERT OVERHEAD DOORS" cr'^H.^o^Sft "nU'^io 1 CONKLIN OVERHEAD DOOR CO. rv-14:inch «?nir«an with turn tan tfwcV.*- - _ i H _ » « _ r2\J?*$ •« ? ! Blfl Conklln Road. 2-4406 after 8. T tab" for f $ S *" rroWrs eft M ^ l ^3?^fSSS^taf I BA^A|NS! BARGAINS.—" fk Electric. 161 Laurel Ave. 2-7177. re ^„ B viM «'<_ rh2™„*ci rat * 8 ' , BARGAINS! Chenango S J Odd lots of asphalt shingles and over se AS. 7-7925. Must sell at sacrifice. Autos for Sale 6) AUSTIN. British, 1946. It's dlffeVentl Economical. Reasonable. 2-0903 after 5:30. . _ AUSTIN" 1040 Sedan.~ $39$. BUICK 1947 4-Door, $495 —_IT SIOCK, r 93 j, LY « 0VT H i^j club Coupe, $395. CHEVROLET 1948 Aero, $503. DODGE 1047 4-Door, $525. f ALL NO DOWN PAYMENT TV-rl7-lnch 1*54 model. $149.95. SCHWAB FURNITURE 109 Washington >St. Dial 2-4302. fS/'Zr^KVK W Td"40<£"on" brand PIANO-Ugrigh't: new models. Expert service. JOSEPH LESSER CO. IgQ Washington St. Dial 4-4396. fv 21". 1^4 Model, $17?95. Na- tionally advertised. HERB'S AUTO STORE 117 Washington St Dial 8-O09S PIANO—Cable Nelson used upright. Good condition: $40. Callj4-724S. Good condition. Dial 7-4290.- CLEARANCE SALE OF MUSICAL siding. BINGHAMTON SLAG ROOFING * CO., Inc. 209 Watat St. „DU1 2-7221^ BOWEN"BUILDING BLOCKS tNVratIMFVT<l_F fl»t «nrt-tenor Chlmn «y block8 « «U« lining*. ittel iSSon^^mpeU M Ifl^^^J^J^^mJ^J^L^^ guitars. Gibson electric «teel guitar, SPECIAL I I Oak flpoTing. white pine cello, also drum outfit Everything 1 and cedar shingle*. Call 0-2611. must go at a sacrifice. 5-1461. TIER BUILDINGS. ANIMALS Dead, disabled horse*, cows. $10 to $40 for live horse*. Phone collect, Blnghamton 2-5720. AMERICAN RENDERHNOCO. ATfiMALS-Dcad or disabled horse* and cows. For quick service, phone collect. Endicott 6-2096. If no an swer. Blnghamton 7-1044. _^ EMPIRE TALLOW CO. POUt,TRY~WANTED — We call fof your poultry at your farm. 1951 DODGE CORONET 1947 CHEVROI ET CONVERTIBLE 1949 PONTIAC $895 HYDRAMATIC. RADIO, HEATER. 949 FORD ft 4 $595 4-DOOR i 949 L I N t o N $695 COSMOPOLITAN ' 1947 PON MAC $445 2-DOOR. CLEAN SPECIAL 1948 WILLYS "6" $695 8TATION WAGON-OVERDRIVE. BARDOE $1695- Charter No. 202 Reserve District No. I "Report of an affiliate of a national bank, published in accordance with SecUon 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. Report as of December 31, 195$, of First Ward Safe Deposit Corporation. Blnghamton, New York, which is af- filiated with First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y RAPPAPORT BROS. 5$ Susquehanna St. 2-2291 or 4*0400 WANTFS^Llve" poultry. t Wlll pick up at your farm, vWllUam L. O'Hare. Dial 2-5040 or 2-4734. WANTED-LiVE poultry. WIDI p_& up any amount. Nathan Rappaport 1 Blvd. Terraca. J-10S1. l>4m. WILSON MOfTOR SALES 147 courtJBt._- -^ Phone 3^0704 tKtrrs1 K . , .m,*, .nw BUICK"losi SedanTlspef * $i2ooiL INCOLN-MERCURY, Inc BtJlCK 1951 Sedanette Special $1190 ®i% 88 assrM ss w A - BARDot R - °- ^^ OLDSMOBILE lOOpJ'Oi" Clean $1150 CHRYSLER 1950 Windsor Club $1050 CHEVROLET 1960 Sedan. Al $795 STUDEBAKER 1051 Commander $795 WNTiAc 1040 sedan fToo NASH 1040 Ambassador |1 m HCX i O f l C ^ Coupe 4WM ^ NO DOWN PAYMENT $1 DAY GUARANTEEl 148 lAAlN ST. i ^ O R S ^ t-200l 214 Main, St, r\ Phone7-2323 Open Evenings $1295. ^^^-. Kind" of' buainea" of this affiliate: $39D A safe deposlt rt Company. a New York corperaflon organised^ tin- der the banking law of .the 8tate of New York. Manner In which above»named or- ganization is affiliated with nation al bank, and degree of control: First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y., owns and holds 05 of 100 shares of the capital stock, is ' Issued and outstanding. Financial relations with bank: Stock of affiliated bank owned by the affiliate - • (par value) —i_——. $ None Loans by 'the affiliate to affiliated bank _. u_ $ Non* Stock of affiliate registered In name of affiliated bank or known to be owned by bank directly . or indirectly (par value) $14,250.00 Borrowing* from affiliated bank, including accept- ance* executed by affili- ated bank for account of affiliate and securltle* . sold to affiliated bank under repurcha** agree- . . ment ..,;,,, : $ None Other obligation* of the affiliate, to, « luwwn to be bald by, ^afflUated^ , bank -*• * Men* Other' information neeeaalry.te di«- close fuu> relation* with bank:. None. . . " Iv r. 8. stapieton. Treasurer of First Ward Safe Deposit Cotporttfoft, do solemnly *we*r that k the »bbv* statement U true, .to the be*t of my, knowledge and W W - ^ ^ ^ i „ ^ F, S, 8TAPLETO?*. •': v- . Tr*a*ur'er; Sworn to and subscribed before me •'.<>•• * Notary Publie T L 8 1-. Charter No. 202 Reserve District I Report of an affiliate of.a netlen»l bank published In accordance with Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes. _ Report as of December 31, 10M. of First National Building, Inc., Blng- hamton, New York, which Is afflfi- at«d with First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y. Kind of business of this affiliate: Owns banking house occlpied by First National Bank of Bingham' ton, N. Y„ as a tenant, paying rent therefor. Manner in which above-named or- ganization Is affiliated with nallon- V. "'Ik* . and degree of control: First National Bank of Bingham* ton. N. Y.. owns and holds al! of the outstanding capital stock of the affiliate, to Wit: 4.605 shares thereof at no par Value. Three of the rive director* ar* directors of the First National Bank of Blnghamton, N. Y. Financial relations with bankt Stock of affiliated bank owned by the affiliate (par value! _.„ $ Loan* by the affiliate to _ affiliated bank $ Slock of affiliate regis- tered In name of afflll- ated bank or known to be owned by bank dl- . rectly or Indirectly (par None None value) Borrowing* from affiliated i bank, including accept- , anee* executed by afflll- *t*d bank for account of affiliate and securi- ties sold to affiliated bank tinder repurcha** agreement __,. $ $450,500^0 None f ie di* Other'obligations of the affiliate to. or known to be held by, affiiuted bank _u—-_—.•.,...,•_ t »Non Other.information neceWry to d.. close fully relation* with bank; None. i&*&AjS3^ Ttea*ur*r.«l iriref National Building. Inc., do solemnly «re*r that the above statement U ^H.*'^,*] 1 * **** oi m * r knowledge and belief. * D. E. HUNT, H<M - : M .' .weeeunrr. Sworn to and subscribed before KOtary fubtie. 81 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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  • . . .» fcv - * > ' iji ,-*••• *•'"'•; • » ' • ' • ' »• ' • » * » l H » ' , » ^ •"*2"1

    tinted "glass. Fully equipped.

    NOTICES L e n t Notices' ate ^

    Charter No. 242 Reserve District No. S

    Report of condition of the First National Bank of Blnghamton in the State of New York, at the close 01


    roN?Sjrj.w.•••««««.« m. SANZO USED CARS

    216 Front St. ____ Pbon* 3-3151 BUICK Riviera, 1951. Excellent con*

    dition. Clean. Private owner. Dial 7-8366. ;

    BUICK 1037 Club CoOpe- 3RS P L Y ^ U T H 1941 ClUb Co FORD 1946 Club Cou,

    194 Main St., Johnson City. 7-8921.

    MAIN STREET GARAGE • Pontlac Salei and Service

    1801 E. Mam St.. Endicott. V lWi PONtiAC IW3~ Catalina.* Like new,

    300 miles. Save $500 on this buy. WILSON MOTOR SALES

    347_Court St. Phone S-0TO4 , PONTiXC~194FJt»Door" Torpedo." Re-( dio end heater. Better than ever*

    - i e . $1 NASH" 194$ ••600" 4-DOor

    :ity. 7-8921. BUIck—1949 Sedanttte. A*l Corldr-

    tion. $695, 20 Ftont St , | M > . M. CADILLAC

    tion. Pn

    Weather-lied air conditioner. New paint. $200. PhoneLisle lOl-Yl

    PONTflCClMl. Fetr "condition. Rea-sonable. lW Court S t

    PONTIAC"i$4» $-Door Sedan. Radio, heater. A-l condition. Low mile-age. Inquire Tlngley'a Gas Station, Chenango Bridge.

    lithed in response to call made by comptroller of the currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statute*.

    ASSETS Cash, balances with other

    banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process or collection $ $,711,570.11

    United State* Government obligations, direct and guaranteed , t,0TO,9Te.$3

    political subdivisions -* 2.$27l6».09 Other bonds, notes, and . . • •

    1.153,512.10 debentures w»^ Gorporate stocks (includ-

    inf $75,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank)

    Loans atad discounts tin

    1942. Excellent eohdl* one 2-8579.

    CHEVROLET, 1953. Bel Aire. 4»dOor. Ivory and light blue, power tlide< Fully equipped. Consider trade. Will finance. 7-8747.

    CHEVROLET l5?6" 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. $275. 3-4013.

    CHEVROLET 1946^-Club'Coupe, PLYMOUTH 1948-£luD Coupe. PONTIAC 1948—2-Door S$dan.

    OAKLEY'S, 2$0 Main St. 9-1411. CHEVROLET 194l Club Ceupe. radio,

    heater; good condition. Very clean. 2-1650.

    CHEVROLET 1941 Convertible.' New


    MERCHANDISE Musical instruments

    BATH FIXTURES, oil heaters, ranges, washers, refrigerators, First Ward Furniture. Dial 3-4211.

    BED, four-poster, chairs, tables.. Beautiful odd pieces, china, etc/ Reasonable._2-1633 Evenings. _

    BREAKFAST NOOK—Set, painted red $25. 2 Crestmont Road, 7-1881.

    Inventory clearance to make way fpr new "spring patterns. Extra-ordinary values. Tremendous sav-ings. THE RUG SHOP, 190 Wash-ingtonJSt. Phone S-KW^

    DTNING ROOM SUITE — 8 pieces

    WATER-HEATERS — Automatic gas. 15-year guarantee. 30-gallon. GiLMORE & WHEELER, 2-1468.

    ANDES cbStelNAttON STOVES _Good^conditlon. Dlal_2-6131._ BlfNK BEDS""^ Uvl'ng rOom'chalrs,

    tables, lamps and mirrors. Rea-sonable. 489 Chenango St. 4-6441

    CLEARANCE SALE-^Save Up to 60% oh furniture. Shop the self-service way.

    TRIPLE CITIES FURNITURE 34 Main St. Johnson City 7-2398

    FORMICA folding wall taple. Ap-proximate size 30x22. Choice of colors. $22.50. GIRAGOSIAN CABINET. 3-2066

    GAS RANGE, Florence, nearly new; period sofa, mahogany bookcase, other items. Reasonable. 3-5426 or 2-9184.

    GAS RANGE—Apartmetjt sire. Dial

    50 SPINET. PIANO — New. Built by

    Story and Clark. Floor sample. Beautiful mahogany finish. Com-plete with bench. Regular selling price $760. Special $595. Conveh-iettt terms.

    LARKIN MUSIC INSTRUMENT CO. 94 Chenango St 2-3933 T R U M P M ' S ; atakophonfis. Clarinefs,

    Cornets, Guitars. Bargam.^S^BO. Wearing Apparel '2 82

    BLACK PERSIAN" LAMB_COAT— Dlal_7-8775.


    7-6934. Good condition. Reasonable. 4-3716.'JANUARY SPECIAL — Chrome 5-

    DTNING room suite, 9-piece mahog-any, like, new. 5-0856 between 5-6.

    DiNlNG ROOM SUlfE Including ma-ple drop-leaf table (seats 12), 9 pieces. Reasonable. 3-4079.

    D"RYER — "Frigidaire" new, TO-60, $169.95.

    RELIABLE REFRIGERATION 227 Main St.̂ Johngon City. f 7-2393. FRIGIDAIRE—6 cubic foot. Recent

    model, $149.50. QUALITY APPLIANCE

    piece breakfast set with extension table, starting at $54.50.

    SELECT FURNITURE CO. 176 Washington St. Dial 2-4422

    worn, size 12, $10. Boy's storm coat, size 14, $8.. Boy's hockey skates, size 7',». $4. Man's hockey skates, like

    _jiew,juze 7, $7J50.__Phone 4-2128. CHINA tftiNK COAT—Like new.

    very reasonable. Dial 4-4791, after _8 p. m. COAT—Hudson seal, site 42. Dial

    4-4509. E X D Y ' S COAT—New, size 12 to 14̂

    $25. Call 7-4243 anytime

    MERCHANDISE Building Materials "55

    FOR your repairs., new garages, ad-ditions, etc. Buy on our monthly plan. No down payment required.

    EMPIRE LUMBER CO. . 14 Jarvls St. Phorte 2-6479

    WRECKING " Crowley's Office Buildings



    Kennedy's Wrecking ^15 Front St., Blnghamton. 4-3998.



    tires, paint, 4-9939.

    loaded, quick sale.

    CHEVROLET 1948 Aero Sedan—OOofl running condition, new tires, $595 Call 5-7350 after 2:80 p. m.

    CHEVROLET 1953 Bel Aire Coup*

    1952 KAISER Manhattan. *-ione blue, radio, heater, full wlnS»hleld de-froster, overdrive, all new urts. Safety padded dash. $1795. .


    Investment* and other a* set* lndirettly repre* aentlng hank premise* or other «*1 estate

    Other asset* . ,.-., 1 ttffiB

    BERT OWEN MOTORS Your Endicott KaUer Dealer

    709 North St., Endicott. Dial 5-M-


    513 Main St., Johnson City. 7-4S3S, "DOC" CAREY'S MOTORS

    14 Main St., Johnson City, by'the Arch DIAL 7-6514.


    _$»,m.40o.t9 TEB

    Demand deposits Of in* dividual*, parth$rshlp*.

    . and corporation* _J_UlO,$M,*S$.|7 Time deposits of Individ*

    uaii, partnerships, and corporations ,..,••,...••-„,;.„ U,31l,T30.t9

    Deposits of United States Government (Including postal tavlhla •. _ 4 1.111^77.1$

    Deposit* . 0< States and poiltlqal tubdivisions — 1,404.446.$4 geposlt* of banks » 98.61$.!$ ther deposits (certified and cashier's check*. TOTAL-

    11EP08-1TS - — $35,791,311.04

    Other Uablilties _ _ * —

    2,000 miles. At a great saving 3ED CARS

    2303 E. JOE'S USI Mam St.. Endicott

    Automobile Agencies 65

    m Mile* Out CQriklin Rd. 2-8290. "DOC" CAREY'S MOTofis

    14 Main St., Johnson City, by the Arch DIAL 7-6514.

    CHEVROLET 1950 Deluxe. Dark green, 4-door. Radio And heater, godd rubber and good finish.


    403 Nanticoke Ave., Union, 5-0451

    On the 1654 Austin Healy and Austlh Sedans and Convertible*.

    5-1871 U P to 45, mile* Per gallon. Guar-anteed Used Cars. Late model Austins. Kaisers. Chevrolets, Henry Js, Ctosleys, Oldsmoblle*. Packard.

    BINGHAMTON AUTO SALES Established Over 30 Years

    Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock 22 Lewis St. Dial 4-4618.

    #HBiffl£B!lt. 237jS0Urt St


    Water and Henry Sts fffTPNlcR MOTGR Coftp.

    Dial 4-2487 CORP.

    OT Dial 2-5301

    CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan. 1953. CHEVROLET Special 2-Door. 1953. OLDSMOBILE Sedan, 1951. CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedftn. 1950. CHEVROLET Styleline Sedan. 1948. MERCURY Sedan. 1947.

    BERRAY MOTORS Towpath Rd;. Upper Chenango St.; 1940 QUICK

    SHANE'S USED CARS are the latest fad.

    See them In Sunday's Ad. HENRY SHANE

    The Used Car King 353 Court St. at Ely. Dial 3-5491




    Capital Stock: Common Stock.

    $1,000. total par Surplus Undivided profits

    066.00 I 1,000,000.1 — 1,500.000. — 284.298

    CHEVROLET 1951 Club CoupS; good'1939 PONTIAC

    Machinery and Tools

    MOUTON COAT, full, 14-16, $45; skis, $3.50; toe Straps. 2-4884.

    January Clearance Sale

    Living Room Group 7 WashTngtp^r^rEndlcott. 5-3000 J - p i t J ^ m o h a ^ ^ e T Hving room FURNITURE—Bed complete, dresser,: suite.

    9x12 rug. daybed^ 3-8072. ; 2 End Tables Coffee Table IRONBR—Speed Queen Deluxe. EX- $ I a ^ l e Jf?. m P s M e ^ 1 „ S n }° , k ? ?

    cellent condition, reasonable. 7-6445.2 Sofa Pillows _ T.V. Chftlr

    RACCOON FUR COAT. Size 10. Fine condition, $50; Coat, size 12, $8. 3-3949.

    Country Produce 54 BALED HAY—Early cut. Clover and

    Alfalfa mixed. Call 8-9424.

    KITCHEN SET-Genulne Kuehne, chrome. Practically new. Dial 61, Extension 132. _____j____

    ClNOLEUM — Heavyweight rejects. 9x12, $5.95; plastic remnants, Sizes up to 6'x6', 59c square yard. Inlaid remnants, up to 6'x6', $1.09 square yard. 'Plastic floor tile, mill sec-onds. 6"x6", Sc each.

    ACE RUG CO. 69 Main St._3-3533. tlVTNG'ROOM SUITES'fniw) avail"!

    1 Picture Complete $199

    9-Piece Bedroom Ensemble Double Dresser Chest Full Size Bed Coil Springs $39.50 Innersprlng Mattress 2 Feather Pillows 2 Dresser Lamps

    Complete $199 Living Room and Bedroom Suites

    up to $100 Savings.

    Seeds, Plants, Fertilizer 55 Pian to Plant 'Christmas TREES" UNADILLA NURSERY, Johnson City.

    N. Y. 7-6752.

    AIR COMPRESSORS—60 and 105 cu. ft. Mew and used.

    NEWING EQUIPMENT CORP. 707-711 Main 1st, Endicott. 6-9989

    SAW FILING MACHINE—"Foley." Necessary attachments. 8-0789.

    COMPLETE MACHINE~~Sll6P—Can handle assembly tool and model work. Plenty of parking space. Utilities furnished. Equipment un-der power. Lease may be extend-ed. 5-8836.

    USED AC HD5B with angle blade, new tracts and very good appear-ance and condition.

    USED AC HD3G, one cubic yard bucket. New track chains. Com-pletely checked over. Very good appearance and condition. AfacDOUGALL EQUIPMENT CO. 453 Court St. Dial 2-6468.

    THE BIG USED CAR LOT Water St. and Henfy, Bingharrttoji


    148 Court S t Phone 2-5320 CHEVROLET HENRY CARftOlA. INC

    278. Court St. Dial 2-3464 . 3841 E. Main St., EndWell. 5-4667

    CUNDEY'S " Used Car Lot 239 Main St.

    DONALD L / N E L L E N B S C K DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer

    85-87 Henry St. Dial 3-7386

    clean car. NORTH SIDE AUTO SALES

    486 Chehango_St. Phone 3-0957._ CHEVROLET" Convertible 1951, black.

    All accessories. Excellent condi-tion. CaU 5-5436. _

    1949 4-Door Deluxe,

    11941 OLDSMOBILE •—v.,,,. , -r $M5 411 FRONT ST. MOTORS. 3-0571.

    Tracks for Bait 67A

    CoairWood and Oil 66 ANTHRACITE SP~£CiAL — Furnace

    coal. $18 a ton LINCOLN COAJ.

    ANTHRACITE—sto Dial 8-8603

    "CWi nuve and nut, ^ pea, $10. Use our budget plant 12 month* to pay—no money down. TYLER & VAN ATTA COAL, INC. Dial 3-6248.

    aMr> at factory prices. Furniture M „ Ll R ' J , f l , i „r „" ' A , , . ' T>„„ ^r fireplace all lengths). 3-2902, 3-S7J

    re covered, latesf fabrics. M ^ n £ i , ? " 8 8 1 ! 0 ! *"• ° U I R u g a n d GRlfeR LUMBER AND COAL CO

    ANTHRACITE—Guaranteed—High Quality—atove and nut $20—Pea $17. Buck $15. Rice $14. WOOD—Slab-

    - fireplace (all lengths). 3-2902, 3-5733

    Wanted to Buy 61

    Ion, hat

    BLACKSMITH TOOLS — Dial 4-8601 after 6 p. m. . • ., ^

    BOOKCASE, playpen* tea wi - chest deBk, china, cut glass.

    have your _7-6785. DIAMONDS, "jew'elry, watches and

    gold. Highest prlceB paid. Thaler. 120 Washington S t 4-4396.


    SCHMIDT MOTOR SALES Your PONTIAC-CADILLAC Dealte 110 Hawley St. Dial 2-7228.

    GUY F. JOHNSON. INC. "' Your FRIENDLY HUDSON DEALER 15*27 Collier S t Dial 2-3409


    6ALE8 AND SERVICE $5-37 COUler S t Dial 2-2933.

    Radio, heater, etc. Excellent con* dition. 7-7511 after 5.

    CHEVROLET 1950 4-Door"~ StyleUn* Deluxe. Excellent condition. Orig-inal owner. Mileage 6,000, $1,000

    _ea6h^2-0377_after 5 p. m^_ DODGE 1952 4-DOOr"Coronet. RadTo",

    heater, tinted glass. Good tires. 12,000 miles. 3-9857. _

    ENGLISH MG 1953. new? Red. Reg-ular $2165, Special now $1735.

    GEO. S. CARVER, 207 Water. 4-57»8

    SANZO $1$ Front St. Phone 3-2252.


    30 Collier St.

    CHEVROLET 1950 l»4-tOtt With 11-foot van bfidy, $1050.

    INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO CHEVROLET 1946 U4-ten Staka -_Good condlUom_ Price $tt5._4-3497 DODGE l\4-tori, stake body. Inter-

    national; 1947 >/a-ton Utility body. Call Mr. R. J. Netld at New York Telephone Co., after 4!30 p. m.

    DODGE 1952 4̂-tOh panel delivery. 20,000 miles. Private owner. Cran dall Supply. 2-8157. . .

    DODGE 1949. te-toft express, 4-speed transmission, helper springs, other extras. 4-8841

    TOTAL CAPITAL AC-COUNTS $ 2,784,296.03


    MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned

    to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 3,175,398.70

    Loans as shown above are after Seduction Of reserves of . • -r , ,..,,.- ,$ 410,640.44 I. B. J. Miner, Cashier of the

    above-named bahk. do solemnly swear that the above statement ft true to the best of my knowledja and belief.

    JS. J. MtNER. Cashier.


    _. . . . . . Director*. State of New York, County Of Broome, **:

    Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of January* 1954, and I hereby certify that 1 am not
